• • • ' • SPRING IS HERE! A PROGRESSIVE BEPUBUCA K NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE Of AMER£CA.V [10 JitS AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIE? BURLINGTON, ALAMANCK t'Oi;NTY, NORTH CAJtOUNA, 1 RIO^Y, 1915. ■5^ !!!• BUTCH STEMER IS tORPEDOEDi TflE U-2) lEPORTED m BE SUNK BIG VICTORIES FORRtlSSIANS NEW WOMAN JN OSBORNE CASE i KNEW "DEAR OLIVER" i Helen Kaiwr Says Sbe Had Let'fern j From Him, That He Courted . Her I and Gave a Diamoiul Ring. ■ i “Oliver Osborne” still out of sight. The Meda Was Flying,Dutch Flag and Had Name Printed on Side— The *"« w osbome /«r m,ooo t6t » ». ■r' ^ A 11 ^ . breach of promise and the fomer As- U-2v7 Most r amOUS Ot All tJtie Uar' isistant District Attorney charging her ing Submarines—Russian Vi- biacwii, the new ctories Believed to Be Most Im | portant and Austrian Army May Be Cut Off From Rear (By the Associated Press.) figure being Miss Helen Kaiser, a yo- . ung woman of New York. I Mi.ss Kaiser comes into the case on ; iier own initative, .saying it is her pur- Ipose to. aid James W. O.sborne, that .he is not "01i%er Osborne," that she knows “Oliver, ’ that he courted her Dover, March 25, (11:25 p. m.)—The Dutch steamer, Medea, Mas ^nk oT some w^wks and gave her a dia; Beach Head this morning by the German submarine, U-26. She carried a mond ring, that he treafcod her a!l ^ , „ . . - , right and is a fine and hamlsome fel- cargo Of oranges and was bound from Salonjkj for l^ntion. i, , , . • low, that there is no resemblunce bs- Tho Medea was stopped by the submarine and thecrew given fifteen riiin- ^ Osborne. utes to leave the vessel. They did so, and the submarine then fired several Aiid she has letters in which the hand- shots at the steamer, which remained afloat for an hour. The crew rowed writing is the same as that ia the let- about in boats until picked up by a destroyer, which brought them to Dover. “Oliver” wrote to James W, Os- Tlse Trawler, Albrecht, attacked by a submarine today. A torpedo handwrituig of “O. , . ,. - * , « - , , , . , , . Osborne’' on the hotel regU'ter at passed 'within ten feet ox the fishing boat while she was crossing the chann?!. , vt » , Plainneld, N. J., where ‘ Oliver” re.g3' A British patrol boat chased the submarine. ^is wife. Case Suinnioni’d Up. London, midnight, March ‘iri.—The admiralty, in reporting the sinking o£ The New York Sui; yesterday sum- the Medea by the U-28, says; . moneti up the latest (ievclopmcnts in “The ship Was flying the DaUh flag and had a Dutch crew aboard. Her Sionday night, as foU iowsi name, ‘Media* AniBterdam/ wus painted m large letters on her sides. TTie ^ ^ “Ohvor Oi^borrsC' of a nystenoua orifrin, who ways that he is the Os- horiie who came into Miss Tanz?r's life last fail, had not appeared. “Miss Helen Kaiisor of 554 Mutt avc' I’Uf, The Uronx, told the United States Attorney that che know:* an Oliver A comparison of letters re- TRIBUTE PM TO MRS. MKSON •WHOLE CrrniNlTES IN SERVICES HT THE PRESBYTEItlAN CIRCH. ship's papers were taken by the Germans, who refused to return them. U-23 Keported Sank. . , London, 10 f). m., Mtrch 25.—“The '; Death of John Andrews. -iral.ty ha : good reason to bclieiej Andrews, Son of Mr. ami the German submarine U-29 has !»een'jj„ Andrews, died Sunday. •■vut.k with all hands. | j,(^ 1915, sifter a linitering ill- Osborne. This news, pubfehed tonight, lol-L^.j,j. dreadful disease, tu- ceivtvrl by her from him shows that the ver.Osborj^e'';- ntet her In an a^‘- wideKt n a When she, wa.s thrown inJo his arms, walked home ah} '^a'JIed ag’ai^i,^ met, the fi:nii}y, :tnd ma^e love to her* jyie .jtt all ti»n«s as a g^tleinaR,*^ she 5rtid. ‘ MHX.weli' Slpdti, attorriey for Miss Tanzer, v.!js brought befor’ the Kedr .eral. icTii/iu jury and' askel to sut- render the ietlcr that hii(? been- him by MU*i> Kaiser,. refused and .the ^rapd Juvy asilci the court to ad judge him in ^oiitempt. TMat matt-r went ovtT lili Tuesday, Siade sayii'.j; that as the coumsoI of Miss Tanzer he had the ng-ivt to hoid the letter, that this was & pari pf his cliens testimony, and to kep it w^s a con- sfatutionai right. The court took ;ic j fnat^r under iijvi^emen. The j?ov- ( ernment while sljll o:t the lookout for! ‘‘OiiveP Ofborne,” says it tan pruve; city hall tower tolled in expression of a cily*.s aon ov its case against Rae Tanzei* without I ^ , , ... .. ,, • , :and the beu of the Fir.Vt Presbytenan Church, where the service was held* nrni. Mr, Osborne s partner, Mr. 1 havab, says “Oliver'' wlil be on hand add«l a silver isote to the threnody, there assembled on North Tryoii an^. for the triaL-of the .