White Star liner Arabic Torpedoed by Submarine, 291 Saved, 32 Drowned. A PBOGBBSSIVjE ftBPUBLlCAN NEWSPAPER ^'VOfED TO THfc L:i*BOIL0fNG OF AMEEJCAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTBI^ BUkLINGTON, ALAMANCE COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA. FKIDAY AUGUST 20. 191S, •3^ la filNK, H10 MEI rntm iMNea^ JOB aim wtihn ' SHin i HOME OF THE ffilRBERED OI«l THOMAS nE-LMON VESTERDAY.l BIRTHDAY DIXNER AND FAMILY —I fiE-L’MION. Th« . Second Annual. Re-Union of' the descendants of Joseph Thoma^ | Tnmis M ATUKH tucffg TUFHcm VIEW HOIf 8f flUNK Steady Strraai of Perwns Pass in to Look »t Corpse—Wanted to be Cef- tain. Temper of Pwle Seemed Not to Wreak Venceance But to Hake Sure it W«B Frank—Forty Oiiicen on Ihity. Secretary Oanieis IsHies Stateaieat Saying Lynching of Frank WooM be More' Sincerely Condemned in South Than the North. M06 CA8R1EQ FRANK NEARIY100 MiiES 10 HANi fill 10 A ME fully by the police until the train left 'the station. Mrs. Frank appeared at the traiii unassisted and showed no serious af- fccts of her ordeal. Several police men surrounded her and her friends 'and refused to allow any one to con vert with thern. I The body was teken from the under taking establishment under ^ard by 30 policemei^ i%e police guarded the wagon bearing it until it was placed on the train and then watched t.hB far until the train departed. .■Vtlantu, Ga., Aug. 17.—Leo. M. Frank’s body was brought to Atlanta this afternoon and secretod in a barn until a crowd searching for it threat ened serious irouuiv. It then Ts’a;; taken to an undertaking establishment, where tonight a steady stream of persons passed to view it. The tem per of the people seemed not to wreak vengeance upon the lifeless form, but they seemed determined to personaliy assure themselves that it really was the body of Frank- Forty policeman were on guard at the undertaker’s' estibljrficient and a crowd that blocked traffic for more than a block stood for hours in front of the place, Th» body Was shosvn just as it had been cut down from the tree at Mariett;i this morning. Arrangements were made to place the body o:i « train leaving ist mid night tonight tor the home of Krank'.s parenls in Brooklyn. It will l>e a>.’- ccmpllshed by Mrs. Frank, Mr.-i. Frank’s brother, A. E. Marcu.s, Uaviii I. Mar.x, H, A. Alexander anti .V'r. iiaas. Shortly after 7 o'tlock loniithl the undertakiiifr establishment wa.-; t*!ose:i, und.a cordon of jrolicc -suilioiioil al>oul it. No one alb'wod' a>»proa!-^’: within i"i() feet nt' thi' iuiiWin};'. Men and did a thriviTij; nos.s 1)11 the slrecl.s ln-ve toni:thl sell- ins tarii photoKyaphi? cl' Franii’.i body a? it .swuiit; from, ibc trev '■> whicii it %v;is foLii;il iKav .'SiiTic-U.a. Hei'oei't li:'.;is* who wu-s one u!‘ I’rai-.l.;':; altor:',L:ys, stated icni'ght that Mrs. Frank is= not, in a surioii.s condi- tiiw. -She .•itar',!-‘il from Millocigeviilc fi.)!- .\tlanta this afiernooi'., luvom- panieti by her uncle in an automobile. ■At 10 o'clock tonight the door;; of the undertaking e."?tablishineiu again wore opened to the public and 200 n- .lOO persons who had been naiting- in the vicinity viewed the body., v/hich had been prepared for burial. They continued to pass the coffin unti! a .