OUR chup.ch: 8. Clinton Chapel, (Zion,; services at 11 a. m., a p. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at l. p. m. Rev. J. a. Tyler, Pastor. l’reshyterian Church, corner7th and College streets; services at 3 p. m. and sp. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Rev. It. P. Wyciie, Pastor. St. Michael (L*. E) Church, Mint St., services at Bp. m. Sunday School at 4 P. m. Rev. Ciias. C. Quin, I’astor. M. E. Church, south Graham street, services at 11a. m., 3 p. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at y a. m. First baptist Church, south Church street, services at 11 a. in., 3 p. m. and s p. m. Rev. E. Eagles, Pastor. Second Biptist Church, ea„t 4th St., services at 11 a. m , 3 p. in. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 1 p. m. Rev. Z. Hauohton, Pastor. SOGIETIES. G. U. O. of O. F.—Rising Star, No. l(t's, meets bi-weekly, Thursday night. Odd Fellows Hall. , W. J. HutfTER, N. G. J P. Smith, p.s. Star of Hope, No. 1,790, meets bi weekly, Tuesday night, Odd Fellows MjjJl- _ GM. Grier, N. G. T. N. Davidson, P. S. Pride of Sharon, No. 2,223, meets bi weekly, Monday night. Odd Fellows Hall. Chas. H. Jones, N. G. T. J. Weddington, P. S. Masonic. —Paul Drayton Lodge, ?fo. f. meets first and third Monday nights m each month. John Smith, \V m. Smith, Secretary. W. M. Lodge Directory, Good Samaritans, working under Grand Lodge No. 2. Reliance,No. lO.meetsevery Tuesday night, in Holden’s Hall, on corner of Trade and College Streets -Richard Pethel, Secretary- McPeeler, No. 11, meets every Mon day night, in Holden’s Hall—Lizzie Means Secretary, Golgotha, No. 25, meets every Thurs day night, in Holden’s Halt—Wm, Fos ter. Secretary. Silver Hill, No. 82, meets every Fri day night,in Holden’s Hall—John Spen cer, Secretay. Ehenez-r, No. 103, meets everv Wed nesday night,in Holden’s Hall,—Hen ry Ross, Secretay. LOCAL AND GENERAL. There is talk of putting the day passenger trains back on the Air Line road to-morrow. We had a slight fall of snow last Monday night. Our Sabbath-school concert was a success in a financial view. Zion Conference met at States ville last Wednesday. The Observer has a new job press and will soon move into its new building near the square on Tryon street. Some of our graded school teach ers returned home last Thursday morning on account of no wood for fire in the building. We have been laid up a good part of this week, and unable to do much for the Messenger readers. Be pa tient and help us all you can. The lb.ll term of the Federal court for this district will convene in the Court nouse in this city the second Monday in December, Judges Hugh L. Bond and R. P. Dick will pre side. Messrs. W. H. Houser and John Smith are the colored jurors fromjthis county and Mr. Henderson White from Cabarrus, A colorod man named Jack White, living near Fort Mill, 101 l his house on Monday morning to attend to some business, with no one but his two* little children at home. He was horror stricken on his return to find bis house burned to ashes with one of his children, the other having crawled out. In the trial of the young men for taking Doc Jones from a house and heating him, Kd. llaglcr, Gadsden Jtarlu, Martin Orr, Jr., Will Brown, and Wm. Maxwell, submitted and judgment was suspended on pay mentof costs. Others all dismissed. John Gross, aeolorod-bool black, has been put in possession, by tbo Sheriff $50,000 worth of real estate, under the decision of tho Court of Appeals. The property belonged to his father thirty years ago People's Advocate. CITY NEWS OF THE WEEK. Courts and Otherwise. Sunday, 19th.—A good many of our citizens went over to Salisbury to witness the dedication of a Catho lic church. Elder Tyler preached his farewell sermon on Sunday nighty A colored woman, named Sallie Reed, fell dead on her return from church Sunday night—cause heart disease.-——The schedule on the North road, was changed Sun day, so that passengers for Raleigh now leave here in the afternoon and arrives here in the aftornoon. Monday, 20th.—The Board of Al dermen met on Monday, and gave permission to one Anna Potts to peddle second-hand clothing with out license. They ordered the sale of the horses belonging to the fire department; also the Pioneer En gine; the proceeds to be used in purchasing two reels for the whites and one for the Neptune Company. There was an effort made to remove policeman Erwin, because he is two much of a democrat and impolite to his superiors. There was also an effort made to increase the police force, both failed. Receipts in the Mayor’s court wore $25. The Inferior Court met Monday. Judgo Wiring charged tho Jury. Capt. J. Roessler was foreman of the jury. The following cases were dis posed of: John Alexander for car rying concealed weapons: judgment suspended on payment of cost. M. D. and L. B. Flow, disturbing re ligious meeting; judgment suspend ed on payment of costs. Tuesday, 21st. —Ed. Williams was convicted of rocking a train on the Air-Line, and got 18 months in the the penitentiary; this case took nearly all day. Henry Cuthbert son, assault; submitted and paid cost. George Wilson, misdemeanor; nol. pros. Cochrane, Snider and others, for retailing, dismissed. Wm. Simpson, same, failed to ap pear, judgment ni si. On Tues day night a man was supposed to have been shot while trying to en ter the front door of a citizen. Wednesday, 22d.