REV. DR. TARMAGH THE BHOOKIiYN DIVINE'S SDN* DAY SEE MON. “The HeavfM Opewd** Text: «Behold l see the heavens and the Son of man. standing am Ilk right hand of <;«*#. Then, they cried out with a loud voice ami stopped their ears, and ran upon Him with one ward. and cast him out of the city, and stoned Him; and the witnesses hrid down their clothes at a young man's feet, whom name wits Saul. And they stoned Stephen, catting upon God. ami sag Mg*, lord Jesus, receive my spirit. And he kneeteii i town , and cried with a loud voice, lord, lay not this sin to their charge. And tvhen he had said thi\ he fell asleep."—Acts vii, 56-fIA. Stephen ha*l Kva preaching a rousing ser mon, anti the people coukt n*4 stand it. TVt resolved to do as men sometime* w*>uK) kike tu do in this day. if they dared, with some pbun preacher of righteousness - kid him. The only way to silence this man was to knock the breath out of hitu. So* they rushed Stephen out of the gates of the city, ami with curse, and whoop, and Mt«>w they him to the cliff, as was the custom when they wanted to take away life by stoning. Having brought him to the » , dge\>f the cliff they poshed him off. After he had fallen they cam * and looked down, ami seeing: that In' i was not yet dev*!, they U*gat* to drop stones upon him. stoue after stone, stone after stonnv Amid this rain of missiles Stephen clamber* i up on his knees an I folds his lutvb. while the blood drips from hk> temples to his cheeks, from his cheeks to his garments, from his gar- ! meats to tho ground; and then, hokte; u|v he makes two prayer*—one for himself ami one for his murderers. “Lord Jesus, receive ! my spirit ;* that was for himself. “Iwond. hr ! not this sin to their charge.'- that was for Hts ! assailants. Then, from pain and kns of Mood, j be swooned away and fell ad-vp. 1 want to show v**n today tivepidurw. Stephen gazing into heaven. Stephen leek- 1 ing at Christ. Stephen stoned Stephen in j his dy tag prayer. St-ph* *« aslee|x First, look at Stephen gazing into heaven, i Before yon take a hap ye* want to* know where you are pang to h»L Before vow climb a ladder yon want to know bn what point the ladder rttfka And it mw right that Stephen within a lew moments of l heaven. should be ga'ing into it. We would all do well to be found in the same posture. There is enough in heaven to keep us gating. A man of large wealth may have statuary in the hall, and painting* in the sitting room, and works of art in all |«*rts of the bxwsse. butt he has the chief pi-'tore* in the art gallery, and there, hour after- h*»ur. wai walk with catalogue and glass and ever increasing *1 miratioiL Wed. heaven is the gallery where God h» gathered the chief trvamrvs *or x»f amcthvst and blossom, and on the wiuduig cka* tatmr* are stretched out canvas on which onuminglc azure, and purple, ami s an I gohL But heaven is the gallery in which the chieT glories are gathered There are the brightest robes. There are the richest crowns. There are tlie highest exhilarations. John says, of it: “The king* of the earth shall bring their honor au*l glory into it.’ 1 ' And l see the procession l»* iniag. an I in the line come all empires, and the stars sprung up into an arch for the Ifsis |o march muler Inev keep step tothe sound of earth |uake and the pitch of avalanche from the mouutaiwv an*l the flag they l»ear is the flame of a c*»n suming world, and all heaven turns, out w ith harps and trumpets awl myriad voiced ac* clanmiation of angelic dominion to. wehvnv* them in, and so the kings of the earth bring •heir honor and glory into it. Bo you wvu der that good people often stand like Stephen, looking into heaven.' We have a great many friewls them. There is not a man in this house today **» isolate*! in life, but there is some one iu heaven with whom he one* shook hands. As a man gets older, the number **f his celeetud acquaintance very ra|*dlv muttiglw*. Wo have not had one glttnpr** of them since the night we kissed them good bye awl they went away; but still we stand gazing at lieaven. I As when some of our friend* go across the sea. we stand <>n the dock, *>r cm the steam tug. and watch ttom. and after awhile the hulk of the vessel