THE MESSENGER. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY ~ WILLIAM C. SMITH. SUBSCRIPTION I One Year, Bias Six Months .75 Three Months. M Always in advance. HTAII Letters should tie addressed to W.C. SMITH. Jgujwgimaanatoawal Charlotte, N. ft s» ——— I II I- 11 ■— SATURDAY, AUG. », 1882. CUAUnOB JiOHIIATIONS. Csagressioaal Ticket. FOR CONORXSS—STATE-AT-LABGE: OLIVER H. DOCKERY, of Richmond. FOB CONGRESS —THIRD DISTRICT: WILLIAM P. CANADAY, of Hew Hanover. Judicial District. Fob justice or the supreme court. GEOROE N. FOLK, of Caldwell. tor Judges of the Superior Court: FIRST district: CHARLES C. POOLE, of Pasquotank. SECOND district: JOHN A. MOORE. of Halifax. third district: FRANK H. DARBY, of New Hanover. fourth district: WILLIAM A. GUTHRIE, of Cumberland. sixth district: {LEWIS F. CHURCHILL, of Rutherford. tor Solicitor*: second district: JOHN H. COLLINS, of Halifax. • Support Hie KssSEHoer. The campaign is opening. Coalition or no Coalition, that's the question. The colored people read the Mis sbnobb. Coalitionists ought The colored people of Mecklen burg county feel that they are neg lected by their friends. Give us move colored mail agents, revenue officers, Ac., and the colored men will stand by the men who do it We are under obligations to Maj. C. Dowd for Congressional docu ments. Thanks to Messrs. Sam Pride, 8. L. Norris, Biohard Grier and Cor nelius Moore, for subscribers. The Mbssbnoer is spreading. Messrs. Geo. C. Scurlock and J. T. Williams, each brought a list of subscribers and the cash with them. Thanks. O’Hara claims to be the regular nominee, and so doesHubbs. We believe a majority of the delegates and people of the district wanted O’Hara. There are five colored newspapers in the Second District, three favor O’Hara and two Hubbs. The la test papers are nearest the Hubb. The older ones stand beet by the colors. Among other new exchanges we |laoe upon our list this week, is the u Odd Fellows Gazette," a neat little monthly magasine, published at Harrisburg, Pa., by T. Morris Chea ter. It is the official organ of the t)rder in America. We add to our list this week the Mobile (Ala.) Gazette, the Colored Citizen, Pittsburg, Pa., and the Odd Fellowe Gazette, Harrisburg, Pa. They are all well gotten up, newsy papers, and do credit to our race. May they all grow and never wane. As the next Legislature will elect a United States Senator, wo wonder who is to be the Coalition candi date ; but then that is none of our business. Still it might have much to do with selecting candidates for the Legislature. « If we surrender everything and vote for Col. Jones, Means, a Coali tion ticket fixed up by the leading Coalitionists and everything else except a Negro, what will be our condition afterwards. So far as Col. Jones is concerned, as we said before, his platform is good and we believe if elected, he would do more for colored men than many of their Republican friends have done. We are charged with fighting Coalition and drawing the color line. We deny both. We have re peated that we favor the State tick et, but as to anything further, we want to see where the colored man comes in. The eolor-line has been drawn all the while, and we are trying to fight it down. And don’t you for get it, we are assured by the col ored people that we speak their sentiments, and they are at our back. He who says we want to kill the Republican ticket with colored men is mistaken. We have not once specified any number of colored men to go on the county ticket, but we think a whito_ man who would not vote for p ’’man on account of his color, should be ashamed of the Republican party, and should not be voted for by colored men. Such a man draws the color-line so tight ly that he is color-blind. THE CANDIDATES FOR SOLICITOR. We havo before us as candidates for Solicitor, Mr. Frank Osborne of Charlotte, and Wm. Means of Con cord. Now we can vote for only ono of these, and it may be well for us to give them some consideration, before the campaign gets too hot. We do not speak thus because we are so independent, but because one of the candidates is an Independent Democrat and the other is a Demo crat regular. It might be well for us to consider the merits of each, and the policy of “always going againßt Democratic party nomi nees.” The ability might be a point to oonsider. We have not decided yet which we will support, but in tend to try to find the difference be tween them. We learn one of them favors the county government un der the present plan, while the oth er opposes it; but we suppose the greatest trouble is, they both want to be Solicitor. O'HARA FOR CONSREBB. We see that Hon. J. E. O’Hara’s friends claim that he hqs the legal nomination for Congress from the Second District. We have reason to believe that he is the choice of the people firom that District, and hope he will be elected by an over whelming majority. We regret to see the course taken by our friend Hill of the “Newt." We hope he will soon see the error oi his- way, and turn his influence in the favor of his own race. The Newborn Banner we do not deem of sufficient consequence to give notice. It is the duty of every colored man in the 2nd District to support O’Hara. We feel special interest in the old Second, and shall continue to do all in our power for the election of the gallant James E. O’Hara. fc-v them where the col ored man n> to come in. But wait, 1 colored men ; if you aro not told be