THE MESSENGER PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY —AT— OHARIiOTTB, N. ©. —BI WILLIAM 0. SMITH. SUBSCRIPTION s One Year 81.25 Six Months .To Tfiree Months, .19 Always in advance. MS-All Letters should be addressed to W. C. SMITH. [Kntsied at t tie Post Office at Chailo.te, N. C. as second-class maiier. SATURDAY, SEPT. IC, 1882. All money must be sent by registered i letter or money order. If you don’t get your paper at the proper time please tell us at once. Short correspondence of interest to the general public is solicited, but don t be disappointed if you fail to see your production in our columns. We are not responsible for the views of corres pondence. Anonimous communica tions go to the waste basket COALITION NOHIffATIONS. Congressional Ticket. FOR CONGRESS—state-at-laeoe: OLIVER H. DOCK ERA', of Richmond. Jndicial District. FOR JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT. GEORGE N. FOLK, of Caldwell. For Judges of the Superior Court: FIRST district: CHARLES C. POOLE, of Pasquotank. SECOND DISTRICT: JOHN A. MOORE, of Halifax. TniRD DISTRICT: FRANK H. DARBY, of New Hanover. FOURTH DISTRICT: WILLIAM A. GUTHRIE, of Cumberland. sixth district: LEWIS F. CHURCBTLL, of Rutherford. For Solicitors: sixth district: W. G. MEANS, Os Cabarrus. Fine weather. Take the Mesengek. Coalation or no coalation, that’s the question. Let us abuse nobody and if beat en accept it like a little man. The Republicans have carried Maine and gained two Congress men. • Straws show how the wind blows. First Oregon and now Maine has given us large republican gains. Northern papers put North Caro lina down as one of the States to be redeemed by the republicans. Vo* ters, prepare for it. Don’t forget we have a State ticket to vote for. Dockery ie on that ticket and he is the choice of every Republican in the State.— Vote for the whole ticket. W* learn a convention will be held to nominate a candidate for Congress from this district about Oct. Ist. We have none of the par ticulars. Prof. Richard Theodore Greener, the only colored graduate of Har vard College, is to be the orator of tho day at the Industrial Fair at Raleigh in October. If. anybody intends to bolt and run on their own hook, we fear they will be sadly mistaken when they behold their following. This con vention to-day must agree. Which is tho better a half loaf or no loaf at all ? A fixed fact, or a calculation ? A dead certainty, or a doubtful expectation ? Division or union ? Remember wo have the same old enemies to fight. &We are glad to learn that many of our colored farmers have very encouraging looking crops. Mr. G. W. Grier, a representative farmer of Matthews, has exceptionally fine crops on each of his plantations. It would be well for eveiy colored man to buy a home and make himself happy and leave something for his children, when he shuffles off this mortal coil. Cadet Livingstone failed in math ematics. He had a fair examination, they say. Whittaker has quit the lecture field and gone home, and Lieut. Flipper has been appointed Captain in the Mexican army. Cursed is the man whose skin is black, for he can scarcely be a gen tleman in America. Woe unto ye black men, ye Africans who try to be more than serfs. It shall be more tolerable with dumb brutes than with the black man who does assert his rights and be a gentleman. It is rumored that ex-Senator Bruce is to go to Mississippi to can vass for Gen. Chalmers against a colored candidate for Congress. It will be remembered that Chalmers is the Democrat who was ousted from Lynch’s seat a few months ago. Why Senator Bruce would not rath er canvass for Carter, the colored candidate, or leave them to fight it out themselves, we cannot see. O tempora, ps. j 8-12,-tf I ton Great chance to make money. Those who always take advan tage of the good chances for making money that are offered, become wealthy, while •those who do not Improve such chances remain in poverty. We want many nu n, women, boys and Kiris to work for