€f)arlottc Jttcssenner. CHARLOTTE, N 4 C. } July 31, 1886. “OUR CHURCHES. St. MiclinG's (P. E.) church, Mint St. Ser vice* ot 11 A. M,, ami 8 P. M. Sunday School «t 4 P. M. Rev. I’. P. Alston. Paster. M. E. Cbunb, Smith Graham St; Services, at 3P. M , and BP. M. Sunday School ut 10 A. M Rev. S. M. Haines, Pg»Mr First Baptist church, South Ser vices at 11 A. M., 3P. M. nniitSunday School at 1 P. M. Rev. ft. A. Powell, Pastor. Ebeneaer BaptfSt church, East 2nd St. Ser vices at 11 'A. M., 3 P. M., and 8 P. M. Sun day School at 1 P. M. Rev. Z. Haughton, Factor. l’li sbylcrian (hurh, corner 7th and College Sir vices at .*1 P. M., and 8 P. M. Sunday School at 10 A. M. Rev. R- P. Wyche, Pastor. Clinton Chapel, (A. M. E. Z.) Mint St; Ser vices at 11 A. M., 3 P. M., and BP. M. Sun day School at 1 P. M. Rev. M. Slade, Pastor Little Rock (A. M. E. Z.), E. St; Services at 11 A. M., 3 P , and 8 P. M. Sun day School at 1 P. M. Rev. Wm. Johnson, Pastor. Local Gossip. This week his been exceedingly hot an 1 dry. How long will Co!; Charles R. stick is the question of to-d iy. Ross & Adams keep on hand all kinds of books and stationary. Mr. Frank Osborne has been renomi aiuted for Solicitor of this district. Rev. J. B. Colbert spent a few days in our city this week. Mr. Walter Henderson, of Salisbury, spent Thursday night in our city. In this issue we publish the address of the Fair Association to the public. Read it. Dr. J. 11. Bugg, a recent graduate of Leonard Medical College stopped in our city on Thursday. The local club of the Industrial Asso ciation will meet at Graham Street M. E. Church next Friday night at 8 o'clock. Mecklenburg will have its own depart ment at the Industrial Fair. Let all our ladies send up something. The meeting at the courthouse Monday night was well attended by the ladies of the city. The general assembly of the Knights of Labor of the State meets in Raleigh in August. Mr. J. W. Gordon h the delegate from this city. The change from wet to dry weather has greatly improved the crops and much better results is hoped for. These columns are always open to all our ministers for church notices and we solicit contributions from all. *„The W. C. T. U. will meet at Clinton Chapel next Monday afternoon at 4j* o'clock, a full attend.""**' T . ’ \ ~ As rtinir ciCi i..ir» fre. Tn h ncrlnnd factor- AST vamc factories; 33, In England factor- i lea generally close at 5:30 o’clock in the ' rvenni" and at 1 o'clock on Saturday af ■Hlfernoon. while in the silk factories of Bt o’clock a. m. to 10 o’clock p. M., the working M 1-2 hours per week, or -4 hours per day, exclusive of meal [Hmurs. ■ There arc now eleten guides appointed Hk show visitors through the National ■kpitol and explain its wonders. No price is fixed for their services, and they V leave their fee to the generosity of the visitor, generally receiving a fair com lp ■ pensation for the long tramp through the p o {t and stereotyped descriptive r \iio Speeches. Many members employ guides n h' B \take their constituents over the build • a \as they have not the time, and IvtfVo , *'Vfi'"v pay rather than be troubled ill teyo I *f sk - ° ne of ,he r art ' of Virginia, r''' C \nt° ’•J.s° o®Ud 0 ® Ud / 1 ° n s " ame ln!s J fe?n B l.rot 1 a . , crsr.a* , w r‘* "S 111 n oul oeiween you, where the broom stood. intelligible to him. Kaising his opera- -v. The hrpad fruit treo rrmwi ovprvwhpro , sL M-mv 8 '° n V° assumin'""! ' C “! and .‘‘lsn’t this pretty far gone!” he said, gla«s, to obtain a better view of one of Ue neighborhood of lower Brodway, in Southern Central Log,, aftfmfc a jl _ yu'th c A lire urging l„s asM,m,n S much we suggest that the , J', ? ® on “ ! ence-stricken glance at its the performc.s, h.s astonishment may be Fourtee nth street, Grand street, and Bow’ veritable forest king.,, r ,helc“, .£«">- InS I t "" societies jointly secure u r i lllr „t le . l , , .. , imagined when he fs^ j .h»,^ n n „ ry swarms daily with a heterogeneous mense proportions, seeks ebbing OV A A io °e, L | llf n ... | . hall or some good assembly room i ’ washcdhTs'** 1 * been f‘ „*?„ I> . an |9 ll ijberally of many no ’ aDl y Ot mang’old-wurtxel, ruta- ,scella ’ from tea to twelve fell wonderful E d ,he j:/ B od ~1-es f ■ tilnungton a ( )ot|t mak j • m and go . fa r from itsi source the attrition v i ni ._’ n | 0 ! n€ ® i ® c . tl, 'g the orange, but the 1 •P“«°h. cauliflower and radish. n B B of ' branches reach ou*jirc:scnt at licr |„-cum m- \d c */Wore us. ft is a neat six ... g • partitions to have a.. V 1 to become fine and smooth. As nroliM i' Beat care, and it has while we are to a considerable extenf- and ference/ - st>n s .c„is wrapped un -A one f L° l A" published every Hatur- J ' Clere,sc nt th ® opening „f ,| lt , ‘ 4 JPP roacl >es the feeding quartz ?itrus7iit7!m h |Tt l,c “? r cv en than the P«ndent upon other countries for niaE', ew hu ndr(A' child's. Imler tl^ 0 - »re I —Aa American I*„b Co scas °»- There is an abundance of scmtrnv Sn ISS 0 ?