TITK80AV, NOVKMBES 1C, 1M3. TUS TWIC&^A-WEEK pISf I'AICH: BtKLISGl'ON. N. C. 5EVEN PAGB. r CHURCH DlKECrOKl BAPTIST CHURCH. Bev. 11. W. Buck. P>st6r. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The Church of The Holy CMBforter, The Reverend Jpha Gibble, Sector. S^vices Every Sunday, 11:0# A. Jt »nd 7:M P. M. llaly CoaunuaWn: First Sonday, 11:00 A. U., Third Sunday, 7:30 A. M, BoijF and Saints’ Daysi 10:00 A. M. Sitada; Sehosl 9:30 A. 11. The public is cerdi^y invited. All l^ws Free. Vest^ Cbeir. THE METUOPIST PROTESTANT CHURCH. Sunday Worship, 11:00 A. U., w. 8:00 P. M. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. J. ii. ; Veruou, Superijiteii^nt. Praise and Prayw Servi«», Wodpe* day at 8:00 P^ M. Obristiaii Culture Claw, Saturday a jt;00 P. 11. Church Coa/erencei Wedneadsy d* ;fore Sandsy of each moita 7:30 P.M. Obwrvance ul Lord's Supper, fkr' Sunday in each mcnth. Woman’s Unioii), First Uonday td eaci. Month, P. [Do You Pay Gash? If you do, you don't want to piiy jur ilie bad (ivlts o!’ t.t'iers, when you trade with us. I'ou do not h;r.c u; I pay the deid beats’ bills. Look at these prices; B Green Coff«e 121-2 Roasted Coffee 15 10NE r VEAR’S aPPlY ijF mmm iOc 51 DO yof KNOW 2 that 'lytKJieris of uublishcrs wauld I« H! to send you a free sample copy ■ |cf iheir llngazine if they onjy knew myou!' address. It i.-> our business to H j ui’iiiiih Publishers only with the names K jcf iiiteliigent magEzirie readers. If H J you Avill write your full address VERY I ■ Eafit Davis Stmt. ■FRONT STREKT M. E. CHURCH, ^UtB. Rev. D. H. Tuttle Pastor. Arb. Coffee 20 Comp. Lard 11 Fat Backs 12 1*2 All kinds of Candy and Cakes, Fruits and Pioduce. GIVE US A CAl.L JAMES WORKMAN, Msnager. Spring Street - • * ■ ■ ^ ear Post Ofti.-e. Li? Kev. George L. Cur^, Pastor. Preaching Services every Sunday at 11:00 A. M., and 8:00 P. M. Prayer Meeting^, Wediicsday 8:00 1’ ■,M. , . ' Ladies' Aid and Missionary Societiek every Monday afternoon after Firnt Sunday in each month. Christian Endeavor Society meets at 7:00 Every Sunday Evening. Sufiday' Sehool, 9;-30 A. M. M. A CobJe, Superintendent. Good Baraca and Phi’athes Claim. You are Invited to attend all tUes* services. M.\CF.DONIA Lin HEP.AN CHURCH. Front Street. re^e to those who enter. Blessings to those who go. Preaching every Sunday, H:00 A M. and 8:00 P. M. Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper wi;f. oiTering for ’hurch chariti«*B, Fir.! Sunday in each month. Sunday School, every Sunday, 9:?.0 -V.M. E*rayer Meeting, Wednesday, 8.00 P. ar. ■ Board of Stewards meet on Monday, S;(lO P. M-, .ifter Fourth Sunday of sach month. Mi5^;ioiifiry 6oir;;'t^ nr;:',' 4*00 P. M., on Moi'Hav. flft"r ::nl .S'.;r'.d;iy.1. THE GAME LAWS FOR plain and .send us ONLY 10 cents (in bih cr) or mo.".ey order, we will send your n.ime to several hundred pub lishers within a year, who will .send you.FUEE sample copies of hundreds (yes several hundreds) of the leading Standard Magazines, Farm Papers, Poultry Journals, Story Ma^zines, Reviews and . Weekly Papers, Mail Order and Trade Publications, Boose- keeping Magazines, Fashion Journals, Illustrated Magazines and in fact about all kinds of high-grade interest ing Riajrazines coming to you in most every mail fcr over a year and an for ON'LY' 10 cents (jo silver.) WE-DO-AS-WE-SAY sg send a silver dime at once and your name will go on our next month’s circulating list and you will be greatly surprised at the results as we assure you that you will be more than well pleased with . the small investment. Aiid you WILL NEVER regret it. Address the Magazine Circulatiiig Co.,! t Box 5240., Boston, U. S. A. Cir?ulat-i«ho made the qua.), inff. Dept C*73. DDNT fail to write j One -wlao put a d.ienf ij^ Yale: YOUR TuU • liudreSf?' EXTRA plain. 