of Broken CQin’V Appears In This issue. State Liutar? A HHiasnBITl UrDaLMUM KKW8PAPBB •'voTEDTOTn OPMmAOIG QV AMMCAW MMlliB AMO AUWCAM OHDOSnUiM. BCBLINGTQN. AUUiAKCE COUNTY, MQBTH CAMOJNA. TUESDAT. DECBIIBEB 21. 1A1& wrnm- ftnniBiKANB m oritcasni mix Lofig iio , lOTT lO IKS BMS ro. I . ' - UXKIALLT JM« Tn . . "'.OXHOCKATB ' ' m •• « Mlktf B*ir OMslttM Kie* •( Cmmnvmmm ^nU BmwM Fanrud Wfth a VW to Ita fiwftit B««ri«g VpM Ptw* fillil Campdcm^^pNiy S»1tf tr rriHTOfcm PMfttM? Tiw pMMat aeotoB «( Conti** is| TASDT AND WA6BB . Hwii* "Where twe^es. ttaa bsv* «qwd 4dU acd pltaKM aad A mMiktt ^ *1)^ •ia*, and mm at tbam ««b >fai late a* eaiaJ^ 1«m» iwOlBf M * 4^ iS Mt ataiirtaia tW .’higfciir imcm, tihat W can prbwe. If tber* )>• tlio bal«a «f (ooda aida by dda atade lltjr fba aaaw tiad of madiiB«ry and with tha Ubw «f tba ^uouu bainf in boA at fh« Mm* desraa of ddll, and If tba labor of om bad* cost 011I7 half, for axMrqple, aa much m tlM: oth«r, tkat^othar .bale «aa new ba aold tmtfl tlM cxtm coat for the Oi TH» HONOB MIX KA CRT GftAJliD fOB *WOKSSf CfOR" . 8CBP0L . . : MM*. Miet G*l«»-fleetle*. B-mw **► 'aerial- .itiaT,- "Xfce mbiy, IMMr k** appaariac in Ffrat BWittvJioiia. 8a«Md T!l#|lt*atdi «t«T FMdar, awaaia -Ifaith Melwr. Chiirtiq* Xedt^ Tha *aaaoo for tUa ia. »]« Broj^ Mary UdMl, May W*’***•? ^ VmoB Ja^ ClUtotd Moot*. - I Fbm Crad»-^S«cd» B-iHiai Car- 1^ Teaefcer First OMttth—tfmt. 6a«oad month —Nellie White. t« be • p^Utieal aeMlea. n»e ae»- jcoatUar labor ia aqoeeied out of it; atan h»9 hardly goltan nndar itay Ipravtded thtm is an abtudant «a|i- ««t, hrt already ilM reaaooaUy ob-' ply of tha prodaet of the diea.iier ■amat citiMtt 1w« Itttto dNibt of labor of Sngtuid in it meata the tha drift X*«ry iaiportaBt bill in-1 batt with the dearad labor of Aiaer> tMdaoad and evsrj eoouaittae r«-1 iea ia it, whidi will ba boocht at sMt fott «f coQsai|»eDce^ will be bMnghtjot jvodnetioiiT I laava th^ prob- tmewui wl& a view to its poeaiUa! |Mn joat thm. Tha aala of tha Cog- iwarlnc npon the BppKwtiiiiNr pMai-|fUA bale viH be only lisoitiei) by Aatial eampaisa. The I>eimoci»t»' Enfaad'a ]»«duction.^ adU be traated-to a moat pleaaantl twiiriaa. if Brottar Mann doea »>«' DEMOCBATB PRdTECTBO TEXAS ■«ek the jory—itiiat is, U ha dioald GOAT w OMM nnaeeoontabl* way iSkil to , .. m *a offMi, to so ar»ac ^ 3^ MMm Meii«o«rt. ^ ■ai a« to 4imbp9 tha laaziiMtiik •«* L„ jj^ Con*iaeaMnaB JMk banaaaMt for tha Oanoemta. ^ Deaoenrtfc »»» fIVk BM»se kfon^eoght tha B*-^ ^la Waya aaii Meaaa Com- ei^bUeaii leader wOl w doabt daaie-i fc^d oat f« a flffcem per •ate Mtt for e«sitea «a tie eonnit- ^ Ab**» ta« who w^ fiT». M^. Webb t|M ma^: whlek ante ttee Bevabtteaa tMHhia in reporti®^ hia pw*Uiftie» bad alwaya been clsMifled aa MU. m North. CaioUM lawnlw la ,,^d*aetw^" Tw*-tWida o* the ^ moA in rntvm aba« goaV popolatiea ot tha Use- «M« • nnahar «f hi» a gtatw a*a »«tod oii the plaiw of taafM who m»j ba Ihwiff ri|3»t into Gamer won Ua point. Wool fte nMdla o»>*!» awful briar pateh> ^ K aa eonfldeatly «s|ieeted that Xngow gwnt xn* protected. Now the BapubUcane will loe* 00 oppot- ^ ^he report from Sun Franeiaeo tunlty to dij a hole fou the Demo- Angora in tSiat vicinity was OMta in the ras.tt«r of ocr foreign before being dipped and