TVESDAY. 8PET£1U»B 21, B19. tBK TWICItA.WEBK DtStVATCa; BORUNGTOV C PACE ma Work Promptly Finished. * -f * 4» 4* 4^ 4* + * * ♦ ♦ 4» WeKiakeanespeciality of ENLA-ROING KODAK PICTURES, al! kinds of FILMS, PLATES and LANT ERN, SLIDES DEVELOPED. Priiits made on any kind of'.-aper and pp.rds. Ail kinds of FILMS, PLATES and KODAK sup plies. We keep, the,nev/auWgrafihic KODAK.. Kavie you been getting satisfactory results from your KODAK? Il' not, let us explain to yci) irae of charge. How to get good pictaires? - FREEMAN DRUG CO^ “The fiexali Store” . IvoJak Pinisjiiiis: Dept, Agehts for E^stiiJEaiCtdaka and SuppUfcs. I • ❖ ❖ ❖ 4? He* 4*. 4* ^ 4* 1? •fr 4?. "I? *4* ^ •4'^Sr ^ J XXJCA^L ANI^PERSOHiLL | Seed oats and fruit jars, at Mar- Jfr. W. A. Scout of Snbiv Carap was clwiits Supply Co. a visitor in town Saturday and San- ' day. Workman invites you to tiade with him at Ralph’s Place. Mr. Everett-Isley of SwepsonviUa —^^ spent Sunday in the eity the Mr. H. P. Bass and family spenc Sun- relatives and .friends. ^ny at his farm near Saxapahaw. —^ Misses Dixie Ward and Maud Cheek Mrs. Eettie Moore spent last Friday spent Saiurday and Sunday at Miss with her aunt in Graham, Cheek's home near Snow Camp. Mj. and Mrs. Milttin Isley spent Miss JIabel Parker ol Rougemont, Sunday with bis sister at Durham, N, C„ spent Saturday and Sunday th-3 guest cf friends in East Burlington^ Workman at Ralph’s JPIace wants ^— your trade, cail to see him. Whea you trade at Ralph’s Place, you do not have to pay crther people’s Mr. F. W. Moore' was a business ijad debts, ‘.his coiicern seils for cash, visitor to the city of Greensboro last Sf’turday. Mr. M. P. Robertson and family^ ac- conipanied by Mr. C. K. Davis, spent Mrs. A, Bradley and Mrs. Harris Sunday at Mr. Davis’ home near Grn- Moore were rccerJ shopping visitors hi:m. to Greensboro. .You fterer w'.- a FETTER DISPLAY and.; vaiiety in labrien coioiriijs; Browns, .(irfe.n-s Blues. Grays,; in New Shades »'nd Civr biro.!i.'.r.s, FiR-icIs, O ' r- i'iaids; Cheeks, S.uip.;s and Plain , Styles lor zV, su'itahie ./or ti»e young n:-;n and eUerly n-en. Splendid All Woni GarmeKtii at Most Reasosabie Prices. B a Fxtra Values at $10,00, $12.50, $15.00, and $17.00 and up to $25 00 BOYS NORFOLK SUITS Now or. Display, the Greatest Line We Have Ever Sho wo, ConsistinR of Norfolk. Buigarian, Ru.esinr Mr. Rufus Mann of Saxapah;.w wa-") Mr. Thomas Moser of the Di.^patch in town Friday and Saturday, attend- shop force spent Saturday and Sun- ii-g the Burlin^ton-Winston bail day in Dufham with friends. games. mSe3s.?i‘£ y«stee and O.'iver Twist .Styioc, aiH.'in all ths sizes from 3 to 20 years. . S;^-wvy «*d, ■we:i nicwii suits, diiicr for Schoiii or Sun day wear.. Kacoing from $2.00, $3.00, $4.00, $5.0a, $6.00, $7.5o! $8.50, to $10.00. S 5 S ■ 8 He can pieasft you in both prices and styles. Fall Shoes, Hals, Caps, Shirts^ Neckwear and dli lines of Men’s and Boys' Furnisbings, including Stetson Hats and Manhaten Shirts. Nothing like callinjir in and looking tiiru the New Style?. HI s g a B ■ 8 Etverythjji^ is sold for casli -it Nothing charged, nothing delivered ■ Ralph’s Place, that's why you can boy at Ralph’s Place. This accounts for cheap. the low price.? 'charged for good ETOoda. Mrs. E, tl. Coble and Son, Eugeno. spent the lareck-end with her parents gmith hr.s returr=ed rear Snow Camp. from a two-months’ vacation spent ■— - - v.‘ith her parents and other relatives Mi.^s Margie Tx>y spent last Satur- near Louishurg, N. C. day with friends in the city of Grpcns- h®!’