TVD CHE mriaE'A-w^ msp?JkTCBi«fmi3WXi»i.ji. c. TOe»At, **• 1M5. Ayr VEATS siiPPir Ulft OF MAfiAZiHiES in [ Another Aiiig xhat makes it diflenltj I lIQito write good paragrapfis is the fact j thal the make-up man throws the best that hunir*^s o?.fuSi^hl^s would 1.6^ jflad to send S’ou a free sample copy column is liUcd nn'l soitte are left cf their Magazine if they only L..™ . your address. It ia our business to j ' furnish Publishers only with the narries 1 of ii’.teiligeht magaame readers. If i you wili write youi- full ;-(!d!e.cs VERY f plain and send us ONLY 10 (in; ; Silver) 3i’ iiioriey ordci, we will your name to several huailred pub-! In view of the ever increasing eon- of Inflaminable liquid.s; the.'"'’ yoi' FREE sample copies of nundveds. * . _ ^ ■- . , (yes several hundreds), oi' ’.lie leadinj? U-iiiesiiuU of “t'afety" is of im-i sta NEW YOIK mm THE AtL-lMPOETANT DKESS IMI*ORT.\NT. (Willi >(« Apron in Mtddy «r Bunsalow j Style—The Pantalette Bkirt. Or.!- modern )iou.eH-ife, be she bii;ie mairon, doe.s not prepare brea!;- |fi\st in .a be-rib)x>n^ and' be-rnfiViH'. Standard Magazine, . Fa™ | s;o.-4ge and istributing:"‘-‘’”‘=« ™b?; or dinnei; i-:.H. passe ;if- poultry Journals, bioiy ...Magazines,f J . ' ^ ^ frock ;hr. in h,>- Jteviews i\nd Weekly i^ap^r.'. msuiilatioii.s niast Jj*;. iiiaJ?-safe ^ ' Order and Trade j ull top' frequent explosions inusi «P^“. VeepiJj^ JouiMa-si^ ^ rfkii-t and sleeves, developed illu^:trr;te.d . Magraijines nnd m .laet! cea^e. . « . • ’ r? WRECK OP AlMUTSnWIK FjLANT BLOW t6 RV3SIA. Gr«ifct Factory at Oldbta Was De- jitr«ycd ia At^ril Gemaa Treai^ry, London, Sept. lo.—Tho Daily News tcday ^ys it was through German jtreacbory that the ffreat Russian am- th..- AC'VOJU tl'.;.' aatomobiJe the whO'.esalo uni? of c!y'.h65',; ,'^wd thti other ^en€: CQmmo):. fibOLi.t all fci«ds of hli'b-^TiTido imerest>j ing mii^azihes comjr.^ff to you-in most; • , " ‘ every mail 1‘cit over a year :v”d sir for and c-ilrer ‘jasoUne driveit .machineVy.'i ONLY 10 ccnts ,(in silver.) 1 \VE^DO.AS-WE-SAY SO-svnd. a silver dliiie-at anct i\r;d year . r.aj)io v.ill ,ffo on oui' r.ext. jrionth’s ■ circuIati!3o: list and you v.nU lye greatly.. surprised at the rcfu!l5 as we assure ‘ cd.’ne you that you will be more than well with thie smuU. iinrcstment. And you \VILL XEVER regret it* the Ma.^’axiwo Circu’.anng- Co.* Box ’>240y Boston. U. S. A, Cjr.cxjlat-*; Hep:. C*"'}. DOXT• to write YOvll full i\ddrc55 KXTRA . plain. We have sorncthins; hi ?toro io-: you -—a? n ^'urprii^c—if y':^u will plea^o Ic" '.15 know in wha; paper you saw thi^i iu’vor'Jsonieiit. or AnEwrctaftec Aihnmg SCSOOL*S PAtlKONS BEXf TO These large all-envt'.opicg aprons BEAUTIF\* QKOUND. play no sinalt part in the house- —-— HOUSE keeper’s scheme of things. Crepe is Lucama, Sept. 17.—On Thursday of also beintr used considerably for thess last week, the county superintendent aprons, blit gingham still holds first Charles L. Coon, ehsirman of coonty place; this is a garment that requires board of education; Nathan Bass, ;i bit of crispKMs to make, it look aembers 6f local school .board; K. W. f;C3h. Percale, stripped, or pattern- Barnes, W. T. Bass, W. H. Tomlinson, ed in some cciKver.ripnalized design, js Dr. L. W. Lamm, Principal J. S. Ed- aC niciive, too, and thieire are a num- wards, many^n» and .^hoci boys j munition faetorjr at Okhtd, a suburb •lev of other wash fabrics, thin duck, frEth;red on the school gj-ousids of 'of Petrograd, was blown up some ^fi)v ir.slance,/that are ui;ed. Lucsh’.a high school for the purpo ;e'months ago, . Okhta -was the only rockets and Trimrr;nss. of beiuu'fying the grounds. With'r;;unition factory in Kussia.' U'.i£,e, roomy jvclvrts are featuvaa tsver.ty mules, scoops, shovels, hoca | ‘'This had a deLerininingly influence %;t bo.h di Cijses and apror.j. They and r.ien to use them, .a decided ion .he-Russiasi military-situation” the c'jiKt.' in very handy for carrying .