CHARLOTTE MESSENGER. SATURDAY, - NOV. 5, 1887. OUR CHURCHES. St. Michael's (P. E.) Church, Mint St. Service* al 10 a. ni. itnil Bp. in. Sunday school at 4 |>. in. Uov. !’. r. A lstojc , pas tnr. .M. K. Church, (indium Street. Ser vices atß i). in. and 8 i». m. Sunday school at Ufa. in. Itev. K. M. Collett, pastor. First Baptist Church, South Church St. Services at 11a. m., 0 p. m. and 8 p. in. Sunday-school at. 1 p. in. Uev. A. A. Howell. pastor. Khonezer lhintist Church, East Second ’ll. Services at 11 a. m.. ') p. m. and Bp. i. Sunday-school at 1 p. m. R*»v. /. iauohton, i east or. Presbyterian Church, corner Seventh College Sts. Services at 8 p. in. and sp. m. Sunday-school at 10 a. in. Uev. I It. I‘ Wyche, jwstor. Clinton Chapel, (A. M. K. Mint St. Services at 11 a. in., 3 p. m. anil 8 p. in. Sunday-school at Ip. in. Itev. M. Si.ade. | Ulster. Little Rock, (A. M. E.E St. Ser viecs at 11 a. in., 8 p. m. anil 8 p. in. Itev. Wn. Jounsox, pastor. If your paper has a blue . cross mark, it will he stopped ;x lili you pay up. We cannot continue to semi it to you without some money. I’lease pay up ami let us continue it to you. LOCJLL. ANNOUNCES! EXT. After the 9th of July we will re ceipt for only 3, ♦>, and 12 months subscriptions at the following rates: 8 months, 50 cents; 0 months, 75 cents; one year, $1.50. if-»?' [f your paper has a blue mark on it this week, it will simply mean we are compelled to discontinue send ing it to you until you settle up. We regret to stop it, but cannot send it after the blue mark appears. Rev. P. J. Holmes, P. O. box 73, , Rockingham, N. C., is the Supreme Governor of the Universal Brother hood of North Carolina. Ifyou would keep up with times, you should take this paper, read it, write for it, and help make a good history for your race. Cumberland county fair opens next Wednesday at Fayetteville. The Synod of the Atlantic convenes in Columbia next Wednesday. Ifyou owe the Messkxukranything please send it in at once, we need money. Mrs. J. E. King spent last Sunday at home. She is much pleased with Scotia. Mrs. Diana Hall left ns last Mon day night with her family, for Wil mington. Work has actually commenced pre paring for the new depot at the west trade street crossing. The State fair of South Carolina opens in Columbia next Wednesday, j The rates are very low. Mrs. Mollie Lowery accompanied her husband to the Synod. She is looking remarkably well. The election comes off in New Vork next Tuesday. Much interest is eon-! t'reil on this election. lion. Jno. S. Leary was in this city the first of the week, and return ed to Raleigh Wednesday. lion. J. C. Dancy, editor of the Slur nf Zion. was in the city on Thurs day in the interest of the Star. The.M. E. Conference returned Rev. E M. Collett to Charlotte, and Rev. ■ W 11. Smith to Laurinburg. Mr C. 11. Jones returned to the city last Saturday after an absence of ov.-r a year. He will remain till after the holidays. Subscribers in Columbia, S. C., wilt please lie prepared for us as we intend to call on them about Wednesday and Thursday next. •) <V L Harris, acting Chairman of the State Republican Executive Com mittee, has called a meeting of that committee in December. The new officers of the Industrial Association arc. W. C. Coleman, presi dent; .I 11, Young, treasurer; J. ll.