FiU, tU*D£> AM> HOI'SEHOLD. hmmM4 him*. To etoaa *«Md« nuatool white lepkyr, nb i» Soar or worm*)*, changing oUco. shake of tad htaf in the open air t short tun*. Ti> pweeat htoe from toiling, pnt to ooeeeot angaraf lead ia t imil of solt ■tier, soak the notorial ia the solution to; t«o hears tad let it dry before being nd«a; close the leer, hat* the window open a little, tad ia a tew hoars the disagreeable dor will have almost gone. Another netted t» to plaage a handful of hay ale a pa tfal of water, *ad let it stand * the a. wly peia'ed room oner night ; ihi» plan is alto eSrc'nal. To prerwat scarlet flannel or worsted goods of any dmctiptica of this eolor item • fadtrg whew wa>hed, take this precaatictt: Mu a kali a oepfnl of flour with a ftutt of cold water, let it bod tor tea e* Sheen urinates, then mix with the warm sods ia which the article is to be washed: sqaeeas ansi rinse np and down repeatedly instead of robbing on a rahbiag-beatds It eery ranch soiled, wash ia two or three waters, always taking cans to hare them ot the same temperaiara if possible, and just cool eaoagh to pat year hands ia comforta bly. Make the rads before patting the garment ia, aad aroid if yon can rob bing snap «a .V TW fMkrr V«ri TW bK9iWt ©f jw lvmi poultry who ia aawiUiag to rarest a few dollars in adrertisiap when he mar get ten dollars ia retara tor the oolUy, possesses neither the tart aer the pi nek to carry on the bnsineas anccssstally. When yoor ronag stock is between Are and six months old, separate the cosher.'is item Ihe pallets and rear each sex by thvmeelres. When yon wish to mate them ns tiateeooaph to allow them to hare iatercoarwe with each other. Fowls aab)«ct to roup, or when the disease is neglected tor some time, are more liable to tie visitation ot cholera than fowls never affected, because the gall bladder aad liver are enlarged and fall of pws. r*M*l KwlMflk 1 ffemttMMJn Eo,K-Hat one enp of milk ia a spider with a piece of batter, a little salt, aad white pepper; beat Are eggs, poor ia, set over a very slow Are, end keep seiapiag from the bottom with a spoon antil very little remains thin : then scrape into a dish withoat delay, as allowing it to harden with whey spoil* it. Atcsras.l Laox Ontr.rss —Old lace caitams that hare little holes in the netting eaa be made to appear whole when they are laaadried. fake a piece ot lace, or very thin muslin, and when the certain is stanched starch this piece also aad pat it over the spot which needs mending- It will show very little atjnU, aad the starch will keep it in Whit* Casot.—White candv made hem this recipe has the merit of being Jrato: One posed of sugar, two-thiols of a tambler of water, one teaspoonfnl of vinegar, a piece ot batter the aise of a walnut, halt a toarpooctal of cream of tartar; boil tor twenty minutes, without •timeg. l\>nr «e battend plates to eool, then batter yoat hands and pnll; hare a little vanilla or lemon in a sauce plate and wet roar hands with it coon stoaaUy. Raw ,im> Arrut Films.—Boil a capiat of li.w tor tea misutm, drain it tktoagh a hair sieve antil quite drv. Fat a doth into a pudding basin and lay the rice aivraad it like a crn.t Cut six apple* into quarters aad lay them ia the middle ot the rice with a little chopped lemon peel, a couple of doves, aad seme aagar. Oarer the trait wi,h seme no,, tie ap light, sod boil for an hoar. S« »ve wuh melted batter, sweet ened and ponied ever it. Mart alien aad llrath. A German family named Which mnsky. comprising lasher, mother and tWahtimma. «ta* hem Germany and located sa Wtlk,sliane, IY, an tha Ist «**«» ito»- laramJtotely aftar their "rival. Mia. Whichmnsky was taken sirk with a diwese which crippled her, and a stent time afterwards the hns beed aad father was prostrated with meteria. Tha eon was pat to work ia the mines, aad the eldnr daughter toft •t tease to take caia ot her parents. TWw months had baldly passed till both ma aad daughter were also stricken dona with the fatal discerns and thus was the eatue means ot aaapart of the TteSTtoadltiim HUH Friday last, ter died literally kM of Polios was ow of Urn poor hmrad ao pJu^'tte'toillhr M moat destitute ia tea home, and H ia said that the okadNah lives might haws ham mead had they hamgiam proper toad in Uma. SL’BJECIS FOR THOUGHT. Publish you joys, bat conceal your sorrows. Much learning shows how little mor tal knows. Va.'