—Pink Byers for disturbance, guilty. C. F. Cov ington, for resisting officers, guilty. John Alexander, misdemeanor, judg ment withdrawn. D. S. Bennett, obtaining goods under false pre tenses, guilty. Only $5 taken in at the Mayor’s court this day, from a white man for breaking a window. From the Charlotte Observer, 24th Hut. Thursday.— The Inferior court was engaged for the greater part of the day in the trial of the colored men for mob bing Doc Jones last Summer, the par ticulars of which are still fresh in the minds of our readers. The plaintiff, Jones, did not appear in court, having left the city about a month ago. Mrs. Philips, the woman at whose house Jones was when the mobbing took place, appeared to prosecute the de fendants for forcible trespass. Solici tor Calvin E. Grier and Mr. Thomas M. Pittman appeared for the prosecution, while the defendants were represented by the Charlotte bar. The jury return ed verdicts as follows: Gadsden Earle, Ed Hagler, Martin Orr, Jr., Wm Max well and Wm Brown, forcible trespass, guilty. Chris Lomax, Joseph Brown, James Ilagler, A C Monroe, F Reed and Wel lington Lomax, forcible trespass, not guilty. Wellington Lomax, Chris Lomax, Jos Brown, Jas Hagler, A C Monroe and Frank Reed, assault and hattery, not guilty. Wm Brown, Wm Maxwell, Ed Ha gler, Gadsden Earle and Martin Orr, Jr, assault and battery, plead former conviction. The coats of the case, which will probably amount to over #3OO, will full upon the defendants and thus ends the great Doc Janes mobbing case. Notwithstanding the time taken up in the trial of these oases, the court got through with a number of other cases. John Emanuel, was convicted of larce ny,' and sentencid to two years in the State penitentiary. Ham Witherspoon, on trial for larceny, plead guilty to for cible trespass. Sara Alexander, the ne gro who stole a bicyole from Mr. It. L. Cochrane in this city and carried it to Monroe, where he and the bicyole were both captured and brought back, was found guilty. Joe Cathey, for an affray, submitted and judgment was suspend ed on payment of costs. John Gorrell, for assault and battery, was found guilty. Gilbert Harris was acquitted of the charge of carrying concealed weapons. In the State vs. John Dunn and Rosina Duun, for assault and bat tery, the defendants were called and failed to appear and judgment nisi was entered. Harrison Watts Hose Co. Every member of the above nam ed company is requested to meet in the room over Mr. A. C. Monroe’s barber shop next Monday night at 71 o’clock to make some disposition of the furniture and funds on hand. This is thought necessary, as the board of aldermen have failed to re cognize the company. It is earnest ly hoped that every member may be present and that the organiza tion may be turned into something more beneficial. Personals. It is rumored that Elder W. J. Moore will spend to-morrow in the city. Sam N. Hill, cditol of the Wilson News, spent last Wednesday with us. Mr. H. A. Gillespie has been made postmaster at Davidson College. This is a brother of our A. B. Gilles pie, charged some time ago with using brass knucks upon W. H. Bailey. Among the delegates to confer ence we met Revs. G. W. Grange, Rufus Collins, David Williams, Jr., David Williams, Sr., Jack Murchi son, N. A. Williams and others of the Cape Fear section. Bishop Hood, Elder Kesler and daughter were along with the party on Tuesday. I. O. of G. S. and D. of S. The members of the lodges of this city working under Grand Lodge No. 10 are requested to meet the Grand Chief in mass meeting at their hall on Monday night. By order of the Grand Chief, W. J. Moore. R. T. Weddington, Special Deputy. A New Deputy Collector. On last Tuesday one Dr. Angle presented papers from Collector T. N. Cooper to Deputy Collector R. R. Ray of this county, asking Mr. Ray to turn his office, &c., over to Dr. Angle of Statesville. It is said that Dr. Angle is a brother-in-law of Collector Cooper. This is the only cause for the change we have yet hoard. Many of our citizens ex press disapproval of the change. OUR CONCERT. Our roaders will find elsewhere a very nice account of our concert last Monday night. The article was prepared by Puck, and we assure those who were not present, that Puck is a good judge of such enter tainments. We take this occasion to congrat ulate our Superintendent and all others connected with the concert, upon the satisftiction given and the financial success. The object of the entertainment was to realize some funds to make a present to our be loved Elder Tyler as a token of our love and