1, mL ra TWKB-A-VBK uvrrAfcs: BtmuifGttMf. h. c. SBVKN PAfiR THE CHCBCH OF THE BOLT OM- FOmnEB. TW Kcretc^ J«bB Beaacn GjWt, BMtar. 12ti Sond»y »ft*r Trinity (Au» S2nd) semeet as follows; . Saad«y Sebool-^:30 A, M. , Morning iPr»yer. waA Service—11:03 o’clock. Sveding Prayer and &rvke—8.00 o’clock. 1 Public cordially invit^. Pews Ires. THE HETbOOlSt PROTESTAMY CHtlBCH. Suit Da^ Stroet. Sev. George L. Curry, Pastor. Freacbing Services every Sunday at 11:C0 A. M-, and 8:00 P. M. Prayw Meeting. Wednealay 8:00 P. 'MU' Aid and Uisatoi^ Sod«te •very Monday iftenMon altvr tint ^osday in eadt ilwHiUi. Ckriatiaii Endeavor Society meets at fjOO Every Sunday Evei^^. , Soaday School, 9:30 A. H. U. A Soble, Superintendent. Good Baraea and lidlatkea Clamaa. I'oa are ISTited to attend all cImm serviCM. BAPTIST CHUBCB. Sev. M. W. Buck, Pastor. U ,, aai J. H Sooday Wordiip. 11:00 A 8.00 P. M. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M Vort»n, Supetintecdent. Praise and Prayer Scrvieea, Wedaw- day at S:00 P. M. Christian Culture Class, Satarlay ai 8:00 P. M. Church CoBferenea, WVxinesd^y b#- for* First Snnday ef each mratt. 7:30 P. M. Observance of laord's Supper, FJr« Sanday in tacb nonth. Woman’s Union, First Monday ot » Montli, 3:S0 P. M. KSFOilBtED CHUBCB. Comer Front and Anderson Stze«M. Kev. D. C. Com. Bwaaj Scboot every Sabbath at 9:46 A. M. Fraacbins every First and Third Sab bath al ll-.OO A. M., and 6:00 P. M. Mid-Week Service every Wedmaday, 8:00 P. M. Everyona Welcoiaa. Parsonajce Corutr Froiit and TroJ- . Uurar Streats. CnUSVUM CH09C& CwMC Ck«(«h and I^via Stntta. Rev. A. B. Kendall, D. D., Pastor. Preadanc every Sunday 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. Sunday Sduioli 9:45 A* IL johii B. Fostw, Snperintendaat. Senior, Intermediate and Junior En deavor Societies mwt for worsbip every Sunday evenijig at 7:00 P.: Mi. Mid-Week Prayer and Soci^ ^rvicft, every Wednesday at 8:00 P. M. Wonutn’s Home and Foreign Mission ary Society meets on Monday after the first Sunday in each month. Mrs. Ada A. Toague, Pres, toadies'. Aid Society meets on l^iid- day after ^e sMond Sunday in each month, at 8:00 P. M. Mrs. W. B. Stilars, Pres. AlXeasA wife SLAY1» TBBEA- I»M0N fob SrAT-AT-liOME& people aay. “I do not believe yog . TXVED BT MOB. can Tot: (By 3. T. Kiddick.) *’Take heed that so man de- A.cordi^ invitation extended to alj. A Church Home for Visitora and for Strangers. PKESBTTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. Donald Mclver, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11:00 A. K and 8:00 P. M. ' Sunday School at 9:4S A. M. B. B Sellar^ SnperintetidMiL Prayer Meeting, Wodncfiday' at 8;dH P. M. The Public is cordially invited to aii services. MACEDONIA LUTHEBAM CHVBCH. Front StrMt. Bev. T. S. Broire, Pastor. Horning Service 11:00 A. M. Vespers 8:00 P. M. Services every Sunday except th> morning of Third Sunday. Sunday School, 3:«S A. M. Prof. 3. 3 Robertson, Snpt. Teochers’ Meeting Wednesday 8:00 P. M. (Pastor’s Sti;d7). Weman's Missionary Society, First 'fhursday, Monthly, 3:30 P. M. U C. B. Society, Second Thursday Monthly, 8:00 P. M. Toang Pcopls’a MeetiBg, Sacood Snii- day at a P. M nOCUXT MEMORIAL BAPTIST caUBCH, WEST BURLING TON, N. C. Preaching Second and Fourth Sunday.v, Horning and Night. Prayer Mating Every Wednesday Night at 7:.'J0. FBONT STREET M. £. CHUBCB, SOUTH. Bev. iJ. H. Tuttle Pastor. rea£e to those who enter. Bk5siil;s cu those who go. Prea-^hing every Sunday, 11:00 A. K. and 8:00 P. M. ^^acrament of the lord’s Supper with '^’‘Wering for Chufeh' charities, F*r»t jTSnnday in each month. ^nday School, every Sunday, 9:30 A. M. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday. 8.00 P. M. Board of Stevsrards meet on Monday, 8:00 P. M,, after Fourth Sunday «f each month. Woman’s Missionary Society meets «:00 P. H., on Monday, after 1st and 3rd Sundayv. Parsonage, next door to Church, Front Street. Pastor’s Telephone, No. 168. Bing—Talk—Hang Up—“Busy.” ■ -..A WEBB AVENUE M. E. CHUBGH SOUTH. Rev.'E. C. Durhsm, Pastor. Preaching evei-y lirst Sunday at 11 :M A. M., SBd SM P. M. Second Sun- itlf at 8:90 P. M. Sunday School every Snoday at lOiM A.U. A. M. H. F. M)>or». SnpartetiHst #v*?;body Aid Society Tuesday Night After Fourth Sunday, Mrs. G. D, Smith, President Sunday School Every Sunday at 9:30 A. M., W. M. Williams, Supt. A most cordial welcome is extended you to attend ail our meetings. We Avant you to feel at horac i;i our ser- .vices. JAS. W. ROSE, Pastor, ’ ‘ Graham, N, C. Gsns M Sms, 90m Ksntdss Wsa’t Cm. The wotst csoes. no niAtter of bow losii: nre cured by the nondcrfnS, old Sr. Forter’K Ant.is^ptlc Oil. It rrtieves «zu3 Ueats et the same tine. 