®, j Mr. W. M. McPherson of Snow —-— C«mp was a businens visitor in Mr, J. C. Griffin of near Chapel Hill city last Friday and Saturday, giving is spending the week in' tffWn with "^he Dispatch a pleasant call. Ws family. i FOR SALE—One young mi;Ie and one .Mrs. R, A. Mitehel) of Durhani is good mare. Apply to E. B. MEA- thc guest of her mother, Mrs. T. A, CHEM, Route No, 7, Burlington, N. Addison, for a few days. C. B. A. SELLARS & SON I The L*rading Mensauire Buriingtion, N, G. UeH! CALOMEL MAKES YOU SICK. DONT STAY BiUQUS, OONSTIPATEOi Sr^l,L FOUND KEAR VANDEK'lGET RIO OF TKOSE POISON'S IN' bilt home, Moonshiners’ Outfit Discovert^ With in Sight of Gre«t Private Eest&te. Liw Titt" ws ei9M rnr SiiiiisliJiifMwnuCitdMl Mi tlB M YOUR SYSTE.M! Vou will lind Dr. Hing-'s New Lif> Pills a most satisfactory laxative itt releasing the poisons from your sys- Mi.^ise.s Beulah r'ostcr and Bessie Sfiss SaSiie .Strickland of Durba«n McPherson spent Saturdr.y in Greem- ,'vrived is the city Saturday evening boiro shopping. to'niake her future home here. Her —— pai’ents moved here several weeks CjUomei makeB jou tick: yon lof« a Calomel is qulck«ilv«r and 4ay ft work, buu lir salivates; calomel iDjurM your li^er. If you «te biUaufs; fetl isxy, slu^ish tLHd «11 knocked out. if youv h^welft are tK>&8tipat^ ftod your head ached or la fiour, just take a spoonful of nannlcat l^ton'a Liver Tone instead 5^ using sickening, saUvfttin^ ealomei. IJoaeoii’s Liver Tone is real liver medi- eine. You*lI know it joext moroiog be cause you will vmke up feeling fine, your Iivep will be workini?, \?our head* «ek& and dizzinea» ffono, voiir -stomaeh Witt bs sweet and bowels r?jiulat You wiU feel like working; \Wll be cheer* ( QUs full of easrgy^ osid ambition. - - f-^ WUH SJfO' Asheville, Sei>t. ly,—Doubtless be- •'^fcuniulated waste and poisons; llAVAlfiCr 'mf/vop- Your draggM or denier «>)1» you • CO «!»t bottle ot Qodsns’s Liwr Tom under ai.v personal gtt»»ntee th»t it wiU clesa yoer siqggish liter better tbaa nasty rslomel; it won’t m«k« j'ou t'icic and you t»n e&t imything you waat without l|eji^ waSvate*. Your dru^rt gUMrautecB thiit exch apoontul will start - . - - your liter, clean .vour Ixsweiti and jhave done big basiKess in a .secluded and you wili oxp^jnence atrtfcigbten you u|j by morning or you ' g!t your money batk. Children gladly lieveing that raiders would ncvef ■suspect that whiskey was made illegally within a shcrt di.stance of the Biltmore mansion on the estate of cau.i>; manifold ailments unless re leased,, .spots before the eyes, blackness and a misei'abls feel ing generally are indications that you Mr.'S. Edith S. Vanderbilt, moonshiners j .Kins’s New Life Pills. Take teke Dodson’s Liver Tone because it is pheasant testing and doean't. gripe or cramp or make them sick. I am Belling milliona of bottle* spot within sight of the most ^''“tcful relief tiy mornitig. 25c, elaborate residence in America. '" ** 5 reniU';'.U;ii” Betvveen militarism and poverty : ly wh:' '''c- '■•i 'i medicine takes the place of d.mgeroua militarism impossible la. b!ithi;:,c iiea-. hcs. r>«lA«nel Da.*,* I. ’ _ _ i : TI* i wi'T- 1 e entire- i e u:U il they :"'J iit’.k= and calcmcl. Buy one bottle on my sound, i Europe, reliable guarantMk A«t jour dniggist about mcL i Let the Dispatch be your compaiiioii Messr.^. David F>.zell, ’ George Fow- a.?o ler, Sidney Mebane. Thomas Crutch- , field and Grady Gross., ivcre pleasure- A series of revival services bega:i | SOBER, QU'lET, INNOCENT C.V>I-|find this ur.tama.lJe o/.iiulrtiptd an in- ths,^ coming winter, seeking vi.«itors to the city of Dur- i>t the Webb Ave.nue M. E. Church j ham last Sunday, ELS. WANTED SYSTEM instead of tiij bedrugged TWI LIGHT SLEEP. A New Health ^ Manual Teaching Natural Lawsi’^-'^O o'clock that quickly RELIEVE PAIN with- '■ out drugs or appliance. Price $1.00 Address; THE SYSTEM, Florence, S. C. last Sunday morning', and will continue; for a week or ten days. The pastor, | sober, quiet, in:ioceni-iooki»=? ''COLC.S DO NOT LEAVE Ivn.l.lXO Kev. E. C. tiurham, will do the pr-ack- ^re always objects of no little i LV. The public is cordially invitt-d With the herd in the Robi;'-i ^ecsusc a eoM is. siubiiorn is to attend all tho services which will Famous Shows, which arc billeu '™y I'®* be held each evening, beginning at EURLINCtTON, N. “wearing” it out, s*t ?ure relief l>y Uiki:ig- Dr. Kinfr's New Di.