us right in their own litcalitius. Any one cau do tlie work properly from the first start. Tho business will pay more tluui ten times ordinary wages ax pensive outfit furnished free. No one who en gages fails to make money rapidly. Je* vote your whole time to toe work, or only jour spare moments. Full information and ali that is needed sent free. Address stinson & 10, Portland Maine. j business now before the public. You can uutke money faster at 1 work for us than at anything else. C apital not needed. We will start you sl2 a day and upwards, made at home by the Industrious. Men, BIST women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work jor us. NowTs the time. You can work in spare time only, or give your whole time to the business. You can live at home and do the work. No other business will pay you as well. No one can fail to make enormous pay by en gaging at once, c ohtly outfit and terms free. Money made fast, easily, and honorably. Address True & to., Augusta, Maine. i a week in your own town. $5 outfit free. No risk. Everything new Capi , tal not required. W e will furnish you everything Many are making for tunes. Ladies make as much as men. and boys and girls great pay. Reader, ~4- r, lint-inoau nr tulilnh /.Qll UluL’it m if you want a business at which you can make gaeat pay all the time you work, write for par ticulars to H. Hallbtt & Co., Portland, Maine. 8-5-1 y NOTICE. Good Templars. ME Executive Council have decid ed to postpone the meeting •! the T Grand Lodge until sometime in No vember, at which time all Lodges and Deputies of Ledges ex. 'net, will he duly notified. Place of meeting. Wil mington, N. C. We hope to have a full turnout, as preparation will he made to make the occasion a grand one. GEO. C. SCURLOCK, G. W. C. T. Jno. C. Dancy, G. Secretary. Fayetteville,N. C., July 24, 1882. WANTED* AGENTS. STARTLING as the pages of ro mance—from the lowest depths of slavery to a position among the first in the land. “ Life and Times ”of FREDERICK DOUGLAS. Written by himself; 15 full page illus trated; price $2.40. Outrivals '‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin ” in thrilling and romantic interest, with the added charm that every word- is true. A marvelous story most graphically told and of great his toric value. This volume will he eagerly sought for by the hundreds of thousands who haVe watched the re markable career, and have been thrilled by the eloquence of this wonderful man. Extra terms to Southern Agents. PARK PUBLISHING C 0., Hartford, Conn. 7—2o—2m a wTcal™, DEALER IN GROCERIES ROD PROVISffIBS, CONFECTIONARY, TOBACO, CIGARS, CHICKENS EGGS. AND BUTTER. All kinds of Vegetables on hand all the time. Consignments solicited and per sonal attention given U such sales. SODA WAIEB , A Fine Soda Fountain in connec tion with the Store where cool and refreshing drinks are dispensed every day. A. W. CAI/VIJi, West Trado street Charlotto, N C. 7-22-ts. Barber Shop. The coolest and neatest shop in town. Experienced and polite workmen al ways ready to give you a Neat Hair Cut AND A CLEAN SEE A VS. Jno. S. HENDERSON. South side—East Trade. 7—ls—Cm. Carolina Ceatral Railway Train No 1 going West. Leave Wilmington, fiJOpm ~ Lumberton, -- - • 1037 pin ~ Laurenburg, - - • • 12 36 a m ~ Hamlet, - -. a 13 a m , , Wadesboro, •• - -4, (3 am ~ Monroe, 6, 04 a ni , , Matthews, * - • • -6, 58 a in Arrive Charlotte, -7? 40 a m Leave ~ -B,4am , , Tuckaseege, 9, 32 a ra , , Llncolnton, - - - -11, 08 a m Arrive fchelby 40 a m Train No. 2 Going East. LeavcT" Shelby. --- - • 1.40 p m „ Llncolnton, • - 3.22 p in „ Tuskaseege, - 4.52 p m Arrive Charlotte, - • -5 40 p m Leave Charlotte, - —7.55 p m „ Matthew*, - • - 8 37 pm „ Monroe, 9.37 p m „ Wades boro, •. -11.45 pm „ Hamlet, *2.00 a m „ Laurenburg, - -3.07 a m ~ Lnmberton,..4.s2 am Arrive Wilmington, -8.50 am Each of the above trains connect with the H. AA. Airline for Kalelgh. No trains leave Char lotte, for Wilmington, on Saturday nor Wliming* ton, on Sunday.