'luoe iOML TOB iiOBLOicrroii. N. 0. TwIss^A-Week Oiipatcli Psbtished Ever; Tuesdar and FrUkj' ,^g By - Ike State Disi^stcli PiddiahiBC Co., Ba^Cten, N. C Vote the Pepablicaii ticket, and all Dcwpcratic admiitUtnitipa. to create thAt-you make is yaurti and besides . ^ tfivttf ■ coiniiiissioh - and ]iitt it to have the opportunity ip make wta-k, it would ; the elamoi- of those^ t^p'iw.^lirfi^king iAore.-~Editbr - about the future effect of tlie Wai' ou '6m^ mm hi7w^ 'i^ ^ clogged system needs at- cur i^u^n^ ^ ^ *'•; TeleplMM>c No. 265. TENTION.- jec.t the tariff >Wo yte nejg; national — ■■ - . "ottT^Deibr r ——— eampaign”—St. Louis. Dispatch, ^pfty^bto ia A^aace. Ate y* ft billious^ dizzy and listless*' If Gfemoc^ts finS any..way —~ ~; ~—^ Dr. King s New Life Kll» taken sit to prevent the itijeetisn of the tariff ww5ww^ ■ “P?" cotiBtipatiem and into the next national campaijen they d *• Tto St»^S^aMthei44eisiriowii«i*tnr4lir^nd will seiie;0| it with feveyijli fflee. ividttit^rteW’wMf th?p»- «a^V. Moreover it acts without If there is ooi subject in the realm rgrijlUkfc; lipgti«ct of ft eiog*e4 sy^m of A»i»erifi«B politics Whielj they are pf*7iiip»rtiirrt “f*-®"; lead's to inost serious co-nplica- utterly incapable of tiaifellisr, or M writer. . . tions. f’oisonous matters and a body whicJfihas reduced them, to a state of I are not reaponuUe far le.^mp^eMta, fombiTow morning happy in mind and wakefulneas by a populace iiritated ^fateh will be h»Mied at this «Mte' entirely satisfied, start your treanh^nt beyond measure by the ilippant treat- poorly functioning need ■ iniRtedi^te “confusion attention. If you wish to wake up the tariff. worse, coiifonod^" it is Having b^n goaded into gateh will be h»Mied at this «Aee' entirely satisfied start your treanh^nt tdaigjjt; tic': a bottle. Jwered aa second-claaa matter 1**1^ 19, 1998, at Jhe post office at M.AIL B«riiiuttoii, North Caroilaa, ondier tk« Act of CongT^ ef Slarch t, .1879. CARRIER LOSES THKE'^ TOES IX TRYING TO AVOID BEING LATE. TAXES IN GREAT BRITAIN; To the Editor. ' Sir:—I understand they are taxing i the incomes of poor men as well a.sj rich men ip Great Britain. Is this a' f:\ct?. W. E. Smith of Mertley Branch Suf- tains Mash^ Foot in Cliinbing Under Frt-igh} Train at CrossinR. {■’ailui'e to observe a “safety fifst." ipiacaUvior. ocst W. E. Smith, a colore.l D MfG ’I”"*' carrier .-ittached to the Bei'kley Philadelphia, X>«. SO. lSl-5. . postoffiee. three toes oi According lo the budftot submitteJ I. beyond measure by the ilippant treat ment of the questi)ri of natiansil de- fe.n« by President Wilson and Secre tary Daiiiols, who were being iidmo;i-: ished daily by Rejiresentative Aiigu.s^ tus F. Giiriir.ei-, the administratiDn ieadei s liow conic leaping to the cen- tei- of. ihe sUige vi-ith aU the blood- ihirs-ty !icci.'utreme!n of the Pirates of Penzance, and seek to eclipse the larifT question with the “prepnred- ness ” propaganda. But as the whole cou.nti-y is agreed that we should be a'ileqaafeiy prepared, they arc ifoitig to have a hard time making that ?.n i.wac. At the time of the crisis in pur foreign affairs was most acute. T»k« One rkia rui. than— T»il0 it c^r> F*r N«MnLlci«> aothins;!* kettar tKan Dip. Mileis’ Anti»P.min Pillii ■ hy fhousatid* . f*rii Those who have -sufi«red frotti c^uralsic pains ne«d not be to!d how ht^cessiry it'is to sfciirc re lief. The way', out os neura%ia lo tisr- Dr. Miles’ AntirPain I’iil.s. Tljey haVo. re licveci >ufTcrcrs tor no veari that Uicy l::;vc bccam-j a household ncce.-^it::, *‘I have Dr. Ar.:i-ra;:i PIUs ffir ft'*5 yjvir.*! anu ur»‘ tl:"- CRly tbing thi'.t (iOt*:; rur They have r«'\k-vVu iu i’raiulH. iii • ftC'Ad in tUteon [ h;ivf taken tfteirt U\- ih-i.r.vu-?:n. lu'. ii. Ci^he. pains')u th«* o:irach€ ahii bov>'»-is :.r.vi U:pi»,5. . 