= DR TALMAGE’S SERMON. VOICES OF GARDENS AND FIELDS. Text: 11 My beloved is unto me as a clue ter of camphire in the vineyards of Engedi. l —Song of Solomon, i., 14. Solomon's Song has been considered by many as fit only for moon-struck sentiraen c talists, written by a voluptuary, ths story of * a man crazed by a fair maiden, neither fit foi family prayers nor for church. Indeed, we » must admit that there were years in Solo mon's life when he had several hundred more € wive 3 than he was entitled to, but he re pented of his sin, and God chose him to write some of the best things about Christ that ** have ever been written. Beside that, ** I think the criticism of modern times ! upon the immodesty of the Bible comes with poor gr&ce from a century in which the writ ings of George band came to their fortieth * edition, and Christians cannot get to the ; praj’er meeting because they have tickets for places of amusement so depiaved that they make “The Black Crook” respectable. f think, however, as far as I can see in my 6tupidity, that there are things turned out upon the community to-day that bid fair to do more damage than the Song of Solomon. Hear, now, one of his fresh and fair de -0 scriptions of Jesus. If I had twenty years w to preach I would like to employ ten of them in bringing out to observation those repre sentations of Christ that have as vet been passed by. Ido not know why the pulpit should hover over a few types of Christ whon there are so many symbols of Jo?us that have . jtaver lipon di ' -' ' ™ Whvr>- -Hno islt coi' “' Mmf “'I'A; utuorifful climate, , wm m Aead'nerar ache again? the k ec 'k with rolls of gauze or crepe fin- of the lungs; a pd strength- . ~.. srssfei Tl “.— %»*-»-.""“v"jiS;Hiiis.wiva employ ull our time in eamming aJew lilies piecemeal. Ifi l l h e mer is ctoSei, and the Show me Jesus that 1 , d in - he civil service of (.rest iveak. .lungs, SoIJ by druggists. UgnMLfiHragfflHHn. i s?u .»*»-«*" » *»„ l|pMH|^ B ’S Assistant Pres. Commissioner ol Main street, buffa>o. l|MßggiM tag out uuder the spleudors oT the breaking 0 f hyacinths, to be tet in a parlOT day? Some years ago' X discoursed to ymi doiv for i a we have Sensitive About Ills Size. gome of the new bordered materials j Liv( , r IflY&HtlS HOlul I V gggfasSr^yg;l i tsssasKiyu&S «&^surßanW^l sgti* ■s r ..»'n-« I • SSHslg mmm rarasra * sgss ' ftfotu - j favorite an.mali” She answered, Q| SE j[sES. "& raetleeij are^B^wdny , 4 jSSSAArSfesarwa-sa SgteHTS fe^™*^; S3r - ; .* S gs i How sweet the name of Jesus sounds all her | aths are peace." , X havj. fo "°° Without thinking of the difference in hucd ban dana handkerchiefs Make a lsp) „hahl>Jli , ent forten «S& , “^ n 2L)CU&XJ£m£S Tn I believers ear 1 There are hundreds m this house who nave j , h e s Davis's legs and mine, I {eetl , plain apron with pockets. Turn ». BisrsnaAnY Msoioal Associatiok, ew «a. J It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds, (o V" d ‘ l “?J n „ ain thattbe camphire plantof seated him in the buggy beside me and | l n tbc top and ran in a bright red or '_ ( ( , ~. N . v .. s,y« that his And drives away his fear. th l ETt^f£m*l ol J*«S ChSrt be- * e Started oat to drive over the farm. “° lk)W fatill l r ibbon to tie. hl«f !;,'^^ral[^‘r'7o 0, “ * The name of Caesar means power, the ‘“ u isa mig g ty restorative. You know p rcsfnt i y I noticed (hat Davis was wob- 3 0 f beads have a deep point pneumonia. and all the best physician. lUISEiitS I kk’l, —J-pj • name of Herod means cruelty, the name or t u a t there is nothing that start? respiration ... n v mi f uncomfortably, and that he j.f n. network of beadi nat . h .. «•»«<> ami said she could live but a f**w I IMnurii I jVKXIX^i 1 Alexander means commest; the name of De- t a " a ”, I °[ n C „ U e who his lainted as camphor, as bling about uncomioria T, # in front composed of a nctworKoi o^ ( f ve ,a m this condition »h,,i, WOPN. I„ t the Invalids' Hotel