Brdkeii Coin,” In Next Issue A PBOGBE8SIVE iOrtiVUCiLN MEVSf APBK ^evoTEI) M» TilE UpBinLDING OF JLMSUCAS HOMES AMD AMEBICAN fM0t!8TeS& SUU Ubr*ry BURLINGTON, ALAMANflfi COUNTY. NOHTH CAKOUNA, lUkSDAY, DECEMBEKT. 1916. KEI’OKT of quabantine op, FICEB. Following is a list -sf the names of those raported to me as quarantine o(^r for Ala»»nee comity ai having 4iphtheria, sicarlet fever, whooping Cough and typhoid fever. IMphtheiriA! C'hijd of G. A. Danley, Route 8. Child of C, L. Lewis, Altamahaw. ^ Child of Joe KernodSCj Route 8. KIDLVG TOUBNAMENT AT REIoiSr VILLE. Iriteregt is developing rapidly, in the apprs'aching touMianient to he held December 18th at ReidaviUe. Con testants from the counties of Rock- inshami Guilford, Caswell, and Ala mance will participa^ and a keen con- 'est for couhty and indivUual honors is looked .f it, athletic coi^tests LIBERTY, ROUTE 3 BC^^GS. On November 24th the ^eath ang«^l enters the home'of Mr. Gad Allrei' and claimed as his own -tho •wife ..ar4 inothor of the hoine. After much suf fering she gently breathed her last and her body was laid awr.y to rest iti Hicfcj:7 Grove Cemetu'ry cn Thaaks- ginving day. v>f!tere a large crowd had gathered to pay their last resets'.' She leaves a husband ai:d two chil- among the boys'iuid girls of EocTc- Child of K. B„ Willicmsoiij Haiv'county schools; wjU also form dren and a host of friecds to mourn River, N. C. ju part .'of a whole ^y . given tip their loss, but we feel that our loss is Child of Tom Leggins, Burlington, I wholesome fan and social intercourse' hei- gain for we feel t]>At;her R. F; b. I ajid not one mcroent of the entire day I spirit is now where pain attd, Child ..of M.. B. Walker, Altama- .^U be Ikcking ill mtierest of every is unknown. The be^ved ones have haw, N. C, ChUd of J. W. River; N. C. ; kind that will appeal equally to old our he&rtfelt sympathy. Thompson, Haw , and ysuag. We are sorry to hrar. thM - ihe j Tfaer« \riil be eidiibits of .^n edu-1 whooping cough is claiming sbai* vie- Child of Sid Wilson, Graham, N. C. cBtional nature, fr^ picture- stows, ; tims on and around ■oar route. This Child of C. B. Strayhn, Mebane, | band eon^nts.. etc., and concluding disease is to be dreaded, jnost especi- Child of C. M. Kirk, Mebane, N. C. with a grand ball in the evening, a ally among .small children. Child of Mrs. Fannie Ray, Graham,'day of joyous event*^ that will mark; We think heieafter ins.tead of sest^ N. C. ■ ■ an epoch in Reidsnllc and Rocking- ting apart on* day for- Thanksgiving,, Two children iMf'Mrs. Bennis Dick- ham ,eounty, and draw into closer the President liad better just call it ens, GlencOe Uitrs. friendly relations the good folks of a “bunt” day or “kill” day instead; Miss 'Aliw ..Walson, Burlington, R. the whole section. for if all localities were like tbis One, F. D. S. . But the chief event of the day will wc are sure a hunt day, it really wa« Chiid of G. W. Barker, Burlington, easily be the Riding Tournament, and i.iinus the Thanks—for if whooping. Route S. many a good knight will enter the and yeli'mg a.