'SSe, SOc« Yon Are Judged by the Appear ance of Your Letter If your stationery is up to the minute, with type the proper aizs and neatly dis played, your commuDication will command attention. That Is the Ki&d of StatioBery That Our Job Office Toros Out Asheville, S^t 2.—Charged wiUi having killed his wife several days ecive you.” ago, J. O. Southers was brought here j Subject—“Deception.” from Rutherford County today and] The writers both in the Old and lodged in the Buncombe County jail New Testament did not fail to warn for safe keeping because of the re-'us against those who would deceive ports to the effect that a mob was' us. There never was a time in the being organized in that county to take history of the world when we need 'm him from the jail. jgive heed to the warnings in Scrip- The prisoner was removed, following tiire against the deceiver more than jthe granting of an order by Judge W.j now. I hare read somewhere the F. Harding permitting ths Sheriif i*f^story of .a man down in Maine who' Rutherford County to bring Southe/s dug a, tunnel from his cellar to a well to Asheville. It is reported that after'situated near his house. The tunnel the killiiig Southers, who is a inin' enter^, Cloae t« the' water, and he about 50 years old, attempted suicide, 'said it was “an enchanted well.” The Feeling >eainst the. prisaner ran high'^ory goes that the people canie a and Sheriff Tanner deemed it vfise to'long distance to look at it and ta hear protect his charge, by removii)g him the music thut seemed to come up from the; county until feeling siilj-■ from the Avatcr bui. it was merely s?4ed. , ; I caused by one playing a moui‘h organ . :—^ iat the end of the tunnel. The “en- TWO GIRLS RUN \ FARM, 'chanted well was soon supposed to ! possess magic power to curc all kinds Wisconsin Lassieft Are SucMssfui of disease.^. So people came from far \Vithout Aid of Men, ’and wide to drink this water. It was ~~~ sold by tht pint, and cured a great (From Oconto (Wis.) Pispatch.) 'many people. But at last the imposi- Wearing men’s clothes, except for tion. was discovered and then ail bloomers in place of trousers, two those who had been cured were sick Oconto girls are operating a 78-»cri> again, and an epidemic of diseases af- farm a mile south of Brookside. They ilicted the healthy locality. We need are. the Misses I^lly Powell and Sadie to beware of deception in every vo- Bundy, ^eirs is an Adamless Eden,'cation of life for... n.o. profession' or and they are happy in it. No m^e calling la too sacred for the deceiver help for them. They do all their own to enter -with his high sounding words r/ork oh the farm, employing a and vrhitewashed plans. Sometimes tv'osaan, a sister of Mias Buody, to l3e comes as a preacher of the sa^ed keep house, while they go out and till gospel of Jesus Christ, with his pocket the soil, do the plowing, dragging and full of ringi.ig testimonials from some seeding, as well as the haying .ind bar- ' of the best people you know. You can vesting. They whistle, talk farm and never fully Jbdge a preacher, «P^any- stock just lik« men, and say they are one else by the number of papers he thoroughly enjoying themselves. 