fwirt I Hni mBtsxcm, mBmJttamm, m. c I" 14 NOTICE. The citizens and qualified vot ers in the city of Buriinirtoti will t^e notice of the new registra tion and election in ihe citj' of Burlington- You »re hereby noifled that pursuant to the provisions of ^ act of the General Assembly entiUed “AN ACT TO AU THORIZE AND EMPOWER THE CITY OF BURLINGTON TO ISSUE BONDS TO OBTAIN FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ERECTING AND EQUP- PING PUBUCSGHOOLBUILD- ING IN SAID CITY," an elec tion will bef held at the several voting places in the above nsm^ city on the 8th day of June, 1915 upon . the proposition of the adoption of said act and de termining wfiether said act shall beconie law applicable to said city. You will further take no tice that an application in writ ing of sixty fjualiiied voters of said city has been made to the Mayor and Board of Alderman, the said application requesting the order of a special dcction in said city upon the question of is suing Itend of said city in the sum of ?40,000.00 for the pur pose of erecting and equipping public school building:s in caid city. That pursuant to said act and petition a special eieciiou has been ordered to be held on said 8th day of June, 1915 upon the question of the issuance of ?40,000.00 in bonds for the puT' pose of erecting and equippin? public school buildings in said city, the said bonds, (provided the majority of the qualified voters of the said city phall have voted for t?he public school build ing bonds), shall be issued in the denominations of $1,000.00 each canying interest at the rate of i"ive per cent, per annum, pay able semi-annually, all of which bonds shall run for a term of thirty years. When said bonds shall have been issued they shall be sold by the Board of Alder man at the best price which they can obtain, not to be sold for less, however, than the par value of said bond?, and they shall use he proceeds of said bonda for the sole and only purpose of erecting and equiping buildings to be used as public school build ings in said city of Burlington, and said Board of Alderman shall keep accurate account showing the amount received for said bonds and the manner in which the same is expended. This the 22nd day of April, 191«. , MS. P. MONTGOMERY. ’ Secretary & Treasurer. Whereas, the General Assemb ly of North Carolina of the year 'of our Lord One Thousand, Nine Hundred and Thirteen enacted “AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE AND EMPOWER THE CITY OF BURLINGTON TO ISSUE BONDS TO OBTAIN FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ERECTING AND EQUIPPING PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDINGS IN SAID CITY,” and whereas, said act ttiereof provides that an election shall be held for the purpose of determijung wheth er said act shall become law; and whereas, on the 22nd day of April, 1915, a petition was prasented to the Mayor and Board of Alderman, at a regula>* meeting of said Board, by sixty and a great many more than sixty, qualified citizens, taK- psyers and free holders of the city of Burlington, a.sking Dhat the said Mayor and Board of Alderman order an election on tha question of issuance of bonds for forty thousand ($40,000.00) dollars for the purpose of erect ing and equipping public school buildings in said city. Nov/, therefore, it is ordered that on ths 8th day of June, 1915, there siiall be held in i!he city of Burlington an election which shall be held in all re spects as provided by law for the holding of elections for Mayor and city and at which time «B the voters wtio are then registered and qualified to vote, shall be entitle to vote for the purpose of determining whether it is th*j wlH of such voters that the aforesaid act shall b^ome law and applicable to the said city of Burlington. Voters desirini? to vote for the adoption of said act favoring the Issuing of said bonds sfhall vote a ballot of xvhite paper on which shall be written or printed the words "For School Bonds" and those opposed to issuing siud bonds shall vote a ballot of white paper on which shall be written or printed the words “Ajgainst SAool bonds.” It is further ordiered that a new registration of the qualified voters of said lyty be had and to this end the registrars hei«in- after named shall open registra tion books for this purpose iii their respective