. AT' IKMa. IT » N«r San^ Imgwim ftgy mw ab«M tt hunk*. Ladtri tnd Bm Lm>7, two rtddwts of tiili Cao4* CtMk Uamd MeUon. axe “Awrt" «mnl tiuoM^ th* Mvior witkh tiMir M tadMd jn • is»fe in tlwir liontts and vu stol«n >r aome unktMwn tiii«f or tiiievet. News of the robbery re New Bm yeeterday and ^ to tlie tfeet.tliat ^ money wa« puriiuiud from, its bidiw place white the ww were away from hottte attex4il>C ^ Mme bnsuiees matters. Upon return- ing they di^vered that aome one hiul ransacked the h6uie attd upon investigatins' found that liieir safe tisd been dpened and the last dollar had been Uken. therefrom. The exact amount stolen is not known but all their life the men l^ive been saving whatever, cash they could and it is supposed that the amoijnt- .was at least ^10,000. Efforts are bein* made to trace the thief but so far these have proven of no avail. HAH, Vn. IS. C. WmM Mi PMM S6UTHEBN BAILWAY MAKES EXCELLENT RECORD. Atlanta, Ga., July 16.—^More than sixteen and a half miltion paissenger^ -—a number greater than the comMn- WiOi tbvHiili Btmd —Wrnum imi Ikiwer BtU. Hiiw Any W*tUa» w4 dhe^ew TM raie* Mmi KiiMt fWwuiK; She «a/a She Cam t« A«k«fflk Jhnt Week mn( BM Speit Urn “Jay Wltd Hiiieft. wtiawTBYiiiit: tm,' iKtaiT' M a Tntnfiini* dvt ct At cuMt Cawr Naar L«M*k Ikth to'Mr. cm^ IWM vt tbm Stirf. - teofi4eiMi« wwuii ssd held bar jfour nafroM In » Imrger IxMt easU Wilminct0(^ £. 0, !get t« tba£r aaiiataaea. Ifri. VmwI« W»iiil>ie, at FtiittUirttU, Mr,‘i« a iaige woman and Mr. Strai^al- K. L. Woodard, of WiliKl^p^bM), had'tto^ i iUimv nriniOOT, fcnaw it Asheville. July !«.—The coron«'’» |j^iry retBroad a verdict (it suic^ and 3fitf Watkina aad Owabey weia te- leasad. AsheviUe, July 16.—Don £. Herbert I years old, son of St^ Senator ' J. 0. Herbert of Hayeavitl^, Oav eouiity, died as tbe reault of a ballet ^nt eiradii^ through hit head just behind his right ear at an early hoar this morning on the Swannanoa road. Deputy Sheriff Weldon Penland pass- minutes later in his automobile and [brought to this city Miss Arey Wat kins, ot Aiidrewf, and Ueriniin Own- Jbey, a local chauffeur, companions of the deceasjtd who were taken intoi S:ustody. i The ^puty stated that as he pass-1 ^ the scene the chauffeur and the womea were out of the car and he thought that they were having trou- ible with their machine. He asked if he could be of aid and they told Mm narrow escapes trem tn watt 1^ WrigbtsvlUt marning aboot 11 o'dodc. tkitf «£r« caught in a ilue ^ . yards froa shore. Ur. Wtttdtai tmimswA to rescue Mrs; Wei^^ aiNi finding that he was uoable te do ao, jwt i? shore for a ,b«at. Whea h« fcially .te^hed tite beach be was fdttusted and fell on. the sand uneenadous. It was gome time before K» was re- was unsfrfe.to start t«i dwM with bar. Mr*. Wemi^ liad atoiq^ braatUar wheo abe am j»tten aitfion, and it. was throitgh the om nt a, putnotor that Itfe i^s Mstorad, It waa tw» hours before shf vaa proiioufM^ oat of danger. t Some Ainfs that are well ahaken are not to be taken. There’s ti» Dar danelles, for inatance.. Reduced In Fdoe, All T wiciity* Cent Cafetfs axid Cinder now Iftc - - V CiHil FVmSi RoMted PMBQto, foil Jin* of G(«cii^. Wb«« yod tnkd« al ti|jb itw* yea da tb |MVot)i»r peoDle'i debts, NbtHing deiiv«t«d, lAwhlM. Toqr pitn)Mg»«a|idt«ii, on Farms $- ed population of Virgrinia, North Car- that their machine was broken. He olina. South Carolina, Gcoigia, A!a- bama, Tennessee and Kentuc-ky—wore transported by Southern Railway dur ing the year ended June -?0 with only one fatal injury to a passenger whi'a on a train and that was standing an a car platform in direct violation of the Company’s tuIss. Of this great number of passengers, r^t one was killed in a train accident. This excellent record was shown in the i^cial figures given out today in dicating the high degree of safety that has been attained in the handling of Southern Railway passenger trains. In marked contrast are figures re cently given out by President Fair fax Harrison, of Southern Baiiway, shoving that during the same period twelve person!, riding in automobiles were killed in accidents at public highway crossings, every one oC which accidents could have been pre vented had the driver of the car ob- j served the fawiliar warning, “Stop: urought them to Asheville, The officer immediately placed the two under arrest and advised Sheriff E. M. Mitchell who went to the scene of the shooting, accompanied by Coroner E. R. Morris. Herbert died within a few minutes after their ar rival. To a newsj^per man. Miss Watkins stated that she had known Herbert two years, that they came to Asheville durine the early part of the week and ’had spent their time "joy riding," that Herbert was discouraged and had been threatening to kill himself all day. She stated that when he said that he was going to "end it all,” she attempted to take his pistol from him but that he resisted her efforts and sent the bullet into his brains. SOc per Month and Up If there is no telephone on your farm write for our free booklet telling how you may get service at small cost S THE LADIES’STORE. HimND RESCUED MSPARING WVk Utm Pmt Tmn «i pbcwnglw C*6tiW|llf8.Bdhdk Gsit Addrea FAIIMERS’ UNE DEPARTMENT iHIGIILAND’S MAVOR AND WIPE ARE FIRED ON. Look, and Listen," SWIS.S DYE MAKERS WILL BE IMPORTED, Bullet Sen! Tbrongh Window While They Are Asleep Narrowly Mi«ncd Them. federal GovemiBectt PianinK to Build | i: ;,»sleep ■|pj'?few In Anerien. WasViiiigton, D, C., July 8.