JCAji NEWSPAPEK -‘I^VtfFEC W AM&lcAN TOMKS AND AHwHn UiOUSTSnS. atsite Library Comp. -44*4- BU;BJLINGt6n. /tlASfAKCE county, north caroling/PRIDAV*MJGiJST1915. • v'^V ■ 0t'' tmm M GIMK m ffiRMANY mm SGHKIL ABVOCATti OffimI and U aatSml Statements To Stow Totpedft Slink - Stwfsec Four . Days After Stnkiusr of Arabia American Govern ment Witfaout Detailed lf>fbmk%tipn SEEN. BY DUJfSLEY CREW' SITUATION A WAITING ONE Members of Wbich Give Cininr ■tanttsl «f Obaemar Movement of Uademea Boat; Showed^Ho Numter of Diitiu- gn is hi tag Afll4aviis ^Ued ^retsry Lansftie. Deciare.s all Infomatiw Sj> in HanJs of State Department Is frag mentary; Ambassador Page To Cable Summary of Ascertain^ iPP '’f GSRMANY TO GIVB SATISPAC- BJMLlANT OITlliOdK FOB ELON’S TION FOE SINkrNO OF ARABIC. OPEN^G, - -TIm f«lIovnnjr is an npr^sioh of There inll be an educstkHud. rally tiie tipys and kMs of Alamance coftt'nty and flag rai«ii« at, Cr^ Kaajf. and shopld be given considieratum Sdioolhouse, September 4th, and careful thoug-ht by the cifwns Hl5, The Gr»h«m CouncH Ko. of oor county. This paper wasiMad jr. O. U. A. M„ has c^rtre of ar> at the Anni^ Picnie of the Tonuito ,yingements-for the occasion. In ad- aixj por|i Clubs of our county, by 'one’dition to th« Rag raisin|r» a Bible will «f Uie boys of ocr county, b« presented to the School. “To the . CoBunisfioDers of Ala- Hie jpiri^gniw will insist of an ^nc« Couniy, ^ress by Mr.-L. D; Mendenhall of Gvntlenuin:— Itandleinan, who will repreaent t^e the boys and girls of Alatoance iJunior Order and be the principal Count? are very d^irous of having speaker aa the occasion. Among the eatahlishad in our county a Farm Ufe otiier speakers who are expected ti> 'Seiwol, .in which Industrial Education be present ere: Prof. J, B. Robert- When questiMwdtiSs evening as t*'shall *>• «*»Ph«si*ed, either separately son of Graham, Dr. J. D. Gregg cf Kaiaer*« Chancellor Tells Associated the prospects for the opening, Presi- connectfon with one of our High Ubcrty, and Prof. Junius A. Horn- PreM Comminder'ii ErrM- Will be dent Harper of the College was all jSchoulu. aday of near Liberty. A United Made Good—Statemeat to FoUow smiles. He did not seem to think that; W» dfsire to see such^ school es- States flag, or “Old Glory,” will be Report of Submarine. the reputed hard times would have tablished for the following reasons: presented to the school and hoisted on any effect, unless an enlargeing”one, j First; We are a rural people aiid a pole on the school grounds. When CireamsUncn Are Learned, on the opening of Elon College which feel that, as boys and girls, wo shouU Bible will also bs presented to the Says Von Bcthraanik IMlwec, lai- is to take pltce for the 26th annual be thoroughly drilled on all the funda- school for its use. The speaking will pcricl Gorerftinent Will Not H«i- time on the first day of September. ■ mental subjects that underlie success- begin at 11 o'clock. The flag will be tate to Contocnt With Keeping of remarked that the Frechmen Class 'fal farming and home making. These raised at 2:S0 o’clock, and a ball game Friendly Relations With Vmted would in all probalitiy be from 20 par' subjects are not at present included will be played at 3:30. Stain. cant to 30 per cent larger than that •=' *«>■ «hof.!s. Everybody is invited to come and —:— entering last year, which was some-' Second: We believe that we shall bring their dicier and enjoy the day. Berlin, via London. Aug. 26.—If what over 100. 1^®'^ short of our duty to our county All members of the Junior Order arc the comnmnder of a German tuba- He further stated that the prospect and t!> gur state and to the possibiR- especially invited to attend, rine exceeded his instructions in sink- for the return of the upper classmen ^*** selves, if we do not Remember the time and pl&ce. Sat ing th«. ■ steam^sr Arabic the German was e9>ially as bright as in any former ^have Wch preparation for life. urday, September 4th, at Cross Roads government will give full satisfaction year. Conaequently he does hat aEti-j Third: Oar county depeni}^ on our Schoolhouse. to ihc •-United States, Chancellor Von cipate any decrease, but rather a sub-^ farmers for food and clothing. We — Bctlimann Hollw^ informed the As- stantial increase in the. opening dayjC*"^®* contribute as large a share ijsnMONS ON SANCTIFICATION, scciated Pr«»» correspondent in an re«fcd;«nd he i»/ully.