CHARLOTTE MESSENGER. Published evory Saturday at Charlotte, N. C., By W. C. Smith. Subscription Rates.—Always in advance. One Year $1 50 4 months 50 8 months 1 00 3 months 40 , 0 months 75 Single Copy. 5 Notify us at once of all failures of this paper to reach you on time. j All money must be sent by registered letter, money order, or postal note to W. C. SMITH, Charlotte, N. C. Short correspondence of subjects of in terest to the public is solicited ; but persons must not be disappointed if they fail to sec their articles in our columns. We are not responsible for the views of correspondents. Anonymous communications go to the waste basket. The People’ll Advocate takes us to task for saying that Fayetteville has Bint out more lawyers than any town in the country. lie finds, after searching the country over, that Rich mond, Va., has sent out 9, while Fayetteville claims only 7. We add to our list Mr. Reuben S. Smith, of Washington, whose parents went from Fayetteville. Rut we said town. Richmond is a city of sixty-five or seventy thousand people, while Fay etteville is but a cross-road town of less than four thousand people and not even a town charter. Fayetteville is a town, Rro. Cromwell, yet she is no.t ashamed to stand up beside big Rich mond. We think we are ahead yet. We are glad tn'see Richmond has done so much. We hope our object is un derstood in publishing these things. Bro. Cromwell's book is worth thou sands to the race. Our Graded School. On Tuesday, in company with Dr. Williams and Hon. J. 11. Williamson, | we visited the Graded School. Mr. | J. E. Ratley, the principal, kindly j showed us through the building, be ginning with Miss Sallie Hall's room and taking us up to the highest. .Miss Hall is an excellent primary teacher, aud it is a great blessing to the com-! inunity that we have such a young lady to give the young and tender minds'the proper start in the great struggle of an education. Little fel- j lows of six years who en cred school the present session, write legible bands, read, draw and have good ideas of mental arithmetic. In fact, they seem to know as much as children I learned in olden times, after spending several years in school. M iss Annie Alston had just taken | charge of her room that day, and of course had not learned her children. » Miss Bell Butler seemed to have tho fullest room, and as well disci plined as could be desired. They showed good training and recited N in a manner to convince one that they understand their lessons. We would put Miss Butler down as one of the best teachers in the State, and w< found her busy and room well disci plined. Specimens of the work of the j children were seen on the blackboards j a'l around. Mrs. M W. Alston had a class on one word which entertained us some time. It is very beneficial to the pu- J pils and interesting to the visitor to Bee the inventive powers brought out of the child by forming words restrict cd to certain letters. The word used by these children was by them put into more than forty different shapes, and they were cut off for want of tint to go further, We failed to get to Miss Mary Lynch’s room before she dismissed her children, and wound up onr busi ness in Mr. Ilattley’s room. He ha the advance classes and we were en tertained by a cl'tss in book-keeping and one in algebra, the latter being especially interesting and gratifying to lion. Williamson. We have a fine corps of teachers and a fair building, with a janitor to keep it in order, and it is hoped that some way will soon be made clear for an assembly room, where all the children and teachers can meet together fur exercises. &c.; also, that the