Pai^ TO whistles other r V, Charloti Be IIBRARV OF nAVIDSON COLLE^ YMW Uca Li FARM and HOME WEEKLY Volume 11. Charlotte, Ka;C., Thursday, July 31,1941. Number 31. CARRIER PIGEONS TRAINED BY ARMY FOR MESSENGERS Both Dogs and Birds Have Often Proved Valuable Servants In Country’s Defense THE TRAINING OF BIRDS Horrid Thought^ We May Have ^[fmndji Interest to Go Without Silk Stockings A stout heart is honored by all men, by all nations, and special tribute is paid to voiceless heroes. That is why out of every war has come ac claim for the animals and winged messengers who serve men alike in the fields of peace and the fields of battle. The annals of the Unites States Army are rich in tributes for these comrades who. bearing no arms of ■defense or offense, have gone into the ffight with hearts of steel. Into these records have gone the history of “First Division Rage,” hero of valor ous deeds deeds in France and belov ed buddy alike of generals and pri vates -and on whose tombstone in an •East Orange (N. J.) cemetery is chis eled the simple epitaph: “Rags—- Wounded in Action With the American Expeditionary Forces in France—• 3918;” of “Old Cap,” wire-haired Grif fon who served with distinction in the World War, winning a French medal, and who sleeps today in Ware, Mass.; of “Stubby,” famous war dog of the Twenty-sixth Division, painted by Charles Ayres Whipple; of Mr. Down ing,” General Pershing’s favorite mount who answered the last call in 1933, and of “President Wilson,” bat tle scarred war pigeon and one of several hero pigeons of the. World War, says a New York dispatch to the Christian Science Monitor. Training For Birds Jt is to these sky messengers that the United States Army is today devoting attention and training comparable to that given trainees in any branch of the service. Maj. John K. Shawman, pigeon expert of the Signal Corps, is in charge of the work of training these birds at Fort Monmouth, N. J., and has recently staged eight-day flights in New York City of his feathered wards. The United States Army is second to none. in the dpvploprnfiit 6f ’ ire! communication service, having found that carrier pigeons have increased in importance with each development of the blitzkreig, since through them defensive communications are main tained and opportunity developed to shatter the enemy lines. Formetly homing pigeous could not be moved around, but insisted uporr returning to one spot. Army Signal Corps officers have developed the use of a mobile loft that can now be taken on maneuvers to any part of the coun try.. Within five days of their ar rival at destination, the birds will be performing their duties. An exclusive development of >the United States Army is a two-day pigeon service. These birds will take a message to a special point and re turn to the place of take-off. How the birds are thus trained is a close Army secret. It is believed this coun try is the only one to have developed such tw07w^ay feathered couriers. Major Shawman’s carrier pigeon training in New York was cari’ied on from. Rockefeller Center. Among the most interested spectators were the pigeons that make their homes on the set-backs of the city within a city in midtown Manhattan, and who find easy living in the hands of bird-lovers. They looked up in wonderment at the swift flight of the winged soldiers of the army. Major STiawman gave his pigeons several days in New York to permit them to get accustomed to their new surroundings. Sboi’t flights were made during these adys. Then, for the big test, six birds were taken by under ground railroad to six points in the outskirts of the city. The subway in no way affected their sense of direc tion, and when they wer§ released they flew as straight as an arrow at a mile-a-minute clip back to their mobile loft at Rockefeller Center. In War Service The carrier pigeon service of the Army is being greatly expanded. Another duty that has fallen to the care of Major Shawman is the reg istering of every private pigeon loft in the Nation. This was done not only to list a reserve of birds in case of an Army shortage, but more im portantly, to keep a careful guard over the activities of saboteurs and fifth columnists who might use the birds for message carrying. Great Britain has been using pig eons to carry dispatches in the pres ent war and has appealed to American loft owners to donate birds for war service. Each British airplane when it takes off carries two pigeons for dihpatching messages back to its base in case the radio