wards on the 3rd day of May, 1915, the same to re main open fofT Dhe registration of voters on each day in the week, Sundays excepted, from 9 o’clock A. M. to 6 o’clock P. M., until 12 o’clock noon on Saturday, the 3th day of June, 1915. It is further ordered that no tice of said new registration and election be published thirty days prior to th6 holding of said election and once a week there after until said election is held, and that s>ald notice be pub'isb- ed in some newspaper of general circulation in the city of which notice shall state the date on which said election sliall be held, the amount for which it is pro posed to issue bonds, how long said bonds shall run, the rate of interest to carry and the pur pose to which the proceeds of bonds shall be applied. It is further ordered that the said ijonds shall be issued in de nominations of $1,000.00 each and sftiall carry interest at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually, all of which bonds shall run for thirty years. It is further ordered that E. M. WALKER be, and he is here by appointed registrar for the First Ward, and that S. G. MOORE and H. K. HALL be and are hereby appointed in spectors for the First Ward; that L. J. FONVILLE be, and he is hereby appointed registrar for the Second Ward, and that GEO. SMITH AND F, W. HAWKINS be, and they are hereby appoint ed inspectors for the Second Ward; that RICHARD SEY MOUR be, and he is hereby ap pointed registrar for the Third Ward, and that J. A. IRELAND and Y. S. MILES be, and they are hereby appointed inspectors fort the T^ard Ward; and that J, T. WELCH be, a»d he is here by apfjointed registrar for the Fourth Ward, and that R. A. FREEMAN and C. B. WAY be, and they are hereby appointed inspectors for the Fourti) Ward. This the 22nd day of April, 1915. JAS. P. MONTGOMERY, Secretary & Treasurer. CHURCH IMIffiCTWtY I BEFOBMEJ> CHVBCa. Cohmh; Ftcnt Mil AndaMba Streets. Bev. D. C. CaoL Sund»7 Scbo«l evtrf S«bb«th M 8:46 A.M. Freaehing eTet]r Firit ud Third Sab- batii at 11:00 A. 11., and 8;M P. M. Mid-Week Service' every Wediewlay, 8:00 P. M. Evei'yone Wel6>M«. TH« MExmowt nonsrAMT CHUBCH. £at Street Bev. George L Cimy, Patter. Farsonage Comer Front and iinfcr StiTeett. Trol- HOCtiTT MEliOBUL BAPTIST CHURCH. Adams Avenue and Hall Street. Kev. James W. Bose, Putor. Preaching every Fourth Sunday at 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. Sunday School every Sunday at 9;30 A. M Prayer Meeting Wednesday, 8:00 P. -M. I.adies' Aid Society First Sanday Af ternoon. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Many miilions of dollars will be ex pended in this country this year that are usually expended abroad. While aU kinds of business in Europe will feel this, and some of it will be a long time recovering, it ought to be a g'ood thing for pretty much all hands in America. Every dollar expended here is just so much to help oui’ own people, so many of whom need help in these Denvocratie times. Now that she is in the war, the first thing Italy wants to do is jump in and fracture some ruleof international law. - She’l! feel real lonesome in the lijrhl if she doesn’t. The man who tried to hang the Barnes-Boosevelt jury would have got his name in the newspapers more ex tensively than he did if he had held out. Wrong Tip, Woman—Does this parrot swear T Dealer—Very prettily, muni, for so Aldeman of said a bird. Preaching Servieei every Sunday at 11:00 A. K., and 8:00 P. V. Prayer Meeting, Wednes)lay 8:00 1’. ii.-' Ladiee’ Aid and Miasioiuiry Soei*^*» tr«rj UoBday afteraoon aftar nrat Sunday ftt feb month. ChriirtiaA Sndeavpr Society meat* ai 7:00 Eve^ Sunday Kveninfr. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. M; A Coble, Siiperintehdent. Good Baraea and PhilaUMa Claa««*. You are Javited to attend al! thoM .. service*. BAPTIST CHURCH. J. H. Church «f The Holy ComfMter. The Eev. John Benners Gibble, Recto'. Services every Sunday, 11:00 A. U- and 8:00 F. M. Holy Communion: First Stinday, 11:U0 A, M., Third Sunday, 7:30 A. H. Holy and Saint’s Day*, tC:00 A. M. Sunday School 9:30 A. M. The public is cordially Invited. All Pews Free. Fine Vested Cbnir, FHONT STREET M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH. Rev. D. H. Tuttle Pastor. reace to those who enter. Blessings to those who go. Preaching every Sunday, 11:00 A. M.'and S:00 P. M. Sacrament of the lord’s Sapper with clfering for Church charities, F^rit Sunday ia each aionth, Sunday School, every Sunday, 9!89 A. K. Prayer Ueetinf, Wednesday. 