T. HB. MlSLDrafOM, K. C PAGE ssEM Piraletiioaal Cards J. y. tipiuoa, O, II’. A. HartxdM}-, B. V. H- VBTSRIKABIAMS Offke Mi H«pilali 0^ 377 flSMwSt. ttii*»»IWt2» A NBW YORK LEtTEB. CoaUea Now la FadiiM. C A. Anderson, M. D. Office Houbs: 1 to2P.M. 7to8r.M. PilSt NATtMiO. BAXK NALOIMG , J>aT« Oaf G»ifc BRADLEY'S DRUC STORE John H. Vernon 'I Attorney and Counsellor at Law ^ BDftUMGTON. H. C. Office Rooms 7 & 8, Second Floor of First National Bank Building Office PIm^ 317-J. Retidevt Pk«M, 337*L. f- Dr. J.H. Brooks SURGEON DENTIST Foster Building BURLINGTON, - > - N. Dr. Waker L Walfcei Nowhere is the American idea of directness «iore strongly f^t than in clothes. Pjiris offers a wealth ctf ideas and Americai iselecfs one. After w^s of hesitation, while the popularity of one style or another in the jpriceless collection rec«ved af- : ter a perilous trip ^ross the At lantic, quakes in the balance, *the Americari public., at last, places emphasis on .one chosen feature and the coatee dress be come universal; not a tailored cr^tion as the name implies, but a slieer confection of lace, iwt or batiste, topped wittj a gay silk or lingerie jacket So cavaHer have fashions come, they carry us back to the CrpmwelUan era. Like spirits of the old French emipire, society in lingerie dresses trips across the velvety lawns or loiters in old rose gardens. The otSier day, I chanced upon a party enjoy ing tea in the far corner of a green lawn under the shade of a muiberrj Uee; the bkck wick- *er furniture, upholstered in I broad stripes, strewn with apple of ihaterial I blossoms, was as striking in ef- jfect as tSie frijcks of the gii-ls iwore. while a model of voile and filet off.” lace has a jadui of black faille. cut on tb« bolero oidi^. Indeed^ A mtain broker w»t to a there is no end to the materials, horee dealer and tried to pick Dolly Varden taffetas, d«p oW- up a general utility nag. He ex world pink and brillant Wue taf- idained that he wanted a nice, fetas, failles and moire silks'quiets good looking animal fot- nmke quaint coatees for crino-jhims^, which could be driven line fracks and not a few of ^by his wife in a dogcart, and bolero effects are fashioned of would not on occasion object to lade or fine embroidery. There being hitched up to a lawn mow- is also a lace material, lately er. latmched on the market, for | The dealer listened with rapt dresses of this type, the texture attention : and finally ask°^ in like a fine voile embroidered dtiket tones : with garlands in pastd shades, j “Would you like him to wait Aside from the fabrics, acces-jat table at all, sir?” sories are so attractive, flhey ir. no small m^ure acoount for tlie success of the lingerie dress. A man had been haled before a magistrate for not supporting for there is many a maiden who 'his wife, or some offense buys a frock that she may have j “But jet me see,” fihie justice the girdle that goes witfli it. Al- said: "aren’t you the man who though, it IS an acknowiedged,was married in a cage Of wild fact, waists are gradually grow-*jhan eating tigers arid leopards?” ing smaller, the girdle stiil fol- "Yes, your honor, I’m the lows straight lines. Loose crush girdles of taiFeta, moire silk or primly-flowered belts of narrow grosgrain are pretty finishes for filmy frocks. man, the reply. “Exciting, wasn’t it?” said the justiGe. “Well, yonr honor,” said the man, “it sesmf^ so then. It The 'handkerchief bag is an- wouldn’t hi>w. other fancy, demure as the —^— — daguerreotype from which it i.s MORE STYLE. taken. Usually, the bag is made ^ the same .as tne jjej- tiltel hat Joanna tries dress, cut in a half-«ircle,. shir- Before the mirror, till red an. inch down from the top]i turn away my weary eye.s, and hung from the belt with Though I admire her skill. I A vivacious dark-eyed. Miss,‘cords or ribbon. The hand-bag, SELLARS PVIUPINC j who served tea at the glass-top- j too, takes on a new beauty. Soft (13 p Stairs) jped table, carried off well the gathered models of flowered. Hours: 5s to 10 a.. 7 to 8 P»M*lstyle of the smart coatee in ;• moire and striped silk, *havi5 Phones; Resi. 421-J. Dr. G. Eugene Holt Off 80. ifrock that bespoke the couturi er Jenny. The bodice of aliower embroidery, nipped in at the waist as fashion approve.^, show ed from beneath the .jaunty silver tops, that stretch like a bracelet; white leather bag.s, flat purses and gold kid skin cases are Uned with gorgeous flowered arid striped silks, Ma- I jacket of dark blue taffeta silk, j dam La Mode, not content \vith iThe Quakeri.sh collar and cuffs;these features alone, insists that OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN ;?r-i'6' h'irfd Xilioiml tl.mk Itsiihliin Office PIi®B* 30S, Re*. 