THE MESSENGER I PUBLtSHEO EVERY SATURDAY -AT CHAHIiOTTB. N. O. -8T WILLIAM C- SMITH. -—— SUBSCRIPTION: One Year, »L2|* Six Months •« Three Months, -to Always in advance. Ejy~AU Letters should be addressed to W. C. SMITH. jpuamßanheFost Office at Charlotte, N. C. as SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1882. COALITION NOMINATIONS. Congressional Ticket. FOB CONGRESS—ST ATE-AT-LARGE: OLIVER H. DOCKERY, of Richmond. FOE CONGRESS —THIRD DISTRICT: WILLIAM P. CAN AD AY, of New Hanover. Omars' Class No. 2.—The members of Congress for their respective districts faDa, constructively, for the State-at urael shall be voted for on one ballot. Simp. 275, laws 1876-77. Jodi rial District. FOB JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT. GEORGE N. FOLK, of Caldwell. for Judges of the Superior Court: FIRST district: CHARLES C. POOLE, of Pasquotank. second district: JOHN A. MOORE, of Halifax. THIRD DISTRICT: FRANK H. DARBY, of New Hanover. fourth district: WILLIAM A. GUTHRIE, of Cumberland. sixth district: LEWIS F. CHURCHILL, of Rutherford. For Solicitors: second district: JOHN H. COLLINS, of Halifax. Offitar* Class No. 3.—The Justice of the supreme Court, Judges of the Supe rior Courts and a Solititor of each dis trict shall be voted for on one ballot.— Chop. 275, laws 1876-77. Solicitors shall be elected by the qualified voters of each district— Chap. 327, laws 1881. Officers' Class No. 4—The members at the General Assembly for their res pective counties and districts shall be voted for on one ballot —Chap. 275, laws 1816-77. Officers’ Class No. s.—The county offi cers for the respective counties * * * shall be voted for on one ballot— Chap. 275. laws 1879-77. Officers' Class No 6.—On the Tuesday 1 aext after the first Monday in Novem- I her every two years from 1880 an elec r Moo shall be held in each township for the office of constable.— Chap. 152, laws WOT. Ballots shall be on white paper, and ■say be printed or written, or partly written and partly printed, and shall be without device.— Chap. 275, laws 1876-77. Wl return our thanks to Golgo tha lodge of Samaritans for pn in vitation and tickets to their festival on Tuesday evening. Members of secret societies will please give us the names of their secretaries and their time and placo of meeting. Our friends would do well to let ns know of their festivals &c. so wo may give them a notice in the Mes senger. Everybody reads it We have just added to our ex change list the Palmetto Press, Charleston, S. C-, R. L. Smith edi tor, and the Banner, Newbem, N. C„ Fred. Douglass, editor. Both are neat, wcll-gotten-np papers. OANMDATES FOR SOLICITOR. Mr.‘Frank Osborne of Charlotte is the regular democratic nominee and Mr. William Means of Concord is an independent candidate for so licitor in this district. There is also talk of others coming in the fiiold. The Observer says Mr. Means means business, and we suppose he means to make it warm for some one. i Mr. Osborne is the dark horso. IHe was not a candidate at first, but after much voting and hard work trying to decido between others, his name was brought boforo the con vention and he was nominated. 110 has been Mayor of our city and somewhat a favorite among the colored ,ieoplo as a rising young lawyer. Mr. Moans is the Mayor of Con cord, and is quite an able young lawyer. His brother Paul Means is very well known in Charlotte- How many others are to come out ? The more the merrier. Tfot ’em out. OUR REPRESENTATIVES. Tho Goldsboro Enterprise, says •‘The republicans have no ticket in the field, therefore party tics do not bind." Ho further asks tho Colored Press of the State is it right for a State convention representing four colored to one white voter, to put only two colored men on the State Executive Committee. Ho charges the white republicans with opening war upon the colored mon. Our representation upon the State committeo is not