Ae IWe If IlNfli Cardba l». tanosei A etivs, Sum Taws ms. ■U. A PROGRESSIVE R^UBUCAN MEWSPAPER '>i%VOTED TOTfft UPBITUJDING OK AMERICAN HOKES ANQ AMEKICAM INDUSTRIES. State Ubtwy CoSnp- BUBUN^N. AlASfANCE COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA, FfilDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1915. ’ "n. '(rpmT am m THE FINISH FOR SiintEMACY IN NExieiiN iimiits ON W«diiiictoii, . Sept. S.-rAdnU^ra- tlbn Ari«ls het« »K dMclj wst^hine tb* mititaiy Mtaidaon in. Centtftt Mexico, where C*rran*a’s forces are picuning: a general attack against Villa. * American Counsub at Toneon, Saltillo, Mohclova, MonterO'y, and Migbboring toms have been aak«d for all available infoTination regard* ing troop movements. A message re ceived tonight and dated yesterday from the Consul at Torreon said Villa troops, recently driven f^m Saltillo by ObMgon, began arriving there last flight and another importcnt bat tle is expected soon. Unofficial reports have reached Washington that Villa is planning to evacuate Torreon and to concentrate his forces at Chihuahua for the strug gle with Obregoii and other CarranKa generals whose recent succcases have paved the way for an att!mpt to close in and crush VUla, The forthcoming Jmttle, it is Tecognized here, probA-: 'bly will have an important ciTect on ''Mexico’s political future. Secretary Lansing aaid today that ^tnna for the meeting of the Pan- Amrcican conferecis next week biul 'hot been complet^. Villa arid his adherents ue preparing for a pwee bocvention and reports reaching hw« say he already has chosen his deUe- gates. What the conferees will do in view of Carranza's apparent attlti^ bf defiance, has not y«t been dis closed. The rapid advance, of Carranza’s forces has aroused the optimism of his Washington representatives, who now assert that hig complete domination of the situation soon will demonstrate 'his reasons for seeking recognition, and his unwillingness to confere with his military adversaries. Miss Adelaide Baylodr^oes From Home Mail And DncM^ Not Return. (From News & Observer). The mysterious disappearance Miss Adelaide Baynor, the le-year-dS] daughter of Mrs. H. Baynor, from her hothe, 1018 Westover avenue, Mon day afternoon, is causing her relatives'! and friends great anxiety. Mondiqr^ was the young lady's birthday. j5ba|inan stopping her on the street a few and oer mother have been in the d^Jdays ago and asking her if she were jtirs, Baynor said last night that her aghter had ho girl friends in the :lty, and that there was no basis for theory that she was at the home of friend. She is very much worried ibout the girl. She said that her lUghter had told her about a young WHITSETT ITEMS. 'the law department of Wake Forwt I College, and the other to the Univet- «nly two weeks, having come here frMM Patterspntowii, a smell village in tl»e young lady’s reply in the negative there. The lady went Mrs. Lea’K hot from Newsport News, and upon era North Carolina. Monday about noon Mrs. Sayi sent her daughter to the home of tSri, S. D, Lea, 218 West Bute stree^ where they had lived immediately b*^ fore moving to Westover avenue, W see if there was any mail for hed?2either Miss Baynor nor her mother had carried on a short conversation iwith her, during which he learned that the giH was on the lookout for a posi tion. He had told Miss Baynor that I INTEWINWW ’ I*.. Russians Trying to Gain the Initiative in the Southern Section. ON WESTERN FRONT Another ^t)ay of Heavj^ ArtiU ry Engagements, Ser es of Air Raid and Coast Bombardments. home and after inquiring if there waai ^ad accosted the gii-1. C. A, D, Eakes and brother, B, Y.'sity. Eakes, of Oxford, accompanied by' Marvin P. Johnson is spending the two friends spent a few hours hero 'day at KimesviUe where he thinks on their way to Asheville. Some of teaching the coming year, years ago the Messrs. Eake« were ; Chas. S. Jones and family of Greens- students here, «ind they made happy boro have been recent visitors in the ****'• talks at Chapri service, on