“^imt of Rae Trade str^-ets a long- procei-’sion that aticsed he significance of the hfiur. zev. • Mary stores were closed. Body Will be Interred in Virginia To day-Imposing Procession and Large Crowd at Service Here: Chailotte's farev/eii tribute to Mrs Stonewall Jaekson Was Paid at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon amid Scenes that Will live in Memory a^ among the Most Impressive ever Witnessed Here. Attractive and lied Hair. \ Vuried m personnel was that procesriiori—emblemavic of all th#» many phases As tp Mifis Kaiser the New Yox'k of life that had been touched by Stonewall. Jackson’s w'idow. There were tio Times iSays: “Miss Kaiser was found khaki-dad troops with shouldered rifiop, suggestive of the grimness of tiie last, by a Timet reporter at to whirh .she had driven her husband when the now ffrey-haired her hoinev554 Mott avenue, the Bronx, ^ ^ , ■ , , veterans of the Confederacy were as younc as thest* buoyant, confident, hope- vvhete &h» hveif ’wnth her mother. She .said that,Jf>ho had gone into the case Wriplings that marched by with shoulders erect .ind he.ids held high. sjmply to elp Jame.? W. Osborne be- There were military cadcts of Hoi ner .School in bright uniform.-; that baapokc cause, after readinfe- the newspapers, the j>lamor and glory of a martial career. There were the grcy-clad Con- she dei idjd that he had been accusefi f^darate veterans who mourned ih-? loss of another vita! link beiween the WTO-'gly. she had no intention, .she explained, of riiiging any suit again.st lowing reports that the attacks on gg years of age handwritir.g of the Osofarr.e .she know i^a.-danciie.s had been i'csumed and that the Russians had w'on important victories over the Austrians in Buko- win:v bwI at Uzok Puss in the Car- pathian.s, e»ve the nllied countries cau.se for cheerfulnes.s. The iidipirai^y suvc x*c wf’ how or whore the U-21) was sunk, but the report that she was disused of v/as receivetl in shipping circles with relief. Mcst of AIL It was ^is vessel which a fortnight ixgo torpedoed six steamers in BristoS channel and otf the Scilly Islands within two days. Her commander told one or the merchant captains who wp.s taken aboard the subn\arine that he commanded the submarine which torpedoed the British cruisers Abou and a young man of noble character. He Ivied u clean, moral life. Shortly Vwfore his death* professing faith in Ir.ffjtt* Wits jfjjve him last Krid»y and v/a.s baled before Judge Cushmsin in the circuit court in contempt proceedings. Af- was the siime a.s that of the Oliver Osborne who injectoc! hiniiself into the ease last Kriiiay and has kept under cover ever since. Chri.st. He expressed a willingnass “Ma.well Slade «f Slade & Slade, r?;'d to ;>?}swcr |;hc rnll nf att{>i'j:»r'y5i ■^?-r Miis. I the Ueactt iie was eon.sc(ous teJi hjc Fodrrai ^rand jury jabout a uniii the very ia.si. moment. The funeral service was conducted at the home on Monday at U a. m., by Kev. Gtio. L. Curry, jjssisted by Revs, argument the matter wa.s ad- M. W. Buck and W. C. JoiieSc In- journed until todjiy. The Jetter was termeTit was at PhiUips Chape*. UTitten by Oliver Osborne. The deceased is survived by his “Mi.ss Kaiser and W. J. ICItchio» parents* three brothers, and three sis- proprietor of the Kensington Kotel in ters. May the Lord bless abundantly Plninfic^id, N. J., where a man and a the bereaved family and host of woman repijrtertid Jasi fall as ‘O. Osr friends that mourn the loss of this Mrs- Osborne, inspecf-ed noble young- man.