disappears, awl then there i* only a patch of sail on the sky. awl scon that is gone, awl they are all out of and yet we stand looking in the same direction; so when »*ur friends, go away from us into the future world we keep looking down through the Narrows, and j Cing and gazing as though we voted t they would cam* out and stand cm s*>nie , evening clou*!, awl give us one glimpse of ■ their blissful awl transfigured facet*. While you long to join their companiowduiv and the ▼ears and the days go with sack teliwu that 1 phey break your heart, and the viper of pain, and sorrow and bereavement keeps gnaw imj at your vitals, you still stand, like Sto phen, gazing into heaven. Ycm wonder if they have changed since you saw them lad. \°u wonder if they would recognize vonr face now, so changed has it been with trouldw \ou wonder if, atuid the mvriad delight* they have, they care as niw-h tor you as thev usee! to when they gave you a hexane hand and put their shoulder under vonr burdens. You wonder if they k*ok anv okier; and f universal emaact)* **« all slave* l‘i *--fc. mati*u» of universal amnesty for all rehell Ahasuerus gathered the Babylonish ncddwr tuha table. *i.ssr-o I. entertained the k*r*ls of blwclawl at a ban ouet; Nanokoa 111. welcomed thet v zarof Russia and the Sultan of Turkey to hw feast. the Kittperorof Germany was gtaltcc have cwir mmist.M. George Baw-roft, sit down with him at his table; hut tell me. ye who. know m*wt of the weld's history, what other king ever asked the almulcwied, awl the forlorn, and the wretched, awl the outcast. t*» oxne and wt • lown Iwaiffp him? O. wonderful in vitatiou! You can take it tc'«lav. awl stawl at the head of the vlarkcwt alley in all this city, awl sat; 4 t ome! t bfhe few ywor rag* salve for your sore*, a throne f*w your eternal reigning." A t *tur**t that talk* like that, and acts like that, awl |vcr>K*o like that ‘ln y<*u w««t.|er that Stephen sod looking at Hims I hope to *tentl d rmtv •oing Me* same thing. I must Him. I must look up«a that fwe ****** with my sin, but now rwlinnt with wr pwdon I want to i* w-h that hand that knock**! off my shackfc*. I want t*> bur that v-wy which prowaiwasl my dehverawav Behokl Him. hub* «-hiklren. few if y*a» live to throe score years a»*| ten ycm will see ww*e so fair. Heh*>l*i Hun, ye agel cm* fw lie only **an shine through the dunam* of vernr fntfing eyesight. 8et4.1 Him. earth ' Hi hold Hon. haven. Wlmt a moment when all the nations of Ih. 'i|*w 1W awry man oomo upamt drop • dw anon his hnul. But those men did •u* »' nwh kill iShephtm as thev kilhal them edwe. Koery nehouiuh,! iijron them. White the*' murderers are transfixed hythe w-"rw destroy him. I say: “Stephen stoned '* When I « man in name grout, moral nr robgious reform batt ling against gr\>g*h*cpß, ovjcosing wickediHirits ,, The murderer stawling on the trapdoor, the black cap hring drawn over his luwd Iceforo tho ox ekmticm, may grimace about tho future; but you aw) ) have* no shame in *'onf« > ssmg some anxiety ahmt wherv wc* are going to come out. You are wa all laxly .There is within you a soul. 1 se it gleam from your eyes today, an I see it irradiating your countenance. Some times 1 am abashed before' an audience, w 4 tceeaiK* I romo under your physical eye >4ght, but because I roaliro tht* truth that I slaw! before so many immortal spirits. The luolmtuhty is that yonr laxly will at last find a urpuHaro in *vf the cemeteries that sunrcmwl this city. There is no doubt but that your bbatquwa will h* dooent nwl re •prrtfuk aw) you will to able to pillow your toml uwler the maple, or tho Norway spruce, cwttocyprow, or the blossoming Wr; but this spirit about which KK'iJwmi prayed, what di octem will that take! Wlmt guide will cs mrt it! What gate will ids'll to receive it - What chuel will be cleft for its pathway! After it has got to vend the light of our anil, will there to torches lighted for the rest of of the wayt Will the eoul Have h> travel through W itovts tofere it readies the gol law)* If we should kw our |»nthwny, will there to a casih' at w hose gate we winy ask the wav to tto city) O, this mysterious sfarit within us! Il ha* two wings, hut it is m a cage now. It w tockod fast to keep it; Imt let the »tow of this cage' ojmn tlie least, awl that soul is off. YCagle's w ing could not catch it. When the wml leaves The Iwsly it takes fifty worlds at a towwt Awl have I w* anxwtv about it! Have you no anxiety alxmt It ? 