8:00 P. II. Board of Stewards meet on Monday 8:00 P. M., after Fourth Sunday r each month. Woman’s Missionary Society oMaU «:00 E, M., on Monday, after 1st and 3rd Sundays. Parsonage, corner W. Davis and Hoke Streets. Pastor's Teleph'une, No. 168. Ring—Talk—Rang Up—“Buiy.*" MACEDONIA LUTHERAN CHURCH, Front Street. Rev. T. S. Brown, Pastor, Morning Service 11:00 A. M. Vespers 8:00 P. M. Services every Sunday except th» morning of Third Sanday. Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. Prof. J. S Robertson, Supt. Teachers’ Meeting Wedr.ocd&y 8:CC P. M. (Pastor’s Study), Vr'cman’s Missionary Society, Fira> Thursday, Monthly, 3 :S0 P. M. L. C. B. Society, Second Thursday Monthly, 8:00 P. M. Young People’s Meeting, Second Son day at S P. M WEBB AVENUE M. E. CHUBCS SOUTH. Rev. E. C. Durham, Pastor. Preaching every first Sunday at llsCt A. M., and 8:00 P. M. Second Sns- day at 8:00 P. M. Sanday School every Sanday at >84* A. U. A.M. H. F. Moore, Saperinta»tet Svaryhedy Walcoae. Rev. M. W. Buck. Pastor. Sunday Worship, 11:00 A. M.> S.OO P. M. Sunday Schoo! at S>:30 A. Vernon, Superintegidiint. Praise and Prayer Services, Wed«*a day at 8:00 P. M. Christian Culture Claas, Satoiday ai d:OO P. M. Church Conference, Wedneaday be fore First Sunday of eaeb Bontii 7:30 P. M. Observance of Lard's Sapper, Fins Sunday in each month. Woman’s Union, First Monday ef eaek Month, 3:30 P. M, WILLS CENT TO BACK cmiA Parental Bieaaing Goes With Baqwsat FroM *15,0M Estate. Dr. Tyler G. C^ote, of 40 Elm street, Richmond Hilt, and his aisterr Margaret Gordon Cooke, a nun in St, Mary's Convent, Peekskiil, rMieve by the will of their father, William J. Cooke,.! cent cach and the parental blessing. 'The remainder of the prop erty, estiiinatel at $15,000, goes to the testator’s widow, his second wife. The will, filed with Surrogate Noble in Jamaica, explains that the children were provided, for before the will was drawn. Dr. Cooke said hie^ father had made generous provision for him in his lifetime. UNCLAIMEO LETTERS. The following letters rema.ih in Ae postoSRce at Burlington; N. C., un claimed by the person to whom ad dressed May 29, 1915: Miss Lizzie Hurry. Yales Andrews. Waiter Coppedge. John fiward Love. Persons calling for any of these let ters irill please' say “Advertised" and give date of advertised list. O. F. CROWSON, Pestniaster. MY ACTO, ’TIS OF THREE, PHESBYTERIAM CHURCH. Rev. Donald Xclver, Faster. Services every Sunday at 11:00 A, and S:00 P. M. Sunday School at 9.-45 A. X. B, R i coantrysidev you Sellars, SuperiRtendnnt. Prayer Meeting. Wednosclay at P. M. Some follow poetically inclined has broken into print with the follownj; effusion: “My auto, 'tis of thee, short cut to poverty—of thee I chant, blew a pile of duugh on you two years ago and now you refuse to go, or won’t or can’t. Through town and Wert my joy and raiBAY, mm 4. w*. The iseiUBU figwM afaow tint AiM M l|Mf men tiw «*ny 100 liMmmm. So it is really trw tldit "every has .her J^n,” and equally uirtrae that “every laddie has his lassie." ; rO . . Governor Whitman of New Yoric is one his way to the San S^neiaeo Ex- poeitiM, but he has puthia Presidettti- al boom in cold stonge^-or somebody has done it'for him. When the Turka want to torpedo a Brtli^ battteahip thoee ponderous names don’t eauae them tfc least hesi tation. The bigger the nante of the ship, the better they s^nr to like it. St3X the fleet, which defeated die otii^ fleet in the war g«me, was an Ameruah fleet, an perhaps^ we dtoaiJ take that into consideration. ; O'—' JUSTICE FOR WAR BABIES. Woman Writer Calls Upmc Britain t» Enact I.AWS Norway Has. The Public is Ciirdiaily invited to aii • services. CHRISTUM CHUBCH. Comer Church and Davie Streets. Rev. A. B. Kendall, D. D„ Pastor. Preaching every Sunday H:00 A. V. and 8:00 P. M. Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. John R. Faster, SaperintendenC. Senior, Intermediate and JuniftP E>i- denvor Societies meet for worship every Sunday evening at 7:00 a. Mid-Waek Prayer arij Social Service, every Wednesday «t 8:00 P. M. Woman’s Home and Foreign Mission ary ^iety meets on Monday after the first Sunday in eaeb month. Mrs. Ada A. Tee^ue, Pres. Ladies' Aid Sociaty mee>ts on Moa- dsy aft« the second Sunday in eacH niMith, at 8;0* P. M. ’Wrs. W, BL S«Uars, Pres, A cordial invitation extended to aii. A Chiuch Home for Visitors and for Strangers. pride; a hapy day. I loved thy gaudy hue, thy nice white tires so new, jbai now you’re down and tljrough in j every way. To tbee, old rattlebox, jcame many bumps and knocks: fur (thee I erfeve-. Badlj thy top is torn, I frayed are thy seats and worn; a [whooping cough affects thy horn, 1 do belUfve. Thy perfume swells tha breeze while good folks choke and wheeze, a$ vre pass by. I paid for thee a price, ’twould bay a mansion twice, now are a!! peddling “ice”—I wonder why? Thy motor has the grip, thy spark plug has the pip and woe is thine. I, loo, have suffered, chills, ague and, kindred ills, endeavor ing to pay niiy bills sincs thou wert mine. Gone is my bank roll now. No more 'twouid choke the cow, as or.ce before. Yet if I iiad the nvm, sa, help nuv John—«men. I’d bujs a car again, and spaed some mote-.— S«lcted. lit shoitld have boagfat a Faedi.~ Editor. _o After ail, it doasn’t appear that any thing is happenir.$r to China that it cares to worry much about. The embargo which Italy and Greece have put or, ail wi'i nnt -saiious- ly bother this country as long as there are so nva.ny people who cannot tell the difference between olive oil and cotton seed oil; and the latter is the cleaner product anyway. The;re is but one righteous thing for England to do. She* Has encouraged the loveless ntarriages of “war brides to assure herself future soldiers. She has been uiiable to prevent the women Of other fighting nations from hav&g moUier- h^ monstrously farced upon them. She has; uttered no word of protest when Fellovrs of the Royal Gebrgra- phical society of London have publicly advocated polygamy as theonly hopeof reDopulating Europe after the war. England, then, should stop ' pale, pink patter about forgiviag war mothers. She should study a law that has lately been enacted in Norway, then command parliament forthwith to pass a similar one—a law giving the so-called illegitimate child the right to bear its father’s name, if the moth er so wishes; a law Eiving that child equal rights with children born in wedlock in all mattel's of inheritascfe —and of war relief^ Then England can safely leave it to God Almighty to forgive tl^ war niPtJiers. THE ALAMANCE, DURHAM AND ORANGE. Mr. Junius H. Harden, president of the Alamance, Durham & Oranga Railway Company, was in town Sat- nrday in the interest uf the road. He was acoonipanied by Mr. Hugh G. Palmer, an experienced railroad build er. They came from Altantahaw, making an Inapection of the proposed route to Durham President Harden says me road will certainly be built, if the people in the township* thru which; ta« road: will pass, will get behind the movement and push it for nil it’s worth.—The Chapel Hill New». Englaaii is '‘wiifling to fight to the last Frenchman,'* and the French are Thjjse perartaphers. who want Hob- wiliing- to fight “to the lasti English son to bottle up his mouth overlook: pound." So there >s a workai^ agree- • the fact that his maath and the bottle ment. ali riirl^t. jai’* straneets.—Gnsenvilie Piodnwtit. Bread is The Staff of Life TO HAVE IT GOOD The denials by Carranza, Villa ano otiier distinguished swashbuckers that thjre is disorder in Sle-Nieo is i-eceived in Administration circles in Washing ton wjth profound gi-atitude. As view ed from Washington Mexican condi tions at their worst are only psycholo- giial, snyway. Tne .American Bible Society issued 6,370,463 copies of the Bible during 1914, But they went to the heathen in -Africa end .\=.ia, not to Europe. r- Secretary Daniels allowed two “niovie actors to marry on board a batleship before the camera. This is putting the navy to reel use. O If Dr. Cook would turn in and dis cover his own gall he would find that lie had found about the biggest thing that ever was discover«d. BUY MELROSE --and— PAN VALLEY You may have the best of cyerything else. IF your bread is bad, your meal is spoiled. TAKE NO CHANCES. Buy that which you know is good. There Is None Other Jiist As Good The Merchant who says there is, ia trying to fool you. MERCHANTS SUPPLy Burlington and Graham MOlers’ Ageots: Melrose and Dan Valley Floor and Feed. POOR