/ / "1 TUSSDAV, NOVmnK 1C, itu- IHB P«ipppp! mspcai, BSHtuNeTDN. N. a /AGE FNI^ Spcciai For 30 Dayi. We will givii ojie 5 x7 ealargtu«nt tu all coi>tum- ere hayiftg; $2.0j worth o; ;kodak I'iiiishii all Films,. Dev. iQc prints 2c 'an4vii>P-. I I We have itt«.V:rec«ivfed i ja *ie - sut»bly’ oi , Au^ igraphic Kodak?, BroWnic; and Pt ttmosv, N (i |i Autographic Pimc \r‘ Itii »; wnf Atf«gnpidc ^ Sif.W m4 «P- } Freeman “The Rexal! Store” Kodak Finishing Dept. ^ Agcfiti for Eastman Kodaki and SuppHes. Bev. L. Ctttry Mt today fat Greensboro vbcre he to attend the annual confereoce of the M. I*. Church which convenes in that city tomsrrow. He was accompanied by ^v. R. A. Swarriiigen, of Halifax. fou(ity, who spent last night as the Ifuast of .Rev. Mr. Curry. of Rev. N. G. BetUa^ a minister ,^e H. P. Church, whs resides .>>ti .Vsnce «0unfy, .spent yesterday in jke ^citjj' aid visiting his' sister, Mrs. W- A. iSboltaer of Boiite 7. He Ms en route to Greensboro to att^M the ian- nual conference of the Church which. convenes in that Ay bofttorrqw. Red Dog shipstuff at Merchatits been in the Eastern part of the State - Supply Co.—Burlington and Graham, at work, was called honie ye.?terday , ' on account of the death of a rela ' FOR SALE:—Nice frost proof, cab- tivc. bage plants by T. L. Hornaday. — Pbme 590H. 2Wlti, Moutitairi City fine feed for hogs i.t . Merchants Supply Co. . Ask tor it. Read “The Broken Coin in Friday’s Mr. James Austin is recovcvii'g from an operation for appendici Mr. Marvin Vestal, our linotype wliich he underwent a few weeks ago. operator, spent Saturday night and His many frisnds hope to sec him out Sunday with frien.ds in Greensboro. apain soon. FINE FRbSTPKOOF CABBAGE Plants by parcel post. Jersey WakcAeld, Charleston WakeiTeld and Succession, 1,000 for $1.00 postpaid. 100 for 15c postpaid. R. O, PARKS Ulah, N. C, «t T. N. Bopne, the Tailor that sells for cash—cheaper. They all say the Bushy Mountain canned cherries and bei'ries at Ralph’s Piace are the ix;st. WViV? They have the flavor All kinds of feed for both horses and cows at -Merchants Supply Co. Workman at Ralph's Place has them “skinned" on meat, lard, sugar and canned goods. Give him a trial and beij.' Don't fail t« hear the concert given by the Trinity G5ee Club on Monday night, November 22. Benefit of M, E. Church. .Admission.. 25 and P.5 cents. Go out and help a good cause. Mr. E. C. Butler of Winston-Salem spent Friday night the guest of M/s. Mary E. Way and family. He was en route to Altamahaw to visit his parents for n few days. Let as dye f ir you, M8 W, Sanitary Pressinp: Ciub. Good apples, better apples and best apples at Ralph’s Place. The Midway school wili have a box party next Saturday night, November 20th. Everybody is invited to attend and enjoy the occasion. The man that broke the speed liinit was headed for Ralph’s Place after' his meat and !ard »nd-some Bushy Mountain cherries and berries. Wirkman at Ralph's Place sells thick rib !tie;>.t at I'l 1-2 cents per paund. Mr. Joseph E. Brown will leave to morrow morning for Greensboro where he gees as delegate from the M. P. Church at this place to attend the annual conference which will he in session this week. WANTED—to trade nice Jersey heifer for good milch cow. Will pay the difference in price. Apply at once at BUP.LINGTON SHOW CASE WORK.S. at. The fourth installment of the serial 'story, “The Broken Coin,” will a p. pear in the Rc.vt issue of the Dispatch. R^*ad it. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Campbell nf Spray motored to the city last Sat urday and spent the nig^ht with his sister, Mrs. C. H. Hunt, returning Sunday morninp:. ,^4S W.