*»s«)fsi4 thjit tiw ”^ as we desire unless ^ - •■ => - . interview thie f!vemng. ' limited number of'400 as Glared to to 4b -thjs in *arly life Sabbath, Rev.'D.H." Tuttle The Imperial ciuincellv made the be the policy of the instUutton by thu *>»ve a bsgiiming mad.j then »» p„ached the first and second sermons fQllowintr stafteiuenrt of German'^ Board of Trustees in their May ses- wHl enable us to continue to improve Sanctification lo larfee position on the sinking of the sion will be fully reached this year. ^ in pur farm methods all oar lives. congregations, even ja'.Iing for the use. Arabic: Members of the Faculty are begi.n- _ Fourth: We feel that farm boys Sunday School room at the “As long «s the circaastances sur- ning to return to the hill from their P*'** are entiUed to the best train- morning hour when many were pres- round the sinking of the Arabic have various places of summerings, all the^**** tbe world, for the lands of the the .«ountry. not been fully clrarii^ up, it ii im* administrative force are already in ^•" ******* keapinK and-un- Qj, Sunday, 11 a. m.. the tbSrJ possible for me to make u (Jefinite their jrfaces, and the College plant !•»» they manage thcsp lands so as to aeinioh of the scries will be built aoout statement. Thus far we have receiv- throughout ts taking on its usual air preserve and improve their fertility, Words.'^ perfcct, perfecting, ed no report about it. Now we do not of busy activity preparatory to thfi ^ country will grow poorer instead perfection. The evening sermon will even know whetlier the sinking of the influx of ftudents, which will continue. richor. about the "Key Words,” pure, puri- ship was caused by a mine or bj a to iSow along interiaittentty from now {;. thjsrefore earnestly ana urgently fying^.'purity. Come, keep and ex- torpicdo, fired from a German sub- until August SOth. and which will be- ^ tnt^t .you who represent. the best marine, nor Ao we know whether hi come a torrent so to speak on the 31st of our county to establUn this latter case the Arabic herself of September. The ^eat majority of industnal school where all may not by hei* actioi^'perhaps, have the students will arrive Au^st Sfith desire may be traiiMd fed become msm F8R TAKING MURES OF II. !L F^^ tice, charge with violating the Fed eral law for protection of the national defense by making pictures of military reservations. He was held in $S,000 bail and will be sent to Norfolk for trial in the .United States District Court there. According to the officers, Kopsch had in his possession photographs of the fortification and guns at Fortress Monroe and of the reservation at Cape Henry, Va., where the gomrnment is planning extensive works to defend the entrance to Cheaspeake Bay, ALLIES BELIEVE VICTORY NEAR IN DARDANELLES. IS justified proceedtngK of the command- and Slat. The railroads h»ve ammg-^^®'*?*’' the farm, helpfiil and able 6-YEAR.OLD FACES CHARGE OK ROBBERY, nr of. the snbmarine. ^ special accommodations on their j?" h^me and citixens whose thrift, “Only after ali these cirumstances rtgular scheduled trains on the Sl»t j intelligepce and kiuxessf will make have been cleared np will it be pos- 4 facilitate the mowemeiit of *“PPy contented and successful government can or will pro^uto a sible to say whether the commander Eton contingency. {'» their country homes.” six-year-old boy and if he is found al one of our subraarincs went be- The College Power Station started' "J*® Dispatch heartily endorses the * serious crime what will yond his instructions, in which case up today bringing into active opera-'^bove and commend it to our officials b® ione ^th him, is a question that the imperial government waili not tion for the first time the additional j*®*" consideration. We believe this a attracting considerable attention at hesitate to give such complete sp.tis- boiler and otiier additional equipment *‘«P »" the right direction.