THE TWIC8-A-WEfflt DISPATCH: B«WJNIt6», N. C. vimAT. ■ *taDre warships are needed, to protec nt TMct-t-KHi nsptcl their ocean washed shores from a for- Ptibluhcd Evwy Tue^ay *ml Friday invader. Should the msny harbors tiiat indent the long cosst line of Indiana teitipt'soitte enemy, to send a By The iitate Dtepateh PublishinK Co. Biiirfoetoit, N. C. Ofite. Finrt Ftoor, Walter BuiMing. hcstile fleet, charged with the rupture Telephone So. 26S. ' oi Lafayette. Tci're Hftate. :ind Tom Snbscription, One DollarTaggart, the eqast-defenses on the payable in advance, bank# of the Wabash-are so foi'iaidab.o timt theii- 12-ee:uimeter j;u”s, nideJ by Jets of one kind, staple and grade. A NEW BOOK BY MEMBER OF EX' 2. To develop a reputation and PERIMEXT STATION STAFF, marid for EdgeWT^’he County eot^i;' - -—^—-r to find oat the needs of the Tnilts of - "The Fuitdamentals of Live Stock the State-ind to furnish them the cot- 'Judging and Selection” is. the title ton which will meet their demands. given by Professor B. S. Curtis of,the 3. To to-opcrate With the Office of AriimaMndustry Division, North Car- Jlarkets, U. S. Department of Agri- cHi'.a Experiment Station, to a book culture and'the Dii'isioh of MMkets/whii^h he has just had issued by Lea Nonh Carolina Aerriiultural Experi- * Febiger of New York. The work of ment Station to secure a proper grwl-. I’l utosiof- v’urti? as a judge of live AJi commuaifaiioiis in regard to , either news items or mat- a few subnianiies, «-ou,a (iuickl.v send i ^ . ,, vv u tera should be The SUte ;nvadin«' fleets to D.jvy Jones’!ing of cotton so we may know what is fajiiiltai- to all North tavo- Jocker. " ^ ‘ j^ve are selling and be in a posiiion to who have had animals per. ■ Siinil-riy Uie in»e;;ioa.-i 51r. Chmde sell in the best markets . Dependen-e prizes wHh-m thp sh«-,v . -.KitcMa feel. convUd that the sea upon one market is contrary to all .i of the fair, of -.e «ta:e and h by the writer. . _ We are not responsible for opinions ot the correspondents. coast of North' Ciiroliria is .'is stroi'ig'.y fortiried as the. J.^fUdaneiles, ar.d thu Subscribers will take notice that no receipt for subscriiUioh for The State pilot his .^'upe;- Dispatch will, lie hoaored at this office unless it is nmibered with stamped figures. Entered as second-class matter , Ma.v 10, 190S, at the post office at St:ue cf Iventucky cai-. lunnsh Co. Burlington, North Carolina, under the ^.,(.15 all the "‘skv'Jctou rcKinient-- Act of Congress of March 3. 187i>. ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ - ■ _ jiiaz Clin bo I'Uisen ju tiie Lnite* business in'acuce. • 4/To work in co-i3iX‘iation with tbo v insolent fovciii'iicr nevU'evoi'hope ;o'iiepav'ji'.onii named in section .'V i:; tii*e;uliioiiglit.^ jcrder to hr.d ai^d keep i.i tjuc;h .wlvh ^ ..nd battle cruisers into Raleigh- oc.jtj-i.o -nrarkc.ts I;i this and ethir ^ Chi'.rlotte. .As for ;’.!’n',y t-tiorisaniiiaiijn ■stiive-? r,.vj oiiu!i;\-io?. t why dv. Xorth Cai-.iliiia und Itor sisi-^v ! To o\ir o=tton in surfi : m:u-iccis as wiit rii^ognize our. grad?? • pay us prios= a-cordiiig to gar.- this liritv c.’:':? n) i~‘-:-ioucU'cn r.lor.5; ; Y;;;rk.'' ' . ' As a I'oas'!" fcr his'pubUcation Prc- ■' -:.i- Cui-tis says:. “The recent pr.'i- of the tcri.^iiing of -Animal. Hn-;:- esiiociaHy live, stock judging :n! se!eetid;i, t'C'.'Mrneiids this division :ho subjei.'t to a full modern trentir-j ! « f f f f f f f ; , i If If » t ;.) 'ei-a! niartie; i;i-)i!c;ilsor,i. il To i;rovik‘. warehouse facililii .States. . ; Xov; it Wcul-.l secni that the Hoosi-n-jfor .storiiig our coiLon that \ye may .10 asscin’iiltf it in large lots of :i ,v.a!ing ' with all doin'-^st’c . animal.^..! R.vpii! acivancei-iicnt in special liei.l.