CHARLOTTE MESSENGER. Published every Saturday at charlotte, N. C. By W. C. Smith. Subscription Bates.— Always in ml ranee. One Year $1 50 3 months 50 8 months 1 00 3 months 35 0 months 75 Single Copy. 3 Notify us at once of all failures of this paper to reach you on time. All money must be sent by registered letter, money order, or postal note to W. C. SMl'iil, Cnarlotte, N. C. Short correspondence of subjects of in terest to the public is solicited but persons must not lie disappointed if they fail to see their articles in our columns. We are not responsible for the views of correspondents. Anonymous communications go to the waste basket. QUARRELLING PREACHERS. Rev. J. A. Tyler is one of the best personal friends we have, and Elder Rives is as good as we ever had, but we disapprove of the course pursued by these gentlemen, and we must think Chr’stian gentlemen should be willing to suffer persecutions and evil speaking-of for Christ’s sake. We fear that Christ’s work in this city will be made to suffer on account of the many things being said of and by these gentlemen. We have personal knowledge of many unjust accusations and indigni ties put upon Elder Tyler and that he has borne them with Christian forti tude, yet if we fail to endure to the end, we may not do the good our Father would have us do. We admit Elder Rives may have done wrong, and if we credit rumors he has done wrong; but will two wrongs make one right? Two preachers ought to put ten thousand devils to flight, but when two preachers get on the wrong side, they may so strongly fortify the devil’s forces that it will take the work of several years to over come the evil of the discord sown. Preachers should not fight each other in the pulpit nor in public and by no means should they retaliate. II e regret to have to speak of these gentlemen, but as they are among our best personal friend and we fear the feeling between two churches here has been somewhat intensified and believing there is a certain designing, wicked man at the botto i of it all, using these good men for a wicked purpose, we express our re grets and hope Christian people will not be excited, but take a calm view of the matter. While both the gen tlemen may feel themselves justified, the world thinks etch have an error, and are doing much hurt to the cause of Christ in this city. All tools in the hands of the devil and his angels work to the injury of God’s cause. While we trust in God and do the right, He will fight our battles. WHERE HO YOU TRADE ’ Last week we had something to say to our rouders about places to trade. Taking for granted that every man has the right to engage in business and make a living if he can, we would do nothing to injure any rnau’s busi ness unless we thought it injurious to the community. Yet we appeal to the manhood and race pride of our readers by calling their attention to a few facts : There arc certain houses in this city that do not want the colored trade, and of course they do not respect colored ladies and gentle men. Some of them have gone so far as to tell us they are “not catering after” the colored trade. There arc other houses that always offer inferior goods to a colored person. The names of these houses never appear in this paper. There is a class of merchants who do business for money, and they see it necessary to be obliging and accom modating to all customers, Such we keep before our readers. We men tioned several last week, and would nrge upon our readers to think of these things when they go to trade. You want fresh goods, and not those that have been oj shelves a dozen years and ruined by time and dust— such as you find in auction goods. . If you would be treated right and i get first-nlass goods at bottom prices, j go to T. L. SKKiLE a CO., and you will find one of the larg> t houses, the largest and best assort ment of all kinds of wearing apparel, j notions, dry goods, carpets, &e., in | this city. For pictures, Ac., 11. BAUIKIAKTIX is the place. He is a very fine artist. I and our people make a mistake by having their pictures sent to New York by unreliable persons and never get them again. If yon want pictures enlarged call on Mr. Bantugartcn. If you get siek and must have a doctor you should find PR. J. I. WILLIAMS, one of the most skillful young physi cians iu the city. He has moved his residence to South K street; his office remains at the same place. J. M. UOOPE keeps the oldest, best and most relia ble boarding house for colored people in the city. It is also the host known, and he is still accommodating the public. JNO. S. IIKN PERSON is our barber, and he has the latest improved clippers and sharp raiois, polite and attentive barbers. Strang ers to the city should go to Hender son’s to have their work done— cast Trade street Federal Court Notes. There was a house warming at the new United States Court building Tuesday. The invited guests were the unfortunate violators of the internal revenue laws, most of whom came from Kaudolph. Montgomery, aud Chatham. A Cleveland Stag-Germau was daueed during the day, to music by the Dis trict Attorney aud the U. S. Marshal. There was a striking dissimilarity be tween the home-made spikes and the elegant aud luxurious surroundings of the court room. At ten o’clock Judge Dirk took his seat, aud on invitation Judge Settle occupied a chair by his side. Clerk Payne ealled the Grand Jury and Mr. C. B. Brooks was designated as Foreman. The eharge was brief. The Dis trict Attoney being asked by the Judge if there was any special matter which he wauted explained to the jury, said the question of jurisdiction in the federal building was the only thing. The Judge then charged the jury that alt offenses committed in the building or on the lot were punishable iu the U. S. Court. And he also said that mutilating the furniture or spitting tobacco juice on the carpets should be presented. The court room would not hold one tenth of the parties brought here. Where the Blue Bot.les eould have dug up so many eases was the marvel that astouished everybody. They have been dragged out of every nook aud corner where the smell of beer perfumed the atmosphere. No such crowd has ever liecu seen at a federal court in Greensboro. Oua old geutleman remarked that in stead of repeal!"" the internal revenue laws the democrats had built a fine building to try hlockadcrs iu. and had left ground on which to build a fine jail to hold them. There are 28 democrats. 27 rcpuhli-. cans and 11 colored men on the jury. Aud the funny thiug about it i> that j the Dist. Att’y is challenging repuh- Keans. He evidently feels that only j democrats ecu he trusted to eouvict. ; IVhcu the republicans were in. the Dist. Att’y used to challenge tbe bour bon democrats. Now they an* the | best eouvietors. When the republicans get hack they ' will repeal the internal revenue laws, | and there will he no more such scenes i of hardship as this week witnessed in Greensboro. —Xortk jkuir. Uiilßirtluiiahlc Sin. It has bceu reported that one of our ' popular young men is a pilot for low down white men to decoy poor, weak colored girls from the path of virtue to disgraee and shame. IVe do say, if any young utau in town is guilty of such a crime, he deserves to be hrand cd as a public disgraee. fit only for the ( chain gang, and finally exiled from all that is holy and right We can't understand how a man can stoop so low. It is high time that the Negroes of this country were looking higher. IVe know of no race ou earth that will be guilty of so brutal a crime as beading one of the women of their own race to licentious, dirty rifrafs of another. Ou the contrary, if a Negro is suspect ed of intimacy even with a lewd white womau, his life is in jeopardy, and then hasn't the low-down seulion got a “heap of gaol” to propose to a Negro man to bring to his embrace one