CHARLOTTE MESSENGER. Cubllelied every Saturday at Charlotte, N. C. By W. C. Smith. Subscription Rates.-Always in advance. One Year $1 50 3 months 30 8 months 1 00 3 months 0 months 75 Single Copy. 5 Notify ns at once of all failures of this paper to reach you on time. , AH money must be sent by registered letter, money order, or postal note to \V. C. SMITH, Charlotte, N. C. Short correspondence of subjects of in terest to the public is solicited but persons must not lie disappointed if they fail to see tjioir articles in our columns. We are not responsible for the views of correspondents. Anonymous communications go to the waste basket. THE CITY ELECTION. Next Monday the voters of Char lotte will be called upon to sustain or set aside the action of our board of aldermen in ordering $50,000 in bonds ‘ to run thirty years at 5 per cent, in — terest. The matter has been pretty ' thoroughly discussed, and wc join in the general expression of sentiment that the bonds ought to be approved. Taking the statement of the Mayor to be true, and the judgment of the aldermen to be correct, we feel safe in advising the readers of this paper to vote “approved.” Wc know no politics in this matter, and if there were any, wc would urge our people to rally to the support of the bonds, as a Democratic board is responsible for whatever good or evil comes from it. There is always a dif ference in opinion upon such ques tions, and we see no reason to abuse any one who differs from us. Wc have heard but little opposition to the bonds, and that little conies from the source that opposes all things of in terest to the poor man—Bar-rooms and bar-room interests always oppose the church, the school and all other good things. The masses of colored voters depend upon the advice of others in matters of this kind, and without many words wc advise the support of the bonds, because one debt of $30,000 must be paid now and without the bonds the city will continue to pay 9 per cent. Because it is easier to pay 5 per cent, man j per cent. jiectiusc we uou t want to see any of the interests of the city embarrassed. Because of the SSOO a week paid out for the street improvements, colored men get nearly all of it and wc want to see it con tinued. Because the taxes on property is only 60 cents on the SIOO worth now, but if the aldermen are not sus tained it is feared the taxes will be raised to SO or 90 cents. It is with the board to sell the bonds as it chooses if carried, and we have confidence to believe they will sell the bonds for par as they ptomisc by resolution. The more money the city uses in improvements, the better it is for the poor man always. Let ns have the bonds and then SIOO,OOO more for new water works, sewers and the like. THE PRESBYTERIAN SYNOD. The Synod of the Catawba or the North Carolina Synod was called to order last Wednesday night, in the 7th street Presbyterian Church, by Dr. S. Mattoon. This is a new Synod and was taken from the Synod of the At lantic at the last General Assembly. Rev. W. A. Alexander preached the opening sermon und Rev. David Brown, of Statesville, was elected Moderator; Rev. I>. J. Sanders, of Wilmington, was elected stated clerk. Mr. Alexander preached an able and eloquent sermon. Mr. Brown’s ruling was dignified and impartial, and reflected credit upon himself, the Synod, and Biddle University. The /lenonnel of the Synod docs credit to the Church, the State, and the race. It is one of the best repre sentative bodies of colored men ever assembled in this State. A large number of its members are graduates from Lincoln and Biddle University, and many of them nre men of expe rience and fine natural abilities. This assemblage shows that there is more | than a handful of Presbyterians in this State. Several speeches were made on Thursday, but the feature of the day was the able and eloquent address of! Dr. Ilayes, of Ohio. He spoke in the interest of the centennial fund for the relief of wornout ministers, their ‘ widows and orphans. It is the object of the