and mosthenes means eloquence; the name of hare it Pnt u|xm a sponge or handker- was like a sroa.l sc *i. n edged with pendants of cut gin. . hours at ■ • WM hai.i.'S balsam 1. * Bunrical Inetitute, hae af f.i Milton means poetry; the name of Beniamin « ' the effects are aTmost immediate, his feet being several inches above the « 8 ftro composed of discs of ham- friend recomininiled l | , ~„ * S ]„, , nri< j paj,&' - "daptlng remedies /e< West means painting; ’he name of Phidias 'TO , mennsseulpture.t reform; . ««•, rMffKttrfcgtffiKtagfllgfrisli current, in a por- low - He hd a droll ar.d cunning lookrt?" " " l !"J a ’' "TT f yT mi n'mi that it produced a marked .haiiKe for the hotter. ■BicacrossTis bndv. She went to^l •- .nd her face ligl 18 elev< —'means love. 11 is the kk l - ■ ticn of the river split into several chan- about h's eves, and hr watched anrl I _ camn of gome Dutch rnl» |[[||| ,, , rr - r - ~.-n,mo ni cure was nitre'ed .. “■ «o was breathing hardly. ger that this car i country mainry\)i from l d I,Pr A^'!i ' Hramps!” * hen, addressing her is a specimen of the ! w«k done, in Mr. small boat, along with .lames Kevs and in g- Near him stood a native, who [ m 'dithi after this lie fore 1 iueeiwa “Oh ye?* and it is f chin. | . ./V 7 cai i of scarlet wound across his a ,sy as though she h g mith e wor(U . ~o ne of tl William Price, tailor men, to sound a proved to he an interpreter. He had, wh, . le Iveys never got there You procure a certain k ho ," 6c “Ini,, ’ , c tidenfs new bride, he ar ~ , - V channel and p:ck out a berthfor the evidently been in the emplov of the Engl I J l ,* 1 ’ 'j n ¥ e ßrrl( ‘d off by unglc: fever. p as te the note fnce dowt thnt n ~; . it not help her into stupid expedients which the canal com- night While the schooner was being lish, for he could speak fairly well. Ait I hunted u* Captain Larkins, who had paper. Then you pm But i.randpa eoukl not hear. Only 1 ked him and, puttie pany adopted for holding the mud was held by the yawl we forged ahead around a sign from the chief he asked of us: , long ago *iven me up for dead, and l o f paper over tbe backV led ' i I’"® ”""'hear n°"-. Ilcr pale, shiver- n :r lur arms, lie Jiftec to put up an ordinary tveoden fence, a beiul in the river, and the thick forest “ ‘You write?’ , "as rtghm treated tn the matter of wages <arelKlly pit 11 in the tw °ff M lB moved and her eyes looked out t! [sand placed her crutch fastened with bamboo withes and stakes, shut out the craft from our vision. It I “Keys shook his head while I fc,id atou^tatil^rTfv.^r 11 Me h»d b .ls ‘b'-'i™ of the note wiils , Jhen-ayer P l'!, roo ,. f int ° ,hp '^ rk sky. „ tipp d his lutfand the Os course in a little while the nre-sure t two minutes alter we lost sight ! J eß - He then placed before me paper, S.rrT Liverpool, He had re- Id;' Akc a difficult tran* not | ..." L T i. hcarrt - Jtß answer ,i and conversation. T) Os course m a little while the p.essurc o{ the 6chooner belore three cano b j ink and pens, and after a confaiT with 'J-f>ve the natives any ransom in a , n dk,;*hc,!. Noihimy "d I, ,' r «veheart. Calm and strong was General Joe John of tbe half-liquid mud became too great each holding five natives, dashed out at the chief he Slid: and after waiting for hree days e d bv the opera! h>- ? r °"k h R ‘* rted '° rißp - A dart of pain ' [ ed. rate leader. for the weak barrier to withstand, and us from the mouth of a creek. The “You write Captain. One of you ~®I r . In ?L a ?J tllln » f “ rthtT f ™ m \h a bill were forwai ! bruised or broken limb made down came fence, mud and all into the black fellows made no noise, but pad- 'dead. lie buy others. Want muskets, jt' tlle “ omewar< l voyage. bocksj ltion > ,vc would rt hardly er '"V"* SllC could not walk, p, cinal again, to be once more dredged out died full at us. This put us in a fix, vou powder, hatchets, beads and cluth. He m ' of its face vi Vi 11 »1-. .1. r l\ VV at an enormous expense A vet more ! lmiclst,<ml - There had been no hostii buy you in two days. No buy you, jP ~ death, fg 0 . occ:18 ' n: i".v >» t j rrc .F > * sl ow!y (o the door, ft had " 1 S liis professional sV*„'i, curious , tate o{ tll ‘ in . lS , dies as yet, and it would not do to fire you no get away Write,quick. Canoe Jtai'M Photograph Gallery. , 0 the tfo?