^Editor. , City just at this time. A few New Bern. .%ug. .24.—Whether the faction to the United States as wouU which- has been in»talle! daring the conform to the friendly relaions exist weeks ago, it is claimed, six-year-old ing hetwieen both governments.” HR. AM KAYES X»£A». vacation. |WU TING KANG EXPECTS TO ** postoffice . Trustee R. B. Johnson. Sanlenaa, N.! LfVE TO AGE OF 150. C.. and party vrho have Ven wurine -«ter the theft was discovered a search for the money was instituted Mr. J^ Hayes died at the Cbantjr Home Tuesday cvaning of fever. He h4d :-been.>ill ifor sQn^ time, itiid W»s taken to the iwme ^fc^atnieiit with the hop^ that^Tie would recover, died ihiiiiediateiv'.jsfter iirrivii\g there, ft* . {tn in Burlington nearly all of his life, having been at one time e^lojred as telegraph operator at this ptace. For the past few years ho was in' the employ of Wafl^^r’s livery stable. The funeral and burial took place Wednesday, interment being in the city cemetery. RUSSIANS DROP BOMBS ON TLTIK CAPITAL, 40 DEAD. London, August- 25.-i-B6.Mbsrdmen* of the oatslurtB of Qon^iOihoplo by a l^ssian araop]^e> sqsiRfrcn^ re^ suiting in the d?»tH or ii>jwry .Tf fort.y- one persons, is announced in a des patch from Athens to the Central News. thp mountains of Virginia, W. Vir ginia, North-Carolina-and Tennessee for the past few weeks, arrived at Presideiit Harper’s home this after noon Perkins, August 25.—^Dr. Wu Ting Fang, well known in America as the former Chi.iese Minister to Washing- been spent for can ton, has just celebrated his seventy- where they will spend the night, fourth birthday and boasts that vege- °ver to Postaifice inspector ■ ^tarian diet keeps him in such splen- Yarborough ^ for investigation. TJHE SNAKE STORY. Mid condition that he expects to livet^e lad will be placed undei- ^to be one hundred and fifty or two ^ Dr. Wu lives in probable penalty to be placed upon him in case he is found guilty and !t is: 9irange but. true^ that with the law coming in the snak« hundred years old. 'stos^ ’wSnt" obt Who has seen a Shanghi, where his son, Wu Chao-, regular old-fashioned snake story -ijChu, who is an adviser to President passed upon. him. tjie pape»s. this summer. We have Yuan Shi-Kai, visited him according ■~~~— not. It seems that with the pass- to old Chinese custom on the occa London Predict* Few W««lw Will See CU»e of Prolonged Struggle in. Near Etet—Serbian Reply Expertciii Af ter Cwtfercnce Today. .\saistanee of Balkan States Now Wanted in Campaign Against Aus tria. .\fter I.png- lIliKM; Fan«rsl tlib Afternofn. SITUATION GRAVE IN CONSTAN TINOPLE. London, Augu.'it 24.—The population of Constantinople considers the situ ation grave, according to a Reuter dispat.ch. Violent fighting has been in progress on Gallipoli peninsula for the past week and it is declared thou sands of wounded are arriving every day at Constantinople and thousands of fresh troops departing for the front. The scarcity of bread and coal is said to have added to the general de-| pression. Greensboro, Aug. 24.—Joseph Mar tin Reece, editor of the Greensboro Daily Record, died this morning at 10:20 o’clock, after an illness of two months, during which time his fam ily and friends knew that it was o^y a question of time until the end would como. While the announcement was net a surprise, news of his death -was received everywhere as a shock. Ar- terio sclerosis was the cause of death. During the past two raponths Mr- Recce was Unconscious nearly all th« time. Saturday he b«gan sinking and thi.? morning {he end came. The funeral will be held ton>6rrow afternoon at 4 o’clock from the First Presbyterian church of which he h»J jang' bow Clarke, the paitor, will c,onduct thp sci>ice. Deacons of the church will be