—The Club. •Siinitary Pressing Car load of fresh cabbage at Mer chants Supply 03. Those who fail to hear Mr. Erwin at the Church of the Holy Comforter nest S-jnday afternoon at three o’- ' clock will mi.is a rare treat. All men are welcome. T. N. Boone, tJie Faultless fitter, Mrs. Harriett Shoffner, who lives with her daughter,. Sfrs, George W. Allen, .suffered a stroke of paralysis last Thursday. She has been in a very critical condition, but is reported as improving slowly. 1 Mr. William Erwin, a former Burlinfttonian, will speak to men at the Church of the Holy Comfarter next Sunday afternoon at three o’ clock. All men are invited. All hoys and young mcf »e especially invited. Mr. Gvahar.i Fancctte, who has j We were in error tyhen we stata-1 in our lasst issue in. a local item con cerning the admission prices of the Trinity Glee Cub which ■will give a concert in this city on ,the night of November 22. The prices are 25 and 35 cents i«.‘:teal of 35 and 25 cents. Safeguard Your Estate If y-u name the Trust Tompany as yovr Executor And Trustee il will not fr.it ?riek r.t- r« critical time when aii Execut.or j^hou.’d carefully wpaehin»c yt>ur investments in order to ffet th« ni:>st out of them p3Ssio!e for your c-'fcate. we confer with you aboui your u'ii)—without charge, of coarse? AUMANCE LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY THE LARGEST AND OLDEST BANK IN THE COUNTY. -■ Tlie One With the Ciijaies.) BURLINGTON. N. C Light coiored coat suits dyed dark blue or biack-r^look like new—Sani tary Pressing Club. If you want a red cedar chest at reasonable price, see Mi t). Winning- ham, Cameron Street. [iying will usher in longer the purchase of or Dress put it you deprive yourself •, Don't you of an extra s service. ■ The time to buy is row, and the olace to bu.v is hare, bac.iuse this is the store that offers you the chdi'-o o'" the ;r.ost stylish garments inade for women and only garm&tus . tha't,to!!}» fro!n ra:tker3 who.se productions have stood for quiiity. Within the iast ten days we liitve receiveii ahoat 7,t t^uits and Coats of the varv iate.st. scy!«s. They come in the neat b i.K nio ii^s belted designs with and without fur irimed. ■A pood crowd saw the third epiEode of “The Broken Coin,” at the Crystal last night. Read the story in the rc.\t i.isue of the Dispatch. T. N. Boone, the Tailor That Satis fies. Mrs. C. H. Hunt returned Saturday from week's visit -with her brother, l!r. It. E, Campijell at Spray. LDve gives it's,«ll and regrets that it has no more 10 give. Price $2.50 Here is another ahoe that is provintr the biggest sell er we have this season. It i.« a Growi nj? Girls Low Heel Patent leather, Black Cloth top Button shoe, Sbes 21-2 7 at $2.50. Wo also have this shoe with patent vamp .nnd dull leather top, and Gun Metal and Glazed Kid Button and iaced btyies at same price. Come here and get your shoes wl‘ have what you want and do not have to run all over town to jjet fitted. Our prices and services are the best. We appreciate your patrona(?e and fill en deavor to make it pleasant to do busine.^is with us. Foster Shoe Co. Leadinjr Shoe Store Burlington. N. C. Prices are f om $2 50 to $5.00 par Suit less than you would j pay &\ scv/h^rii for thera Prke raafi; $10.09 to $30.00. ; Oiir New Line of Winter Furs. N;t«- ,">v«!ts V vif • I !•>. • We :if;'inff l.ho ehoi'' t j'a.shionfi.bi- in ij!'.- ! nnt! ked at r»"ises you cnn Kff;;nl.' Tiv.- c!u!i:-.s sip.frle yU ces v ‘i -ts for women a-'iLchi'(ii'.' V n. Ladies r^eck •' >‘l 75 '■! S!.’i 0;j j..:uiies sets io $25 00. :.oado isp in -ii-v" ;.t ih- i'S ?5 ! . S3 00 ■■jV. . h’-rS >: t si! V -J ,1 a }. 