1 li... 't fm- w'.rA' -v \Vt* hi.ve .somethin- in st.ore for you^ un.U.>a>. —as.a real ?urpi-i«ie-~if you wiil please '‘E\ c-n fhrs .-'mi]) tiWay:'" let 115" kpoV’ in whi’.t paper you .saw .ihis a(ivcrti.-^em2ht. ^ — — One oiu* I wftich l':uK EVEN THIS SHALL PASS AWAY. OtK-c- ::: iViviu £i.ki;jKi Who upon hi.s ■ Graved a motio true ;vr:d wi^e Which, vs'heri held bc'fcrc cyt-.s Gave him counsel at a Rlahcb, Fil- f:>r any change or chance; SoJfinM wonU—aiui these wet'c they.' “Even this ^?Vi;)ll- pass away.”; Or.ce in Eli : uied a CV.mp Who each year, produced a .Champ, Where crouds chortled ’'Atia Boy^’' Ai a Shevlia or a Coy; Where he hui'lcd the Grinicon back With the Orange and the Black, Yet there ^hoed o*er the fray; **£ven this shall pass away.” Unto Harvard’s waning sitir; Cawe one day another Czar, One who moulded a machine Withoiil eqiial on ;vhe ?reen; th* Rev r. S. Brown, Pastor M«jri»ing Service 11:00 A. M. Vespers 8:00 P. M. Services every Sunday except morning of Third Sunday. Eundsiy School, 9:45 A. M. it*rof. J. 3 Robertson, Supt. I’eachers’ Meeting Wednesday 8:00 P. M. (Pastor’s Study). Wom*n^. Missionary Society, Firet Thursday, Monthly, 3:30 p. M. L. C. B. Society, Second Thwada;. MontWy. P. M. Young P*cple's M««tins, S«eoad day lit 3 P. M CHEISTIAN CHURCH. L-'uf.-orajjL'. s'lO'it dooi* i loris 'I'eii^phof.e, ^ llint - Tuilx — ' Church. Froui ; \S.: ^ :6?s. Jp—•■Husy.’ The recent Legislature enacted r lew which makes it a .niirdenieanv^r, pinii.^nr.blc. a fine of $50.00 or hr.p;-i>-u!'n'iO”t r\>r thirty days, for ai^V' c>:'o *i‘» or. oifer for yalc, or u i.iiy osTcj- ia huy, within th r.f Aluinaiico for a pcrlcxl I'x.j yc.ai'S froin-Ma’*rh-8th, V .‘j lyii.tr or .-.hipjiin;? cr in :uiy 1' ::i; i 'Tli.;;:: jiU’.i- ciUl vl‘ ::i.* os'.i.: ‘.:r L :J ;hi5 of sollir.iT .'liiiio i. .A';(l .he i'acl c»f ■’;t v f count is p:;;i;a • cviileJtcu ihvA il v:a? i^oi.e f'-v iho i ! !' rhc for hijnlii'.ji- fr-ni>i Xovcii'iber l^ih lo M:ir.-h l^t '-ri c>f any j^ames killed n'’ h;\v the cloj-1' :iy 'i!re!v;;! iWoth or for -a-se r-l .ilh \;\ : U:'..i coni- Ijat not u:.- L lUU.'i UJUk'T. SS/:- lourl- unk-i -irv. The accu---.: Hack within ihe Spcctral Gludci— Matty, Wa^nc.v, Br:>w:-5 :;r,d KUng\ \yaUh an*r Bendt*]- OjI ;hc* winjr: And ’.oday wo hi.*ar tlis isioii ('iv.r.V;! c.AJi ihf l:\mv '1' ('oi)b; v\tbi) v\'h"> • unbroken .-way— fhul! j>as^ ; :uiv iiiKL- 1liic n.-K-kiiirc'? ht^l miij-j;- iii'j i;nd r-f t: or ’he i>ur rd in the- vi le)) thi‘ f'\ KITCilKN WIM. Ol’P(iSK i k 'Ui: :ano arc* dc. i'j ibf ' irvoixt v.'i)i(' >•; Uf .-iroyih'r harnifui u'.l Insijcts, And ii i? hoped ti3 stcip that praciico, isuliilireil by one, of kill- KOCCTT MEMORIAL BAPTIS T i CHIRCH, WEST I5IKUNC- 'is Ton, C. ! The I-V(!ei"'.l Lsnv.s also prohiiiit the hiff the liiiv!.-; in !.'rj)'e maiibe.'.^, >iot I killi?