*'* 1 * «f P* cin g 11 tops surge"!^' r she s,w ‘he tre? curious Mate ot lnm S ß exists at places upon them, though, on the o'her hand ‘“he him down to Captain.’ rrmt j>i . . wooded!"' l '' make nine notes i ~l s su i r f? c and fall,like dark will ;.S ANSWERED DA' further in shore, where other cuts have we couldn't understand why they were “I caught the idea at once. We were JS being pieced once. d »«» ‘he mountain side.' ’ W#Ves < -tl * -c, Fourth street bet‘ been made by several different contrac- j ®*king for us in that manner. -We be held for ransom. Sailor men use ‘n'eTc, mcas " r f * he ” Jo« The blood cored still h. rear of express offi tors. There have been no specifications didn’t have more than four or fire min- the pen so little that nona of thorn The gallery is a car im t afTei andfresl 0 P-ec-e y -ne eigl “ n '‘' ljrokp n ernple. In a moment L '' ; 1., , utes to spare. I was sounding while can boast of their scholarship in that f»c..Ki. c n a Car D ™ ,ItM should ho. Met,, 0 ai tom a sleeve from her .. t. C m these contracts as to what shall be K( , JB J ind lirice 1 i rice were g rowin „ direction, but at the end of half an hour !» fa h . lon . of a 1 ullm * n coac *>- It I car w a y . Jupai by them, bnt rat dr ;" 8 and hound the wound ght ' «hi MA T. done with the earth after it has been p liic dropped liis oar and raised I had finished a letter to tbe captain, M b J >nd »i’ rarest , Thp “ she bowed her head ! l ' CO 1 excavated. What is the r.suit of this a musket, but we protested, and telling him all the circumstances, and if , ‘ra 6 ' B '-'' °'cc‘ho i tis the rule relative y. ,! breas t where the old hi art rmission? The contractors eimply load down again. Next moment, j entreating him not to leave us to ou r •aeidr^Railroad of which he is offiri 1 “Not V?* mutilated currency 10 She knew not what 1 & A it on hand-carts and ran it back a little |we we, e surrounded, and a dozen of the j a s«. “ placed in «n Haynes £' B 8 details, edeem nothing Ag. m , he looke 7 at ! . , , 1 fellows had their hands on our boat, envelope and directed/ to him than a», . , y , ,?.to us .. note, and we pay in pr'.'k' l the shitti-rcd roof «„,l , I FOR way in the cut which they have made , They were armed with bows and arrows " ativc Koizcd ‘‘ a;KI V-mid away, an.« ( ) w hHe the fit mifi'T 'hoe sl nntit y of tlla note se«, r hei <> grew faint. Upon U ; and ,cave thcrc ' lhc consequence is and old British muskets. While offeriog ! ke - vs and m y self wcre ‘shen back to ourl ? rl °’ °■? a where entire is only one-tenth | hat hard breast she sJcDt the H P ini W ,ttC lUn CT that all this cadh, all these stumps and us no violence, we could plainly under- ' separate liuts._ This *as about 8 o’cloclJ .„ ,‘ d V''P' 9 ‘ le ' a ]' es ‘" r .f he ri } llrcad In the latter ease we pay the ft’ of ,a mt. 1 e deathly wie of (JhrisK. atones shall have to be excavated all | from their gestures that we were morning. By noon thefellojF I Y'!r- “\ warc «en<“»“ ai >ol „ ir revived her D NO 1 , ver again, to the immen e profit of the EetTfrom S? ““ ! “ taCk W ’‘ h wh,ch room, storeg d k rooX " ow *3»t far off TBO ’tiplrnd n mi/1 ♦! I ' L.IJ rL L ‘j_ ‘-"“■'l.’.l 'l fill. 1 Hnwin J ■ - flll’VL' <k/1...LA ,'acked amid -.