«hort time before it was made ready to take to the railroad .station. Friends and relatives had plannsd to hold a private funeral at 11 o’clock tonight. Mrs. Frank, who had arrive 1 from Milledge¥ille, tonight and wa.^ taken to the home of Herbert Haas, objected, however, and the plan wa,s abandbned. 'liie body of Leu M. Fiaiik. under a heavy police guard, was placed a board a Southern railway train, which de parted at 32:01 o’clock this nioniiHB. The funeral party, including Mrs. tVank and several Atlanta friends of the family who will a^cosipany the body to Brooklyn, was gi^arded care- (ireat Crowd Gathered at Scene of Lynching to View Body—Wanted to .Mutilate li. Finally a Vote of the Crowd, 'Which Included Women, Wag Taken; Body Cut Down—Lynchers Not Identified. It is Believed, However, That Since the Mob Went Almoc^t as Far as Marietta to Hang Frank, Many of Them Were From There. I Marietta, Ga., Aug. 17,—Leo M. 1 Frank, convicted of the murder of IJlIary Phagan, was taken from the Utate prison farm at Milledgeville last night by a sm.ill band of determined I men, was brought to within a few ! mile.s of the PhaK'ai) homo in this city hit ‘Jaylight tnriay, and handed to a jlrc'-' oiiiy idiort distance from the i .Vl:incttu-.Mil!i;dg?viili‘ highway, ; The body, found at 8 o'clock this I morning, dangled rroni the tree fO‘.‘ liijurs while u throi;f;- from I the riui'rouriiliiii;; counlry.ide gatheri-' J ;i'.boiit the scene. By a vote of the 'crowd the Imdy »v;is cut d^wn ivitii- icill mutilaiion and takisi by nutomu- i i\- to Atliiiit:!. where ;'.in>lhor thron;; coii^re-.;;it,‘tf to ii, OtUfials of t’ol'.ii county, i*: whim till- tynchin); occui'ml, inimeiiiale’.y iixtituted an inveslijtation. (xnoner , lioo^b einpanelk'd a jui'y and ;n'.iU)U'.:i'- i‘i; the county c.ininiii.^ioners h;;l eni- fi.Tv.ered him to employ jidditiontil t*;,!unjjel. Two witnesses appoaroil hc- .foi'C the jury, which adjourned its Ai-.-^sioii rn' a week while oflicial.^^ co!- li'ct (>vidt*ni'*\ While the identity of ihe liieniiior-i •if the hiiMi! was nnt known to otTiciais ; toi!i«:!)t, it vv;;.'- .sujrge.sieil that the fact that. Frank was talcen nearly .IKO ! miles in an automobile from the sta'.e ,(.i:-iso'> .■ilnio.'it tff the outskirij of liai'- ietta indicated that most of the lynchers came fi-om this city. Oi.seovery of Krank't; )Ody w;>s made this morn ins by se:'.rchei s from Ueveral cities in this section who start ed out in automobiles after news spread that Frank had been kidnapped from the state prison farm. The body, Stnging from an oak tree, was clothed only in the silk shirt which Frank wore when lie was torn from a bed ;ih the prison dormitcj-y. A white handtvcrciiicf cov^rcd his facc. his feet and legs were firmly bound, and unde • his right jaw v/as ti4e knot of the hangman’s noose expertly tied to pro duce a quick death. knowB in history as the “White Pil- grini,” was held at Piedmont Park yesterday., The exercises were held in the auditorium of the Casino Build ing and presided over by Hon. E, S.