SIXtB PAGE. YhK iWICE-A-WBElt IH»lfATCH; BlIBUNGTOK. N. C. 'ir.3DAY. NOYEMBEK 1^ MB. \ V >:kw vokk »,E'n'KK. A KEVIVAL 05’ SKATING A Popular Spurt This Winter, Induurs an^ Out^Tlie l*aAtaiettt, Pctticoat. ■'.•omfjrtablo r.otioii; what could be :^;ure ideal for than the wide lUutV i."UfT, into vrhich oue liiay slip hai’.do I’lifl ren^ove Lhein instantly ir ncoessiiry, doi?'^ ;iway ei.nii'ely with t he Jaiigvr of losii\K a valuable . nnJ the inconvenience of carry- o!ic- whoti ihe hamls may be put AUlv VOU KUUCATEI>? . It looks jusi i'.o\Y as if ixW tho.worM would }>:o Oil .skHtesi. this winter ju^:i l'-o better use. :ls a i the NVxOrld rook ap the d;-inv last. ,Our Hippodronie \th displaying*' soniV wonc’ertuHs' -it-1 Irk'tlv^ !»:«•. .ins noibiis i:. its pr4f3-'|. V;>r'ous people have vui-ioas ideas e;ii show, many ct the Uboul What cM.«ittitos an eilucatior.; cli-scd' roof -sai-dens.ka^o taken .up iha but we have not .seen a broader,. Mgti ,f:Ad and are s!vi:;s a skatins U'- Bertel- use . oi .ihe^term ihiul ;ns:i-;=d oi tile daiic-ili- ^arbai;et; The ; ‘T a t in ;he .-p.,n is yvhoi^sonie. ar.d a»iiea’:s t..>who;told hU pu- ■V JUV- and o'd ;.pils he shoald C3.‘).sfdev.'Jn>m cdut-a:-' -Skaliiis Costumes., ' ;od iir.thu iii'st .sei-.:?ivoi'th,.AU.;-!.i whc.i Aii:on^ the pavti^lariy !«ulU say "Y-s;- to y one of vo;-.;hfui. i'.j'.d chif, ai'o I'.ie bos ooa’.s,'■ u !;:i .,J:Vi t and ta>- - ■'.na/atiun yoa; sympathy I'i't' Nor- vr.'Jod oau?eA ivm\ snude you thorn . Ha? it made von publi-'-sjji’-iu'd ' . it inari^- vou n I'roiher to iho INVITATION TO ATTEND. rioKcd .T;L5n-o'-Shan’vr5=. folk n-'.odvl. iii much iti I'avoi, av'.d the sweatei* in .'■onie j)opui:ii' vivid to';e c'O’nbiued with skin ui’ corduroy . or nvt-ed,. i> 1. prinie rjivorke; Each of ii'.ose ^u!i> i;'Iio\vs ti^c case :-f niovt— hient >0 >:ec;-sary to this .porl, ar.d the gi'acef of r'-ae so. nuu-h souirhter ai- icr in all co.-numes. Fiibric.' l’avo:'ed for skaiin)^'. suits iire tweed, ir. its vuriuu-- juixture:^ oi .'iDft browns, red.5. and i^rays^ sweats?" cli^th, warnily and vivisily colorf'd: lanib's wool. :^o liijhv and warm, and r.umberle^s novelty wooK and other fahrics fav»ivci f~)r Ui*e. Cor- make oe u man oi :wo in a liavf y;>u' learned how to frieiids and keep iFiem? Do you knew, what it i?5 : triend your?ielfV. f.'.n you look a!i hones'. ?.ui'c w.)]ii}’:i in the eye'.' Do you 5ee anythinij t iittle childV Wi’l a ionely dotx folluv voi; iti the AU'K^Oi ? fa- yo\i le hijrh mi:.(.It-.: a;.d Happy :•?: ihc meane:*! duni^erlA*.' :ifv‘.’ yini ihhik d;?-he> ai;d hucin/ coj’n Just a compatiltle with hi^'h thiijkir.^’ :i> |>ia‘-» [)layi:v4' cv Are you ;:’o.'d. {%’i vihiniLi' y-.iiii’ Committee HeetiRC >b RaWigh Noveoiber I7th. A meeting of thie .Republican Exe* cutive Committee called a;t RalftigK on H^ednesday, November 17th At 2 P. M,- ‘ The purpose of ihis meeting is to consider the of a Stile. Con- v*cnii;’;i- ijUch other matterH a« are rendered j:ece55ary by the new Le.iralize*! Priniai^y Law. AU A;:ti-l)i-inocratjc viiiers iind.:\;l who CiXpeci to oppose Ditmocraoy ir. tlie Stat.? U'l ,ih(> .comin.f;- eleetiini are iv,0si curJiaJly i>rvkod lo attend' meVJini," and p::r! it.s deliber- ation:«. . .An object cl' the rneeiinj? is dis- cusi!- the .-iitur/.ion in the Huice^’enorrdly and, io form, a .more ur.ii);\ bf live various political eleinc'iitt that are Anti-Democi*atic. Tiie CommlUv.’c niost • earner’lly .sv^i-k.' Iho aid ar.d advice of every one who will h:bor for --a .return of the nation to the principle;-: of protection that havo so grie^aiy b]eA^:cd our people i.n the pa?t ;jnd i.^ iheiv i>est hope fv*rj the futUr-:?. I With National victory practically; ;^5;^u^vd \vf wi.