1 do not core w hat you do with my tody when my wml is gone, or whether yon Ixdieve in eremathm or inhumation.' I dial! deep just as well in wrapping of mekehdh as in satin lined with caghV down. Bnt my mu)—before I have this house this mewning 1 will find out where it is going to law). Thank CJtxl for the intimation of my text, that w hen we die Jesus takes us. That answers all ipiesl i«'ns few me. What though there were massive tors between here awl the city of light, Jesus couM remove them. What though tton* wera grout Sahara* of * lark ness. Jesus could illume them. What though I get weary on the way, t'hrist. could lift me on His cvami|ugh there were chasms to cows. His hand could transpft'rt me Then let Stephen's prayer to my dying litany; “ Icnl Jesus, receive my mrit" It may to in that hour we shall to too fretdc to say a long prayer. It may to in that hour we will not. to able to say the “ lord's IVaver," for it has seven |x* ions. IVttops we may to t**o feeble even to say t ho infant twayer our mothers taught us, which John vuincy A truth. Htepton asterp I have wen the wa driven with fto humeune untiHhe tang to I faun rouglit in the rigging, and wave ndng atmve wave wenml a* If that to storm the hwarons, and then I have asm the tomprol Inp, and the wave* mark awl everything Uowe smooth and Uiruashot as though a eamfung |4ace for the (Veto of heaven. Ho I have seen a man. wt*w life has toon tosM*l and driven, coming 'bwu at tost to an infinite calm, in which there wfurthe hush of heaven shtllahv Htepton aderp: , 1 saw such an one. lie (ought all his days against poverty and against abuse. Ttoy traduciHl his name. They ruttled at the door knob while lie was dying, with duns for debt* he could not pay; yot tho jH«ac<* of God brooded over his pillow, and while the world faded, heaven dawned, and the deepening twilight of earth's night was only tho owning t wilight of heaven’s morn. Not a sigh. Not a tear. Not a struggle. Hush! Btephen asleep! 1 have not the faculty to tell the weather. 1 can never tell by the setting sun whether there w ill to a drought or not. 1 cannot toll by the blowing of the wind w hether it will be fair weather or foul weather on the mor row. But I can prophesy, and I will prophesy what weather it will bo when you, the Christian, come to die. You may have it very rough now. It inay lx* this annoyance, the next another annoyance. It may in? this year one bereave ment, the next another bereavement. Before tiiis year has passed you may have to tog for bread, or ask for a scuttle of coal, or a pair of shoes; but spread your death conch amid the leaves of the forest, or make* it out of the straw of a pauper’s hut, the wolf in the jun gle Howling clos<* by, or inexorable creditors forking the pillow from under your dying iiead-Mjhrist will come in and darkness will go out. And though there may In* no hand to close your eyes, and no breast on which to rest your dying head, ami no candle to lift the night, the odors of God’s hanging garden will regale your soul, and at your liedsirie will halt the chariots of the king. No more rents to |>ay; ' no more agony because flour has gone up; no more struggle with the world, the flesh, and the devil;' but peace—long, deep, everlasting peace. Stephen asleep! •* Asleep In .lesus, blessed sloop, From which none ever wake to weep; A calm and undisturbed repose, Uninjured by the lust of foes. *• Asleep in Jesus, far from thee Thy kindred and their graves may be; Bui there is sill! a blessed sleep, From which none ever wake to weep.” You have seen enough for one morning. No one can successfully examine more than five pictures in a day. Thereforo we stop, hav ing seen this cluster of Divine Hapnoels— Htepton goring into heaven; Stephen looking at t'hrist; Stephen stoned; Stephen in lii»» dy’rg prayer; Stephen aale *p. The Porters of Constant in op It*. Another curiosity of Constantinople, which docs not excite disgust, Imt, on the