TMKhT* A]k« tn TVKK^-WSBX BOBLDIGTOK. c rA&i me ♦ ♦ «► ♦ ♦ ♦ ► ♦ 4^ ♦ ♦ * *► J ♦ + ♦ ♦ * * * ♦ * *- *f 4> s Freemao Ding Gi. Prescrii^im Druggist invite you to caU and see Phone 20. . 3i&-C3audeHolt Ktumed yes-, Mr. and Mrs. Charl^ Isl«y of terdiiy to Hamlet. jGraliam visited his cousin, Mrs. Charies Pearscm, Sunday. Mi-s. Ellen Loy of Glenii Raven Mr. Albert Fowler has recently sK>Idhis cafe tc Mr. E. S, Cheek. Nfte, j visited Mrs. Turner Summers, 'who is critically ill, one Mr. Ed Fuqua of R. F. D, 8, spent Sunday ^ith Mr, and Mrs. E. 0. Way. , test wee . Mrs. W. E. Crutchfield was the j^ Messrs.^Lawrenee Berrier and gutet. ofiier brother, Mr. John Murray, at Graham Sunday. I spent Sunday evening here with ; friends, Mr* and Mis. Chas. Sharpej .. , „ , « . . . have returned from their bridial; nes, J. A- Adftjns and Gossie Adams vmt- l ed their grandfathe!’. Mr. Josep'i Rev. G. L. Currj' pr^ched at j GiHispie, at Haw River Sunday, the Glenn Hope Schtwl House-' ■ Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. | Now that the frogs are eroak- Mrs; Mariba Foster, who hais'ing, it’s time for people to quit. for J IX)CAL ANT) PERSONAL $ Mr. W. W. Atkinson of Gra ham is in town today. Mr. W. P. Ezzel! was in Dur ham Satui-day on business. Mrs. H. M. Newlin visited her daughter in Greensboro Sunday. Miss Myrtle Moon is the guefit of her parents near Snow Camp B4rs. C. H. Durham axid chil- ^1’** week, dren visited iti Clayton Satur day and Sunday. FOR SALE—Two Barred Ply mouth Rock cockrelis, $L00 eaih. Mrs. W. E. Hay. Mrs. Thomas Terrell has re turned from an extended visit with her mother at Salisbury. Mrs. Saliic Sykes is sufFei'ii^ with an attack of pneumonia at her home in West Burlington. Miss Bertha Stinson spent Sunday at Gibsonville as the guest of relatives and friends. Messrs. Jos. A. and C. L. Isley visited their father, Mr, Lenoard isley, near Friend^iip S’jndav. iMr, Isley is in very poor health. j Mrs. Osborne Mann of Gibson ville .spent Sunday the guest of her brother, Mr. W. D.’ Bow man, and other relatives. Mr. Waiter Story of Greens boro spent Sunday with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Story. Mr. Wilson Overman who has been confined to bed for several days with grippe, has recovered. Rev. E. C. Durtiam, pastor oi Miss Sarah Cable of West jVV'ebb Avenue M. E. Church, de- Burlington is confined with sick-. {fyered two splendid sermons at ness this week. , jthat church Sunday. Mias Hazel Greeson of the Dis-1 Mr. and Mrs. H. L. i homa.s patch spent Saturday and Sun-j were the happy recipients of a' day in Raleigh as the guest of' fine baby girl at their home larit Mr. and Mr.s. J. E. Johnson. [week. Rev. Mrt!. J. A. Satterfield of i Rev. A. B. Kendall and Mr. C. Durham was the guest of her-M. Coble attenaeu the Township pwent$ jn VV^.st gurliijgton last Spnday School convention at iMt- Hermon M. P. Church Sun- ] dav. Mr. J. A. Adams of Winston-, ‘ . Saiem and Mr. Cossie Adams of. * • Hawkins went .o; Reidsville were recent visitors i Monday in respon-'cj fpvtrnrip i-Ipv to a mes.sage from his uncle i Mish (.eitrude Isley spent stating that he; was critically ’ Saturday and Sunday with her in. • been confined to her room several days, is improving. Mr. C. H. Coble, student of Whitsett Institute, spent yester day in town on- business. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Loy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mi s. Alfred Brown near Hav\ilelds. Mr J. B. Foster of Graham visited his mother, Mrs. Martha Foster Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. T. A. Bcfhannon are the guests of her father, Mr, Sylvester Spoon near Kimes^- ville this week. ■ Miss Florine Robertson, who has been at High Point during the past winter teaching, is in the city this \veek. Mrs. Turner Summers wiio U critically ill at her home in East Burlington, does not show any signs of improvement. Mr. George Isley of Swepson- viiie was the guest of his broth er, Mr. M. A. Isley in East Bur- ington, Sunday. Mrs. George Gildon and son, . I Max, of Siler City, spent last week with relatives and friends in the city. Miss Parker of near Durham spent a few days last week aw the guest of her sister, Miss Mabel Parker. Mr. J. S. Foster of Mebane, Route 1, was in the city Monday and gave the Dispatch a pleasant call. If Huerta : .should return to Mexico he would find the crop of ex-presidents materially in creased: since his departure. V’ic Hiiortii is eligible to the prfeidency - of the “Also Ran” club, with John. Barleycorn as vice-president. A piai^agnti>h«r says that there are only seven subjects to write about. M'^ell, Billy Sunday and BiHy Bryan are six; what’s the other one ? Ex-President Taft says the ^■es of the country are on the Republican party. If that’s so the countrj- is making a mistake. Both parties will b«r watch ing. ^ WiH 1 'ok l>etter and lait J-jinger than oth«r.i. Dtin’t be fooled by the just as good; Renjeinb^r there is nothing iriade to suit all parp )ses to eiiiiai the Galebrated Hackney for sale in this County or/iy by HOLT & MAY Just received a Come a»d see them. '■ at the fries. home of Mr. J. H. Jef- . .Mr. Malcom Murray, who is Amusement Co., at Greensboro, spent the week-end as the gucai of bis pai-ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Murray. Mr. Wade Way of Liberty spent, i£vOi ri'iuii.v u- the city ,is the puest of h.>s aunt, Ml'S. Mary E. Way. svici other v-.;- lativ'es. The four-year old dauKhter cjf [ I Mr. Will Vincent died Sunday aC- i ter a brief illness with penu- monia, and was buied Monday af Prof. V. Wilson, and daughter. Miss Mary, who have been at Asflieville for several months engaged in teaching in.strument- . a! music, have returned to Bur lington. Mrs. Albert Fowler was called ito Greensboro last week on ac- I parents, Mr. and Mr.s. J, W, Is ley, near Liberty. ! Mrs. Elizabeth Loy visited her sister, Mrs. Kancy isiey, Hcai Mt, Hortno?? fSii.’rcb -r!tiy l:!«t ! week. I Miss Cecil Holt returned Sat urday from High Point wherj she has been engaged in teach ing during the past winter. I Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Teer of near Graham, spent Sunday as ■ the guests of his brother, Mr. Baby Doll Ankle Strap Pumps. We have iu stock a beauti ful line of Baby Doll Pumps in Patent Leather and Gun M&tal Jilso Whito Mercerized Duck \vith whito Rubber Soles wid White Rubber lieels, that NVG iir' offorinif at $1.75 to $2.50 the pair which are exceptionally vaiu6.s^ fiTij arc arsons our best sellers. They [uirti- fularly appeal t» the Voune Ladies tfot do not care for the HiKh Heels ant! Narrow Toe Styles. We htive the snme stj’lcs for the iittie one.s also, at prc-poi tionnte priee.s. Would be (fiaii to hiivc you call and aoc thi' liuuiy now Spriiij; models. FOSTER Dfloe We ti ive at a'li iiiuc-s a complete line of Buggies. Har ness, Wagons, Wa?on Harness, Farm Machinery of Alt Kinds. Building Material. Paints, the BEST on the market When in ne?ed of any thing in our iine it '.vili always pay you to come to see us HOLT & MAY Burlington, N. C. 4 ♦ * ♦ * ♦ ♦ The Plaza Restaurant MAIN STREE ", FONVILLE BUILDING m L I rT,ir Mr. Wyatt Clapp met a right serious accident Sunday after-^ noonwhilereturning totownfront I count of the iilness of her si.s-i ter. At last report sh“ ting along very well. J. N. Teer, and other relatives. became frightened threw Mr. buggj-. Tlic