Monday’commum^ with relatives, inorning. ... Stnilsnti aail)tred ye«t«rcb7 frcm }ohn S. Moors reachcd bei« Sat- both Pitt and Guilford comtiet. urday from Columbia University in’ A. P. and P, B. Greeson, and Mtss Now York City where he had been 'Maggie Greeson were among yester- ii\ the summer achoot. He was on his ’day's visitors to Greensboro. any mail for her mother, stated that she was going down- town to see if. she could secure a position. She said a young man had told her that there 'was a position open with a bakery and he felt sure she could get the place. -The transfer of Grand Duke -more likely the boat ran on a mine. Nicholas to the Caucasus and the Bus-■Washington, bowevei-, still is awaiting sian Emperor’s assumption of com-'ri „ , - , , ^ . iGermany’s formal statement, nuind of all his land and sea forcesil has caused surprise among the Allied ( ‘Nations, but the opinion is expresicd western line there has been in- ■that the Emperor merely is following Gantry lighting, and in it the Germans there w%s an opening^for a yoang Russian traditions and that the Rus- jNvere successful in gaining a foothold sian troops will give a better account in some advanced French trenches in bf themselves in the knor^-Iedgc that!the western Argonne region. Paris “the little father” is personally direct.- ''ndmits the gain, but says the new tng their efforts. |'Tettton attempt to break the French Hard fighting is in progress along ,*front was repulsed. lady in a bakery on Granby street. knew the n.:me of the young man who The police have been notified of the girl's disappearance, and are work- in|f in an effort to locate her. Whan she left home Monday Miss Baynor vrore a white dress with a small pan- !iima hat. She is about feet, three way to Chapel Hill to resume his ] The work of the Y. M C. A. has studies. For stime years he has been ^opened for this year with promise of engaged in teaching a part of his umisually fine results. The member- time. jship is large nnd the young men take One student from Baltimore, Md., ‘much interest in the work. and one from South Carolina came in yesterday. The reception to students and friends of the school will be held Sat-; urday evening, Septemi>eF XXth from 8 to 10. Spceia! committees have been appointed from three literary societies, and from the Y. M. C. A. and the Athletic Association to assist in making the occasion pleasant lo all who attend. Mrs. W. T. Whitsett and Mrs. R. K. Davenport spent yesterday in Greensb>ro. The lecture Sunday night on Les sons from an Old Story was well at tended. These weekly lectures will be a feature of the s;hool work again this ye^r as la$t. K. D. Carrie of Scotland county left for the University today after speeding & few days here with his birother who is a student. Messrs. C, 6. and J. I. Somers of Route No. H, Burlingb^n were here Thursday of last week visiting; they both enter at Chapel Hill this week. Bev. W. S. Hales preached on The Life of Righteousness at. his service here this week. Supt. Wm. G. Sneed spent the 0^ here yesterday with friends. After graduating here in 1905, be went to Wakf Forest College. For some years Ija has b«en priacip-al of E5n» Stre(^t School in High Point, and is now elected for this year Superintendent of the Pomona Graded School. He is making quite a saccess in his chosen field of teaoJiing. Among tlie young lawyers who pas sed the examination last week in Ra- ieigk were two of fhe Whitsett gyaja- stee—Julius G. Decs of . Pamlico county, and Dale. H. Pegg of Guilford county.. The irst n?med went lo UNCLAIMED LETTEftii. The following letters remain la the postoffice at Burlington, N. C., un claimed by the person to whom ad dressed on .September 4, 1S15: Miss Coriness Cooper. Miss Mary Dafhain. Mra. Jno. Hoffines. Miss Florence Hunt, (Special) Mrs. S. F. Harvey. Mrs. Ruth Johnson. Miss Bertha Kirkpatrick. Miss Hosen Moore (2). Mrs. G. G. McCarty. Miss Addie Murry. Miss Beulah Smith, Miss Addie . K. Amore. J, B. Batman. Bill Barnhilj. W. A. Barber, W. M. Browning. Mill Cla'oough. H. C. Holmes. Kobert Mills. E. L, Moon, B. Loyd Rudd. W. J. Smith. I,. G. Wadlin. That isNhe last any of the friends, inches high and weighs about 110 of the yoiing lady have seen or heard pounds. She is slim and her is jRedium brown. the eastern front as well as in France. Germany has made another air raid On the Russio-Galicia front, run- Viing from Radziwillow the Podkamien PR(K|iSOINGS op COUNTY.