contrary,a surprise akin to admiration is th e funnel, or porter. His name, which has in Arabic the same origin as that of camel, describes him quite well, lie is, in fact, a camel without the hump; Imt this hump is, however, more or less rep resented by a large leather cushion rest on his hack, and intended to support his burden. Moreover, the Turkish porter has tho sobriety, the patience, and the strength of the camel. The French proverb: “As strong as a Turk,” must have been suggested by the sight of this burden-carrying biped, whose hack is strong enough to bear frightful loads. One hardly dares to tell of some of their feats of muscle, for fear of being considered a boaster. ] lore are two,how ever, : Oue day when I changed n»y lodgings, I had three men come to remove my piano. They tied it up firmly with straps. Then two of them went away, and the third, stooping down, raised the piano, and placing it upon his hack, carried it a distance that took more than three quarters of an hour. On an other occasion I met a hamel who was carrying upon his hack an enormous calash, the wheels and axlctrccs of which had been taken off and fastened to one side of the vehicle The only thing wanting was the two horses on his arms. The passers-bv, accustomed as they were to these prodigies of strength, stopped to see this diminutive Hercules walk by, who disappeared under his load, taking an even and easy step, aud uttering at the same time the word “guarda.” The frugality of the fonml is equally surprising. Who knows but it is one of the secrets of his strength? He never eats any cooked food, except a little rice, and a kind of soft and insipid sea-crackcr, called pile in Turkish, and taking the place of bread. His ordinary food con sists of cucumbers, which he eats with the skin on, salad without salt or season ing, aud uncooked onions.— Cosmopolitan. On the March in India. The ‘ ‘rouse” bugle, its a ruin, is sounded about 4 a. m., anu shortly afterward the sleepy officer is awakened by his servant bearing a lamp in one hand, and a cup of 1 te-a or cocoa in the other. At the time of year when regiments in India are marching in course of relief, it is hitter cold, anil dressing is not an inspiriting process. About 4 :d0 you issue shivering from your tent and proceed to where the men of your company arc loading ele phants, camels, mules or pack bullocks with their camp equipage and kits. The scene is a busy and picturesque one, for all the light at this early hour is derived from torches ami blazing fires, and the confusion seems indefinite. At about 4:50 o'clock, however, the loading is completed; the “fall in” is sounded; and punctually at 5 o’clock away goeft the regiment as merrily as the darkness and tne occasional eccentricities of tho road will allow. After the first half hour a short halt is called; and thenceforward halts of five minutes every half hour, not including the long “coffee halt,” usually at about six miles from the last camp. During the coffee halt every one has coffee or tea and biscuits, the day having by this time broken, ami when once more the regiment moves off the hand strikes up, ami the brass instruments take turn about with the drums and fifes until the next camp is reached. Here the regi ment finds the camp already marked out by the camn color party sent on the night before for that purpose. In a very short time the c iunp is fully pitched; a general toilet follows, and a most welcome break • fast; and then, possibly, some shooting, lunch, stroll, an early dinner in the big mess tent, a chat round a camp fire, and bed. Not a very exciting existence, but a very sociable and eminently healthy one. Chambers'v Journal. Hlnfistics show that more married than •ingle men kill themselves. All “l*layr«l Out.” “Don’t know w hat nils m*> lately. Can’t eat well, can't sleep well. C'an't work, and don't enjoy doing anything. Ain’t renllv sirk, and I ain’t well. Feel all kind o’ pin veil tint, nonieway.” That is wliwt xeorc.* of jiicu w»y every day. it they wouM take Dr I’terra's “Goktei* Meriienl Ujsco.