fails to work. Military use of pigeons dates from the days of the Roman Empire. De- cius Brutus used homing pigeons to get in touch with the Roman Consuls in 43 B. C. when Mutina was besieged by Mark Antony. The Saracens used sky messengers during the First Cru sade. The Crusaders tried to inter rupt this service by sending falcons after them, but many of the enemy birds got through. In the Franco-Prussian war of 1870 when the Germans surrounded Paris, homing pigeons were used by the de fenders to keep in touch with the out side World. . The Germans countered >IORE ON PAGE THREE Dr. Lingle, late president of Davidson College, published an article in the current issue of the Christian Observer, giving docu mentary accountts of suffering in the South just after the Civil War. There was a philanthropic couple in New York who under took to aid to the extent of their ability people all over the South who were in dire need. This did not apply to the colored people who were the proteges of the Feb- eral government. They were the white people, poor before the war, but left like Scarlet O’Hara, on the land with nothing to eat. Letter after letter is given from South ern people, merchants or others of known probity, who told of such lack of food that it in some cases amounted to starvation. Well, we must have the hard ships of war, even before we have actual war. In some of the coun tries which have had or now have war, people are begging for bread. And right here in our own be loved land we are threatened with a shortage of silk stockings. Of couse people do not eat silk stock ings. But Shylock said, “You take my life when you do. take the means whereby live.” And that being so, people in America who might find life unbearable with out silk stockings may face the stern necessity of shuffling of this mortal coil. Of course the soldiers of Wash ington at Valley Forge had no silk stockings. Many of them had ncr stockings at all and a good many of them no shoes- But times are different now. Wliat were then unheard of luxuries are now necessities. The government may find it necessary, in warding off the attempt of Japan to stab freedom and democracy in the east while Hitler is mixrdering it in the-west, to forbid the shipment of silk from Japan to this country. That means no silk stockings, for all the silk that we can get will have to’ go into parachutes to save the lives of men who find it necessary to jump fram death in the air. \You can’t ixiake para chutes out of cotton. Can you make stockings of cotton? No, not silk stockings, and who would scratch his or her legs with cot ton or wool socks ? Therefore, the people representing the silk stock ing manufacturers will endeavpr to show the gov^'rnment what a sui cidal policy r,t would be to pro hibit the im\oortation of silk from Japan. And we do not yet know how large and powerfu) a silk stocking bk'ck may arise and exert its pressure upon the gov ernment. Freedom and democracy are nice, if they do n*ot cost anything. But when the necessities of life must be given up in their behalf, that is something to talk about. Would America give up silk stockings for freedom? Would America give up anything for freedom ? WHY WE STAND PAT WITH JAPAN Her Threat Is Not Theoretical But Involves Material Things Already in Our Possession FASTER IT RUNS MORE IT BURNS One-Fourth of Gais Used Is Wasted Mr. Ickes Finds Out and May Get Mad About it Notes, reprimands and warnings have been going to Japan for some time. The last went Wednesday of this week in consequence of the narrow escape of a United States gunboat, the Tutuilla, on the Yangtze river, ii'aiu Japctiu'&e ijomb's. I'he boat! was where it had a right to be and if the bomb had hot missed, the boat would have been blown up. “So sorry,” is the usual Japanese reply. This will not go any longer. The meaning of all this is perfect ly clear. The United States means business, and for a reason which Ja pan may have overlooked. There is a significant difference between the Far East and Europe. In the Far East the United States has actual posses sions and^ existing, established, rec ognized territorial rights and respon sibilities. The ban on use of “selec tees” does not apply to the Philip pines'. The Philippines are a depend ency of the United States which Washington is bound by treaty to protect and defend with its military forces. Threat to Philippines President Roosevelt is criticized for sending United States marines and naval. forces to Greenland on the ground t?iat it is getting too far away from the United States.