-id sii'oiJing over jJeld« Child of J. G. ^ojsery, Union Ridge, wtth )»»: !!Fajrre lady’s ribbon with a pack of dogs and guns is the N. C. on his sleeve, dettmUned to do or proper way and manner to return Two children of Sam Jones, Wat- die to win her approval, and a spirit- thanks to our Creator for his mercies son, N. C. ed onte»t will nutui'ally resuit. It —^well, we hardly think so, and now Child of Thomas Crutchfield, Jr., has been the popular belief, that ex- hoaeatly yoa don’t think so either. Mebane, N. C. pert horsemanship as a peculiar coin- Mrs. Mary Daffron and son, Walter Child of A. J. Ross, Burlington, N, cident te we*tem citizenship, but were viritors at Mr. W. B. Daffron’s C., Ri3ut|> 8. thosu v.fho have witnessed the tourna- Sunday. Child of Cornelius Trollinger, Haw ments held previously in other parts Meat!. Meat! We think most of l’"«ve foar Springfield's young wife Riv«f, N. C. of the State of North Carolina have our patrons on Route 3 arc bent onj»«iy die of the shock. The delicacy Scariet Fever: had ■occasion to revise such opinions, having some more moat from the,jof her c^j^ition causes physicians to Child of John R. Stewarti Snow o^d those who will be presented on number of hogs that have lost thair |fear she- will not survive it. Camp, Jf. C. Child of Dr. BIS .;£OREBOpiNG OF 0£AT|I CAMS TRUE iIN BLAST, G. ’,^mgAeld, of Philadeiphia Had : C'reoHWitian Before^ Exphwion Kill' ed Him; “Juat My Luck"; Long Ute, Finally Went to Fatal Want-e His Wife May Die. Premonition that he would be blown if, hi^^/icepted a position in the powdae .miUs of the Du Pont de N'smotljnt F^wder-Company came b-ue m the ease of Elijah Gilton Spring- .^etttyrj^e*! y^rsj old , of 383 )fifty7«,ight, S ojie of the thirty tneh killed by the explosion in the Du Pont pUnt at Hejiry Clay, near ■^Umii^cn, Del., on nietday. :, Out of wofk for a long time, ihe yoeng ihaii at first h^d the pl^aa of hia wife and mother that he ex haust every effort t> obtain employ^ mwt eissirhere before he went to wortc in the powder mills. But with his wife ill and the. need of money pressing ha^er each day the time came when there was no alteriiative. Ls^fe J.Iond£y morning SpringAeld and his wife of less than a year went to Wilmington. He started working in ihe Henry Clay plant that day. In a little more than twenty-four hours his premonition of death was verified, and he was killed in the exploaion, he and his family feared. 'tovBg Wife May Die. Although not officially on .the list of the victims of the disaster, there is MAN KILLS WIFE WHILE OAITGH- TER, S LOOKS ON. : Girl’s Story Conflicts With .Fath^r';$ That Shooting Was Aecidenti Jeal- : ousy Theory. ■ ME'l'HOOISTS HOLD LOTS FEAST. “Need of Old-Time Gospf 1” Theaite af . Bishop Kilgo At WiliniBgtMi; CtaM (if . Conference i^ Ezpe^ed Today. Montrose, Pa., Nov. -jSi.-^While hia ; Wilmington, ,N. ^C., Dec. 5.—F61- six-year-old daughter romped about lowing the ahnufeV t6^ feast of the the room, and his other two children North Carolina Conference this nvorn- were asleep in an adjoining room, ’ in" in Grace Church, conducted by Albert.Hughes., thirty years oid, shot,|’Rev. S. A. D. Betts- and W. H. Moore, and killed his wife, at their home^ both of whom have been members in Aiibuin Corners, County, last night. The husband shieked Id neighbors ^ li o’clock on the “Noed of the Old that he had .killed liis wife bjf acci-! Time Gospel,” and urging the preach- dent, and then gave himself up to the ' ers to go forth as amb^sadors, pro authorities. He said today that he , claiming the message of a real sal- was . cleaning his gun when it was . vation to the lost world. Th6 Bishop discharged. The story of hie daugh- J was heard by a congregation that ter contradicts .this and Hughes is in ; fil.ed the church