—A FEIEND. James W. Osborne and asserted posi- , tiveiy that he is not the man know'n The Stereopticon Lectures. them as Oliver.Osborne. We Uke special pleasure in an- “James W. Osborne's motion for kir, Cressy and Hogue. If this were nouncing that the concluding lecture particulars in the civil suit 'on Uie Llf^ =f Christ. the Enisco- aRainjrt. him by Mis.s T.-.nier pal Church, will also be given on Sun- “ntil Wednesday for true, he wa.s the man who was looked upon as Germany’s most daring sub marine navigator. This makes the sixth German .sub marine sunk so far as the British ad- miraity h.i-s report, iive of them .it least Ijy British warships since the outbreak of the wer, and in only one i-ase has the British report been de nied by the Germans. Besides these, a French warship recently sank a submarine off the French coast and three British merchant captains have put in claims for rewards otferetl for merchant men ramming German un derwater craft. One of these claims, that of the captain of the Steamer Thordis, has been allowed and the re ward paid. yesterday that shall never be affain and the tcniay that is swiftiy passing. ,, , There were pruminent women, semes and scores, who signalized by their the !Sii] Oliver Osbor.je or any one else. ',slc8d about the two lettei-s presence in the parade the passing of one of who was a worthy exponeat of Khc ■ t Mar.“hal! she- h«d re- the highest ideals of Southern wonianhoo^L And there came trooping?, toe, ceiv'ed from Oliver O-sborne, she ro- the i;rijjht-eyed Chiidren of the ronforifrai.'yj and there came inarching too, plied that she w^i:: not at Iil>erty to Iirown-clad Boy yojiitK, children nf the morainj.^ For some the sun wa* tell their contents, except to say that . . . . -.u r ~ * smkinj?, tor some u v-a>^ at i,oon*unif;» ?.ciuth, for some it was jUJJt risinf? lato view. The sptvir.cle was; a \iv:d presentaton of the mpolcnce of time t« Jmpoi-e forpetfulnc^^H o!^ a people who refuse to forg:et. ^ Tht; :;nnie()iut{‘ clas^ of Mrs. death was pneunionLi which w;ts contracted four days aj?). ■ It was the result of a cold contraet^d i** C.’iyS J^O .'ijit* i>ic*tt7U C'H Ihe fn»nt piazza of her home. Heml {they were *fuil of endearing iermi.’ J^nih )ettcr.s’, jhc s.iid, wen* deJvered to her and not nutiled. Kaiiior is 'JA years old, five feut and six inches tall, and weifjhs about 185 poundj^. i^he hH'*^ red hajr and is attractive. ScrpriHC Party. Mr James% U. Oible Oead. Mr. Jamfts it. Coble of GreCsnsboro rin "t)!- whieii iaateii for SOfile K' Mr. Henry Jeffrie.*? and sister, Mi.ss wrii ba buried at .•\iamance enurch lo- Mittie, -were given a surprise party by tlicir niaiqr frien4# Wednesday y, hrotlier-in-law cf evening from eight till eleven. The , ■a a »i. «• r .Mesiir.K. J. R. iirjd w. N. Mc*t>une of party met at tlu' home of Mr. W, H. ^ 1 s(* M.. this city. Mr. J. R. Mebanc ?eft ye:*' Black, and went to tntr hom^‘ of Mr. Jeffrie.s anfl twk them by complete tfday to attend the funeral. surprise* : , . . ' The overling w-a? very pleasantly si'xdaY BATS A HOME RUN. spei'.r ill playing rook and othcM- games. Herreshnasnv conning of Kvangelist Bark on Diamond for Firitt Time ia T»eniy-Four Years. professional field for twenty-four tvT\ nt. hnt. I’rohibitioR Amfn{ment eIJfeated St. Paul. Minit.', Mar. 25.—The state wide prohibition amendment was de feated in thD Minnesota hou.se today fiO to 64. day night as weli a.s Monday and will ^’"tT'J'nent. doubtless prove the most interesting' W. Osborne filled an appli- -r them a!!. THere are sc many .slides put upon in the iRst, that Mr. Gibble has con- preferred calendar so that the eluded to ns-nke two lectures out of them. '*'® James W. O.sborno. They show many miracles and par- ■ M iss Kaiser stated thi) t she had seen able.s bringing in the touching one about the case inthe papers and "n j of the Tender Shtphcrd and the Lo.st Saturday went to the office of Slade Sheep, the comforting words of ‘Come and Slade, showing to them a letter unto Me, all ye that are weary anc' writte.T to her by “Oliver Osborne." heavy laden and I will give you rest,” She was shown the picture of James the “Last Supper,'’ Cj-ucifixion,” “ites- W. Osborne and said he was not “Oli- urrection,” his last day-s on earth