whole block on which tbc school house is situated may be purchased for a play ground for tbe children. It is badly needed and can be bought cheap. Grace Church will have a special / Easter sermon on Easter Sunday morning by the pastor. The Sabbath ' School exercises will come off at 7:30 at night. Something grand may be expected in tbe morning, and tbe publio is invited to come daring m toj wd ftif to. Fayetteville Correspondence. Fayettevillk, N. C., March 29. The protracted meetings arc still going on at the Baptist Church. Prayer meetings every evening, and on Sunday at 2 o’clock p. m., a large crowd assembled at the usual place to witness tbe baptizing of several candi dates. The Presbyterians are preparing to build a new house of worship. We wish them success in their efforts. Death has again entered our door and robbed us of our loved ones. On Sunday at 1 o’clock p. in., Mrs. Di ana Flowers folded her arms in death; she was an aunt of Mr. A. IV. Whit field. She was buried on yesterday from Evans' Chapel. Our sympathies arc with the family. Col. G. T. Wassom, of Goldsboro, | was in our town last Thursday. The | Colonel is traveling in the interest of | the temperance cause. On the even : ing of the 22d inst he was greeted ! with an appreciative audience at J Evans’ Chapel (Zion) where he deliv | cred an eloquent lecture on temper ance. All who heard him were highly delighted. We extend an invitation to the Colonel to visit us again. The Odd Fellows’ Anniversary ser mon was preached at the A. M. E. Church Sunday night by Rev. Eli Walker, of the Presbyterian Church. The members of the Order were out in full dress. Again the ceaseless march of lino has brought us to the bright and beautiful days of spring, with its bountiful gifts of green foliage and fair spring (lowers. The meadows have been thickly covered with the dainty little “mountain rose,”- while our | gardens are ladened with butter-cups, : hvacintlis of the richest hue, and even when we peep into the greenhouse tho pure white, delicate “ealla lily” seems to say “Welcome spring, delightful spring.” And with these priceless gifts of sunny skies, fresh grass and foliage, buds and blossoms, spring brings to us in countless numbers those little swift-winged messengers of joy to cheer us with their gladsome I songs as they prepare their summer residences, and assure us that they have come to be our neighbors for tbc whole season. AVhile we speak of our j flower-gardens we will not forget to say a word about the vegetable gar dens—for who is it that does not de light to see one of these nicely arranged gardeus, full of palatable delicacies ? Then here are our fields, now sown with grain soon to be cut, to produce food for man and beast. Sordid, indeed, must be the mind that does nit appreciate these gifts ; and hard an 1 ungrateful the heart tliai does not look up with reverence and i love to Him who, by His benificent laws of nature, has vouchsafed to us these blessings. j “Stoop where tliou will, thy careless hand Some random bud will meet— Tliou can’st not tread but thou wilt find The hyacinth at thy feet.” Mary McLean. CGiinhia S. C. Registered Dots. Columbia, S. C., March 31. Tub Messenger —Court convened on Monday, the 28th inst. The crim inal docket is full, which is a lamen table truth. E. C. C. Washington, Esq., a young colored lawyer, a grad uate of Allen Law kSthool, ap: ea'ed at this session. The case aga’nst his client was a very clear one; but he succeeded, however, in getting the jury to reeoimn ml the prisoner to mercy. The party was charged with j house-breaking and grand larceny. The presiding ju Ige is J.u Igri Norton, a new