to oversowing and jail here, charged with murder. It | hundreds had to be turned away, is said that the husband had been J A class of five young preachers Susquehanna | for more than fifty yearsy. Bishpp • I John C. Kilgo preach^ a sermon at jealous of a neighbor. I were ordained d^ohs. Tonight an- ' other class were ordained os elder* at FALLS IN LOVE WITH PHO'I'O; NOW THEY ARE WEDDED. Mechanirsbur^, Pa., Girl Bride of New Mexican Cattleman, Likeness. Fifth Avenue Methodist church, the serm jn being preached by Rev. D. H. Tuttle. This afternoon memorial services who Saw Her j were held in hojjor of the five de- j ceased members of the conference, j who died the past year. Denver, Dec. 1.—A photograph of a j All the churches of th* city, bo«i pretty fiirl, displayed on the mantle- white and colored, were «x!cupied by [>iece in the home of Dr. and Mrs. H. j jHethodist ministers at both morniag D. Sewell, at Chama.. N. M., a year and night servi«pi. ago, resulted in a romance when Miss' it is expected the conferftnce will Blanche Kauffman of Mechanicsburg, . adjourn Xomorrov about noon with Pa., and Miguel A. Gotuuiles, a weal-1 the reading of the appointments by thy cattleman, of Abiquitui, N. M., the bishop. were married today at Central Pfes- ^ ; I l.yterian Church. to WED 4TH TIME AT 92. HE HAS December I8th to witness tjie riding lives the past week. A hog killing ( Springfield could have gone tj work [ “If I should meet that girl, 1 k.iow , 41 CHILDREN. J. B. Weatherly, Al- feats of the young manhood of Eock- time, sure enough and most of them' >n the Du Pont mills at any time. The ^ I should full in love with her," said tamahaw, N, C. Child of Dolph Longest, Graham, Child of David Lashley, Liberty, Route 3, ChtlA-pf 'Zeb Ward, Graham, N. C. Child o^ Aftar Moody, Logan St. Child of Thos. Self, Grahami N. C, Five children of L. A. McCauley, Unidtt Ridge, K. C, Child of Mag Vuashr., Union Ridge, N, C. Child of John Linnens, Graham. Clpld of Sam Linnens, Graham. Kitnice May Rainey, G,>nham. Typhoid Fever: inghnm, Guilford, Stokes, Caswell, and “whoppers.” ^ father of hi* wife was a foreman in j Ooniales, when hp first saw the photo- Aiamance counties wilt feel a thrill Mr. W. W. Owens was buried at t*»e packing p'ant blown up and had.ffraph. June Mi.s.s Kauffman of pride in the state that, can produce Pleasant Hill Sunday, December 5th., frequently offered him employment in went to Chama to visit h«r sist«r, such daring etjueslrians. He had been in ill health for quiet a '^^e mill. i Mrs. Sewell. She never returned East Tfie fiEls cf entries i»re being pre- while, iavinj; been in the State Hos-I Knowing the constitnt dread of some bu-: stayed in the West to marry the pared' and will shortly be closed, and pital for sjsne time. Rev. Co* con- dire happening that is always present j man who full in I n c with her pic- c.ule?tants nre urged to communicate ducted the funeral services. hi the families of men employed in the ture. » ' • * ! without delay with the Ctiairman, Sir. We are listening for the wedding Powder mills, because her father had j —■ John M. Harris, ReidsviSe, in order beils to ring at any time. Wonder if ^been working in them so long, thej MISS CHEF.K AT HOSIHTAL. that the program may l« completed Dr. l.acy Foust knows anything about, young wife pleaded with her husband | —— as soon as passible. itV ^not to go to work in the piant until it; Miss Margery Cheek, the daughter of whom .S3 atill ;;re living. He also j — was absolutely necessary. | of Mr. and Mrs, A, Check of this city has iS2 grandchildren. The prospec- ■MK. WAY iNJlj’StEl). 