■( change \va.4 made in one day, The Daily >->ws says, “as the allies had to duit cloth, a shoi't- baiidled duster dr work was such a- succests that day that !come to the .rescue by the cTrcuitous v-.'-i.s:; 0 pair of shears, or .^ome v:e decided to wor:; sffai.i this Thur5-': Arehange.- jTiousands of work- i?u:iu:!irly rr.d 'co.nfined uiiiJer, ;i -‘‘O . be used at; vaiio ja-v cay, and we did; fuit de'.egatjori !men were .ki:=.^4 and the destrutlion -jp ..of , thf same niaterial as' siVe ji'me-?. during the liiorning; besides ba- came. With Mr.. Coon at the head .;f ;of thfe plan caused such an ejctreme sonie f’’esh material Tvhich may .‘I'.iiii.od tfver.v Monday. mornin{r,. a,-.oline in clean ]*«•“•••« f“''n. back daatUly and 1-i'- .i^es vK liasoU^^e, the product has be-, . . . ^ ifwl the public ha-;, to protL-ct the hair useful, they break the seveii;y of j'*he line with his shovel and plans the'dearth of ammu:.;;ion that nothing in a .?ense, disi‘.ei;ax‘ded the danger of ea.'-jline expic^io.ns and ' '’familariry h?i.3 bred contempt/’ so to speak. Bui the fact rcivuvins tha: the ra'.ip of Io$5 life property has increased ao- CQvding to the araount of ■*a-.vle55>y florod and used. ..'Ju^t or \'ookinj? odors. Tht? >lat’rial of the .Housedre>>' Cin^l'*am, ch'arrii>ray and perc:i;*.- are \he stuple fabrics for these dv. .-• nder it . more bei.*on>.j jrrounds .\\:ere levelled, d:ained in fine form. With the prospecti j .'0« ai'.d j But:-oiis. ar^ used to trim these Llresses, tco:.but they inus: be- a wasli- tcrraced* and ‘'L*'. ht.5; who. desired to plify jiu:?U>rs >till further, decided white r-oilor no juicker t;;: .irinsiha.hi or dianibray, :!i .•cfi, wlilie-c-r'tion L'l-epc, which irouii^. ji'.ble button—bene or croL'heted. Pearl'hi^h school will begin buttons, which are not removable, are ::p!: to ureak when the garment I'* laundered. The large pearl 02‘ bo::e bright for a large and successful year, the Lucama new year on Monday, September :^Oth. The teachers who will be in charge have all received special normal training. could be done ag..; ;-,t the iSerman .General .Yon Mackense-.-.’s artillery, “Russia, quite crippled, had -to fight for time and the striking power if France and Great Britain was check- cd. All though: of the proposed great spring offensive had to be given up and the chief energies of allies bejit to the task of supplying Russia with munitions, which sudderiiy had become i!«tt.0Vis. however, the shanks of which pupt. J, S. Edwards attended summer ■«i) Kisily, i'eiiu!i;i?s jio iroiii^, di!. .s j m.'.y be shipped through buttoiiholcd! .*iv'hool at Columbia University, New ':-.qi wrinkle, and i; fresher Ibpiii;:^, U’jclers, securcd with a bar, and i-e-j Yoik. The names of teachers are jt“ her a matter of life and death.” 'v.-a.- nioi-i> wac'icnl, for these^ d. i -j mo'cJ ^v^-e:l the frock goes lo the tub, jJIifses Agnes Warren, Helen A, Jones, | (A Petrograd dispatch April 30th jCIara Whitley, Laura M. Faison, Ma-|^a^t, said several persons had been rha.'i the o!d-;inic fabrics iviKi-i '.viiuire ri:'.!vh and carefijr lauthiL-v ^isvg. i Of course, m,iin old-time hoi.-^.- .wife laujrbed at the idea and cor.siiier cj the Very !hr.;it'ht t.f hoUEewoi-;. i whi'.c ridic-.i!qus. .'-lit many have ■re tlie heifrht of the practical. cmiis Old Sates, Rttiei KemeSMt Won’t CVi. i Tha trotjit cases, no iua tter of how loa^ sta ndinf \ Ci'.red by the wontWrful old t«liak!e Dr. I .-•j'fter's .Anns#»ptic HeaJiog 6?I. It rtlicres J -''"in acd Htals et the some time. 15c,50c.' j A WISE BOY. Th-‘ OWNER cf ’.his ;i:'n !o :>.■ Bun.irni''’-’-' i' i.Mying foyit on The Easy Payment Plati. S.M.-\L. WEEKLY or MOXTHLY r.iY'.iENTS -.vo!]: v.oi- ders ;ind make vou i'.