nroBt ACT FOit KAmNc sev- iBNUEit. Ck«iites ReceBMwM fa Pnc> 0k Act Tkat Will lacr«aM TksM— Mariac Pktare SlMira Hay Etaw M htetetae of Ffty Pw Ceat^— Peat H«n> to Diet. Rala%l^ F^. 9.—flhitjmwn Douglit- «t), ^ com^tt^e 7v>iterday mdntinir re^rt^ u> tiw kenae the jwvm act for t)>i» tb« gen- •nl MsesnUy. Some of the most iitiporta)rt ctuuig«g in. tlM pwions act are. here pvimi . ■«» ^ on ^yiiiK p^ure show?^ «al TMtievilie in iiie^t^ .50 p» cent. iPbr instance, in citiM . of . mow ttan i6,0W tlio jpresent tax provides for a tax of $160. To ^sctioh 31, wljldi covers at- tcmoys, physicians,.otc* Jia* hocn -added pharniacists—-hith^i^ ftx- «nipt. It is going to cost a little more to die under the new revenue act, because the license fee for undertobers has been iMreased 100 per cent. It is BOW $25 in cities of over 15,000. It will be $5i). Sewbig- machines ought to be a lit^ tie bit cheaper when the act b^omes •ffactive. Section 12 reads: “Every person, ■ firm or corporation iwiSiiHjy machines in this state shall pay an annual license tax to the treas- «rer of IIOO (instead of $150). In .addition to the license tax above re quired' every person, firm or corpor ation selling sewing machines shall pay a ttjx of 80 cents (instead of 40 cents) on every hundred dollars receiv ed from the sale thereof.” "nie licerise tax on mercantilH agen cies is reduced from $350 to $250. Soctlon 46 is amended to include pJmLsts to the list for Gypsies or for tune tellers. The ta.^: is $?,5. On cotton compresses the State tax b»s been reduced 20 per cent, the coiuitjr tax pedwed 60 per cent. Soft drinks will bo more in demand •when Jjoote goes out. 3o the new act prtvides for an of 50 per cent in the license for bottling works. “Elvery person, corporation or asso ciation that conducts contests and of fers a pri7.o or pristes to obtain sub- acriptiotis to newspapers, an annual iicenae tas of fSO (instead of $iO.) for ..-Tjvaifiy nwwspap&rs and S150 (.instead of $26) for each daily newspaper in whidi said contest is advertised." The tax on -soda fountains is reduc- ad one third. A new tax of S‘i i?-r.!nc- ea on «11 parsons -selling: bottled This does not apply to soda fountains. An act iufttice is done autoir>0' bile Mnufacturers and agents by the addition of the foliowng; pnraKr»p* ^ section 72: “Provided, further, that it the expiration of ;i stat« license U issued under this section to any man- ufacttirer or person ^lliiiff automo biles in the state, such license shaH have been in force for less than six montiis, theii upon a renewal of such license for the follO'Trinp year the nuinufa!turer or person shall t>eal- lowed by the state treasurer a rebate of $250 on the new license.” The frajichise tax on corporations is reduced from $7,50 to $5.00. Section S7, coyerimr miaapproprie- of taxes, is amended by consti tuting the crime a misdemeanor in stead of embcizlcment. These changes cover practically all the dififerenciis between the present aad the prospective revenue nets. O YOUNG ATLANTA GIRL WANTS MODEL YOUTH. “Hello, is this Chief Beavers? Yes? Wttll, I called up to get the name and address of that model youth from Cin- annati who wrote you Saturday ask ing for a wife," trilled a sweet young feiyunin- vci-e over Main 49 Mon^y afternoon. She wouldn’t give her name to the dhisf, bat was emphatic in her desire to marry the Cincinnati man who wrote a letter to Oiief Beavers Satur- 4ay recommending himself highly as a “model youth,” and afiking for a bride. “I never saw a model youth in my life," the sweet voice continued, “and I’d like to see this one and tnarry hitc.” Chief Beavers gave her the “laod- tiV nttme asid addi«es: Charles Bow- «PT, Clifton StAtlon, Ctoeijmati, O.