CHARLOTTE MESSENGER. SA'JTROAY, - SEPT. 17, 1887. OUR CHURCHES. St. Michael's (P. E.) Church, Mint St. Service* <d 10 »• m. anil Bp. in. Sundny stliml nt lp. in. Rev. I*. P. Alston, pas tor. >|. K. Church, Graham Street. Ser vin'* nt il p. in. and 8 n. m. Sunday school at 10a. m. Rev. K. M. Collett. pastor • Kirst Itnptist Church, South Church St. Services ul 11 o. in., il p. ni. and 8 p. m. Simdny-school at 1 p. in. Rev. A. A. Powell, pastor. Kbenexer liuptist Church, East Second it. Services at 11 a. in., 3p. in. and Bp. n. Sunday-school at 1 p. m. Rev. lAuanTON, jiastor. Presbyterian Church, corner Seventh wild College Sts. Services at 3 p. m. and Np. m. Sunday-school at 10 a. m. Rev. It. P IVveil E, pastor. i 'lint mi ('lmpel, (A. M. E. Z.) Mint St. Services at 11 a. in., 3 p. in. and 8 p. m. Siiuiliiy-sehool at Ip. in. Rev. Jf. Slade, pastor. Mill- liock, (A. M. E. Z.) E St. Ser vices ni 11 a. in.. 8 p. in. and 8 p. in, Rev. Wm. Johnson, pastor. Ts your paper has a blue cross mark, it will be stopped till you pay np. We cannot continue to send it to you without, some money. Please pay up and let us continue it to you. JLiOC-A-L. ANNOUNCEMENT. After the ilth of July we will re- i ccipt for only 3, C, and 12 months J subscriptions at the following rates: 3 months, 50 cents; 0 months, 75 cents; one year, $1.50. your paper has a blue mark on it this week, it will simply mean we arc compelled to discontinue send ing it to you until you settle up. We regret to stop it, but cannot send it after the blue mark appears. Rev. P. J. Holmes, I*. O. box 73, Rockingham, N. C., is the Supreme Governor of the Universal Brother hood of North Carolina. New Agents. —Miss S. F. Young, Cameron ; J. E. Smith, Fayetteville; 1!. B. Hill, Wilmington; R. E Crier, Matthews; I. I. Walker, Salis bury ; G. H. Henderson, Washing ton, 1). C. t JC-rTMr. Ed. Haglkr is authorized to solicit and collect subscriptions for the Messenger, and takes charge of our city list. Subscribers will please settle with him. Rev. E. M. Collett will have special service at the M. E. church to-morrow night. Rev. Wm. Johnson’s congrega tion will go over and help them. The meetings have closed on Rev. Wm. Johnson’s work. At Rockwell he had twenty-five converts and nine at Little Rock. He reports 53 conversions and 117 accessions to the church on his work. Charlotte is now a full fledged ci ty. It has .street cars, electric lights, telephones, water-works, paid fire department, electric fire alarm and uniformed letter carriers. Our graded school opened last Monday with a good attendance. We have the same teachers as last year, except that Miss Victoria Richardson takes Mrs. M. W. Alston’s place. We regret to learn through private letter that Mcßuic, manager of Tokay vineyard, near Fayetteville, took it upon himself“to shoot a nigger” one day last week. We failed to learn the particulars. It is announced that a representative of the Industrial Association will be hereon the2Gtb. Hon. J. H. Harris nr Hon. E. W. Turner will speak here. We hope our people will turn out and hear them. Livingstone College will open next Wednesday, atid a full attendance is expected in the beginning. The In dustrial building is about completed. This gives them three large brick buildings besides the frame buildings. A year or two more and this college will be a step ahead of any institute of learning in the South, in buildings, faculty and attendance. On last Sabbath Rev. R. 11. Stitt took in the punch cards that were out and took a collection for the neV chuch, fifty five dollars and seventy-nine cents ($55.79) were raised during the day. All the cards did'nt come in and the remainder will be taken to morrow and added to last Sundays col lection. Rev. Stitt is much cncour- aged with the progress of bis work, for it is indeed prospering finely. . They will soon have a new house of worship. Personal. Rev S. F. Wentz preached for Rev. K. 11. Stitt at Grace church last Sun day night. Rev. J. S. Caldwell