just. But it is so all along tho line. We have often thought tho Second District should send a colored man to Congress ev ery time. We think every county in the State having a Negro majori ity should be represented in part by a Negro in the legislature and share the county offices generally. We think even in our western counties we ought to run colored men for of fice inasmuch as we cannot get a fair showing in federal positions. Here we have fifty-four mail agents running into Charlotte, aud only five colored and three of them of the lowest grado. We understand there are many other positions around our city for which white re publicans could not be bad, and rather than put Negroes in, demo crats wore put in and now fill the places. You are right Bro. Enterprise. Keep up the fight. Send a good colored man to Congress from your district. We find no fault with your present member, but you ought to give the preference to a colored man. You have a number of able men who will do credit to the race if you will only yourselves unite up on one. You are independent in this district, and all you need is uni ty- How They Speak of Ue. Wc have received tho first num ber of the Charlotte Messenger, pub lished by W. C. Smith. It is a neat ly printed, five-column folio, and contains "rich, rare and racy” read ing matter. We hope the Messenger will receive tho welcome it deserves in every household. Charlotte has long been wanting a paper like the Messenger. —Star of Zion. We have received a copy oi tho first issue of the Charlotte Messen ger, a handsomely gotten up paper in Charlotte, N. C., and it is very ably edited by W. C. Smith, Esq., one of the most energetic young men of the State and the only typo of color. We wish tho Messenger much success. —Wilson News. Wo have received tho first num ber of the Messenger, which is to be published weekly at Charlotte by our good friend Wm. C. Smith. It is a crisp, newsy, well gotten up twenty-column paper, that will de vote "special attention to tho de fence of the colored people and the Republican party." It will, we be lieve ably, supply a want long felt in Charlotte. Our best wishes, friend Smith, for your complete suc cess.—Raleigh Banner. lowa has passed an amendment to her constitution prohibiting the manufacture and sale of intoxica ting liquors, by a majority of over 1 34,000 vote*. At the late Mississippi P:'jss Con cention a colored editor nud Repub lican, was treated nicely by his Democratic brethren. Though the Association was liuli-jiolilieal, as Maj. Walpole exclaimed, yet it is significant that a representative of the colored race was received cor dially, not only in the deliberations of the association, but was among the other members of the press at the banquet in their honor, given by the best people of one of the most aristocratic cities of the South. He received no snnb and was ‘more kindly treated after the banquet than before. Though an individual instance, it serves to show that ma terial progress is being made by the South, and that tho harshness that has resulted from revolution and radical change in onr institutions, is being replaced by a fraternal feeling, for which little credit has been giv en that section. — Conservator. An Example. Peter Griffin, a colored man, living near Americus, Ga., presents an example of industry worthy the enfulation of his race. He owns a farm of over 300 acres, all of which is under cultivation. He has 100 acres in corn this year, and will make 50 bales of cotton this year. He has 20 acres in oats, and raises on his place everything that he needs. There are six plows run under his direction, and he has a home that is fitted up with every convenience and comfort. He has fine credit, but does not need it, as he has more cash than he needs. The ex tent of his participation in politics is to vote for the best man presented for of fice, without regard to oolor. Remedy