l/l Tlie FofffA^ Ja^ tte Yiir^ W Be BaA ^ie anj Satte, Bymse It Cmws ob Sunday A PeOyiSBSITE £EXi7«aCAH NEWSPAPinK '^'!;V01X!> t« THE m*BQ1U)^C OF A^iIexiCAN HO;»r£S AND AMEKICAN CiOCRBOSS. BURUNGTON. ALAIIANtSE COL^Nty. NOBTO CAROLINA* TUESDAY, JUNE 22. im StaVe tib*»r3f CWB»- |a\ mmmiWimwi ' lEYMTHlW, IS UUNCe "rSuperJreadnaui{ht Glides Smoothy Into Waters of i^t Rivtt In View otChcOTiag Tens of Thousands. the NEWS UMtMf attorney. The Gia^toiT ftiaily I'apiiMjn to have fared well acconling . .,-. '— jto Pharr. Baidgii,: June 21.—Collector Bailey j T^n Mecklenbiirg Ud not £tick to finftUy e*raM out with Ms sharp lie^ own candidate When «ne offered to. cHtieid of the Stats oiScera whose | un-fliie a Gafd>^ relativ« fnm a indiff«rent ikttitude towiu-d the pro- 'post. ^ Yates Webb defeated B^nd hibiUpii ^ts of the dominant party . Pwi|M« for congress in Mecklenbuig, make it necessary for the at^iotia! ;.Prest4n’£ home. Po»'^eaker as Ssh- govem^nt to maintain a hwde of ator ^&arr 13 acclaiined to be, he be- deputies in BaleigV to. enforce a law, lieves he lias a talking point tUr.t the the benefit of which is entirely io' voluhte Gardner cannot meet; tONLY THE PENNSYLVANIA EQUALS IT IN SIZE'state and detriment to the federal ^ The fact that two distinguished • government. . Deojoerats are going to spend their I Mr. Bailey made a. statement a few for this secohdaiy j''b will. Secretary of The Navy Daniels, Governor Hunt days ago in which he defended hu\°^ «»»*«• ‘>e i>y ^ Democratic snad Senator Ashhurst of Arizona, and Mayor pi^n« for the retentioi ,"^n» V 11 ^ ikT' xr I /'•i. * T'U *‘*’® oflke and fieldaleputies ve-.P“'^y i>atriots. MitCntll, of New TOrkLlty, Amon^ ine ^t"!cently wWle’ in Wa^ington. Slr.i Collector A. D. Watts! of the States- Kcial Party Witnessing Christening; New VeS'-lBaiiey declares tlat the stite officers viUeoffice of the revenue departmer.t, sel Built To Receive and Give Punishment in j“^-* insisu,^^"* sa^rday mght and Su»day^in jthat the federal. duties are having jmuth more than their share of work .^® st»rt in a day or so. j CO do on account of stat4 legislation. | ^ aewsppperman was heard to ask I While the interview was not }n theit*^® Oilbne! if Jim Hartness will re^!- Inrtuie of an attack upon the state ®fy“" Grimes for the offtce of officers, it constitutes the worst sort j state. Collector Watts ' of criticism of them ana boidiy charges; replied; "He wants to if iie can win." them with doing less than'their duty.; Pe^i^^the Colonel’s protestation that The collector took no hazard in say- j was entitely personal, tb.j Wake county is supposed; believe th^t the Sea Battles; Old Vessels Toys By Comparison MISSMNS FALL BACK ISO MILES Teutonic Allies Are Confident of Success in Capture of Lemberg EMPEROR TAKES COMMAND Will Direct IGalician Campaign, Lemberg' Hears Roar of Guns; FELLOW ycyiim nrPFiyn inLinuLiiiii uu R. w. scon in» this, Declare That Aiamnce Man Has have more than her share of pro- learning all that he can Never Been Guilty of amproper Con- hibition sympathizers among the coun- |l>efow allowing his life time ally to duct in Office. Asheville, June 20.— Alamance, appointed . ty officers but a blockader would ^ race which will do no more flourish if he had only the sheriff's : *^han shovi", at best, the Watts strengtli ■R. W. Scott, of force to fear. Man have been caught' *•*** state. If Hartness runs and making liquor on the city’s property *“ defeated for the nomination, and he by Governor Question of Whether Russia Locko Craig to succeed himself r.s i Has Ammunition Sufficient To member of the Board of Agriculture, and using the city’s water supply for more pov.'erful machinations the booze. But they were not caught ^ employed than are now for MrotSeSent Strain Confronts confidence of his associates fay the town or county olfiers. Bailey’s;^™- mewi merely that Watt? AIKbc 'on tfts board, according to resolutions deputies did it. [cant put him over. adopted by fellow members of the The commission appointed for che i «long time it was thwight that board which were made public here reform of judicial procedure in North; Saloon lAvavie vrotid tltrow Saturday by Governor Craig . The OiHreHna. ’ met today and deliberated . **** fi?h*. ^ wwiId.M* cm IT® 'resolutions were adopted by the board as to parceling out the work for the,** because r All I lUN a"Ll IO following the mine of charges against five members. j in legis- w_ u Jative circJe‘5 where it can present peti- ———— Scott in which it was charged yhe resolution providing for this*. ‘ , * , 41..