man to the ermine. He suc e e ! s Judg • Got!iran. Tbe Beth d A. M. E. Church gave a successful fair last week at one of Mr. W. M. Taylor’s stores on Assem bly street. The C. M. E. Church congregation ' formerly of Bethel A. M. E. Church ! are rapidly progressing in the erection of a Church on Blamling St., near Sidney Park. This Cburcb is under the auspices of the Methodist Church ' South (white). It is said that tbey will have a school in connection with tbe Church. The first examination for teachers under the new Supt, of Education takes place on Friday, the Ist April, Tbe teachers are looking forward to it with trembling, as Col. Coward was always rigid. . Uses. JHTBintw font lubrariptlos. Salisbury Items. The small boys were much delight ed at the dancing bears oti Monday. The “Great Red Man” lectured in the court-house yesterday to a largi crowd. No one seemed "to understand anything that was said. The inter preter made known his wants. The Williams family of great sing ers are in our town, giving entire -atisfaction. They sang to quite ai l appreciative audience at the A. M. E. Zion Church. They will sing again on Thursday evening. Bishop Moore will move lii.s family from York, Pa., to our town early next week, and make this place his home. We will be glad to welcome the Bishop as a citizen. There seems to he much excitement over the city election that will take place in May. The Democrats, Re publicans, Independents and Laborers | i all have candidates, j The politicians seem to be waiting ! on the Knights of Labor candidate, j but since the K. of L. is not a politi-! cal organization it is not likely that a K. of L. candidate will he put in the! field, hut they will favor any candi- j date that will farther the interests of the laboring classes. Messrs. Neave and Crawford ar< j spoken of by the Democrats; Keen j by the Independents; Ramsey by Re publicans and Laborers, and .Julian by Laborers. We are informed that Air. W. E. Henderson, the Chairman "f tlie Re publican Executive Committee, will issue a call for a Republican Conven tion i n next Saturday to put a full Republican ticket in the H id fur Mayor and Commissioners, Ex-Mayor John R. Ita n-ey. Esq. is looked upon a- the coinin ' man. M.Her’s large tobacco factory was | burned on last Fri lay at 3a. m. The I wind was blowing strongly and great i excitement prevailed. No other huilu-1 i ing burned, as the house stood alone. ! The fire was blown quite ii distance. | The Methodist Church aud the Rap. J tist Church (whi e) were in great dan- j ger, and a great amount of labor was j required to save them. It is thought a tramp set it afire. The losses were ! covered by insurance. Occasional, / t ■ - SC New Chur i »r;aulzj on by tlie\ Colored lo.le. ■Charlotte, N. 0., March 24.—; The Quarterly Confer, n:e of the new organization of the A, M. E. Zion connection under the name of “ Grace Church” was held i n the date above ! j with Presiding Elder, R S Rives in i | the chair, associated by Rev. E. C. ; i Davidsou. The following brethren | were also present: R -v. J. E. Mc- Neil. J. W. Thomas, J. S. Settle and ! KW. C. Smith. g The meeting was called to order by j reading the 23 1 Psalm. Hymn 791 j was lined by Rev. .1. W. Thomas, ! and prayer offered by Rev. E. C. | I Davidson. After a few preliminary remarks 1 by the chairman touching tbe very | uuiqu! aud unprecedented position j in which lie found himself, aud the necessity of a special invocation of I Divine aid to guide and control the j affairs of the evening, business was | | ihen entered upon. Mr. 11. S. Buul ! ware was elected temporary secretary The roll was called, and the dis -1 cipliuary questions presented. Oil | motion (he following were elected: | 1.