“^;7T?r^ '’^^rx -7 ifya 1$ Made Of Dast^ And IM ^ttks, Wp’t You Be A MAN. A PROGRESSIVE BEPDBLICAN NEWSPAPEE 'T'VOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN HOM£S AND AMEBICAN INDUSTRIES. ‘ BURLtNfilON, ALAMANCE COUNTY, NORTH CABOLINA, TUESDAY,'SEPTEMBER 21, 1915. state Utr®r5 CobM^m MA FALUi BEFflffi MANCE OF mHINffiNBWS ARMIES WEDDING AT MEBANE. VHE REVIV AL MEETINGS AT THE FiaST BAPTIST CHURCH. Miss Bernice Corenc Bright the Brid>? oi: James Henry Brown. Rev. F. D. King, evangelist, anU —^ r . Jlr. -E. L. Wolslagel,' singer, arrived Mebane, Sept: IS.-^Aii unasually .jn the city Sunday and began a RllS«itan CiLV of 170 000 Population On Warsaw^ .wedding Avas solmemzed in weeks’ evangolistie campaign at tho Pefro0r’pd Raiiwav. Which Has Been Object nec • ' T o’clock Tuesday September Hth the ing. The f:ime of these evangelistic of Teuton Offennve, Is Gccupted By Ger-^ - 2,000,000 TURKS OWES ASKS, SAYS mTAN’S WAR MINISe mans, Berlin Annourices Soldiers, He TeliS Berlin Cprrcspr.ndent, Are Indifferent Whether They Fight British or Italians; X-atter. They Say, Are Tco 8usy With Austrians to Give Time to Gallipoli. Moscovite I'bRCEs Now Nearly Are Surrounded. Berlin, Sept, la.—Via Condon, Sept. eoncspondent, adding “The Bulgaria^ Capture of Key to Position on Strategic Line Expected to Be Followed by Evacuation by Czar’s Troops of Dvina; Nearly Empty Sheli. contracting parties being two popular workers was already established prior and well linown your.g people,. Miss to their coming, they having been here i Bernice'Corcr.e Bright, the lovely and in a similar meeting a few’ years r.ga. i so Universally esteemed daughtef of and very great crowds are attending ' Mr. and Mrs, E. W, Bright, and James the meetings. The church ivas orowd-i-*'■ Enver Pssha, Turkish minister of [uid mu today that he knew Henry Brown, a proniinent business ed to its utmost capacity at tlie ser-;qui>tsi )>y the Constaiitinopleimpending Avar” ‘Xor ] either,” replied Enver Pasi’.a. The . mini.«tsi-. predicted that the w^ouid not cone to Gallipoli, man of Winston Salem. . , vice Sunday night. Rev. Mr. King of the. Berliner Tagc-; The spacious church was thronged is a tery fluent speaker, and his ser-^^**^' as saying that Turkey row has to its capacity. The chancel was ele- mons are characterized by practical ™o- - 2,000.000 men under arms. - gantly decorated with evergreens, thoughts that are expressed to ^js ^’i hen the correspondcrnt c.vpres.sed as- pctted planis and golden rod. As the hearers iu a very forceful and com-' Enver Pasha replied with Berlin;- Sept. 19. via Loudon.—The Russian city of Vilna, at which, the armies of Field Marshal Vcn Hinden- burg had hecn driving nv;(l which was stubbornly defended until nearly sur rounded by hostile force.s, has been occupied by the Germans, it v/as of ficially announced by German ariny headquarters today. Vilna, a city of some 170,000 inha bitants on the Warsaw-Petrograd Railway line, has been the object of n German offensive jnovement for weeks past in the course of the vridB- jnorc e.xact figcies. having quite enough to do at home. “Last month we had 1.940,000,’’said i Turks, he .?aid, are quite in- of Sast, Northwest of Grodao, to the South west, no fortress barrier rerifainad he- foce the Germans moving on Vilna, but stubborn defensive measujcs were takeii by the Russiiiiis to hold back the Teutonic advance, Vilna being the Northern key position on the impor! ant railway line running Southeast ward to Rovtio, which the Russians were striving to retain. spread operations of Field Marshal awaited the processional prehensive manner. Mr. Wohlagal Von Hindenburg o.