pail-hear«rs. During his illness he had requested that friends be asked not to send flowers and had given di rections for a shnple funeral. SitnFiTcd by yfife. Mr, R«ec» ii survived by Ms wSfc, who was bafore marriage Miss Alice McMurray. No children were V) ths couple, but they reared as their own thre« chil^roc of Mrs. Reece’s sister, whom they loved as if their own children ^nJ upon whom they bestowed every parerital affection. These are Mrs. Frank P. Morton, of Charlotte, Mrs. J. A. Williams, of Greensboro, and Mr. Charles H. Rob- ertion, of Peoria, III. It would be bad if the Democrats have to put a tariff on sugar to get the price down. When the tariff was taken off they said sugar would be four cents a pound. The South is a good country to live in, even if soma of the people go wild sometimes and commit crimes that they are »ftetwards| ashamed o# BHEAT-tlTOVSK, ROSSUS, iiREilTESf FeSMSS FAILS iEFSRE OERIUN SDNS. The Kaiser Holds the Railway and the Russians Are Upon the Run. I' ing of the snake cure the snake got | sion of his birthday, out of the country.—Everything. PREACHER HURT AFTER SER- ! MON ON ACCIDENTS. WEEKLY WEATHER FORECAST. Issued by the U. S. Weather Burea'i, Washington, J>. C., for the Week Beginning Wednesday, .August 2S, . I»i5. FOREIGN OFFICE,HAS ISSUED A STATEMENT ON ARABIC SIT UATION. Rocky Mount, Aug, 24.—Within less than twenty-four hours after ho had sounded a word of warning from his —: pulpit to his congregation or, the British Government Positive of Stand danger of automobiles and the pro- ia Matter—Vessel Was Torpedoed, miscoaw use of signals, Rev. R. C. Craven, the pastor of the First Meth- . ,For South..Atlantic and East GulfjShot Was Fired, It is Declared, With-'ndist church was knocked down'yes- States: Generally fair weather,'with j i ort Wanting to .the Ves8el-^4)iigsr terday and injured in a collision he- seasonable tempr,ratureSi is ' indicated { leyV Crew Talka.«-OIBeeni of Other t'.7cen his - bicjfcle and> an automebils for the week, although occasional local j Vessel Declare lltat Sinlddg Hnlk a block>Mra! hi* church. He suffered thunder shower: may occur over the! Was Used as u Shield ia Waiting brikiui'rih. and ‘fractured knee. Mr. i Southern poition of iiie districts, * For Steamer to Appraneh. - F. VonMyWAs the driver of the car. Concentration Center For Bug Rivt^r ’ Defenses is Captured After Nichol as’ Me nPall Bask on Bialystok Which Now Has Been . Evacuated by Russians Port Retreat. Berlin, Aug. 26. (via wireless to Sayville, N. ,Y.)—The Russian fortress of Brest Litovsk has been taken by Teutonic forces. Announce ment of the capture was made today by German army headquarters. London, August 2/B,—BsesfJJtovsk, 'th« main Russian ^ertsass^jthduoiwan- Oration center for the Bug river Use bf defenses, was occupied by the Aus- Iro-German today. While the Rus sians offered stout reaistfuii^.ijurixigw 'the I- vaders’ approach, it is apparent no : .empt was made to defend Brest- ’I;;jvsk itself. It was evacuated as ■V.as Ossowetz, in comformity »-ith the I Russian intention to take up new posi tions farther east. , Germans Hold Railway. , The Germans now arc in possession |0f the whole line of raiway from , Ghelm to Bialystok. The Russians having’ already ev^.cuated the latter :City, the lesser foi-tresses of Grodpo *and Olita now are the only stronjj;ly ^^efended positions remaining in the ■hands of the Russians. Both thsae I are being approached by tha (jknaanB. |They probably will be given up when they have fulfilled their purpose of .^acil^tatiJ^(t t^ie Russian retreat. Gustav Kopsch Held in lit Washington Charged With Ph^^ ographing Military Posts at Fort ress Monroe and Cape Henry. Washington, August 25.—Gustay JOSEPH jl. ^ECfi CLAIMED BY Kopsch, a young Gerinan employed as - DEA'flft, an instrument maker by the Carnegie Institution here, wai arrested tonight, " l . ^ » ..V IS . Well Knawn Greensboro Editor Dwa . by agents-the Department of Jus- 'l- PR I NT

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