of the fair daughters of his own raee? and the Negro that does it ought to stretch rope. —Birmimykttm f.'m It Is The Truth. | News and Kanucr No town can succeed long without j diversified industries. They arc es ■ -initial to the life of the town, each assisting the other aud all giring vi tality to the place. The town that ; shuts itself up to one manufacturing eut rprise Is like the firmer that raises 1 but one crop—its money g<vs Men ; rich others. Several small industries I are worth a great deal more to a town than oue large one, although few 1 seem to think so. a Presiding rider’s Appoiiiliiieliis. CHARLOTTE DISTRICT. | Torrence Chapel—Sept. 18. Clarksville (camp-meeting) Sept. 25. Trinity—October 2d. 1 King's Mountain (supplied)—Oct. 2. O’Conuorvillc (supplied)—Oct, 2. Moore’s Sanctuary—October 9 Simfield—October Hi. Hudson—-October 23. i Grace—October 30. , Centre Grove (supplied)—Oct. 80. Jonesvillc (supplied)—October 30. j China Grove—October 30. j Mount Holly—November 0. District Conference, Clinton Chapel, October 12, 1887. Bishop Hood will meet the appoint ments at Moore's Sanctuary and China Grove. R S. Rives, P. E. IVadesboro Dist. —Fourth liotmd. R. 11. Simmons, I*. E. of the IVades horo District, will hold quarterly meetings as follows: Zion Chapel, September 10 and 11. Best Chapel, September 17 and 18. Way-man's Chapel, Sept. 17 and 18. Rocky Mount, September 21 and 25. Harris’ Chapel, (C. M.) Oct. 1 and 2. Mount Zion, (C. M.) October l and 2. St. Steven, October 8 and 9. Gatewood Station, October 8 and 9. Rockingham, Dist. conference and Sab bath school convention, Oct. 11,14. Rockingham, ((j. M.) Oct 15and 10. Cedar Hill, October 22 and 23. Morvcu, October 29 and 30. Mount Airy, October 29 and 30. Gooden’s chapel, S. C., Oct. 29, 80. IVadesboro, November 5 and 0. Tiie pastors of tbe above named churches will please appoint preaching at II o’clock a. m.. and quarterly conference an 2 o’clock p. m. Try and have all of the general fund by that time. Let us raise every cent of money that this district owes I o if n Premiums! Opo'.i to the World. In order to increase our subscrip tion list, wo make the following offers: S2O IN (»OLD will he given the person sending us the largest amount of subscription money (not less than S3O) by January Ist, 1888. Three, si;; and twelve months’ subscribers will be taken. TEN DOLLARS < will be given the person sending the j next largest sum (not less than sls). FIVE DOLLARS j will be given tbe person sending tbe third largest amount (not less than Persons wishing to cntfct the con j test will send us their names at once, !so we may enter them. They may send in names, with money, as they i get tbna, and we will give them ! credit. Friends should now go to work and ! help us and themselves. Go to work at once and delay no time. There is j nothing to be lost. Always address IV. C. SMITH, Charlotte, N. C. 'VcCinaCordial DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVERS MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. TT is Invigorat- ]T gives NEV? lng and Dc- _A\— 1 LIFE to the lightfu! to take, W d whole SYSTEM and of groat value W \ by Strengthening aa a Medicine lor LVMiI the Muscles, Ton we*k and Ailing K W I ing the NERVES, Women and Chil- W I and completelyDi dtxn. /j gesting the food, no hurtful ■ A ■ by lead in g Minerals, is com- f- Ml physicians,telling posed of careful/ |V TJ>dl how to treat dis •elected Vegeta. i\JP\\j eases at HOME, bit Medicine a, A mailed, together combined akill* ft WTI with a set of hand fully, making a somecardaby new Sa«e ard Mcaaant v Hcliotype process, Remedy. on receipt of to c. rurMfefcy at bmoluta Sh-uH O.r (Uulrr u-U M INDIUM lumvitL, r.iuit aud ft lull uu« MB* uaWMM,(htrr*( M 4. rutruw atu n Volina Drug a»d Chemical Company, 5 •altieou, aa. r. a a. E. M. ANDREWS, Has the Largest and Most Complete Slock of FURNITURE In North. Carolina. COFFINS & METALLIC