rtlatiooa, if that it found poesible. jjQjj guch a startling Many a member of the KoUeful o„„pje of tike benefloaBca of the (Md Guani is pleased beyond exp*es- ^^toctive policy encourages the bard itott ovjMT Mr. Wilson's concepUon of y,, ivhal: constitutes “studious nentrali-| tr," because it ha* been a fine ihing: yj,* tariff bill went througk the iar Gnat Britain. At the ssmo time, House this aamtf OM Guard observes that| A to 2; Mr. Wilson has definiUy eaid good- ta„ c*tU, faya to the G^rman-Amoricsn vote* | aji iwef products free, and it Li ready at all times to push gj,^p valorem, along the process of alierjition. { ^heir wool taxed not » groat, Viom the housetops, and more wiles of statesmansbip Could not ssat Gamer’s goat. They slipped the skids 'naath Scbad- ule C, Farm producte got tha axa— They made op for the diffsrenea With a damphool iaeotM tai^ The standpats growled aiui grumbled, Tha Bull Moose bawlad its noia, But all the flighta forensie Gottid not get Ganier'Ii go«t Gtts Gardner swota a eodiigh oath. And Haup Moore waxed Soeratic: Jim Mann singed off his lambrequins As he damned things Democratic. Up tose the placid Underwood And put it . to » vot^— Two~eighty to one>Aizt9>-&inai Coold not get Gamer’* gMt. Tha went to Sent* Whara thejr labored to UMsdlr, frMMd it for frsa sagaz Whidi they do not now intend. Saaad^ waa stnonch protaeUraiat On iiwt OM thi&c—bat note: He did not cress » siagto Ta gat i»A GaamrV foat. AaA M«s7 and htr Util* tosib Biad in the amm of Smoot; Ste«l rails swao-scKgad PebinM, And Hatsni to Bo«t Not on* of thoM gnm Mtgnion CoqBA fktfi wd hte" telsr«tr^ bgr ftUnMM aad is iNdir to poblish befoN its. appMnaea on tte vs gn« the tvo ihattil- msM^ ninth and tenth, in today’a and 7ritiMy*a isnita, caqieetivdy. So you wai mIM in thia iaaue the at^ «f llrat Crada—Scctio* A^-Mias Dailey, tha iftoeda tjuit will appear at The Taaeher ;Ci7sitBl next Mon^y night, and in PirM month—-Nona. Seeoad raobth Frig’s issue will be found tha story —Mary Home, MattaWaa Hoffman, of Iha episoda to appear on the screen Alera Whitesell, Bath Cole, Alton tha fUlowing Monday nigU. •tt*a your copy of aa^ pa^ and read tka story before seeing tha ^ie- ■tun^' ■ '' imACKEB TRAINING CSJLSS 0R> OANIZU) Conklin. ' Second grade Section B—Mias Fen* ter, Teadwr iFirst ssontitr~N^ Second nsoBth -^ildrad Thoiapaon, Pi«w Psiry. SoMDt Grade Segieii'A—4iUsa JIca- tiett, Tradicir | ^ Teacher Training Ciaas waa ra- First montJ^-Viole Dur«,t, Bowie wganised at the Methodist Sykes, Fern UA^, Edmund ^ ^ ^ Second month—Juanita Aniek, Viol* |j_; gytebard. Ihmnt, Bonnie Bykea» Mildred Me-' Kherson, Hildah Kaek, Fern Laaley,'^ Sdnrand Curlee. jjj^ ^ satl«iact(»y basinniog. Seeond and ndi^ Osiehintion Ciade Jk^. Mr; Prit^iGrd informs na that The das* meets on kjr ersnings immediatdy af- pzayer asrvic^ Tha class has —Jfise OMper, Tsasfear I the dasa ia open to all psorsons, tr^ First Bii^!th~Thelma Wja?, Louise QiaetiM'ttf dcoominatiMi, who are la- Banjfoni,; , B^t,. Bud‘BM^'tamM in a wtdar fcnowlediis ef tha Nevida M^tgomory, Mar AdUns,' BiHe^ ^t them is so diaige for ta- Annie Manda Ihomae, Baynoad Dri- it]«n :aad all* to* cordially iirrited to T«r, Sdgar jBoswail. Sseood inontl^— attaod the ssssiona of the elMss. Tbelic^ Way, Lottlse Banftml, Ifovidik ASSOCtATION TO ea^eeially from the White House-top, it M baing procla!si»d that there is i« bo no polities in io!eiiaMdi>esa. It (Bay be found humanly possible ta= keep poUticc out of the question, stobody hei« beUsvoa it. in the fint place, the impTCsaion is gnnr- iog that the Democratic majority dedlae to go as fsr as the Prea- iteit iissires. It waa announced a pKT wseka ago that Cbsimas. Hay iiM military affUra oommittee, had w>ma to Washington, and after a vMt to tha White Bouaa and the Vw 0«!kaitment had beeomei a eon- rtct to the Administration program. A« • asatter of fact, ICr. Hay is try ing to And a haptv laiddla ground, se«sptabi« to ft* majority of bis fltfOiMcaeB. battieAip idea in partietOar it saining tio ground. As » member of tha S«nate said to the Daily Kewa tedtof. If tlMff* is a deaira to protect eomnate* and, American flgltti, OM* battlcsVp wonld tadjty jttfenn smm asrvica than mold 40 ^ttUahipt uixl«f mere sorual eon- AtisM wtwn odisr saticits win not pat to tfa* »9XiHBa test tS a taixibl* war. Tteitfteiw ttw sttna* ‘•m la, that white »aay pamocrats ira dlstadlaed to go to andlt laagtha Hk asipKpriatiag tpomy ttot ia aot Ik IIm tNwny for tha muf cad IsjHitliwiw imn aoMaitaid (CMflamd M Moirtgnnary, £sler Fsriciiifc Th&tdi^ CtaAt g'aiftisa A>-iliaB ljbt> nia iNaviBet, VsadHT j ' A maating of tha BurUagte* M«- Pirat month—Nona. Swwnd nxmth «*“*■’ Association wiU be bald in Oa —Glann Hargrare. jMayorls HaU Toeaday avening, Dae. SI, at 7;S0 o'clock. It it v?Ttr important that every member of the Asaocistion ba pi*s> ! ent, as there are matters of intenst ; and vitid importance to b« considered. By order of tho President. L. B. WHTTTED, Presideni:. L C. MOSEB, Secretary. Dec. SO, 191S. Fourth Grade—Miss Reid, Teacher | First month—Alexander Mclver,! Elizabeth Isle?, Bailey Sellars. See-! ond month—Jsmcs Martin, Bailey Sel lars, Alexander Mclvar, Slisabeth Isley, Averil Taylor. i 7hii4 Grad»-8eeti(m B-Miae Kelly, TWlter First month—^Ernest Holi^ MandaU Ellington. Sacond month—Kstherin* Martin, Pauline Whcttemore, Mary Josee, Lillian Gattis, Kenneth Frank- lin. Grammar Grade Departiateiit aeaaBftUAB Bomcm at Tin CRDBCBBS WcMAwaltK.'" Tk* WaUk Awhum M. £. Sndlay SduMl wilt k^.^air Chriataiiaa Serr- ic* M Thnnday Dae. SStid. ttia aebe^ wili hai« a Chriitmaa tia^ which win b« to tha di^ .tf • lia»- r«I, a traat for the ddl^iranr with SSvtta Clans aa K pMminant tgnre for the occas^gB. Baiibtgtaa BsfMMi Tbia choRh will have • hahq^at on Tuesday eir«nteg> Dee. 28th, the ftall partienlara of irhich we did not i*an. MetMiat Pkvtestaat The rHP>lar ChitetiiMa S«vie* was held sA tbia church test Amiay night An aBtartaimasat will b« baid Ito the SnMay a^ool «o Ftidagr D*e. S4rth, with a ChristiiMB ti** and Santa CImbi FtfVt Stmt M. E. On Thuorsday ai^t a juoskatl pro gram and iUnstiited leetuM, cossia^ ing of 19 Badsa *i the great paintings pedtzajdng the tirth of Chiiat viU ba givan in the auditoriom of the chnrch, folkttad by an axatdse a»' Gifts for tha King." On Sa^4ay afteraoon, Dec. 95tb, a ChHstaoaa ttM* irih b« enjoyed by tha primary dttwrtmnt of the Sundsy school ta tha priiasrry mosb- Fin* Bapttet TiMka will ba the nami Chrii^ maa seawttiiuesBt asd tmat ai ^ MtaHhor «iiM, Itef latk, Mr. E. W. Ross of Routs 8 was in the city yesterday and gave llta Dis patch a brief call, renewing his sub scription. We are always glad to have oar subscribers csll in to see os Fourth Grade—Miss Sadie FonviUe,! tovoi, and we are “gladder” I when they renaw their subseriptioaa. First month—None. Second nonth —Estella Tally, Sadia May. Fourth OuTdl, I Sixth Grade—Miaa ElUa. Tsachar First month—Myrtle Long, Belaa King, Boes Glenn, £ula Lutterloh, El len Shdton, Rachel Shelton, Ernaat Fogleman. Second month—^Myrtle Long, Ettla Llittexloh, Agnea Lutter loh, Emast Foglcman. Seventh Grade—Mia* Ciotdiio, T^eadiev First month—None. Second month Gn4e—^Misa Edith Teacher First month—None. Seeond month —Willis Wood, Altba Ireland. Fifth Gtade-Mis* Edith CanoU, Teacher First xQonth—Nona. Saeood month —Msi7 Miaxay. Fifth Grade—Mte Riggs, TsaaherJ—Ollia Btadler, Strygtt* Larcin. First month—Ruth EUie. S*eobd>g^«sDjb 6tad»—Miss Lottie Hart, Teacher First mont&~None. Second month monti^Buth Ellis, Dewy Isley. Fifth Grade—Miss Bagby, Teacher First month—Non*. Seeond month —Elsia Asheworth, MeTinia Moore, Chsistina Brook*, Marsia Smith, lil- lian Horn*. Sixth Grade—Misa TbaipIelsB First nu»ih—Nona. Seeond month !—IWetta Bogsn, Elisabeth Bastet. Masedwria Latharaa The Christmsa Servka at this church will be held on Friday niidbt, Dec. 24th, and trill consist of azer* cises by the cMldi«it, mosie by the choir and a treat for th« Sunday school Christian This church vnll bold their Christ- THB Demi'S COONCIL By Dr, T^sak Ctw* ■y ■ ■ One*, iwMidinc to aa M leg"* thm waa a eooadl in T)» devil was mo^ cmk««im4 MW a ntrar kind of fMatav* Witt vrixwi God was popolatiag tiU eartii. Aa it wais Ida dicf aim ta 1^ to oppoee and wdo the inakB of God, he was now ™«M"g abcst to find the best way. to mitt His aayeti head iaofis ware thsse* for* oaatnumed, and he inqulr«d of than wbo would vndvtake to deoQ^ this lac* of human' beings. . First cam* Aag*r, :rad.fae«d oad fire-eyed, wd ^«Kid himsdf.. “Is* tat go," he said, no Murth and I destr«ry MD qoiekly. I wiU aafc brother against brothsr, taagalfy triflsa to Bsrioiia qnamds. Hata ▼iolaBea will soon biSng murdei* ia A* how and war In tha ilelds. a» shall Jh* rae* be •xliatBisbed.’' Tl^ stapped fonrasd G;*ed. "All (hat Aagw and Lost wonld cnidelly I Will do subtly. I wOl instill lot* men'^ heaits the most destraetive of |«ssiona. Natural affec^u will ^ appsar, for parents and childtwa wQI be set s«ainst each other. ilteatnHig will oppiess the weak. JEa^ oaiiHi will covot tb* othar^ posaesssans. And sooa men, fjuxsiliea sod eoa»- triea shaB dsatnoy each other in laad desir* for each other’s goods.” "Mio*,” said Sloth, "would be ^ ^plsat and easiest way. Let m» tnfsct th* p*opl* sad they ■*-» caw* to woric. Aftibitioa and pn^ Mas . will ess**. Tlk*^ gw*W «p io wasds. It not Jte toBg bsfors they shall sink into «««iy and the wild beasts will da*w thenv* ''Would not our woiji be flicker asked Gluttony and OmnkeiuHtai. "We would quickly faring the nwe of man to ruin. By us they would gorge themnlvcs with food unMl their bodies were diseased and th«ir minds besotted. They would driqjt of strong liquors until they would fall upon each other in drunken fuwy. taas Service on Sunday