* T TKt and rnH ™ hS oM The Ana- of ° ur choice vegetable seeds, we ha7« very .AHml w ith all the A dark I ... . , material to work iinon and , . f entioUv ‘'""ddcnly the pay gives out |„,, n , 1 11, sents many charming man 7 ®*ce.lent varieties of difiTcrent VlFO^slk^ 11 is natural that this/ /ytint F Me have had in our dty this week Mr can easily call menu , ‘ erthe J' ' * '?i Ccr ‘ ! ". n ,hn ' a ri,h nconlc’of htT’i revt ' la ' lon ‘° Eastern "Prcics little known abroad, including A s" should have ans „iewhat f. A- 'V. I’cgitcs, a recent graduate ,r n r', P hc "‘"dents and “>? the vicinity, and in L,i r ' rn „J^ rapid growth °f fmif trees, , bean "- varieties of corn, also toma- ual Wrodc. hut .more than on . ■ That will not interfe. -.i i P ‘ C ' rnl v gt< J to a greater or hss '° tl i f ‘ or " a| nentation of j an d, rrancc, Canada and Cermanv *" ll| gglcr for whom the officers wt* a \ ’man ii,, , Painters’ UOt ,nt< “rfcre with the social degree with the dust when it was I K?„n d „ P f.', l,a P ß of a| l ‘he colonies in ‘hose from Canada being confined to neas’ thc logout. To begin with Misjh'cuvitv 1 , • e passed a very difficult exam of them nt all while it will give the bff ? , bujer ’ This had to ho tlielesT/' 11 / 0 ?"* ''“‘"d-na stands at traces and Germany have had the rep*. h »d a passion for d.dla, and she pIW "nd f ! n "t on ond wnow attending the session p l b|,c the benefit of the literary enter Of^M B 0 tCn ‘ho finest particles j ‘ he gr °'«HU in ‘J l ‘?“ ot /“™«Wng, as a rule, th. ‘hem up in every foreign count,y P t. Tha I ln 1 hiladclphia. tamments and the privilege of ~ i,r • an offic« whe!i ° Ut Wlth lt ’ Th"*in placed i, , an d*ome villas is choicer variety °f vegetable and flower » he h.ia b"fn and net dolls only,hue cross bo tine in -i; • 0f P ar, mip,|. “n olhee where a large quantity of dust a.'!,’ l, n many of the places in early f e ‘ds. Fabulous prices have sometime, w-ardrobes mid (very concelvililc § AH persons receiving this paper will \ V< „ "cussions, «ato. culture, giving their attention to ®v, r,thing in diminutive that fair ls dig A local club to work m the interest of Washington city holds a mcctimr ,L it a?n.mH , ' e °i '* w,11, . e ,bt ' v " crc shaking t* 1 ll '“™ 1 ' aco1lon y has receivea mow ortwosorta, which enables them to ex '"'‘y clothes itself with tho world q3* k th ‘ce ,bc fodostria! Fair was organized at the each week for the beneflt of th 8 ~ nan* in ‘he blow® R ' han Piwrdde, cel.-Ammoan Cultivator. ‘raveling suites, hndal tro.semu, d ’>s '>«"» court house last Monday ni„l.t , ! at winch .. . “ CD ' of ‘he public Franc, co P o ,t. Lr I, h. . Krer y ‘“to™ . “ costumes, full evening dress acridly fre en Goode is chairman 7 “ ' M "*"** ‘"mishes a reader ‘uuri.t has heard of it and has it down A Ayres Milkman. »"»•. boot, and gloves of Bci secretarv J ' ' V ’ ,Jr,,wn ' f a paper and music, while the public Fortunes In Rr.nrit a visit I T h * pl, ,f U Wen w<,rth A le “ er fr <> m Buenos Avres thn n , Ulnl ’ er ; makes it a point!! for month , ‘y- general !y occupies all thc time i 115,,.. A-r ** * Branding Irons. ‘ and ca 'cful inspection, for it cer- argest city in tkiuth Amrri/ ,’ Is* 8, lovc » fdr evey doll in hercolldiel a lions of these started on several other j counties with equally good results. The j colony sy-tem has manifest advantages in a country where water for irrigation is indispensable. No man. unaided unless he be a large capitalist, can develop a water supply sufficient even for a small ranch. The principle of co-operation holds good here and has been adopted by all these colonies. Without water the land in mo3t of the southern counties is worthless save for the growing of grain; with water it will produce beautiful crops, and the fruits of the tropical and tcmpcraf.V'-nes flourish equally well. I Hence, tl.Vt°Tßf renuisite for the success I of any colony is a full supply of waler. I Given this, with fairly good land, and it' j is the fault of the managers if a colony j does not thrive like a green bay tree. Perhaps the oldest colony in Southern California is Anaheim, about twenty-five miles from Los Angeles. It was started on the co-operative