eesaasH—8H TBB TWiCS A^iTHBK SttPAtOI.' MWUMeVW. X. C r, im .v-VVVVVVV v~ y ^ th^ New Palm Beaclil^d lroipte»l We BOW place OB sale Ae Most Cool Suits we have eter shown. BiNidi Suits have arrived, te line of these Keep *s5er»i7. GENUINE PALJM BEACH SUITS. French fated, ; c6ata and pants msvde they will stand the laundrj-, ligt'.t and dark coloris, regulars, stoqte, slims and Norfolks, all sizes at .. -. .. .$7,50 PANAMA SUITS TROPICAL BEACH SUIT^. Light and dark color.s, legulars. stenis and stouts, all sizes at .$5.00 & $6.00 BOYS’ PALM BEACH NORFOLK SUITS. Dark and light colois at ...; .$:i.50 & $4.00 MEN’S PALM BEACH PANTS. A.s.sorted,colors at.; $2.50 I'alm Beach Shoes at. ..... .$3.50 ] Palm Beach Belts at $0.50 Palm Beach Socks at 25c & 50c Men’s and Boys' Palm Beach Caps and Hat."^ at..50c Big' line of Men's Panama Hats at $.'{..i0. $4.00, $5.00, §6.00 and $7.50. COME TO SEE US, WE CAN FIT YOU FROM HEAD TO FOOT IN THE BEST STYLES OF THE POPULAR PALM BEACH APPAREL, B.A. Sellars & Son Now is your OPPORTUNITY to get a Beautiful New Snapiiy Silk Dress- Coats or Wool Coat Sait worth every cent of the original price at A BIG REDUCTION. The suits consist of Gabardine^ Poplins and Series in Bliies, Sand, Black and Checks, The dresses are of Silk Crepe de Chine acd faff eta in all The New Spring Shades. $lO.O0 suits at .$ 8.90 12.50 suits at....... 9.90 15,00 suits at .,. w.., 11.75 17.50 & 18.50 suits at 12.75 25.00 suibi at ... 18.50 r $ 6.00 coats at...... 9 4.75 1 8.50 coats at 6.75 $ 9.00 dresses at. . .. .$ 6i5P 12;50 dresses at..... 9.90 15.00,16,50 dresses at 11.90 . 18.50 dresses at 12.50 20.00 dresses at 15,90 I $ 10.00 coats at 8.56 J 12.50 & 15.00 coats at, 9.90 I II ■ B. A. Sellars & Son The citizens and qualified vot ers in the city of Bui'lington will take notice of tlie new registra tion and election in the city of Burlington. You are hereby rioified thist pursuant to the provisions of an act of the Genera! Assembly entitled “AN ACT TO AU THORIZE AND EMPOWER THE CITY OF BURLINGTON TO ISSUE KONDS TO OBTAIN FUNDS FOR THE PURPOS2 OF .ERECTING AND EQUP- PING PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILD ING IN SAID CITY,” an elec tion will be held at the several voting places in the above named city on the 8th day of Juno. 1915 upon the proposition of the adoptioa of said act and de termini ngr Wlxether said act shall b^ome law applicable to said city. You will further taTie no tice that an application in writ ing of sixty qualified voters of said city has been made to the Mayor and Board of Alderman, the .-said application reiue.stin>- the order of a special election in said city upon the question of is suing bond of said city in the sum of $40,000.00 for the pur pose of erecting and equipping public school buildings in caid oity. That pursuant to said act and petition a special elect)ou has been ordered to be held on said 8th day of June, 1915 upon The question of the issuance of .‘§40,000.00 in bonds for the pur pose of erecting and equipping public school buSlding.s in said city, the said bonds, (provided the majority of the qualified voter.s of the said city shall have vote.'! for 19\e public school build ing bonds), shall be issued in the di^ominations of $1,000.00 each carrying interest at the rate of Bve per cent per annum, pay able semi-annually, all of which bond;^ shall nm for a term of thirty years. When said bonds shall have been iiisued they shall be sold by the Board of Aldor- , ■ ■ ■ - - ■ - ■ — - - !p-- 'nian at the price which they city and at which time idl'the can obtain, not to be sold for voters vi'ho are, then registered les.s, however, than the par \alue jind qualified to vote, .shall be of said bond.'!, and they .shall u:'.;; entitled to vote for the purpose he proceed.