*. V ,‘u« stions as lone as a cancUdate s tongue Cabinet Crisis May Change Head * had b^n guilty of impropor ,^^„„,i„„ R«P«l>Ucan i ^ of Constitutionalist Wove- •««««. on the commission and fcnner Judge ! I" resolutions to the Governor Greensboro, is that ^ inemhe'-s of the board de- member. Chief Justice Walter Clark «riT cjrtM voktva ATTTfnMP attacks^ en Mr. Scott jg chairman, and the other members WILSON , WAITS OUTCOM ^ ^ Adama, of Carthage, . should not be held agsinst the man senator L. V. Baasett of Edgecombe, President's Cour^ Will Possibly who has served so well. Mr. Stott’j Jadg* Bynum, and Major W. A. Gra- Lean To Villa-Zapata Fac- associates declare that while they have hain findings wifi be put into tion, Which {Is 'filling To differed at times with him, they have panmphlet form and i.«ued as an ad- Make Peace; Recent iDevsl^- f>uAd that he is upright and honest jjress to the people of the state prioi^ m&nt Gives New Angle To and Jm, pei-formed his duties *s a member of the board in a most satis- to the 191? general assembly. OF U. S. factory manner. The resofutions set forth that Mr. Scott has never been guilty of im- SltuatlOn , ftieiitucr uii; uuui u tn u m. r. i.-t ^ i ' I The Democracy while tryin.s; tc avoid a fuss over the governorship may gat up a sizable scrap over the lieuten ant governor’s contest with former Un C Senator K. L. Pharr, of Mecklenburg, ntLlI iNluUlHilLL it is stated that he has been a faithful and efficient officer and has done the State excellent service. To. Senator Pharr was here Saturday. German Newspaper Articles Express .View o£ Hailing and Searcljiog Ships tJERMA^f SUBMARINE SUNK * Admiralty Says Vessel Rammed • By British Steamer After Be 0, Max Gardner Cleveland as the runners. of refuse to ajppoint him to niembership on the board to succeed himself be cause of the charges vdiich have been made against him, the resolutions de clare, would be dcing a good man ic-j reparable injury. This is of interest to our people who know Mr. Scott. The charges I Ubti! he talked and expressed his de sires so freely, it had been supposed that Senator Gardner was to talk into the iicutenancy with the same ease that attended his candidacy for the presidency of the seruite last 'winter. Mr. Pharr was president pro tempore Without reading the editorials in this paper, many Republicans and Profjressives have endorsed its view that there is no necessity for fh-’ standing back of any well wisher of tl}e proposed unity bccau&e he belongs to “the old crowd.” The “old crowd” voted its convic tions when it took nerve and prepared a party into which the recruits could come without fear or shame, it is dcciared by some of the strongest whj believe it perfectly possible to get the divided element.% together again on fundamental matters, economy in state government, busmess in its de partments, fair elections and in na- tionul affairs the immemorial issuns of the old party. These reflections were nvide by ssv- era! Raleigh Progressives and Repub licans upon a recent interview of a Stokes county KepubUcan who a'.ked about sixteen members of the old par- trics to retire and make way for su'h new names as have never adorned the trt J o^.s.«v ... J 1 ^ „ the other session and each caught the'annals of conventions, ing Ofdereu To . Stop* St^-ted rsferred to were made by fellow , . , ® 1“ - — I V.n.l-.«* l/V«ra i\r ixwaei/ltn.'v I Ic Will Have Bearing On Ger-l Democrats but of course our jpeople man-American Nego^itations jo not believe them.