* W. bamerdn, Tl«r large crowd gathered in the Casina at il:30 A. M. to enjoy the program which had been prepared for th; occasion. After musical selections on the piano by Miss Sadie Trollinger, Mr. Dameron, , master sf ceremoaies, delivered a shart address of welcome and explained the purpose of the oc- cision. This Was follow^ by a. piano solo by Mr. I. N. Williams of Ohio, after which Rev. D. H. Tuttle conduct ed the devotional exei'cise. The speaker of the daj’, Dr. W. .S, Long of Chapel Hill, was then present ed to the audience, who spoke on the “White 'Pilgrim.” His address was u most excellent one, full of interest -■•nd highly enjoyed by all who heard it. Dr. Lc.ig has a fair knowledge of tha Thomas family and gave his hearers many interesting facts con cerning the life and character of the “White Pilgrim.” After the addres.s, Little Mias -•Vgrnes Boyd delightetj the audienej with a miuafc beautiful violin solo, rendered in a splendid and pleasant tilanner. Ten minute talks were then maae by Mr, 1. N. Williams, of Ohio, Post- miister Crowson of Burlington and Rev. J. Vi. Wellcna of Klon College, Mr. Williams l>ore greetings from the descendants of the “White Pil grim” in the Northern states who could not be present and spoke of the leiatives of the “White Pilgrim” in Ohio and how the annual ni-unionr, are held in that slate. Mr. Crowson, in a few weil-cliosen j wo^d^^, paid a hiuh tribute to the r “White Pilgrim” and his descendants j and spoke more particularly oC the I Thonws .iventlonu'n in this city of ! whom he knew so wcl! and whose luy- jr.Uy io his Sunii;iy Kchoo! class was i I without question. ! !!cv, Mr, WeiloiiB spoke of his know- i 1 ii'iipe of tile “While Pilgrim,” hi^ Pro.'pe.l Hill, Asgust 18.^0ne of : the larjirest family gatherings in thi.'s, commuuity in many years was the' GULF HURUE STRIKES COAST CITIES, WIND REACHES NINETY MUES AN flOyi birthivy coiebration and fanuiy re-] Qalveston Ih Darlcncss When Wircs Are Blown union event ^hi^h occtirrcd Sunday, 1. Dowh; Watcf Three Fctt CUy’s Stretts; Many Texas and Mexican Towns Flooded August 15th, at the home of Mr. F. P. BUijlock, who lives two niiles from town. The occasion was planned and uriang:j#4 for several days prior to the day and all the relatives were in vited to be present. Thie children, grand-children, great grand-childreh and. other relatives be gan airii’ing early in the morning and befoi'e the noon hoUrihad ai'rived, there were present all of. Mr, Blay lock’s children, six in number, all of hig grand-children, numbering thirty- four and one great grand-child, be sides aboiit twenty oth^r relatives and about twenty-five friends. Large tables Were built and placed out-doors and a sumptious dinner was served. Everything good to eat had been prepared and the dinner was en joyed by the eighty-five relatives and friends in the highest degree. After the dinner several hours were spent in social conversation. Mr. Blaylock wa.-i over-joyed with this oc casion which broug’ot together all his oflfspring and so many friends, and hi lierj't was cheered by the many good '^^es and congratulations whicn were I lavished upon him in bi'? declinin; years. 