For Snake Bite. Aberdeen Examiner, Mr. W. B. Jones, of the Eeast side oi the river,furnishes a very simple and effective remedy for snake bite, which which consists in bathing ■ ttie wound with coal oil. He says be was bitten on the foot, about three weeks ago, by a highland moccasin, an exceedingly poisonous reptile, and employed this remedy, bathing with the oil twice in about an hour’s time and keeping the bandage on twelve or fifteen hours, after which he has felt no pain or inconvenience. This is a-remedy which is kept in al most every household, and is invalua ble to the people of the country if it possesses the efficacy claimed for it. The Leading Pursuit. Agriculture is still the leading pur suit in the United States. Census Bul letin No. 228, just issued, shows avast increase in the number of farms during the past ten years. In 1850 the whole number of farms wss 1,449,073; in 1860, 2,044,677; in 1870.3,059,985; in 1880, 4,008,907. The increase in the number of farms during the decade of 1870-’BO was 51 per cent; in the decade 1850-’6O it was 41 per cent. In 1870 New York bad the greatest numbqr of farms; but in 1880 it was third on the list, being surpassed by Illinois and Ohio. Farms are increasing in number in the South, showing that the plantations are being divided. Alabama shows an increase in numbers equal to 102 per cent, dur ing the decade, Arkansas 91 per cent., Florida 129, Georgia 98, Louisiana 70, Mississippi 50, North Carolina 68, South Carolina 81, Virginia 00. The Platform. Hawkeye. Political; “Julia” wants to know “what a party platform is.” Well, a platform, Julia, is one preamble and twenty resolntions, strong in non-es sentials, vague in essentials; round the bush on tariff, and rough as thunder on the Mormons; clamorous for civil ser vice reform, with a reserved definition of civil service reform; down on cor ruption, loud in praise of purity, and to have it if it takes every cent the party can raise. The platform, you under stand. Julia, is a legitimate and neces sary part of the campaign pomp and circumstance; it goes along with the banners, transparencies and torches, and when the campaign is over—well, it is stored awsy in the cellar or garret, along with the reßt of the uniforms and torches. A campaign platform is very much like the campaign torch, indeed; it gives out a great deal of smell and smoke with a very uncertain,flickering light. A Love. Affair Wound Up. From the Chicago Tribune. “I should smile.” As Bertha Redingote spoke these words she lay coquettishly in a ham mock that had been swung between two giant oaks that reared their tall heads aloft in the broad lawn, at the edge of which stood her father’s stately resi dence. A little foot, enmeshed in a silken stocking, whose delicate texture displayed to advantage the trim ankle within peeped out from beneath a flee cy-white dress, while the laughing eyes and fair forehead of the girl were sur mounted by a coronal of sunnily-gold tresses of which aDy hair store might have been proud. “So you like ice cream?” said Harold Mclntyre bending over the hammock and looking tenderly into Bertha’s blue eyes. “I should smile,” said the girl again, getting ready to put on her slipper and start “You are right," said Harold. “Ice cream is a good thing. Perhaps some day next week I will buy you some.” The look of happy expectancy faded from the girl's face. “Whattime is it?” she asked. “Ten minutes to six,” replied Harold. "Then,” said Bertha, “if you start right away you will get home in time for supper. An Editor Sues a Bishop. Cleveland, Ohio, Julv 6—Edwin Cowles, editor of the Leader, yesterday •-.iiuhii-iicixl suit against Bishop .Gil irviur. of the Catholic diocese, fur 825,- ttxi damages. The bishop published a card over Mb siguature which Cowles pronounces false, malicious and de famatory. A Baltimore firm will open a fruit canning establishment at Greensboro. OUR