mmn A viUMiBinitjninmucAN om>^jiipw awbmcam tombs and ♦iibem:am orotaiBM^ ..Ji: - f -. . ■ .- ■-J-'-- -‘, il 1, ■ ■-i ■ ' ■ I *i .,„ ■■ - T»K €» POTATQ SLWrXKtE ta Mw WAS TRYING TO LAUNCH ANOTHER RKVOLUTIOJi Who 6ave Pledgeof N«at;Mit> Sm Put Un4er ll&OOO Bond i^t Btt«a: Dej^rtiowt of JuMiee In- fmiied of Hto Fiao to Go ijlaares »cd Start '^ Mcit« Tiroable; VUk and Gktranzs • ' Men Rt^joiee nt ICMpirfng : - of‘^Ijr Old Fox” . r- /■ on Criininal'' . Cha^.' ■ ': UN HI MlkN TVE Win- GEIAID PIEIiCTS FA- HK^liT j VSlUBIf lEPLY Temfie Night Stntffle on One S«etoir Gtmany Exiieeted t« Cracede Hu- ti Weatern Battle Front.—FlaBriitg naiUty Him Righlii to be Respect- Uquida are Uaed. i k#—Gerard G«ed Forecaster. CerlMiBa A^raaoe (Tadcr fntmetbat- ' ^ of Deadlr CSwWcato, B«t FrwiA He tM Natw* of Fcn»er Note Fr«» BraTerr B»Ttt the Day; fUU Gre*- j SubMrin* Warfare on Com- Mte Freely Daees Total Bemtta ' "««« C«»tt*ue But Paneagers I aad Nentral Ships Will not be At- _____________ taeksd. iflnoKHOVEitiNigyEg MEmcin Riral Arsiiea Fadas Ea^ Other on Edge and Hay Ftght ia City.—Maajr Uvea iW OaacsT^ flMie wlw haVe beca wilitiii|;i’f M iMf for potato tfpa: eaa gM for tiMy aie'kew. We hiTe only h^ ai^ t* jnmm the NartBD aa this ia-the b^ tdi^f,:pet»mme aUwmbefladto Id yoiir neighbor, aad ipiieUly. iMtato pla^ do not to loBy anleia plaat^ Will have Naaey BaB plant* next week, hat ’ c«t theae while they are to be M- .. . Sutt iMKwriai' -Oriaiiac.. ^^fEt«ss-..p»KtaBt ^leaMUy SLATON SAYS GOOB PEOPLE AP- FEOVED. Only The Mob Gave TrooUe When Fraak^ Seateaee Was Conmuttt^ SAYS AMERIUNS HAVE Nj) GROUND Fm CeMMING Zapata. Has and GosMlea ia BdiNT Beisforeeii Frost Vera Cmx; The Food is Short and No Asanr- aiK« Where Next is Comtuf From tm Direct Newa. Great Britain Se«da Mesiorandws ite* ! latire to Trcatiaent Ae««rde4 C«r- HAS MADE MANY CONCE^IONS TO UNITED STATES. New York, June 29.—^Former Gov ernor John M. Staton, G«oryia, de clared in a statement here today “that the good people of Georgta" approved Us BL-Uon in comniqt^ the death sentence of Leo jif. Frank to life tern in the penitentiary. Only the mob cansed him any trouble, he said. He added that time would show the rigrht and wrons in the Frank cafe; I Mr. Slaton, who was accompim!^ I by his wife, arrived here will spend a few days in t^..ASSfea||(¥ dacks and witi leave next' wo^ I San .Francisco. He experts to return to Atlanta September Ist^ I “It is untrue that I was caused any serious incon.veniet!ce by the demon* strations in Atlanta," Mr. Slatra ‘e«rt^. “I,attewiedVtO' my'-^i«s Inhere as usual. I practiced law in jAtlalita for t^vanty-cight years before r became Governor and I will practice there again next Fall.” FVFfy SFI lilllli IN BmphaaiMd i« Connection With LlLn Pl44llV»fi lU, iW PrereBtlng Veisete Carryia« Good* BEH^fiAPE Motv Highly Organised «f the £!w- ropean CoAMBKities Are Beam ing.—Serbia au Bxeeptlon. Typh» Grips That Country ani Uon- ienegM^ Wltil* Faaiae Stalfca in GaUds a«A KwMtaa PMuid: Bel gium Yet Depe«ieirt oa laiported Bdief Food. THAW IS lAIiONAL BE CLilES EKFORT Head of The New. Haxpaliire £^»e Haopital Mt aaya am Wttaew Stand ..—Sas; «R Ewry 1^s«iL..j, a- Only » Spotfed'CitBd an} Not Violeat', ^,:f'nii9agii Excttabie, Say* ur. Sw- er^t; .General .Str^er .et 8»m« Opiaioti; Dr, £IU«i WmH' Teikkr, . But Evelyn NeabUt U»yn to Kneaiy Natim; PipwdaOe Con- aiieration Wilt be Gi?«s Special Cases in Fata*; No Aaswe^ Giren to PrinieiplM S^ F«r& in Awni- caa Note of Mardi 1. GERMANY DRIVES AffiUN^ARSAW Araqr atarts Frvwi the North TMaod Tho-OiptUl^of PolB»d.-^4hiaii«Ba in ..S«(r*«t. '■ • Ererywhere NoHh aad South of Lem- betg U»e tU^ Are ^»h«d Back; BrWah Gire "np all Hi^ ^ Sarly Ending of Wars Mwiittooa Race on itt mv THE DNIIST£t mmmm GerMuu Farted, Deep, Swift Streaai UMter ' MereUesa BsMiaf. Fir^. Charge A«n«u Meadow. SWE !t,eil8 PEOPLE ARE HEAISIWEEK- lYWITHWHiD LabMatory of Hygiene Btinniag at Fall Capacity.