was in the city , last Saturday. As the other ministers, he reports his work in good order. Profs. J. (). Crosby and J. C. Dancy, of Salisbury, were in the city I last Saturday Prof. A. B. Vincent, of Shaw TJni versity, was in the city this week [ and lectured at the first Baptist Church Monday night. Rev. R. S. Reeves left last Mon day night to visit his mother in Moore county. Misses Annie Alston and Belle Butler arc in the city. Their stop , ping places are the same as last year. ' Miss Zilphia Lewis is in the city, : stopping with Mrs. Alice Morehead. She will teach here this fall. Mrs. G. Friday has returned home , after a visit of several weeks to rela tives in Warrenton. Miss Sallic Hall returned home last week, and is now busily at work in j the graded school. Miss Nora Tyler returned home j from Matthews last week, after spend ing a couple of months with the children. Rev. R. C. Collins was in the city last Tuesday. He has closed his pro tracted meeting with fourteen con verts. He is now preparing to seat his new church. Mrs Lucy Shepard spent two or three days in Gaston county this week recuperating. She visited the “old plantation” and “old massa and old missus.” She says, while “the old home ain’t what it use to be,” things look natural. She is delighted with her visit to McAdenville. IVHI They Lynch Him. On the 21st of August, Miss Julia A. Ross, a white woman eloped with Chas Burton a colored man, both of Anson county. It seems that Miss Ross was of good family, and Ross 1 was a married man. And now away up in Conneticut a young white lady of good family blacks herself and runs off' and marries her fathers black coach man. Something is wrong with the laws of our land or our people Plekinir Cotton. The fields arc now white with the lint and scores of our people arc going out every day to pick cotton. Women I and children can by this employment make pocket change, but the prices paid for picking is very poor, If pick ers were more discreet and less eager ’ they might get 50 cents per hundred, : for it cannot stay in the field. They have done without the cotton to pick all summer. Off from towns 50 cents ; is paid. Fayetteville News. From a private we learn dipthcria is still raging in Fayetteville and many deaths have occurred from it. Bishop Hood’s daughter Maude who lias had a very serious time of it, is improving and thought to lie en tirely out of danger. Messrs. J. W. Byrd and J. F. K. Sitnson are visiting Tokay, and some , of the girls are having a pleasant time. The excursion so Goldsboro run by . Evans Chapel, will leave on the morn ing of the 21st--next Wednesday. Andrew, Charles andJPeter Hogans and the McSwaiti brothers who have been in New York several years, ar -1 rived home last week. Peter’s wife is 1 said to he a biautiful Irish lady. One Brigiiinii. with whisky in his head and pistol in his hand thought : he would .take charge of the C. F. b Y. V., freight train here Saturday , evening, but Conductor Goddard bc- P iug of a different opinion throttled him. About that time Marshal Smith ' appeared upon the scene and marched Brigman off to the lockup. There t is talk of a $25,000 hotel at Red Springs. With such men as Captain O. II Blocker, of Maxton, and Mr. 1 Arebd. McQueen, of Plain View, at j the helm wo don’t see why the etitcr , prise should not prove a success- Saturday was horse-swapping day, and 1 swap they did. We heard one man ’ say he counted 300 portables come in, ■ from an ox cart to a fine two-horse - phaeton. —Carolina Union. OU It Premiums! Open to the World. In order to increase our subscrip tion list, we make the following offers: S3O IN GOLD will be given the person sending us the largest amount of subscription money (not less than S3O) by January Ist, 1888. Three, six and twelve months’ subscribers will be taken. TEN DOLLARS will be given the person sendingythc next largest sum (not less than sls). FIVE DOLLARS will be given the person sending the third largest amount (not less than $10.) Persons wishing to eiitei the con test will send us their names at once, so wo may enter them. They may send in names, with money, as they get them, and we will give them credit. Friends should now go to work and help us and themselves. Go to work at once and delify no time. There is nothing to be lost. Always address W. C. SMITH, Charlotte, N. 0. AYER'S PILLS. A largo i>roj*ortiun oi*t.i.; >l:»-.a*i«t i,. cause human suffering umu lawn u*Ti.». uieut of the stomach, boweis, and 1t,.. aveu’s Cathartic Pills act tiircctiy u ; .