CAN NEWSPAPEB DEVOlXp OF Al|gftlCAK BO MLS AM) A>imiCA7s INUUSTEIKS. fft^t-TMftmwr.' AI4MAMCK COUNTY, NOSTH aD^OUNA, l’tlES0Ar. UASCH 16. 1»15. IF mm mm lEmN IN WINS THE FiRST Obrctm WitUi*w» Bat Zapata Sot- Aen Kin J«bB & M^aiwa Upon Be-eitterifig Mexicd City—American Flag Faila to Save From AaModw —'bceaiiM Piotieted Bom Agaiiut Looters Wk«n ^patiafai^ Were Drivca Out, They Tate Bis Life; Hosm Sealed by America* Coat of Arm* and Flag Floaty Above It: BralBan sUaiater .De* aa^ ][iam«diate Puikisbn«tt and WaiiUagtoii Wifiea Approral and AM. FariSer Denand; Food Situ ation Just Getting Better Whim Timgic Affair Adds More GraTity to Situation. riEPiirs Eaglaad Gets Moat J«r ttnking ef iAa DrcMten Ik Qnkk Faditot— Two New Kecotda Were Made ia TkU Action—For First Time foerjr Memtor oT Defeated Crew Sared, «h1 Five Minatea Siu^est Time fM H^royiag a WarsUa in Open jBattte; At . Neure aiappeUe the British sa Far Appear to HaTe Oilt- foaght the Germanit: AHiea Yester day Made a Clean Sweep in Etery Tos3le From SM to the Swiss Bor der Peris Jopfaily t*wiain» -Yon Hind^barg Raa Not Bvdged Rn»- sians From Prxasjrnsz, To iUie tune of 1 to 0 the team of the llannd^s High School went ^wo in detent before the ^ungirt^ tiif Old B. H. S.. S«»iug seemed impis- silde. until tiie last half sih inniog Burlington, by main strength, dioved Pennington iwross £DLN BOW {ULLS BURLW OtDER IF aiffilEB (HIT WOtlLD m FIET W Mm 4*'*: Using HoDoplasM—Wings . That is tb Way Congressmen Including Members of tke Nortk ' Cht^le Aervpiaiae Tanis Oter { prer and. FaOil/ I^o the Bay--' tnds ^ the Tragedy. ^oln Beachey, the daring avia- Carolina Detection View Mr. ^ent Order Be* vising Postal Rules and Rc^iatioi^. (By Parker R. Aiidersoh.) WIFE OF WORLD’S RICH EST DIES .Mrs;' Kockefelter Quietly Passes While Husband and Son A re in Florida— —^Aid^ Youth to Fortune—City Cirl Helped Penniless CoQntry Lad to Road That Led to Coontless Wealth—Neyeir Went in For Socie ty but Reared Children Simply in Midst of Millions. O ffiRMAN SUBMARINE U- 29 HAS SUCCESSFUL KINIi OF ENGLAND SIGNS AGAINST GERAMNY «! the home plate for the iifst, last, and'tor wai played teg with death in his only nia of the^me. The pitching spectarulav spiial decent just once of Guliss was the oustanding feature too of^n, dropping 3,000 feet to his dsr of thO'game. As we predicted last structfon- iu San Francisco Sonduy, week, the big boy was right tiiens better known to North Caroli.'ia with the goods. He had his oppon- perha^ than any other aviator of the oMs jueis‘:ing from the first to the-cotin^i Pour jears ago he gavo iMt./ Fowler, a new man, showrf up ejehibition fli/jhts. at Greensbph> and to splsrdid-advantJige'on third.. He ;^>ther places in the State. He ^yns Washington, Mar^h 11.—Some time ago a. stb^ was ^nt out in this correspondence stating that the recent order of Postmast er Genenari Burleson, revising the rules and regulations of the rural deliveryservice, would seriously hamper and cripple the iservice throughout the country; that additional routes wu!d be hard to establish and that the service in North Carolina would he cut down almost 50 per cent. The story was based Oh persoiial talks with mem^rs of'the ■liras ris^t there with the rticTs vpork ,coMidered th^n antoiig tne best of 5iis North Carolina detegation and members, of Congress and seiiatflr* alTO; getting tb^. bf the si* hits ob- profession, and his exhibitions were tained by the highs chool boys. Gsff- witnesMs by thousands in both cities', rett, at second, showed up in his usu- D.aring his brief stay in North Cara- al good fom; Henderson, playing a lina ha made many friends, bei>ig pos- new position, played a steady game sesseS of a most affable manner, e.s ■Wsll as, what proved to be, too great at short; Baaon, on first,' accepted ali hia chances with remarkable ease; a share of nerve and daring. Hi.