*^ prou.i po-s.;5sor of a HO-ME. Evoty citizen slir:iii(i own his h' lr.t* is mori? iadependtnt. He niak^',s a bei!^i'c; '2 *r. H? conv?rtv« his rtnt money into som(-tf',in>r vvonii whi^e. We i'lHve sevi'iai aitraetiw homes we ;iM' offeriiij^ at HAK i AiN' PRICES. Tt^rms to suit pur chaser. KeaJ Estate' i.s steadily advancing in jjrice. The longer you deiay the more you pay, SEE US FOR HOMES. Standard Realty and Security Co. Jaa. P. Montgomeri’, Pres. C. C. Foriviile, Mgr. .bKYAN MAY G0;AS fKAt’E MES- 1 SK rie iledfcrd, aiid Dixie Lamm. jkiiled and many i2jjured aiiJ rou^rh ^ matei i:j daruage done a3 the result of .an eMplosion in the. Okhta ammunition .jfactory. Xt was added that se%-eral ^wor.^hops were dekroyed, but that the s^iores of loaded shells were not af-, fccted and that the work in the fa:> tory would be resumed in a few days). i Wa^hiiij^'icn, j Ury '.hat he had i; Sept, 17.—William nJ'Jnouncod ike;-! under advisemem ' “I wonder what we're hero in the Vorld for?'’ i^sked thj»t lirtle boy^ who ^re^med ;o l^e suffering from some childish grievance* ■■We are put ho e to help ofhcj s, of; Wtoncver Yoa Need a Qeoeral Ttude cour:.e;" answered the little girl, with i Take Qrove’s ■" lit- jif,,.!.,,. I The rod Staadardl Orove’s Tafteien 1. , . , - f Tf. ^ ^ - lOi wudom, 1 cbUi Tonic is eqnjilly Taluable aa a ja sug-i.'c3tion from editors of foreign- -iTjn."’ e.wl.-iinicd the bov disdaii:- Tonic because it contains the |h;nguaf!,e newspapers published in j wellknorotonicpropettiesofQUININE j'tlta United States that he make a trip foi ’-’ Tidliits EUHU ROOT, ORATOR. (From the New York Evi ;; Post^. Senator Root on Monday added another to the list of powerful and persuasive speeches which he has delivered in recent year=. By it the delegates to the convention were as Girls who have two or thret , _uows spenthng ail their money on them sometimes have sense enough to mar ry a man who has sense? enough lo save his dollars. to Eui'ope a.= a private fjeacc envoy to .':he warring powers. I In a .-itatement lo a committee cf 'the editors, who, headed by Dr. Wil liam I'areo, had ureed ium to under-j ■;al;c the las!;, Mr. Bryan indicated | .'that he might at least visit neurral j I European countries in the hope of Jjnding there informntion to aid .\nierica in “the' niaintainine" of neu trality and the prevention of a pre- p;:redrie.-5 that rather than •prevents war,” put j and IRON. It artson tlie Drives I ont Malam, Bnriches tt>e Blood and Bi^Ma np ti>e Wbale System. SO cent*. I’HILO.SOi'inCAL .SAM.MY. Yuan Shi Kai, President of China, says he would run from it if ho ivere I It was never a happy day for Sam- jiny's painstaking father wh-ti his | j young hopeful's school report arrived jat hi.*: Boston hon^c, j ■■\.s for Sammy himself—well, he i a philosopher. • j j Th.' awf’jl day S't-d come onvie more) 'ird father v.-as in the lowest depths ‘if j I'misery. “Sammy, Sammy," 5se' up and find cotton crepe, vchethor*j>roa!*ed, “why is it that you are at* i Buttons and I'oekets Trim hc House Dress deeply moved as were the mt mber-s never«in pu,-e white, or patterned in coior, jthe bottom of your class again? I been disclosed that 'I'uan Shi Kai • . . ... of the Senate when Mv. Root spoke i much of a printer. -A war correspondent says that i Popularity of the Sniock The gardening fad, ivhich took against Lorimer's title to a seat, or | urged the repeal of the Panama free-tolls act. In his oratory, on such occasions, there '.vhich mark it off from 'hat of al-1’boso 'dweller and the suburbanite, this sum- mosi all oiir public men. It is totally , want to know' how the pin-.'s ‘mer, was responsible for the i'.-.ti oduc- (levoid of rlietorical Oi'.'iament. Mr. j ^‘-nnd arc advi.sed to go to the front, tion of the smock. Root speaks as straight as Jliirk An- a mo.'