-sh to put this Stare in-i tu the progressive column «ind rctni'n I to efiicicnt and oconomicai jrovern-j me nr. | \Vithoiit. rcferi^i'ce to bow you voted | in the last. tdcc:ion. we desire your | pres^^ and tiic bcne/it of your roij;.’.-cl jir^il ask vou to jtjin u. in a. c'.'mnion cxMiiy. V-.'.l KU \ SK A ^a: yt>a ;e ’•. (.’.-i:: you biok j.'- ai'.yJ’.i’i^’ d''i':ii> a’.d ct-r r. y 'iok a nuid j>uudu> v.ay.'idc aiv,^ .'c*.' a cifar ?'k\ ? a^y'thin^’- in (h- ^ainsl a c’t-!in?:on Vi nil- I’riends wilh Kes{>ectiv.’jv, I.IXXKV, Cf\'r.\ I D.llC : :-U'. ud V r.iii you k into th'. sky 'i t!U' 'Vili'-' -Tlti’ I \ S.VMPLK nr C'KNSCHtSHlP. ADMIMS ritATOirS NOTU’K. ad mir;).siratOi' ' l‘! I'anSal'.'^U' ('osluiH*' :.:;d vasr.Av i.*.:h a kiUiWn and mentionln:?. nar' i^ul.!i;y I'-ilk miMicls ..r‘ il.oi- -noi-ts ^oat^ l-i-ir.;'.' r\W :■ iViv >, • • i i,; wi.L- fi!!' ii ?hai vi to thv lu 1’ik' u nnr'vna'ani l * :\ qun\* rordur:\v lei iti.-. itself well to the bclcfd ^’^llr- '•>r .u’oir'n^ and uthe^' our. woll as >kntin:^^ Are I’nlined ’ U'l’ ) .-‘.•i .oji'H't'^ cf the r«.-cci'.l dc- ;. ihc ih‘iii.-h r’arliniaont >.vi‘V 'i'«i‘ship hav«‘ i'i.nvhoii ’hi- ctuii' I jK‘ n:*-.'i hjUTC'ii.M): I’l'vclaliou ojun-i'nin^i: lUe coiisns'ri tJole--- Kipiwln^ h ^va^ acc 'Uint'd -.•."I ri'i'iv.i:,us Ii ap- haJ an c:’,lh:i>ia>ilif -v5ri-i‘:p*'n> »n5t'\vl’ei • JK- r”i'a;;(‘i " Wa> jntiVv ■ ni 'U' the fahilliuv iine>' fi'om - I ■.•Sr;— lainni'. and rlu- i;;p- 'I’i.v- 4-;i|.:a!:i and jhi.- kii.e's depart, ; Whi-ii ii u-.)'. :hi'iuirh \\w >-v:,ov'- hand it read;— j ! 'Hu- lujnul;. ar.«l 'lu- sh-niMni^ dic'^ j The caplains ' depart. ! Sir *b.ihr: .Sini!ii. apcios^i^st f ir the • -.•fiisur. i«>U( the ilou>v o‘' C.onimons: ' *‘I Lualcrs'.ar.d that the jicen.tiemaii who' cat MIX the three word.s ai^d the kings ' W'jt it would he wroi.j*: to say, as no I Having': «{ualitied j f ihc v.-late of H. llufHnes. decea-^- . }i‘.i. iati,* uf Alamance county. N’ln th ^ i tin'.' tv) notify all |/el'.sons | jhaviMLr ciaire.s iijjalnsi the of: •-.•lid dfci*a;-.c(i to exhiliit tiiein to the j Uii.ic!-c:iL‘:“^'*d al ({in-.'iiij^lon, -l' -'r ?ic-| jt^rc ihe i si (jay af Novemlsci . 1-H'», j ..-r ihis \ M'ill b.> pk*ad'‘d i:i bar ‘ of their rei’uvci-y. Al! persons i idebl-! t‘d 1> saiti etetaie will j^lcii.H- nuike. innnoiliatv payjncut. | Tins the I'^t day of NovemiK-i', UU.'>. f.A.\[AX'K [.OAX A TRl'Sr CO., Adi'.iini>t!“r mT.I. H. A iM:urE.K\iN(i A.i AI;d anm fonUnnporary ‘.fllsi a situation in lhai commniiueaith, brou.irhi abonl by recejitly ^'''acted Prr/hibitii)n which eonstiuue:? a puzzle that neither the Attorney-Gen- eral nor the (lOverner nor any ->ther [.State orticial has :^o far been able to kin^^s uev. proscr.T, that any of then. ■ ^ The heliffl Xorfdk, ihe sweate*' .'••'at and the box modei, now worn for are ;til t-f them unlined unles:^ it be perhap.. a ..houldev yoke of «vtin .ieparved.' | leaving to hi. or heary as a .sort of body foa-, Which moved Mr. Outhwait, M. P, dation. fact, makes the fashion- lo imjairo; “U the country still payinR 1 ire of then> at home a much simpler for the services of this idiot ';" I p^^i^^^tely six hundred dollar, and matte.-. -Spirt cJothes. beingr more It is fervently t;> be hoped that our | p„,.^hascd before the traffic in intoxi- or less of a luxury, are of necessity own scheme for preparedness will not j ^ outlawed in the county in expenr.ive when purchased ready , include a censorship but if it should, I tees are desirous of dispos?ing of the made; nruterial, however, may he pui- that it will not he exercised by idiot*. | chased and the garment made at home , very reasonably. A particularly ef fective seon recently, was de-, veJoped in a soft saj?e green EngMsh coa‘insr; it wa-s revedfiible, the under-. A WiSE DOCTOR. (Philadelphia Telegraph). Some time ago Brown began to feel side beins checked in soft blues, ^ nttSe under the weather and a phy- 'rreeiis, reds and brow.