PACEBiGilt R. F. D. New GIcfa^ Kjr Oar Rural Ccrrcspoadeats :=■-.. * ROL'TB No. S. WBTAtai; «M9V YOUNG MAN’S LEG BI«)KBX BY AUTO. Roy Brand Struck By Machine Driven By Local Attorney; ■ Accident Occurred on Fifth Aveiiue. iloy Brand, a local plumber is [at the Emergency hospital suf- Mrs. My trie Simpson of Alta-|fering from a broken !6#t leg, a? matiaw spent Monday on Route | she result of an accident which S, visiting her mother. Mrs. -J. occurred yesterday, shortly M. Komodle. lore noon, J. C. BicCuUoch and if^ugh-; He \ya« struck by. an autonvv j The nature of Mrs. Roitsevelt’s They are air alike, ters spent Monday , in the city bile driven by W; B. M^bane, a not made public, but shopping. * Rome lawyer. 'The later was in gjj,. MKS. ROOSEVELT HTNDER! NOT FAIOT. KNIFE, NOW ItiLLYlNG. ! - •—»— I With linseed oil at 50c to Coioncl and l^eoiilor^ jr., Stay ' what sort of oil do you think Till Ordeal Is Over—Home in jthey in “paint” at f 1.50 and Two We*s.- . $L25? . —’ ! That stuff is counterfeit paint New York, April 15.—ilirf. You can cheat yourself; you Theodore Roosevelt was report- can’t t'heat 'Hme or Weather, ed today by Dv. Alexander Lam- i Paint is a rubbery coat over bert to have raiiie^ well from a wood and iron to keep-out watiir. surgical operation at the Counterfeit paint may look velt Hospital terUer in the day. Uke it; counterfeit money looks like money. WTiat are all counterfeit^ for? ^^■■Her condition is satisfactorj% h *said. DEVOE. OgbuS^*^-Madren 6^._|he act of, turning a comci at jjjini^iate danjfer. I)r..Lam- Oasewel) county* .i^reeirian and |Kifth avenue and W^t .Fir^stexpects his patient .will; b' family. Mr. and Mrs. \V- A. street with his machine, on afjje to return to Oyster Bhv tii Moore, ripent Sunday at j. T. way to the courthouse, when ^ weeks. Moore’s. Brand, mouiited pn a bicycle, j Colonel Roosevelt and his-son. Thankii to Mr5. j. B-. Foster tiir.|Was riding in the opposite diref'r_>p^gp^^j.g^ Jr.,' ■ arrived at the ;i nice *‘hunk'* of cake. We en- tion. He .was knocked.dOv.n while the operation Wiis so much. autoniobile passed o\er his perfonned and remained leg. cnishirig it bp.dly. Mebane ' Mrs. .Ailsey Ross and ilaude Ross have both been on says^ the accident was unavoid- the sick list but we are glad to! able but yoiing Brand exprossad note t'hat they are about weir a different opinion at the hos- again. ipitial last night. Tlie machine'.* Maywood school closed last Speed is .said by spectators to Friday night with .a nice eriter-.^have been not more than fi\e tainment. We used to call it |miles ah hour when the accide.-’t '‘exhibition" in our young dayff..; happen^. They had a very successful term.: Brand was i-tteiided by Drs. Good teachers and well behaved ;McCall,: Doss and Fi.shbum and pup;!;’.. The teachers. Miss Sat- is prohably not permanently in- terfieid and Miss Garri.on left Ji>red. for their homes Saturday. Hope; Mebane was anvpted by t!i'.- they will teach for u.=« son)e more. ;Pohce at his own request and re- J. C- McCulloch attended;'eased on bond. He willliave-a ciiurch at Shiloh Sunday. Hope bearing before the Vity record- the “Sermvn” done him some I^r.—Rome (Ga.) Herald, good. Gootine.'is knows he needs | Meljane is ;i former rei:iu- lent of Burlington, having lived until Mrs. Roosevelt had re covered from the anaesthetic. When they-left both seeme! In excellent spirits and repeated the assurance that Mis. Roose- ’v’elt wa.s in a favorable condition. Mrs. Roosevelt was seriously ill in 1S12, after a fall from » horse while out riding with her hu.-’- baijil. She apparently repover- ARTIST herself. “1 wouldlikt tomake a suggas- tion_as^ fte portrait” “Madam,” said the testy ar tist, “do you think you can tell me anything about painting your face ?” .“Well, I’ve had considerable experience With this face,” re sponded she, for she had a scene of humor.