—Editor. BANKERS OFF ON NEW WHITT-HEfTHCOCK WEDDING. habit—the love of presiding, I Gardner had an easy lead. He went about the state two or three cam- 'paigns drumming op first years voters’ I clubs and pulling for the raw oneis. ■] Senator Pharr was practicing law in Hoyd Whitt and Miss Oliva Heith- Mecklenburg. He isn’t a campaigner cock, of Burlington, were roamed hare particularly long on latter yesterday afternoon at 5 o’clock. Jus- nemocracy, his opponents say. Sail Away On Steamship Coraan-jtice of the Peace W. C. England per- among the tightest of the ache and Convention Is ’forming the ceremony at his office on standpatters according to the “pro- at An End 1 Green street. Only a very few friends, gressive Pemocrntjc” estimate and the were present. former senator isn’t a mixer. Both young people are prominent ir. .Maznance county and are quite well known here. They left for their home WILLIAM INGLE SPEAKS i I Chairman Federal Reserve Bank at Richmond Shows Wherein State Banks Ought To Come Into The New Banking System J. L. Armfield New President But here’s where Pharr hopes to head off Gardner. Gardner’s daddyrin- law. Judge James L. Webb has beld in Burlington immediately after the wedding yesterday.—Greensboro News _ Now that Mr. Barnx^s haa( been proven a boss, it’s .safe to bet that he won't be. MEBAXE. Oij Thursday afternoon Mrs. J. Mel Thompson entertained the Book Club and other guests in honor of Miss Fanny liebane, who is to be married to Dr. William T. Ralp of Belliaven, June 25. Rook was played. Refresh ments were served. Monday afternoon on the lawn of the Morgan home, little Miss Mary .^llen, the 30-year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Morgan, was hostess to a number of little friends at her birthday party. Wife—A tramp at the back door. Keystone Finishing Mills and Haw man, Clyde Hoey, brother-in-law of River First team met in an almost Max Gardner is assiatant district st one-sided game Saturday afternoon, torncy. Two "brothers hold recorder* Keysitoners winning by a score of 17 ship and mayorality of Cleveland wfcde became Judge. Yates Webb, uncls-in- law, has been many years a congres-s- who has already eaten r. piece of tbat pie limade yesterday, wants to know if you'ean do .nnything for him, Husbiind—Tell him, my dear, that I am a commission merchant, not a INSUIUNGE MEN TO iOMFEItENCE IN K^S WEEKi BliSUIWrON Hendersanrille t« Eat«rUiK DetesatM DuhaRi IKitrtct Methi^sts Held An- -^Mr. WaUer Laathetk M Ike j onai Session Here. • • .Pivgnm.' I . L—.- - ! Durham District Mnch inirest thrpoei>out the J^te opened its annual session in Front centers in the meeting in Header-j Street M^hodist church tiere sonville this week, Thursday, and Fri- day afternoon at 2:30, the presiding day, June ^-4. and So of the Noi'th cider. Rev. J. L. CunningS^m. of Dar- CaroHna Association of Insurance ham, presiding. Devotional services Agents. Local interest is augmented were conducted by Mr. Cunninggim. by reason of the fact that Mr. Wal- Rev.. Costen J. Hai^U, of Durham, ter Lambeth of this eity is on the \vas elected s^retary. The roll was proffrr'ii for discussion., .called and there were about -seventy- The address of welcome at .the five ministers and laymen present. It eoinin*? convention will be delivered ■ v,’as decid^ to hold morning sessions by Mr.. E, W.. Ewbank, ,of Henderson- .9 to 11, followed by sermon, afternoon yille, with a response by Mr. R. E. sessions at 3:30, eveiiinjc .nt 8.15, and Kollin, of this city. President W. early morning prayer sen-ice at 630 B. Mej-rimon, of Greensboro, will then to 7:15. deliver his annual address, followed by Rev. j. D. Dailey reported for the the report of Secretary W. E. Sharpe. Coanmiteee On Examinations, and There are many social events on the Messrs. Walter Reese Jenkins and program so that the delegates are Lonnie Enos Robbins having stood an assured of a splendid time during their approved examination and being lec- stay in Hendersonville. Addresses on om/nended by the comrauttee, wer^ the program are by such-well known given license to preach. insurance men as President H. R. The presiding cider appointed the Bush, of the Dixie Pre Insurance Com- following committees: Quarterly Cor- pany; W. J. Griswold, of