—Ini- ^ , r C • J ^ » near the-r l>ed, one pistol bullet piero- portation of a corps of Swiss dyestua!. , Chartotle, N, C,. July 10.—Aa May or W. H. Stanley, of Highland, N. C„ and Mrs. StaBjey lay in their at one o'clock, through a window chemists to aid i;i tbc development of the new American cor.l tar dye indus try is the latest projeist of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce in its effort to meet the American dye- sraff famine resulting from the cut ting off of the German supply. A combination of Swiss techni»?al skill, American capital and the vast American supply of coal tar would be of “untold value” in developing the - : American industry, according to .atement by Dr. Thomas H, Nor- , of the Bureau made public today. jLir. Norton aisserts tbat the plan, which already has been successfully tried by Russia, would be the logical development of the present scheme, under which United States coal tars are to be exported to Switzerland, ipanufactured into dyes and returned to tjiis country. Tm> Swiss dye chem ists, through the Bureau, already have begun negotiations with American firms to undertake the establishment of plants in this country. it)^ the headboard a few inches above Mrs. Stanley’s head, the other going out another window in the room. A special from Hickory, N. C„ says that a vigorous search for the unknowi assailant has been instituted by the jokers, who .say that the prowler evi dently was familiar with the resi dence or had watched Mr. and Mrs. Stanley retire. TWO LVSfCHED IN GiEORGIA. SELLING OF APPLES, SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELE&RAPB COMPANY BOX 3««, GREENSBORO. N. C. Cttfon, Ky—In an intercsttng letter trom this pl.ice, Mrs. Bettie Bullock wTitei 31$ (oliows; “I suifered lot four y«us, with womanly troubles, and during this time, I could only sit up lot c UtUt while, and could not walk anywben at Ul. At time$, I would have «*ver* iMiiia in niy ten side. Tin doctor was oCed (t, and ■Mt nUered mt for a wUie, MI «n> WM coBftwi to «r tad tpin. Alter to te os any prod. i bad gcHtm M weak I coidd Mt al«m and 1 gave up Is iSmptb. Atlact,my hiabaad (DlaMaMtta t ^i^ul, the womaR’a lo«fc, «Ml i menced taking it. ftom tb« rery CM 4otT: l could tell it was helpiag me. ^ z*B now walk two mOe« without Is twing me, and am doing «n my wwk." If you ire all ru.i dewn frooi womnlf trofibtec, d»’t give up h daipair. Tiy Cardtdithewomati’stMlc, Itfaaabel^ more Swi a million ««»en. bi iti W yean of continuoia ntcctst, and ilMMid tutviy belp you, loo. Vow dtuggit; b« eold CMdul tar yean. H« kMm trini III wiU do. Aik him. He wiS mend it. B^laUa«Cardtrftod|UP. VHk CkMUMiai MMAm Qk. MWT.Oat*H CMumm. iWa. Mr Negroes Acnwed of Jfaeksoo. Aiding Peter Cochran, Ga., July 15.—^Two ne groes who wore scaiieeted of g^ivinjr aid to Pater Jiieicfon, alleged slayer of thnee vldte wen near bere Tues day night, were iynclied last night near Hcwkinsville, by a posse of citi zens. On* was named Peter Flambo and tbe otihcr wm Jaekso&’t hrstker. Charlottesville, Va„ July 15.—Vir-‘ ^nia apples were sold in the P«nama! Canal Zone for the first time during f the past season, the market agent of 'Sotttiiern Railway having put the growers in touch with the purchasing department of the Panama Railroad which supplies food products to the population throughout the Zone. Many carloads of Pippins and Wines- caps from orchards along the South ern Railway, north and south if ICharlottesviile, were sent to the Is thmus, weekly shipment having varied from ISO to 300 barrels. Despite the tropical weather, the 'Virginia apples reached Panama in ex cellent condition and gave sach entire satisfaction to consomers that grow- ors have been assured another pcr- laaneiit export market. This new mar- ket was particularly valuable to dM ^Virginia growers, coining in a year when prices were relatively lower on account of interference with the usu- ;al exports to Europe, and the market agent of u^'Uthem Railway bss re- Jaeksoa 'Wis shot a^ killed yaaMr- W**d a number of letten expreu- day by .t ^oas« bad sanooaded faf appreciation of this piacikal aid kin in his hm» 'extended to growert. Everybody Takes a B C For Headache, Neuralgia !t ^ the Recognized Standard of Relief. It is as harmless as a baby and acts with the power of a giant Delightful and Easy to Take. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS Insist On The Original In Pink P^ers 10c and 25c Packages. Sc the Dose at Fountains. Keep a package in yoiir home for emergency. Take a package with you on your vacation. Free Sample Seat Ob Request B. C. Remedy Company DURHAM, N. C.

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