.n glory is a flower which never comes to fruit Experience end wisdom are the best fortune-tellers. Grimes sometimes shook ns too much; vioee almost always too little. Faith steps into our aid when our boasted reason and knowledge fail. Whilst you look tco much on others’ gardens, yon will negleot your own. Genius at first is little more than a great capacity for receiving discipline. There is no such thing as being Suud before man, and humble before rid. He who lives to benefit himself confers on the world a benefit when he dies. The swe-t«.«t thing on earth is a little child when it has learned to know and love. Brain is the impelling force of tbn world, and thought is the symbol of progress. There are more fool# than sages, and among the sages there is more folly than wisdom. Ho who comes up to his own idea of greatness must have had a low standard of it in his own mind. He that wrestles with ns strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is oar helper. Travel makes all men countrymen, makes people noblemen and kings, every man tasUng of liberty and dominion. In life it is difficult to say who do yon the most misohief—enemies with the worst intentions or friends with the best. Trnthfnlness is a corner-stone in character, and if not firmly laid in youth, there will ever after be a weak spot in the foundation. If we practice goodness not for the sake of its own intrinsic excellence, but for the sake of gaining some advantage by it, we may be eunning, but we are not good. H* who betrays another’s secret because he has quarreled with him, was never worthy of the name of friend. A breach of kindness will not justify a breach of trust. Young men, remember .his, that in «U the varied pursuits of life sobriety and energy are more powerful factors of success than genius or luck, or all other human agencies combined. If you shake np a basket of fruit or ot gravel, the smaller portions will go towards the bottom, the larger will com* toward the top. This is the order ot Nature. There is no way of evading it. And the same order pre vails in the basket of human life. The world's slaking will send the small characters downward, and bring the larger ones toward the top. The larger characters are not to blame for this. The smaller ones have no right to com plain of it. It is the shaking that does the business. Rtjomlng Prosperity. A few days ago.a drummer for one of our wholesale houses was travelling in a baggy along a country road in Ar kansas, when he came upon a tall, roughly-dressed man sitting upon a rail fence whittling. With a sociable “good morning,” thj traveller drew np his horse and asked: “Is that yoor field of corn over there?" “Wal, I calkilate I’ll freeze onto a right smart sheer of it. I'm working the pieoe on slieera.” ■'Looks like a fine crop.” “It does.” “I presume yon are figuring on great prosperity in fntnre, such immense orors indicating plenty for all.” "Prosperity? Stranger, that hain’t no name fur the cyclone that's agoin’ to hit this settlement atween the eyes this s-ason. A tornado moat come jist now an' laud every (1 timed bit o' grain in the country over into Tennessee, and yit the smiles ot contentment'd never shift ofTn onr faces I” “Some unexpected good luok has be fallen yon,” the tourist replied. “That's the play to a t-y ty. We’re gettin’ onr slice o’ the millennium away’ ahead o’ the advertised date. Fust, oil’ /.ack Bolton up an’ died last month, an’ thar* kasn t been a ear o’ corn or a side o' bac-n missed in the community since we tumbled the dirt on top o’ him. Tlikn Wash Tompkins, the b«M, of sledge player, got sent to State prison for horse st< alin’, thus givin ns poor players a show fur our pile; then Snaky, ibe