— Sim No voman wimts to be fccom s«it-mMde. All signs fail after tl>e groimdhog has seen bis ishadii>w. Before taldBjr a bull by the bonui yov sho^d be sure tliat he isn’t a- muley. The shipping bill and th$ oew gmtdBM are keeping the prt^deitt up late o* nights. Soosevdt ssyi he couldn't tallc free-; ly while he was president. Blit ireally we hadivt noticed it. r TRAHOKe ftRTATCBi c ; ntBAYi UVISI^ cmuHutN. Any umbrella in a st«r»L Consistencjr. da^t buy Jewels. Wedlock is paved with good inten tions. When the eat is away the night is quiet I “Vou'll • nev« miu the water till the stock goes down, I it’«-a wise son that kiiows when to jstrike his fatiter ;«r issaey. ' I Evm pMpte who dp not live in glass . . houses shc^d not throw stones. One thoi^ht she knew wlutt mn^ be | A little le«mitiii; is a dangerooa doae jtfainc, biit the same ai^nt of ignoK WlA wmry fhiid faen^ van— ,ane« beats it. She BOB& ' I '..I. •. p- — Alice Crowell HoAiwa. They all sat round ia friendly dltat Discizsaisig' most this and 0«t, And a hat. Until a neighbor’s wayw!Ud lad Wa« BM to act in wy quite bad; Oh, s»d. And ere I^r'yarh had been qnita ^un Aaotb^^ t^ories | She had one. fa&mers appeal in behalf ] fteient time for tbe huntm to ex> terminate pra«tieally the tribe of bii^ Fortitermore, they aay law is: violated during the period it is ii; foKe. Therefore they make the tag- ge«tion t]iat tiiere be a game warden in every township. At present tiey say t'ae e^oreement cf the law by the constituted authorities ia a phys ical impoesibility. Xliey bcUeve tlut if their su^estions are put info forcti » more effertive law will be sccurad, ^ th« neeessa^ machinery to en force it. It i* bop^ ttot the fanners thiwrtout the counuy vll) taka up thif m«tt«r and c^muaicate irith the farj^ eay tut thb ]»«*es srf-1 »'SUOT STBKET JH. B. CHOSGV^ SOOTH. Rev. )>. H. Tuttle Pastor. or quail I Iheir legislate^ m that tlu bird* may ^ 'MvZnbsrs'of'tijiiisii-el- Oerita s^king a law that will pro- Whed you- cemi»re ta. Toilette*. „.e third was not so sure d« kne.v, l‘“^^' quaU in this cW all and Bryan's weekly papoi-s it’s hatd thought d»e’d do- Wednes- She had two. be saved.—Charlotte Observer.. to tell whicii is the commoner. Home is the dearest place on earth | The next one added, “Let me see; —if you are disposed to be extrava- j These things work out so differ^tly.” gant in house furr^hings. | She had three. Luther Burbank got his idea of the c-actus froitt th^ spine less man, but of course he improved on tha model. Colonel Bryan does not seem to have a very high opinioii of newspaper alwayss excepting, of course, the Com moner. Tlie returning- good time may in duce Buffalo Bill and Sarah Bernhardt to make their usual annual farewell tours this year. Order is said to prevail in Mexico City. This is the first intimation tha world has had yet thai. Mexico City is without inhabitants. A Chicago thief stoic an aeroplane and fi«w away with it. To make tha punishment fit the crime he should be made to stay up in it. According to the Springfield Repub lican, the best spcech of tha season hjid but forty-two words in it. But almost «ny speech of thirty-two words Wnid b«*8t it. Efficiency, Hard Sense are triplets. Work and Good Hi." tJie groudhog, some folks arc always looking for shadows. Kou can always nnu synipathy and lovp and friend.ihip ia the dictionary. viThuii yu'u pic&are for 3J* ericrgCDcy it seems to slip by you on a back street. This 33 an uncertain woritl. The man you vote for today yon may want to thrtw bricks at tomorrow. Some men think that a dollar saved is a pood time lost. And they are not willing to any good times. If you make yourself too much at home in ">ther people’s homes, other people will wish yon were there. Rockefeller got $5 tbe other day a* witness fee, so it may not be neces sary to raise the price of ga-soline for several days. “A married man, a folding oed, and and umbrella are in the .same fix," says I:ke lIcLuke. "Life is one long round of put up and shut up.” The fifth drew on her wisdom ^re And said, “I’d have to think it o’er.” She had four. And then one sighed, "1 don’t contrive Fixt rules for boys, they’re too alive.” She had five. “I know it leaves one in a fix. This straightening of crooked rticks. ’ She had six. And one declared, “There's no rule giv’n, But do your best and trust to hev'n!" She had seven. RUB-IMY-TISM Will cure Rheumatum, Neu* A%tUS-TWCUl« zema, etc. AntiMptie Amdyae, uaed interaally orextemsiily. 