TOSSttAT, MASCR W ns TW1CS.A. Iran obp atch; bcsuxgton, n. c. PAGK SCKHaN ON ‘TBODKAir WAKBS UP TOUNG MEN. Chsyauu M«r«« Large Auiienee Itith StorjF «f Erriaff Sob. Prcachin^ on “The Pro^giA Bvy," and declaring that be hat«d the influ ence oi liquor in Atlanta, Dr. J. Wil bur Chapman Wedttesday nigi^t lrevr fifty yoang irtea under si>«lJ of tiis eloquence &ad held private confer ence with them in the converts’ room. It was .one of the most notab!s meet ings of the series. The aiusic wag a particularly .strik ing feature of the Wednesday night ineeting, novelty being oflTered in' a piieeolo accoio{!aMim.ent by B. G. Gren fell,*^ musical evangelist of Wales, who has just wturned from a great Welsh renval meeting. With Charles M.^eicander on the! conductor’s stand. Harry Baraclough at the pianoj and Albert Brown, the tall English basso, as the soloist, the fnusjc was soul- * stiiringt As has occurred frequently . in the .pist, it was continued after the \ semon, and inany people remained an extra hour to hear Ae siiuring. “I have always-imagined that whnii the boy left his home his mothei- inuot have staiTted wicK him. Witli e%-cry step I can hear her plead with him," said Dr. Chapman. - - LINKS IN THE CHAIN- - “The prodigal forged a chain abO’jt himself,” declared the evangelist. “There was lack of parental restraint, first link; Disobedience to parents, second link. Continual unrest, third link. Grieving- his mother, fourth link. Disappointing his father, fifth link. Prodigal living, sixth link. And sn on, and on and on, until the chain is forged. He is in bondage; for sin is bondage and claims as its victims tlic brightest and best.” Dr. Chapman urged hi.“= hei.rtfLS to iemember that the sinner must turn and go to his father. It was not the Ja%v bui grace which would save him. "I have pictured the home-coming of the prodigal,” he .said. “Tniditio.; isaj’s that his mother had died in hi.s absence. When enters the old home he know.s that something is missing'. The rooms seem empty. The atmos phere that made it home is gone; when suddenly he crics out, “Father, whoro is mother?" And then ha teJi.s him •‘Your mother died while you wer>‘. ifone, my son;” and the boy is for given, and the fatted calf is killed, and rines. With merrymaking-. The boy missc.s his mother. “God will forgive us if wc retu™. and when He forgives He will forgol ; but,, alas, there arc things we cannrji forget ourselves. In oj'der that the ■ number of, thf>£C things may be fewer, xev. MB. MAZEY 8PSAX8 AT noonday services. Suffolf, Va., Hp. 11.—At tiM Foio- sbo todcy Bev. R. M. Kaxty preMfced tbe noonday sttviees «n “Cart Thy Bread Upon Oto Waters, and TImhi Shalt Find it After Many DayB,” from Ecel«^stes, 11th ch«pt*i^ 1st ve^rse. ‘'Hie Book of Eeol«sia«tes,” he sa^ “is human life written out in Hebrsw poetry.’’ “The .sum of life, sccoidiag to the preacher, “is vanity.. In the text he undertakes to tell ho-w to live so .that life may not be sumnied up that way. “To understand the text we must fead its ligiires. "First, waters, a b^utiful figure of human life. “How inspiring it is in the early litorning to sit on the sea^ore and watch the waters as the rosy finger of coming daH'n paints the eastern sky. “That is a Wutifui picture of buil- diflg life of 'infancy.' how awful to see the sky overcast with clouds and the waves dashing in restless; agony. A picture of human life when pas sions rage. "Then sometimes, as we look out cross the broad baste of waters, we cannot fail to see the barrenness of suffering jiiiii poverty figured before us. . “Ill -ihe eveninp, when the sun sets into the embrace of the calm ocean, wliat a picture of the close of a wel! spent life. “The text , bids us cast our bread Bpofi tliKe waters. “Bread-is the life's force—life's en largement:. "The text means for us to put oui. the force of our manhood and woman hood upon the human life about us. U6HI CALOMEL iAKtS M SiGK. DONT STAY NLIOUS, CONSTIPATED i's Uw Twe" m Cini Yur Shiatisk Lhw Mte CiliMi M Cil M Sattafc. Calomi*] iuiilti'6' ynii sickvou Ji>sc ft work. Caitiiue! Vn quieksilwr uud it'dalivates: caloni^l injures your llv.*r. If you biliou^V feol hizy, biu^giaii tzid aI) ki)Ock‘d. out, if your bokk'cls arc eonstipftt^i and your hcail acJi€s or *pur, jusfc tak#^ a S}K>onfUl of barmlotis l)CHlaoii.’s Livc-r ’I'oiiti instt^ad of- janvut«Ji(r i..tvcr 'ron'* is roal liver iuv**li- citit*. •tuiMl- kiKi^v It’n.u>r»uii'; 1m;-. i-aijsi you: wiJl •■Mir liviT will III* 'Avti’Uiii*;. yjur hcud* an«l iUv’.i'ir.rjss y'..n;‘ ••Mi*' Ih‘ Vou '111 iik*‘ UMikui-. Vi.iri; U; ;ulv iuU aidbitlou.j \oiir or voj* fiO eeut UittK‘ of Dodson's Uvur Tone uiidyr wy n«r.onnl ^uaruntiv that it wiU cIo«B ycMif slu5^jri»ii tiver better thuM mniy «aJonKl: it woii't make you sick ;*Md you (*a» cut anything you wint wiitliout boiiiji .s;:iliv.Mv‘a. Your drujigiafc tliiit idoh 8]fQ.ontur Kill start yoifr liver, jour boweU and st*.’«i;fhten Vo» u*.* !iv luoriiiiig or vou gft joiir. motuy h.'tfk. C'hiidri*n iiUdiy lake DotUoii > Jjvi-r Tone beeuUKO .it ia l^loajiant and*t grip^ or c-ramp or niul.-i- liijb-m aiok. T tmv ifsWifix; mUIimis buttJvs of DnJso.n**-. T iv. y u'!i liiisv. fjiiiwl t!'a( r' .' i li-tiniiiu, vs'ii'otHiili', W\'vt {‘'I ... t\. (V:sii'.r»-‘ro’.;.^ rii-^o>rfi. f»y ‘■■‘liii.Uie ... A*L.- youi' ‘THE FIGm* IS ON.” The llgrht is on, the trumpet sound is ringing out, The cry ^‘tp arms/' is h^ard afar • and n«ar; Tho Lord of Hosts *s marchinif ori to victory', The triumph of the Chirist will soon appear. CHORUS: The fight is on, 0 Christian soldiers. And face to face in. stern array; With armor g-leaming,. and colors streaming, The right ori^i wi'on" .engag^ed to- ■ day,' The flight. 13 on. but be not weary, !k* ftron^ r.m! in His miglit hold fis:; Il‘ (iod be for His l>unner o’er us, WVll 'ipg the ■'•ictor’s song at last. But to the. Christian the words have j a hiKhfi- application. His bread the bread of life. Christ is the Chris-1 t>™ve and true! - •Jehovah loads, and victory will as- FATAL RE.SULT IN FIGHT. PAGELA.ND tian’s life force, and when he casta his j bread upon the waters, he gives Christ j to this mass of human life. i “The promise is that it will rct'.ii-cii ‘after ii.any days.’ ! “But the fuline.-is of the tindinp is in I the blest beyond when Christ shall say: ‘Come, ye blessed of mji Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from lh> foundation of the World.’ ” Prnyei'b we;,-; offered by Judjte Mc- Leinore anil Hev. W. .V. Hall, O ETF.KN.4L 13SK. Eijdlish mcn-of-wai- havn no ict>- makiiitc machines on tioard as do ou:- ship.s, ami evtri J iVody'i h-"'* Knglisii fail to understand us on xhe suujtfct of the use cf ice, especially in our drinks. An English officer whs aboard one of puf .^hips. of the . Asiatic fleet and. I; on'Beinc Served/with an iced driiik,- Pistol Ifattlt; Oyer I/eeal Diffic(|ltie!> Claims One Life and Ihjures Five Fageland, s. C,, Mur. ISi.-rOne man was killed ;md live others wounded, two probably fatally, in a shooting affray on the principal street of this place late today. The shooting oc curred immediately after the^trial be fore a magistrate, of Arthur West for alleged viohtion of a labor contract, rhe case waj; thrown out of court, and tha intere>.tel faation;^, it is said, clashed in I’ront of the magistrate’s of fice. Mon- than fifty shots were fir ed. J. Vi. Arant was killed and hi.s brother, J. M. Arant, probably fatally wounded. J. n. Wallace was shot throug'h the body and later was re moved to ;i hospital at Charlotte. Ar thur West ihoi several times, his brothe'- Sheppard West, and John Robertson receiving serious in- jaries. The troubu' is.. said to have arisen from an alleged breach of contract on the part of Arthur west, who, it was Gu, hucWe oil the ••irnior God has giv- on you, ■■\nd in Hi. endure. strenglh unto the end The l.ord is leadinff on to certain vic tory. • The bow of promise spans the East- had unlawfully left the em ploy of ;i ,‘^i.stor of the Arant brothers to work for J. V. Wallace. The sher iff of Chc.sterficld county arrived iierc tonig'ht, hut jjiv arre.sls have yet been made. It is a well known fact that “Co-opera- tion” can accom|iiisb more than any in dividual who lives “In Union there is Strength’ and Union means Co-operas tion. The Mntual Boitding and Loan Association Go-operates with its share holders. We Save MoRey Together! We Lend Money to Each Other! We Divide the Profits with Each Other! We Work Together' Payments begin SATURDAY. APRIL 3rd. Shares mature in SIX and ONE-THIRD YEARS. Efich Twenty-Five Cent.s Per Week sived here will give you $100.00 at Maturity.: Pays you Six Per Cert. FKEE FROM TAX. are not a Member, JOIN! We Need You.’ You Need Us Too! B.K. Sellars, Pres. t.C.Foivllle,SeG. t ta. DIRECTORS: H. M. Montgomerv ,J. A Bprnvell D. R. Fonvilie J. p. Spoon R V. Nialone A. A. Apple W. W. Rippv J. C. Lloyd C. C. Fonville ern .sfcy. Hi:, slory nanjc honored bo, The mmm will break. th> peace i.s nigh. ev’ry land shall I , Coras OW Sores, Otiwi ReRMdiss Won't Cun. ‘ worst c.ises, no malter of howlous staa^inK. . afe cijfea by ihe wouderful. old teliabie Dr. t'ortcr's Antt-iFptic HcaDnK Oil. It rrticvct P*in anti Hcati* fti the sam« titoc, 25c, 50c, Jil.flr dawn fif -O- n will tSiU :h.o jug la\v n-il) hold water there bo a lot of empty jug.s in the I iiAiCTIN J-KE.\CHSSO\ “HICH YOUNG RULER” | Delivers an fnter«s(ing Sermon lo a | Crowded Congregstiop, I Sutfolh,, Va., Mar. 11.