1 KILL RARE KLUB. That time came last week. Itrespecdve Bridf of Washington ' County Farmer is 39; He Has 1S2 Grandchildren. • ; I I Pf/inoi!t)i, ;>ce. 2.—A marriiigc li- ^ cense was issued here yesterday to I W. 1). !>avvj of Washington county, I (vho is 92 years old. He was Ijarn ' in 1822. He has been married iJiree . time.-i already and has had 41 children. matter hsv hard he No j was carried la the Union Protestent ^ tive bride of his last matrimonial ven- tried, he could: Hospital at Baltimore last week and ture is ;!9 years old. Mr. E O. Way, an overseer in the Wedne.sday afternoon, | ‘’■ot Snd work. So he wrote to his ■ underwent an operation hssl Friday. Child of . Ro'dte M. Crutchfield, Burling- finishing department of the Aurora J*‘»scs Ruth and Thelma Thurston 1 luther-in-law and arranged to start Latest reports from here are to the WHEX HEARTS ABE GLAD. Cotton Mills, met with a very serious entertained the members of the KilI,»ork in the plant Monday. cftect that she is getting along aa Child of Rom Farrell, Swepsonville, accider-t while attending to his duties'Klub. An embroidery contest! After the die h*d been cast, he well a* could be expected, but will jif. c. in the mill last Friday morning He the rilief feature cf the afternoon, j worried a great deal. To hia family j have to remain there for some time Thomas Benton, Burlington, N. C. nas performing aome work on one follow*! «n ice course, served by be remarksd: yet for 'jther operations. Dv. How we climb the hill—when our hearts are glad; how' wc face the ill, Patre, when our souls are sweet; how we Whooping Cough; of the large machines and in some ®ldin* Thurston, assisted by j "Well, it would be just my lack to her physician, returned Sunday and meet the blows life has aimed so A auSY PLACE. Two children of Dr. J. B, Weather- manner hi* arm was c^aught between kittle Jo«ephine Thuratou. ly, Altamahaw, N. C. the large cylinders on the machine Small Pox—'None. and right Mrioasly bmiseji. An ex- Thit nport ia pnblithed in accord- amination by a surgeon revealed that ance with nile 4 of the general rules no bone* were fraettired, and that the govemiag the board wound vi^ fatal. Mr. W»y is kith «f Alamance ooqiitjr. be blown to pieces when I start work ing ifcwn ihcpe.” A favot^ar, William Springfield, Jr., went to Henry Clay yesterday to try and identify the remaii^. In the het«ro0«ttf>ua cqtlMtion rf hamu Tne force at the Alamance Loan and Trust Co., is working over t^ cTa«7ed to their fra^en*. it was ..jmmes :that do not this alosic niecly an4 is sow a» t3» MCd Club , it Aoiild he rrqport«d W vc at oom. to a apeit&y recovery. Tke iqcident On or cr* assured relatives and friends that the bad, when with tpnder memories succeeding operations will be success- hearts within us beat. How w« face All and that the will be able to return the toil—^when we have the sun; how home in a few weeks. «. r. munftats, Quai%utin« Officer. .jmrely a«esdeatal, and very ISth,. .tiMff Will mail out ebtekt Uf MASONIC NOTICE. IWe vill be a called eommunica- ^ tion of Bula Lodge No. 403 A. F. and. A. M., in itheir hall oa Friday even-; uif. D««enit>))r lOttI, im. »t 7:S0' o’clock . Work in «Tb«d^ Degree.