<:: these organs, ami are especially d t. curt the diseases caused by their dcrn. gu racut, including Constipation, Indiges tion, Dyspepsia, Headache, !>s>•«■ iiit-ry. and a host of other ailments, i or all of which they aro a safe, sure, prompt, and pleasant remedy. The extensive use of those Pills by eminent physicians in regular prac. tiee, shows unmistakably the estimation in which they aro held by the medical profes sion. These Pills are compou7>leJ of vegetable substances only, and are absolutely free from calomel or any other injurious ingredient. A Sufferer from Headache writes: “Ayer’s Pills arc invaluable tome,and are my constant companion. I have been a severe sufferer from Headache, and your Pills aro the only thing 1 could look to for relief. One dose will quickly move my bowels and free iny head lrom pain. They are the most effective and the easiest physic I have ever found. It is a pleasure to me to speak in their praise, and 1 always do so when occasion offers. W. L. Page, of W. L. Tage & Bro.’* Franklin St., Rich mom!, Va., June 3,1882. ‘I havo used Ayer’s Pills in number less instances as recommended by you, ano nave never known them to fail to accomplish the desired result. We constantly keep them on hand at our home, and prize them as a pleasant, safe, and reliable family medicine. FUR DYSPEPSIA they are invaluable. J. T. Hayes.” Mexia, Texas, Juno 17,1882. The Rev. Francis B. llarlowe, writing from Atlanta . O'a., says: “For some yean past I have been subject to constipation, from which, la spite of the use of medi cines of various kinds, I suffered increasing inconvenience, until some months ago \ began taking Ayer’s Pills. They have entirely corrected the costive habit, and have vastly improved my general health.” Ayer’s Cathartic Pills correct irregu larities of the bowels, stimulate the appe tite and digestion, and by their prompt and thorough action give ton© and vigor to the whole physical economy. prepared by Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. YOUNfi All experience the wonderful fin Tin beneficial effects of Mio ' Dl 'r Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. lorn 1 * Children with Sore Eyes, Sole AutU, Ears, »• any scrofulous or syph ilitic taint, iua/ be made healthy and strong 0y its use. So id by all Druggists; sl, six bottles for 9& IViiIR.SE All I. STEAM LA UN I>WV, * oXI South Center treet. Good* called for and delivtM'cd free of ehatye "i vk done on short notice Pp cial at'* i l ion to t'oinir* rei tl *!. u Siitii.fac-1 bm Utooiit;!-1| w. ii. i:;;i:d T/cCinaCordial CUBES DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVERS MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. TT is Invigorat- TT gives NEVJ 1 ing and De- 1 LIFE to Iht lightful to take, « whole SYSTEM and of great value W l Iby Strengthening as a Medicine for LVjja '■ the Muscles, Ton weak and Ailing 1 ing the NERVES, Women and Chil- B W I and completelyDi dren. ~ J gesting the food. a CONTAINS Hr « a Book, ‘Volina/ no hurtful W ml B by lead in g Minerals, is com- Pi BV physicians,telling posed of careful./ IV MBA how to treat dls selected Vegeta- l\v\\l eases at HOME, ble M edict nes, B mailed, together combined skill- BIB| with a set of hand fully, making a some cards by new Bale and Pleasant Heliotype process, Remedy. on receipt of toe. for Ml* by *JI I»rt>«*l*t* *nl Orvrtr*. SWiM lh« 4tol«r nui you no* k**r> HIUM (OMOfAL, remit dl.uu, *o4 