^! of jiny rjiisj^ratr'iy p:i'.mc or j fur ihe spri'i of huut:n^- hut for th*,* PreachlnK Second and Fourth Sunday?:,; ii-.:icct3vorou.- l,ii-ds during: the closed ; money thuy can make in sellinji; the Morninfr and Nijrht. j .«?:i,on as proscribed by I'OKulations ' birdsi and wi:hout rejfard tu the lo.ss i of the Depnvtniciit of Agriculture nri-; to our cour.ly by the extermination of Corner Church aid Davfe Streets. Rev. A. B. Kendall. D. PasUr. Preaching every Sunday 11:00 A. M. an4 8:00 P. M. Sunday Sehoelj ;f:45 A. Ut. John R. Feater, Superintendent. Soaior, Intermediate and Junior En deavor Societies meet for worsiiip every Sunday evening at 7:00 P. M.. Mid‘Week Prayer and Social Service, every Wednesday at 8:00 P* M. Lomax's Home and Foreign Mission ary Society anects on Monday after the tirst Sunday in each month. Mrs. Ada A. Teague, Pres. Ladies' Aid Soeiety meets op Moad- day after the second Sunday In eacb month, 8:00 P. M. Mrs. W. B. Sellars, Pres. Prayer Meotinjr Every Niffht at 7:30. T!iur.sdi‘.y d(^r Act of March 4th, I9ia, (37 Sat. j the ffi^mc. 847,) They a!f?o prohibit: fa) The ship- Aid Society Tuesday Night After f,pni the state of any game the Fourth Sunday, Mrs. G. D. Smith, President, : export of which is forbidden by local . Jaw. This !'-e\v law makes it toe duty of taken up by fuends of the cjv:vjcI and every Justice of the Peace and of on retjuest. of President Wilson txecu* every township officcr arrest and ^ion of thti senience has been suspcnd- prosecute any violation that may come to thejr attenlior;. iPP*' •/, '.ht- \ .i' 'h-* !an(i tak'j- a -l.w.-I: • .;i: i •, him fw!- ibcii- waic’nnniS!: ‘if v.-/K*n hi.* scc’h ibc .v.orJ come upi>’) the jnrid he liluw .the trumpet, and Warn the people: ‘"Tht-n w]):>s K'Vpr hcareth L.ho .-ou/ui of ihv- irumpft, a.»-d laketh not vvarnir.j!:; if the sword come, and take him away, hif% blood ?hall he upon his 4^wn head. “He heard t!ic sound ’'jf thu trum pet. aiid took not warninfc, his blood Our (Jeorgia contemporary i.. one ti»c* wonnvii, al'hovijrh knvwinjr th;il such ilisi'lusiire woulit lio trie muai;.« of saving" hi.s own life. He pi'oferreii ti (lie. lie saiu. rathe:' than lirin.i' pub lic jfruce upon her. The t-a.so wa.i eti pending furthei- inve.stiira'.!,)ii. Sunday School Every Sunday at 9:30 A. M., W. M. Wiiliams, Supt- A most cordial welcome is extended y«u to attend all our meetings. We want y*u to feel at home in our ser vice*. JAS. W. ROSE, Paster, Graham, N. C. THE PROTECTIONIST T« everyone who belieres io Protection and Prosperity a sample copy for the asking. aiUAM (UUSSOM, Editor Greensboro, N. C. K£KUKMBD CHUKCU. Corner Froii? and Anderson Street*. TRINITY ATHLETE WALKS SEIZKD IN VICE BAITLE. STREETS WITH BABY. DEAD Rev. D. C. OoK. A cordial invitation extended to all. A Church Home for Visitors and tor Strangers. Sunday School every Sabbath ■* 9:46 A. M. Preaching everj’ first and Third Sab bath at 11:00 A. M.. and 8:00 P. M, Wecpins Mother Appeals lo Klranu- ers. Asking if Child Still Lives. (Chicago Herald.) A woman -with a l/aby in her aims , hue p?‘oprietcr of a subu:’l) pool room, walked about the South Side late at ; was arrested on three charges. night beggirp: people to look at her One of the most startling chapters i'l the West Durham vice crus.ide was written Friday morning when George Spruce, former star catcher of the nr • Q - .A.