1 I i ) 1 ; ! i S! $5.00 S7.00 158 50 V ool and Silk Dresses, .-•.■■-.I ^i3 b :i:. styles in ail ;,corin a>ici . \ 1 : .v -11 ; 1 ;i,v .'i dscij',i.i /-_viucdon. I. ^ I 56 UU §12 5u $7 00 i.$i5,0) & .$:i0.O0 APt.DO $15.00 B. A. SELLARS & SON Burlington, N. C. DO YOV H.4VB SOUR STOMACH? If you are troubled vfith sour stonr- Hch you should cat slowly and masti cate your food thoroughly, then take one of Chamberlain’s Tablets immedi ately after supper. Obtainable every where. ROOSEVELT DEEPLY GRIEVED AT DEATH OF WASHINGTON. Oyster ,JSay, N. Y.. Nov. 14.—Col. NOW LOOKOUT. Theodore "Roosevelt made the follow- intc statement tonight on the death of Booker T. Wa-shington: *'I am deeply shocked and grieved at the death of Dr. Booker T. Wash ington. He was one of the distin guished citizens of the United States, a man who rendered greater service to his own race than had ever been rendtred by any one else who, in sa doing, also rendered great service to the whole country. I tnourn his loss j j.nd fee; that one of the mast useful i-iti?.ena of our lar.d has gone.” Women are frail in their emotions, but stronger in fixed principles and their resistance to evil, than men. When a eold hangs on as often haja- pens, or when you have hardly gotten over one cold before you contract an other, lookout for you are liable to contract some very serious disease. This succession of colds weaken, the system and lowers the vitality so that you are much more liable to contract chronic catarrh, pneumonia or con sumption. Cure your c.^Id while you can. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has a great reputation. It is> relied upon bi' thousand.s of people and never di.sappoints them. Try it. It only costs a quarter. Obtainable every where. Facts kor sufferers. I Pain results from injury or con^e.*s- tion. Be it neuralgia, rheumatisra, lumbago, neuritis, toothache, sprain, brui.se, sore stiff musclcs or whatever pain you have yields to Sloan’s Lini ment—brings new fresh blood, dis solves the congestion, relievc.s the in jury, (he circuhitioi! i.'^ i"iee and join- -i it';ives as I'i by mag'c. The nature of its qualities penetrate imme diately to the sore .spot. Dan’ keeji Oil .'■^uifcrin.sr. Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment. Use it. It. means instant relief. Price 2.tc. and .’>0c. .$1,00 bottle holds si.v times as mui-h uft the 25c. size. s9e9esesesese9e9sse9e9& X FOR SALE « I s L E h. T N G P O R C H t. c: BUNGALOWS 2 m ■ .VUE YO'J (;OING TO BUILD? ^ n Let Me Estimate Right Away W 5 Help you save mone.v and build better homes gg H Get in Touch With The Most Up-To-Date g H Improvements gg m MAKE YOURSELF BETTER IN g ® BURLINGTON. $3 « I i ' k, iind ii.il. ILDEK Li 50—Acre tohtcco farm, adjoinin.)? the lands of Claude McCatiiej at;d W ill Vincent. About 40 acres is cleared, the remainder in v. ooil. T’ 's farm is in the heart of Uie tabftcco belt pt’.dv ■iuct?, lIi« best (juality of bnfj.hv tobacco. It is on a public road. On this tr;icv, ther,.; are two to- lucca barns, fiucic bKrn, stable and nfc\v' three room house. 44—.\cre tobacco farm Jidjoining the latids (if rL-iudc McCftai^'v rind Will Vi?icent. Thirf.v aC ' ;.s n this farm is unde-^ cultivation, the remaiiuler in wood There are live bi-.ildinKs oit this tract. A r(;omh()USf. two tobacco barns. ;-rans.r; and feed bi.rn. T!,« a\-.ove n. -.iii's'icd farms are cjntiguoiis A pubiic r-.-ad (ii'.’ides iht-m. We v.-ji! ssH in H-..C1S or Ub ri wi'.iile. Prico.s reasonab’p. Teni's ■ -r-K;' petty. to suit Jiifi !> ;rc!".:.r ! i or inforraa'.von t" k EN ii 8 FONVILLE. Mgr. Burlington, N. C. I NT * ■’ V,