nM.RI.OHE MESSENGER. SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1887. Ol'll CHURCHES. St. Michael's (P. E.) Church, Mint St. Services si 10 a. in. and Bu. in. Sunday* school :;t 1 ]>. in. Itev. P. 1\ Alston, pas tor. M. E. Church, Graham Street. Ser vices at 3 p. in. and 8 p. in. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Itev. E. M. Collett, pastor. First Baptist Church, South Church St. Services at 11a. m., 3 p. in. and 8 p. in. Sunday-school at 1 p. m. Itev. A. A. Powell, pastor. Ebeucaer Baptist Church, East Second St. Services at 11 a. m., 3p. m. and Bn. m. Sunday-school at 1 p. m. Rev. */. mAUOHTON, pastor. Presbyterian Church, corner Seventh and Onliese Sts. Services at 3 p. m. and Bp. in. Sunday-school at 10 a. in. Itev. It. P. Wyoue, pastor. Clinton Chapel, (A.'M. E. Z.) Mint St. Services at 11 a. in., 3 p. m. and 8 p. in. Sunday- school at Ip. m. Itev. M. Slade, pastor. Little Rock, (A. M. E. Z.) E St. Ser vices at 11 a. in., 3 p. in. and 8 p. in. Rev. Wm. Johnson, pastor. If your paper has a blue , cross mark, it will be stopped till you pay up. We cannot continue to semi it to you without some money. Please pay up and let us continue it to you. :LOCAL. Employment Agency. Persons desiring situations as cooks, nurses, and laborers generally, who desire employment, and persons in need of such help, will do well to call on A. W. Calvin - , at his Store, West Trade St. The W. C. T. U. will meet next Monday afternoon at the Hospital, corner 3rd and C streets. Judge Meares’ criminal court will meet next Monday morning, and the chain-gang will be enlarged. The weather is very pleasant. Don’t fail to go to church tomorrow morn ing; take your book and be on time. Lookout for spring suits tomorrow Dont fail to go to church because you haven’t one. Editors don’t use such. The funeral of Mrs Fannie Gaither was preached in Clinton Chapel last Sunday afternoon by Rev M. Slade, the pastor. The Republican voters of Ward 2 will meet at the Court House on Monday night to nominate three aldt-nnan to be clectod in May. Grace ohuroh lifted a collection for tho hospital on Sunday before last amounting to 01.75. They will take a collection for the hospital once each month. Rev. A. A. Rowell will baptize a large number of candidates at the First Baptist Church tomorrow after noon. They arc all converts of the present meeting. We are now in our new quarters in the Goode Hotel building. Call and settle your account Subscribers out of town will planso send in their in debtedness at once. An effort will he made to have a protracted meetieg at the M E. Church next week, and Bible reading will be conducted as last fall. The public is invited to attend. Bibles furnished. Will some colored visitor of the opera tell us the difference between sitting in a back gallery seat among nlj sorts of men, boys and women and riding in a socond-elass railroad ear? We anticipate something line at Clinton Chapel Sabbath School to morrow afternoon. They sing well at all times, and we expect specially fine music for this Easter occasion. Mr. H. B. Kennedy invites bis friends an 1 th- public to call at his store for groceries, fruits, confections kc. Persons in his neighborhood will do well to call before going up town to buy. J Grace church has purchased a splen did organ from Mr. /. Houghton, Jr. He sell* an excellent instrument on very easy terms. We believe in pat erniiing our own people when wc have a chance. The State Medical Association will convene in this city no*t Wednesday. Thov-C" will be three or four colored doctors an ! they will he looked after by Dr. J. T. Williams. They will find him at the Goode Hotel, on 4th bet. Tryon and College street*. Woe be unto the head man that can neither govern his\ temper nor his words, and soweth the seeds of envy and hate among his brethren, for he putteth men in the path that leads to sheol. Clinton Chapel S. S., the big mother, has invited us with other schools to participate with them, rolling eggs &c. on Easter Monday. We expect to go and