Church to raise an endowment of $1,000,000 for the purpose. Dr. Johnson, President of Biddle University, and Dr, Satterfield, Presi dent of Scotia Seminary, spoke of the prospects and needs of their respective institutions. Each reported a larger attendance than usual. Presiding Elder’s Appointments. CHAHI.OTTK DISTRICT. King’s Mountain (supplied)—Oct. 2. O’Connorville (supplied)- -Oct. 2. Moore’s Sanctuary —October 9 Simficld —October l(i. Hudson—October 23. Grace —October 30. Centre Grove (supplied)—-Oct. 30. Joncsville (supplied) —October 30. China Grove—October 30. Mount Holly—November 6. District Conference, Clinton Chapel, October 12, 1887. Bishop Hood will meet the appoint ments at Moore’s Sanctuary and China Grove. R S. Rives, P. E. Wadesboro Dist. —Fourth Round. It. H. aiiiimuus, i\ K. or the Wades boro District, will hold quarterly meetings as follows: Harris’ Chapel, (C. M.) Oct. 1 and 2. Mount Zion, (C. M.) October 1 and 2. St. Steven, October 8 and 9. Gatewood Station, October 8 and 9. Rockingham, Dist. conference and Sab bath school convention, Oct. 11,14. Rockingham, (Q. M.) Oct 15 and 16. Cedar Hill, October 22 and 23. Morvcn, October 29 and 30. Mount Airy, October 29 and 30. Gooden’s chapel, S. C., Oct. 29, 30. Wadesboro, November 5 and 6. The pastors of the above named churches will please appoint preaching at 11 o’clock a. in., and quarterly conference at 2 o’clock p. m. Try and have all of the general fund by that time. Let us raise every cent of money that this district owes OUR Premiums! Open to the World. In order to increase our subscrip tion list, we make the following offers: B‘2o IN GOLD will be given the person sending us the largest amount of subscription money (not less than S3O) by January Ist, 1888. Three, six and twelve months’ subscribers will be taken. TEN DOLLARS will be given the person sending the next largest sum (not less than sls). FIVE DOLLARS will be given the person sending the third largest amount (not less than $10.) Persons wishing to cnlci the con test will send us their names at once, so we may enter them. They may send in names, with money, as they get them, and we will give them credit. Friends should now go to work and help us and themselves, (jo to work 1 at once and delay no time. There is nothing to he lost. Always address W. C. SMITH, Charlotte, N. C. IMPORTANT NOTICE To ull the Colored Masons in the United Staten* The Masonic Fraternity will at once | see the utility, of having in their po»- * session an Annual Masonic Directory that will give the name of every Grand Lodge, Chapter, Commandcry or mem bers of the Consistory, Town, City or State in which they are convened. And the name ami residence of each I and every individual member. Such a book published annually, will he invaluable to cvcery member of the Fraternity. The publisher earnestly requests j that the Grand Secretary of each and every Lodge, Chapter, Commandcry and Consistory will please forwuid to me, on a Postal Card his name and address, as I wirh to forward each one of them a printed letter; desiring of them to accept the agency, and guar anteeing them a royalty on each book, something to their financial and lierson* al interest. Address Henkv H. Gkikhn. •Boston Advocate, M Rooms if and 4, 05 Hanover Street, Rost on. Mass To EuhliU'Sh Men. Wo call the attention of the busi ness Uien of this city to the value of the Messenger as an advertising me dium. There are about 5,000 colored people in this city, and nearly all of them are to some extent influenced by this paper. Will it not pay you to ask for a share of their patronage through their own organ ? The colored people spend not less than §‘>,ooo a week hero for clothing, groceries, Ac., and their trade is principally ccbli. The Messenger advises and urges its readers to patronize the stores that advertise with us. Several of our best houses have found it ex pedient to keep their advertisement in our columns. Tiie Messenger reaches a large class of people who spend much money that cannot be