362-J. , , . . '-iju -ti N C I organdy made a con-; milady be up to the ears in style ‘ i nec*ting link with the billowint?; this season and introduces the 'folds of organdy, laid in deep'feather and tulle boaas to wear Burlington, Dr. L. H. Alien OPTOMETRIST jcrosswi.se fold.s paneled with em-{ with the new lingerie dresses, 'broidery and trimmed witJh! FIRST iValenciennes lace, which foiTned I rpijg' fitting Glasses—A SPECIALITY j the skirt. i OfffM *ver C. F. NEESE’S Store. That she was a devotee to the j -pi^g newspaper Buriington. N. C. fad of fancy shoes, one couH L^in^ted in the English language easily guess, for her Pumps two hundred and were Dhe last word in style; thejt^,^ Chinese WitKam I. W»rd Ir* C. Mowsr WARD it MOSER, Attorncys*»t-Ij|w, Practice in State and Federal Court's, (•raham, N. C. PANAMA-aUFQHNiA EXPOSI TION Sun Diego, Cal. PiUiiliMmCiFIC INTEItNA- TIONtL ijaa t'ranciscu. Cat. VARIABLE ROUTE TOUKS —and— REHUCKI) ROUND-TRIP FARES —tie— N8RF8LK & WESTERN RAIL WAY Matcli I ts November 30, VERY LIBERAL STOP-OVER PRIV ILEGES The Best Rou(6 (o the WEST aud NORTHWEST. First Ciaaa and Mixed Car Tickets Bomeaeekera Farea to Many Points PULLMAN SLEEPERS heel, back and vamp was of {patent leather and the uppers iof white kid to match the silk I stockings. Beside the low chair, I a garden hat car8le.s.sly dropf)ed, 'gli.stened in the sun, for it v/as l«ne of the new dark blue shiny I straws. jwith tulle with pond lilies.be- ! heath and, like all other broad- |brimmel garden hat.«, it had black velvet .'Streamers attach ed to the back. claim to have issued a daily Court paper hundreds of years before this, but if they did it wa.s not a newspaper in the strict sense of the word a.s it gave or- ly court orders, etc, j The English paper wa. the The crown was circled Courant, publi.shed in Lon-i don. There were two columns: of matter printed on only onej side of the paper in black letter; “Over the left!s. the style,” she pants, “But tViis looks best on me." Her right eye’s gone! I seize the chance To a.sk; “How can you see?" Then suddenly she tilts her head And .smiles. “My neck would break At such an agle,” then ] said, "You’re game—for fashion’s sake!” Indeed i .simply must express Opinions. I’d prefer. To spare her. Her me, then, confess The (h'eadful truth to her! She waits upon my words and iseeg Me fidget in my chair. “My dear,” 1 stammer by de grees, i’eaily di! iv.)L di*re. Italy is disgustinjr the word with the spectacle of Jieutrality until knocked down to the high est bidder.—Florida Times-Uiii- on. Yes; arid probably she will be knocked down by the highest bidder later. Senator Helen Robincon of Colorado, says that her success is due to ther ability to keep quiet. Now what woman wants fame at that price?—^Florida Times-^Union. But Mrs. Robin.son was :i newspaper woman, and there fore totally unlike all others. Hie Telephone (^rator ‘To tell yra what 1 think, am! yet 1 simply cannot lie; never thought in you to get girl with but one eye! AH Information upon Application W. C. SAUNDERS. GenersI Passenjror Agent. M. F. BRAGG, Traveling Passer.ger Agent, ROANOKE, VA. • I toi Imagine her sm-pri .; to re ceive a very appreciative note in German from the Captain of the ship, who thanked her for hei kind ■word'^ and sent her as a souvenir the hat-band with “Nordeutscher Lloyd—^D. Prinz Eitel Friedrich.” upon it. She, of course, will carefully guard such an interesting souvenir from the now famous ship. type. A line across the paper t announced that it was printetl = She .scorn.s to listen to advice, by “E. Mallett, against the Ditch: And starfc:. to leave in haMte- ‘Wiu might, at !ea.'?t. .say. .'iOni'- Ihing nice; Rut, then, you have no taste!" FIRE-ESCAPES. ■ at Fleet .street." It stated fvn'-, ! ther along that it would carry ‘ I only foreign news, with no com-, ment whatever. j The publisher was a sort of philosoiAier, for in announcing; that it would carry no com-i The Public Laws of 1909, ment, he said that he was *'sup- chapter 637, provide for fire- posing other people to have' e.'icapes in theaters, hotels, sense enough to make reflec-idormitories, school buildings and tion.s for themselves.” :other public buildings of more While it has been two hundred. than two stories in height. The 5’ears since that first daily news- law as to factories where many paper was started, it was not persons are employed is also e.