CHARLOTTE MESSENG ER. VY. - SEPT. a. lsv; ttt R (VI'MIGS. »!'s (f, K.i ClwMvii, Mint St. *\>a, », mm Sjiw, ,N. m„ 3 as. and X j*. to. at s|v to. Rev. M. St-MW, ■ (A. M. R. JCA R St, Sot to,. 3 p. to, and 8 p, to. i; .mssnW, jiastor. if jtajvcr has a hlne j>i'.-s mark, it will he stopjverl -?' J '*l*' "*■ '‘'annul continue ” \ n tislwst sfl»c nw«|, - rat »g* anti let us continue it :dcai, WXOrXCRMRXT, r Ac fttfe of July we trill ns> . - viiSt 3, <5. ami 12 months >;eat tlie following ratos: r'n tbs. 3tt neMt: 8 nwnitiia, 75 v .or year, $1.50, JT»- s;' \ our jssjw W a blue mark ■:i -b> week, it trill simply mean »•.• •>!••• i-tojwUvvl to disvnntinuc send : until j»»atttk np. Wo r,. •.. .top it, hot cauaet send it *3: •: tV Mac wark appears. I 2, Hv imos. J\ «. hex 73, U X. 0,, is the Supreme . , „f the Universal ftnuhcr ; Nerth Carotin*. A,.s.v»s Miss S. P, Young, J. K. Smith, Fayetteville; R Hill. VYilmiufto*; R. K M alu tts: i. 1. Walkor, Salia ; ti, I! Ucudcrrou, Washiug 5*.C, t • Mr, Kt» llasum is authorized - /s' a»’J oollort snWtipliwns for ,>s»«*n, s»3 takvs ohargo of list. SttWriWs trill ploase . 'aith hint, 4, F, K. Si«tp.a»n tras in the *itt this week anil loft for Monroe Tknrslny. K'».*aW ers'tv lectured at Khoncaor IX eottrodt last Monday night. t "atv normal ok*'l at Sali*- l '. wdlopm on the 21*t iust.. llev. 4 tt t'roahy prinsipal The revival at Clinton chapel is vr!i 0.-;ug .ot .More than a doaon roLKerts arc ,-epartad and many »»*■ ts*. seekw evorv night. Uw R. H. Stitt will not he in it* rity t .morrow, hnt regular servi «• will he hold at t.raeo church at tl «.ua! hoars. I'tcaac turn ont on t'srA. are ont anuoanctng the ; Ms.. Isa! Ila Mendenhall of*' E wo to Mr. W 11. McNeill of I •!« t«Uc, on the »»oming of the H' - «. Thank- for an invite, !*(..• J F K Simpson, a grad *>' i 1)114U-. and who has been t ag in F-y otter tile the 'vst |v« J aars has been elected one of the tench- ■ ers in the normal nt Salisbury. Mr. W K. Holly, a former citizen of Charlotte, is in town with his wife, who is very rich. Charlotte Light Infantry. Capt. Grey Toolo reports his com pany in excellent trim, and in a few days ho proposes to astonish the town. He has some fine looking men in his company. Lynch Ings. Almost daily wo read of some color ed man being hanged for rape by a mob. Now it seems foolish, indeed, for colored men, with all the light of the past before them, will commit a crime that the people feel is worse than murder,ami one from which there is no escape. Rape means death, and the fool who aceomplishcs it, never ex pects nothing else. Another Snd Case. On last Monday afternoon the sad news reached this city that Mrs. huvonia Haglcr was dead. She died in Columbia S. C. on Monday at 10 minutes past one, after several weeks suffering. She was a native of Charleston S. C. and the wife of Mr. William H. llagler of this city. She was a loving, kind and affectionate woman. She was loved ‘by all who knew her, as was evidenced by the groat crowds that met the corpse at the depot. She was an affectionate and dutiful wife, a consistent Christian, and from childhood a member of the Methodist church. The corpse arrived here Tuesday evening and rested in Clinton Chapel till Wednesday morning and was from thence buried in I’inowood cemetery. The husband and family have the sympathies of the community. Clinton Chapel Sunday School. Clinton Chapel Sunday School was out in full last Sunday; the secretary reported four hundred present. In tlie altar were Revs. C. L. Davis of Greensboro, C. C. I’cttcy, Herndon and Slade. Rev. Fred Jacobs and Mr. 11. C. Chambers were also