- The Philip pines are much farther. But they be long to America to defend, and the army and the navy are already there. When Japan went into French Indo- China it was an immediate threat to the Philippines comparable with the threat which a German invasion of Canada would be to the United States itself. Up until this latest Japanese move every effort has been made to leave a friendly path open for Japan to reconsider its ways and abandon its Axis alignment. But the moment it went into Indo-China everything changed here. It was the move advo cates of firm action had been waiting for. It made the whole pattern of Japanese aggression too plain for any doubting. The countermeasures and the counterpolicy were all ready and in order. Japan has chosen to make the last threat and the last advance which can be made into the East Indies without war. Washington has been busy ever since making sure of two things: A. That if war comes American forces will have the Allies and the strategic positions necessary to as sure quick and certain victory. B. That Japan is under no illus ions. There is also a powerful positive retaliatory side of the matter. Even if Japan heeds the warning and stops where it is in Indo-China, the pres sure of the American economic block ade, implemented by Britain and the Netherlands, will put an increasing strain on the existence of Japan it self. The assumption in the background is, actually, that the economic block ade is going to force Japan to choose between war and retirement. The best estimates of the blockade’s effect on Japan are that it will be impossible for the Islands to maintain their pres ent extended positions with all trade to the outside world shut off. They must break that blockade to live. They can- break it by abandoning Indo-Chi- na, and withdrawing from China it self. Or they can attempt to break it by war. Washington is watching and wait ing, prepared if Japan chooses to at tack and confident that if Japan is so foolish as to decide on the course of war the outcome will be quick and disastrous for Japan. The Axis may I MORE ON PAGE TWO MOtirCOW A BIG TOWN Moscow, the Russian capital which the Nazis are now bombing, is a big to\v'n. It is larger than Chicago and has latel/ been growing faster than Washingt')n. With a population of 4,- 000,000, the Soviet capital is more than twice as lai’ge as it was 20 years ago. Among cities of the world it ranks sixth, behind London, New York, Tokio, Paris an.d Berlin. In the same latitude as northern Labrador, Moscow is the farthest north of major world capitals and its life is geared to long winters when the rivers freeze solid and become roadways for horse- drawn sledges. Summer comes to- Mos cow not in the mild form known to Berlin, Paris, and London, but with extremes of heat to match the winter cold. In these extremes Moscow cli mate is comparable to that of the nQrtiier.1 plains states of the U. S. A. On an ancient trade route between the Baltic and the Caspian, Moscow existed as far back as 1147. It was the naitaiai center of the movement wtiich united the feudal Russian states. The xity suffered a setback in the early eighteenth century when Peter the (ireat moved the capital to a site bn the Gulf of Finland, where he built St. Petersburg (Leningrad). FIRST OF ALL, DESTROY THE MAD DOG— Then the World Must Find Way To Live in Pcace and Goodwill (AN EDITORIAL) IFIRST YEAR AFTER THE WAR A TRYING TIME FOR SOUi: soir^-! % The pighead driver not only en dangers the lives of others and him self but throws away a lot of moneyJ' by wasting gas. Mr. Ickes, Petroleurn Conservater, may have to do • It. Vtlijr!. imr sound economy. This is the verdict of the Ameri can Automobile Association, official spokesmen for more than 1,000,000 drivers. The A'ssociation is not trying to meet the\ resent-day emergency with LENINGRAD ALSO LARGE Leningrad, the old capital of the Czars, on the Gulf of Linland, is also a big town. The Germans are reaching for that, too. Second to Moscow among Russian cities and the fourth largest in all con tinental Europe, Leningrad has a population of 3,200,000 and in dustries that are vital to Russia’s defense. Peter the Great founded the city at the beginning of the eighteenth century and callcd at (after himself) St. Petersburg. He sought to give Russia a cap ital that would compare with cities of western Europe.' The name of the city was changed to Petrograd early in the World War and to Leningrad after the