* M illianisou. Secretary. The time for selecting leaders and Candidates is drawing near. The gri ll battle of |SXS will soon be upon •*- and if we are not prepared with harmony in our own ranks we need not expect to succeed. It has been intimated to us that ccrtaiu things arc desired for peace. Brethren, anything for peace Yea, not peace alone, but let us forget the past and live for a better future. Mr. Prince Brown, the old war horse of Mecklenburg county, left for California on Thursday. He will bo greatly missed, especially in political circles. There will ho a public meeting at Grace Church next Thursday night, to make ari-fingeinents' for the first of Jan uary celebration. Everybody should turn out. By order of the committee. President Cleveland has issued a proclamation setting forth the 24th of this month as a day of thanksgiving to our Creator for the many hlessin<rs bestowed upon us this year. The M. E. Conference was held at High Point last week. Mr. A. B. Schenek was the lay delegate from Graham street Church. Bev. E. M. Collett was returned to this Church. The Republican National Commit tee is called to meet early in December to fix tlm time and place for the meet ing of the Republican National Con vention to nominate candidates for President and Vice-President in 188 S. Last Sunday was not Hie grand ral ly day at Grace Church as was an nounced. To-morrow is the time, and every member is expected to bring one dollar or as near that as be can. The public is invited to attend the services and contribute as they feel disposed. Miss Alice M. Ury is now in Con cord visiting friends and relatives. Rev. F. Archie, of Concord, was in the city this week. Miss Mollie Russell, of Rockiug ham, is visiting the Synod and is the guest of Miss Lanra Lomax. It is rumored that Mr. Alex. Harris is going to Florida with his family. We have another serial story from a North Carolina boy, which we pro pose to start next week. It is a good one. Bev. Murphy’s article on the j “View of the Scripture Ethnology of j Men,” came in too late for this week. | It will he continued next week. Rev. C. B. Harris will be with \ Bev. B. 11. Stitt at Grace Church to- i morrow. Come out and hear him. There is much complaint of the let ter carrier on Ward 2. Something is 1 wrong to our certain knowledge. Miss Lucinda B. Bragg was last! week married to Mr. J. W. Adams, !of Baltimore. Miss Bragg is well known in this city. It is said that the State Auditor’s I office shows that the property in Meek- I lenburg county is valued tl is year $400,000 less than last year, while Durham county lists $(100,000 more' ! than last year. Our city postoffice advertises about I three times as many letters not called i j for as it did before the carrier system ; was introduced. I On next Tuesday the following; | States will hold elections: lowa, Ohio, Massachusetts, Maryland, Ni« Jersey, New York, Nebraska, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Virginia ; most in- j I (crest is in Virginia, New York, and j [ Ohio. lowa will vote on prohibition. It is said Mr. Pearson, the evangel ist, will visit this city again in Decem ber. and probably stay three weeks. ■ Ou Thursday night Mrs. Maria Lloyd was married to Mr. Henry | Gladden. The ceremony was per formed by Itev. A. A. Ptvwell, at the bride’s residence, in the presence of a great concourse of guests. The groom is about 05 and the bride is 50. Presents were many and useful. Every person seeing this notice will please be ready to settle their accounts with this paper when they meet us. We will visit the fair at Columbia, the Conference at Yorkville, S. C., and the Conference at Concord. Please be ready to pay up and renew, brethren, for we can’t run a business without money, and unless somebody pays up. •somebody must do without ibis paper. The electric light at the railroad (grossing on 2nd street is quite an ad-1 <1 it ion, but the mud there is shoe-top deep whenever it rains. The alder men for ward two will do a great favor to a large constituency by having a crossing fixed there so people can keep out of the mud. This must be the worst crossing in western North Caro lina. Our railroads are getting down to the one cent a mile, system for excur sions and our people are very glad to have it. More excursion rates and less excursion trains is what we need. Last week the fare to Chester, 8. C., from this city and return was only 95 j cts.