reached by any other paper in the city. Is not this worth your consideration ? Our rates arc very low, and it will certainly pay you to advertise in the Messenger. Wc have a good circulation in the city and county, as well as all the neighboring towns. Our policy and politics are not di rected to suit the business men, but our readers. If our polities were anything than what they are we'wonld have no readers. Business men want to reach the public, they care not by what source. Advertise in the Mes senger. If FEAR AND \J YADKIN VALLEY R A'l LWA Y CO MP AN Y. Taking ctFeet r>.l. r >, Monday, <>eh 17,1887. Trains Moving North. Passenger Freight amJ and Mail. Passenger Lv Beimel tsvi He, 9:45 Ain 2:15 j> n Ar Max toil, 11:20 4:25 Lv Maxton, 11:80 5:20 Ar Fayetteville, 1:30 1> m 8:30 Lv Fayetteville, 2:00 8:00 a m Ar .Sanford, 4:05 12:00 hi Lv Sanford. 4:15 1:05 Ar Greensboro, 7:25 0:50 Lv Greensboro, 10:10 a m Ar Pilot Mountain 2:15 p m Passenger and Mail —dinner at Fayetteville. Trains Moving South. Lv Pilot Mountain 4:00 p m Ar (ireensboro, 8:15 Lv Green short), 0:50 a in 0:00 a m Ar Sanford, 12:55 pm 12:00 ni Lv Sanford, 1:15 1:30 p m Ar Fayetteville, 3:20 0:00 Lv Fayetteville, 8:30 0:00 a in Ar Maxton, 5:15 0:20 Lv Maxton, 5:25 h»:03 Ar Bcnnettsville 7:00 12:45 pin Passenger and Mail—dinner at Sanford. FACTORY BRANCH—FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION. TraiN - Moving North. Leave Millboro, 8:05 a.m. 5:45pm Arrive Greensboro, 9:35 7:25 Trains Moving South. Leave (ireensboro, 2:00 p. m. I Leave Factory June. 3:00 7:15 pm Arrive Millboro, 8:45 8:00 Freight and Accommodation train runs bet. Bennettsvillc and Fayetteville on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and bet. Fayette ville and Bennettsvillc on Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays. Freight and Accommodation train runs bet. Fayetteville and Greens!>oro Tuesday.s,Thurs days and Saturdays, and lietween Greensboro and Fayetteville Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Passenger and mail train runs daily except Sundays. The north bound passenger and mail train makes close connection at Maxton with Car olina Central to Charlotte and Wilmington. Trains on Factory Branch run daily except Sunday. W. E. KYLE, General Passenger Agent J. W, FRY. Gcn’lSupt. QAROLINA CENTRAL R. K. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Wilmington, N. May 15, 1887. WESTBO UNI) Tit AI NS. No. 1. No. 3. May 10, 1887. Daily ex. Daily ex. Sunday. Sunday. Leave Raleigh (It A A), 7 00 |\M. Wilmington, 7.25 A.M. 8 00 Maxton, 11 30 Hamlet, 12 50 P.M. 2 33A.M. Wadesboro, 2 15 Charlotte, 1 82 0 55arrive Lincolnton, G 17 Shelby, 7 In Arrive Rntherfordton, 9 In EASTBOUND TRAINS. No. 2. No. 4. May Hi, 188 G. Daily ex. Dally ex. Sunday. Sunday. Leave Rntherfordton, 7 15 A.M. Shelby, 8 48 Lincolnton, in 07 Charlotte, 12 02 P.M. 8 45 P.M. Wadesboro. 2 90 Hamlet, 3 38 1 55 A.M. Maxton, 5 20 Arrive Wilmington, 905 800 Raleigh, (R AA) 8 35 Trains Nos. 1. and 2 make close connection at Marton to and from Fayetteville, Greens boro and other points on < * F. a V. V. Ry. At Wadesboro with trains to anti from Chcraw, Florence and charleston. At Lincolnton to at.d from Hickory, Lenoir and points on C. & L. Narrow Gauge Ky. Trains Nos. 3. ami 4 make close connection at Hamlet with trains to and from Raleigh. Through sleeping ears between Wilming ton und Charlotte and ( harlot to and ltalcigh. Take train No. 1 for Siatesville aud stations oil the W. N. < ’. R. R. and iioints west. Take train No. 2 for Cucraw, Florence, Charleston Savannah and Florida, also for Fayetteville ami C. F. a Y. V. stations. Train No. 2 connects at Wiiniiungton wiMi W. Ar W. No. I t and W. ('. aA. No. 27. Take train No. 3 for Spartanburg, Green-’ villc, Athens, Atlanta and all points south west; also for Asheville via (‘harlotte and Spartanburg. No. 3 connects at Wilmington with W. a W. R. R. No. 23. Train No. 4 connects at Wilmington with W. a W. 78. Local i Freight Noii. 5 and G tit-weekly between Wilmington