1 . have*' fo;!:ju. tiothifig- .'o equal IhMn :uui liicj- aie all that is claimed for J, "W-. Fill;*'.Springs. 5?'j. At All tf:*ugg>stB—2j rio6«s. 23 c«ht». Nevc^r aoid in bulk. \ MILES medical CO.. CJkftaft. {nd. by the Chtincellor of the Exchequer,morP.ingr. En route to the Bcrk':fY office with i r. ei'.rly collection aboiii 7 :»Vlock ye;- | |tor(Jay morning Smith's progrros.s was j i I'.-iVt-'jvi by a )on;^ ntrir the Norfolk Southcm ill Walnut | ■ .s'-i-eet and Mahone avenue. I'yarinir j would bo late lit the office tho i\ll i}icomer> over S650 per year are to , be taxed. The I'ich rn:in with an i:i-1 come of S-'00,000 wijj pay aii irioomc tnx of 170,145, ;iJ!J any \vorkin^rman or working woman who S5i> a month ‘must pr.y pait jt it iv heip > ■ :hul h ! the cry went over the land^ ‘'StanJ is.v ihu rre.s.idenr,‘'. and the country did it to a man. The metrjpoUtiin j papers carried pag^es of letters (com f fiJirht pyijjic jjieii all over the Uiiited States, of every shade of political belief, de- ciarj]}" aileg’iancL* lo the President. for our busi' “ When .Wj chose tfee'a ness we did It aiftex skrsfiU deiilknition. it was not a haphazard choiee.'- -- biisi/tess. It tne^s that yoiir dollai will buy inorelisie than m,, any other stCK'e in town. ■; ri;, IT MEANS SAVINGS! And it also means tha: it vytli be copied by otfaer stores, whethtr they can live up fo wliat it means or not. It will be copied because thi^e five words carry a wonderful tneaning. Ths t^norant shop Jfcepcr may think he will fopj you njti .ly by plac ing this slogan on his windows and tt a ^e on our adveriisingr. We warn you not to be foolc Ji Your $ works v enders only at RAIFF’S. Find oat for yourself, come around—^^compare our values with others. Nextio Tbe Orotlto over The 8oor “Wliereyflur J Works WGRders” The American Industrial Education i i-xppsiticr. is tne high-sounding name I of :i shov.' which recently held Madi- ^ son Sfjuare Garden far a wee. That I it lived tip to its name, hovi-ever, an-i i ’.vp.,5- there with fiie jroods is shov.-ii ?.iy thj.^ cxti'uci from a newspaper re-' port of the affair: “The most dariuR UGH! CALOMEL MAKES YOU SICK. DON’T STAY BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED opinion that the next session con gress will place a tax on all incomes over a thousand dollars per year. This moans that * person, man or woman, wh :> makes as much as a thou sand dollars in any one year, will have to pay a part of it to help run the ffovernmsnt. Under a Republican ad ministration the tariff paid ail the running expcn.ses of the gtfyernmeni, but under this Democratic tariff law the psDple win have to pay it. What will the workingman sajr when a part of his wages is taken to pay for the running expenses of a nation that is at peace with all the world? There wili be a time and place lo chancre all this and 1916 is not far ahead. advocatc.-i charnctcr-ai'.- i yet the Democracy intend.? to go i aly.=is by reading the face illustrated the Government carry on the war. ;-''--t "" >'uum i>i- ia»i; .11. me u»in.-c , viie. wacchwo!-;i of the cuuniiy was And it \\"'!1 be the same V'’ay in th!s j* startei. to climb bftwfco.i two ^ uEe].".niti3;i of Senator Lodge.!feature of the shDW is a chart, in the country, if .the present program of Just as hv, was bt.t^^een the ^-eases at the water^s edge.’M booth which preparedness is carried out. It is our the - - . - ! stlin,^. h)s !itt fo t a^ •> . jj,,, country, if possible, 011 that ; by a picture of the President of the ' issue. They will seek to comnnce the j L'.iiteii States, and rj^ying that Wood- Sraiii, iimpcd u .he office i.id pi > people that the United States w.is row Wii.son‘.; grealest f.iu'.t is pro- coe;ed wit:, hi. work Nv-ithout telling .tron-i ■ vuninati.,n.” a.