revo lution. In 1916 Leningrad had a population of 2,400,000, but by 1920 the figure had shrunk to less than 760,000 as a result of the revolution and removal of the capital to Moscow. Since Soviet iftdi atnalization, the city has made steady population gains. Built on low ]artd on the' delta of the I'V . Ver, Leningrad is subject .0 ..ding. A flood ii*_1924 was highly destructive. KING SNAKES KILL OTHERS Some people kill any snake they see iregardless of its kind and character. Yet there are two kinds of snakes which should never be killed. One is the blacksnake, which is a great rat arguments concocted over night.. For! the other is the king piake, 40 years it has been engaged in studies intended to prove that wasteful driv ing habits are taking millions of dol lars annually out of the pockets of the Nation’s more than • 40,000,000 licensed operators. “Uh ... uh. . . watch that ac celerator. . . ease up on those speeds . .. . keep the car properly adjusted . . . let the other fellow throw away his gasoline dollar on jack rabbit get aways and neck-jerking stops” . . . that is the advice the Association has been projecting into motor circles for years. And to this money-saving plea of motor groups, State agencies have added the safety angle, for such things as tires, for instance, not only wear out faster at high speeds, but they project the blowout hazard into the daily motoring of 36,000,000 car own ers. Meet the Patriot Now comes Harold L. Ickes, Sec retary of the Interior, to glorify the safe and economical driver with'the title of “patriot.” For tlie Nation is asking voluntary reductions of 30 to 35 per cent in its gas consumption . . . or^ else. The “or else” is assum ed to imply either rationing, gasless Sundays, or drastic Government regu lation of all gas sales. And if any thing can convert the gasoline glut ton into a member of good standing in the fraternity of safe, sensible, money-saving, car conserving drivers ..' . . it is the urge to do something for his country in its hour of need. The glutton for gas consumption which the Association hopes to reach and reach quickly “or else” is hie who tramps upon the accelerator, generat ing more power that the car engine can use; he with a passion for using second gear which burns up 50 per cent niore fuel than high gear; and he with the futile complex for beating all comers to the getaway at traffic signals. The gas burner picks up on hills where slow, steady speeds mean smooth, economical operation. He handles the choke like a bicycle pump with no thought for the technical point that over-choking the engine can con sume more gas in starting than would ordinarily be used in a mile of top- gear driving. Elementary Fact The basic rule the Association is trying to get across to motorists is that physical things are hard to move. The bigger they are, the more stub born they become. And the harder they are to stop. Hence, to hurry them takes extra power or gasoline. So the mark of the unpatriotic will fall upon the driver who henceforth goes roar ing off in first gear, then into sec ond and high with the throttle wide open. He is wasting gasoline needed to keep Hitler away from America. But why spend money for power that is never used by the engine ? The Association has posed that question I which kills any poisonous snake. Neither harms man. Saturday morn ing Mabel Coffey, ten-year-old girl We are told that chemists, knowing the results of action and reaction of substances, can tell in advance when and how a new substance may be discovered or produced. It may require time and patience to make the discov ery but it is known to be within the field of possibility. There is something like this in human society. Students may gue^s or even be assured that certain things must take place. The time may be far.from “ripe” for them and educational pro cesses are long and difficult. The inertia of custom, the op position of self interest, the in ability of the masses and the classes to comprehend the ne cessities, all tie up to make a lag which makes it difficult for development of much that is ad mittedly desirable and necessa ry. It was thus with Woodrow Wilson and the League of Na tions. The time was not ripe. Men could see the purpose and the need, but few of them could see that something of the kind must come before the world could have peace. The future effects of the World War were reckoned as similar to the ef fects of other wars. But they could not be for the world had changed. At the peace council