-a 1.-is—Jethro Sunnier, W. W. Smiths'-I. W. Smith, Horace Lynch and John Spencer. j Trustees—W. R. ilia i Johnson ethro Sumner, Silas Wa -;i --; iiigtou aud J. W. Smith. Stewards—Jethro Slim er f-r th j preacher, Horace Lynch fur tbe I poor, I Stewardesses—Mrs, IV. It. Him ./ j Miss E. J. Mrs, J. ’A". j Smith. Committiee on Church R -eor l—’V. AY. Smith/Horace Lynch and 11. S. j Boulware. Church Secretary —AA’. AA r . Smith! Sunday School Committee— J. M. j Hagler, R. T. AVeddiugton. Silas 1 Washington, AV. C. Smitbr aud II- S. | Boulware. Oil motion, the Rev j l }. C. David* i son was requested to assist the pastor in charge in case of absence, the Sunday Shout was reported to he in a very prosperous condition with 70 on roll and U'C’tJ collected. Through tbc generosity of Messrs. AV. C. Smith,, AA’. AV. Smith: aud G AY.* Johnsonr' the school was favored with some very valuable books. T - , wards the close of the meeting, the Revs. J E. McNeil, J. AV r . Thomas, J. S. Settle and Mr. AA’. C. Smith/ were called upon to address the con ference. All did so in terms express ive of their high appreciation and great sympathy for and with the u<‘w . churuli. Odd of lb* brethren said, j lam here out of mere curiosity, hearing frequently from the public hat it was a “dry” church, and I want to see a “dry” church, for all churches ought to be “dry.” I am llad that we have a “dry” church. Record my name on it.” The Rev. Air. Bloice, the pastor, then expressed lis satisfaction with the proceedings >f the meeting, the indications of Aright prospects from certain eoui unnications, and the joy experienced by the presence and cheering words of he visiting brethren. The Presiding Elder then enjoined on the members a strict conformity to the principles couched in the language of the Apos tle “Return good for evil, “Shun -very appearance of evil, and if it be possible, as much as licth in you, live peaceably with all men.” Tbe con ference adjourned with benediction from the Rev. J. E. McNeil. The meeting on the whole was greatly characteristic of the principles which penm ate and influence all sober or : “dry” oiganizations. 11. S. Boulwaok, Secretary. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R Condensed Schedule. TRAiira 001X0 SOUTH. j Aug. 1,18 SJ. No. 50. No. 52, Daily. Daily. j Lv. New York.... 12:00 night 3:40 p. m. • I’hilutMphia. 7:2 >a. m. 0:03 Hciiliinoro 0.10 0:00 I Washington . 11:15 11:00 Chaiiottovillc 3:50 m. 3:00 a. m. Lynchburg... 0:13 3:13 Richmond .... 3:23 2:00 Ihirkviile 3:23 4:05 lveys.ille 0:03 4:35 Drake’s Br'ch 0:20 4:50 OuiTiUe 0:25 8:01 Gold-iiion) 11:50 a. in. R-.lcigh 5:00 j». in: Durham 0:07 C‘ut|iol Hill.* 4:55 s ilillslioro 0:47 Lv. GnvasNjiv*.... 11:21 |». in. 0:50 a. m. Lr. Salem 6:oS*p. n>. 5:55 a. m. Lv. High i\»i..t... 11:55 p. in. 10:10 a. m. Saildmiy 1:10 a. in. 11:23 Concord 1;37 11:30 ChurloTtc 3.00 1:1.0 p. ni. S’Kirt.iu urg. 3:50 3;31 Greenville,.... 7:14 4:40 Ar. Atlanta 1:40 p. in. 10:40 | TRAINS GOING NORTH. Aug. 1, 1880. Xo. 51. No. 33, Daily. Daily. i Lv. Atlanta 5:15 p. m. 8:40 a. m. j ! Ar. Greenville .... 11:32 2:30 p. m. i S|»artaiiburg, 12 ;5 §. as. 3:43 Charlotte 4:05 0:25 Concord 5:01 7:25 Salisbury 5:48 8:01 High Point... 7:04 9:08 '!>oro... 7:35 0:43 Ar. Salem 11:40 a. in. 1:17 a. in. I Ar. Hillsboro 11:45 a. m. | Durham 12:28 p, in. \ Chapel 11i11... 1:00** • I Raleigh 1:35 .! Golds!«oro 4:40 Dmville 0:42 a. in. 11:28 p. in. Drake’s Br’ch 12:20 p. m. 2:42 a. m. K.ysville 13:38 3:95 Bnrkville 1:20 3:57 I Richmond.... 3:37 7:00 Lv, Lynchburg... 