-nry ’ they would anon have no oivofion to sav it. It |*urifles the blon*l, tones np the system ami fori I fie* it against disease. Jt Is a gnat lint i billons remedy as well. A man In Folk Comity, Georgia, U living pleasantly with his eighth wife. Endurance «f fiaclety Peapls. A prominent society lady of Washington nekt'd by ti e Prince of Wales: “Why Is it you people here man I so llttlo fatigue from dan cing, receptions,eic.V” replied: “why, you see, we Airiericanagcln the\i aLity wasted in these dissip it.oiM by using Dr. Harter’s iroa Tonic. Uamtliters, Wisest Mothers. Send for Pamphlet on Female Dispute®,free, securely sealed. Dr. J. B. Marchbf.TJtica.N. Y. Piles Cured for ‘J.I Cents. Du, Walton’s Curb for Piles is guar antee* Ito cure the worst case of piles. Price 25 cents. At druggists, or mailed [stamps taken] by the Walton Remedy Co., Cleveland, O Never spaak evil of anyone. Be just be fore vou are generous. Don’t disgust everybody by hawking, blow ing ami spitting, butuso Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy and be cured. Small and sternly gains give competency with tranquility of mind. Many People Refuse to Tnke Cod Liver Oil on account of Its unpleasant taste. This dlfflcnlty has been overcome in Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophos’ It being as palatable as milk, and tho most valuabl remedy known for the treatment of Consumption, Scrofula and Bronchitis, General Debility, Wasting Diseases of Chil dren. Chronic Coughs and Colds, has caused physicians in all parts of the world to use it. Physicians report our little patients take It with pleasure. Try Scott’s Emulsion and be convinced. “I Feci So Well.” “I want to thank you for telling me of Dr. Pierce's “Favorite ’lYescription.” writes a Indy to her friend. “For a long time I was unfit to ai tend to the work of my household. I kept n I tout, but I felt thoroughly miserable. I had terrible backaches and bearing down sensations across me and was quite weak and discouraged. I sent and got some of tlie medicine alter receiving your letter, and it has cum! mo. I hardly know myself. I feel so well.” Wliat makes life dreary is the want of motive. The I test cough medicine is Piso’s Cure for Consumption. Sold everywhere. ‘Jto One Fact Is worth a column of rhetoric, said an American statesman. It Is n fact,«stabllshed by the testimony of thousa'iflK of people, that flood'd Sar39parllla docs cure ic r ofiiln s ilt rheum, and other diseases or affect I ns at I 1m; fr m 1 • pure stiteor low condl il nos tho r>l od. It al?o overcomes that tired feel ln . r , creates a Rood app- tlte, and Rives strength to every part of the s. stem. If you nee 1 a roo 1 blood pur.'fler, to Ic. or p;> try Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It will do you go. C. Send forour hook of Instruoilooß. LIVER, BLOOD AND LUNG DISEASES. Liver Disease and Heart Trouble. Mrs. Mary A. McClure, Columbus, Kam., write*: “I addressed you in November, IHH4, in regard to my health, toitig afflicted with liver disease, heart trouble, aud female weak ness. I was advised to use Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, Favorite Pre scription and Pellets. I used one bottle of the ‘Prescription,’ five of the ‘ Discov- cry,’ nn*l four of the * rioaannt Purgative Pellets.’ My health be jfnn to improve under the use of your medicine, and my strength came back. My difficulties have ail disappeared. | can work lutrd all day, or walk four or five milcsaday.and stand it well; and wlien I began using tlie medicine 1 could scarcely walk across the room, most of the time, and I did not think I could ever feel well wrain. I have a little baby irirl eight months old. Although sin* is n little delicate in size and appearance, she is healthy. 1 Rive your reme dies all the credit for curing me, as i look no other 1 reatineut after beginning their use. I nm very grateful for your kindness, mid thank God and thank you that I am as well as 1 am alter years of suffering.” Mrs. I. V. WenBER, of Yorkshire , Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., writes: “ I wiah to «t>' a few words iu praise of your ‘Golden Medical Discovery * and ‘Pleasant Purgative Pellets.’ For five years previous to taking them 1 was a great sufferer; I had a severe pain in my right side continually; was Liver Disease. mmmmmmmmmi unable to do my own work. I am happy to say I am now well and strong, thunks to your medicines.” Chronic Diarrhea Cured.