€l)oilottc Messenger. Published every Saturday at GIIABLOTTE, IS. C. -BY- W. c. SMITH. Subscription Rates. (Always in. Adtancf ) I year :. 8 months, .... jOO ; :: - - - - •» 3 c is solicited: but persons must not be disappointed if they failtj see tteinuticles in our columns. We are not responsible for the v.ewt of c orrespondents. broket' 110 ' 18 commun, '*tK>ns go to the wastb SATURDAY, JULY 10, 188 G. OUR CHURCHES. J*^ i n“f 1 ’ 8 ., (P - ® h “reb’ Mint St. Ser atTp M l A ' M ”d ,kl B , P ' 51 Sunday School at 41. M. Rev. p. p Alston, Pastor. Church, South Graham 8t: Services w a ’ and ? P- M. Sunday School at 10 A. M. Rev. g. M. Haines, Pastor First Baptist church, Soulb Church St; Ser- T f “A, *!;> i P - «' 1«P. M. Sunday heol as 1 P. M. Rev. A. A Powell, Pastor. gienezer Baptist church, Ea.,t Snd Bt. Ser 0n? t , U , A -M- :i P M., and \8 P. M. Sun -4 ino !M. Sunday W -C. SIWII.M. Rev. R- P. Wt-che. Pastor. A M- E. Z,'} Mint St;-Scr- Sdward EveiK p M. ar.4 8 P.M. Sun- Lead A Hand. ft * v ’ M MLiDE ’ Fastor . .. . ck (A. M. E. Z.h R St domesticft”it a. M.. 3P„ and BP, M. Suu a health- 001 “t IP. M. Rev. Wm. Johnson, geny