12:45 p. in. 2:10 a. m. Chari'4 l 'vilL* 3:15 4:25 Washington . 8:43 0:45 Bdtiinore .... 11:25 10:03 I Philadelphia. 3ioo a. ip. 12:35 p. m. New York.... 0:20 3:20 * Daily, except Sunday. A. T. £ O. 1) VI -IOV. t 52 SOUTHWARD. Mail and Express. , Leave Statesville 8:30 a. m. Troutman's 8;59 Shepherd’s 9:15 Moore-sviJle 9: JO Mount Mourne 9: i 8 Davids rtCollege ...: 10 GO Caldwell’s 10 20* Huntersville * 10 '.O Stonewall 10:55* S. . ti.e: House 11:18* ! j ArriveC. arloUe 11:30 J 53 j NORTHWARD. A a laid , - , J'iipr*! *. | i Leave lean-tic 0 0 p. m. Sc lio 111 .use 79» St I wall T O* M i . :;'e 7:45 ;-.'4* I*' *>«'■•!! r- * 0 Mount M Mime h 5 ! vdl.* 8. 0 Shepherd'* S .‘8 Troutman** 9:22 Artv*'Statesville 9 59 SLEEPING CAR SERYK E. On trains 50 ami 51. Pullm n Buffet er between \cw Y *rk ami A lanta. On trains 32 and 51, Pull” ; n i fotween Washington end N« w 1 1 Orikamh Washington aiu! Angara. P«|P”>*n sieepej- I*l ween Riel.mQnd and Greenhorn. Through tck 'ts q i sab* at u incipa i sfati’Vi* to ab ;oin|», F«»r rate* ami infornati »n a *,#!v to W. j A. MOODY. A ent, or E. B. TII »IAS. C’. W. CURA! 8, Geneial Man.-ger. A st.Ge i. Pa*. Agt. i Bichm »nd, Va. HIKER BROS. STEEL PENS THE BEST IX USE. r*:n ro? i'o cal dealers, sr« will mai’ ixl >f i* '•?* la is L->yes of | cose-* each, o roct./li t CI..A 4 •;***» 4 * 1 «s : nrsS •• 4 •• 1 « •• .g.T ' A “ tdiiooi t rtuba, 4 ho*n, Idr z. each, .43 iiiLOW COST HOUSES < rnkn 1 HOW TO KUILD I HEM -a loro «”■*.. ro , .™l TV '■ rO&T&St -i~™»im.uw. .rail. ' F",' mw«4**r.- dacara cutting Turn Msro*.'*- • »«tuQpiu«*>v•• •» I WATCHES! Clocks, - Spectacles, Eye-G-lassses, and all kinds of Fine Jewelry i can l»e bought cheap at the Jewelry Store of HALES & BOYNE, 1 West Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. j fSTTrompt attention paid to orders hy ' mail ami satisfaction guaranteed. We refer ! you to the editor of this paper. OAVE MONEY O AND DISAGREEABLE CONTROVERSIES ! with agents who von to send off : your little pictures to New York to have them : enlarged and framed. You can have all this j son of work done at home much •otter and just as cheap, notwithstanding the false asser tions these agents make to you, by calling at H. 11AUMGA RTEJTO Photograph.: G-allery, Charlotte, N. C. pROFESSORS E. MOORE and S. G. ATKINS, —FXPEIJIENCnD— NORMAL SCHOOL WORKERS & INSTITUTE CONDUCTORS, Will lx* prepared to accept calls to any work in this line during the summer. Superintendent* or other school officials who would avail themselves of the profes sional s« rviecs of these gentlemen Are invited :o address either one or both of them. ZION WESLEY COLLEGE. Salisbury, N. 0. C7\pe fear"and YADKIN VALLEY RAILWAY COMP AX Y. Condensed Schedule, Xo. 19, Taking Effect l p. in., Sunday, Feb. 20.1887. Trains Moving Xoktii. r Fi eight ami and Mail. Passenger. Lv lien ne t*vide, .>.•*•> a m 1:3» p in Ar Maxtfii. 10:00 8:35 Lv Maxifin. 10:15 4:10 Ar Fayetteville, 12:05 pni 7:50 Lv Fayetteville, 12:20 10:U0 a in \r S.ii-fonl. 1:25 2:25 pm Lv Hanford, 2:45 3:30 Ar<*n«‘ii*iM*ro, 0:15 9:00 Lv Greensboro, 10:15 a in Ar lleiew s Cn*ck. 12:30 pin Passenger ami Mail—dinner ut Sanford. Trains Moving South. Lv Bclew * t reek, 4:3opiu A Greettshpro, 0:45 v (• reel is boro, 10:00 a ni 7:30 a in Ar Sanford, 1:30 p in 2:ou p ni -v San h r- 1, 1::W» 3:00 j Ar Fayetteville, 4:10 0:45 Lv Fayetteville, 4:25 6:00 am : ArMaxton, C:2O 0:22 Lv Maxtt.n, JO: 15 |Ar lh-iiiiettsville 7:43 12:20 pn i Freight and Pa songer Train runs between ; Fayetteville and BennettsviJle on Mondays, •.VediieMlay* ami Fridays > Fn-ight and Pas-scnger Train runs between Fayetteville and (irtvnsbor.