Wilson visioned it, but Loyd George and Clemenceau did not. None foresaw that the conquer ors would relax in a moral slump and that the vanquished would immediately start a quest for revenge. But Wilson, bringing home a scant victory oiyer Loyd George and Clemenceaii, met defeat in his own country from the same elements that are now estimating war and worldwide influences in the terms of war with powder and l)all and world commerce as when carried in sailing ships. But Wilson saw the great truth —the constant and increasing integration of the world in which of Edgemont, near Lenoir, was bitten _ by a rattlesnake and died on Monday, things had passed away and Saddened by the death of his daugh ter and seeking revenge upon her as sailant, the father of the girl, Cuba Coffey, and several of his neighbors in the Edgemont section, kept a watch on a hole near the home which, it was believed, the snake inhabited. On one of these visits to the hole, the men found the rattler and a king snake engaged in a violent battle. The fight that followed between the two snakes lasted for seven hours, a struggle in which only the victor could sui’vive. Large numbers of people were at tracted to the scene when the word passed out, and watched the battle. The two snakes matched their strength in a dramatic conflict, lash ing the ground, hissing, each strug gling in the coils of the other. Final ly, the king snake was victor. When hours after the battle began, Mr. Cof fey looked in upon the affray again, only the 12 rattlers and the last foot of the snake’s long four-foot body could be seen. The king snake had swallowed all but the tail of his op ponent. IT’S WET IN GEORGIA In some sections of Georgia, says the Atlanta Journal, crops have been so rained out that star vation faces many people unless they get help. It has been wet jn Georgia, but some of the Geor gia editors will have their jokes about it. The following is from the Omega News: “Windy Harris says his uncle up in north Georgia has a grist mill that operates by water power, and that recently it rained so hard the water was backed up the river, turning the water wheel backwards and un grinding 250 bushels of meal be fore his uncle found out about it.” WHERE TH’E DANGER IS In a speech Wendell Willkie sum med up' the difference between the danger from Hitler and the danger from Stalin. He said: “The only thing we have ever had to fear from com munism is the possible triumph of an ideology. Now even the idea of com munism is no longer a real menace to democracy. Its appeal is rapidly dying; its propaganda is confused and futile. It is a dream that didn’t come true. Russia has never been a military menace or a trade menace to us. For 23 years the Communists have been bn the Bering Strait, and we’.ve never had any reason to fear that they' would attack us across that narrow water. But the picture with Hitler is different. He is engaged with all the terrible power of his military machine in conquering the world. If he suc ceeds, he means to enslave it econom ically, politically and culturally. He has plainly told us so.” new methods must be devised for new conditions. To him the League of Nations was to be a supervising agency through which all nations, coming into court with clean hands might re ceive justice, and with reason, tolerance and cooperation estab lished, wars might become obso lete. But once more the old methods must be depended upon, and now what have we? Another world war more cruel, more unneces sary and more far reaching than the first. So Wilson’s idea, the stone rejected by the builders, may yet become the corner stone of a new edifice of world peace and justice. And now reasona ble men are talking of what must come after this war is over, and that is the enthronement of the principles of Wilson. This idea was concisely set forth by As; sistant Secretary of State Sum ner Wells, the other day for the consideration of the wirld. His utterances were in part as fol lows : “I feel it is not premature for me to suggest that the free gov ernments of peace - loving na tions everywhere should even now be considering and discuss ing the way in which they can best prepare for the better day which must come, when the pres ent contest is ended in the victo ry of the forces of liberty and of human freedom, and in the crushing defeat of those who are sacrificing mankind to their own lust for power and for loot. “At the end of the last war, a great President of the United States gave his life in the strug