'c&niea In his pockets, telling you how “We are perfectly independeat and good and true he is, for he may have making a good living,” Miss Powell deceived the other fellows ilrst. Nor said, “We wouldn’t be bothered with can you always take a man’s tkle as a man under any circumstances. He a guarantee of good character; for would only be in the way. We are titles are very deceptive things in free to do just as we please, and there many ways. Sometimes you are de ls no one to boss us. The land is ceivediy that very numerous class :jf owned by Miss Bundy and her two ?is- ’people known as “patent medicine ters and myself, and we do alt the doctors," whose medicine is guaraii- work ourselves, 'teed to cure every physical infirmity "It isn’t hard and hot and tiresome known to moral man, from a corn on as housework, and besides there is the big toe to the worst case of pa! more profit in it, «td We arc perfectly 'lagta tn the community. And as for independent.” bal^^ beads, they can grow hair on The farm is one of the finest in the them in a month, so long that county, j would have to have the services of a • — barber so that your family would WORTH REMEMBERING. .;know you. Some patent medicine is (good, and the men who sell It ai'e true^ A song or sunshine through the rai.i, but like all other professions and bu= Of spring across the snow, I iness, thej? will bc:ir wfatohing. A balm to head the hurts of pain, | Sometimes we meet the deceiver in A peace surpassing woe, jthe bu.siness world, and he introduces Lift up your heads ye sorrowing ones, iimself to us as representing the best And be ye giad of heart, - larticles on the market at the iowvst For Calvary day. and Easter day, I prices potsihle. He has a way of Earth's saddest day, and gladdest day,’making you believe him without a sSeri ta trust any one thece days. Such a eooctosion on the part of any OM must make life miserable, sod the world dreadfully daric and hideou.^ ^mct. I.et us see the good in those; who are good and true, and honor them for NUT IDST THAT KIND. Angelins—And so yon love me wfUt ell y^ heart? Would you die for seem plau>iible at the “Go aibw” is a very g£«^ motto when you are dealing with one you do nat know persoiially, and must decide the Were just one day apart. No hint or whisper stirred the air, To tel! what joy should be; The poor disciples grieving there. No help nor hope could see, ! Yet all the white the glad near sun' Made ready its swift dart, ■\nd Calvary day, and Eastev day. The darkest day, and brightest dsij'. Were just one day apart. R. J. C. Philadelphia, Aug. 20, 1915. jdoubt in your mind as to his truthfui- Iness, and it is only after your money I is gone, that your eyes are opened to the fact that you have been deaiing wi{h a devil. Sometimes we And the deceiver in the .social world, in the person of a handsomely dressed Edwin—No, dMr, I wouldn’t, Angenlina—You wouldn’t die for their genuineness, and let us watch me?.. that the. deceiver does not catch us| .. Edwin—No; mine Is an undying af- in his- drag-net of deception, which he fartion.—^Kansas City Times.’’ is so sue«ssfully using in the com- i munity. Many are deceiv^ed by the de-j ceiver because they do .not take time ■ .*X ILL WI.VD. to conjsider the. evidence but decide ; . . that the thing is all right because I “Chee.‘ up, somebody else has said so, or because married man, the deceiver’s plans and proppsitio.is to have first old boy,” advised the “you know ’tis better, ■e Icved and- lost than never to hearing.. h:ive loved at all." I ■ : “Yes,” agreed the rejected suitor, jingling a bunch of koys in bis pocket, “better for the florist, ihe cpnfcction- case on circumsuntial evidence. We the messenger boy, the restau- sjiould be cl^rLtaWe enough v.o waiter, the taxicab man, th;i ^i\e one a fair trial before wo ’ theatrical magnate and the je^yIei'." condemn them, for no doubi, drcum- _New York American.- stances have put many a man'aiid wp- - . mi'.n in the position of deceiver, when down, deep in their heari, they did not intend to deceive any one. damsel po.;sessed of niuch beiia- ty, . ■ As she stood by her own father’s gate.” The second stares;— “As thou came, my fond lover, The last sorrowful-night. To cheer the live heart of a mounted Hussar.’ Poes Coned in A to 14 P*yt jTmf Arumtt will refnad «oaey if PAZfl f»Qs to COM aw cue of XtcmS, wiBd. Bleedimr or rratm4lfet ia 6to 14 4«y*, riMiftntapoUMtSoaci^EaMiiftadSLcct. m INTERESTING OBJECTS. The hat man at the restaurant who, when yoB hand him a tip as you go out, retwns it with, “No, thank you, sir. We are not permitted to—” etc. An American batleships goirg fas ter than the vessels of any other navy. An American battleship going fas- tral A doctor who says: “I’d like to operatfl, but really it isn’t neces- .wry.