GOVERNMENTS. Officers of the Federal Government. THE EXECUTIVE. Chester A. Arthur, of New York, President of the United States. Frederick T. Frelinghuyaen, of Now Jersy, Secretary of State. Charles J. Folger, of New York, Secretary of tho Treasury. H. M. Teller, of Colorado, Secre tary of the Interior. Robert T. Lincoln, of Illinois, Sec retary of War. Wm. E. Chandler, of New Hamp shire, Secretary of the Navy. Timothy O. Howe, of Wisconsin, Postmaster General. B. Harris Brewster, of Pennsyl vania, Attorney General. THE JUDICIARY. SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. Morrison R. Waite, of Ohio, Chief Justice, Samuel F. Miller, of lowa, John M. Harlan of Kentucky, Stephen J. Field of California, Wm. B. Woods of Georgia, Joseph P. Bradley, of New Jersey. Stanley Matthews, of Ohio, Horace Gray, of Massachusetts, Samuel Blatchford, of New York, Associate Justices. Our State Government. EXCUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Thomas J. Jarvis, of Pitt, Gover nor. . James L. Robinson, -of Macon, Lieutenant Governor. W. L. Saunders, of New Hanover, Secretary of State. John M. Worth, of Randolph, Treasurer. Donald W. Bain, of Wake, Chief Clerk. Hal. M. Worth, of Randolph, Tel ler. W. P. Roberts’ of Gates, Auditor. Thomas S. Keenan, of Wilson, Attorney General. John C. Scarborough, of Johnson, Superintendent of Public Instruc tion. Johnstono Jones, of Burke, Adju tant General. J. McLeod Turner, Keeper of the Capitol. Sherwood Haywood, of Wake, State Librarian. JUDICIARY. SUPEME COURT. W. N. H. Smith, of Hertford,Chief Justice. Thomas Ruffin, Thomas S. Ashe, Associates. W. H. Bagloy of Wake, Clerk. R. H. Bradley, of Wake, Marshal. C., C. & A. K. R. GO. CONDENSED SCHEDULES. Wln Effect Sunday, June 4th, 1882. a* Train Train No. 62. No. 48, Pasaeng’r. Passeng’r Leave cnatluUe 1.86 p m Arrive Boca Hill 2.88 pm Arrive Chester 8.80 pm Arrive Wlnnsboro 4.86 pm Arrive Columbian e.uo pm Leave Columbia, «07 pin 6.16 am Arrive Lexington 6 60pm 7.16 am Arrive htdgeSpring 8 02pm B.Boam ArriveGranltevUie 9.12 pm 940 am AmreAuguata, 10.16 pm 10.22 am Train No. 20. Freight l*sI e £5K k !!8!l ILBopm Arrive Bock Htfi, 7.68 p m Arrive Cheater 10 00 pm Anlve Wlnnsboro 1.18 am Arrive Columbia, 4 60am Leave Columbia, Arrive Lexington. Amro Htdge Spring Arrive GranttevUle Arrive Augusta. Train No. m Daily-Connects at Columbia with the 8. C. R B. for Cbar eeton, and with the C.A tt. B. R. for Alston, Newberry. Abhenlle, Ac. At Augusta with Central Georgia R B for Macon. Savannah and Florida points. . Train No. 48, bally-Connects at Augusta whb tte Georgia tt. R and Central Georg RK. for M»eon. Atlanta. Savannah and Florida points. Trains Non 18 and 20. local, triweekly, Mon days. Wednesdays and Fridays. Train* from the South arrive at Charlotte, pea. tenger. daily, at 686 p. m. Freight, dally except Sunday, at 8.42 a.m. and 4 46 p.m. ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE A OHIO DITIaiON. 'train No. 68. Dally, ' " Leave Charlotte. g Off p m Arrive at Statesville, ....10 06 pm Train No. 62, Dally, Leave Statesville. 6 no a m Arrive at Charlene 8.06 a m Tickets sold to til points South Boutbeaatind Southwest, and bagnio check, through No lay-over allowed on loeaf tickets. A. FOP*. T. M. R Taioott. Uen'lPa longer Agent tien’l Manager Columbia. 6C., June 4th, 1882. J«SB A tornado swept oyer a'portion of Crawford county, Kansas, Monday night, and overturned a number of houses and barns. As far as heard from, no lives were lost. Little Hock, Arkansas, was aluo visited by a tornado on Monday night, which attained a ve locity of three miles a minute. The damage was confined to the unroofing of houses and the overturning of trees and fences. JC’uitDcUer'B CSutde. ike «elli> wring Ncliedule* ere Cor rected by ike Railroad Officials, ml may bo Rolled om ao Correct: North Carolina Railroad. 