— D. Lazarrk. Km]., 275 and ??7 Decalur Street. New Orleans, Jai.. writes: **l used three bottles of the ‘Golden Medical Discovery/ and it has cured me of chronic diarrhea. My bowels are now regular.” “THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.” Thoroughly cleanse the blood, which is th** fountain of health, by using Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, an*i »* »d digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, and bodily lieallb and vigor will In* establislieil. Golden Medical Discovery cures all humors, from the common pimple, blotch, or eruption, to the worst Scrofula, or blood poison. Especially has it proven its efficacy in curing Salt-rheum or Tetter, Fever-sores, Hip-joint Disease, Scrofulous **i .s and Swellings, Enlarged Glands, and Eating Ulcers. ; Hev. F. Asbttry Howell, Pastor of the M. E. Church, of SUverton , A. ./., says: “I was af flicted with catarrh and indigestion. Boils and blotches began to arise on th** surface *.f the skin, and 1 experienced h tired feeling and dullness. I togan the use of Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery as directed by him for such complaints, ami iti one week’s Indigestion Boils, Blotches. time 1 Ix'gan to feel like a new man, and tun now sound and well. The * Pleasant Purgative Pellets’ are the tost remedy for bilious or sick headache, or tight ness about, the chest, and bad taste in tin; mouth, t hat I have ever used. My wife could not walk across Ihe floor when she began to take your ‘Golden Medical Discovery.’ Now oho can walk *iuite n little ways, and do some light work. Mrs. Ida M. Strong, o/ Aiiumxntlu, Ltd.,writes; “My little bov hnd been troubled with hip-joint disease for two year*. When be commenced the use of vonr *wo Wen Medical Discovery * and *PH Ms, lie was confined to his tod, and could not be moved without suffering glint pain. Hut Hip-Joint Disease. now, thanks to your Discovery,’ ho 5s able to to up all the time. CONSUMPTION, WEAK LUNGS, SPITTING OFBLOOG- GOI.I.X* Mkdicai. I»«W*vr.BT .HPra non»iiin|.tl.)„ (which i, (hT.,fui„„i (|,o i.uiiks), l,y it. w,. n .|. rful hkw.l , tine nml nruriliv" prop.-rlc.. For Woak I.oiiuk, K,.ii(,„p „f j. shortm** 11,,',ih. Mr, ~" ' - " : \\X SSi iiriflra 11 18 “ •° vcrra « n ’"•«*, » «*»."« U,c Bovcnwt r«„.,lw ll s ■ ! “wlitinf up ,hC vtum ' n "' l lncrras " B tho ll, * h “*0 Os 11,«» rcloccd below the usual hteurlunl of lr Uth by (!on*iim|Mloii.~Alni. Edward Newton, of ffarrmamitth* Ons., writes: ** You will ever he praised by mo for tin remarka- Id** cure in my case. I was no rea*i all Klv»*ii mo up. and I Imd nls«» lieoii given up by Iwo doctors. I then went to the to«t doetor hi then* parts. He tohl hi*' that medicine was on’y a punishment in my enw, and would not. uml. j takc to treat me. He said I might try God liver oil if I liked, ns that was the only thing that tumid possi bly have any curative power over consumption m. Tar advanced. I tried the Cod liver oil ;m « |., h t treatment, but I was so weak I could not keep it on my Hteunuch. My husband, not feeling satisth d to give me im> yet, though he laid bought for inu Given Up to Die. everything he saw adv* rfiw d tor my complaint, pro* nr*•«l ;• quan tity of your ‘Golden Mcilical Dlaeovery.’ I took ou!y four hottlea and. tel the surprise »f everybody, am to-day doing my own work, pud am entirely free from that terrible cough which hnrrnw*» me night and «lav. I have b(*en afflicted with rheumatism Tor anuml** r of >ears, and now feel a*i inm h Iwtte r that I lielicve, with neon tinuationof your‘Golden Medical Discovery/ 1 will lx* nwloivd to perfect health. 1 would aay to these who are falling a prey to tlmt terrible dianaae consumption, do n**t do ns I did, take every thing ids** rtn»t; but take tho‘Golden Medical Discovery ’ in the early stages of the dte-asc, and ttoreby sev«* a gn*at deal of suf sering and Ih* n *te»r***| to health st once. Any (H-num who is atill In iloubt, ii***jil but writ** me. Inclosing a stnni|K**l, a* If. H*idr«w«*> 1 » *iv« loo.