^.covevy. Dangerous brouchi:'*! and lung ail-, inents often follow a cold which has i r;.ironize with our aUvos'lisevs, Joar:iry, iv.cltidus^ ike only livings neglected at tho beg:inning. As J 'baby wild blaci; .-ame{ k,no\vn to ■ ■e ?ive-i • IWalariaorCMIs&Feyei, Prescription N0.SS6 i* prepiited e*peci«Mir j 5 ■ for MALARIA or CHiLLS «. rEVER. !• M break »ny cste^ aad ' ^ if then im a tcuic the Fever will not 1' :t* U acts on the liver better than ' • aad does not gripe ox gioftetx. rfSc !! Saturday. Sepier.ibcr 25th, are to 1;:;* 'found -some of the finest spe.?imens i Road the good ods in this issue and 'tver exhibited in this or any other!* ihe only living:;*''®™ neglected at the beginnin.e- FOUR INDIVIDUAL EXECUTORS. man, bir.h. *.s JDotho-r b:'ving Uied uport its • bel;er nifl cnn While a party of hunters were ■ ^ ih;;n ihc‘ use of th?*: T*C'fneK*. its me EUREKA SPRING WATER -PROM- EUREKA SPRING, GRAK.^!y?» N. C. in the high and cold regions near the I tested by old and younc:.; |(?ef- a bottle :oday. End Sl.OO. .®t'l«ke of Lobmsr las'. December, ii ■ -»ame timf. charged witn having mis-. , , ■ , ^ . r> . i a,iyfopnatcd Trust Funds. It may be some 1 i satisfaction to put men in jaii after they Famous Shows, the men si.ghted a ! A.AIERIC.AN .SOLDIERS FIGHT THE '; have done these ilipgal acts—but that d>es -small numbor of wild camels, iiml,! MKXIC.VNS ACROSS THE i not bring ihe money bai'.k. Isn’t it w^er Fi;ig-,ing one from the number suc-1 border i to appoint the Trust Company as your Ex- i i • , • • « i. ■ ■ *— rr. oOi'ded in capturing It. .\cver having) ; n tile like hafare, the coilectors. T«o Battles Fought .\!cnff llie ecutor and Trustee, where your Trust; Funds are kept separate-are under the watchful eye of the law at all times—and'became fired with the desire to s.How ; tier Yesterday_No Americans .vn protected by Recources much iarp:er than . th-’m to tlie Robinson Famous Show i Wounded—American Cavalry in the ' most individuals posses,*, Mav we serve' ^ ■ . . , , . ! r . t- I ay wcavivc potrcns, but were net succossfu in | Donna Fight Were Fired I'pon bT you ALAMANCE LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY THE L.\RGEST AND OLDEST BANK IN THE COUNTY. (Tke Op# With the Cldines,) BURLINGTON. N. C. ’ sV>wi;i}; the original cf the capture, ;but a baby t.'imsl. that bids to l;0 as vicious as its mother. The bea-it , is HOW giving its keepers no end of I trouble, and all ki.>ids of difficulties i'are daily encountered. Scientists and all Students of catural history will 200 -Mexicans. Fight ai Brownsville; Tweniy Ca'*alry- men Fought an the Outskirt of The City Mexicans Across The River— Oiri? Carranza Soldier Was \V*und- ed. A VAIWRU! yiKiRXl SPKIVC HAS BfEN DitCOVURED »Y W. II. \WLEY 0!i mS ri.*CiC !N graham. N. C, il M-jN tmjiiti/ i! Tn tfif .'/.N-r.v /f' u :nn\ .kiid fiitan ht-iffi' .ni.'ih'/fii ft u/fx (n:iul ti ]>r v-':)Ur in UNUrtni /*;v»»i»‘r//r.v :Mu1 fov sffiinnr^i :ifni !i!ofn! i \rhif /;.'nv' ,w,.. // i),f. \ w fell U vt'runijnf' , ,r.v .7//./ '?7,V 'it*' furi'A^ru't]'.tu-; U'/;v filjy I’Xfi' 1 r* iitK'/rr:;J »v :itris t'rxnn .>r.v7.v#>. Tltf-rt’ a i/n )>\ /•-/-.* - 2-i:jr!it :it liOiii‘'V i'nrOn" iiiOT hit’,>:‘U)uJ'inn ,'itn] Idv tfn- wn- ff't. It' yon ./r.vir*' ir. ;/ pfy t> iiu- W. H. AUSLEY, graham, n. c. i" SCE08L 31ME SI- OESTi imi Sil-, iu V;'e :iro jrlad to aniio'tnce thut hilve ivcf^.ivod our cwrjplett* lip^ SCHOaL SHOES for all the !itt;e one,? i:s iveii as for the ;uid xvould tje ^iao to have \ou call and see the n^-w iina. Priees from $1.00 uj> ac- coi'diiii: tj sizo and avrs. Foster Shoe Co, Burlington, N. C.