—Gnat Campaign is on—rBattie Aga^a^ Typhoid Fever is Being Waged M (>rer Noi-tb Csrolia»r;rPe«e]e Qoiddy Rea^Miid. State lahoratcoy at SaMgh is Now Able to Ton Out St,*M InjeettMVi of .Anti-typbM .VaisiBe .Erary Week. ■ -■■■ , AN INVJTATION TO EXHIBIT PIRK DEPARTMENT. Graham, N. €., June S8, 1915. Chief Jo4>n T. Lovs, Burlington Fire Company, Burlingtohv N. C. Dear Sir:— 1 am writing you at tt)e instance of the Graham Commerci.’il Club and tho Chief of the Graham Fire Depart- iment, to invite your Company to sernl ,to Graham on the afternoon of Sat- jUrday, July the 3rd, the day on which we will celebrate the .Ponrth,' a repre- jsentative tocm from your departmmt to ^va a nott-competiUve, eidii^tioi)^ run on the streets of Graham. • j We feel that your c;o-aperation^:;in■ tliis matter ■will go far towards- «n- jconraging and maintaining intenst in I both of the de|>artments; and will fur ther c«ment the friendly relations that already exist between the two departments. We are very truly, JNO. S. HENOERSpN, -Correi. Sec'y. WILL S, LONQ, Jr., OUeir, Graham Pire Dept. JB. O. U, A. M. TO INSTALL OF- FiCEIK. 'Hte local council of the Junior Or der United American Mechanicii will hold an installation of ^ffiecri is their council han riext 'TWdtty'i»igift, 'bigiii- niiig at'eight ' o*«ibc!c'. 'ifr. J. W. Sechrist, »-State Couiicilor, of High Point will be present and conduct the installation ceremonies. Every jnem- ber of the council is ui^^ t» be pre sented. : ;Barlington' C^tatupt^ ’ i^ened ^ftenwMt at ttapeb:yelodi tilM laiga teat loeaiod fa the EpUieoiml dtnn^ Tito parade, nuida «( ymg preceded the ^p^ng session of ^e Chautauqua, Mn. J. L, Scott, chaiirman of the loc^ Chautauqita Associatien, appear ed apcai the ]>latform with Mrs.- Yarn- alli the; sttperintendent of the Chautai;- q«a, promptly at three o’clock. Mr, 3e^ iidiver^ a brief sUdress, speak ing coining of Chaiitauqaa and ^tti^ of interest pertaining to :tlic Boriington Chautauqua. . He. intro duced Mrs. Vartiall, who s^ke in hi^ [terms of the kind reception which Burlington had given the Chautaugiiii people, congrataiating the city far the bcautif'.il decorations for the coming of .tiie Chautauqua. The program for the afternoon con sisted . of a series lecture on “The House We Live In”, by Mrs. Yaniall, and.’f^ncert by the Dunbar Soiree SiSgw*. ' Titr Junior Chautauqua leadert; w^,introduced to the auiience and a was held after the close it the aftentoon session of the Chautauqua. The evening program was equally as interesting. The Soiree Singers gave their concert, , after which ^aiificey J. Hawkins delivered his Ia!iioRifL\llustrated leetUM, 'bright Eyes andsWild Hearts of Our North ern Woods.” This was follow^ by Chronophotographs. Yesterday afternoon the program was replete with interest and delight ed large crowds at both sessions. FRIENDSHIP ANNUAL GULA AND PIC^i^C DAY, fULV 3RD. GERMAN llimAtirillE iHStai letto IM GenH IMt Qniit 1$ to VO.V JAGOW IGNOREP QUESTION AT IS3UE (iermany Admitted Liability, It la True, But Qussttoa of Mere - DamagM The Lesat Thins at Issue; Mr. Laniitig Quotes V rblsge of Treaty of 18i28, Which Ahtdutely Forbids &tch Ovm Tnmtment of Ncufnii Shipping, Whether Contraband or Not, H^t« of Ship - and Cargo Were Ptunly Violat^, - The Note Declares TWENTY AMERICANS MISSING SHNliffi TBRPEDOES BRfriSH MOLE SHIP ARMENIAN Seosatlon Crested h lasbiigtiHt, But Future Action Depends to Nature of Frelglit Liner * MAYBE UNDER CHARTER OP ^BRITISH GOVERNMENT If This Is The Case, Then Those Sailing To Help Care For Con' traband Cargo Took Lives in Own Hands; Apparent^ Ger man Craft Canie To Surface and Made Attack, Eighty-seven Negroes and Nineteen White Muleteers; Eight of Latter and TweJve Former Not Aecountod For Submarines Get Others If you want to meet your friends, come to Friendship on the third. The program will consist of speak ing, music and athletics. The livorn- ing will be devoted to speaking and music, there will be