fore election day, go to the polls and vote as —well, go and vote. A TRIP TO’STATESVLLE. On Wednesday morning of last week wo boarded the ten o’clock ac commodation train for Statesville, After starting we found that we were the only passenger, and bad a fair chance to see the country and the growing crops. We found Mr. Witherspoon a very polite con ductor. The road bed is in pretty fair condition, and at times one would think he was making equal time to the fast mail on the Air- Line. After getting about four miles from the city we found the crops looking fine. The corn was full grown, as green as you please ; cot ton 18 and 20 inches high, fields green and white specked with blcfs soms. Gardens and potatoes look fine. It is really encouraging to see how prosperous the farms look. Barren fields of stubble show that large crops of grain have been gathered. The country seems no more hilly than around us. Fine forests of oak timber and good farming lands. The little towns along the way look very prosperous, and some of them are building up. The fruit trees along the way are suffering greatly, being over-ladened with fruit. AT STATESVILLE. Wo alighted from the cars and struck out for town, when all of a sudden, to our surprise, we espied Rev. D. R. Stokes sitting in a cozy little cottage, who hailed in his usual way, took us in, introduced us to Mrs. Stokes, and we there spent an hour or two very pleasantly. We had the pleasure of eating a piece of their wedding cake and exam ining many of the elegant presents. We were shown some lovely wax flowers made by Mrs. S. We then went to the revenue office, the office of the American and the Landmark. We found the edit ors of these papers very polite. There certainly are not two better looking and more polite gentlemen in North Carolina than Messrs. Drake and Caldwell. After picking up a few subscribers and a little filthy lucre, we visited Stokes' fine brick church, where be has a nice organ. Here he teaches music, and we learn has a very fine congregation. We then returned to Elder Reives’, where we were kindly cared for dur ing the night Many thanks to Revs. Stokes and Rieves for kind ness shown. They have many new buildings going up, many churches, and, by the way, the Zion Method ists own a very nice looking church, and the colored Masons own a nice two-story large frame building, in which they meet, and rent the lower 1 hall for festivals, Ac. Everything seems pleasant around i Statesville. _j V MARKED. 7 ' / At the residence of the brides 1 parents, 3 miles west of this city, 1 on July 25th, Mr. Douglass S. John ' son to Miss Amanda C. Caruthers. Dr. S. Mattoon officiating. I -L .. - - ■ . 1 ■ 1 ■■ ; ||etu Mucrtiaements. ANNOUNCEMENT. . Charlotte, N. C. Aug. Ist. ‘B2. The propriety of running a colored > man for soma or our County offices has been discussed very frequently amongst the leaders Ut our race, and surely, rep i resenting tip voting element of the Re publican patty as we do, we are enti tled to som4 of the offices bestowed by - the suffrage of the people. lam one of ' those who think it high time that the colored people should be rewarded for 1 their devoion to their party, and act . ing upon tbU reasoning, and the solid tation of .many friends, I announce my > self as a eaudlnate for the office of Con stable, in Charlotte Township. Reapgctfally, » I 8. J. CALDWELL. ; TOIB A GOOD COOK wanted, for which liberal wages will be paid to one will come well recommended. Ap ( ply it once. JOHN L. BROWN. II Great chance to make weary. I Thaw who always take adran ssA lageoerally become senUhy. while IWhoae who ae not improve om-h HOLD, chances remainlo poverty- Wewaatmaaymcu. HIM', boys sad girls to wt I.e uTrirht in their own fcwagties. Any oae can do th- work properly fnaa the first start. TBs holiness will pay me than ten times ordinary nates St. pensive outSt furnished Set No cm wtooe.i gages tails lo make money npiily. Ymicance nh yoor whole lime to U» whrtu or «fiiy yerr spare moments. Full InfonnSUon and an thnt Is needed sent bee. Addrew etnosaw, Furttsad. Malm I business now lefor* the pebpc You can make mono? tader at I work for ns than at jnythlnr rte. Capital not needed. We wtU Wait jrh^ m bftM3& K. e , I ■ «_ A- * - - to BIST women, boys and girts waatad everywhere to work jo,'ns. Now Is the time. Tun can work in snare time only, or (ire yoor whale Urns to thebusinesa. You can Ure at hows and do U.e work. No other business win pay yen as well No one can tall to make .noneeus paybyen- Klng at once «o-tly outSt and terms nee. rev made fast, easily, and honorably. Address Tana * ■ 0.. Angnaa, Malae, i a week In your owt town. IS lent free. No refit- Everythin* new. Ca| I ,Ui not required. We will furnish v. u everything Many. are making 10.- tunea. Ladles mats as maahas men, and toys and gITbJ- at pay. Baater, Si if yon want n business at whi# yon can male neat pay all the time you aiaK. write tor pa tlcularsto H Halutt S Maine. S-S-ly > • • NOTICE. Good Templars. THE Executive Coenfil have decid ed to postpone tlie meeting et the Grand Lodge until mimetime in No vember. at which time rill Lodges and Deputies of Lodges extinct, will be duly notified. Place of meeting, Wil mington, N. C. We hope to have a full turnout, as preparation will be made to make the occasion a grand one. GEO. C. SCURLOCK. G-, • ■-il«spm iSsg-.fs ;s Arrive WUmlngton, ■ tip am Kut ot the shove train. Mamert wna the It.