- Tuesdays. Thurs lays and Saturdays, and lietween Green-slxm iml Fayet evilic Mondayti, Wcdnewlays and Fridays. I -. «>iiger aud mail train runs daily excel t Sundays. c north bound passenger and mail trail makes close com oetioii at Max on with Car olina Central to Charlotte. W. E, KYLE. J-W. ntY, 67(1 Agcl ‘ t HENDERSON’S BARBER SHOP ! TJIE OLDEST AND REST. Experienced ami polite workmen alwnv i-ii ilv to wait on c-iistoiners. Here you will I ret a A7f.lT 11MR CUT and CLEAR j SNA VE. I JOHN 8. HENDERSON, East Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. BOOTS AND SHOES, j Our *torc is how Ql|fd with New Goods, ; .n-.-h froc lie iinmufaelurera. We can . jfull stock of ad itrades, and of the Very Best Quality, ud guarantee that you siiall have the ; •ortli of your money in eveiy instance. Our Prices i 'ill * e made low to suit the times. Cal! I and set* us. !a.erankin & BRO. TRYON STREET. Photographs, in all the latest styles and finish, —PHOTOGRAPHS ENLARGED— to any size from small pictures. Nn need to send them Norfli. Just ns pond work dour ripht h re at home and as cheep as in X, w York. WORK GUARANTEED! Call nod « e up* H. BAUMGARTEN, GiAMWm, Hi 01 HELLO! WHO’S THERE? ir: bs? j Como up Wmle, and see the improvements. ELECTRIC LIGHTS, TELEPHONE, ELEVATOR, And various other attractions. Just think of it, 423x70 feet of flooi inj? to lie filled with Crockery, China, Glass, Silverware, Tinware, etc. Each department is to I c seperate, and under the management of polite and at , tentive elerks. (grand opening on •JANUARY 25, 1887. Each visitor will receive a Souvenir. Respectfully, R. B. HARSFIELD. | CHINA PALACE. Mill OF MMIP. —> j This i* to certify that, by mutual ngree | inent entered into on th • 15th day of De ucinber. 1880, the juutn rslii|» heretofore j existing under the firm namo of L. R. HENDERSON & CO., is mutually dissolved, Nelson Carter hav ing withdrawn and will do business for himself. All bills due the late firm of L. B. I lenders mi & Co. are payable to and collectable by L. B. & W. E. Henderson. All bills due creditors will be settled by the new firm. We will conduct business at our old stand. j2=ff“Thc continued patronage of our friends solicited.*l6*3. L. B. & W. E. HENDERSON. ONLY TRUS EaTONIC Os A p p«tit« t IndigMtion.Lack of Strength and Tired Feeling eb cured: Bones, mat cles and nerve* receive new force. Enlivens the mind r end supplies Brain Powsr. ■ m suffering from complsintspecn* LADIES Jiurtotneir ses will find in DR. isWUlfaU HABTEB’B IBON TONIC • ssfo. Speed r care. Gives s clear, healths complexion. AH attempts at counterfeiting only adds to its nopn lantj. Do not experiment—get Orioinsl and Bkbt /Cure Cor V Headsohe. B.triple Dose and Dream Book! Jlmailed on reeelpt of twooents in poatage. f THE 08. HARTER MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. Harclwira Eealers, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Tho largest stuck |of Hardware, CUTLERY, GUNS, WOODEN - WARE, K iPES, Agricultural Implements, BLACKSMITHS' AND HEATERS’ AND OTHER TOOLS, n tho State. A call is folietted. Brown, Weddington & Co. Dr. j. T. Williams his prof -ssiupal sorvia*. to the gen eral public, CALLS ANSWERED DAY and NIGHT, Omot-Foorth street, 1s tTryon in d Church, rear of Expreo Office, diar loite, N. C. BOARDING HOUSE. CONCORD, X. C. The traveling pith’.ie will I. arwiumo dated with onntorta'ile rooms R r„| loan!. Ilouse situated on Depit street, in front of the Seminary, near depot, and convenient to all visitors. Term, reasonable. J. E. JOHNSTON. SK BL J A beautiful self- JU tHdineofflee or nsrlor (tor*. Cost •W* Vft flffi Atiply at tUsorrm

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