-;'State in the Union. from other States; In every ihstarice these gentlemen gsve it as their opinion that if the Burleson order Was allowed to stand the rural service would be practically disorganize. Senator Overman, Representatives Page, Doughton, Godwii and Pou are among tliose from the State who believe the ordk' will curtail the service in North Carolina, as well as every other VESSELS 4>«rman Caminander Gives Crews of llie .Ships Time to Lear^Xn Jn> stances He Tows Lifeboats Filled WUh Hen—Chased-By Patrol Boats —^th the U-29 Around Scilly Is lands UneSB^nesa is Felt in l^ipping --^wSsrKaajadJtaasian A Are Concentrating for Kg Battle Around .Pi-^acnysz—Bombardment of Oar- danelies Continues. Pennington, a new 3iai» at the re- deatii will be regretted by many who ceiving end, had trouble in locating .mot and admired him during his vis- The Order in Council Does Not Con-]the second sack, and wus relieved in .Its to North Carolina. tain Such a Woipd But Resnlt Same' tha iirst half of the 5th by Martifi, tie ' —British Officials Say It WISI Be Maintained—^Effective March First, No Ships of Any Nation Allowed to Enter or Leave Any Port of Ger many With Cargoes of Any Klttd, Nor Will Geods Intend«i for Ger man Ccnsumption Be Permitted to Go To Neutral Pi»1s; Neutral Na tions That Will Certify That Car goes WiU Not Ri«ch Germany May Go UsBMleaitad; Cargoes Seised I>e- ■tinedl'to Neutrat Porta May! Be 'framed tjpoa Fw A(ii«Cfe«tlMI. "Old Reliable.” The out.'ielders, con- EITEL WILL NKVBB LEAVE THE sisting of Love, left field, Blanchard CAPES ALIVE, and Wilson, center field,' and Moran; jKesaage of British Cruiser to Mer- rsght field, played a splendid gam!. ! -chaatmah—French and Briti.4i Ships With only two days regular practice, j Are Standing on Guard for Her. Not only will this order cripple the service, but congressmen are living in daily fear that another and more drastic order may be issued by Postmaster General Burleson any day, which will result in even more seriously curtailing the deliveryservice throughout the country than the former one. The deficit in the rural delivery service iast year was $40,000,- 000, and the postmaster general is said to be determined that this deficit must be wiped out. He has made a proposal that the entire rural delivery service be turned over to contractors, which would the team as a whole ^owed up exeel-.' ’Newport News, Mar. 14.—French, jhave saved, he told Congress, at the very least $18,000,000. In- lantly. as'weU as British warships cniis- GUTIERREZ r MEXICAN GHEF Waa President Until He Wm Chasrd OS For Deposing Villa aiM Zapata Has Agent at Waahingtiw—^Vas- . ^bncpJoa Says iil« Dgaa 'BT** An stead of complying with this, the House of Representatives boost ed his appropriation $24,000,000 and provided absolutely that the pay of rural carriers should be based on the length of their routes, fixing the pay of a 24-mile route at $1,200. Those opposing the postmaster general in-this , plan took the, ground that famting ont the freft'delivery on the contriu^ aysten would result in gr^t injuiy to the sert^ce. ""One promliwait ntenji her of the committee on postoffices and post roads of the House pointed out that in the competitive bidding which would precede next Saturday, March 2Mh, when thej An officer of the English freighter^the letting of contracts, BS had been evidenced in the Star route boy., meet the Sylvan High School j Anglo-Pata^onlan which arrived ^ contractor WOUld bid SO low to get the work that team, champions of '14. ^ yesterday, toid tonight tho \ he wouid find no profit after he had gotten it, .with the result that' R. H. K. !hg cruiwrs and frohi him it becamc | jjg would skimp the service in every way possible. This was typ- Bariingtoh .. 16 3 known for the first tlttio that tho thought that permeated not only the postoffices and Manndale .. 