-; ' ■' production and selo-;tiot>, and the ; ;!'Jdition of neSv phases of ar.inial j have furnished much ne»v; We ii-.'e glad to Icani that the cai-s Hgaii'.s: the City lu’.ve l.'een compromis ed, This is a? it ffhoulJ be and .-staLe.-^man .and his. younger colleao-ao:able :0Uft-'-.t c; iiave ,!'ee:i done sometime «’;-om tbe Tui'pentina State are t-i!:!;!".^given staple and grade.and furnish isiateria. for tue work, ago. Ko goo.,1 can come ironi such a rather short-sighted view of the sit-; the . banKs with ihe proper form of Thev oyerlook the fact that iTarchouse j-cceipt Our tailor from Baltimore will be h«re on Next Monda y and Tuesday^ 13 & 14 with an unusuaity large .md attractive line of Fail and Win ter tramples. COMIu i.;;'! see them is all we ;s^k. Also BIGREEUCTION on ail Ciot3-in’-, Shoes afed Geni’- f’aj-niihings this weeii. LOOK OUT for our big fall ojieu; wbiiih will tf lte place soon^.as cur buyer is a!) the v.-liiie setectins a most beautiful tuid attrncting line of ; Ci6th:j‘ Sho:s and Gent’s Furni-ihirgs. A lino that will pie^e ^ i; in tverv respect and prices ir than the lowest. Ycuvs rsapect fuHy, suit? and rejoice they are settled. i:atio:i. CASE SETTLED. Xv-v.- York and .Philadelphia, for in- ! stance, to say nothing of Boston, New 3!r. John H. Vernon, City Attorney. Orleans, Baltimore, and some othe;' authorizes us to say that jurors an;! j-cits o;> - the Atlantic seaboard, are -witnesses in the case wherein certain not gg strongly fortified.against naval parties are plaintives and the City of aggression as Indiana and North Carn- Burlington is defendant need not at- Jina. Consequently these weaker tend court next -reek as the casss places are tiniorously concerned in h.*ve been compromised. That is the approving the suggested naval pro case known as the Sewer case. gram. As already pointed out in — "The Press” the recommendation oi WASTING MONEV OX XEWS- four super-dreadn^ughts and tvro PAPER. battle cruisers is by no means ex- — — travagant or unprecedented. Even the You will smile at the “cheek" and "little navy” advocates favcr spe.nding “gair* displayed in the foilo-n-ing let- as much as *20,000,000 on submarines, ter, but the shame and pity of it is Consequently they cannot object to the that is is not exceptional and rare, recommendation of the Genera! Naval The editor of a Kentucky weekly Board for sixty or seventy submersible some time ago received this letter: craft. “Please send me a few copies of the Under the circumstance? such tena- paper containing^ the obituary of cious advocates and upholders of the wy aunt. Also publish the enclosed “pork, barrel” as Senator Kern and ci’pping of the marriage of my niece, .Representative Kitchiii might well sur- who lives in Lebanon. And if it does render a little of the appropriations not cost anything, that I have twa for alleged “rivers and harbors” to- talves for sale. As my subscription ward enlarging the navy for the bet- is out, please stop paper. Timas are ter defenses of those places that are toe bad to waste money on news-' not so fortunately situated as Indi- p«pers.” ana and North Carolina. No doubt a similar plea would be made on be- M-H. STEELE P \SSES ^ Francisco^ Seattle and _____ other Pacfic coasts cities. Yet it is Mr. H.W. Steele, a highly respect- >’« ^he "pork barrel" cd citissens of Gihsomille, died Thurs- J>abit is a hard one to shake off. day morning about 2 o'cloc. He had Senator Kern and Representative been a sufferer for a long time, having ‘*’'® expected to have so large been confined to his bed for several ^ following of other proponents of years caused by a stroke of paralysis pork barrel and little navy The volume is nicely illustrated * mi * » with one hundred and eighty engrav-j je; ■; my . ’.-"is .