—Kansas City Journal \r»> You Rheumatic?—Iry S!oan’& If you ’.vSnt quick and reeal relief from Riifiumatism, do whr,t so many tfibusjmd othei- people nre doing—- wUoiiever an attack coirios on, bathe itlic muscle or jomt with Sloan’s Mrfi. Hutton is st:!! improvinif,; c'Shl or ten years ago, and is the son of M-i*. John R. !Me- bane of this City. Mr. Mebane ivf are glad to .say. Miss riara Hughe.- Ki! liv Whi ttf'tnort FUNER.VL OF t Oi } :.10. ..\NfH?EWS I well known !>y raany c.'iuxer;.'^ Burlington and Mrs. W. L. Saul of Route splint last Wednes day at G. E. i'’aucette's. iVIi-'S Fannie'iuil of Atla- inahav,-. A. 0, Geringer. Miss ; Kate Wagonei’, Bovd Brannock, ■ The Imieral of Col. Rufus and Fate Sauls and John Anda’ew.s I'irst \'ice-Pres!- Kralinger v.ere vi.sitors at W. the Southern Kailway, H. Evan.s'Sunday. Quite a :no.l>,citiicns of Ra bat they enjoyei visiting ;i), Ntulh ( aionnu. ,iitd the Riother I^-ans'. i We s!>(.-nt Hunday iis Mei>a:ie liut ;is wo go there so ofteti w- guess we had iieiter not .say any .i thitig about, it'. now said . —i.i.^ .... nccesr'aiY the operation. ed aftei* several weeks, and it is . v. ■ ... j XI. 'Liuiinoj'-t IVo xi6ei\ to rub n in—^jUst a recurrence of the- , , ,. . , , , t i_ A*. > M 1 apply the Lnr.inent to the surface. It by ttie fail made . . , * 13 •.vondevru'iy ni'jietratina;. It goes ri.tjht to the fcat of trouble and (3n»ws til.' pajji aljnivst immediately. Get a Now y the time for every good 25c, of woman to stand by the city in .and have it in the house the rlean-up campaign. .ioints, Lumbago. Sciatica isikI iike If liroi'edenL counts for any- ailmeivts. Wu- mono}- Iwck if not t’ning the Kron P.rinz Wilhelm is .=u!.tisfietl, but it doc.i: give nlmost m- ertitled to .5t>,000 bottles of beer. .‘itant rrfief. We 'deliver PiaMt ft riglit iBt* 9««r k»e. *‘Gw> tiaw" are coMui| G*t your Pi«»o or Phyeirr: Ku»pew»iii pay " mm ^wa 1*4 Muce OB tine. Have jroa >£«■ wir $17SM & $259 Pttsm? MUSIC COMPANY, I, Korth CaroUu. LUMBER COMPANY CoDtractofs and Dealers in Ail Kinds of Btiilding Material:— i‘ % cry‘Ji'ftiy iZ'i Cvii'ii. i oik?t uii the “Mooi!” this A t v/iiil-ltlj.; time. jSouth, h'kI a prime t)enefactor ‘of all, will be held in the church of the Good Shepherd this aftcr- . noon at 4 :->0 o’clock. Dr. 1. McK. iPittingcr and Bishop .loseph J R'oiint C hesKire wilt conduct the . nu::*r/'d ‘'‘rrenvuiios. liy that hour a mas-- oi n5^>uni- ing friends from all parts (if the -South will be in Raleigli to ptiy HK.vf.rH i’Ut'/ivioTK.s 'nouors to one of the v,iiht>ui (M'iiiUi joy is inl'uential r.oilroad vvii.i:.n:t ilisro^n'u ^.jen and citizens. At eleven i-.i‘irui;ir !.o\vi'i !il j-ou |o'clH‘k this morning a special liHvc htviii.h. wiiy train will arrive from i.iiwics ;\r,,i iis!; boiiig sick :>n,l ■ Washington bringing prominent ruhnjr? \ oil ioti’t fc;iv'p to. Tnko oiio . I'jiitroad ofticials and QChers who snjall Dr. Kiiip's tiow Ijfe Pi.'i ;a j^fiovv and respected Col. .\nd- ■li^'lit. in till' ni(iniir.{r you will have re\vs. fuiL free- i.c.we! iTw\ emei'.t and f.-u!; Mr. Henry W. Miller,.Assistant much [.eiier. fieipi) your appctitif ani the President of the -Southern difpe.“tion. Try oi» tonijriit. | arrived on his private ear yes- .terday from Atlanta. With him HOW .\ SMALL E0\ 1.0VE. MAKES came Mrs. Miller and Mrs. W. M. : Marks, of Montgomerj', Alaba- mn, a daughter of Col- Andrews. President Fairfa.K Harri.«on, Vice-President J. M. Culp, Al fred P. Thom, general Counsel of In the April American Magaz ine Ellis Parker Butler writes another small boy story in hi: new series. is entitled, "Teacher’a Pet," and; in the following e.