gle to further rea\i?:atiqu cf the splendid vision which he had held to the eyes of suffering hu manity—the visioh of an order ed world governed by law. “The League of Nations, as he conceived it, failed in part be cause of the blind selfishness of men here in the United States, as well as in other parts of the world; it failed because of its utilization by certain powers primarily to advance their own political and commercial ambi- — MORE PAGE SIX THEY MARRY YOUNG A preliminary survey of 100 ques- tionaires returned by the men 21 years old and registered July first, in dicates that one fourth of them are already married. The government has announced that the former policy of extreme leniency on account of marriage will be modi fied. Whether marriage excuses a man from service will depend upon time and circumstances of the marriage. The young gentPeman who acquires the marriage status as a lesser veil than military service, may find some difficulty ahead. BACK TAXES The county commissioners authoriz ed Revenue Collector Joe A. Sherrill, to create a back-tax department which IS to try to collect back taxes that have accumulated on the books. “No thing is sure but death and taxes,” yet in Mecklenburg county it seems that the nemises of tax paying fails to over take a great many people. Mr. Sherrill presented a list of about 5,- 000 names of individual and'business organizations that owe taxes thrdugh the years 1927 through 1934. All are supposed to be insolvent, but the com missioners thought that a good strong effort might result in getting some of the money. Mr. Sherrill was autho rized to employ help and make an ef fort. The unpaid tax on businesses is supposed to be about $8,000, while the long list due by individuals averages about $5 each. in the service, for he enlisted during the World war 19 years ago when he Was 16. Among his tasks is arranging for fest drops, plunges in which dummies are dressed up in parachutes and toss ed from planes to give the ’chutes a try-out. A dummy’s average life is four years before being banged around Wears it out. It is made of heavy hemp rope, canvas, and lead, and it weighs about 130 pounds. Silk is Used almost exclusively to make the canopy, and the ’chutes cost about $90 apiece. Very recently, some have been make of nylon, and they cost a little less. With trade in silk halted by the United States, it is a good guess that stock on hand will go mainly to'make this important part of a flyer’s equipment and not—as in the past—to flatter the ladies’ legs. Also nylon canopies are expected to become more common. The harness into which the wear er fastens himself is also given a thorough inspection. Included in the harness is an air cushion to protect the wearer and a pocket in which is kept the ’chutes history. Tips and Downs of Daily Li Given in Highly Interestii. Diary oi Ardrey MARRIAGE AND AN INFAI THAT UKRAINE WHEAT IThe Germans were supposed to get into the breadbasket of Rus- i MORE ON PAGE TWO PARACHUTES IN ORDER When: a flyer for any reason has to jump from his plane in midair, his life depends upon how perfectly his parachute work. A swimmer in the ocean may save himself without a life preserver but in the great ocean of the air there is no refuge if the para chute fails to unfold. Whether the big silk ball billows out and slows the diving pilot in his plunge to earth is a question of the expertness with which the parachute was folded and the time it was done. For parachutes packed too long are useless. Giving rigid inspection to para chutes used at the Charlotte air base is the duty of Technical Sergeant J. B. Baker, who has become a veteran in the parachute division. He entered the branch when the army first issu ed parachutes at Kelly Field. Before that, he was among the youngest men MR. MARTIN COMING Representative Martin of Massa chusetts, national chairman of the Re publican party, has promised State Chairman Jake F. Newell that he will speak in Charlotte sometime in Oc tober. Chairman Newell has been joined in extending^ the invitation by John Crowley of Charlotte, a personal friend of Chairman Martin, Chairman Ernest M. Morgan of the Mecklenburg organization of the party, and other leading Republicans of the section. Mr. Morgan, as county chairman, will likely have general charge of the plans for the big rally, the exact date of which will be announced as soon as it can be arranged. CLERK’S OFFICE REPORT Mr. Robert L. Smith, the very effi cient deputy clerk of the court in charge of fiscal