„ I Trinity college l)a.sel«ll team, but of Mid-Week Service every Wadnesday, I •’ . . , , 8:00 P. 3£, Everyonii Welcome. Parsonage Corner Front and Trol- linirer Strsets. 1^1 lyNorfolk & Western (iamhlinp: and running* a *omr tamblinj? house. Runninjr a disorderly house. .\iIowiiig minors in pad room. baby and tell her it .^till was alive. She went to a bo-spjial and asked the nurses to examine the child. They re fused. She went t.> a doctor’s office. ; The.se were the charge,-; lodged He was out. Then .xho went to the ajrainst Spruce, by eitiren,^ of West undertaking room? oi C, Boy.^^ea, WEBB .WESUE M. E CHC^Rt H SOUTH. Rev, E. C. Durham. Pastor. Preaching every first Sunday at 11 •('*' A. M.. and S;00 P. M. Second Snti- dar a- P. M. I »urhajn. . -JI IdlS When tho cases vveie cnheii in i0‘ Leave Winston-Salem. eor.ier',. court Friday morning a eon- ;;10 A, M. daily for Roanoke and in- tinuance was Kra.-,ieJ until ;-.o:u Tues- terniediate, suition-s. Connecc 6u7»dJ'7 - A. M. A M .1 ev®ry Sondar 10*®^ Hoore, PUrs:;V'lERIAN~ CHURCH. Riiv :*(>!,aid Melver. Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11:00 A, M and S;00 P. M- Suaday School at 9:45 A. M. B. R Sellars, Superintendent. Prayer Meeting, W^ncixiay at 8:00 P M. Tbe Public is cordially invited to a.y aervieea. * with Memphis Special for South west, al.'^o main line train? North, East-and "West u-ith Pull man Sleepei->. Dininjr Cars. 2:10 P. -M. daily for MartiiiJ>viTlc, Ro- ;:noke, the North and East. PuUmaH Steel Electric Lighted Sleeper Winrton-Salem to Har- isburcr, Philadelphia, New 'i ork. Pininj? Cars North of Roanoke. P. M. daily f:)r lioanoke and i{K*al stations. •1:15 .!,;y 2>2ornmjt. Th? defendant \^a5 place-: unde-’ $500 bond. The witnesses a»v.‘'.inst the We^t Ovirhun pool roo:r. proprietor .eve!T. six c»f \vlu*ra are lads, rus’.^ri vr V.) ajres from 17 i.'> 20. It Is /aid on p;oCij aiulv.-sri.y o\'i- ilence v>as v.c.rked up by the ' ice crii- s:uior at the suburb. W)ien the campaijrn nj^ain.'t ailep;ed in'.morality in West Puil;am started. e'lmmaLioa of g’amb’ins;. wa.^ one v'f the is^ 20:1:^ CotU\ge Gruve uvei ue. F. A. Enjyjes, an emba’nicr. told her tUe in fant was dead. Then Mrs. Anna tlcrtel. wifu of Or. L. L. Herte), :^000 Crovdand avenue, said the baby Vv*:;s dead. The mother, who ctudd not seem ])olieve the enil>almcr or the physici- t:n‘s wife, jj;a»t‘ ihc name ‘'f Mrs. Van, of 2S6i> Coua^ro (irove The J-ni*y hal di-i! ol* ;:.*i:ur;;l NOT SELr-i‘t;o!'ELLEn. amonja: numerojs Jiewapapers discusN* injT the question whether a man so ii. jeopardy of his life is called upon by ' Jtonur to sacrifice it rather than hc- Itray the identity of his paramour and so blast her repurat:ott. Same hold that it is bis l>oun^n duty to protoci her good name ever, though .'jilence K‘:Iiould con»ij^n him to a fel^a’.® g^riive. j Others in;>‘st that in such oxt' cmity it jV.^•)uid be Quixotic suicide for him I» pursue that coiu*sc* to tho point vv.here fata! canscquences v.-ould ensue. Bu'. no newspaper, so tar as we l*.a\o oh- served, has considorcii v.hat is the oli - Hjration of tho womar> in the pren\- ises. If Hillstrom'o slory is truo, wb.it of her w'illingne&s to stand mute in ' prese*;ce of the avvful peril hans^in;; over the partner of her illicit lev^* when a word from hei- would prov ‘ h;.