saloon keeper np at the forks o’ the road, dropped down to ten cents adrink fnr whiskey, and said he’d take corn sstesras oash; then my old woman ran off with a Yankee sewin’-machine peddler, an’ my darter Sal got religion an’ joined Mt. Zion Ohnroh, an’ if bloomin’ prosperity ain’t a bangin’ over the neighborhood, I’m s gilt- edged liar from the Red River swamps. Got any sweet.tobaeker about you?” The Richmond (Val Stole writes: Ex-Mayor Y. A. Gentry, Manchester, this State, was cared of rheumatism by St. Joeobe OtL A literary man, who had reoently published e book, wm observed to lie very down oath “What is the matter r asked a friend. “Ton look ell broken nrs“ “No wonder," wee the answer, ’Tvs]oat been blown npbye magtsiue.” We t. from experience St. Jsoobs OU will caw rheumatism.—Fetria (iff ) Pcoriae, • If you feel doll, drowsy, debilitated, hire sallow color of akin, or yellowish-brown spots on face or body, frequent headache or dizzi ness, bad taste in month, internal heat or chills alternated with hot flashes, low spirits and gloomy forebodings, irregular appetite, and tongue co«ted, you are suffering from •‘torpid liver,” or “biliousness. ’* In many cases of “liver complaint’* oply part of these symptoms are experienced. As a remedy for all such cases Dr. Pierce's “Golden Medical Discovery'' has no equal, as it effects perfeot and radical cures. At all drug stores. It is upon the smooth ice we slip; the. roughest path is safest. Bad temper often proceeds from those pain ful disorders to which women are subjeot. In female complaints Dr. R. V. Pierce's “Favorite Prescription” is a certain cure, By all drug- Ki»ts. The reward of doing one duty is the power to perform another. Young or middle aged men suffering from nervous debility, loss of memory, premature old age. as the result of bad habits, ehould send three stamps for Part' VII of Dime Series pamphlets. Address World’s Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. Thelc asuro of doing good is the only one that never wears out. _ Ladies, send 25c. to Strawbridge & Clothier, Bth and Mxrket nta., Philadelphia, and receive their Fashion Quarterly for six months. NeW music and 1,000 engravings in each number. Faith and hope cure more dier-atep than medicine. An Editor** Ur*iliflA«. f ErracLA, Ala., Jnne it, 1980. H. H. Wabneb ACo.: Sirs—To the faithful use of your Safe Kidney and Liver Care 1 at tribute the pi.rman- nt and gratifying cure of a painful stricture of the urytha, which has af flicted my son for seven long years. Every other known remedy had been tried but had failed. A- A. Waleeb. Fraser Axle Grease One greasing lasts two weeks; all others two »r three days. Do not be imposed upon by the humbug stuffs offered. Ask your dealer for Frazer's, with label on. It saves your boras labor, and you too. It received first medal at the Centennial and Peris expositions. Sold everywhere. 93 Cents Will Max a Treatise upon the Horse and his Diseases. Book of 100 pages. Valuable to every owner of horses. Postage stamps taken. Sent post paid by Baltimore Newspaper Union,2B to 82 N. Holliday Bt., Baltimore, Md. Kidney Disease. Pain, Irrltatipn, Retention, Incontinence, Deposits, Gravel, etc., cured by “Baohupaiba." sl. S'*nd for pamphlet to E. 8. Wells, Jersey City, N. J. MENSMAN'B PEPTONIZED BEEF TONIC, the Only preparation or bed containing ita entire nu tritious properties. It contains blood making, force gout-rating, and life Hustaiuing proper ties; invaluable for indigestion, dyspip-ia, nervous prostration, and ull forms of general debility; also, in all enfeebled conditions, whether the result of exhaustion, nervous prostration, overwork or acute disease, partic ularly if resulting from pulmonary complaints. Caswell, Hazard A Co., proprietors, New York. Sold by drugginta. No poisonous drugs enter into the composi tion of Carboline, a deodorized extract or pe troleum, the natural hair restorer and dressing as now improved and perfected. It is the per fection of the chemist’s art. Ltoh’« Patent Metallic H el