-^.s. C.illar, wide ■ ‘cii'.n was summoned. A few days Af- cufT.^, labe!. ai;i belt ’.vere made with ter a friend called to see how the pa- ihc check oui.side; the coat was fasten- '-ic't was getting alonpr. e»i ^v;!h lafii'c h-i'ou-n leather i>ut:.o.‘is; “Sorry n see you penne'.i up, oid :. ib'.',- '.f ih-.' ■>ns extended down boy,” remarked the caller, sympatheti-, ;iiO fi-r.--. ; ;■ !tio skirt as well, addins 'cally, 'What seem:-- to be the vroubie?’: I wines but in their efforts so to do find i themselves up agamst the law, no I matter which way they turn. Under Uhe statue now in force in Alabama^ jthey are prohibited from shipping: the I wine outride of th^ State or to any I other eaunty in r}»? State. They can [not lawfully sell the wino either at ! V/henevcr You IN'eed a Geiisr^l' i Take Qrcivc's i The Old Statidard Grove's 'faii.,.io3S chili Tottic is equaUy valuable as a , I General Tonic becau^ it cbntainr the ; I wellkoowntoaiicproperlie.sofQUINlNii I p»it)d)e I jind IRON. Jt actsou the Liver, Drives I out Malaria, Ettriebcs the Blood and I Builds up the Whole System 50 cents, r.iji-ht ... : l>'t o^’ crimrnin^. Pocket:^ are c )::veniencr‘ for sport.s wear, paticn't. 'wholesale or at reti^il, nor can they jrive it away. On the other hand, they can not have iii their possession more , . , than five ^alKns of wino without vio- ; -lust run down a bit, an.wered I i , _ .„!irtinpr tho law and running: tne risk { “The doctor -say;-^ 1 will] ... ... __! f>at a:ri niiis ihi^ winter are ^hort time.” j uppfioii. The various : Lyios of ^ >C’0^ ihoujjlitluily returned the | ; to(j :••.> ^‘lach a par. of the new “I understand the docU-r told j are pui ti'.-ularly adapu-d to real t:ike plenty ot fresh air. ‘■vut-ot'-door wear. The wide chin col-j smiled the patient- Mo iar. :-:>mini;' well up about the thro.u., ^ only kind of medicine and i'ars i--. k-ecomin.p ;'nd wonderfully ,^ eoiild atford to get. wa: 1 and practical. The throw scarf. of .le Siime material as the coat, or. Women are fraii in their emotions. a lit. jiif huvinp^ to .‘.erve a jai» sentence. If, the leprrdC£T\ instead of beinjr W(mien.; w^vo !)iirsty .Alabnmians of iIk? male; .sex. ii i:; a ->afe wa"or that they would . lon^r ay:o havo completely solved the | problem to their individual and col- ^ ic»'(ive satisfaction. » M'r Tar fabric, often attached direct-, stronger in fixed principles and ly t.: the coat itself, is a pradical and ^-hetr resir.tance to evil, than men. WSes Cured In O to H Days Vwiir drtisei'Jt will rrfusd money if P^o OIN''.*M:iNT fails to cur« Rtty c«*c of Itcm&g. Blind, B\«eline or ProtnidittK Pile* in 6to 14 (Ut» tbe first ftpplicalioo leiveu Sate «ad Atct* SOc‘ GRAND 50 Beautiful Residence Lots iJi iii... j ^' I'i, 10:30 A. M. Free Band Concert at 10:00 M. i i' .;. ; jja! A', s..,, !:. A beautiful set of will be given awsv st this sale. Every man, woman and child that attends will have an equal chance. You will not be required to make a purchase in order to take a chance—simply be there, put your card in, and if your name is called out, the furniture will be yours free of all costs. The set of furniture is now on exhibition in the show window of the Burtner Furniture Co., Burlington, N. C. Go around and take a look at it PENNY BROS. SALE RAIN OR SHINE SOLD ON EASY PAYMENT PUN W. D. Foster, Owner BURLINGTON, N. C. POOR P