-—tickets good for the week and first-class ride. Our street eomiiiissoner is now on- j gaged in a job of curbing and gutter ing in front, of Col. Win. Johnson’s, j that would have stood well for years ! to come, while other places really j dangerous and inconvenient to cross | and pass are neglected. The people | on the back streets pay their portion : of taxi* and do their share of voting t° put these men in ofiice, and if they are forgotten now the men who neglect j them will not he forgotten when the j time comes. Wo spent the latter part of last j week in Chester, 8. C. The good pco- I pie ot this town lake special pleasure in making visitors happy. We never enjoyed a trip more, as we had a good ! time socially and collections were! good also. We have spoken of the I thrift and opportunities of the colored people here and are glad to know they j are still advancing. Chester can boast of some refined and handsome young widows aud maid ens. It is a nice place for young men to go. The Churches aud schools arc flour isliing: Rev. Attics is not enjoying j very good health. Miss Annie Walk- j cr is very well and as gay as a bird. | She is teaching in the town school. XAT! OX A L FJ I, E CAP,I NETS. Business men, lawyers, clerks of courts, and others, : are invited to call at my office ; and examine the National File { Cabinets -the best device ever^ | invented for filing papers and j j documents of any kind. Call j ......... and investigate. B E. BLAKEY, j 207 K. Trade St., Charlotte, N. 0. j ;;y’ijkAeaaa^“Ly , ,. L '“ j ! sk. pills. : JIEWARE or IMITATIONS. AIM AYS ; ASK FOR HR. PIERCE'S PELLETS. OR ! LITTLE SUGAR-COATED PILLS. Being ciilirclv vegetable, they op era te without disturbance to the system, diet, j • ot occupation. Put up in glass vials, hermeti- | J cally st aled. Always fresh and reliable. As j a laxative, alterative, or inirgative, j these little Pellets give the most perfect I satisfaction. SI HEMiiE, Bill our. Headache, [7 Dizziness, CoiiNiipa* l lion, E ll <1 igest ion* j/Wf Bilious AtJaeliM,undull i\ K , tlcrnngciucuto of the stun:- 1 uch and bowels, arc prompt- y 7§ t ly relieved and |>ennanof)tly r\ sz* cured hy the use of Dr. £*iercc’o Pleasant Purgative Pellets, lu explanation of the remedial power of these Puli’ rs oxer so great a variety of diseases, it may truthfully be said that litelr action upon | the system is universal, not a gland or tissur J , reaping their sanative influence. Sold b> : druggists,!T»cents n vial. Manufactured at the ! ( huaiieal Laboratory of World's Dispensary ’ ; Medic a;. Association, Buffalo, N. V'. k* i 5 o liiiyy id offered l.y the ninntifuctur fy * V ers of Dr. Sage*; C atarrh // v c tiledy, for a cast* of j f Chronic Nasal Catarrh v.’hieh r they cani iot cure*. SYMPTOMS OF CATABRSI. Dull. | j heavy headache, obstruct ion ol the nasal . discharge*) falling from the head j 1 into the throat, sometimes profuse, watery, 1 and acrid, at other*,'thick, tenacious, mucous, | purulent., bloody and putrid; the eyes are \ weak, watery, and inflamed; there is ringing i in the earn, deafness, hacking or coughing to ; clear the throat, expectoration of offensive matter, together with seal*) from ulcers; the • voice is changed and has a nasal twang; the | breath is offensive; rmeil and taste are im paired; there is a sensation of dizziness, with i mental depression, a hitching cough and gon i 'mJ debility. Duly a few ot the above-named symptoms are likely to be present in anyone case. Th'M.’iands of cases annually, without 1 , manifesting half of the above symptoms, re- j suit in consumption, and end in the grave. ! 1 >:< • ase is so common, more deceptive and ! dangerous, or less understood by physicians. By its mild, soothing, and healing properties, l>r. Page's Catarrh Ifemcdy cures the worst j i..t Catarrh, “ cold In the licud,’’ f’oryza, i n 1 Headache. Hold by druggists everywhere; 50 cents. <c Untold Aphony from Catarrh. 