CASES. Pianos and Qrgans Os the Best Makes on the Installment Plan. Low Prices and Easy Terms. Send for Prices. cEickering Pianos, Arion Pianos, Bent Pianos, Matlrashek Pianos, Mason & Hamlin Pianos. Mason & Hamlin Organs, Bay State Organs, Packard Organs, E. M. ANDREWS, : : : Trade Street,, N. C. THE Messenger is published every Saturday at CHARLOTTE, - - N. C., in the interests of the COLO RED PEO PLE AND THE REPUB LIC A N PAR TY. It is the only Republican paper in the Western end of the sixth Congressional Distrcit. Subscription, $1.50 per year. W. C. Smith, Editor and Proprietor, « • Charlotte, X. C. QAItOLINA CENTRAL 11. R. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Wilmington, N. C., May 15, 1887. WESTBOUND TRAINS. No. 1. No. 3. May 10, 1837. Daily ex. Daily ex. Sunday. Sunday. Leave Raleigh (HA A), ' 7 00 P.M. Wilmington, 7 25 A.M. 8 00 Maxton,. 1130 Hamlet, 12 50 I’.M. 2 33 A.M. Wades boro, 2 15 Charlotte, 4 32 6 55arrive Lincolnton, 0 17 Shelby, 7 4U Arrive Rutherfordton, 0 10 EABTBOUND TRAINS. No. 2. No. 4. May 10, 1880. Daily ex. Daily ex. Sunday. Sunday. Leave Rutherfordton, 7 15 A.M. Shelby, 8 48 Lincolnton, 10 07 Charlotte, * 12 02 P.M. 8 45 P.M. Wades boro, 2 30 • Hamlet, 3 38 1 55A.M. Maxton, . 520 Arrive Wilmington, 005 800 Raleigh, (K&A) 8 35 Trains Nos. 1. and 2 make close connection at Marton to and from Fayetteville, Greens boro and other points on C. F. <t Y. V. Ry. At Wades boro with trains to and from Cheraw, Florence and Char’eston. At Lincolnton to and from Hickory, Lenoir and points on C. a L. Narrow Gauge Rv. Trains Nos. 3. and 4 make close connection at Hamlet with trains to and from Raleigh. Through sleeping cars between Wilming ton and Charlotte and < harlotte and Rale’gh. Take train No. 1 for Statesville and s.adons on the W. N. C. R. U. and points west. Take train No. 2 for Cheraw. Florence, Charleston Savannah and Florida, also lor Fayetteville and C. F. * Y. V. stations. Train No. 2 eonneuts at Wilniinngton with W. a W. No. 14 and W. C. a A. No. 27. Take train No. 3 for Spartanburg, Green ville, Athens, Atlanta and all points south west; also for Asheville via Charlotte and Spartanburg. No.connects at Wilmington with W. a W. R. R. No. 23. Train No. I connects at Wilmington with W. a W. No. 78. Local Freight Nos. 5 and 0 tri-weekly between Wilmington and Laurinburg. * IxM’al Freight Nos. 2 aud 8 tri-weekly between Luu. inburg and Charlotte, Local Freight Nos. 9 and b» tri-weekly between ('harlotte amt Rutherfordton. Nos., 5 0,7, 8. u and 10 will not take passengers. L. C. JONES, SuiKTintendent. F. W. (’LARK, General Passenger Agt. HENDERSON’S BARBER SHOP ! THE OLDEST AM) REST. Exprrlrnceil anil ulite worl.iuru always ready to wait on ettijamiers. Her you will jiet a XL A 7 IIAIU t t V tm.l CL LAB SIT A VK. JOHN S. H END HR SON, East Trade Street. Charlotte, N. C. CAPE FEAR AND YADKIN VALLEY n AIL WA Y CO MP AN Y. Taking effects.lsa.m., Monday, Sept. 5,1887 Trains Moving North. Passenger Freight and aud Mail. Passenger. Lv Bcnnottsvillc, 10:10 ain 5:00 a n Ar Maxton, 11:20 7:25 Lv Maxton, 11:30 8:05 Ar Fayetteville, 1:30 pm 12:00 m. Lv Fayetteville, 2:00 8:00 a m Ar Sanford, 4:05 12:00 m Lv Sanford. 4:15 1:05 A r G reensboro, 7:25 (j-f>o Lv Greensboro, 10:10 a m Ar Dalton 2:15 pm Passenger and Mail—dinner at Fayetteville, Trains Moving South. Lv Dalton, 3:45 pm A r G reensboro, 7:45 Lv Greensboro, 9:50 am 0:00 am Ar Sanford, 12:55 pm 12:00 m Lv Sanford, 1:15 1:30 pm Ar Fayetteville, 3:20 0:(Kj Lv Fayetteville, 3:30 11:00am Ar Maxton, 5:15 3:ospm Lv Maxton, 5:25 3:10 Ar Bennettsvillc 0:45 0:20 Passenger and Mail—dinner at Sanford. FACTORY BKANi H—FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION. Trains Moving North. Leave Millboro, 8:05 a. in. 5:45pm I Arrive Greensboro, 9:35 ’7:25* Trains Moving South. Ixiave Greens boro, 2:00 p. m. Ixaiye Factory .1 line. 3:00 7:15 p m Arrive Millboro, 3:45 H:00 Freiirhtnnd Accommodation train runs l>et. Bennettsvillc and Fayetteville on Mondays, Wednesdays ami Fridays, and bet. Favette viile and Bennettsvillc on Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays. Freight and Accommodation train runs bet. i !