Stiffener, keep new boots and stioas from running over. Sold by shoe and hardware dealers. TWENTY-FOT7W (TOURS TO LITE. From John Kuhn, Lafayette, Ind., who anaounoef that he ia now in “perfect health.” we have the fel lowinr- “One year mo I waa, to all appearance, la the lent atacee of Consumption. Onr beet pkyei eiana gave my case np. I finally got ee lew that our doctor eaid I could not live twenty-four hoar*. My friend* then purchased a bottle of DHL WM. HALL S BALSAM FOB THI LUNGS, which con siderably benefited me. I continued until I took nine bottlee. I am now In perfect health, haring need no other medicine. ur Dewitt o. kellinokb's liniment is an Infallible cure for Rheumatism, Sprain*, Lameneaa and Diseases of the Scalp, end for promoting the growth of the Heir. AI.I.KSR KRAI* FOOD.—uloat reliable tonic for tbe llruin unit Orgitiie. It pofiitiv ly cure* Nervous Debility and restores lost virile iri>we»s. Sold by druggist*. El. tt ».r IV Free* / mail on receipt of price. JOHN 11. AL« LKN) Chemist, 319 First Avenue, New York. _ Doet Trwee Ever Used.— Bend for circular. N. r. Elastic Truss Co-, removed to 741 Broadway. N. Y. Hope is the brightest star iu the firmament of vmnli. moil 35 FOR RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreneit of the Cheat, Gout, Quiiuy, Sore Threat, Smell inga ami Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Mo Preparation oe earth equals Sr. Jacobs On to e oa/e, sure, simple and rhetsp External Remedy A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay o i M Ceets. and every one suffering with pete can have cheep end positive its Direction* la Devon Laegnagas. 15 •OLD BY ALL DBUOGIBTB AID DEALBBA IM MEDICINE. JL VOGELER ft CO.. MMmoro. JTd.. U. ft An Stela lory Btiaialtetlea. When vital action ia sluggish, a stimulant, provided it be pure and properly medicated, in the most reliable agent for imparting the neces sary impetus to the semi-dormant organa, ac celerating the languid circulation and averting the maladies to wbioh function all inactivity gve rise. Physicians who have employed oatetter'e Btoma?h Bitters in their practice pronounce it the most salutary touio stimulant they have ever need, and especially o >mmend It as a rt me ly for torpidity or the bowel*, liver, stomach unU kidneys, and as a reeuscitant of vital energy. Th« mcdicimi value of the Bit ters is due to the fact that with their basis of pure spirits are combine 1, iu perfect chemical hsrmony, the beet restorative and life-sustain ing elements known to medical botany. The Bitters never deteriorate in the most unfavora ble climates. A noble part of every true life i* to learn to HP In wh«» ia wrtuglr don<*. MERCHANTS GARGLING OTL Is the j oldest and the standard liniment of the i United States. Large size, S 1.00; medium 50 ! oents; small, 25 cents; small size for family I use, 25 cents; Merchant’s Worm Tablets, 25 cents. For sale by every druggist and dealer in general merchandise. For Family Use. The Gargling Oit Linlratfit with writs wrappkr, prepared for human flesh, is put up in small bottles only , and does not stain the skin. Frioe 25 oents. Tha GargHn; Oil Almanac for 18S3 Is now In the hands of our printer, and will be ready for distribution during tbe months of November and December, 1882. The Al manac for the coining year will be more use ful and instructive than ever, and will be sent free to any address. Write for ono. Ask the Nearest Druggist. If the dealers in your plneedo r.otkeep Merchant’s Gargling Oil for Fale, insist upon their sending to us, or where they get then medicines, and get it. Keep the bottle well corked, ui. Brain Trxatmzvt a specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, couvulaions. Ner vous Headache, Mental Depression, Lo*s of Mem ory. Premature Old Age. caused bv over-exertion, which leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent e*s<-s. Each box contains one month’s treatment. One dollar a box or s.x boxes lor five dollars; rent by m»il prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received