appreciation of his services the past three years. There were over four hundred persons out, and after presenting the elder a nice S4O suit and beaver, wo have a nice lit tle sum left to go in our Sunday school treasury. We had some very good reading and singing as mentioned by “Puck,” but of course the singing did hot equal Madame Selika or Patti, as we had ouly one week to prepare. We now know what wo can do and it is hoped that our young friends will take advantage of tho time and prepare something grand for a Christmas concert. Wo havo not forgotten the Christmas tree last year, Os course wo intend to have another and we suggest that we have some well prepared pieces by our better teachers and older schol lars as well as some fine sheet mu sic. What say our teachers 7 ’Tie time to go to work. THE MESSENGFR IS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT CHARLOTTE, H. C. In the interest of the Col-' ored People and the Republican Party. It is the Cheapest and Best paper in the State. Only $1.25 Per Annnm. Every colored man and every Republican in the Caro linas ought to take the Mes senger. WILLHM C. SMITH, Publisher. Charlotte, N. C. ANDERSON & PILGRIM, BARBER SHOP. SPARTANBURG, S. C. WE have the best shop in the city, and do good work, Give us a call on Church Street. Shaving 10c. Hair Cut 250. J. A. ANDERSON.) PlWa A. PILGRIM, j Prop s. 8-12,-tf School Books. To My Customers and the Citi zens of Charlotte. 1 desire to have it distinctly under stood, that I am still furnishing books for the Graded Schools either by exchange or introductory prices, as cheap as any one in the city. It does not matter to whom you are instructed for yo.ur books by slips given your chil dren, always understand that they can be had at the same rates at my store. Just bring the slips to me and I will fill the order as cheap as you can get them anywhere, and will make you a present besides. Very respectfully, JNO. R. EDDINS. 16-2 t GRAMSLOBGF, —OF— GOOD TEMPLARS. Notice is hereby given that tho above named Body will meet in the City of Wilmington, N. C., on Wed nesday, tho 15th of November. A large attendance is requested. All Deputies, Past W. C. T., Worthy C. T. and Worthy Vice T. of all Lodges are requested to be present. Keep in mind the time and place. Lodges will elect delegates as usual. BY ORDER EX. COUNCIL. Sept. 23rd 1882. Star of Zion, Africo American Presbyterian, Raleigh Banner, Golds boro Enterprise and Newbern Lodge will please copy. Waters’ Harmonic Organs ' W SSfc*??* BT 9 P * wWcll fa •Hm I—h-irtlS £wwViS £*2, yVATRHH’ * H OKA I. K, JggHgß W ATER^PIANM, TIME TABLE Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley By. To take Effect on Monday, June 12th, 1882. UR (DAILY EXCEPT BVKDAT.) „ „ ... Arrive. Leave. Fayetteville, . . 4.00 p. m Little River, ... 440 pm 445 p m Spout springs, - - 6.10 pm 5.20 pm Swann's station, ... 6.06 pm tuOpm Jonesboro, ... Ana n m 666 d m Sanford. - - -7.05 pm 725 p m 3SF- ItgJS 7M1, “ DOWN. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY ) _ Arrive. Leave. Gulf, - - - - uooam Bgypt, - - - - 6.15 a m a2O am Sanford, - - -6.45 am 7 iOam Jonesboro, ... 7.20 am 735 am Swann’s station, - -800 am 806 am |car: •- -• is:: ss:z FayettevUle, ... 10.15 am OUR GOVERNMENTS. Offloer* of tho Federal Government THE EXECUTIVE. Chester A. Arthur, of New York, President of the United States. Frederick T. Frelinghuysen, of New Jersy,.Secretary of State. Charles J. Folger, of New York, Secretary of the Treasury. H. M. Teller, of Colorado, Secre tary of the Interior. Robert T. Lincoln, of Illinois, Sec retary of War. Wm. E. Chandler, of New Hamp shire, Secretary of the Navy. Timothy O. Howe, of Wisconsin, Postmaster General. B. Harris Brewster, of Pennsyl vania, Attorney General. THE JUDICIARY. SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES Morrison R. Waite, ofOhio, Chief Justice, Samuel F. Miller, of lowa, John M. Harlan of Kentucky, Stephen J. Field of California, ' Wm. B. Woods of Georgia, J oseph P. Bradley, of New Jersey. Stanley Matthews, of Ohio, Horace Gray, of Massachusetts, Samuel Blatchford, of New York, Associate Justices. Our State Government. EXCUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Thomas J. Jarvis, of Pitt, Gover nor. James L. Robinson, of Macon, Lieutenant Governor. W. L. Saunders, of New Hanover, Secretary of State. John M. Worth, of Randolph, Treasurer. Donald W. Bain, of Wake, Chief Clerk. ( Hal. M. Worth, of Randolph, Tel- W. P. Roberts’ of Gates, Auditor. Thomas S. Keenan, of Wilson, Attorney General. John C. Scarborough, of Johnson, Superintendent of Public Instruc tion. Johnstone Jones, of Burke, Adju tant General. J. McLeod Turner, Keeper of tho Capitol. Sherwood Haywood, of Wake, State Librarian. JUDICIARY. SUPEME COURT. W. N.H. Smith, of Hertfbrd,Chief Justice. Thomas Ruffin, Thomas S. Ashe, Associates. W. H. Bagley of Wake, Cleric. B. H. Bradley, of Wake, Marshal.

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