\'tract tSie .small talks about his girl; "Her name is Milly. I haven’t said anything about marring her yet—not to her or anybody—but I've carried her books three or , . four times and I hit her in the ^rt^ose work and influence have hejped so -ru.v iWashmgton; J. W. H. McWhort- Tms month s stoiy t . - — - - - . !er. Assistant General Counsel of .Athens, Ga., E. H. Co.apraan, Vice-President and General Man ager; and il. B. Spencer, Vicc'- President. These are among fihe officials of the Southern who will be here to pay respect of the back of the head with a .soft snowball, and I guess she likes me too. She threw a snowball ^^f hem Railway. back :‘.t me when I hit her and then, when I washed her face I . , for her with snow, she just said ™’ ‘Oh, George! You mean thing!’ building up th'j 'Phe pallbearers for funeral iwill be President Fairfax Har- BrowHi Dr. E. Everett, Ed Cham bers Smith and John C. Drew- as if i be might be willing to mar ry me sometime if I got nerve enoui^h to ask her when we’re grown up. 1 wonder how a fel-i*^ ' low gots nei-\ e to ask them. I ” don't think I’li ever have.” ^ tfirmination to make the one- . plank of the Democratic Nf port News is always ready national platform so etfactive to extent first bid to German; that the part}’ can’t get away raiders who hare run out of from it beer. HAVE YOU DONATED YOUR LANDLORD A HOME ? The ftiHowing figsret show the disadyaiitage »t payin| Ceiling: Flooring Siding Boxing Molding Shingles I^aths Doors Sash Lime Cement Cement Plaster Paints Oils VsrrJahes Floor Stains Windows Blinds See Us Before You Build. Nicliolson Lumber Co, Mebane, N. C. 1m m ^i^ift iip - '*• — • • •• At sis jser c«nt, per annam, have paid: : : compounded ann'jaily, you RENT PER MOHTH $ 8.00.^ .. iO.OO. 12 01 15.0 0 18.00 _... 20.00 ... RENT FOR 10 YEARS -.$1,265.35 . 1.581.6S_, 1,898.(12- 2.S72.52., 2,847.03-- 3,163.38- RENTFOR IS YEARS .,-$2.334.48... . . 2.79-aiO ... ^ 3.351.71 .. -4,189.64... .. 5,027 57... . . 5,586.19 - RENT FOR 20 YEARS ,-?3,5.31.42 ... 4.414.2P .. 5,ti97.Jl .. 6,621.39 . 7.945.67 . 8,828.52 Would you not rather have a deed to a n ee homt than a tat ojf worthless rent receipts? : : : Let us show you some bargains in attractive bisngelows and dwellings. : : : : mmm reaiiuno SEURin m?m C. C. FONVILLE, MGR. BURLINGTON, N. C. Ik J 3 ‘FRAT” MODEL $4.00. That SpriQgy Step which goes only with perfect fitting shoes —makes walking a pleasure. You can obtain perfect shoes correctly FITTED, if you have your shoes fitted by Sam Moore or Baa Snipes H The. HOLT-CATES CO.’S. On The Corner - • - - - Burlington, N. C. This Is Meant FOR YOU, READER! Directly atid particularily for YOU the reade! of this ad. What we have to say is a mutual proposition—it concerns you and it concerns us. KEEP THIS IN MIND. The nex'. time yjir*havtr.''S7^ -u;C iv“?*— whether the amount, is $25 00 or a mucii saigvi oneofour rirst moetgags rsas •fstate crfinds, yielding Sis P« Cent. Interest from date of purchase. Principal and interest GUARANTEED and paid by this company. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR. Graham Loan & Trust Company, GEAHAM, N. C. K. L. Holmes, Pres., R. N. Cook, V. Pres., E. W. Lasley, Secty-Treas. PERFECTION IN STYLE AND FIT IS GUARANTEED By USING Fashionable McCall Patterns fho !•••». (.tii;-:*’- jtn«l Howinr Full «kirtr.. TaiKirt'd %ml ^irokT» ‘UiSHhU* r.»r .Jn^vt'iiii.rurnt »R Silki«, l-iRfiiP. and C.b‘ torw 04>Uou Ubrifst. tin' •I'ltiKt i>; wiiti'.Nl svlvi'tii>i» lii Uif &rw iivw im — Skjrt fi: Vv’jii -.t f .| •'/ Skif; ' I5e tocA for tht'.* McCaC OettgBs—fhiue o*e cp yo«r$tU~it nrtfy ^eaxe >ob. \tAi •*;!! liKvays TmJ the W*« nnd most &t>*!isK Fa*?«on» in P*|ser P*tter»*. A^fc fcf •>ny (Ic^cn you-w,ai;:. You c^r\ Auiiy make it yourseU, look t^i*4lre»»ec! cave mnncs. The Summer McCail Book of Fashions NOW ON SALE-ONLY 5c A COPV XS/hcn Bought Wilh .Any i 5e McC»ll Pattern Jos. A. Idey and Bros. Company, Burlington, North Caroiina.

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