{gM of hearts he. "tfer to you thehe *upre S„. <4seen film? Thi>J«®2K V th >ul sin has He not rtP?Lns. isl Beautiful when He a a rfc A' little child was cryin^nl*/ 1 g the time of the eclipse, Its \ot K»on that she was afraid and kept <'i could not be silence 1 until £le the sum came out again, s>*pred her hands and said: * un! the sun:” Rome of us in the darkness of our sin; r eclipse has pa-sedover our soul; the Run of Kighteousnes* -earns upon our hearts, and we A»un! the sun I” Beautiful dawn of Bethlehem Khan! Beautiful i r> shawl, a fugitive to Egypt! •th His feet in the Galilean surf 1 1 th the children hanging about . cautiful in the home circle of »irer than the sons of men: day- Jfcjhigh; light for those who sit ’flp'eof Rharon; lily of the valley ■ M/' vely! Oh! He is such a sin- j h a trouble soot her, such a R such a grave breaker, that the f \< iat:on of His name rouses up : * .the garden, and all the per* * r while the soul, in ecstasy ries out: “My beloved is unto &' r of campbire from the vine % 1 talk of the sweetness of those who have never felt ess of His comfort to those »ed his prcrjlse; of the sweet to those who hsv* fnmoH »n His love? Now, a great ggSkjay think this is merely sickly ps. -fonathaa Edwards was a was bar sh in some of his opin >ver a'Hlcted with any senfci and yet, when the name of entioned, it threw him into a mi wi-i a cool loglian, unshaken in the Medi- S *>wr.i k, a granitic nature. for z* ,, \ w . u j}irr' ' i 1 1 A have held their cousultation to Tear-re was no hope and nothing more done and the soul brightened up bL,n -ne spiritual restorative. There is no •*er, no inaras i.u«, no neuralgia, no con ) rnption, no dise use of the body that the , p , ,race of God will not help. I wish that over • ! every fie 1 of pain and through every hospital ; of distress we might swing this “cluster of camp hire from the vineyards of Engedi.” ; Christ's hand is the softest pillow, Christ's pardon is the strongest stimulus, Christs i comfort is the mightiest anodyne, Christ's ; salvation is the grandest restorative. It makes a man mightier than his physical dis- I tress. Art thou weary? Art thou languid? Art tbou sore distressed ? I “Come with me,” saith One—“and coming. : feat rest.” If I ask Him to receive me, trill be say me nay! Not till earth and not till heaven pass away. Finding, following, keeping, struggling, It He e ire to bless? Saints, apostles, prophets, martyrs, answer yes! i Nero tarred and put pitch upon the Chris ' Mans of his day, and then set them on Are, i ! that t hey might illuminate the night round | about the palare, but, while they were burn ing, and the crowd beneath were jeering, I louder than all the noise wont np the song of ' praise and triumph fro n the dying martyrs. John H rad ford came out in presence of the i instrument of tortnre that was to put him to death and said: “I am a Christian now; I have never been before.” And so again and ' again the lion of Judah's tribe has torn to i piece* the wild beasts of martyrdom. This gra eis also a restorative for the back- ( slider. Who do you mean by that) you say. . I mean you who used to frequent the house ' of God, but seldom go there now; you who * once need to pray, but never pray now; you ! who once sat at the holy communion, but i take not the fjord's cup now; 1 mean yon , wbo once rejoiced in Christian society, but , now sit among s offers. Backslider' Ob - what rows can out-swim a ; —• an nlligator.— Virginia City m terprue, b» rapturous experience. Christ to thorn has been the connquerer on the white horse, or the sun of righteousness, setting everything ablaze with light; or the bridegroom, com ing with lantern and torches. To me it has | been a very quiet and undemonstrative ex- I perience. It has been something very sweet, but very still. How shall I describe it? I have it now: “My beloved is unto me as a cluster of camphire from the vineyards of Engedi.’