2Sc day afternoon. at the. hom« of Mr, Rufus M. Person the following petition was agreed on: “We, the undersipied citizens of Mcclilenburg County, respectfully pe tition our representatives at Raleigh for the protection of quail in this county by closing the season entirely until the law is rapesded. “We request-that the constable of c.ich township be fippoiiited a game warden for his township, the Warden t.2 fce ]>aid h«.lf of the fines imposed, the other half to be paid into thi; county school fund. We recommend also that the warden receive 10 per cent of all doff taxes and thai the warden be made collector of the dog tax.” The petition iij sigrned by Messrs. A. F. Long, Joseph H. Robinson, M. A, Galloway, T. W. Garrison, John P. Hunter, R. M. Person, iMuie P. Hunt er, Fred L. Gibbon, R. B. Caldwell, F- L. Gibbon, N. J. Sherrill and G. S. 'Welch. SAY lAW IS VIOLATED. At present tho law ia suspended for a, period of about 40 days, and CATARRH OF IQONEYS ANO BiiDBER Peruna Saved Me whoj'o fldJrortK is glycn holow her ^rtraJt, ia an ardent filond of Peruna. She Baya. “I am thankful to lell y:>u thit my oi.l trouble has never bothered mjj any since you vay tertiin>yi)itU. Any nre v.Mshini? t» know the ifacU'in my oasQ,_lf they will write me i «*« J.r /tir. Yt»«r medtclne has saved .me. arul gave me jies - F -frr-rr‘*r—r‘>v ’ knew mo ^heti i was in h*-*aiih. i n* ;isU me what ha.^ made sijfli a chan«-«' Ifi pr^ M-Tve remodj'i 2»enina. i -HJiull R..> .. J i's lony a* I-Uve/’ Catarrh of the Internal Organs SCHOOL TEACHER KILED. Jasper, Pla,, Pd>. 3.-*-‘rte whippir.g of a pupil by a Khool teacher at Mel rose, Fla., near here, resulted in a fight late yesterday: in vfaidi-Wiiliairt Yates, the teacher, was shot aiid kill ed and Claude Holtzcndorff, lather of the pupil, probably was fatally wound ed. .4.ccording to the aiithoritie'3 Uoltzei^orf and two sons attacked Yates on the iiighvray. after scbool closed. In the fight it is alleged that Yate.s and Wilber Holtzebdorfif used revolvers. The latter isl in jail Kerp charged with the killing of Yates, and the eider Holtzedrofif is under guard at his home. : Wonmn's suffrage rimy fins!iy come but not before the country is prepared for it. { CHURCH DIRECTORY REFORMED CHURCH, Corner FroM and Anderson Streets. Rev. D. C. Cox. Sunday School every Sabbath at 9:45 A. M. Preaching every First and Third Sab- Iwth at 1X:00 A. M. and 7.-30 P. M. Mid-Week Service every Wednesday, 7:30 P. M. Everyone Welcome, Parsonage Corner Front and Tral- HOCUTT MEMORIAL BAPTIST CnUKCH, Peace to t&OM wIm «ntar. Blessing* to thoM who go. Preoehliig every Snndity, ll;00 A^ M, a»d 7:80 P. M. Saerament pi the IioH’a Sup^ witk olfeifng for Onirdi cbaritiea, Fnt Sunday in Mich Sunday Sdwri, trmj Sanday, 8:M \ A . M. Pv„yer Mwtin*, WMmaday, 3:00 p. H. Board uf Stewards ibmi on Monday S;00 P. .\I., after. Fonrtii Sunday ia . eaw iuuiitih" Woman’s Mi..,-iona^ .Society 4:00 P. M., Mon^y, after . and 3rd Sundays. Parsonage, corncr W. Davis and Hoke Streets. Pastoi^s Telephone, No. 168. King-r-Talk—Hang Up—“Busy.** WEBB AVENDE M. E. CHURCH SOUTH. . Rev. E. C. Durham, Pastor. Preaching every first Sunday at ll:Oj) A. M., and 7:30 P, M. Second Sob- doy at 7:30 P. M. Sunday ^hoo! every Sunday at 10:00 A. H. A. M. H. F. Uoore, Superintendent. Everybody Welcome. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. Donald Mclver, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11:00 A. M. aiid 7:30 P. M. Sunday School at 9:4S A, M. B. R. Sellars, Superintsndent. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday at 7M P. M. Tha Public is cordially invited to all services. BAPTIST CHURCH. Rev. M> ,W. Buck, Paatw. M, a>d Adstns Avenue and Haii ,Sureei. Hpv. James W. Rose. Pastor. Mrs. A. T. Vowera. it. R. 7, I3oi i:i, t.ondon. Olito, writes: “I write to thanit you for tl:ft wor.derfnl ^ood your Peruna. has rtone for me. I was a sulTeror from kidney and bladder trouble for twenty-t-ft-e yeara. Two ycar.s ago T b^g&n to take Ponina, r.Ttl I on I S' took about three bottles J :nl tiiil.iy 1 can say I am .i well ri'-r.'snn." '.’jfjirrh j.“ liable to affect any of ^1.’, ii.if-niril Tlits is especially in " bladder, which la vety f:-)-.inontly the seat of catarrh. Thto id sameUmes called cysUtla. Sir. James M. No, Walnut at., Ro.sedalo. Kansa.'