and lAurinhnrg. I/M-rtl Freight Nos. 2 and 8 tri-weekly , 1 *ot ween Lnuritibiirg and (’harlotte. Local Freight Nos. J and lo trl-weekly Is'twccii Charlotte and Rntherfordton. Nos. , 5 0,7. H. 9 und Hi will not take pOMt*ngent. L. C. JONES. Superintendent. F. W. (’LA RK, General Passenger Agt. Subscribe for ami advertise in Tiie Messenger. * ORDINANCE. Submitting to the Voters of Charlotte the Question Whether $50,000 of 5 Ter Cent. Bonds Should be Issued. Tin Hoard of Aldermen of tin' Citjt "i Charlotte, A r . G., do Rtntirr find Order : That an election be held in the city of Charlotte, N. 0., on the seventh day of November, A. D., 1887, as' provided bylaw and the charter ofj this city, at which said election the voters of said city shall be allowed to I vote upon the question, whether the j said city shall be permitted to issue Bonds in the full sum of Fifty I ($50,000) Thousand Dollars, and sell j the same, the proceeds of sale to be applied to the payment of the floating j debt of the city, the improvement of I the streets aad sewerage system, and I the balance, if any, to such other ini-1 provements in the city as the Board may hereafter decide to make. The said bonds shall be of the de nomination of one thousand ($1,000) dollars each, payable to hearer, at the expiration of thirty (30) years from their date, and shall hear five (5) per cent, interest, payable semi-annually, tbe installment of interest to be repre sented by coupons attached to tlie bonds, the coupons lo bo receivable in payment of city taxes. Said bonds shall be signed by the mayor, and countersigned by the clerk and treasurer of the city, and sealed with the seal of the corporation. The coupons shall be signed by the city clerk and treasurer, and shall be orders to the clerk and treasurer for the amount, of interest which they re spectively call for, as they fall due. The said election shall be held at the following places in each ward hereinafter named, and shall ho under the control of eight inspectors anil four registrars to bo appointed by the Board. Two inspectors and one reg trar for each ward of the city to bo ap pointed by the Board, each one ap pointed to he a resident of the ward for which he is appointed. The Mayor shall give thirty days notice of said election in some news paper published in Charlotte, N. C. There shall be a new registration of voters for such election, to be taken by said registrars at such places as the Board may appoint where they shall open their books for that pur pose. The Mayor in the notice to be ! published by him of said election, shall designate the time and place, opening and closing the registration, | which time shall not be less that twen ty days before said election. Notice of election. I do hereby give notice that, pur | suant to the provision of the above Or dinance, an election will be hold in the city of Charlotte on Monday the 7th day of November, 18X7. to ascer tain the will of the voters of the city j up on the question of issuing the bonds therein provided for. Those favoring the issue of-said bonds will at such elec tion vote a ticket on which is written or printed the word “APPROVED,” and those opposed to the issue of said bonds will vote a ticket on which are written or printed the words, “NOT APPROVED.” Books for the registra tion of voters will be opened on Oct ober Cth, 1887, and will be closed on the 27 th day of October, 1887, at sun set, at the following places, and by (lie registrars named: Ward I.—Singer Sewing Machine Office, J. 11. Tolar. Registrar. Ward 2.—Store of Hammond & Jus tice, A. 11. Welsh. Registrar. Ward 3.—Store of 11. 0. Irwin. G. J. Williams, Registrar. Ward 4. D. G. Maxwell’s Office, I). G Maxwell, Registrar. Tiie election will be held at. the i following polling places and under (lie inspectors named. Ward I—At Charlotte Hotel, Inspec tors, S. P. Smith and Wm. Treloar. Ward 2.—At Mayor’s Court Room, Inspectors, B. P Boyd and W. 11. Hinton. Ward 3.- F. A. McNinch’s office, Inspector, (!. lb Melton and I. 11.