* for reply, when tho foregoing stat»-m* nt will be fully sutoUutlatcd by me.” Vlrer Cnrod. Isaac E. Downs. T>q., at Valin/ Hochland C 0 .% A", r, ( P. O. Box 3H), writes: ‘‘Th*? ‘Golden Medl- Golden Medical Dlsrorery Is Hold by BruserM*. Price SI.OO per Bottle, or Six Bottles for $5.00. WORLD’S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Proprietors. Wo. U] Main Hired, BUFFALO, N. V. A MG ONt-f THUS fiyißON Es TONIC R Will purify tin* BI.OOD the LIVED tied KIDNEY** and KKSTOHV the nEALTH anTjfH %gflß OR of YOUTH !»s|f»l'».*» of Appetite, Indigestion J -• of iUreimth and Tmxl I'eeitr.g nb iKWiflrM Holutuly r»»red: Honw*. nn»*- cion and iif roes receivo >y w for*T. Enlivens the uimd llt „| Mir-pIM- Brain j . _ _■*** Siilf'«ritiir In*in complaint* LADIES !rSB.‘ r HABT r wiVi*cm ■ rigonly add to the ronolaniy of tho nriGiml. D*» not experiment - •••t Mm ObioinaL ANL BEST. TFEDHeHARTEF. MTO’CINE COM I'ANY. St. Louis- ***». dtc£os.£CeA>-e4iAfi&,t UI.OVKK BUILDING, Washington. 0. C IttAK MtH, MtAK BUifitH. Hr. KAIIIIT* BLOOD GRANULES ar« tnarvtlout, she sknsation of the hour. Thousand* have used them and not one but Is enthusiastic ovei their wonderful properties. Xt cents: f> boxes, $1 Os DnißclatK or »*y mall, postage prepaid. Allli* vallds should send account of ••aKc. sj mptoms, etc. with order and we will DO YOU GOOD. Addre-v Pr. Will. M. BA I HD, Wnshlsgfn, K, J MARVELOUS MEMORY, DiHCOV WHY. Wholly uullkonrtificlkl sysletns. . Any book learned in oue lead lug. Recommended by Mark Twain, Richard * rooto* the «--|enU»t. Uom. \V. W Ast*v. .1 iid.xh P. Benjamin. J Dr. Miner, etc Class of Hn Columbia law student* ‘ two c|MH*>s 310 each at Yale,3UU Hulversity of JVob., tou at. Wellesley Collate, etc. Prospectus p*;st free vUUh'. LOUBITK. 9M9 Fifth Av#.. Now York. _ ILJms Wtnm Soldier- mI U now I NlcXlCSn W«l. reedve pell-ion. Apply sit once Win. W.'. w i iiiM.ien. l». r. One Agent (Merchant only) wanted In every town for Evorylmdy wants "TairdPs l‘nnrli" r «' cigar now; they were ulwntsgnnd but of L'if.' they liavi* im | proved. I heart ly approve of >oiir way of doing business, you arc sure to hold and in* i« asc your ' trade. A. ARRXn, Druggist, Chicago, 111. Address, K. W. T.\ NSI I.L. A CO., f'liiciigo. I ROOT BEER In •. wholesome beverage. Sold by druggis'*; mail **) for j<9. C. E. HlKEarff N. Del*. Ave.. Phila , Pa Anift nrUCD To Introduce them, we will Dill urrerfs Give Away 1.000 Self Operating Washing Machines. If you want ; oncseu*! nsyourname.P.O.andexpressoftt* e . at mice. The National Co.. *T« i>«y St.N.Y. ! i ; * l Xrun roH c’ata General , Bebilitv. 1 IhihiMffiimHura dyspeiwia. I am pleased to say that your ‘Gold* n M<*yM|>ep*«ia. - L. Colby, Esq.,of Yucatan, llmslon <’**., .Vimi., writes: “ l trouble*! with indigestion, and %vould «at heartily ami grow poor at. the same tini«*. I *’.vperi«‘iu , *tl heart burn, sour stemuicli, an*i many oth**r disagreeabl*' symptouiH comni«>o I sNVIGORATES THF, SVSTEH. dom; in the same length of time in my lif»*. I never t«*«*k a im dicinc tlmt. seemed to tone up the muscles nml in\ig**iate the whole system e*]ual to your ‘Discovery’ and * J , *li«t;*.’ ” DygpopMia.—Tiikrbsa A. Cass, of Syrinageld, 3 1»., writ* “I was troubli'd oue year with liver complaint, dys|»* iwia. «i.*t slecplessmvs, but your ‘Golden Aleilicul Discovery’ cured in*..", ♦ bill* au«l Fever*— Rev. 11. E. Mosley. Montuunenci, s. writes: " Gist. August I thought. I would «li«- with «*liills am! I* v»*r. I to*)k your * Discovery ’ and it steipi***! them iu a very thorl tmu. and can walk with the help of crutches. He d*H's not suit* r any pain, am! can eat anil sleep tut well as any on**. It lias *u»i> !••■» n ulsnii thn*e months since he commenced using your »nedi« m* . ! i wniiot tlml words with which lo i xpress my gratiUiih* for the toneflt he Ims received through you.” nrfssn | Affiiotiun. 1 «'**v* ring the whole of tin* lower limit** from f««*t i - km**, th* n mtackcd th*- «‘ll>ows and iHvam* mi H» ver«* as t** | her. After bring treated by wverul physicians f«»r a vear oi tv%<* nb" o)mtn<'ii Poole thmk* th** medicine has saved Imt life ami |*r« >long«**l b**r *s\s." Mr. T. A. AyttKs, of East Acw Market, JJurihtelcr ‘Juufkit. 