\- until long years after the ven-• pli'-'it. Over 900 fire-escape.-^ iture was iaunchcl tliat anything have been installed by order of 'comparable with the modern tho Insurance Department. ! daily paper came into existence. ^ I Now every American city of SW.\IJ.,OWED STICK PIN. j 3,000 or more has a daily paper, —o— I with special editions, news of the There was some ipreceding twenty-four horn's in a West Durham A man named Riley was par doned from prison and another One of the New Lingerie Frock.s Made With a Dark Blue Silk Coatee. So divpthe are the effects gain ed with these jackets, it is ihard to believe so many frocks have the same feature. Here, is a coatee of robin’s egg blue taffeta, fitted through the body, hav ing flaring tails, and “leg o' mut ton” sleeves set in with narrow frills revived from Victorian style.*?. This is worn with a voluminous skirt of net. There is a frock of cotton crepe, em- excitemerit family last from all over tTie world reading' evening when it was learned that matter enough to fill a small ^ the infant of Mr. and Mrs. Will volume, and all the home news. ■ Ferguson, of Eleventh street, for the small sum of *011 cents had swallowed a stick pin. Tlie a week, isis. or .sometimes, oniv Riley was liberated. Who said ,broidered and hemstitched in there is nothing in a name? 'pink with coatee of pink linen; QUIPS AND QUIDDITIES. pin was about two inches i)i 'length and had a glass head. -A physician was called, but as yet ‘the pin has not been extracted. —o— I The little child had not suffer- The dealer in antiquities was ed any serious pain from the showing an old violin to a pro!>- pin, alttiough a surgical opera- able buyer. jtion may be nece.ssary. The at- “Yes,” he..said, “this is of hi.s-; tending physician does not think lorical interest; that is the|the pin will cause any serious identical fiddle negro played iharm, unless it pierces the cliild's while Rome was bunnng.” i intestines. “Oh, that is a myth”. ! In the meantime the child The dealer agreed, saying; jseerns us well and happy as it “Yea, it is; and Myth’s name j was before the pin was swallow- was on it, but it has got worn sd. Answer yotif telephone promptly, otherwise the caUing p^y may tire of waiting and hang up. When holding a line never replace the receiver on the hook, as this will give the operator the disconnecft signal. In answering a call do not say “Hello.” State your number or nam^ as‘^ohn Smith and Com pany,” or “Mr. Smith’s resi dence.” Courtesy over the tele phone is a wonderful in centive to good service. jGixxx; You Need a Tonic There arc times In every woman’s life w’hen she needs a tonic to help her over the hard places. When that time comes to you, you know what tonic to taitc—Cardui, Ihe woman’s tonic. Cardui is com posed of purely vegetable ingi’edienls, which act gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs, and helps build ti’em back to strength and health, it has benefited thousands and thousands of v/eak, ailing women in its past half century of v'yr >-''il success, and it will do the same for you. You can't make a mistake i.i taking CARD The Woman’s Tonic Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. Ko. 4, Alma, Ark., says: “I think Cardui is tlie greatest nscdL'iiio on earth, for women. Before 1 bepan to take CanUii, 1 was so weak and nervous, and had such r.wiu! du7.y spells and a poor appetite. Now I tecl as well and as strong as I ever did, and can eat most anytliing.” Begin taking Cardui today. Sold by all dealers. Has Helped Thousands. ' wa M '1' » 'W’’ Southern Baptist Convention. HOUSTON, TEXAS. MAY 12 to 19, 1915. Go Via Tte SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Premier Carrier of riio S'.uth. THE DUST AVOID Tickets on Sale May 6th to IIth, with final rcturri limit of .May 81st. 1915. Rates from prineipai pcints as r.' New Bern ... Kinston (Jreenviile . Goldsboro . $42 SO . 42.55 41 2.5 . 41.25 Raleigh , _ Durham... Oxford.. . Burlington Inclusive $-11.23 41.2,5 . 41.25 41.00 Fares from o.her points on same basis. Stop overs will he allowed. Chaitanoaga. At lanta. Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans. Very cnnvienient schedules offer through .Vlemphis or New Orleans. For complete information as to schedules, puHtnan reservations, etc. Call on Southern Railway Agent, or write O. F. YORK. Traveling Passenger Agent RALEIGH. N. C,