9 ’ Prof. W. !l \rsMcn, the famous mesmerist, j of Ithaat, AT. >writes; “.Some fen ycarsago i I suffered untold agony from chronic nusal i catarrh. My family physician gave me up as | incurable, and f;J«1 1 muHt die. My case was [ Bticli a bud one, that every day, towards sun- j but, my voice would become so bourse J could j barely speak alwive a wliisiM'r. In tiienmrning my coughing aud ek-uring of my throat would almost strangle me. By the use of l>r. Hugo's . ' Catarrh Itemedy, in three months, 1 was a well i man, and the cure has been permanent.” Hawking and S|»Diin«.* : Thomas J. Itrsinsro, ri«i., sao: pine Street, ' St. Jzruix, writi-s: “ I was a great sufferer i from catarrh for three years. At times I could i haidly Irtpeatbc, and wu.h constantly hawking I and spitting, and for the last eight months j . could not hnidhe through the nostrils. I 1 thought nothing could l>e done for ine. Buck- { Hy, I was advised to try Dr. Fujre’s Catanh , Itemedy. uml i am now a well man. I believe i it to Is? the only sun; remedy for catarrh now j manufactured, and one has only to give it a j lair trial to experience astounding results and < ap* rmaiient cure,” Tlireo Boillfs Cure Catarrh. KM Bobriks. Hununn P. 0,, Colunhfa Co., ! I’n., .vs: “My daugl»t4*r b.ul eaturrh when \ •hit wus live years old. very Imdly. I mw Dr. * .“(•’8 » atandi Itenu ay advertised, and pro- i etued a bottle for her, and soon saw that it her; a third bottle effected a perma nent cure. Bbe la now eighteen years ohl iu»d I souikl and hearty.“ -JIHAT If AILS YOU? Do you fuel dull, languid, low-spirited, life l lem, and iudcscribubly miserable, both physl- I cally and mentally; experience a sense of | fullness or bloating after eating, or of “gono ! ness,” or emptiness of stomach in the morn ing, tongue coated, bitter or bad taste in : mouth, irregular appetite, dizziness, frequent headaches, blurred eyesight, “ Heating specks ” before the eyes, nervous prostration or ex j haustion, irritability of temper, hot flushes, I alternating with chilly sensations, sharp. biting, transient pains here and there, cold i feet, drowsiness after meals, wakefulness, or . disturbed and unrefreshing sleep, constant, | indescribable feeling of dread, or of impend- I ing calamity? ! f you have all, or any considerable number i of these symptoms, you are suffering from i that most common of American maladies— Bilious Dyspepsia, or Torpid Liver, associated i with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. The more j complicated your disease has become, the I greater the number and diversity of symp toms. No matter what stage it has reached, B'.r. IPfcrcc’s Golden .Tied leal Discovery will subdue it, if taken according to direo ! lions for n reasonable length of time. If not j cured, complications multiply and Consump j f ion of the Lungs, Skin Diseases, Heart Disease, Khouinutism, Kidney Disease, or other grave i maladies are quite liable to set in and, sooner i or later, induce a fatal termination. Dr. sJie5 J ie rt e’.M Golden Tied leal Dis covery acts powerfully upon the Liver, and ! through that great blood-purifying organ, leansea the system of ail blood-taints and im . purities, from whatever cause arising. It is equally efficacious in acting upon the Kid i ileys, and other excretory organs, cleansing, I strengthening, and healing their‘diseases. As n:i ai.jM'tizing, restorative tonic, it promotes digestion ana nutrition, thereby building up l >.dii flesh and strength. In malarial districts, this wonderful medicine has gained great • eh brity in curing Fever and Ague, Chills and I Fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred diseases. Picrco’n Golden Tlcdlcal Dis ' ALL HUMORS, | from a cpmmon Blotch, or Eruption, to the ; Scrofula. Salt-rheum, “Fever-sores,” j