-j McGinn. Ward 4. at Court House, Inspoc- : tors, A. C. Summerville and It. J.- Porter. F. B. Mo Dow km.. Mayor. 0.-t. Bth, 1887. ' ts WANTED. A lady graduate of one of the lead ing normal schools of the State, wants a school. Persons wanting a good female teacher will do well to address "School Traciier,” Care Charlotte Messenger, Charlotte, N. C. I’BBKK STAMP, with your L\y name in Fancy Type, 2"> visiting cards, and India Ink to mark Linen. 25 for cents (stamps.; llook of 2000 styles fret with each order Agents wanted, ltig Pay. M'rjt-Co., Baltimore,"Mil. jltfcpsTHgysES full <h’«crlDt JOlliMif lO.htir.iC* rutting fiuta p to •*.««»«». /vw/wnw* i/tua.'m Hifj rr rij/ ihjotnd mn ! ■ »»ii • ad-.jit. wd to all clinintd.MM itt.od, 1 I latest t.e. t and only t hiait '.LI fstossra. svswsS £. M. ANDREWS, Has the Largest and Most Complete Stock of FURKTITURE In North. Carolina. COFFINS & METALLIC CASES. Pianos and })rgans Os the Best Makonon the Installment Plan. Low Prices and Easy Term-. Sent! for Prices. Chickering Pianos, Arion Pianos, Bent Pianos, Mathnshek Pianos, Mason & Hamlin Pianos. Mason & Hamlin Organs, Bay State Organs, Packard Organs, E. M. ANDREWS, : : : Trade Street, Chareotte, N. C. THE Messenger is published every Saturday at CHARLOTTE, - - * N. C., in the interests of the COL() RE D PEO PL E AND THE REPUB LIC A N PART Y. It is the only Republican paper in the Western end of the sixth Congressional Distrcit. Subscription, $1.50 per year. W. C. Smith, Editor ttii'l Proprietor, BOOTS AND SHOES. Bur store is now fillet! with New Goods, I fresh from the inanufucturers. We curry i u full stock of u!I grades, and of tin* \ Very Best Quality, j and guarantee that you shall have the worth of your money in every instance. Our Prices 1 will be made low to suit the times, (’all i and see us. A.E.RANKIN & BRO TItV t) N STItE ET . A. W. Calvin, —DEALER IN— Family Groceries of all kinds. Country Pnduee al ways on hand. CHICKENS, EGOS, BUT TER amt all kinds of VEGETABI.ES and I FRUITS. Free iluli very to all parts of thcchy. II B KENNEDY, DKAI.RK IN Confectioneries, l’unry anil Staple Groceries. Chickens, Eggs, Butter, Vegeta- I Ides, and all kinds of Country Produce. I Everything kept in a well regulated Grocery Store. Melons, and Fine ■ Fruits a specialty. No. .'UK! south Graham street, Cliurlottm \. (\ HOARDING MOUSE,! CO SCO R 11. \ , C . I lie I mveUtig public will U* jj cmiituo- j date i with emufortnblr room* au<l bn.u-d. Ibuwi* nittmlcil im Ik'ieit street, in front of the Sciniuaty, near (Up >t. nud eoiiveutent to all visitors. T rms rifi.wtable. I. ft. JoilNHTiiN. Charlotte, X. C. VIRGINIA HOUSE. CHARLOTTE , N. C. Acconim.shitioiis furnishcit travelers at reasonable rates. Comfortable beds ami rooms. House located in the central ami ! business part of the city. Table furnished I With the best of the market. Meals at all | hours. ,•1. M. GOODK, - Proprietor. CHAU LOTTE, A. ('. BRANCH HOUSE, j bio Market Street, next to Academy of Music, CHARLESTON. S. c. ' First Season will he opened July I, ’S7. i Find-Class it,.ml anil Accommodation* at i reasonable rates. p, M. THORNE Proprietor. C-Wy MONKV j - AND DISAGREEABLE CONTROVERSIES ! j with agents who persuade you to send off your little pictures to New York to have them enlarged and framed. You cun have all this sort cl work done at home much belter amt just as cheap, notwithstanding the false asser turns these agents make to you, by calling at 11. HALM GARTEN'S Photograph : Gallery, < harlot te, N. (\ Dr. J. T. Williams i UTers his professional services to the gen eral public. | Office hours from I) to 10 a. m. 2to it I !'• Offiice No. 24 West 4th, street. Night calls from residence No. 50S I South E. street, Charlotte, N C. HENDERSON'S BARBER SHOP! the oldest and best. Experienced and polite workmen always I ready to wait on customers. Ib-r.- yon will S7/tY'' A '‘ r/ " A " t rrT '"" l ‘'LEI X •101 l X S. II KN UK US ON East Trade Street. Charlotte. N. C.

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