. writes; "About four' yecra apo I suffere.l v.-lth a severe catarrh of the hladdr^r. which caused continued irritation a^iil pain. I was mlsprable iind could not Stand up or walk for any length oc lime without cxtr^ni.^ ivo.Trlness ;in.t pain. 1 began tokln^ IVriivia anti It jrreatiy yellowed m** and in eleven 'weeks I was completely cured, and felt like a new man." These who object to liquid medi cine c»n «9W p«M!itn» Peruna in Tablet form. The merchant that deserves your patronage is the one that operates -un der the law of mutual beneiil, by which both the buyer and seller mafco a profit. Hard times and a hundred other rea- H003 are given for the decrease in liquor drinking as shown by lie in terna! revenue collections. But say, didn’t good have anything to do with it? A Michigan paper contains the fol lowing notice, which is, we think, the last word in cards of thanks: “Wo wish to thank the frierdfl and lady lodge measber* for staying; a«y and lettinff Mrs. DoWJilne rest,—Mr. and Mn. K. Qtnfniac.'’ Something foT Nothing. To get started with you we make yon the following olfer: Send us $1.50 for 1,000 Frost Proof Cabbage Plants, rrown in the open air and will stand freezing; srrown from the Celebrated Seed of Bolgina & Son and Thorbom & Co., and I will liend you 1,000 Cabbage Plants additional FREE, and you can repeat the order as many times as you like. I vrill give you special prices on Potato Seed and Potato Plants later. We v;ant the accounts of close buyers, large and small. We can supply all. ATLANTIC COAST PLANT CO.. YOUNGS ISLAND, S. C. •: BRING Those old chairs, beds, tables, dressers etc to BITRUNGTON, N. C., at the Corner Da via & Worth Street have them repaired a stich in*time saves nine. MASK & FISHER at ery Fourth Sunday 11:00 A. Sf. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday bchooi every Sufida; at s.30 A. M Prayor Meeting Wednesday, 7:30 P. M. I,sdics‘ Aid Society First Sunda? Af ternoon. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Church of The Holy Comforicr. The Rev, John Benners Gibble, Rector. Services every Sunday, S1;0D A. M. and 7:80 P. M. Huly Cc=:”-nicn! Sunday. 11:00 A. M., Third Sunday, 7:30 A. M. Holy and Saint’s Days, 10:00 A. M. Sunday School 8:30 A. M. ¥he public is cordially invited. All Pews Free. Fine Vested Choir. CHRISTIAN CBVRCH. Comer Church and Davis Streets. VICK'SSALVE Rev. A. B. Kendall, Pastor. Preaching «?very Sunday 11:00 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Snnday School, 9:46 A. M. John R. Foster, Superintendent Christian Endeavor services Sunday Evenings at 6:45. Mid-Week Prayer Service, every Wednesday at 7:30 P. M. lAdies’ Aid and Missionary Society meets on Monday, after tbe Second Sandey in each month. A itordial invitation extended to all. A Ctaidi Hosns for Visitors tad for Stran|[«r*. Sunday Werthip, 11:00 A. 7:30 P. M. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. J. Sesilt, Sopsrintctsisst Praise and Prayer Services, Wednes day at 7:30 P. M. Christian Culture Class, Saturday at r 5*. Chnnh Conference. Wednesday b»- 7:30 P. M. Sunday in each month. Woman’s Uiiidn, First noriday of caea Month, 3:30 P. M. THE METHODIST PHOTESTANT CHURCH. East Davis Street. Rev. George L. Curry, Pastor. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday 7:30 T. M. Ladies’ Aid and Missionary Societies every Monday afternoon after Fir«t Sunday in each montJ:. Christian Endeavor Society meet* M. • w!®? SuTidsy Sunday Scfacol, 9:30 A. M. J. ti. Rog ers, Superintendent. Good Baraca and Phi'.athea Ciasnes. You Bfe Invited to attend all thera services. MACEDOVIA lUTHESAN CHURCH. Front Street. Rev. T. S. Brown, Pastor. Morning Service 11:00 A. M, Vespers 7:30 P. M. Services every Sunday except the tnoming of Third Sunday. Sunday Schooi, 9:45 A. H. Prof, J, B, Robertson, SiQit. Teachers^ Meeting Wednesday 7:W P. M. (Pastor’s Study). Woman’s Missionary Society, Fir^ Tharsday, Monthly, 3:30 P. M. 1.. C. B, Society, Second Thursdaf. Monthly, 7:S0 P. M. Yonng PMpie’a MeatiBe, Second day at S P. M POOR P