Scaly or Hough Skin, in short, ail diseases I cuuslhl by bad blood are conquered by this powerful, purifying, and invigorating inedi i cine. Great Eating Ulcers rapidly heal under ! it' benign influence. Especially has it inani : lusted its potency in curing Tetter, Eczema, ! Erysipelas, Boils, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, Scrof ! ulous Sorts and Swellings, Hip-joint Disease, “ White Swellings,” Goitre, or Thick Neele, | aud Enlarged G hinds. Send ten cents in ■ stainp3 for a large Treatise, with colored i kites, on Skin Diseases, or the same amount lor a Treatise on Scrofulous Affections. “FOR THE BLOOQ IS THE LIFE.” ! Thoroughly cleanse it by using Dr. Pierce’s “Bolden lEudical Discovery, and good ■ ig- stion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, vital strength and bodily health will be established. CONSUMPTION, which is Scrofula of the I/migs, is arrested end cured by this remedy, it taken in the • arlior stages of the disease. From its inar • clous power over this terribly fatal disease, vhen flrdt offering this now world-famed rem ; . tly to the public, I)r. Pierce thought seriously .1 calling it his “Consumption Cure,” but ; abandoned tiiat name as too restrictive for 1 a medicine which, from its wonderful com bination of tonic, or strengthening, alterative, c blood-cleansing, anti-bilious, pectoral, and i nutritive properties, is unequaled. not only ::s si remedy for Consumption, but for all | Chromic Diseases of the t Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Weak Lungs, Spitting nf Blood, Short r of Breath, Chronic Nasal Catarrh, Bron chitis, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred ! :i‘i“c’tions, it is an efficient remedy. :- i>!.l by Druggists, at SI.OO, or Six Bottles ! i s- $5.00. ; nd ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce’s i jjol; on Consumption. Address, World’s oispßß3ary Association, nes asain sc., aumiLO, n. v. a yi w v A a Lie. kJ i ILL A large proportion of {...• .. . > cause human suiferiitg itou:i iioui i < i meat of tiio bloamcli, bowels, asul ! AVer's Cathartic Pills act directly t ; . these organs, and are especially Uesij.ii* *i t cure tli3 diseases caused by tlieii dcrat-ge "lent, including Constipation, Indiges tion, Dyspepsia, Headache, Dyst nu ry. aud a host of other aiimeuts, lor :di oi which they arc a safe, sure*, prompt, and pleasant remedy. The extensive use of liies* Pills by eminent physicians in regular prac. lice, shows unmistakably the estimation ii. which they arc held by the medical profes sion. Those Pills are compons/led of vegetable substances only, and are absolutely free from calomel or any other injurious ingredient. A Sufferer from Headache writes : “AVER’S PII.UI are invaluable tome, aim are my constant companion. [ have been i. severe sufferer from Headache, and your Pills are tho only thing I could look to Jor relief. One dose will quickly move n»y bowels and free my head from pain, 'lliey are tho most effective and the easiest nliycic I have ever found. It is a pleasure to mo to speak in their praise, ana 1 always do so when occasion offers. W. L. Pare, of W. L. Page & Bro.‘* Franklin St., ltichmond,Ya., dune 3,18b2. ‘I have used Ayer’s Pills in number* less instances as recommended by you, ana mcv~ never known them to fail to accomplish the desired result. We constantly keep them o:i hand at our home, and prize them as a pleasant, safe, and reliable family medicine, rule DYSPEPSIA they are invaluable. J. T. Hayes.’* Alexia, Texas, June 17,1882. Ifr.v. Francis B. llarlowe, writing Trom .