* ; But I remark further: This camphire f-’anfc of the text was a symbol of Christ in he fact that it give; coloring. From the MeliterraDcan to tho Ganges the people of i the East gathered it, dried the leaves, pul* veri '.ed them, and then used them as a dye for beautifying garment? or their own per sons. It was that fact that gave the cam ’ phire plant of the text its commercial value ; in the time of King Solomon—a type of my j Horrt Jesus, who beautifies and adorns and , colors everything He touches I have no faith in that man s conversion whose religion ; ilros not col >r his whole lif?. It was intended so to do. If a man has th? grace of God in his . i heart it ought to show it elfin the life. There ( to be this “cluster of camp hire” in the , -odger, in the roll of government securities, in the medical proscription, in the law book. . A religion is of no value to a merchant nnlnw it keeps him from putting false labels on his goods; or to the plasterer, unless it keeps him' trom putting up a ceiling which he knows i will crack in six months: or to the driver, unless it keeps him from lashing his horses to eight miles an hour when the thermometer is i at ninety; or to the farmer, unless it keeps i him from putting the only sound pippins on ■ the top of the barrel: or to the shoemaker, . unless it keeps him from substituting brown paper for good leather in the soles. In other | words, the religion of Christ is gw.l 1 to 1 everything or it is good fn»- | fittci Davi«, and lie was r<runu?~.. ., aL t , it brought my knees up so near to mv chin that I uns miserable. Still I en dure i the torture without a word, and drove all over the farm. Then, to em- Fhasize my sucre..s at self-control, when got back to the stable I blamed the hostler for having forgotten my stool at first, and told him never to do it again.' l ong John told me at this time that Judge Davis had been uadergoing heroic treatment for obesity, and while he heartily congratulated himself on his sue cess, he could n t bear to have anybody else congratulate him.” The Sheep'* Sense of Hearing. It is said'that so acute is the sheep's tense of hearing that she can distinguish the cry of her own lamb among as many ; ■s a thousand othen all bleating at the j lame time; and the iamb, too, is able to recognize its mother's voice even though ! it be in the midst of a large flock. James ! Hogg, who was a shepherd as well as a poet, tells us that it was very amusing to watch the sheep and lambs during their shearing season. While the sheep were aeing shorn the lambs would be put into ifold by themselves, and the former would be sent to join their little ones as loon as the operation of shearing was >ver. Tha moment a iamb heard its mother's voice it would hasten from the rrowd to meet her, but instead of finding the “rough, well-clad, comfortable mamma” which it bad left a short time before, it would meet a strange, - , most. Ififf/TShe of— rowboat or Fortune shows her beds (Nm.) En- who wooes her, but ndvertisi, that brings her down^ V, If lupon life with a cry and leave it with a long era. If I could gatner up the griefs of this au dience anck put them in one sentence and then utter it, it would make everything between here and the throne of God shudder and howl. The earth is gashed deep with graves. As at Abe close of the war, sometimes we saw a regiment of one hundred and fifty men, the ‘fragments of the thousand men that went M so, as I stand before you, I cannot but realize the fact that you are the fragments representing hundreds of regiments of joyful associations that have been broken up for ever. Oh. this is a world of sorrowl But, blessed be God! there will be no sorrow in fcehven. The undertaker will have to have some other business there. In the sum mer time our cities will have bills of mortality which are frightful—sometimes in rfew York a thousand deaths in a week; sometimes it fam been two thousand in Lon don; but in that great heavenly city there .will not be a single casa of sickness or death; qpt one black drees of mourning, but plenty oil white robes of joy; handshaking of wel come, but none of separation. Why, if ona trouble should attempt to enter Heaven, the’ shining police of the city would pilt it unaer everlasting arrest. If all the sorrows of life, mailed and sword ed under Ar oil yon, should attempt t > force that gate, one company from the tower would rfifike them back howling to the pit Room .in heaven for all the raptures that ever Knocked at the gate, but no smallest annoy ance, though slight as a summer insect. ;Doerology, but no dirge. Banqueting, but no baked meats. ’ A No darkness at all, no grief at all, nc sick ness at all, no death at aIL A soul w m ing up' in that place.win say: “Or *+ ?