-? of said bonds for of determining whether it is th» che sole and only of wiil of .such voters that the erecting and equiping !;uiidings aforesaid art t>hall betrome law to be used as public school build-I and applicable to the .said city I ing.s in said city of Burlington,; of Burlington, Voters desiri)ijf land said Board of Alderman shall j to vote for the adoption of said jkeep accurjite account showing;act favoring the issuing of aaid I the amount received for said ' bonds siiall vote a ballot of white [bonds and the manner in which!paper on which shall be uritteii jthe same is e.xpeiided. or printed the ! This the 22nd day of April, | School Bond il915. i to issuing said bonds shall vote words ‘‘For and those opposed ! JAS. P. MONTGOMERY, I Seci'etarj^ & Treasurer. Whereas, the General Assemb ly of North Carolina of the year of our Lord One Thousand, Nine Hundred and Thirteen enacte-l “AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER THE CITY OF BURLINGTON TO ISSUE BONDS TO OBTAIN FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE O)" ERECTING AND EQUIPPING PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDINGS IN SAID CITY," and whereas, .said act tShereof provides that an election shall te held for the purpose of determining wheth er .said act shall become law; and whereas, on the 22nd day a ballot of white paper on whicii shall be written or printed the words “Against Scfliool bonds.” It is further ordered tlrnt » new registration of the qualified voters of said city be had and to this end the registrars herein after named .shall open registra tion books for this purpose iii their respective wards on the 3rd day of May. 1915, the same to re main open for ttie registration of voters on each day in the week, Sundays excepted, from 9 o’clock A. M. to 6 o’clock P. M., until 12 o’clock noon on Saturday, the 5th day of June, 1915. It is further ordered that no tice of said new registration It i« further ordered that B, M. W ALKER be, and he is here by appoihieu registKtr for the Ward, and that S. G. MOORE and H. K. HALL be and are hereby appointed in spectors for the First Ward; that 3.. J. FONVILLE be, arid he is hereby appointed registrar for the Second Ward, and that GEO, SMITH AND F, W. HAWKINS be, ;md they are hereby appoint ed in.spectors for the Second Ward; that RICHARD SEY MOUR be, and he is hereby ap pointed registrar for the Third Ward, and that J. A. IRELAND nnd Y. S. MILES be, and they are hereby appointed inspectois fort the Third V/ard; and that J. T. WELCH be, and he ia here by appointed registrar for the Fourth Ward, and that R. A. FR12EMAN and C. B. WAY be, and they are hereby appointed inspectors for the Fourth Ward. This the 22nd day of April, 1915. JAS. P. MONTGOMERY, Secretary & Treasurer. STUDENT DROPPED DEAD WHILE PLAYING BALL. Chape! Hill, May 5.-—August us Tompkins Graydon, of Green wood. S, 0., a law student in the University of North Carolina, dropped dead from heart trou ble at :J :20 o’clock ihis aftemoon- He was participating in a light form of base ball practice for exercise on the plot between tiie library ;uid the row of fraternity halis when ha .suddenly sank to the ground. He was removed to a near-by fraternity hall and within five minutes breattied his last. The ejforts of three physicians who arrived in two minutes after the stroke failed to revive him. NEW PROVIDENCE RAI-LV DAY SERVICE. Nabbed on Charge of Trying to Force Girl To Attend Bail Game. SODA FOUNTAIN EXPLODES TWO MEN INJURED. of April, 1915, a petition was and election be published thirty presented to the Mayor and)days prior to the holding of said Board of Alderman, at a regular meeting of said Board, by sixty and a great many more than si.Kty, qualifitd citizens, tax payers and free holders of the eity of Burlington, a.nking iHhat the said Mayor and Board of Alderman order an election on the question of issuance of bond.9 for