Durham; W. ference Record: C. R. Ross, J. A. Mar- N. Mann, of Albeicarle; P. R. Moale, ti,-„ F. B. KoUitt. Prese-nt Status: G. of Asheville; Hon. Janies R. Young, B. Starling, J. J. Boone. H. M. North, State Insurance Commissioner; James W, J. Martin, John R, Proctor, H. H. H. Southgate, of Durhr.m; Paul B. Mullins, G. E. Harris, W. H. McDade, Hulfish, of Raleigh; Walter LambeOi, D. B. Cameron, Future Policy; W. C. of Charlotte; Paul W. Schenck, of Martin, N. C, Vearby, J. M. Ormond, Greensboro; W. C. Maupin, of Salis- C. O. Jordan, W. P. Few, W. E. bury, and other well known general Sharpe, W. E. Hay, M. W. Brabham, and Jocal ag^nt^ of NiH-th Carolina. , W. H. McDade. The pMMmtk the aaMeiation is j The report of the District Board of Mr. W. B, Merrimon, of Greensboro; Trustees of the District Parsonage the vice president, Mr. E. E. Emer- was read and approved. The presid- son, of Spray; secretary and treas- ing- ^Ider was instructed to nuike ap- urer, W. E. Sharpe, of Burlington.— peintments to the various charges in Charlotte Observer. ,the district to cover debt on the oar- 1 *■ jsonago. Cosifsrence then adjoume.1 BASE ball " GIBSONVILLE WJfNS AT GREENS BORO. Secoad Team Oefeatrd Proximity Sec ond Teatn by a Scorv of fi to 3. Rev. Dr. H. M. Korth prached a most excelletit sermon at night, and administered the Lord's Supper after ward. The early service this morning was a delightful one and was attended by more than one hundred. Rev. W. W. Greensboro, Ji’ne 20.—Yesterday af- Peeie, of Trinity, conducted the serv- ternoon at Cone Park, the Gibsonville ^on the subjcct of “Personal Con- second team defeated the Proximity sccrjition, ’ second team in a well played game | "^he business session bega.i at nine by a score of 6 to 3. The pitching, o’clock with the devotional service ty of Allrtid, the '^elding of -Sutton aml |Rev. Mr. Cunninggim. Several more Ellington, and the hitting of Holt and delegates were enrolled. Several ys3- Gerriiiger featured. jitors were introduced to the cpiifer- Gibsonvil’e made 6 runs, secured tl ^ence; Rev.^. J. W. Jones, W. S, Hales, hits and made no errors, wliile Proxi-: Hnriter and L. il. Massey. Rev, Mr. mity secured 3 runs .'> hits and made 6. Jones spoke to the conference in tke errors. .interest of the Methodist Mutual Fire Batteries: .Mired, Pettigrew and Company of Statesville. Yow; Davis and Grubbs. i D. H. Tuttle led the confrence _____ j in the discussion of “Personal j Evangelism”; Rev. J. M. Ormond led I in “Social Service as Means of World Defeated Graham Yesterday Afternoon' Conquest”; Miss LHlie Duke spoke to BURLINGTON W'iXS. in Fast »nd Exciting Game. ;the conference in the inte-.-est of Wo- I man’s Mission Work. Burlington, Jur.o 19.—Burlington de- j presiding elder named the fol- fcr.ted Graham here thi.? afternoon iii,*0'vi”8 committee on Temperance: E. a fast and exciting "ame of baseball j^. Durham. J. Q. Ware, J. A. Yar- (i to 1. The feature of the game was .horouph. W. L. Markham, A. .T. the pitching of Bond for Burlingtor, j^'hor'.. on, Vr. E. Galloway, H. C. he holding Graham to two hits. In .iddition. Bond hit over the left field 1 •' 'ter a short recess Rev. A. 34c- fence for a homet. Bond and Brittan | CuHen, of Durham, preached a splen- formsd the local battery, while thit sermon on Missions, using as his of Graham was corajosed of Pace and text: “Go ye into ail the world and j E. Morris. , preach the gospel to every creature.” I The remainder of today and toaior. Another game was pS^yed betweeii j he spent in business sessions KeystoT\e second teaKs ancS cot- j the conference will close wiJli ast ton mills, wMeh resulted in'^ victory illustrated lecture on “.A.frica’‘ tomor- for the Elmira boys, the scorV,^being night. 10 to 8. to 1. another b'niither-in-law is said to be doctor. Having nothing to wear servos some women as an excuse for not going to a party. But it also serves some as a reason for going. When i man “pays as he goes” he sn’t very often break any sj>»ed ' litmi^ or establish new aHittw^a fliglit^ \ I NT

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