*■ -- K - here ! °y l via bey an, bendjing over t h o comb ms hair with her fingers. I His hcad-*~*efl-,™*>" AU I Loi cate. I mingfl»ccVir --;;2v-o V( | V\/., dresses. * Mantles for warm summer days are of Chantilly, tulle lined, with some shim mering glace silk and trimmed with a profusion of Chantilly lace, or they are made of brocaded grenadine and trimmed with guipure lace. The desire for color and enrichment with gems ha? called in uEe not only all tho precious gems and semi-precious str.ncs, the manufacture of which is fa miliar, but countless fancy stones as yet | unnamed in the jeweler’s vocabulary. Small mantles corresponding to cos tumes of light wool just cover the i shoulders. They have long scarf ends ! which are tied in a single knot across the | chest. They are lined with some bright j color, and have only a braided design I on the ends for trimming. Oatmeal water is admirable for im ! proving the skin. Pour boiling water over a few spoonfuls of it and let it stand a few hours. On retiring wash the face and neck freely in the starchy water and dry without wiping. It is more conveniently useW for a full bath when inclosed in a bag. The robe worn by the Queen of Portugal on the occasion of the recent royal marriage was regally magnificent. The dress and immensely long train were of pale blue velvet, exquisitely embroid ered with silver and pearls. The royal Lu taut. v. go s blue velvet, with a to attteud th# ? . . Siftinat . 1 t,iC r *°u®gO| there is not a I to be seen. As the soil is a < Is to the man loam, the contrast is not pi ling is the gun onc feel* that tile sacraticeof orange trees in front of rn houses and the- planting of NEWS AND NOTES FOB WOMEN. Pearl ball buttons are worn on sum mcr dresses. Same of the new combinations of color a e startling. Bonnets arc for the most part small and close in shape. Silver watches with decorated cases arc carried by both sexes. Grand Rapids, Mich., has four “lady” barbers, one of whom is colored. A stylish English jacket is close-fit ting at the back, with loose front. Milwaukee has a cooking school with on attendance of 100 regular pupils. White and black is a favorite combi nation both in dross goods and in mil iiucry. A new material has bands of drawn work alternating With stripes of satin,silk or grenadine. The capital of the Third National Bank, of Cincinnatti, $1,000,000, is mostly owned by women. The champion lawn tennis player of England is a Miss Dodd of Rochferry, who is only fifteen years of age. • Velvet is giving way to watered silk for dress trimming. The silk seems much less warm than the velvet. i nk they wuz fly andfWfik." ] tni “No. Please let > w -eut bodices arlTborWn-eoraoout tak nmiAn skeletons are being dug up in Tula dagn, A!a., in large numbers. We Appeal to Experience. For a long time we steadily refused to pub lish testimonials, believing thnt, in the opinion i of the public gcnerelly, the great majority 1 were manufactured to order by unprineiplcd ! parties as a means of disposing of their worth J less preparations. T nt this view of the case is to a certain i extent true, there can be no doubt. i At last, several years ago, we came to the 1 conclusion that every intelligent jiereon can ! readily discriminate between spurious and bona fide testimonials, and determined to use as advertisements a few of the many hundreds i of unsolicited certificates in our possession. I In doing this, we published them as nearly 1 as possible in the exact language used by our rorreg))ondentg, only changing the phrase ology, in some casts, so as to compress them into a smaller space than they would other wise <*ccupy, but without in the least exag gerating nr destroying the moaning of tl?e writers. We are glad to say thut our final conclusion , I was a correct one.