hope all of us children will have a good time. We were shown, one day last week the first gift to the building fund of of Grace Church. It was a ten dollar gold piece, made in 1841. We r.ope they will continue to come in, for the “Lord lovetli a cheerful giver.” Eli W. Henderson is the name of the young man appointed by Hon Robt. Smalls as cadet to West Point. He was born in Port Royal S. C. attended the normal school at Winnsboro, went to Howard Univer sity in 1883 and is a member of the present junior class. Rev. C. R. Harris of Livingstone College filled the pulpit in Grace church last Sunday. Prof. Harris is no stranger in this city and our people gave him a hearty welcome. He was pleased with the new church and the prospects for a fine and strong auxiliary to Zion connection. The Oriole Literary Society met at Miss Laura Lomax, last Tuesday night and enjoyed a very pleasant session. Drs. W. D. Clinton and J. T. Williams, Mr. J. A. Ramsour and Miss Nora Tyler were at the meeting. The society adjourned to meet on the 19th at Miss Demetra Grier’s. ;■ It is gratifyiug to see the people coming to their senses and recognizing tiie fact that there is room and mater ial here for another Methodist church, and that they are forgetting their bitter feeling, remembering that to love God they must love the brethren also. All want to live now in peace, friendship and love together. A letter from Monroe informs us of the annual exercises of the Church Aid Society. They have attached to the Society a sewing circle, which makes articles for sale. These societies were formed by Rev. J. A. Wright during Lis stay there and have done the people much good. E.F. Osobrook is president and W. G. Page secretary. Good friend, patience and prayer will help you much. Don’t speak ill of one but pray for those who dislike you. Why, it matters not how loud a Christian you have been, if death catches you in that mood, the devil will get you certain. lie that says he loves God, and yet hateth his brother, is a liar, says Christ. On last Sunday morning the chronicle spoke of a white child being brought up in a colored family. If he will exert himself a little he will find other white children in colored families here in this city and through out the South. Numbers of colored women are raising white children by request of the mothers. Rev. Bloice will he here tomorrow and will preach an Easter sermon in tle morning. There will be no preaching iu the afternoon nor at night. The exercises of the Sabbatli School will be at night, beginning at 7.30 oclock. Clinton Chapel and other Sabbath Schools have been invited to be present. Preparations have been going on during the week. It now turns up that government detectives from Washington have worked up a case of crookedness in Rutherford county in which tho Store keepers and distillers were in copart nership defrauding the Government. “They are charged with wholesale violations of the revenue laws on a big scale.” Os course these were Democratic revenue officers. The elections in the western cities show very large Republican gainß. Prominently among which, Chicago and Cincinnati went Republican by large majorities. These things point signifioantly to a Republican victory in ‘BB. Some sensible Democrats say Cleveland is the only hope for them, but can he hold the South solid? The die is cast. Democracy is doomed if Republicans do not act as the Democrats use to: destroy their beat chances. On last Tuesday night about 11, oeloek the residence of Mr. H. Baumgarten was discovered to bo on fire. The roof was in a blaze before discovered and the bouse was well nigh destroyed, because there was not sufficient water in the standpipe or some other cause, to get a decent stream of water. The house was insured and the furniture saved. The family was asleep, but all got out unhurt. The Catawba Presbytery convened in Seventh-street Presbyterian Church on Wednesday night, and continued in session the remainder of the week. Rev. 11. E. Baker, of Davidson Col lege, was