—Or. F. H. ^ s‘ppavei'1 to: us, I bcsecch you, come home! Oh hear tiie cail oi yoar er, the pleading of your father. Yield to the Spirit of God, and yield now. I bid ycu cotne home." WtiMevcT Yofl Need n Qeneral Toale Tok« CiKtve’s Tbe Old Standard Grove's Tasteleiis hili Tonic is equally valuable »s a Geesral Tonic bwause it contains the «£Uknown tonicproperticsofQUININB and IRON. It acta on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Bnriches the Blood and BniHn ap the Whole Sytceia. SO ceat» i 0 OAMAGED, BUT NOT D.4MAGES. A farmer, in looking his car over one day, thrust a lighted match into the ga^line tank. The ensuing ex plosion laid him up far several weeks. On the first day that he was able to be about he visited the storekeeper who had sold him the stijff and de manded compensation. “Why shouW I pay you anythi.ig?” asked the merchant hotly. “It was your own fault. Vou knew- it was Rasoline." “That's all right, but this accidcent was caused by defective prasoiine." “Defective gasoline?” “Yes, sir, I’ve been sticking matches into gasoline that I’ve bought here before, but this was the first lot that TA.-.ii^5ir.,.i>bt>ar4; American of ficer re.sponded with an offer of a small cake of icc, .which was sent the followin*r morning. Meeting: the Ene- lishman ashore a week later, the American asked him if he had enjoy- erl the ice, “Enjoy it, ojd top. Why, do you know, that was the first cold bawth I've had sincc I left Ens'land,"—Ev- erybod,v’s Maffazinc. o !DAILY FARE ABOARD GE^M.VX CRUISER EITEL. Newport News, Va,„ Mar, 11.—Their daily fare on board the Prinz Eitel Friederich wa^ desoribed todajf by sfiveral of the British captains of ships sunk by the German sea rover. Here it is: Brejikfast, 7 a. ni.—One square of white bread as bi^ as the palm of a man’s hand; square of black bread; same .=iize; a spoonful of jam; one cup of coffee and two pieces of sugar, j Mid-day meal—Hash, itr at timc.^ i soup and bread. j Supper—Cold meat, fried potatoe.s, jtea and bread. i (Unless times get better soon, this ALWAYS V»'>ltK!N'C;. "That lawyer «f mine has a nerve.” “Why so?” “Liston to this item in his biil: ‘For waking up’ in the mjirht and "’i”* ,»?r- thjiAlhs wer your case. ■S5.’”^U- vicciT lit tltc chyi’rh nr«hcHed ‘ r i rv:..,v-t..v . to a crowded, congregatio,' last nig'ht, j ^ , mr, Ivi:;;;. u'l! ;t- vsk Hulcr ’* / • ; * Longresamaii, your oonstivuciits 'Theri; are si.v icssons," he ssiid, 'camiot understand your speech on the be learned, ( Reserve Bankinjr Systen\-" “Fir^'.t, education caiwiot secure eter-1 -Cood; it took me .-icvcn hours lo iiat life. Education means more than' write it that way.“ mentai training. A t^rained head and j a trained heart ara both e.s.sentia) to ■ ^ . a xvell rounded life. S^ond, wealth cannot secure eter nal life. Money does not hurt, and that meant everything;. A dead man only needs one thing to make him alive and that is breath. “Fourth, a merg desii a to be .saved is not sufficient. “Fifth, respect for Jesus and sacred inin^ra r,ut ebssrve all forms and ceremonies-—know every iv'ord in it until it g-et-s between you and God. “Sixtlu Morality cannot secure eter nal life. This young man was strict ly moral. Most churches! would pladly I have received him. “Christ loved him. He loves all sin ners. “But Christ said, ^The young ixian lacked one thinsfi knew all the cate- HAVE YOU DONATED YOUR LANDLORD A HOME ? The ft.l{owing figBr« sliow the di*adv;^ntage af paying rent. At six per cent, per annum, have paid; : cdiu|i0un!i j snnssalJjr, yos is much more than some of us willienisms and yet lacked tftc one es.