5.000 FLEE FROM HOMES TO SAFETY BEFORE STORM Huddled in Business Buildings. Many Families Spend Night in Teri’cr; Gale Forces Newspapermen To Give Up Attempt To Reach Striken Village; No Lives Re ported Lost. KORRIGANE DEATH TOLL HEAVY- mAS COTTON CROP IS _HIT HARD. .Fourteen Dead. 500 Houses Ruined in tJulf Storm at Galveston—^Sea Wall Sait's City—Thousand Feet of Causeway Washed Away by Tidal Wave and Island is Covered With Wrerkagf; Wind Reaches 93! Miles an Hour During Storm's Height. Case; Regret Loss to Planters; Ja pan’s Attitude Not Defined. ANERICAN eOLUR NOW RJIiS WORIO, ■Ml Foreign Exchange Makes Record Drop us War Order Bills .4rrive— Demand United States Currency. ' .Miliion. of Dollars Lost When Wind The occKsion was the celebration'of the G!th birthday of Mr. Bb.iylock, and as he took a reti-ospective view of his life, he was enabled to rejoica over the achievements attained iiij ti'ese kixty-faur long years. Mr. f Blaylock 1,5 .«till in appaiuMt good ■health and enjoying the many blc.s-;-: in^cs of this life.. Those present from a distani'c \Vi*re: Mr. G. M. Blaylook and family and Rain Sweep Fields—12 United States Soldiers Drown; Army Camp at Texes City Entirely Dpgjroyed; Many Towns Along Co*st Report I^DCiBes in i.ives and Property; W'iies Still Down; Deratt; Are Laickingr .-Vustin, Tt'Xii.s .\ug, IB.—Hiiinaga which will fun inlo millions of dol lars ha.s been dime 't% the cotton crop in Texas by the . tormi^f .Monday and of Union Ridge; .^Ir.-. Vt. C. Hodgj Tuosilay. and little niece, I.oi.s fSanu.ell, i^f Mv'tij'.ne, an(i .Miss Ucnini Tatiun oi 15;M'l!iiglon. It is (.stimatml thui oil parent of .ill the cottui! in I his .-;ei-iion op'j". 1 and fr(nn onr-foui'th to oni -ludf o^ the j Sterling Decline Heavy When W’ali .Street Learns Contracts for Muni tions >11 Called for United States Gold Instead of British Silver in Pay men!. 3G VESSELS ADDED TO NAVniNCE 1913. Secretary Daniels Gives Figures Show- injr PrepttrwUiea* of United State* . —Did y/ot Wait For War. America Was .Strengthening Forces Ileforr European Trouble Segan; ..SubmarineK and .Six liattleKhips fonstructed Within Two Years, open cotion w;'.- li'^^. tMliS. J. S. I'.M'.SEl) \WAV. tv GERMAN ADVANCE FORCES IN aiiS- u;. Thi* i ;5inl iflaUMi inciJcut-i j ! iho ilUuslrou.'; charactc) In iho early j I iiU lit'c. Ut?v. Wotlous r?-1 j f(.‘!-rc'd to tho i!r;i\’ory und heroism { ol' ibf “White PilgTiMi'’ aiul lokl ho'V j he rescued and saved tho life of :« | youiiiT hvdy that had fiillon into u rivor. i This speaker j?ave c-vidoi'.^e of ihe I'aci i ‘.h-.’.t the lilV- ol' and ^o\\-\ Ifor hiiir.ar.jty ih-it the “Wliiie ‘ 1 t'iltiririr' HvchI had a ijrc':!.!. influc.:u-..- • r'»r ^.ood upo:i hi^. lii'c as;d ihe Hvcij | of aii wiio h.nVL* read the life-hjstory i cT lhi:i .ureaJ iiad noble man. • the exovclsoi^ weri iliicd al OcciMUft'luH* I'ariii Vr.^lfrd, ai UVIiuk Sat«n\av. I C’arr IJad fWrP ii iieallb Tor Ihe l*asi 'J*!} reo Vi*ar>. Hii?\V)isvilU arniv wl:elc>.; ^laiiiiu !ut‘ I'lineral a rc|u>rl from ilic Uviin.vd ' • at (i;i!s i.>’ i.-U’ I’li.t tliv Wi’.l ' h.’uJ J-j.M-n l.-ji jt'fl ;;n;l lliat I>tt*!iainu 'ru! vr- oi. h;id ilA’S FRONT. i I Aunrit dd's I V a r ii» n > I' i iv lit *rh'*ir Uay Acrn.'^.'- Kivi-r Ituii — S.^Uniariuc Honihr.urds I'h r.'i* h'Mv:- Il^li 'I'tuvns. ir>. --\ We-: la.hcd i.hi- Tc-xa^ iiuii' iiV.ijrl:'.. tile wili.i tK'c.i-. (>f 7i> mile- cin . J'UI Ui; In'’:!!' r;'-> «.!• » pi isjH'i'iy dariia.ii't; Ikm; i civ; ro- J i.i ‘-v ailoai. V (ia'!\r--!'>i''' .M'a w;\'A liad wui’.s^l .'‘Ii'ji. Nannit' (.jraliaJ’v t'arv, wife- oi' :;n-.*ial JidiaTi S. (;il'i. iiimi :i\ Iho i-. ni.lry estau* c»y uic , rai-n», Ki'ur i U:;.-i. i' y niiirnij;.ii' S:1'i Siu- h:i' .