elected moderator, and Rev. W. E. Partee secretary. Rev. G. S. Leeper preached the opening sermon. The sermon on Thursday night by Rev. Dr. Satterfield, was much enjoy ed by all present. The business of the session was carried on very har moniously. Tho idea of taking little children up to court is ridiculous. These times are too hard to give away your hard earned money that way, when strap-oil is so cheap. That is the article so much needed, and a fail ure to use it is tho cause not only of little court scrapes, but of big steals, murders and hangings. Solomon lived a long time ago, but we believe ho was about right when he said: “spare not the rod and spoil the child.” Make your children obey you, parents. Off for Money. Next Tuesday we will start down the Carolina Central load after money. Subscribers on the line will please be ready for us. Wc will reach Fayette ville about Saturday next. Other friends will please send in their dues at once. We beg to be excused for all shortcomings in the paper next week, though wc will try to get Mr. Calvin to look after the locals. Young Doctors. On Tuesday last we were pleased to meet Drs. Samuel G. Mickey and Wm. 11. Johnson, of Charleston, S. C., recent graduates of Howard Medical School, Washington, D. C. They were on their way home and will soon enter the practice of their profession. Mr. W. D. Clinton, of Lancaster, S. C,, spent last Tuesday in our city also. He was returning home and has just finished his second year in the Leonard Medical School at Raleigh. Our Johnston White is also at home, having finished his second year in the same school. Prof. M. W. Alston, who has just finished his first year, spent a few days with us also and re turned to Raleigh on Tuesday night to help Mr. J. H. Williamson publish the Gazette in the interest of the In dustrial Fair. i Won’t be Happy. Some people will complain if the i whole world is given them and every I thing arranged by their own direction. To say “stove pipe” hat is not at all disrespectful, and iu fact, it gives the clearest idea of what kind of a hat is meant. But,,we did not feel inclined ' to give a whole column to a matter that was of so little interest to the J church in which the presents were given. Now why need there be so much talk about it by persons who make no suggestions to this paper and pay nothing to its support? This is a newspaper and we try to treat every body with respect, but some people will not let you treat them l ight if you ! try. If you are a paying subscriber | to this paper you have a right to crit-1 icise its sayings. If you are not, and ! talk übout it, you are a tnedlcr and ' busy body in other folks’ business. That New Carpet. Last week we spoke of the Presby terians carpeting their church. We gladly admit that we owe them an apology. Wc had not seen the carpet when we wrote before, but we have seen it now, and not only repeat that it is a fine and beautiful carpet, but the floor of the church is carpeted off over, from tho pulpit to the door, in and under every pew. It is a neat job, and the carpet is aH good and as i unsparingly spread as we have seen in any of the best churches in the country. Re v. Wychr and bis good sisters deserve much credit for their labors and the tasto displayed in selection and work, j The members of tho Presbytery learu- Itd something useful from our ladies as well as from each other in their meeting here. The removal of Prof, Sanborn, of N. H., after being pronounced in curable by a score of physicians, from Los Vegas, N. M., to his home, was effected by administering Dr. Harter’s Iron Tonic, which has restored him to his former good health. WEBSTER With or without Patent Index. Your Attention is invited to the fact that in pur chasing the latest issue of this work, you get A Dictionary containing 3000 more words and nearly 2000 more illustrations than any other American Dictionary. A Gazetteer of the World containing over 25,000 Titles, with their pronunci ation and a vast amount of other information, (just added, 