GIVES POIlSON' TO HOST; EM>t*E!ii WITH HIS 1WK ' Poti«r Canntj'.Maa $avti« Ris Lifr . by Heroic MAiiodt^FuKttiv^ Are .. SoutM, Cond«rsport, Pw, Se^. 2i^Tba Sheriff*oF’feanieTOiiJftunty, a warrant wjtieh chuiig^ Robert ■“witli adiyiK^tiirmg poison with jntcnt to com)|$it mui^er, tonight is search- thr ., M.’ • ■- ' Sfiies lesidas between Gold and An drews S«ttlentent. He he limited ^ells, in. old friend, to live witit Kiitt. until .Wells .could get work, Bejdfast from rheamatism, he called Wells *o bring , him a dose of his medicine, a paten^d remedy. He remsrked that it tasted queerly. Wells, so Miles says, replied that perhaps “he did not shkke the botle quite enough* Soon Miles became numb. Receiving no respsonse when h« callod, he sum . fnohed all his strength and erawl^ downstairs, gorged his mouth with handfuls of lard, drank freely from the vlneg^ar jug and ate »0Q!« -*alt. He then attempted to crawl to the home of a neighbor, but became unconscious and lay out all night. In the meantiiee, the antidote took effect, ; Bringing a sample of the medicihe. Miles today had it analysed. It was' found to contain arsenic. He then swore out a warrant and oWcers took the trail, tracing the pair to Cameron county line. Miles found a note at home. It said: “X hate tc do this, but I love Edith and she loves me. We are go* ing to New York State to be married.” Without funds, the pair, it is said are warlking. subsisting meanwhile on fruits and benie? SUB.VAH1NES SINK FOUR Tt'BK TRANSPORTS. Increased .Activity at Dardaaelles In dicates That New Attack is Con templated—Troop« Capture Hill. London, .Sept. 2.—Increased activity at the DardanwUe.s is shown in all the official rspovts. Besides their success in capturing jin important position cast of Suvia Bay, which dominates ore of the Turkish lines of communi- crition, the British have sunk four more Turkish transpQrts in the stnits while the fire of the .Ahips acro?^ Gaiiipcii Peninsula has made the movement of Turkish troop? by either l.-r.d i>r sea mcie difficult. According to the Turks, mine sweepers have been busy at the en- trc.’.ce of the straits, suggesting that an c.ttack is contempiated by the .•li lies from another direction. 'mgik vV .^VVVVVVVVV y"-- y, f. mt % \ And sen4*your Fall and Win^^ Suits tdf :iu Ij'i ' i. Our Experienced Worktnen, Modern Equipment and Approved Facilitie&Guarantees Sflgh i • V We do nat e^qperimeftt Oar Workmen are May years experience. Send us yoor Coat'Siiits, Sidrls^ Ctoab^ Jackets, Sweaters^ SflklDresses, ^ Fine Rags, Kid Gloves, Kid Belbv Etcf GENTLEMEN: lu ypar Saib, (hrer-Coab, Rain Coab. Sweaters, Maddiu^^i Badi Robes/mts, IJtera^Diit wd Repairing. Panama Hats and Summer Suits cleaned NOW wjll look like New next spring. Our Modern Drying Department, Water-ProotV Wrinkle-Proof Sanitary Wagon and undivided attention make FOCR KILLED !N GEORGIA TORN ADO. I • Mar.-ihallville. Ga., Sept. 4.—Four negroes whose homes were blown sway, were killed by a tornado which swept through here shortly after nocfc today, ."’roperty damage was heavy, lut no estimates were available to- niglu. Heavy damage in cotton ami coi n crops and (.eacis and pecan or- chanis was reported from near-by fan.-is. No, Geraldine: We arc not en couraging night school here in North Cr.rolina because our deeds are evil. They Always Come Back h'i't‘ry fit'isnii \y/io (ts /i finntmst Joh }. h>‘ h:i! .inothvr ffrUtt ing onhr hv . 7/fiv/' lUhiks of IF YOU NEED PRINTING PROMPT We Clean Everftliiiig. CERTAIN: Oive More Service and Chanfe No More, Boone is on TJie Job aDB I J Phone 348-L. T. N. Kbne Tailonpg High Class Made-to-Order Clothes. - - - - Ho better lines in America, Large Assortment # Attractive Woolens. Ujnbjitf Santtainr BadH^r Shop. , Mahr Street : : . . Burlingt®ftf i^^tVCaroHna. N THE DAYS OF GOVENOR ELIAS CABK. Charity and Children' of Thomas- Oemocrats are going, to see theaase|;J|fi3 swept A'om the power upon wfo!h they have waxed fat and drunken. iTliese revolutions come about ■ the ranks of thef New York, Sei . vdle ably edited by Archibald John- y«ar.s, and the liroe 3s,|u>W Ifcnocratic party is getting to a'^et- |schwarta, whe'died-iast night 1n,the sfn.’takes'issue .with some of the best spring upUai it? «: • . 0*^4^ ’'n’t., 1_ : V-.J.* papers in the State in'their advocacy of a business man fer Governor, andC^?^ Carolina; ijjW. , . ‘yoi; camiot fell heads nor tai5s of harks. l>ack to the da^s of Populsim In and when Elias Carr was Governor, and ^’^any of the laws qsXbe statut* booksri says: in fact many of tSif^jkwyers whp.piM#- “He was a beauty.” According to learned in the profession do our wsy of thiniting North CaroliriH know anything about them. But has had'.^ml “beauties” since IJie^so far as tne guberMjt^ia! office is wants lo see jJ^ther oSice-boldtng jmy|)is well qualified to 11 it as «njr M^er that hes graced Che chair in ‘ I mrfas General Julian S. Carr, Hsnry^'OMAN DIES’AT'107, Jl!; ^BlEPOBJED 1>EA1> IN ELEVA- ;J* A, Page, and E. L, Daughtridge'are] given a back seat for aa office-holdsiig 25 POUNDS. ^ irs. Jeanijei ty low ebb. Just liecause a lawyer!Brooklyn Home for the Ag^, in her I happens to be a good political fnanU^pO^th year, established a record, it is pulator is tlie^ poorest excuse tlT'Sw (believed for iongevitj among dwarfs. world for giving him an office. This seems to U5_J;p, he. the very reason why he shoi^y^^t be "given the placw —f reejlmiore.- ’Himes:-- .. 'We're^ Boi)iCAioe..ta advise the oresi- ocni. ni^ lu oeat wiw mat uy*en qaestioK He h&« « large of ftdvice already on hand; and b«iide;, w«’t« running ivht t little short. She WAS two and a half feei liigh and weighed less than 25 pot&'dg.' Her bicth place was Stuttgart, Germany. When more tJlail isix iken are Jji^th- there ipamediai^ JPspiefeifithat i^.^^ch^||f is jj^ut tol England rule* the >waves and G«r- many waives th» rutti.- TOB FIRE. TiloOvMA Blaze Guts Grain Building - At Newport News; Not Controlled. I KewjjoTt News, Va., Sept. 4.— fwdre mtn were Miered to have icat their livea and\ jSroperty damage estiimted. at ^1.900,000 was done hy 3 a fire which deatzvj^ Chesapeake antS’Ojhia gi'ain debtor 4M>ere to- 'ni^t which W4^.not ftadfe con- tr]^ at^l^ght;- ipe In’i^al* offices f 0^^^ Mihra^ ecmj|uiy w«re de- strojrect rad fraigkt ^iers Ko. 4 an^ 5 wer* titeeEtwd. - ' mi''.this important nflSce, and by. .^lansoring ths the past twen^'^When sach