-manta, (la., says: ‘‘For some years past I have been subject to constipation, Lorn which, la spite of tho use of medi ! cinos of various kinds, I suffered increasing inconvenience, until some months ago \ began taking Ayer’s Pills. They have entirely corrected the costive habit, aud have vastly improved my general health.” Ayer’s Cathartic Pills correct Irregu i iarith-.i of the bowels, stimulate the appe t.!te and digestion, and by their prompt and thorough action give tone and vigor to the whole physical economy. PREPARED BY Dr. J.C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. vol>\3 i All experience the wonderful : -, ', Jp j beneficial effects of lyTr. i Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. I Children with Sore Eyes, Sore AjUJ. I Pars, «»* any scrofulous or syph* h*ic taint, may lie made healthy and strong ly its use. I hy ail D: uggists; gl. six bottles for g& i./’Hi/.m Best Buiiness College:, the Wend, Honor »n1 Gold Medal orrr *!l othrr Coltr«ea. at Morld’a Ecpoolllon. for HtiMn <f Boffc-KoMtai v>t pen; ral« M Edwotlon. SOOO GroSaotr* In I!a«I•(«*••. 10 Tt»rh*r« emiimrM. CoolofFnll BiSmm i t'pnrre. Inelndlnq Tuition. Ptatiofitry ana Soord, kbontgOO. Mi<- rt-Ifnml. Typr-Wrltln* A ■preUlltr.. not nrotlon. Enter How. OrMuiUi OunritiiMM Smomm. tVr «!r««tan. tuUtttt Enhrnlnt W. wittiii rri«ri|.»i. •» Wilbur 1L bwkh. PrwMrDt. LriUfftwa, Mji FOR THIS WEEK. We will have on exhibition quite a variety of L-AJDIIES’ SUITS, \ Both in Silk and Woolen Fabrics, arranged with trimmings, buttons, etc., with price marked in plain figures for the suit They will range in | prices from $3.50 upward, so that all may bo clothed. THE CLOAK SEASON Is upon us. See our excellent lino both in LADIES and MISSES. A large shipment arc now just placed on the counters for your inspection. We arc having large sales of Underwear and Hosiery. New lot of Gent’s Balbriggan Half Hose and Heavy weight, at $1.25 a box—one half dozen in a box. Fine stock nf Gossamers for Men, Ladies, Misses and children. T. L. SEIGLE & CO., No. 11 West Trade Street. — : —— , .A. T H. BARUCH S, Hood Wool Jerseys at 63 cents eaelt. Splendid Jeans at 23 cents per yard. Immense variety of Calico at 4 cents per yard. Bleached cotton Goods at 5, 0 and 7 cents per yard. Cotton Flannels at 8 and 10 cents per yard. A nice worsted Dress-at 78 cents each. CLOTHING . AND SHOES At Most Moderate Prices. H. BARUCH, , REGULATOR OF LOW FRICKS. Dress Goods. Our 48-inch all wool Henriettas in the new shades are selling right along. Our Chandron cloths are another new goods out this season and selling. OUR FLANNEL TRICOTS AND FANCY PLAID FLANNELS ARE THE CHEAPEST WE EVER HAVE HAD. Handsome black and colored Surahs at <>B cents and 1.00 per yard. Our 97 cent black silk is the best value to he found in the city. Remember it is just as we say. Handsome headed I’assiincntrics to match. Gros Grain Silks, Armure Silks, Faille l'’ranoai.s Silks, Silk Rhadamcs, Ac. You must ask to sec our stock and then you can appreciate our values. Black and eolored Gros Grain Silks at 75 cents per yard. All colors in Moire Velvets. Big stock mocrniVo noons with trimmings to match. Silk warp Henriettas At SI.OO, $1.25, $1.38, and $1.50 per yard. Handsome Silk Warp Melrose Cloth at $1.50 per yard. WRAPS, WRAPS, For everybody. Handsome London made Jackets and Visiles in all the new street shades, and the loveliest Children’s Garments from 4 to 8 years old ever shown here. They are Imported Goods, and every one different. Don’t fail to sec them. MOURNING JACKETS AND YISITES. Silk and Jute Upholstery Goods Boucle Jerseys, 75 cents. Large stock of Table Linens, Napkins, &e. BLANKETS, BLANKETS ;' FROM 75 CENTS TO #ls PER PAIR. -DON’T FORGET To see our new Kid Gloves in new shades—Apple, Green, Garnet, Mshogoay, Pucc, Heliotrope, Ac., in plain and embroidered. Swadc Kids from 75 cents up. A line of Black Kids at 48 cents per pair. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, AC. All at prices to sell. attention to orders for Goods or .Samples. Ham raves & Alexander, o :*:i WEST TRADE HTREET.

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