“. innocence of the h»,'in.*us crime : with which charjjred? Of wh.-.t vahi' her false repiiUitlon for vh’Lue rom- :\*ired with tlia: of a 5ifo? On}- brother editors have runji all tho chai5*res ir answer to tho (\uc.suo.-. '•.Should the man tell?” Ii soeni.- time that the form of it hould H.- .varied by asking i}!d nt»: ;hc v.-- man tell?” DUAAVING K!S CAUiV that taketh warninj^ shsill dclive]- his .soul. "Cut ii* watchmaji see the :>word come^ and blow i?at the trumpet, and the people bo not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from umun^ thun)^ he is taken away in his inijpiity, hut his blood will 1 ritqiiire at. that watchnKvn’i- hasid." R(H)SKVELrS GRIEVANCE. When Colonel Roosevelt was the };U'‘st of thu Kai'=;er on hi.'' way h:>mc from Africa a errand ie\ievv oi’ (icr- man iroops wa.- arj'ajiu'od f'-'r lijm. He w;:s ^iven the linest nioui'.: in the i:nj)irial .'•tuhle^s, and iis lie review.'xl the ijoops w;th ihe Emperor a photo- y:i-aph was taken of thcni. In otic of thi‘Si‘ pboiu‘vj-;jphs Colonel Ro.isev?-!: h:ul ihe .'{KiUJilf' t*f pointins;' r.'iit .-• nK''in:;i‘ i/.' Empcr .r. Slioi tly n:':- • roiurn t..> the Uiiitcd ■. l.t‘ l.'i’r,d ul’ 'lie pjcturc.'^; in lUf- mail ajui wi-jitcn oii thi:* iow^-i- niaijii.i in Uio hanawiitiii;; :j* tao ^ri55pt*ror a'e;v the •• r!y ; ■'Here v,-i-.ere ; ou.vhuml •.•oloiici «>j a roui>«>y rojrimt^nt i?i ,\jYtc:-ica way leilinji the German Kmpt-ror how h-. should ruM Lhe rtrtO:-; risniv iii' th^> Kvehanuo. .Mrs. .\ri.hnr Ood.ue y-:iid lu:)che;>ii in New York. ;u\ 'I’.i' Cincinn;Ui Knu;’ror: “The m»>thfr •''T u'^slay Jt.oj an anti- .Mlrie' ; • Tl’.e ! >em i.-i ;:;s l; pai^'n issUf in VJiv livintr, vvliich they i-'N'iive lariiT. Th. y can., hi^h cost 10 a pr.;- orii.vct) -J!’ 3ow- riai^e— ;'rt»ni t A l>rc»ker, ch.-^'>ir/_‘ a :anjr ap aiiother Ju:u : r,re.>fitei by Rev. A. I H'e cliaracter of Trains arrive Winston-Salem !:.. A. .M-, 1;10 P. M., !>;35 P. M. Trains le:xve Durham for Roxhi'o i-,, South Bostr-n and Lynchburg, 7:00 M., d;iily and r,:30 P. M., daily ex.'opi Sunday. „W. B. Bevill, Pass. TraSf. Jigr. W. C. Saunders, Gen. Pass. Agt. ;:.. m 1 > ihe (’ sal.l it. \v;i; «.',:'vty. of W;-t niirh-n'. ;',ii ; • -j :: :• il •‘Geodl” c\v ellire iiKHiirc al'Oi.i tu' >r liu- appiieant:-, • lirai'i clerk, who a:i- hiiiie, “ht',^ one he broker, eacrei-ly. iier cbiidr« > wi*:Ki'y ;i j hy I i-' : ‘.othi-i- v.-.'re .li;.v\;.:si; •::a.Ti:;pi' ;Ues; I'l’j. ‘ Well, tiicre's t harlc murod t5i ■ moth.".- ‘•('"h.-.j’cs .Vdi’.'n. “■ sr.-H old, b,v is a co^vard. .V- A ■ - h:- by . the -y K-0\ j” pti^;.'. K\ tliis siihjec'l ih injr ihi- t>y.to:- : :hey aiv K,.vpi n;:i.V ,>{' U-v lsa> ;ul- ryiht. e)se ha.s. le Don'miTiUs ar^ :..s ihoir exampa-. mu^n.— The E’r.-^. 3s ujriy. I '>’U' •: mean. he C harlc.^ A(?ams! ^\ hy, Tobaet'o is iH'comiiK^ V n’:i a:!por.r a.Jrar st 1 off: e t.ie ooif! si »-ors ’.v) wrir.c t’utt refcindC'd. pOii v .-cai’cei aiiu .Sm;i:-t and efficit It and all that, ehI’Yhe has nothing-to recommend him ex- dearer in Germanv. If the \v.>r.si Ji;'.mi--i at all," c me the unexpected cept his wealth.’ ‘'‘'mes. they can still take the whiskers ■'.•Ireply, "what In si# that he on'y ; “Y>u forget his hoa;'; o:rea>e." ,-iiil of 2,000,000 Russians prisoners and ! jroes when you p. him.” , tho mother .softly.” mo en'.: RINT