«PM-^ MISiSieNSRS. TBE CRYSTAl. TBKATRE. Graham, N, C., Sept. 6, li*l». The Board of Commissioners of Alamance County met in the Court house on the above date with the fol lowing members present: Geo. T. Williamson, Chairman, W. H. Turrentine, Ches, H. Roney, ^ Chas. F. Cates, is. C. McBane. , The following business was tran.i- aeted by the board: ( Ordered: That the Board' iiHow Buck Capes to peddle goods in Ala mance county free of license tax, on account of disabilities. Ordered: That M. C. ^cBane and 6. AB. Fogleman be appointed a com mittee to investigate the road asked f!>r by Mr. Eumblcy neat Copper Mine, and that they locate road where they can reach an agreement with parties concerned, and if they cannot reach agreement, locate road to the best of their judgment and report t-} the Board at their next meeting. Ordered: That W. T. Hunt & Co., be authorized to furnish John Brooks in provisions to the amount of $5,00 per month for one month. Ordered; That S. N. Cook, sheriff, be authorized to summon jury to a-j- sess damage, if any, caused by road acr«;s the land, of Lewis H. Holt. Ordered: That James J. Jobnsoii be permanently relieved of poll tax jon account of infirmaties. j Ordered: That the articles of the Persons calling for any of these let-j People's Pair Asso- tors will please say “Advertised” and ciation. Incorporated, be filed in the give date of advertised list, O. F. CROWSON, Postmaster. A press item recites that Limburger cheese is now being made in Wiscon sin. The next thing we hear somebody will probably be giving it out as news that Persian rugs are being manufac tured in Paterson, New. Jersey or that French champagne is being produced in California, office of the clerk to the Board of Commissioners of Alamance Countj and there kept, , j The Board ad.iourned to meet on r September 22nd. Rons the best of all programs. Uni versal. There is where you always see the best in movies st all times. You will see a Chaplin Comedy every Friday in addition to the regular pro gram. Manager Coley is giving the people the very best that can be had in the movie line. Any time you have an hour to spare you will enjoy that at the Crystal, Get Universalii- ed. on the London district, loss of life j .the Russians, according to Vienn-i, and material damage resulting. Heavy .hay* been forced to retreat on a line Iftghting has been going on in Gal-[of 56 miles to behind the River Ikwa. tipoii, the troops on land , being as- The Russians, however, are or the of- isisted by the fleet. fensive and giving hard battle to ths It was n Carman subinavina that Teutons along the Sereth and south of sunk the White Star steamer Arabic .Tarnopo!. , August 19, with the k-»* of $» lives, j In CoorUnd in the region of Frieil- BBKing them two Amene«u. IIm tlMt^ .Gemkiu. s» making commander of the U-boat i%spostUe Iprognis* in the fihtin^ directed to- for the disaster at last has returned to ^ ward the capture of Rig.'i. Farther bis base and has so reported . He'south, in addition to the capture of declares that while the submarine was ' Wolkowysk, a railway junction east sinking a freighter, the Arabic swung jof Bialystok, the Teutons on various around and headed toward the scene'ecctora are continuing their gains, as if to attack or > am the submarine * Germany, in a note to the United and that he fired in self-defense, ^States, has acknowledged that the Germany also has spoken ofBdally 'White Star liner Arabic was sunk by HESPERAN SUNK BY TORPEDO, SAY SHIP’S OFFICERS. Concerning the recent sinking of the Allan line steamer Hesperian. In a W.i.;age to Ambassador Bernstorff, the German foreign office aiys it ap pears imiirooable that the Hesperian iwas torpedoed, and that it is much State Department Receive* Affidavits of Commander Man and Kia Mates —Fragments of Steel Fell About Deck. Strong Odor of High Explosive Also is Described by Allan Line Men, Who Declare Vessel Carried “Six Ineh Gun’* Painted Service Gray; No Convoy. London, Sept. 8.