00NDENBED BOHEDPLEB, TRAINS 80188 BAST. Date, April 80th, 1882. Ho 61 No. 68 Dally. Dellt. Leave Charlotte 400 am 440pui •• Salisbury 6.68 am a24p ui " High Point 720 am 7.85 pm Arrive Greensboro 8-00 aru 8.06 p m Leave Greensboro 9.80 am Arrive Hillsboro. 11.47 am Arrive Durham 1226 am Arrive Ralelgb 1.40 p m Leave Halelgh.~ 4 06pm Arrive Goldsboro' 6 30 p m No. 17- Dally except Saturday, Leave Greensboro., ,5 00 pm Arrive at Halelab 1.61 am Arrive at G01d5b0r0,..7.20 a m No. 51—Connects at Greensboro’ with BAD. R R for all points North, East and West, via Dan. vllle. At Goldsboro with W. A W. R R for Wll mlngtOQ. No. SS-Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C. R R for all points In Western North Carolina: dally at Greensboro with R A D. H R for all points North, Best and West. TKAINI GOING WONT. Date, April 80th, 1882. No. 60 No. 62 Dally, Dally. Leave Goldsboro,. 10.00 am anlve Balelgb 12.20 pm Leave Balelgb, 8 66 pm Arrive Durham. 6 OH p m strive Hlllshoro 6.46 p m Arrive Greensboro 8.06 p m Leave Greensboro 9.16 pm 940 am strive High Point 9.50 p m 10.10 a m Arrive Salisbury- 11.12 pm 1121 am Arrive Charlotte I.loam I.oopm No. 18- Dally except Sunday, Leave Goldsboro...2 60pm Arrive at Balelgb.. .7.10 p m Leave Balelgb 600 a m Arrive Greensboro, 8.16 pm No. 60-Connects at Charlotte with LAC. Air- Line for all points In the Sooth and Southwest, and with C., C. A A. R R for all points booth and Southeast No. 62—Connects at Charlotte with A AC Alr- Llne for all points South and Sonthwoet; at Char lotto with C..O.AA lor all points South and Southeast N. XV. If. C. RAILROAD. API MO wusr. NO. 60—Dally. Leave Greensboro 9.25 p m Anlve Kemersvllle. 10.41 put Arrive Salem 11.25 pm NO. 62—Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 9.60 e m Arrive Kemersvllle 11.01 am Arrive Salem 11.86 am sons EAST. NO. 61-Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem 6.16 am Arrive Keraenvllla 6.60 a m Arrive Greensboro. 7.00 am NO. 68-DaUy. Leave Salem 6.00 p m Arrive Kemersvllle 640 pm Arrive Greensboro 8.00 p m STATE UNIVERSITY RAILROAD. GOING NOBTR I Dalfir lex Sunday. Leave Chapel HIU. 1 0.40 a m Arrive University 11.40 a m No. 2. GOING SOUTH. Dal y ex. Sunday, Arrive University. 12.10 p m Arrive Chapel Hill, l.ou p m Pullman keeping Gars Without (Me On Train No. 60. New York and Atlanta via Wash ington and Danville, and between Greensboro and Charleston. On Train No. 62, Blchmond and Charlotte and Washington and Charlotte via Danville. Sir-Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro’, Balelgh, Goldsboro’, Salisbury and Charlotte, and all principal points South. Southwest. West. North and East. Fur Emigrant Ratos to Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest address, A. POPE, „ General Passenger Agent PW2 Blchmond, Va RICHMOND & DANVILLE R.R. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. CRTOn and after April 80th, 1882, tho passen ger train service on the Atlanta A Charlotte Air- Llne Division of this road will he as follows: Mall and WESTWARD. Express. Mail No. 6ft No. 62. ig:s»K¥g Arrive Seneca, G 7.43 am 7.03 pm Arrive Toeeoa. F B.lßam 8.80 pm Arrive Babuu Gap Junction, 10.00 am 9.10 pm Arrive Lula. B 10.87 am 9.46 om Arrive Gainesville. 11 08 a m 10.16 p m Arrive Atlanta, I.Bopm 12.40 am Mad and EASTWARD. Express Mail Ho. 61. Ho, 68. Leave Atlanta. 2.16 pm 4.00 am ArriveGalnesvUio, 481 pm 6191 S Arrive Lula, B 6.22 p m 660 a m mis Arrive Charlotte, M tig a 5 inn p S ~ “ OONNBCTION& 4 »‘“>"UUng tralaa of Georala Central tad A. g F | WtthSlDertooAlMJimlo and from Blbertoo. ancfAsheville, and Alston sod Columbia/^ L with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Uai«stomß from Dellas and Cheater. M wltbC. C.AA.C.C.RAD.USA no (or all points Weot korth and East Pullman sleeping-car service on trains Noa 60 and 61 dally, wtlbout charms betw«.n AU.r*?a«l Now York. • Pupr T*-**«&«■

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