inja-ici’, are not porir 'derwent an operation, is impro\ - sidered fatal and Mr. getting along nicely. Clapp is ing and getting along very nic-’ iy- At last report she was get- i -Albert Heritage left yes- iterday for Cincinnati, Ohio a visit with relatives in the couK-j ! where he wiil be for the next try. While crossing the railroad | We are glad to learn that Mrs. f,everal months. near the Union church his horse IE. U Murray, who retuniei( at a tr^in from the ho.spital Kt High Point * “mesW.H. Bennett A. and threw Mr. Clapp from the several days ago where she un- ' .mmer or ol I . .... Hartshorn were m the city ye.^- terday shopping. I Mr. J. W. Robertson, formerly ;h‘notype operafor for the Di.s- patch, now with the Greensboro Dailey Nev/s, spent Monday in ;the city «ith his family. ! Mr. VVorth Coble, who ha.-> been {•.onfined at his home near . the Fairgi’ounds for several days .with bronchitis, »ha.s recoveretl sufficiently to be out again. I Mrs. Sallie Holt of Spencer and Miss Glysta Holt of Greensboro spent Saturday and Sunday with ■ Mr. J. H. JeiTi’ies and other re- ! lative.s, ! i Rev. B. M. Williams, ministeri- yAPOR ntEATMENT FORCOmOBIE Are turn U6el In all horiititatB. 'Tl>« vattorn are iii?;s.Z«d d!(r«?rt to tUi? »pot wSthuut ItUurtnfT the stomui-ti uk i»' ternat reencdtes. Th« vapors arc coa- flaed VICi^gS^SALVE DO that they are released by the 1i«at of t a the body wlLen to the throat J asid Phi^nt One Erood rub wlU relJev® 1 a co2J; cruup cured in tlfte«ri tnln- I utea. At all drtisslstfl, 2Sc. 60c and I {3.00. ?nKip!e cm request. Viclc Cbejn* I u a.1 Co . Orcen^boro. N. C. , Tobacco Fine Cigars Sanitary EXCELLENT SERVICE PRICE RIGHT 4* * 4- If ♦ ♦ * 4* ♦ if h -3-. h ■^h Buy Your LOOK, LISTEN IWindows THE posr MORTEM ADMINISTRATION OF WEALTH CAN NEVER BE SAPETLY LEFT to AN INDIVIDUAt for death which has removed you from your sphere of capr'.liility is just a?^ likely to remove an individual Executor, When this occurs the ad- minisiration «f your Estate may fall into iiands who’.ly alien > ' niir wishes. If you appoint, us as E.'cecutor of >uur will you have the assurance that we shaii not be incapacitated by death to act as such and completely carry out your wishes. There are reasons why you should select us as your Ex- * eeutor, which we shall explain if you will call. A!’ advice and consulations confidential. No charge is made for .«ame. Wit! also pay any lawj er, you may select, to write your wiSL Alamance Loan and Trust Co. AT OUR PRICES! \\\‘ 'it'e euttini; dt>\vn the W;ir Pric.i:3 ;he HigrH Cost of Livin>r. Li-rti. pe-r pouiul ' hf*avy thUrk (K*r notiitd .. j2Hc. \r\fh potatoes, per peek 24c. AJ? l(ff. Canned Gnod? Ali !->c. C^aiint'd Guh\. l2c. All lOu. Articles 'A*. Cvl P*^ices on —0— I>KV OOOUS, (rROCKIUES AND HARDWARE. New Frftsh Lint- ,ai stwdent at Elon College, wiil ; occupy the pulpit at the M. P. ichui'ch next Sunday and evening in the absence or I the pastor, Rev. G. L, Curry, who will be at Thomasvilk at- —o— Hit;BEST M-VKKBT I’KICE i'OR COU^’TBY PRODUtH I'nme and see us—it wiil pay j-ou. Wc have just o)>eiied up in the W. E. morning Building on Front Str^st. Q^n/>A • r\T Phone us your order viiid wc wiU pive prompt delivery. THE LARGEST AND OLDEST BANK IN THE COUNTY ^ tending the Young People’s Gon- t’HOXE 285. ■(T5wO«WitlithcCbi*es.) vention of the M. P. Church, j which will be in session Friday, Saturday and Sutiday. ' BuHnigton, - - - - N, C. BURLINGTON. N. C. Spoon Store Co. SuHing'ton SAVE MONEY. We have these in all of the Standard size. Priee.i ranging froir $1.00 to $L75. M. B. SMITH Furmiure and House Fiirnishings. BiirliogtoD, N. C. -

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