present. The school was addressed by I'ntf. Davis who spoke very com plimentary of the school and credited it with being the largest he had seen in the South. Rev. C. C. Pettey made a short address. The music on this occasion was unusually good. The choir seemed at its best as when Prof. Taylor waved the baton. Mrs. Josie Heard presided at the organ. This school is not only sustaining its reputation as the largest in the con ference. hut as the best singing Sun day School also. Mr. Calvin’s Farm. We all know Mr. A. W. Calvin as the grocery merchant on Trade street nearest the Mint. While there is nothing in his actions or appearance to show it, Mr. Calvin is said to he a colored man; and since lie is in telligent, industrious, honest and successful, we the more gladly accept and class him a Negro. Mr. Calvin has one of the prettiest and best horses in the country. On Tuesday afternoon last lie took us out to drive and look at his new farm. , It seems that lie had the good for tune to buy from a first class farmer, as the farm house and growing crops ' clearly show. The farm is just two miles north east from Independence | square ou the poor house road and j has a lovely location, being well elevated and level. The soil is r sandy and fertile, the red clay being left a half mile west of it. There are seventy acres, a good two-slory house with seven rooms, all necessary out house*, barns, Ac., a well of excellent water, peach orchard, apple orchard, s grape vines, &o.,Ac. There are twenty i four acres of as fine corn now on it - as is in the country. The fodder is just ready for pulling. The house si ts at a nice distance Iron) the road 11 on a beautiful elevation with a slant ing oak grove. ' This farm adjoins Wadsworth, 11 Shannonhousc and others, and Mr. Calvin, though a Negro, is considered « a neighbor; for besides Itis present II residence, the six cottages now being J built, his store and standing among '• . im ii. lightful to take, HJA '8 whole SYSTEM and of great value Strengthening i os a Medicine for I Viol'J the Muscle 3, Tan weak and Ailing vdV -I ir.g the NEKVF-S, 1 Women and Chil- ■ I and completclyDi -1 the tood. CONTAINS ’■ no hurtful ■L *| by 1 ead in g Minerals, is com- II phycicians,telling t posed of carefully IV CFJMi new to treat de selected Vegeta- I VPvYj cascs at HOME, i ble Medicines, A Vnl mailed, together combined skill- u MKH with a set of hand - fully, making a" A \ * some cards by new Safe and Pleasant v Hcliotype process, t Remedy. on receipt of io c. For ul« t»f sll DmenUl* un i flrorer*. SbnuM th«4Mii-r umi S 1 you n«t k«»p VOI.IXA MINIMAL, remit gI.UO, »u 4 » full 014 I UrtlU will U wul, itutrgM ( > j mi rtiau OKI T RT , Volina Drug and Chemical Company, * * lULII'MIBE, Jill., f. la. A. 'iv’ ,i Cheapest It Dost Business College in the Uar’d nil,*.) K,Mriliil til-:vrr,fr - 1 u < WvHrf'a K .poallli n. l r Hi mu ®f Ho u.-lu ipl >J ••• 1 gcnrrul fMo*»M on. NUOO <.n..'uui. ■ fa i II Main CAM. IMTCMMOK «»|>loy<-o. Coot of Full Bu »!«• • M i fiwrar, IwlaJiM Ytrttfaa. P»afl»«erjr *:,l | >''L * illfWHwi*. Typr-W Htlwf S Teirgrapkj'.apml-*-- «■ No Varatlo*. KMrrKew. OraTuoie. ter i For rkaoiar*. -Mnm Kpbralm W. »mltb. •*/ Wilbur U. Mu lib, fra.tfrai, b| OOIMIIE -AJSTID SIEE. Big reductions in prices of Ladies Visites and Now Markets. Look at our $5.00 Visiles. About 45 suits of Ready Made Clothing At a Big Reduction. Christmas Goods in Gloves, Kerchiefs, Muffles, Astrachan Muffs, &c. Gent’s Kids, Foster Hooks, at $1.50. SPECIAL PRICES In Ladies’, Gents* and Children’s Underwear this week. Embroidered Cashmere Scarfs, Cashmere Shawls—all shades. Nice