-i the Northern end W. T. Hunt, organist, sister of with his almost unparelleleu ability as the extended battle line in the rendered choice selections, a soloist and Gospel song leader, is /'’® irii.'iister. “ivow Cadres ance After the fall of Kovno to the t'emares Audantino in 0. Spring Time leading ths song services vrith great bring the number to over 2,- Sketches, Traumeri and Schubert’s success. His solos are most beauti- Serenade, after which the approach fuily rendered and create a most ef-! When asked how this was possible, of the bridal party was heralded by fectivc imprcs^ioi! on the minds of the Eiiver Pasha smilingly replied; the joyous notes of Lohengrin's wed- people. "-^t the opening of the war ou,. ding march. The services begin promptly at 7:30 Gorman comrades spoke of a maxi-^ First camc the minister, Clyde Tur- o’clock e«ch evening. A special ser-' ™'>m of 800,000. We fifigured on pa- j German soldiers. The minister denied ,j_ ner, of Greensboro, who took his place vice for the women of Burlington will P®-‘ '^OO.OOO as a maximum, but we aro jthis -.;mphatical!y. at the altar then came thsogroom and be held tomorrow (Wednesday) morn- thrice js strong.” 1 “Our German comrades are bound his best man Ashmond Fatef, of ing at &:00 o’clock, Noon-day ser-* minister added that the mob-1to us by Great common dangers,” Eti- Greensboro, who marched slowly down vices are being held at the various , affected only men up to the'.ver Pasha is quoted, es saying, “and the aisle and stopped at the side of shops and mills this week. ■'ot include the are particularly bound to as since the lUifl’crent vVhe.her they fip^iit the Brit- ;i:h or the Italians, j ; The correspondent a.sked whether j German troops would be desired ct I Gallipoli if the way were opened v.’l-.ethei' there was any truth in re ports that Turkey would not welcome WELKER—SHOPFNEB, Last bight at 9 (/clock, at the home ' of Mr. and Mrs^ C. C. Fields, on Whit tington street, Miss Miilian THE CAKE SALE A SUCCESS. ; the altar. Then came the ring bearer. I THE The cake sale conducted by the Myrtle Ladies Aid ■Society of the Methodist Alma Farrington, carrying the ring MR. BK.^XTON WITH on a fern leaf in a eut-trlass plate PATCH, (which is an heirloom over IIMI years i old) and took her place near, the Mr. W, A. Braxton, formeily prin-l^iEw ’youngest of the 1915 class, j arrival of German submarines; but DIS-j. “Dees your excellency believe that j we need no further troops either here, (Bulgaria will now strike?” asked the in Eg:ypt or elsewhere.’^ Wdker became the bride of Charles ^ FrotCTtaTrt Church last Saturs^ay af- came the dame of ;hon- cjp«) of the Fairground Graded School, V. '‘M i i 4-Ua maw WAS ... . - _ ^ . "... . - . « ... Mri. A, L. Ga«di«. .«£ Lo«isvWe, is connected with ftc Dispatch as BUB- PUBLICATION POE UNGTOJi. We arc in receipt at tb« initial iMaie Ky.,. «aw»ed in piiik sitk -Wttil io$3te. Mr. •^Ow San^y Sekmri” a paUintiim A. Sfaoffner, S«v. Shuford Peeler of- i ternoon in the new Isley buil^jS Tb* wedding wa» a qui^t i quite a success. Abottt seTOBty-flV* Affiair, only a few^ftieaih o tJte e*B-|«Slt«s wei» sold at auction. These hodJc* ,jin»i mwring black i»!B yimng wan of spl^did qoalstiet,’isaned :n this city in the interest ot iract'ng parties being In attendance. | cakea had been baked by the todies a* shaped hat trimed wKh pink • gentleman of refinement and busi-lpront Street M. E. Snnday School. The !>ride is a daughter of W. A.; Use city, and donaW to the society carrying pink carnations. _ ness ability. We trust that Mr. Bras-’ it is a small, but newsy sheet, dea!- came little Miss Elizabeth ton will be accorded courteous treat- ing with matters concerning the icholson, dressed in white lingerie ment by our friends and subscribers | church and Sunday School of which Wciker, wh- Tvts in tho southern part' for the occasion. The cakes brought of the county, wi.iie the groom Is aJgood prices, tho total amount of the merchant of CHsnax, Mr, and Mrs. sales being $55.05. This money will with pink sash and hair ribbon strew- as he calls upon each one for the.it represents. A picture of the pas- be used by the s*cicty tn purchasing _ petals down the aisle. The amount due us. We will greatly ap-i tor’s home occupies the front page. !)riiJe handsomely gowned in a mid- predate your co-operation in this mat- jThe contents are aii of a local nature, night blue going away suit, with hat, ter and trust that you will show your'jTi-.e paper is well edited and neatly gloves and shoes to match and wear- appreciation of our efforts to gii'e you 'printed, bearing the imprint of The ing 8 shcwer bouquet of bride’s roses a good newspaper by responding' p»te Printing Company. and lily