^icn- ihave.—Ed.) Harry K. T’law is again flividing honors with the European war on the front page positions. 0 A WINNER. I "How did yon come out witJi your I lawsuit ? ” I “I won it.” “Get d&mages?*’ “Sure! I got enough to pay my taw- yer."—Boston Transcript. I Jack Johnson evidently thought that ^in Mexico where everybody is lighting i nobody would pay to sec him fight. i 0 South Greensboro, be it reTnemberod, also has a “groat white way.” Indeed, McManus *niay have been sniping. Also, Thaw may have been in.^ne. tial thing. “A surrendered heart and wall and an open confession of the same. sad case. He loved his posse.=:- sions too much, turned away sorrow ful. "No account i.>i ever given of his re turn.” There were several professions of| religion and much interest manifestad i last night and in the previous nights' oi the meeting. Guardi Your Children Agaiiut Bowel Trouble Many chUdreti at un early age liccome consiipateJ, ircQucnily scrioMS consequences result. Not being able to realize his owa con dition. a chiM’s should be constantly watched, and a gentle laxatiVe giyen wiien necessary. Dr, Miies’ Laxacive Tah/ets are especially well adapted to women and chil(keti. The Sisters of Chri-'Uan i^hariiy, ijl Char’cj St., I-uzeinc, Pa., who attend many casc' ot sickness sa> of them: “S'me time ai^o w« befctan usinc I>r. L'lxaiive Tai/let5 And find that we hke them v&ry much. Thoir ;u’t»on Is excen«*nt and we aro havir.i? been madt» acqualnied wiiii them. Wfi ha»e had troo'l results »n ewry case ioid the Siatersi itra very TTiUOl! pleased," form aiui ilavnj Ml any medi- cln*' iii very xu> matter %v}i.» i.-i U'i inkr 'Xh-.r t;i>ic and apiu'.jrancf aro «.iinporiant wiiiM. t Iiijcircr. ■c.'nct’-j'tict!. All p;L7f.:l. k>3'u harI .1 is to give tl.c -ver.i^f clnK^. *’me;iirine/' even i!ir i' dis- g!:«“ •!. ij5 Dr. Miles’ Lax- r.iiM Tal)lct', howr\«‘i, tins diiTi- i^ overi''«m». i'hc bhapc oi ihc laLIc'tx, ihfi; ■.i]»V’‘.’at'anCc anc. caiuiy ltks.- iri'ic ,a or.*'* i5p't>eal to any -hil.i, the rf>uli ih.Hr thoy art' ;aki’M c vich oii-,.c-o:;i:t' ilav-T and ;(),-» ;rL* i>] 5i».ik«.' l>f. ‘ 1 ,.i.s;uiv(' T.iUiit' •hf' ro::.t-ly !»r ohil-lren. a If lljt* lir-i !> >\ f:i:U ;:> iliv ;>ricv‘ i' :j-i :r;)cil. .\>k >'V.;r d:iiL'‘^ifl. hov »»i j; r.-^sis (.mly 25 Xev*;r soh! ui UuIk. MIL^S MEDICAL CO-, Eiknart. RENT PER MONTH $ 8.00.. -.. -iii. vv 12.00. Xi>. iii> 18.00 2C.00 RENT FOR 10 YEARS ..$1,265.35 ... 1,3S1 G-S 2.847.03... 3.163..56... RENT FOR IS \URS -$2,334.48-- O '?0Q 1?5 - 3,351.71 - 5,027 57..: S.6S6.19 Would you not rather Itave a deed to a nfce home tfaan RENT FOR 20 YEARS -$3,531.42 J.4I J 2f! - 5,297.11 f. CO! 7,945.67 H.828..’52 a lot of worthless rent receipts? Let us show jron some barguiHS is altractive baneaio aod dweiltsgs. SIANDiSliD 8EALTV AND ws j| C. C. FONVILLE, MGR. BURLINGTON, N. C. ■ET: We dei ver Pianos & Organs right inift your home. “Goat! times” are coming Get yoor Piano or Phyer Piano now anf pay as totae down and bt^lance on tinie. Have yon seen aur $17500 & $250 Pianos? ELLIS MACHINE i MUSIC COMPANY, on, North Caroifna.

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