accounts, has made up a report showdng receipts and dis bursements of the office since it came into the hands of the present clerk, J. Lester Wolfe, in December 1935. I'hese accounts relate to fees received and disbursed. During the period this department of the office took in $178,226, and paid out 8151,899. This left an operating profit of $26,326, which goes iato the county treasury. (By H. E. C. (RED BUCK) BRYAN^ The diary of Captain William E Ardrey, of Providence township Mecklenburg county, may give intel ligent citizens suggestions for thi present, and post-world war day* That the South was poor, and d'^wr after the War Between the States nt student of history can doubt, but just the same its people were couragous and proud. January 1, 1866, nine months after General Robert E.. Lee surrendered. Captain Ardrey wrote, in his day-book: “We (meaning he and his wife) commenced farming and housekeeping to ourselves with all the responsibili ties of a family, either to sink or f.wini, or to rise or fall in the world’s scales. A happy pair to walk the paths of life together, to enjoy the pleasures and share the sufi'erings with .each other. “Maggie’s father moved her fur niture down—a large house and poor ly filled. Brother Joe living with us and going to school to Rev. A. N, Mills. “Our labor for the year: Adam Withers, colored, and Dorcas, Jake Stewart, colored, and family; hordes, 1, bobtail; mules, 2, Beck and Rose; cow with young calf, 1; dry cows, 3; hogs, all sizes, 12; land, 285 acres. “My indebtedness for the house and lot, after deducting my interest, $ 100, in gold.. Other debts about $' total, $1,500.. Owing to mv about $300. Balance against 200. “The weather bitter col' Fifteen Dollars Wor' “Miss Lizzie Rea White visited us ' ther Robinson/- “I bought ' * Mr. Vail at lie' - “Jaauivi’.v '6: a.ii. jJavis wife, Mi«‘- Tirz.i and sister Md lie, visited us. “January 20: Building, repairing fences, etf . “February from the first to the 15 th: Planted my Irish potatoes; clearing the old pine field above th" ^ Warwick new ground. “March 1st to 15th: Seeding oats and clover—my lirst experience with clover. “March 5th: “My first baby born— James Potts Ardrey. I went for Mr. Thomas Kell, rode Bony, and found the doctor at Mack Davis’; great ex citement—an important era in our lives. “March 6th: I went to Potts’ store for medicines. Saw Mr. John Wads worth. going south with a drove of mules. Father Robinson and family came down to see us. “March 10th: “Bedded my sweet potatoes. ‘March 25th: Commenced planting corn. Ashed my meat and put it away in the garret for safe keeping, as breaking into smoke houses is a com mon occurrance. Hams 18 shoul ders 18, and sides 18. The Spring very backward, and wet; continual rains and cool. Loses Old Bobtail “April 25th: Commenced planting cotton. Seed very scarce and in great demand at $1 per bushel. S'till very wet. “May 1st: Bobtail horse accidents>l- ly stabbed and died. Strip cow calve “May 20th First mess of sugar peas 25th, first mess of Irish potatoes? b' freshet in the water courses. “May 30th: Plowing and plan my creek bottonls; first mess of be “June 1st: Purchased a pony h Andy from Dr. P. for $165.00 in Proved to be unsound; I was cheated. ‘June 9th: Big rains; creeks the bottoms. “June 12th: Finished setting potato slips. Fine rain and plenty grass. “June 13th: The Warwich ne ground cotton very grassy. “June 15th: The hardest hoeing ever did, and as it was my first expe rience with ground I was much trou bled and perplexed. Dorca;s, Jodie (Joseph), and myself hoeing, and Adam and Jake plowing. “June 20th: Commenced laying by my old corn and replanting my . creek bottoms. “June 28th: Big freshet in creek and fences gone. “July 1st: We visited the Potts and Elliott families; all well and have good crops. “August 1st: Traded Mr. Stevens my Rose mule for bay horse, Dan. “Setember 1st: Mr. Rone and my self went down to Monroe Court, and { procured an order for settlement with/ Captain Robinson as guardian for mjr wife, and collected the amount due by him to her—$200. “September 20th: Rev. James Sta cy, pastor, had a great revival at Harrison’s; 25 added to the cKurch. “September 30th: The potato and turnip crops very fine. “November 8th: Commenced seeding wheat. Postell Smith dug for us a well for $42.50, forty-five feet deep— 1 fine water. I found it a big .job haul ing rock to curb it. “Births: September 10th, Mr. Bell’s — MORE ON PAGE FOUR —

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