1885) and A Biographical Dictionary giving pronunciation of names and brief facta concerning nearly 10,000 Noted Persona; also various tables giving valuable information. All in One Book. £*i ■W|l Webster—it has 118,000 Words, VTXiX 3000 Engravings, and Four Pages Colored Plates. I'M I Ml Standard in Gov’t Printing Office. JL JOLXd 32,000 copies in Public Schools. Sale 20 to 1 of any other series. aid to make n Family intelligent JlJgial Best help for SCHOLARS, TEACHERS and SCHOOLS. GET THE STANDARD. Webster is Standard Authority with the U. 8. Supremo Court. Recommended by the State Sup’ts of Schools in 30 States, and by over 50 College Presidents. GET THE LATEST. Invaluable in every School and Family. 0. & C. MERRIAM & CO., Pub’rs, Springfield, Mass *Fe£maCordial CURES DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVERS MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. 7T Is Invigorat- - TT fives HEW Inf and De- -Ju 1 LIFE to ths lightful to take, |n| whole SYSTEM and of great value iIV\M b Y Strengthening as a Medicine for the Muscles, Ton weak and Ailing I inf the NERVES, Women and Chil- WBM I and complcteiyDi dren. ■PJ gesting the feed. c, ' o NTAlNTl|fj2Sl|^\Jß^^ no hurtful V by 1 ead lag Minerals, is com- fl MU physicians,telling poned of carefully |\ how to treat de selected Vegeta- I\JV\I cases at HOME, bio Medicines,! Kjjfl mailed, together combined skill- with a seterhsad fully, making * aomecardaby atVr Safe and Pleasant Heliotyeeprocess, Remedy. on receipt of so c. Tor sale by .11 Drorn!*U and Grocer*. BLonM tho fetter mm you not keep VOLINA CORDIAL, remit |LW, ultMlfe VeUte will be Mul, cLarge* paid. rurms owlt bt Volina Drug aitd Chemical Company, BALTIMORE, MD.. t’. 8- A. preparation of m«r* •jSJ than Ono Hundred N ■ Thousand applications for patent* i:i nil the United States and Foreign coun ■sl B tries, the publishers of tho Scientiib Ini American continue to net as solicitor* ■MB I for patents, caveats, trade-mark*, oopy ■sassadi rights, ate., for the United States, aud to obtain patents in Canada. England. France. Germany, and all other countries Their experi once is unequaled and their facilities are unsar passed. . , _ Drawings and specifications prepared and fl>.* ! in the Patent Office on short notice. Tenu* *•».-. reasonable. No charge for examination of mode or drawing* Advice by mail free , ; Patents obtained through Munn A On. at* notice* ! inth. SCIENTIFIC AMERICA V.-hich l.v the largest circulation and is the most influent :c: newspaper of ita kind published in toe worn! sdvamages of such a notice every patent - •• understand* This largo and aplemiidlv i'lo«tr*t«»d r.*w;* [’■■•!*»• is |.:»b:i..i «-.| WEEKLY at f.vl is adjuitto l tt- bn tl.* st paper devot ;*4 to •nwhan.o v iuv-ti’:or.», engiueerittg v si-• 1 i.A-r .{.• trr»>u*'Bi» : : indo<*:ml j.ro*r«--« ; * • 1 -* i d in tM.y i m.ntry. it. eont*in* >V- m-'-" ‘ ! a 1 in-•••. S2t: of W*rv in.v.i ! •i we*;.. Trr i' 1 -nr months for • . • ’ M-i'd bv ,-.:i J.' \i *\ •#’« i If yo’i li-’.o cp i’i'entiou so ‘ • - i f. .. njbls» of W Li.i '>;! Uro*d*' *y. N* * York Max. i-Aiawl* w»sf ir. pmTiiH! 1 o HAS NO EQUAL. PERFECTS A T!SFACTION New Home Sewiun Macliine Co. —ORANOB, MASS.— 30 Union Square, N. Y. CWesgo, IX St.Luh.lb. Atlanta. Ga. Dallas, Tax. San Fnaclice, Cat I tbs srer-wr H COULEE AJSTit) SZEIE. Big reduction, in priees of Ladies Vieite* and New Market*. Look at war 93.0* Visit,*. About 49 suits of . Read? Made Clothing At a Big Reduction. Christmas Goods in Glove., Kerchiefs. Muffle*. Astrakhan Muffs, Ac. Gent’s Kids, Foster Hooke, at $1.90. SPECIAL PRICES In Ladies’, Gents’ and Children’s Underwear this week. Embroalmd Cashmar. Scarfs, Cashmere Shawls—all shades. Nice line of Gents Nscktiea and Unseats. HARGRAVES & ALEXANDER, SMITH BUILDING. E. M. ANDREWS, Has the Largest and Most Complete Stock of FURITITTJRE In North Carolina. COFFINS & METALLIC CASES. Pianos and orgasso rgass Os the Best Makes on the Installment Plan. Low Prices and Easy Terms, * Send for Prices. Ohickering