of the vaiiey, came down the heartily to the appeal of Mr. Braxton,! aisle on the arm of her sister. Miss «ur subscription agent. j ENTRE NOUS CLUB. Best flour was won by Mrs. R. P- Bright, who was handsomely | Keck; Second prize, one-fourth bar- oKpif^^S COMIN'G. i Wisse.s Bertha and Verna Gates rcl to Miss Julia. Dorsetl; Taira prize, ^ black hat trimmed with ,charmingly entertained !lie members onc-iiigth barrel Sour to Mrs, John Sh jiTner will make theii home at the latter plaee, A host cf friends here will wish them every happiness. ROCK SHAPE OF CHILD’S FOOT. Mr. J. M. McCorkla, the cashier .f the Uavis and Wiley bank, has a ca riosity picked up on his property on the mocksville road. It is a rock in the shape of a child’s foot, an ex act reproduction in every detail. Ex perts are different as to its composl- iion, many thinking that it is the foot a new carpet for the church. The four prize winners that were awarded prizes for the four best cakes by Mr. J. G. Sogers of the Hico Milling Company, were as follows: First prize, one-half barrel of Hico .L pink roses and carrykii; white carna - A class of orphans from Nazareth jof the Entre Nous Club at their lovely King, and fourth prize, one-sixteenth notes of the Home, Crescent, N. C., will give a home on South Mebane Street, Thurii- barrcl flour to Miss Lillie the bridal at the altar when concert at St. Mark’s Reformed Church 1 day evening. We are requested by the Society softeried notes of on Tuesday, September 2Sth, at 11:00 j As this was the first real meeting of a child petrified, some thinking to express their keen appreciation for organ the bridal service began A. M., and at Burlington Reformed | of the Club, tho time was principally that it dates back to Indian days, the loyal .support given the proposi- ^ mutually spoken, Mendels- Church in the evening at 7:30 o’clock. 'spent in discussing a plan of proce- aohn's wedding march was used .as a Your presence will be very much ap- dure for the coming meetings. Miss preciated. A fi-ee-vrili offering will Verna Cates was elected President. However, the case may be, the rock tion by the ladies of tlie city who is a perfect foot of a child.—Sails- donated cakes, and to Mr. Isley for bury Post. STEFANSSOIi, SAFE IN ARCTICS, FINDS NEW POLAR LASDS. The couple left Greensboro, where the use of the building. Also to Mr. .lohn M. Cook for his valuable ser- viec.s as auctioneer for the occasion, and to every one who contributed to ^ the success o£ the affair. immediately for be taken at both of these places, a reception was given in their honor after which they DELIGHTFUL SOCIAL NEAR GR.\- Cssadisn E*p5orer. Tliought to Have ' Perished, is Heard From After. t7^ ^LEY-WILUaMs. Monthe—Thirteen of Hi* Party' Mr. Newlin IsJey of this city and Died on Expedition Miss Sadie Williams, of near Elon College, were aulaHy married at the ui^ Second Three Month Tramp Over Ice home of Dr. H. Fields Results io Discorery oi Un- Thursday night. There were only known Continent; Many Hardships ^^ery few close friends present. Enconateired on PerlSoua Jonreey in Mr. Isley is a young farmer & Miss Greensboro; Ash vounir ladv_ ... .. _ _ bridal tour through the : Northern cities. : I I The bride is an attractive and cul- ' tured young lady. She is a gifted luu- ,sician, she has many friends who ex- jtend to her many good 'wishes. The groom is a business man o£ Winston- Mooie, Esq., last jj well kn»wn in the social circles of the state. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Pate and HAM. Mi»B Gertrude Boone delightfully No other officers were elected, j Delicious ices and cake were served by Miss Bertha Cates, assisted by iMiss Verna Cates. The evening was |a very enjoyable one and already the (members of the Entre Nous Club are entertained in honor of her friends at! . _ , llooking forward to the nes.t meeting her home near Graham last baiurduy ■ night. Games were played, refresh ments were served i>r.d the evening was one of real pleasure and enjoy- | mor.t. Those present were: Misses Mary snd Rachel Estlow, Minnie and Lisvie which will be held Tuesday evening «f next week. The following are the members of this Club: Misses Kate