line of Gents Neckties and Cravats. HARGRAVES & ALEXANDER, SMITH BUILDING. -p TIT" “TT 5 . JL JnL JCLi Messenger is published every Saturday at CHARLOTTE, - - N. C., in the interests of the COLOR E D PEO PLE i AND THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. It is the only Republican paper in the Western end of the sixth Congressional Distrcit. Subscription, $1.50 per year. W. C. Smith, Editor and Proprietor, Charlotte, N. C. PRINTING! BILL-HEADS, LETTER-HEADS, NOTE-IIEADS. STATEMENTS, EN VELOPES, CARDS, POSTERS, CIRCULARS, AND ALL i KINDS OF MERCANTILE PRINTING, I Done in the best manner and at lowest rates. Address all orders R. E. BLAKEY, . 8 north College and 207 west. Trade St., CHARLOTTE, N. C- E. M. ANDREWS, Has the Largest and Most Complete Stock of ip l '[JRIsriTTJRB In North Carolina. COFFINS & METALLIC CASES. Pianos and Organs Os the Best Makes on the Installment Plan. Low Prices and Easy Terras. Send for Prices. Chickering Pianos, Arion Pianos, Bent Pianos. Mathushek Pianos, Mason & Hamlin Pianos. ! M as(>n &11 Amlin Organs, 1 Jay State Organs, Packard Organs, IE. M. ANDREWS, ; ; ; Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. BOOTS AND _SHOES. Oar store is now filled with Now Goods, fresh from tho manufacturers. Wo carry a full stock of all grades, and of the Very Best Quality, and guarantee that you shall have the worth of your money in every instance. Our Prices will be made low to suit the times. Call and see us. A.E.RANKIN & BRO TRYON STREET. A. W. Calvin, —DEALER. IX— Family Groceries of all kinds. Country Prcduce al ways on hand. CHICKENS, EGGS, BUT TER and all kinds of VEGETABLES and FRUITS. —ALSO, DEALER IX — Lumber, and Building Material. delivery to all parts of the city. NEW RESTAURANT Mr. Curtis Garrett has opened a Restaurant for tho accommodation of tho public in Greensboro. It is con veniently situated, at the depot. Board and lodging furnished. H B KENNEDY, * DEALER IX Confectioneries, Fancy and Staple Groceries. Chickens, Eggs, Butter, Vegeta bles, and all kinds of Country Produce. Everything kept in a well regulated Grocery Store. Melons, and Fine Fruits a specialty. No. JOB south Graham street, Charlotte, N. C. REDUCTION IN GROCERIES ! To-day, June 25th, l will sell Flour, Meal, Bacon and Sugar, at prices below competi tion. Pome get our prices on these articles and lie convinced. Z. HAUGHTON, J*., 303 south D street. BRANCH HOUSE, 150 Market Street, next to Academy of Music, CHARLESTON, S. C. First Season will be opened July 1, ’B7. i First-Class Board anil Accommodations at reasonable rates. F. M. THORNE, Proprietor. WANTED. A lady graduate of one of the lead ing normal schools of the State, wants a school. Persons wanting a good female teacher will do well to address “School Teacher,” Care Charlotte Messenger, Charlotte, N. C. FOR RENT. One Cottage, each, on Graham and Church Streets. R. Barringer. (Mr tiob £7l RON EJtonic iXDiisiSsiKsi •»fe, »p«edr ear*. Giv** • clear, healthy comrleatoo. All attempts at coaDUrfeiting only adds to lUpopa larlly. Do not experiment—fret OataiKAL AKDBSaT • a ■ Headache. Hample Doaa and Dream Book! mailed on reeelpt of IwooenU In poatace. f THE PB. HARTER MEDICINE CO., BT. IQttlS, Mg. pROFESSORS E. MOORE and S. O. ATKINS, —EXMIIKNCED— NORMAL SCHOOL WORKERS & INSTITFTK CON I>l TUTORS, Will Iw |*rc'|>«N'd to accept calls to any work * in this line during the summer. Superintendents or other arliool officials ; who would uvail themselves of the profee ■ sional servhvs of these gentlemen an* invited I to address either one or both of them. ZION WESLEY COLLEGE, '• i Salisbury, N. C.