a ImU *U| KUte will im MUt, c imrgr* pah*. IHnrxM* OM.T *T Volina Drug axd Chemioal Company, ha uTiauix, MO m t. a COME JLNJD SEE. Big reductions in prices of Ladies Visites and New Markets. Look at our $5.00 Visites. About 45 suits of Ready Made Clothing At a Big Reduction. Christinas Goods in Gloves, Kerchiefs, Muffles, Astrachan Muffs, &c. Gent’s Kids, Foster Hooks, at $l .50. SPECIAL PRICES In Ladies*, Gents’ and Children's Underwear this week. Embroidered Cashmere Scarfs, Cashmere Shawls—all shades. Nice line of Gents Neckties and Cravats. HARGRAVES & ALEXANDER, SMITH BUILDING. THE Messenger is published every Saturday at CHARLOTTE, - - N. C., in the interests of the COLORED PEOPLE AND THE , REPUBLICAN PA RT Y. It is the only Republican paper in the Western end of the sixth Congressional Distrcit. Subscription, $1.50 per year. W. C. Smith, Editor and Proprietor, Charlotte, N. C. ¥¥axdrewS| Has tin- Largest ami -Must. Complete Stool; of “CP TT —CP “TCI —r rrn tt xp TT 1 Jo L J JrO J-Xl .Liu jlli In North Carolina. COFFINS & METALLIC CASES. Pianos and Qrgans Os the I test Makes on the Installment Finn. Low Price* ami Easy Terms. Semi for Prices. Chickering Pianos, Arion Pianos, Bent Pianos, Mathushek Pianos, Mason & Hamlin Pianos. Mason & Hamlin Organs, Bay State Organs, Packard Organs, E. M. ANDREWS, : : : Tkadk Street, Charlotte, N. C. BOOTS AND _SHOES. Our store is now filled with New Good?, fresh from the manufacturers. We carry a full stock of all grades, and of the ,Very Best Quality/H and guarantee that you shall havo the worth of your money in every instance. Our Prices will be made low to suit the times. Call and see us. A.E.RANKIN & KRO; TRY 0 N ST«E ET . A. W. Calvin, —DEALER IN — Family Groceries of all kimls. Country Produce al ways on hand. CHICKENS, EGGS. liUT TEIt and all kinds of VEGETABLES and FRUITS. —ALSO, DEALER IX — Lumber, and Building Material. .^“Freedelivery to all parts of thecity. NEW RESTAURANT 3lr. Curtis Garrett has opened a Restaurant for the accommodation of the public in Greensboro. It is con veniently situated, at the depot. Board and lodging furnished. 11 13 KENNEDY, DEALER IN Confectioneries, Fnney iuhl Stople Groceries. Chickens. Kggs, Butter, Vegeta bles, and all kinds of Country Produce. Everything kept in a well regulated Grocery Store. Melons, and Fine bruits a specialty. No. 303 south Graham street, Charlotte, N. C. REDUCTION IN GROCERIES ! To-day, June 25th, I will sell Flour, Meal, Bacon and Sugar, at prices below competi tion. Come get our prices on these articles and be convinced. Z. IIAUGHTON. Jr., 303 south I) street. BRANCH HOUSE, ISO Market Street, next to Academy of Music, CHARLESTON, S. O. First Season will be opened July 1, ’B7. First-Class Board ami Accommodations at reasonable rates. P. M. THORNE, Proprietor. WANTED. A lady graduate of one of the lead ing normal schools of the .State, wants a school. Persons wanting a good female teacher will do well To address “School Teaciikk,” Care Charlotte Messenger, Charlotte, N. C. FOR RENT. One Cottage, each, on Graliam and Church Streets. It. Barringer. ONLY TRO3 fisrißON Estonic WSU ok . r YOUTH 1>7.,“ ".B of Appetite, ImlißMitioa.LMk of BUI and Tired Foehn* ab bo lately cared; Bone*, dob tarco. Enliven* the mini - and enppiieH Bmin Power. L ADIEB HARTEH’B iron TONIC a * ft ii PUPB - Give* o clear, healthy complexion. All attempts at counter felt in* only adds to itupopo larky. Do not expert men t—*ot Onionr al AHD Bur lssswfjUffiK, arjsl srs3JK‘J THE DR, HARTtR MEDICINE CB..ST, 10(83, HO. pROFKSSORS E. MOORE and S. G. ATKINS, EXmiIEXI-KI— INORMAL SCHOOL WORKERS .t INSTITUTE CONDUCTORS, Will be prepared to accept calls to any work in this line during the summer. Superintendents or other school officials who would avail themselves of the profes sional services of these gentlemen are invited to address either one or both of them. ZION WKSLKV COLLEGE, Salisbury, N. C.

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