and ver Oshome.” The Slades refused to ending with the “Aseen.sion,” all of give back to her the latter from “0!i- which arc particularly appropriate vcr’ which she had shown them. On for the Lenten and Easter season. this by .odvice she got in touch with Many have said, they arc the most United States Attorney Marhall, and instructive lectures they ever beard met 5fr. Jame.s W. Osborne. She de- anJ makes everything look so real, dared that he was not the “Oliver Os- The Sunday night lecture will be home” who had courted her. She had .at T:;>0 (28th, insl.,) and the closing other letters from “Oliver” and James one on Monday night (23th, inst.,) W. Obsorne ivrote so that the hand- at 8 p. m. writing might be compared. They warm v.'cici>ine is extended to all. did not tally- Miss Kaisc-r says "OU- dcUoious fnut* were served during the evening. ThosQ pre^.nt to enjoy he evening (Philadelphia Special to Wa.shington weii-; Misses Fannie and Myra Star.) Rlac};. Clayiie Petty, Bertha Stinnon, .\Jthough he had not been in the Wnniie and Maud Frazier, Minnie p,aari Barham. .Ajny McBane, Eliie Newliri, Me.^sf.s. Lawrence Biack, Jennings Ken Shibe, owner of the Ath- aiid Will Coj^e, Hgi'jy and C. R. Ivey, letics. on th.> dir.mond on -.hfi Phil- T. T. StafTonl, “l!i!!" Isley, fMyde Jjen grounds yesterday, knockcfl a BlacL “hiimer" the lirst crack, ami circled . l>asos in sixtoen seconds. Bascba,U Saturdaj. Hurlintjton T.imorrow the “I've still jfot some of the old-time | pop left,** ho paid. “If I’m not ns | iroulfle. ajr*irravau*d by affc and at- icMdavl ;nfij*mities, were contributinp; and fundamental factors. This trou ble h^.d been ot'ca.sioninj* her physi cians uneasiness for several years but it did not assume a serious form until about eipht months a^o. I-^ist Aiigru^t she had an acute attack at Walter'^ Park, Pa., near Philadelphia, and was taken to a ho.spital in the latter city for trt»atn'*T.i. 'Vlien she recovered ^•uffidentIy she was !j»'oiic:ht home but she never regained her full .«trenf^h althoufrh she undertook attend to h^r domestic aiid other duties until lafjt F;.:l when her b-.u!.h a^riin failt'^fL Mure than once iiince inciponcy of her ilines.s t.he had suifered attack:' which had caused her life t« be df* sp;;irod of, but each time ?he had btvn joble to r'\lly her resouroov. Th^ ■ \vs of Mr5. Jnck.'ian's de^ith school base ball tram vv'ill cross bals ';*;>od a^; I used to be. I’m sure I could j''’” ^Hevo the entire iSr.. i, whv.'h has cheri-hc-d with si.n- nrd^r the helpmeet of him wh*' in is life-time was the powerful right urm of the embattled Southern natio?^ nd the idol of its soldiery. Through out the close cf the great civil con- wirh the Sylvan Hijrh school team, train up in a short time and make This pame.was to have been ]>laycd niy livinjr on the diamond ajxain if.ce last Saturday but the threatening con- necessary. 1: ditio;^ of the w?»ath^^ caused it to be ..\i Shibe's invitation Sunday too)^ canoflled. a whirl out to the field while his as- Cith'in Euliss will be on the mound sistants conducted the routine pray- fi>r Jhe local team and will dish out er meetii’gs ia tlie Tabernacle. Kip- the pi-oper article for the opposin;? off his coat, Sunday grabbed upj^^i'-'t. Mrs. Jackson has held unchal- batrncsi. Ki.>r the Sylvan teaiTi a south- a bat in the c\ubbo\ise ^nd dashed i longed the position of primacy in the p:r,v of )io mean repuUition will occupy for the plate, where he dropped into of this poonie the pit'and it doth not yet appear what his old-time pose and waited forj kind of iituif he will hand out to the Shlbe to toss one over. Ben put the; ' w'ihJers of the willow froiri the local, first ball S(|uarcly over the plate. ixrlington branch of the Wo- A (rood ^ame ia expected. It is hop- Snnday made a vicious swin*T, caught Au.xiliary will soon elect offi- ed that a good crowd will l>e out. it sjnarely cn the nose, and finished ^*c^rs and send a large delegation. Thj-s Admis^n 2ftaiid lo cents. .-he ba.ses puffing like a steam engine, or^nization is of world wide scope." k ■ I ■omM

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