Clendenin; Bertha and . _/ j Verna Cates; Mary, Beulah and SalUe North. ,Willian5s is a beaatif.il young lady of rare accomplhhnients. They will jmond Pate, of Greensboro; J. P. Bradshaw, Minnie, .4nnie Bell, Lillie' and Flossie Hannah, Emma Jeans,: Foster; Margaret Freeman; Nina Templeton, Selma; Mrs. Farringtpn, „ d . r ^ AMERICAN CARGOES FOBEFEIT reside on the Cobl. f*irm, on Bo«!e|^ . ^ ^ ^ ’ Mary H»nter, Jame York of Maxton; TO CROWN BY BRITISH COURT. No. 7. The Dispatch joins their many, ..... ^ land Mr«, Caudle of Louisville, Ky, ■ friend.? in extending congratulations „ [Montgomery; Theima Stafford; Kuth .artin, Salhe. ^ ^ . — , . .V !and Thelma Thurston. Mattie Fogleman and Dorothy i Meat Fro* United States Worth $15,- djjd wishing them a long, happy araJ 03tt,00ft is Gosdemned as Priae— successful journa^^ of wedded lif«. Claim Goods Sent to Denmark Fot Germany. 38» BALES MARKSTED. Prices at WadeidMire . From Consignments of Beef Declared Thir- UeE Times Larger Than b Tinres of Peace While Thii-ty Times J^or- i»al Order of Lard, it i« Said, Was Sent When War Started. Dun’t forget to rsa^ the ads in this issue. 10 1-4 to 10 1-2. Wfldesboro, Sept. 18.—T!ir«« hun dred and eight-two bales of cotton were marketed hero today at prices froiK 10 1-4 to 10 1-a cents. The best .cotton bro«ght fl0.90 oa this market 9*>tMd«y. Messrs, A. R. Hen derson, Edwin Jennes, William Dixon, APPKEC3ATIOX, James Flinton, Clarence Boone, James 7- 'Jones, Chas, Jones, G. Coley, Miltc I personally, I take this method of We desire to exprese our deep ap- Ward. Tlicsc present from Burling- thanldng my many friends for their A CARD OF THiXKS. Being unable to write to each one R. F. D, S. 10. preciation a»d hearty thank* to the 'were: many fri.nds a«d iieighbors for th.ir iJfoelen*tn, and Edgar Mathes. Ifr. »m?.ny acts of ki!«diio»s during the sict-~ Kn ^ ^ ;W. n. Criwford, of Daljtimore, Md„ )-es« and death of our daughter, present. R. A. CoWe, W« pray God's riohatt upon each one. i Always jwifcroniz* our adventisers, MR. AND MRS, Mi N. GRSESON. *a»ii yen wfll gat the best bargatriis; Messrs. Ijiwrence Allen, i kindly sympathy and help during the sickness and death of my dear wife. R. A. COBLE. Bjirlingt&n, Sept. 20, 1315- Send ill your subscriptio« for the Disptleh and get the best paper to 'bfi found anywhere for the money. Hr. Mid Mrt. W. W. Cobie ttf;.iris nter,'. Kis. B. A Coble, itliteh was buried at Pine Hill cemetery Sunday afternoon. Mr. Adolphus Sharpe and family of Hartshorn, No. 1, spent Sunday on the Route visiting Mr, D. M. Sharpe. Mr. and Mrs, D. A. Sharpe spent Sunday with Mr. L. M. Fogleman and family on Route 4. Mr. find Mrs. L. M. Coble and fam ily spent Sunday at Whitsett, visiting Mrs Coble’s parents. Mr. Z. M. Shoffner of near Julian spent' Sunday on the Route visiting Mr. J. M. Shotfner and family. This neighborhood wa.": shocked to learn cf the death of Mrs. E, A. Collie of Burlington, Mrs. Coble was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Gresson of this Route. She leaves .a hu.sband and three small children, who have the sympathy of their many friends, Mr. L. W. Shoffner spent Sunday with his best girl in Gibsonville. There will be an ice cream .supper Mr. Luton Coble’s Saturday night, September 2,5th. Everybody is cordi ally invited. There will be a ball game at the Aamanca Battle Ground, Saturday afternoon, Alamance vs. Brookfield. Messrs. L. W. Shoffner and Ernest Phillippie called to sec their best girls las; Sunday afternoon. While there it raired and they concluded upon .tar'i g home they didn’t v;ant t» get th^-; • i;hot-s muddy, so they just pulled tlu.m off and threw them aoross ihiir shoulders and went on home barefooted.'. Mijssrs. W. C, Shoffner and U. D. Graves spent one day last week in Burlington, shopping. Mr. C. E. Shoffner attended the ict proam supper Saturday Hight, and the other fellow made him take a back seat, ask him how he feels over it. Mr. Lester May called to see his beat girl Sunday siftemoon. Mr. and ^rs. B. L. Shoffner are all smiles these days. It’s a girl. The «arriei' wishes to tharik all of fhose that have been so kind as t» put fruit, etc., in Sieir boxes for him. PRINT ■:W