—that a letter recoinn i< n l ing an article having true merit finds favor with the people. The original of every testimonial published by us is on file in our ofll<*e, an inspection of which will prove to the most skeptical that our assertion made above, that only the facts are given ns they appear therein, is true. But ns it would to very inconvenient, if not ini|>otisible, for all our friends to call on us for that purpose, we invite those who doubt (if there Is* such) to cones|xmd with any of the parties whose names are signed to our testi menials, anil ask them if we have made auv mistatements, so far as their knowledge ex tends, in this article. In other words, if wo I have not published their letters as nearly ver ■ bat ism as possible. ’ “ / J - 17 " T” wwmfifnllv. « kbit of green J dark, heavy ; - !"faW* if flowers in • The paln-banlsber to ft name applied t-pSt' ' >’*■ A new cotton oxchange _ w _ b“ ildin ß nt • Savannah, Ga. Th e proprietor of tht^tWft^rtjPoul- An all-wiso paper tell, when the tart Hme ■ , saaw** 1 division is premature. Youthful Induleenee . in pernicious practices pursued 8 ” ll ‘“™’ a 8 n most stnrtling cause of n< ’lV” ,Ban^ 1 ?| „ i|| debility, lack of self confidence a; J » 1 power, impaired memory, despondertc J, ; other attendants of wrecked manho ■ ■ ferers should address with lOcents in rtami*., for large illustrated trenti-e, pcmtin^ 1 unfailing means of perfect _ cure. W «rk s 5 Dispensary Medical Association, G * Street, Buffalo, N. Y. A brick factory isto beerectednearMilton, | Fla. , Ail vice to Coluuiullilivcs. On the appearance of the first symptoms, as general debility, loss of appetite, pallor, chilly sensations, fol'u're l ' “'fi 'l ijliVu'i'l l MB use the. great auti .X 4 a. . _ <IU!Ck 1 Favorite Preset 8 ' Is tho result of this vast experience. " rap P in f It Is a powerful IKestorntlvn t»„■. S&ar^SSßK^xje retroversion'bearing ol liie wfimS 111 ! ".V a,,<l "Iteration nns t2«5L omh ’ inflammation, pain anA tenderiie.. l„ ovnrie., Internal neat, and “female weaknoM.» -rfl relieves and run s Nausea Efttasegd PRICE SI.OO, ?Sh° SSSSS ! ». B °y !* } Drngel.t, everrn here Se.a ten cents In slatnus for Jlr i i* 1 ' 1 ’ Treatiso on Ulaeoscs of Women, umlitrjjj* World's Dispensary Medical Association, 063 Main Street, BUFFALO, 11. Y. aSICK-HEADACHE, 1 ° ii. Rud iße.tlon, 'V, a ' ,,, RRIIIoo. tiiark., W? prnmplly curd hv Dr * 1 ierco*. Pleas.nl Pureative Pellet.. * ***** a vial, by Drufiidt w X I -.10 n » -js( Xr<ltt!s.. aiMehm. Ural. . r o|lf Bfc to • fill "n Kkl “ Dl ****« flr»i URS : ‘ ■aa.lU.4ky 1 • mote period. _|Rp s g | This medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonica, quickly and completely .'urea Dripep.l., Indl|Mtlon, weak- Impure Blood, Mal.rlu, Chill, unit Feveia, and l*eural*ta. 11 is an unfailing remedy for Discaaei of Hie Kidney and Liver# It Is invaluable for Diseacea peculiar to IVoinrn, and all who lead sedentary live. I idoes not injure the teeth,cause headnche.or aroduce conatipatlon-odler Iran mrihrivr, do. It rnrlchea and pnrtfle, tlio blood, , stimulate, the appetite, aid, the aasimllatmn of food relieve. Heartburn and Belching, and strengthens the muscle, ami nerves. I Vor Intermittent Fevers, Imuttndr, Lack of Energy, etc., it ha, no equal. f!t~ The genuine ha, above trade mark and cro-acd red line, on wrapp«r. Take no other. e.lf ISOBB. 10_ thought came. There letting help, 0 f saving g 'J? the large gray shawl ' ■ -** m- It Pol j Jen te ; wn «m - I ras ) nd J 5 .zrc I I 1

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