• ayetteville and Greensboro Tucmlays,Thurs days and Saturdays, and between Greensboro ! and Fayetteville Mondays, Wednesdays and 1‘ ridnys. Passenger and mail train runs daily except Sundays. * * Tbe north l>ound passenger and mail train makes close connection at Maxton with Car olina Central to Charlotte and Wilmington. I rams on Factory Branch run daily except Sunday. W. E. KYLK, 1 J.W, iTnuGc,:'.su' r r al lw, "' <,rAKl "“ j jJtILQW COST HOUSES fnßiMCggftV A Atl "- «'\ r « c*ia* ami iVmnr fo'l dwit'riDMufiftuf fModeru >* "nw, cwfttm* from zZS&Sttijmß •4H*M. P to*rt,ooo if , iu l mil, SjßMpKt JTSrr aSZsS MARSBAU ST K A 111 LAUMmY, o 111 Kouiti Center trout. ('.■ .-r!l I fqr andUellvi"r-Ilf!w..r, •tiort iii jiii j ei.i *|< I I i»*|, ||» { «m,f, ~j ~ . ’ y | »«1|.r411f,„iUu..,,,; ,1 W. L. H 1.1,11 1 I BOOTS • AND JSHOES. Our store is now filled with New Goods, fresh from the manufacturers. Wo carry a full stock of all grades, aud of the Very Best Quality, and guarantee that you shall have the worth of your money in every instance. Our Prices will he made low to suit the times. Call and see us. A.E.RANKIN & BRO TRIOS STREET. A. W. Calvin, --DEALER IX — Family Groceries of all kinds. Country Produce al ways on hand. CHICKENS, EGGS, PUT TER and all kinds of VEGETABLES and FRU-TS. jSS'Frce delivery to all parts of the city, H B KENNEDY, DEALER IX Confectioneries, Fancy and Staple Groceries. Chickens, Eggs, Butter, Vegeta bles, and all kinds of Country Produce. Everything kept in a well regulated Grocery .Store. Melons, and Fine Fruits a specialty. No. 303 south Graham street, Charlotte, N. C. BOARDING HOUSE, CONCORD, N. C. The traveling public, will lie accommo dated with comfortable rooms and board. House situated on Depot street, in front of the Seminary, near depot, and convergent to all visitors. Terms reasonable. 4. E. JOHNSTON. VIRGINIA HOUSE, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Accommodations furnished travelers at reasonable rates. Comfortable beds and rooms. House located in the central and business part of the city. Table furnished with the Best of the market. Meals at aR hours. J. M. GOODE, - Proprietor. CRAB LOTTE, X. C. BRANCH HOUSE, 150 Market Street, next to Academy of Music, CHARLESTON, S. C. First Season will be opened July 1, ’B7. First-Class Board and Accommodations at reasonable rates. I*. M. THORNE, I Proprietor. Bsftnok EfTONfC vFKfiSPm lHdigention.Lack oJ VHQA Btroofftb and Tired Fwling aiv sc.ately cured; Bone*, mm ■ And oerrea receive new iorco. Rnlivenn the mind «nd t*npplle* Brain Power. LADIES HARTPJi’B IRON TONIC • rtWe* n clear, healthy complexion. All utte'npta at counterfeiting only adds to it* r>opu> larily. lio not experiment—p«t Oman*al and Best B Hoftdaohe. Sample Doee end Dream Book I Hashed oa rceolpt of two oonta In postage. f THE 31b HARTEn MEQICIHE C0..8T, tOUIS.MO. SAVE MONEY AND DISAGREEABLE CONTROVERSIES ! with agent, who penmada you to send off your little picture to New York lo have them enlarged and framed. Yon con have all this sort of work done at home much better and just as cheap, notwithstanding the false asser tion, these agi ius make to you, liy • ailing at H. IIAUMGA HTEN’S Photograph : Gallery, Chur*otie, X. C. Dr. J. T. Williams OffersJtis professional services to the gen eral CALLS ANSWERED DAY mid NIGIIT. Office—Fourth street, between Tryon and Church, rear of Express Odlcc, Cliar lotte, N. C. WANTED. A lady graduate of one of the lead ing normal schools of the Slate, warns u school. Persons wnntincr a good female teacher will do well to address “School Tkachur,” Tare Charlotte Messenger, Charlotte, N. C.

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