■vO't in Joc'iii:i;:|A' heaiii’. :iu *.V\C yOiU'S (M n^,‘Vc'. :Ki the pa:^l vhrcv- wec-k;'. ! fiVi-f oj' ilu- \va*ois au.i t-Nvi-i'; over h.is liv’;-., ;i*i Orvviia'v" for iviinov a i‘f iho 'varone'.-. Xttintion (Vatcrcd flu, l>‘- |)!*«ialic N'i'k uI sat ions in I‘ros’Ti Ss in Kalliiins: iM.rnicr I’rernier Vini- .'■.I'his Wins N'ictnry ;il AJhctis Ovi .' Ori;;.!iti,\;Iion of t^rt-ck ("hainbi-r of i'rpuii.'s; (ihaniit- Tnrri;:'.) i Vi Tin; KIIi.ST H.VPTi.sr I HI'US 11. nuiiiemc wasi invitoti to the piciii.- 1*: r.-u!!ds whore a sumptiou.> dinno;- w:'.,.! served, everything gcod to e.nt. Everybody m the grounds was invited to parti- cipste ;ind did so to the entire aati-- fnction of the appetite. Thi.s was the cnnciading feature of the occasion &nd thus is recorded in the memory of tha descendants of the “White Piigrim” the Second Annual Re-Union of the Thomas family in this state. i'liio and -,vhi!e 1 ci of 'Jie .-trec.s oii the o.iy *.!u' family have know;', :.hai slu- \va.^ ,-;de of t'no i-iiy. tiie prt’.'iwty The dinner consisted jf '^^ireniely i!( the .'im'.Oiiiurn'cia oi her death yestei'uay moi'nir.i;' Krou^ht >:iiinea.5 and surprise to oi' fru-nds in tliis ciiy wi'-.n-o ~hc l\.i ? li\etl for ntany p;t^t .vein’s. P&ath was cause(l i\v a eoinplica- tion of diseases,—i'tnrhnm Sun; ALAM.4.NCE COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. It is fortunate that the rival Me.\i-| can factions haven’t submarines. The Seventeenth Annual Alamance County Sunday School Convention wiH be held at the M. ,Bi Church, at Swepsonville, N. C., August 28th and 29th, 1915. L. W. HOLT, Pres. MISS ANNIE WILLIAMS, Sec’y. CARD OF THANKS, We wi.^h to thank ou- many friends of the Spring community and entire communities for their kindness and sympathy shown us during the sick- ne.ss and death of our dear father and husband. May God’s richest ble.ssings rest upon them all and that some si--eet day vve all may meet in that I sweet beyond, vrhere kindness will for ever last. I'.i'ut r*^f!i m,'.u Toxa,-v rvp^rted a wi)ui of niiU'?. and ai I'ovi, Arthur the ivai'hel a voloi'ity oT 47% miio.'i n! 10 oV](h-K. ALLIES ARE READY TO DECURE COT TON CONTRABAND OF WAR. Washington Receives ^Unofficial Report of tntontions of Entene Nations^ Shipped to Germany? Claim Teutons Have Been Receivi'i>' Supplies *fhrou]?h Neutral Port«; Ki^st l^apti^l Church, Sinuhiy. \uu.~ u.-^t (he pulpit will siuppli.ni , ;)>■ K, T, Xai'.ii, li. i>., tji* Kuleiji’li, V, fur >onu' (ifii'en year-^ F’re.-i- dent oi‘ Meredith Collej.^e. vvhc* has j't'- i-ejiUy bei'j’ eio-jletl t:> the re-ponsibl.' pn.-iition ot SNOcretary of the Board :>iT Kihteation of ihe Uaptist State Con vent of Xrrih ('aroUuii. In early life • 1*. Vaiin ,j?uffevel the lo.s of both blit notwithstanding* this handj- .) he elimlK?d to th#* v-evy top of ..dendid attiiinmenis ai^d is today oao of the most inrtuentia] leaders in the Baptist denomination with its two hundred and sixty thousand, or more members. Dr. Vann’s addr^gsses will he of unusual intei'est, particularly that for the evening* which will bo popular in character. The public at Ir.rge is most cordially invited. 5?he -may got a note front Mist^uri.- MRS. P. W, CATES & CHILDREN } Declare Action Justified in Present Macon Telegraph. PR I NT

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