0 2 4^movements of the Eitei wero known,p^gt roads committees of both House and Senate, but the member- i‘® Allies* war craft for several i gjiip of the two houses as well. The boy* are putting in some eX' ji»K onlEide the Virginia capes wait- celient and hard work and goM prae- ing to attack the German commerce lice this week and it is their intenliOTi'dtiitioyet Prina Eitel Friedrich if she to ^vo iba pMpIe titis town and Ktt^pts to make for the high, commucity better gMiM|: and hi^ to be two Brit- elasa The attendaiwS Sslairday and-.f^nch inen-of-war and was rether smal), but w»- are ^pect- they have come to stay until the Eitel ing a large and- .enthusiastic -crowd re-appears- or interns for the war. TBE APPROPRUTION! !! GERMAN CRUISER eSES' UST CONGRESS OVER ONE BimON DOLURS Total For Entire Sixty-rttiid C«nsr»s Over Two Billians—Deficit S>*!»4 Certain—Representative Fitzgerald Says If Conditiona Continue It Will Be $133,&Ce,000—^Income Tax to Lower It-—“Finances of th^ Federal Cknrernment Must Be Beadjostsd; Na Sfaiie linpertant Problem Wilt Confront Cangress" He Said. Army oi rorty "is oi->— • AilUVSiMSM Vi H?« Located Somewhere In Central Mex ico. ' BEN SUNK Kamoue .Rakler Sister Ship o( Re- OAUSHTERS OF LIBRBTY CLASS ; days before she reached Hampton IKi’si/vClC?. -S nijb'. . . . TWJocal council of the order of j According to the officer’s story the Daugtltarf of laberty isliM have a rtngio-FacegoaUr. Wiiis \varned !r.:r CoBnty Claaii Initiation in their hall- Sunday by a British cruiser that the over FTMman 0rug Co.t next faatur-* Gei'.niaii ship was about arid told to day night, lieginning promptly at 7:30. slow ap.' During the next three day5 Fifty-four candidates, representin.^ he said, his ^ip made less than 30!> naarly evesy ecuncil in the county will knots. Then oh Wednesday came this be initiated into the order. Of the £4 candidates, the local council here will furnish 28. relieving message through the aiv from the British warships “the Eitel Friedrich has passed into the Vir- MWa^ Bsidesi, LASia Only Fifteee, Stata Councilor J. T. May, of Dui- giniii capes -and will never come out Minutes, Once She is Cornered and ham, .will be present arid deliver an ad- Forerd to Fight In South Atlantic prineiplss cf the order. by Thtee British Ships;—Was the Ship Thit Carried Hueria Away Frow Mexieo~All of Her Crew Sav ed When She Rung Up White Flag. HUNDREDS FLOCK TO NEWPORT NEWS FOR A VIEW OF TRE RAIDER Visitiirs Are Not Pericitted to Board the £n:el, Howe\ c^---Ecte£ May Make a Break—Some Night When Fog Is Heavy She Is EsKKCied to Pash Her Way into Atlantic—Captain Tells of Fight—Heard the Order of German Comtnaaders sff Chile to **Clear for Actioi^—He is Moved Sacrifices Women it( Germany Are Making. .•ilivc.” ' It is understood that the' Allied State Vice Councilor J. C. Kesler, of squadron made every effort to head off Salisbury, is expectcd to be present and also deliver an address. Refresh ments will be served and the occasion promises to be one of the most pleas- an't and enjoyable events oifiuc tliu or- ganization of the order in tJiis county. Members of every council in ths conn- “THE CAfT'AIN OF PLYMOUTH.” “The Captain, of Plymouth,'’ a com ic opera in three acts on -fee “Court ship of Miles Standidi" will be given |ty invited to be present- by the gills of the Graham High | School March 24, at the Mohfwhite BURLINGTON DEFEATS MANN- T^eater. DALE. MARRIED. Mr. Cleveland C. Boardwell Miss Maie Glosson were married Sat' urday evening at 5 o’clock at the home close score of 1 to 0. ' Burlington, :ilarch 13.—In the first! for violation of the postal law. game of baseball played hare this sea-) The defendant was not ailowed to »nd son, the Burlington High School de-'.pos^ the parcel when he presented it, feated Manndaie High School by th* he having told the clerk the conteii'«. of Dr. H. F. Moore in East Earling- The featura of the t'antc was thcjsa®* package and said it was to b; This clash in opinion between the postmaster general and Con- CTwa. r't? ^ -th? CsWpoi: office? was overridden almost uhani^.: mously by the legislators, was roaae a iittie niorc- UCjTHi wouid olherwiae hfivc- «i3s to the f-Het-that_an executivie or der last year the postmaster general prebented Congress from giving the rural free delivery carriers as niach of an increase a.s Congress had intended. Last year Ccngresa, following the e.