** _ ®eor^ There i»ill be a ! . . ^ J t. it •» • wore than 1,000 members, agxnsgat- deepW rf«r«tted by th« nul! propri- . ^ i * J J * -u nr , >n*r »I»M$ |l#,890.eo. IMa sumey !etor» and friend* of Mr. Way. i ^ ,• ' jaaved so tMfljHi-iiMra miiiiai; I ir-.-nii-TT-"- 5 eaeh.wieii AsUl FAIB GROUND SCHOOL HONOR ROLL, wise.^^H not haw enjofed it. Hie merehka^ ret^ ii )i*rv«at First Gm^-Kathleen Colie, Tom Vhea thaae.tlMNil s are tumed looee. Kenny, lbirvin| opiiaa : aeeember tioo of Bttla ^ F. «.d j G«d—Edred Poster, lie- A. M„ in their. haU o« 2fo»d«y even- ^ ^ ing, Dwember 13t!i, 1816, at 7:30 I ■aal»,.Step»«j o’clock. Let all lfa*ter Maeona take: J , ..... w 1 Fourth —Pauline Kenney, due aottce tfaettpof And .them*' ; selves acsM%torf»: S '... ' :r i - isBo. w- iiiV,o >s Bat' ilxinf r«ipw>tibaity .wet SaHahorjf meek will not brint bick '■ the llvM tWt were lout to it ' Rftyinond Cofciy, Loyd Petty, CITY BARACA-PHILATKEA ON. unfortsMte aa t» H4t be tins yiear’s Chib,, you had be*t«r dr^p in mrly fof next' yen^ the card* ate «!l gone. It it imI tt tnoney maldng bnainoss for tl^ haok' bat siiu{)if a plan to induce ta. » pick out even a SHS^I ^p3v0_e!n. ojF.'liia b^.. BiMw ia Oca^teT ' ' - hoisae of the Springfieids on -Street is a desolate one. ^ t)HuMi*ef SprincflaSd l^t night, a sister of 4Jm>! dead man fainted, and a physician Had to be summoned. Hie mother weeps jctatatarttiir and moans that^^-.^^t. Me wouid happen. Th|« -irife.'tn a serious eonditiet^ i«t|i at 438 Uiiion . Six«2et, where Springfield took htr iio 'while he worked in the powdtt. nwlia. One of th* uninjured MWv|vors 41KOBC th«r emi^oyM who wc»t at the #»in7: ililiwt Tuesday afternoon, 2fl»tlte ei^tfon, waa Al- :^voiyh. la th« of prep«r«dnet«. tiii ever inaagunited. >r who mis^ . Hic'.^ty Bar^-PMbkthea wiil fn rei^uW 'montiSly liiriiiws' s«3^n next Thursday night at 7:90 iri^tiIe Webb Aveaue M. E. Chun^. Se^lttsI matters of imparts nee will ’VMiiie before the meeting, among which wiM be the eieeUon of oflfeers for the ensuing term. A social hour has been planned for to follow the i iM«ine£s session. All classes holding iStcmbership in the Union arc urged to istMcad 'and .'INa&ipAt^-in the exer- j we greet the twk, when wa have the flight; how we or fall till our UNI- j daji*8‘B!ne, when the souls within us ^ live for love aad rifiit How w» win j oar way—whwi) Union babb)^ witliilM moroiof, snibiie all tlie d4;r: Wf> rask* come true dr«a^ of tlun^ ha—when we go aboat it in the Way.—Irogler Me&i;> ey, in tiM S^ntstown Batd, in the L.iltimore Sun. sj^ th^,Jftoney and it is undottbttdl^ 4er4'.-®ojjS(^i.^ii yoang wife** fath- 'Emahmt tiM o^e will be inSicaaw iprspara^lsKMSsit^ Chriat> GNTtlS ^US CLUB: MeCLURH-MOSER. Misses Mary, Beulah and Sallie Foster were at home Tuesday even ing eigi>t to tern o’clock to fSe memWs of’,&« Entre Notiil Club, Deliciou^refmlitneiits W«r« Mrved by '&alab Postw. Garnstt wsa the oSly visitor j>ni8«nt. Mr. Ben MeClnr* «f Graham saor,., prised his many friendft Iasi Tiaxtt day night, December 2, wben:'h«.drov!i . to Burlington at tjbe hoaie.of -MtdfM. u J. B. Wagoner, on Holt,stf«et$ claimcd as his brids, yra,-:J3Hkrah Moser. ‘ Tfhe marriage was- ^ very quiet 'one, only a few rdsftives and friends witnessii^ the cereskony. Im mediately- After Xint ceremony the obiijife Jh>ve sbacJt XSishim VSiiie'ilieyijUdek ,'ibeikr. Altai* 'The Di»p»tek joitw.thfticjBOJiy frr««i*' 'in W&tiii!#'tlidh «' tMT and happy w^«$eii)td Itfe. , '*«“