plan by Germans nearly thirty years ego. Nothing could he more forbidding than the stretch of cactus-covered country which they se lected and obtained fora small sum, be- I cause the owners of the ranch supposed : that it was tlie poorest land on the place, j liven the cattle gave this tract a wide ! berth, an lin the estimation of men who i held the land as valuable only for the growing of grain or the grazing of cattle it was as ill adapted for the making of homes as a slice of the Colorado or .Mo jave desert. But these German colonists were not frightened by the cactus grow ing in great clumps on the sandy soil, nor by the doleful predictions of failure which they heard on every side. They parceled out the twenty acre plots by lot, nud each man set to work to develop his domain. They were mainly men who had been bred to wine making, and they naturally chose the grape as their chief reliance. The y ars brought many changes. Other colonies started in what was originally regarded as little better than a desert; the milroad came to them; about one-half of the original settlers de parted for various causes, and their i places were tilled by Americans; the ! land increased iu value as its capabilities were tested and fotnid not wanting. In j a word, the men who came to Anaheim ; with small means have now an ample [ competence, and many of them may be j ranked as wealthy. AVith German phlegm they did little for many years to encour age new comers to make their homes in Anaheim, and to day the dwellings of tlie richest men of tlie colony bear no ; comparison to those in the more enter j prising calonies near by. But for sub •j■ - *j lie Lifrw’ihfc—kkef. '•p-il-nSfis;' ißJtu ; Dotv- -were the orilv Deonle who wer< Doty —were thc only people who were not surprised when the new teacher gave up the school at the end of the term, and was quietly married to the young di rector. The chairman of the school board is wondering over it yet. —Emma A. Opper. A Tall American. Pay-Director Murray, of the Wilted States Navy, is very tail, and is endowed with a physique in full proportion to his height. When sitting, hc holds himself very erect, and an ordinary-sized person, if seated behind the genial naval officer, would experience considerable difficulty in obtaining a view of what was passing in front. Several years ago, while in Paris, Pay- Director Murray visited the Grand Opera House, and was enjoying the perform ance very quietly, when his pleasure was suddenly interrupted by the mutterings of an individual seated directlv behind him. Turning slightly around to dis cover thc cause of his annoyance, he found a diminutive Frenchman in a per fect rage over something which was un intelligible to him. Kaising his ODera ‘ ~r a w, " c " ni, y •>« wrought by :om rJion on the Southern plains. In wind known to dispose of sev‘?4fl.Bßrnar- there four and one-half feet in length. Co(i,lWh head snakes have also fallen victims to' him. The dog’s teeth are badly broken in striking against rocks while snapping at the reptiles ns they glided away from him on the mountain. lie was neier bitten but once, and then it was feared he would succumb to thc effects of the pol on. The prompt application of mad to the wound, however, saved j | him.—Acte York Time*. • their stead, would add immeriely to tho general attractiveness. It would go far to remove the air of artificiality which pervades the colony and which makes one homesick for green grass and a bit of the wildness of unassisted nature. Land in Riverside, as in most of these southern colonies, has reached an extra ordinary price. The enthusiasts in orange growing and raisin making are prepared to demonstrate that it pays to buy improved land in bearing oranges or grapes at ♦I,OOO per acre. Certainly nu merous ra'.ci have been made at this price, and the purchasers have thus far realized good returns for their invest ments. As there is no prospect of a glut in the orange market so long as the heavy shipments to the cast continue, and aa the main industry is simply in its in fancy and capable of unlimited develop ment, there seems no good reason to doubt that five years from now a grove or vineyard will be any less remunerative than at present. —San Francitco Chron iclt. Seventeen Hen Killed by nn Elephant A terrible elephant story comes from India. While an elephant was being rid den by its keeper in the district of Sul tanpore, in Oude, the animal resented prodding with a spear by pulling the man from his back and throwing him some diSt&ECS away. Fortunately the man fell in a hollow -*P