--la," A co.mplete set of the by-laws ings which make a complete and con-1 covered today by State and Federal dopted at the Tarboro meetii;g will venient refei-ence to breed character-it-.ut1iorities investigating the re'-int be mailed to communities interested i^tics. It is intended primarily forjfaordev outbreak, in this form of organization upon ap-.^-tidcnts, farmers .ind stockmen -who ^ One circular, dated October 1, l&l-l, plication to the Division of Markets. wish to become familiar with the ^which was said to have been widely methods and practices in judging the' distributed in Texas and Mexico, ap- pure breeds and the market and show pealed to Mexicans to “rise in favor J. B. Jones C!o. Co. BuriingtoD, N. C. The Corner Store. ^ i I I i t 4 i I 4 t t RUB-MY>TISM Will cure Rheumatism, Neu> ralfti», Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Bums, Old Sores. Tetter, Ring'Wona, Ec zema, etc. Aadseptia used iateraany or externally^ ^ clr.sses cf live .■itock. 26 ABE LOST «X SINKING HESPERIAN, I of Carranza and independence be- Icause at the rale we are going, we OF soon will be slaves of the'Americans.” HOAV TO RCX A PAPER. The stockholders of the Newport Times, having been unexpectedly left in charge of the paper, are not laying! The names of the Mexicans who 'sig-npd the call were not nuide public. 12 Passengers and 13 of Crew on T-or-1 Letters from paints in Lower Cali- pedoed Liner Missing; Woman’s fornia indicate that plans for -upris- Body Found—Captain is Silent— ing along the border Avere >o process Efforts to Tow Vessel F«il; Goes of formation for more than a year. Down >’ear Scene of Attack, also were found today, closed in the letters were Inscribed Icons, “what is the news?” Queensto-»'n, Sept. 6,—Six second “Land and Liberty.*’ } “Popper's got a new set of teeth. THE CONDUCTOR’S HOPE. “I hope," said the car conducto;', pensively, after taking the names of the people who saw the lady lose her balance, “that women will vote, and that they’ll have a political party of their own and a convention and a platfcrm.” “And then what?” “And that they’ll advocate capital punishment for anybody -who gets off the platform back-ward.”—Washington Star. "Well, Bobby,” said the minister Buttons en- to the small son of one of his dea- claiin.H just now, to knowing al! e passengers, sis third cabin pas-j The situation along the border to-■ “Indeed!” said the minister, re- is to know about the newspaper busi- thirteen of the cre-w of tlay was quiet. All important towns straining a desire to laugh. “And ness. Perhaps -we know better how steamer Hesperian, torpedoed irtO and railroad bridges now arc under'what will be do with the old set? ON SIX TOWNS. not to ran a paper than how to run Queenstown Saturday even- guard of United State.s iroop.«. one. If we were asked to lay down unaccounted for tonight, ac-' , a few rules on how nrt to run a ^(.^ding to the revised official figures krENCH A1R.MEN DROP BOMBS country paper,” we would include.^y the Allan Line. This brings foDowing. ^ ' the probable death list, including Miss “Do not abuse every man who «f-: ca,berry, of St. Johns, ' Newfound- fers with you about politics. The other fellow may be right part of the time, and even if he is wrong all of j the time, abusing will not help him. I remained bv his ship until it sank. If you have occasion to criticise; comment on the dis- rarely be neces.sary |publication; hence the of ficial statement as to whether he be- scoundrd unhung. On looking around j wus a victim of a tor- a little you may observe several big-,^^^^ ger rascals than he is and some «f jAdminrality, although the captain them may be close home. ^ine Oh, I suppose,” replied Bobby 1 I'^hey'a cut *em down and make me ! wear 'em.” a man, it will to de))ounc« him as the mo:st infamous from which he never recovered. amount to fully one*haIfj