3- i., vouches for the above facts. cal Discovery has cured iny daughter or a\erv bad ut,-* r to*nt«d on Die thigh. Alter trying almost • rythiug witliotii sm *•.> .«. jirocure*) thm* I•*»t rl* k **f y**ur ‘Discovery,’ which heaie*) it up |H-ifcctly. Mr. Downs continues: (on.iiniptinn and lliart Dlww«.- “I „k., („ tliaiik you for the remarkable euro you liavoeffect***1 iu mv • '*•* Wasted to A Skeleton. t' fl.ra. mnnil...' t »||[ flvr month«' Inalrm-nl In all. The lire! two i.miiil,. i 2„L ,, J5 ’.ioul.l not (» ri> iv.. any fn\ nniliU- . \ i,.i.i • Imt tin. tlurd in..nth 1 Inmi t*. i-h k in. in anil nln until. I numnt now nvitc how, m. phy at. p, llh- mini and rt d!n.« ..l r.Uim.nir hcalih irradunlly hut nunly divil.,iH.| th.i wl.. ui'i'.Vrfrrii B ° K ' ,cu ” * a and ,uty. and am ».ll In ‘’'lrina Mr. Howtu’ t.-rril.K- .l -.u was tho ** Uoldco Medina! Dkami^." Bleeding from Lungs. disrotitJuued it.** Lecture on | "ROUGH ON RATS. n jWE5*3| vlbimlL A.oM MiyUunc cuntolnillG it Uirnuelmut joor future uwful 0) can—re.Wu oJdw htmdm u&- J«ct to its .pectftl *Kou«h mn . DON’T FOOL UdLSSP nJACv In futile effortfl with innre-l V dcr, borax or what not, iweu at random all oyer tba bona© to get /affiMHh rut of R.wichre,W»t€r-hu*,,Bre)t.£Mj®*«uJl Im. For aor » ni*ht« ■ fWI «S* “RonuH os R*t»’ drypowdur.* . J \_ about aud down tho rink, drain ▼ ▼ pipo. Firat thine fn the nioraiii* wMh It nil ew.y down the sink, drain pipe, wbra nil the inuecte from gurH to orller wIU dirappew. Tho oecrot U lo the fact th»t whermer uuecta in tho house, they munt DA AeUCC “Bouaßou Ki rs, is sold »« Bround the world, in every clime. Is the m< wt cxteusividy Bdrortisml and has the laraeet of any article cf Its kind on the face of the clnbe. DESTROYS POTATO BIIGS For Potato Buns, Insocts on y .nos, etc., a table, spoonful of the powder, weU shaken, in a ke* ofwater. and appl»-d with spru.klin* pot spray ryrißce, or whisk fwviora. Keep it wefl stirred up. 1t.;., She. and SI Boxes. Afjr. H. -CLEARS OUT BED BUGS, FLIES^ afk*rabbi Lb, m a w miidifni * Mrtr«. ifc*nlii“. S N FINE Blooded Cattle, Sheep, Hugu S3--—Skl’oultry, Do«s f*if*idc. CatalogucM with l.’A engraving-* free. N. I*. Royer & « .... t'mlmllle, fa |)XPi|| m iivLifo :s.di**l'ir-hi|» in it.;' Vrllll ('III. KM IN ll.i-ii.c— 1 lIM.KI.i. Jinil Mdi tiih. N•* vv IrK-*i... I’<-Ili*m- ' -r nP mff nff gra«luat*'>. Ncii»*n;«l patioiiagr. Write fur Circulars to 11. COI.K IIAN. VI A “V* CT ffj nr C 2 Uiiluiw*!. Betid Kturupfo IVI C.IW I O Inventor** Oulile. L. ) iso i i\M. I’afe-nt l/Hwvcr. W intdiigbei. 1). < . c, MARLIN REPEATINC RIFLE Guarar. BESX |M THE teed perfectly ac- A wr .p. ni curate and absolutely *rv roGnLO. *afc. Mfido m all biscg for x largo or small game. It A I.S.A It l» (lulicvy, II imt lug and Target Itllles. Need for lllu»iruled C'ulilluguc. Muriiu FlreAriuaL'u., New llutru,t'vuu. y iS’SSSisSt:' ■? FAtIS. t . Mrs. Pabmelia Britndagk, of 161 Loch Street, backport, A. f. writes: “ I worn taMUed with ehilis, uervousand general d«'hility, with fr*«4U« r:». sore throat, and my mouth was badly maker* *l. My liver was inactive, ami I Huff«*re*l much fr«*ut to that disorder. I commenced taking yo»ir ‘Golden M<**iical Discovery’ ami ‘P#'lk*ts,‘ an* 1 lam now entirely fre* frou tbe dyspepsia, u i am, in fact, h**nlthicr than f liav** b**n l* r five years. I weigh one hundred ami t>* veiity ono and one-lmif pounds, ami iia\> dont mucii work tlie past summer as I have ev* r | Shin B>iMc«iMc. The“Dcmoe«tttami N* v. Jof Cambridge, warykuut* says: “Mrs. Eijza I Ann P*N)LK, wife of leuirml P.»..!. . of 11./ I luiiMburg, lMrrchtAcr Co., Old., has Uni cur***! I of a bad cast* of Kezcma by using Pr. Pierce's I Golden Medical D)sc*»v* ry. Tte* disease »|*- (■eared tii-Ki in her bvt.exUiMh*. to it**- kit* * . For thr**«* y«*ars I had sufftTe*! from tlud t< m bte *li»*tt»**, (••nsut'.iptioii. and h* urt «ii - t * Before consulting you I Imd wasted ava> t«* a ski-let*m ; «*ouM not d*r|» run- r* st. ami munv Hums wisheil t*»*l»** t«) U* out of my now i s i then i•ng fr»*n* the lung*) tofon* sh«* **«»tniiictHV«i usoig vonr Golden Medical Discovery.’ Hhe has’ not h«»l any sine** its uw. For some six months she has been fceliug so w* 11 that sla iuu)