present the silver tonged orators of the couKy with thi|'na5e upon invitation from, and under FROM OXFORD. The Oxford Orphanage Singing Class has started on its annual tou -, visiting the various towns and cities iit North Carolina, such visits being best of vocal and instrumental music. Basket titne, meeting, old agintances. The afterneoh will be devoted to athlfitics, and base the auspices of, the Masoixic Lodges and friends of the Institation. This organization, for sucli it may iMsk^ ball, tennis, tr»ck, jjg called, has a two-fold par- balt. 1^6 ^iro^rani starts i First; the Class gives a highly with a girls’haskrt ball game, follow- enjoyab'e entertain ed by tra;k meet. In this meet, yonjjngnt, such as will be a real help and will have a chance to see the work benediction to all good people where of the ^tate High School Champions, children go, and in ®is way as well as State and Southern Cham- arouse in our people a deeper interest .MK5S OPAL NICHOLSON TAEsi ENTEB- pions. This is the best bunch of track material that it is possible to get together. Events, aa follows; 100 ■ High Jump. ' . > One mile shot put. 220 yafd dash. BAXOspar Thvoyr. 4M yard dash. Pale vault one-half mile. Broad jump. The. lon^ l>oys „roeet all comers, be on hand a*d ro^t for tho home hoys. The afternoon-, .vuill close wiii> a doable header ^ bfue ,1m^ game, Bur- lington, Bettmohi coid Cedar Cliff will be the visiting teams. If you are cat for a day of sport, it will be there for you. COUNTRY UFB CLUB. B. M. H.) ) herd times and (jui; ittSyr^por^ almost as ‘^uc|t as laM ye?.r. in, and Icve for, all that is good and true. j In the second place, the Institution i-epresented by these cliildren aupplc- ^Ksnta its income by giving the friends ^of the Institution this opportunity to ' make a special effort to aid the work. |These efforts have heretofore enaUed I the Orphanage to care for about 190 I wore children than cbiild odier- jVise been provided for. The fact that our people are becom ing more and more intelrestM "in orphanage work and tho savins' oi lif« insures the success at the great work in -which tiiis Chiss is engaged. We urge tne hearty co-operation of all good people in this noble endeavor. Oh !ast Tuesday evening, from 8:10 to 12:10, Miss Opal Nicholson delight fully entertained at her lovely con$- try home, “Cherry Croft,” in hoiiok of her house guests, Mrs. Qydo Fitzgerald of Raleigh and Miss Pauline and Mr. Marion Nicholson of M(:bane. The evening v?as spent i:i Inlaying rtWk and other games, cf which Miss Fannie Airks won tlifr- prize, a lovely bunch of sweet peas; and Miss Pauline Nicholson the booliy, small drum. Music was furniiii^: throughout the evening by Mrs, Clj^ Fitzgerald. The refreshm»!ts consisted of watermelon, cream cake Near die wee small hours of the night the merry party left deciding Miss Opa! very ohaiTmiig hostess. ages-old ejaculation: - fools tiisse mortals tel” WEEKl-Y WEATHER FORECAST. ^ued by the 17. S. Weather Bureco, Washington. D. C., for the We«k Beginning Wedneaday, June sa. »15. Por South Atlantic and East Gulf States: A shower period-daring first three days of the •week wfll doubV-,H. less followed by a period of g*n>. erally fair weather with occa^orisi scattered showers, 'flic temptrKtar^ tendency will be upward. The annctuncement that about on^ tentli of tile (Country’s total p^alAtioa. live in New York, >s the seae^it \*h^ tii# Chicago gives new p^fttiMbiMt^T^ WNk thi«ag)i. • -knothol* in -tlir back ffince and smiles as she obaerv^f'tlii^. man next itoot making.$%t4ei>. j . RttMiiUia B«yo>ad 1a Slcvaifd Wo>ri, Sweeping Plain WStik Ac mnite Fir«, Bat Fog H«l||e£ At rftiea* SMfflteri.M SM. ^ Watch and P»y> taM yo enter not into leaiptatfcfn; ttie «p*rit ituloed is wiliiiig, tfatt. 26:41 No wonder a woman her own mii^f she chalngs^ A womsfli i»-,.*5w*y*.vloi*iJig on bri«fct aide of things, especially nrfr-

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