Wife preceeded him and he now goes strerigth of the Democratic party to Join her, Mr. Steels wa.s beloved Conffres*. Jatr'* th n by all who knew him, and wac thej case w^hatever legislation is eld fashioned rugg-sd type who would insure an adequate condi- ratker be right than be Pi*esident, national preparo;.ness for de- Before declining years he waf; ac- carried with the aid of tive business inan engaged in votes, A3 against 2,^ ^chantJle pursuits. At one time he was ' f^^moci-aLs there are 193 Republicans superintendei’t and general manager' House of Representatives. So j “ff you iire criticising the record of the Behnciit Cotton Mills of this Admini.strjition program should county and latter moved to Gibson pietty well if H corresponds to vilie, Mr. Steele was 71 years of '^*'^ expectation of the country. age ■ ;ip.!! ;s survived by t-ivo sons. • H?.lph and Garland. The funcr;il will ’ .MARKETING, be conducted by some well known' WEEKLY WEATHER FORECAST. . jof a political opponent, a public man business rivai, you will not your cause by dealing in petty personalities. “In dealing with the faults and | iss„e| by the U. S. Weather Bureau, ■ shortcomings of your feiiowman con iine yourself within the reasonable 1 limits of the truth. There is usually 1 enough unfavorable truth to tel! about a man without bemirching him with I Paris, Sept. 7. {10:30 P. M.)—An oflicia! communication issued tonight i says: I “Our artillery in the region cf. Xieuport has co-operated in the bom bardment of German coast batterips at We.stende by the British fleet, “.'V violc'.it cannonade has occurred to the north and south of Anvs. .At several points our batteries have in flicted grave damage on the c.'.cm.v's organlr-ation. "A French air squadron has drop ped bomh.s on the station and mili tary establishments at Freiburg (Ba den). Fire broke out in the town. Our aeroplanes likewise bombarii- Washinglo,,. D. C.. for the Week Saarburg, Pont- Beginmng Wednesday, September ’"'‘'’"■'K*'-' Warncriville, Terg nier and 8, iSta. Two men -were standing outside a show window where a vacuum cleaner was being demonstrated. Suddenly one of them burst out with enthusi asm: “These inventions are the things that clean up the nnoney! Just thin’c of the million that feliow vacuum must have made out of that thing.’’ —Everybody's Magaf.ine. ;of5icial today that the Hesperia.i was torpedoed. For South Atlantic and East Gulf ■ Memphis woman is suing fcr di lies and befouling him with slander. Istates; The week will be one of gen- ;'orce because her husband has bought Remember that a printed lie is the Uralty fair weather and normal tem- ^®'' “ year. Possibly j black,-!St of all lie.“i. I “!f your own public record ami pr:- jvate life are covered with hideous de- jforniities, concealed by nothing more I'perr.tures. Lutheran divine at Macedcna Luther- tdgecomb.. Cotion Exchange First! Invitations ha^•e been is^ed for.s’ess. an Church of he has been a Cotton Marketing .Association in the of Miss Bernics Corene i INVITATIONS AIIE OUT, he didn’t have the money, ^ but of ccurse, that wouldn't make him any the lesa a stingy brute deserving to :have to spend his life in single.cussed- consistant member for a number of years. The funci*al and burial will South Formed at Tarboro. \ sidered safe and sane exerci?e f take place Friday at 11 o'clock. It is ■ In a meeting heM at Tarboro on said that no ma;i i.-s 50 importam Augast 28, the cotton growers of that the world cari'iot do without him, j Edgeoonibe county decided to incor- but vvlH.n men of the type of Mr.jporate an organization to be known as!^1,^ Stee;e passes, they will be missed. .t,he Edgecombe Cotton Exchange. The Peace to hi. or Bright, oi Mebane to Mr. James Hen- lyou. jry Brown, of Greensboro. The operation of a country news-j The invitations issued read as fol- Tom, the country six-year-old, pre- sanling himself one day in even more than bis usual state of dust and dis order, was a.