^iyone of the >ni.shnp. One of the ' j clerks noticed biood trickling throyg.i u u.. » c' ® in leash. But to the consternation of, the slioe and a few questions brought ,,, , ... u jl. • 1 “ the tree trade party, our old friend 1 to mamel life, fcrth the story. Dr. Sleet was sum- - ' Time .’.mi right living give a hale moned and Smith was taken to St. Vincent's hospital, where it was found three of the toes had be«n so badly crushed an amputation was naces- s.try. Tariff continues to bab up serenely. It will not down. The tariff crushed to earth will rise again. '‘Dodson’s Li*«r Tone" Will iim Your Std^sft Linr Better Diin Gaisinel aRd Can Hot Salinate. Cftiomei makes you iiek: j»oii lose o. day’s ^vork. Calotnel is quicksilver and it salivates*; eufomol jnjuies vout liver. If youi avo Inliniis: fcri lazy, shi^gisli and all knookpd out. if yoiir 1k>wc(s are constipattn) anti your lu*a«l aches or stomncli i» j»oi}r, .iiWt take a »jK)Otiful of )ii&rm)ei& l>od«>n’s J-iver Todo instead of upinp 8ickcni«-r». caloineJ* lirnliso{i‘s T..ivfr Toik? in roal liver medi* * \ou'1| know it ntixf. niornitt^ be- you will wak* np fwlin" fine, >our liver will b* wnrkinff. your hc*ad* uchc and '.li7.j'inea!» non*'. yo\ir stomach wiH U‘ afttl IwwoIh Tflpular. You will fpei like working. You’ll be cheer- ftd; fuU of Gsnf^t vi^or xmd ambiUon, 1 Little Alfred was asked to write a composition on parents, and he wrol* _ _ ^ J Parents are things which boys | chairnian of Democrati.^ JW0» j have to look after them. Most j^irls j State Committee figures out two mil- Thiii.aprwripfkwpr.p.redwp.ci.lly ;’’*''' ® pas j lion majority next year for the maq for malaria or CHILLS A, FEVER, and mas- Pas talk a good deal about! who is ffoinjf to run for n second it’s j term on a one-term platform. The j return. !t sell on the lirei better than mostly the ma.s that make you mind.: esteemed chairman nvust be atoniah- “It might be a wise act for the, Ctlomel .nd *«• tot tripe or .icken, ?5« _Ladie. Home Jr.urnal. ! ed at hi,s own moderation. y our (Irii^^ist or doaW sfll.t vou a SO cent bottle of Dodson’s IJver' Tone under my persotui! guarantee that it will clean your sluggish liver better than nasty calomel: it won't make you sick and you can eat inylliiiig you want without being salivated. Vour druggist guiirantccs that each spoonful uill start your liver, clc.m your bowels and Btraigliten you up by morning or yon get your inuney back. Children gladly take Dodeon's Liver Tone because it j’s pleasant tasting and doesn’t gripe or cr.Tnip or make them sick. I nm M>Iiin3 milliojis of bottles of Dodson’s r.iver Tone to {wople who base fount! that tliis ;dcasant, vegctuHc. liver nif»die.ine takes the plat*e of dangerous eiiTomel, Buy one t^tle on niy sound, reliable giutrantee. Aak jour druggist •bout me. TRYING TO EVADE ISSUE. TAStlFF Prncription No. tSB it prepitrcd tapecUdly Jot MALAAIA or CHILLS « FCVCA. Fbtc or fix dott* wii) bitmk uj cMe, and »f fakca then aa a totiic che Fever will not retoia. tl acl* OS the fjhmt, beiset* C^mal «Bd doc* not gnpeonkkan, 2S«! DISTURBING INF When disturbing influences cause unsettled conditions in business, the invest or s mind naturally turns to the most non-fluctuating and time tried investment -, namely: Real Estate, First Mortgage Loans. We have at this time ten to fifteen thousand dollars worth of First Mortgage Real Estate Bonds in denominations of $100, $150, $250, $300. $400, $500 and $1,000. These bonds are ampJy secured by Real Estate and fully guaranteed by our Company, and will net you six per cent interest which we pay semi-annually. The investor who is content with less than six per cent interest is-depriving himself of what is rightfully his own. CENTRAL LOAN & TRUST C W. W. Brown, Manager Burlington, N. C. POOR PR

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