^i sati.sfactory and praciit-:il ma-j What does ;t matter, f;uher, ivheth-j rerial for :he workdress. fe; r am at the top or che bottom ’”! elements Iflying through the air sounds ^'strong hold upon the fancj of tlie city iqueried that v.itc- youth. “They teach I the fiame at both Ciids, you knew." A Georgia grand jury reports that there are no disorders or la\v viola- It has iieoome de-jtions in that State. Xow let's heur (•■idedly popular with hc-usekeepers and ^rom Mexico. MORROW & BASON Burlington, N. C. Cordially invite you to their Fall MiJiinery Open ing. Friday and Saturday Sept. 24th and 25th. inojiv. +j,yv one corner ijh- BEFORE HIS TIME. on a passacre that piercos hy its in* tensity of thought and feeling; but for the most part his speeches are •itile but c)o:ve and sinew*y reasoning, clothed in Mmple language and subtly touched with emotion, Vot the im press they n^ake profound- Xo ^pl-finiises to find a permanenL place in j — the wardr-ohe. These smocks iuu fash-j ■ In his interesting book of mem- ’i>ned of dark blue Hnen, chambray,; ‘cries, “Sixty Years in the Wilder- duck, and ?imilar materials, oft^n .Sir Henry Lucy has an an^us- trimmed with smocking in contrastino; jng story about S.r Francis Burnand. \hroad. They are C'speriaHy practical un i*T!xRE '• CITY. j We’re raising most everything i.i — jNorih Carolina this year, including Berlin, Sept. IG.—The capture ofjtaxes. the Russi.-in city of Pinsk, about 100 | be partly due to Mr. Root's habit of letting- .-i debate run on until both sides are exhausted—along with thiir b.carevs—and then intervoning with ,-;«ch fresh vi.gor and person': weight that he seems to make an end of controversy. 'Burnand, who appeared .surprised at picture frame, or brightening up a'possession of the spot of Riga, has’ Sir Henry and Sir Francis were tallc-Ito slip on over an afternoon frock ISniles east of Br«t Litovsk, was an-i' After viewing the preparedness of tng together at a big function when when there is some slight tnik to bepioanced today a: army headquarters, j'Roosevelt and his four sons, Ger- Ji very important looking guest ar- ^performed which might re- jThe Germai wa. jth ing-|gi' other speaker so often has “changed votes" by w'hat he says. This m.iy Vaycd in a brilliant uniform came up‘suit in a spot or stain on the gowa.Jthe Russians in the Kvina river re-fthe better part of valor.’' ■i" army advancing against jmsny concludod that discretion was fend effusively shook hands with The woman Avho de)ight.« in rcgildinglgion in the important struggle for the fact. piece of furniture, will also find them-won further successes. I Up to this time we haven’t heard |sf Boo.sevelt being kissed by any Ger man. “I sei you df n't i:'.iow me from convenient, as they are generu'ly rnadc 'Adam,” said the stranger. up in somewhat heavier material than ] Getting themselves recalled is \ ' “My dear sir,” answered Burnand the regulation apron, and, ihi-refora, Uafe v%ay for the Ge. man and Aus- Mexico is the real home ot the gravely, “I don’t know Adam.” offer more protection. trian diplomats to get back home. “divisible g;overnment.” I.xtkRESTIaG TEST. “When Josh got home from his education,” said Farmer Corntossel, accoi’ding to The Washington Star, “he started right in instructin’ me about agriculture. So I didn’t lose no time to try him out.” “What did you do?” “Sent him out to round np a swarai of bees.” “Was the experiment .successful?” “Some. It didn’t hurt the bees none, an’ kept Josh from getting’ in the way fur ’most tw^o weeks,” ~1S i“YOUR PEACE OF MIND^i depends upon freedom from worry—If you invest those half worised or idle dollars in PIEDMONT FIRST MORTGAGE GOLD BONDS, which pay SIX CENT—payable semi-annually—you wi[l have no WORRY-and FOREVER “your PEACE OP MIND.” ; PIEDMOMT TRUST COMPANY, Burlington, N. c POOR

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