Pianos, Arion Pianos, Bent Pianos, Mathushek Pianos, Mason & Hamlin Pianos. Mason & Hamlin Organs, Bay State Organs, Packard Organs, E. M. ANDREWS, : : : Trade Street, Charlotte, N. CL Please remember that we are prepared to do Job Printing OF EVERY DESCRIPTION In the Best Manner and at Lowest Rates. SEND US YOUR ORDERS FOR BILL-HEADS, LETTER-HEADS, NOTE-HEADS. STATEMENTS. EN VELOPES. CARDS. POSTERS. CIRCULARS. AND ALL KINDS OF MERCANTILE PRINTING. We do Pamphlet work in good style and at moderate price*. We have New Presses, New Type, and first-class workmen. We guarantee satisfaction. Mail order? solicited and promptly attended to. Address THE BALLOT PRINTING CO., ' Charlotte, N. G THE SCIENCE OF LIFE. r» > Something Everybody Ought to Know. In How to promote digestion, keep the Jj' body healthy, and the mind clear, and g how to avoid etomaeh and Uver troublee. and dlttreeiing beadachee, are probtaat eaally eolved by the ute of Ayer'e Pills. **For the euro of Headache, Ayer'e Cathartic Pills are the moet effective med icine I over used.—Bobert K. James, Dorchester, Maes. I have fbund Ayer’s Fills an Invaluable remedy for Headaches. For a loaf time I bad suffered intolerably with this com plaint, and Ayer’s Pills are the Irst medi cine that really gave me relief. They are truly a wonderful medicine.—J. fi. Housnet, Rehrersburg. Pa. V health inrsovra. For months I was greatly afflicted with Indigestion, Liver Compbiint, and Con stipation. t tried various remedies, but found nothing to help me until I com menced using Ayer'e Pills. After taking one box my health was to much improved that I procured, another. Before I had finished the second box my health was completely restored. —Jos. Aiibia, Hoeto Block, High at., Holyoke, Maes'. I suffered for months with ateauch and liver troublee. My food did not digest, my bowele were sore and rsnsflpemd, and my back and head ached Incessantly. I tried various remedies, but rets teed no benefit until I commenced taking Apart Pills. These Pills benefited me at ones. I took them regularly ter nearly a month, and my health sras enmpletely lasts'red.— D. W. Bains, New Berne, N. C. COMPLETE CCU. I bad been a sufferer for many jean from Dyspepsia and Uver treubiss, and found no permanent relief aatll I «om mooted taking Ayer's Pills. They have effected a complete eßre.—O.W. Mooney, Walla Walla, W. T. Fhr many years 1 suffered from Uver Complaint, sad e disordered stomach, t tried the hot ph/ektene la the same, bat received bo belpnem them. I wasoens ptlled to give up henleam, had nedther atreagth mr amblttem, and mfflsead ssa PUta. and,’hofm?! hsffdekheTtlm^fit 32*5 Iz&sSttSfc' jg&jgz&w- THE BEST Bemedy for Goat. Bhnmtlhm. or Ken ralgia, la Ayer'e FUle. •• I knew ne on* whs ha* anflfertd met* thee mywtf treat the dletrete and torment of Goss*, Mv rase, which wet es great erevePy. sod -f loaf standing, wen sempMeW cstrv.l fey taking Ayer's Pith. - HUdrtd O. G. Dean. Pittsburgh. Pa. For several veers t eriMel fresn the torturing pale* es Neuralgia. At lad I discovered a remedy tls Ayer'e PtiK wMeh e«*d meat A severe atutek si this disease, aad has slam top! me tree from It.-Mrs. Jane B*aa«U>aad llltt. Mtrh. Ayer's Cathartic Pttls ara the only mad- Mao used In my Family They keep the ttvor. etamerh. and boweit In aotfsei randHtoa.and are the beta sssA ictae I know of.-J. H. KlrhpaMah. Piedmont, S. C. Until roeoatly I knee bom trsssfeted S^'KTwraca.'SS thorn Nr a month.- t am happy lamp C3pr.sc Placorvlfia, Ot A stiffs roe from Uver CtmaMas. Dye* ; pepata. aad Nsnrahda. for tha net twenty lEasggSsas , highly Itiawmialtl la mah rases. I pro : mwtafets. aad took thaas ateordmg Ja dlracekm, They hate fesnsffls.l monsata than any othor Medicine I have reer taken.-P. B. Bogota. Xaad , met.. lad. be rule era the meat Miwag Ss. iSI btMarlnLe heursafler lattag^tham. ; Ffeff Ihe fnrpaeea !f a to a sHsanHm la Ihe itemesh. tteer. and hoseele. Ihe eafeas end mlMeet remedy la Ayer’s Pills. ’hr&Adfc'M&ttUt

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