-iked by his mother if he would not like to be a little city boy, and alway.s be nice and clain in^ while suits and shoes and stockings. Tom an-swjjred scornfully; “They are not children; they’re pets.—Ha.'- pei s iilonthlyj Why should pies are ripe. we worry V Little Elizabeth and her mother w^ere having iuncheon together, and the mother, who always tried to im press facts upon her young daughter, sfiid; “These little aai'dines, Elizabeth, are sometimes oaten by the larger” Elizabeth gazed at the sardines in j-svonder, and then asked; Potato j “But, mother, how do the large fish set the cans open?” ashes and love and sym-|foim of by-laws submitted by the Di- pi'thy for the bereaved one». j vision of Marijets of the North Cira- ^ lina Experiment Station was adopted BEPt BLIC.AX VOTES FOB XA-1 with a few slight changes. .Mr. C. F, TIOX.-'.I. DEFENSE. j Bassett, Organizer, and Mr. 0. J. Mc- . Connell, Cotton Grader, both from tho President Wilson will need to rely United States Burc.iu of Markets, as- on Republican votes in Congress io listed Mr. Wm. R. Camp in the wovi carry through whatevf^r plans for ini- organization. paper does not entitle a man to set|jo(vs; 1 himsolf up as judge and censor of I >fr. .^nd Mrs. Richard \V. Bright ' request the honor of yout- prasence al | “Don’t do too njuch knocking. -A'lyj the m.trriage of their daugl'.tor j fool can do that. See the good in | Bornice Corene your town, its people, and its pos.^ibi- j »o I lities, I Mr. Janies Henry Brown i “Don’t expect to have your way! Tuesday afternoon, September ]-3th' EXCURSION Hillsboro to Graham S.4TURDAY, SEPTEMBER UTH proving the national defense may be submitted at the next session. This condition is indicated in the ettitudo assumed by Senator Kern, the Demo cratic leader in the Senate, and Rep resentative Kitchin, the Democratic 'leader in the House. ■ iSenator Kern declares he has not fotuidl in his jock-bound State of iBcUaita Any popular demand for an eelaiYed navy. His Hoesier coiistitu- |Mte »r* apparently conviMed tlMt bo The purpose of the exchange is stated as follows; 1. To co-operatc with the Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture and the Division of Agronomy of the' North Carolina Agricultural E.’tperiment- Station in order that our members may select, jtrow ar.d maintain the variety of cot ton h&A aiiapttd to oar aoii and to the demsndis of the trade, that we may facSitate tile sale of cotto» in lari^ at ,'?:30 o’clock Fir.^t Baptist Chunh Mebane, North Carolina F:pfD CONSPIRACY IN FIGHT. BORDER I all the time. Comfort yourself with the thought that no man ever had everything just as he wanted it every day. Don't consider competition a curse. This is a big -worid, full of folks and idea.?. There isj'oom for you and your little- idea if you have one. Your personality and plan* will hardly loom so large as to cause you to be crowdsd for lack of room.—Newport Times. Brownsville, Texas, Sept. 7.—^More We don’t see how Cole Blea.w can evidence of a widespread conspiracy hope to be electcd governor afiiJi among Mexicans on both sides of the while all the convicts h« pardoned | Rio Grande to overthrow American are again in prison. jsutliorit? «iong the border was dis- Championship game of the Alamance Base Bail League MEBANE Vs SWEPSONVILLE Double Header Scheduled State and Federal .Agents Get Evi dence of Plot to Overthrow V. S. Forces. Leave Hillsboro 12:45 P. M. Bound Trip .65s Leave Bfiand 1.00 P. M. Round Trip,., 50c Leave Mebane 1:15 P. M. Round Trip ■ Returning, ^rahaiB immediAtfly after game. Come and go With Us HSBANE BASEBALL ASSOCIATION. POOR