—Life,” . PilNAIIIA-GilLMIA ETO- non San Diego, CaL PANAMA-PACiFJC INTERNA TIONAL Sbh Francisco, . (^L VABUBLE ROUTE TOUBS REDUCED ROUND-TRIP FARES NORFeLK ll^STERN RAH WAY ^ llardi 1 to Noveaber M, 19U. VERT LIBERAL STOP-OVER PIUV. ILEGES The Best Route to the WEST mei NORTBWEST. First Class and Mixed Car ’Refcet*' HomcsMkers Fares to Ifsay Puiate. PUILMAN SLEEPERS — DINme GABSw AM latormstion upon AppHeatiott W. C. SAUNDERS, General Passenger Agent, M. F. BKA6C, Tiwraiint Pas«ecg«r Afvnt, SOANOKE. VA. WAR SU.MMAKV. yonng man as police as a Chestevtiald jand as charming in conversation as ithe music of a siren’s harp, ^ith ideals as high and lofty as a collie pre.si-j dent And with all of these very at-1 tractive qualifications, you take him' into your home and social spliere, oiily j to be deceived sooner or later when' you discover that he was only a wolf' The Germans and Austrian*, accord-' in slieep’s clothing. Sometimes it is a ing to Berlin and Vienna, are contin- woman who is charming the .^ociai .sdt uing their progress from north western by lier costly cdtetumes, and elegant Russia through eastern Galicia. On manners and fluent speech and musi- the northern section? o^ this line the 'civi accomplishments, who has a wide Huiisians seemingly are falling back experience in travel, both at home everywhere except in the region of and abroad. Well, we cannot always Kisa. 'judge the quality of the character by As for days past aitiilery engage-'the price of the gown ^orn on the ments and fighting by means of back no more than the plummage of a bombs and petards are in pro;^ress on fowl will indicate the quality of the the western front and on the .\ustro- meat. Character, and not the para- CAKES and CANDIES Reduced-In Price. Ail Twenty- Cent Cakes and Candy now 10c - - - Ten Cents - - - Iflc Fresh Roasted Peanuts, full line of Fancy Groceries. When > oa trade ai Ihis store you do not have to pay other people’s debts. Nothing delivared. Nothing charged. Your patronage solicited, Ralph’s Place “THE LADIES’STORE.” Italian front iphernalia, we wear, is the highest test On Gallipoli peninsula hard fighting "f our genuineness. From the days of is going on between the Turks and the!crafty Jacob until this, the twentieth allies ivith both sides claiming victo-1 century, men and women have been s. In the Dardanelles where there j deceiving their fellows by the cost- have been no operations for some ume.-, they wear. We v/ill do well to time, allied mine sweepers have been Remember the old adage that “Every- at work trying to clear the straits of Turkish mines, but according to Con stantinople they were driven off. thing ia not gold, that glitters.” But ir the face of all of the dcceivers that walk the facc of the earth in every v3c.ition in the world, let ue not for- Foreign soil is very unsafe now- get that there are more, who are true adays, as is shown by the murder of and fuithfal whom we can trust with is minister in Gary, Indiana. jour very best interest. I often hear THREE-DAY EXCURSION TO RICHMOND, VA. Tuesday, September 7th, 1915 via SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South THREE .WHOLE BAYS AXi> MGHTS. affoiding ample time to make side trips to Baltimore, Wust Point and other points of interest. Don’t miss such a grand opportunity to visit the historic Capi tol of “DIXIE.” Schedule and very low round-trip fares, as follows: Leave Princeton, No. 21, 7il2 A. M. Leave Selma, No. 21. 7t40 .4.. M ;J_50 Le.ive Clayton, No. 21, 8:10 3I25 Leave Raleigh, No. 21, 8:52 A. M s’oo Loave Gibsonville, No. 108, 7:55 A. M 3,50 Leave Burlington, No. 108, 8:12 .A. M 3.50 Lejive Graham, No, 108, 8:17 il. 3.50 Leave Mebane, No. !(>.», S:35 A. M 3.;>g Leave Hillsboro, No. lOS, A. il 3 25 Leave Durham, Sce.;ial, 10:00 A. M 3.00 Leave Oxfcrd, Special, 13:3;! A. M. Leave Henderson, No, 'Vi\. 7:00 A. M Proportionate fares from all intermediiite points including Eeysville. Returning tickets will be good on any regular train up to and including No. 119, leaving Richmond. 3:00 P. M., September 10th, 191.5. Sepcrate co.ichei. for colored people. For detailed information, schedules, fares, etc., see large flyers, ask yoor agent, or write, up Afcfiit K F. YORK nALKKHi. X. C. PR I NT J:" *r -r

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