forty thousand ($40,000.00} dollars for the purpose of erect ing and equipping public school buildings in said city. Now, therefore, it is ordered that on the 8th day of June, 1915, there shall be held in ttie city of Burlington an election which shall be held in all re spects as provided by law for the holding of elections for Mayor and Alderman of said election and once a week there after until said election i.s held, and 3hat said notice be publish ed in some newspaper of general circulation in the city of which notice shall state the date on which jiaid election shall be held, the amount for which it is pro posed to issue bonds, 'how long said bonds shall run, the rate of interest to caiTy and the pur- jMjse to which th* proceeds of bonds shall be applied. It is further ordered that the said bonds shall be issued in de nominations of $1,000.00 eac7i and ^hall carry interest the rate of 5 per cent, per annutn,- payable .semi-annually, all of which bonds shall run for thirty years. Wilmington, May 4.—George Lyons, white, was so badly in jured ttiat he is not expected to live through the night, and Jim Carr, colored, was probably fatal ly injured, this morning at 7 ;30 o’clock, when a carbonator at the soda fountain of Crescent Cigar Store exploded. The 150 pound steel carbona tor was hurled to the ceiling of the store and, rebounding, struck the men who were preparing the fountain for the day’s work, on the head, rendering both uncon scious. Lyons has not regained cosciousness, and no hope is held for his recovery, « If Hobson runs for president on the prohibition ticket, wonder if *he will consent to let W. J. B. run for vice-president with him? Talbotton, Ga., May 4.—Robt. Beverly, a young man living in Woodland, Gu., was arrested at that place Saturday afternoon, charged with trying to compel Miss Mary Burt, a young lady of that place, to attend a ball game wish him. It was charged that young Beverly asked her to at tend the ball game at Manches ter, and that she told him she could not go, when he drew a pistol, using an oath, and told her she would go. At the depot where he had bought a ticket for himself. Miss Bun and his two sister.s, he was placed under arrest by the marshal of Woodland. He was tried at Woodland Monday morning and bound over to the aupeiior court under a $250 bond. Beverly claims that he was only joking with the girl, and that she finally agi'eed tx> go with him willingly. It’s a safe bet that from now on politicians will do very little letter writing. On next Sunday afternoon. May 0th, at 2:S0 there will be a special New Providence Rally Day Service. Eveiy member of New Providcnce church ia ex pected to be present but all who have ever been memfaei-s of this great historial church, allfriend.'S of this church are invited to be present,. U'e want to make thih g()-to-chiU‘ch Sunday for New Providence. The members of New !’ro\ idence at present will tie supposed to wear a white fi;iwer, and thc-se that have been members but for some reason, have moved their membership, will wear a red flower. We give below a tentative program: 2:30^Song, ‘'All Hail the Power of Jssus’ Name.” Scripture reading and prayer. 2:85—Words of welcome by Mr. L A. Bailiff, Supt. S. S. Quartett, “The church in the, Wildwood." 2:45—^New Providence in other yeai*s, by Dr. W, S, Long, Chapel Hill, N. C. Song. “In the Sweet by and'? by.” , 3;J5—New Providence since 1911, by Rev. J. F, Morgan of Graham, N. C. Song, “Take the name of Jesus with you.” 3:30—What the church has meant to me, member of the church and congregation, (two minutes speeches.) Song, “(Jod be with you till we meet again,” Benediction. o If Italy should wake up some fine morning and find the war over, govmmient would face a revolution for its short sighted ness in not g«tting in at the eleventh ihour and fifty-nintk minute.