by ns for six boxes, ac companied with five dollars, we will send the pur chaser our written guarantee to re urn the money if tbe treatment does not effect a cure Guarantees Dtoed only by <* J. I.UHN. Charleston, ». C\ Orders b, mail promptly attended to. P RICH BLOODI . Bl'tod, and will eompletely change the blood in the en tire system in three months. Any person who will take #n ’ m I :• » weeks may be restored pi sound health If snch s thing be p>«sil le. hold every- FIVE-TON tejOF in sun f AB Iren aad Steal. DuabU Brass Tare Baaa I Jdaes he yeye tbe fratsht. Ail alsev eqsally Uw, R q tef heebeafe, address l joui of KOCH’S SCONSUIPTION DSD. more important UIUUU V JjII 1 stationalmssnsoC TRIAL A offered to all afflicted with symgtom»oHuy dlaeass. 1 CMKt WHKII 111 ELSE fIAILS. M Beat Oough Hjmip. Tastes good, m ssmMM LYDIA E. PINKHAM’B VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Cure Fop all those Palafbl Complaints and Weakaessct so ooauaoa to oar best feaule pepateUea. A Medicine fbr Woman. Invented by aHo man* Prepared by a Woman. The Brestßathes! Dlteevsry 81 sm the Dawe of IDetery. tWIt revives ths drooping spirits, Invigorates and harmonizes the organic functions, gives elasticity and firmness to the step, restorea the natural lustre to the eye, and plants on ths pale cheek of woman ths fresh roses of life’s spring and early summer time. fWPhysicians Ust It and Prescribe It Freely It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys all craving far stimulant, and relieves weakness of the stomach. That feeling of bearing down, causing pate, weight and Backache, is always permanently cured by Its use. For the ears of Kidney Complaints es either sex this Cempeaad Is nnsarpassed. JLTDIA E. PINKHAkTS BLOOD PUBIFIEB will eradicate every vestige of Humors from the Blood, and give tone and strength to the system, of man woman or child. Insist on having u. Both ths Compound and Blood Purifier are prepared at OS and » Western Avenue, Lynn, Kite Price of either, gL Six bottles for SS. Sent by mall In the form of pills, or of loosngss, on receipt of price, fl per box for either. Mrs. Plnkhaa freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Endow Set stamp. Send for pamphlet No family should bn without LYDIA E. FIKKRAX'S LIVER PILLS. They cure constipation, bllioiunam, and torpidity of ths liver, at cents per box. OWSold by all DnuglittfS TO H N i; 4‘J ; K ! IDN Ey - WQR T , HAS BEEN PROVED \ Th« SUREST CURIfor i KIDNEY DIBEABE9. 1 | Does a lame back or a disordered urine ir.dl. I cate that yon ara a victim? THEN DO NOT ' HESITATE; use KIDNEY-WOIiT at once, , | (drueglata recommend it) and It will speedily 1 . overcome the disease and restore healthy action. • ' ■ 1 Eile, and by keeping the bowels ia free oondi- Ii ' tion, cfTocting Its regular discharge. | Malovio If you are suffering from Iwl Cl 1011 Cl s malaria, have the chills, | are bilious, dyspeptic, or constipated, Kidney ' Wort will surely relieve and quickly cure. I j In the Spring, to cleanse the System, every 1 ■ , one should take a thorough course of it II For complaints peculiar to ' kUMIvDi your ‘■.ex, such as pain and weaknesses, KLDNEY-WORT is unsurpassed, | j as it will act promptly and safely. ' ! Either Sex. Incontinence, retention of urine, . I brick dust or ropy deposit), and dull dragging I . ' pains, all speedily yield to its c native power. | I CTIt Acta at the same time on the KIDNEYS, | ’ LIVER AITD EOWEI.3._*J For Constipation, , j Files, or Rheumatism it is a permanent cure. I MeUing our NEW BOOK : NEWS’S •T Dm New Yerk of with Its nalaces. Its srewded thev.ughrares. Us nuking elevatedtrmipii' iu £K t *5LW u J2! myßtery its dark erMuo# *•"?*;*• Us charttlee, and Is fact every jbasg es .life in ths great city. Don't waste tie# tewing pew book*, but mm f.jr dr-ular* giving full tekle of paiaiM»x{)*..mi.».. w u»i..rtnu.iAtor» TRUTH it /-Six »«.mi. t . tegh \ w 4 » COBBiqyfte/ 1 tSStSL Wftjw/ HULLERS’"S3-S «r.UT«IALLTMON*TaiXOBOO ptoc* Bras-i )**<■ pricesessv.B.H.CoLX.Bnriffisoa. )|X