—The Americin Consul at Queenstown, according ;o the Daily MniU has received inform- tioa that a man named Wolff, aged 21 and born in New Jersey, was lost in the sinking of t!;e Kespariati. EXPECTS WAR TO LAST FROM TO l.'i YEARS. R. P. 0. No. 8. J. J. Taylor and daughter, Miss Mary, spent Saturday and Sunday with us. Glad to see the home folks again. a German submarine. The note de clares seif-defensn was the motive ( Ithc lubmarine commander. Regret i» expressed that American lives w^ro lost, and the offer is mad« to submit question of reparation to The Hague. Miss Neva Parker left last wesk for Elon College, George Wyatt and wife of Mebaii^ made a flying trip to the city yester day, Glad to see them. We spent part of our Monday holi- Ira and Claud Somers left thisjday in Graham shaking hands with we«>k for Chapel Hill where they will'some of our good friends. We are enter the University. We wish these always glad of a visit to Graham. clover young inen much success, and we arc sure they will make good. W, A. Lewis still continues right iick. Hope he will soon be able to get out. Mr. Lewis is one of our best friends. Our old friend, “Og" Gerringer got married last week. He has been want ing to gat married for a long time, Hope he is satisfied. Og is one of our best friends and we wish him and his charming wife a long and happy Tharka to Mrs. Ann Ross for a life. Good luck to them every way. The findings of that Georgia grand jury which is unable to discover the identities of the lynchers of Leo Frank furnish fresh illustration of the con stantly demonstrated fact that the blindest of al^ blindness is the blind ness that does not want to see. St. Louis, Sept, fi,—Br, Ralph h. Thompson, of the f.teulty of St, Louis University, who returned yesterday from Prance, where he was a psysi- cian in a British hospital, predicted today that the European war wouid iiaat from five to fifteen years Dr, Thompson s-iid the deadlock in the western theater seemed unbreak able and that the permancrit nature of the Briti.sK hospitals nnd of other British preparation testified to their belief that the struggle would b>; long. The British have just finished bulid- ifig a $130,000 steam laundry back -jf the battle Kne, he said.- I'-'gjry full of nice Magnum bonuni apples. Also to Miss Grace Somers, and .-Vur.t Esther Gant for nice ’ I melons. R. L, Foster lost a nice lap robe last Saturday between TrollinEer-s and Coble-Bradshaw’s Store. Finder will plea.^^e notify No. 8 c,".rrier and Mr. Foster will appreciate it. Thanks to John Blanchard, J. C. JkCulloch, Mrs. Ed Faucette, Aasrt Fannie Fuller and others for fruit and vegetables. People on No. 8 ai‘o very busy cut ting and curing tobacco—getting very good cures on it too. Mrs. Clyde Isley spent part of last week visiting friends at Hillsboro. John Cantrell gave us two line twists of tobacco yesterday. Miss Margaret Hayes spent Mon day with Mrs. Kate Keyon, who is visitinjr lier mother, Mrs. Sallie Tur ner. Mrs. Turner is right sick, tve to .say. F.AREWELL AND PARTY. SURPRISE A large crowd of friends very ple,isantly surprised Miss Lyda Spoon Tuesday night at her home on Broad Street, the occasion baing a farewell party, as Miss Spoon left Wednesday for Raleigh to enter Merideth College. The evening was spent in playing progressive rook and hearts. Music was furnished by Misses Celeste Isley and Miriam Williams, Refreshments It was j consisting of cream, cake and mints something good, but nc*t as good as | were served. About 30 young people the kind Waddell keeps, iwere present. PR I NT

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