\ample of every Congress save one since 1897, when rurai free delivery was inaugurated, raised the maximum pay of the carriers to $1,200. By an execwt- ive order, however, Mr, Burleson qualiiied this by providing that only those carriers should be entitled to the maximum whb not only had routes of 24 miles, but who carriers at least 10,000 pieces of mail per month, or 1,300 pounds of mail. Few actions by Cabinet officers in this administration have been so bitterly assailed as “usurpation of authority" and ‘■overrIui«g the will of Congress*' as has this execc^ive order. So in addition to throwing overboard his suggestion lor installing the contract system for rurai free delivery, the house pcstoffice and post roads committee reported a bill providing that the salaries of rural car riers should be based on the mileage of their routes and nothiisfe else. The bill as reported by the committee, and passed by the House, fixed the salaries for different miieages, leaving absolute ly no discretion to the department. However, the bill failed because of the inability of the two Houses to reach a satisfactory agreement as to the railmy maii pay foatm’e, so the postoffice department will be bound by last year’s bill instead of by this one, and the postmaster general has made it plain that he will stand by his r.iiM. Last year’s bill, as have those of j last several years, forbid , ,, ^ the use of the contract or star route .'iystem e.xcept between post- e next ay he return . wi. t e gj- fj-oni postofficea to railroad stations or seamboat land- the Giennian bat could not come with him or reach the capes first. FINED FOR TRYING TO SEND IT BY PARCEL POST. The excuse that a bottle of cham pagne which he had attempted to send through the mails was to be'used for medicinal purposes, did not save Anton Lampe!, a bartended from a $10 fine in the United States District Court yes- ngs. CoHisequently the problem of the deficit in the rural free ton. Both have many friends here. Dr. pitching of Suliss and the hitting of used as medicine. An investigation by | postoffice officials, is not solved on'rn/\'>*ifioa InfAi* ira . _ _ ... .. ... : I'owler. Burling'ton has another ' strong team this season and is willing DECIDED ADVANCE IN WHEAT to play any high school in the State. AS USUAL. . Score: Imminence of Ootbreafc Between Italy i K . H. E. and Austria, and Heavy Buying B. H, S 1 6 ^ —''■■■ ' ■ ' — ! Keeps Guage Still Climbing. M. H. S 0 2 4 In the Herre Haute election fraud j Chicago, Mar. 15.—Foreign buying ^ Batteries, Guliss, Pennington and cases * zs^'with only osa feg Kss j asscciated with threatened hostilities Martin. Lloyd and Riddle. confessed that he voted eight iSafteS. I Bfetween ItaJ^ and' Asstria bnwght' According H>approve)I if [about a decided advaiKW in wheat to- ^ Another Congress like ti»e last and he had twi» iegs ho woald have been jday. Closed nerv«»s 2 .1-8^3 1-4 the country will be ready to be handed to sixteen votes. [above Saturday night iover to the sherit. Vhc postal auinorities later resuK-sd in Lampel’s arrest. by the failure of ^he postoff.ce bill. It merely is not made any worse. \ The postmaster ganeral is forbidden by law to create any defi ciency jn the departn^nt or in any of its branches. As a result those close to the he» of the department expect to witness a wholesale cutting-diwnxrf rural delivery service and elimination of routes. \ \ A significant foi^st ofV’hat may come was made in letters to Mr. Burleson from Chairman Mooiv of : the House PostofBce Committee, of whieh the following is aa extract; , ^ , “The law forbids tlmt you create any deficiency in the Postoffice has ^n, m failing ea. since ®, Department ill any oC its branches, and while the temptation id ObriAtmM holidays. 1 , (^jtinued on Page Eight.) DEAN LAWRENCE IS ILL. Eion College, Mar. 13.—Dr. W. P. Lawrance, dean of men at Elon Col- legs, has been confined to his home for the p(ist week from an acute attack of gastritis. He was taken to the St. Leo's Ho^ital today. His condition is seriou; alarming. He