night, Dec. j They will commit all ^ 26tb, and the “Country Stora" will b« criia«(s without p^ocntiom. conducted for the l^undsy Tuesday night, Dec. SSth. school on Hocutt Memorial Baptiat An entcrtainjDent by tbs childrea of the Sunday school and a treat for th* Sundny school Wili b* giv«n at this church on Satnzday, D*a. SIBth, at 6:00 p. m. Chnrch of tha H(^ CoauEsttar A Christmas enteertainmant, tma and treat for the Sunday sdiod will be given in the old os TViday night, Dec. 24th. First Presfcytsriaa "White Gifts for ib« Kii^^ is th* title of the smica that will ba hdd at thia diuich on ^i^nday idght, Dee. 26th. ^ To gat Jack Ganar'a goat. Brows* osj, thoft mi!d>«yed miolnaot! Thsa art the causal a«zu Titat bisda protection to tMd»— Tboa Gamsr «f Tasaal lie aasc in thy piataetad fl**e*k *ntoii Madast aoi a eot*. White Gansr iii then iMt fcam paaea Tbayni c«l Mi Oani*^t goat. —Olt. Perkins, Thelma Marlett, Louisa Cooper, ISoyt MePhsrson, Hallie Me- Fhcrsoa. Eil^th Grade—Misa WAslter, Teacher First month—Hd.da Cates, Alma Knott, Msry Pag« Fkaaklin, Percy Holt, Kncx Iiv«ly, Afisia CcopMt, Comdia Oill, IteQi King, Mary IslsTt Mugiot Holt, Hmar Fsaasisr. See* ond month—Cornelia Hill, Mary Faga Frazdcliii, Ola Petrkiits, Katgars* H«lt, H«n*r naacicr, Pai«f Holt. Kiatk Crata Mi*s Naaai* Bad; JKrsI aMaaH-Agosa Stout a*M«4 'SM9tb->Agn«s Stent. fWath Gn4e—M. C TerrdI, Fiist »»tik>n^nca Chssk, 8«i* Coptiaad. 8*eoad ikniA Onat CteaSc. ^ race will vsnish in stupor or in ec- gies." “If you are desimus of corru||t- ing mankind," said Envy, “iroald not my services be of most useT Msr once lot men suspect and hate )»• another and universal diaeord wi(lM follow." n hava heard you *U,» *iud B«*l- Mbub. "But wbei* is Idleness. SB* sleeps somewhere. Go find and 1^- *n her." Forthwith was Idhiqeea, &t aad unclean, birought' into tha roj^ presence. "What can you do to dsatioy ataal* inquired tha master. “Nothing," replied Idleness, yff**- iag. “Nothing at all.'’ “Veoty well, then,” responded S»- Un, "it is yon that shall go. Wkr Wh«i« Idleness is there aU other vios* fJlow. In yon is not ona svil^ Sa you ar* all evils. You are mgr favor|t^ eonflsrt. G4 tot mea aog CARD OF THANKS W* desirs to ixpnaa sm maaa* thankfl to our ftjesd* and neighbon who w>!r» so kiad to as and naader^ ’ amoag ibam tha Seven Dead^ tu help and sympathy dozizig th* ill- Sios." nea* and death of our b^ovad hoah band and fsthtf. May ^ blessing of the Creator ba tapon all who meotb*f«d us by a kind deed. MBS. T. B. FOWLE& A CBILD)S)BN. Mr. W. T. SSnsibaw, aacMtary asid tnMmwr cf th* Waat Sad Baad, in- forma aa ihat th* Baaaar ghaa by th* band in O* near Id«7 baSdhsg last Saturday nig^t waa qoit* a saO' He desJrs* to axpiaa* for th* band thaic «pi^t*eistSea to aB who eooti!biit*d to th* tBeMM «C the «a«km, • wi*'' l^st Satnrday was a hosy day the local'tBievcbattta, a* waa evidcBMrf by the large cnwids «a our atuiuB Nearly every store had an «stn iotj» of deiks, salesman and ord«9P ta acconuaodat* ^ throng of ahoppers, cama, i^- oDly from the iioBMa «f oar «mi cMgf^ bet ttom th* adj^aSng towoa eM aanmudiag eonatiy, Hi* flua* nt BarUagtea as "m ge«i piaea ta itni0 PRINT I fcaa/irtiiiilal *> aad wU»,

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