A STRANGE AFFLICTION. ▲ YOUNO GIRL TRANSFORMRD * INTO A PEEVISH OLD WOMAN. Her Vitality Destroyed by an Acci dental Shock Received in an Electric liight Establishment. On the Beeksvtllc road, about six miles from the town of Lorraine. Ohio, lives a farmer named Max Harman, who came from Pennsylvania about a year ago, Harman's family consists of a wife and three children. The oldest, named Mary, is a young lady nineteen year* of age, who has passed through one of the strangest and most painful experiences which ever fell to the lot of a human bc ing. A short time ago she was a plump, rosy-cheekcd girl, in robust health and of a sunny disposition. To-day, through the influence of a most peculiar accident, she is in all but years a shrunken, peevish old woman. The story of this strange metamorphosis is as follows: , Mary was engaged to l»c married to a man named Jacob Ebertin, who worked for Mr. Hannan and made his home with the family. About two months ago the young couple came to Cleveland to make some purchases and see the sights. One of the young man's friends worked in one of the electric light establishments at the time. ■ Ebertin proposed to take his future bride through the place and show her the machinery. It appear* that a broken wire of her panier or bustle, had, un perceived, worked its way thiough her dress. While passing aloug the wire came in contact with one of the powerful electric machines, and her hand, resting on an iron bar a\ the time, completed the current, and she received a severe shock, and fell insensible to the floor. In a few moments she revived suf ficiently to Ik* removed from the place, and was taken to her home. Medical aid was summoned, and for four days the girl lay in bed in a paralyzed condition. Then she regained the use of her limbs but immediately began to lose flesh rapidly, the hair on the left side of her head turned gray, and l»egan falling out. After four weeks Miss Harman was able to lie about, but in that time she had been transformed from a young, handsome girl into a feeble old woman. Her form, vfchieh had been plump and rounded, was thin and bent, and the skin on her face and body was dry and wrinkled. She had been a sweet tempered, affectiorate girl, but is now peevish, irritable and selfish. Her voice is harsh and cracked, and no one to look at her would imagine that she was less than sixty years of age. The Harman" family are horrified and well nigh heart-broken by the fate of their once handsome daughter, while young Ebertin is almost frantic over the change in his affianced bride. The physicians claim that the electric current communicated directly with the principal nerves of the spine and left side of the head, and that the shock al most completely destroyed their vitality. Instances in which a person’s hair has turned white in a single night from fright, grief or some excessive nervous shock arc not rare, but this is supposed to be the first Case in medical history in which a Serson has been known to step from the loom of vigorous youth into the decrepi tude of old age within a week. —Sem York Graphic. r A Norwegian Fish Market. Bergen has always been the greatest fish market from time immemorial, says a correspondent of the Ustn Fraucisco Chronicle , and the northern seafarers ar rive day after day with their heavily laden “jaegter,” p : cturescue old vessels, still retaining the shape of the ancient dragon ships, the Vikings. Fish here, as in other Norwegian towns, are always Bold alive, and I felt somewhat embar rassed on timidly demanding a cod to have n lively palpitating creature, folded in paper, laid c mfidingly in my unwill ing arms. Gossip seemed to be thcordei of the day, and a bevy of fi-h w* men stand at every corner, discussing the af fairs of the nation. The mothers have their small daughters clinging to their skirts and droll little beings they are, with shawls pinned across th ir chests and handkerchiefs tied tightly round their flaxen heads, shyly offering plates of wild strawberries and cranberries they have gathered in the woods, themselves to every passer by. The Norwegians are not a p.utiruhrly well-favored race, and the majority have faded colorless skins, and dull, tow-like hair. Yet their expressions an* as frank and pleasant as their manners are dinplc and candid. The peasant woman's dress is singularly pretty, and even the plainest cannot fail to look otherwise than p*eas injEj in the neat, dark, plaited skirts, bright, red, heart -shaped bodices and white chemisettes and in caps which are simply marvels of the knitting art. Al. though the most thrifty people imagina ble, the Norwegians an* lavish in the mat ter of washing. Certainly you never see a soiled cap or crimpled strings, go where you may. These snowy frills always look as if they had been put on for the first time. _ The Art of Expression. A New York photographer prints a circular containing the following advice: “When a lady sitting for a picture would compose her mouth to a serene character, she should, just liefore entering the room, say 'bosom.’and keep the expres sion into which the mouth Biiledd***. If, on other hand, she wishes to assume a distinguished and somewhat noble liearing she should say ‘brush,’ the result of which is infallible. If she wishes to vnake her mouth look small .-hi* inu*t say ‘Lip,’ but ii the looiith is already too small and needs enlarging *he must say ‘cabbage.’ If shn* wishes to look mourn ful she must say ‘kerchunk ;* if resigned she must for* iWy ejaculate *acat.’ Philadelphia Vail. Refunsd to Say the Word. ■ Edward (fishingly“l think of going to the Cannibal Islands as a mi-niouary, Cicely, but you have only to say one little word to bid me stay, darting.” . Cicely (after a moment's thought) “And did the horrid things eat the last missionary, Edward:” Edward eagerly)—“Yes. Cicely, yes; the? left opt lung "ln»t the bones.” Cicely—“Oh, how exciting! Yes, I think that it is your duty to go, Ld ward — Marftr'i Ikuar* NEWS AND NOTES FOR WOMEN. Tailor-made basques are invariably poiuted in front, and much trimmed with fine fancy braids. Mrs. Mackay, wife of the bonanza king, allows herself one hundred and four new gowns a year. The con petit ion among dressmakers nowadays seems to le which can devise the worst looking sleeve. The tendency to make bodice of one stuff w hile the skirt and its draperies are of another grows in favor. The newest bonnets have long crowns, and many have long (minted poke fronts filled in with a slight face trimming. The amount of braiding on frocks, wra)*s and garments of all kinds is enor mous, and the braid desigos this season ! are very fine. Wax flowers were first introduced into England by the mother of Mary Beatrice, wife of James 11., as a present to her royal daughter. There is in England a soe’ety con ducted by ladie? for the promoting of long service among servants. Valuable prizes are giveu. Even feathers arc made in two-tone ef fects to match the changeable or shot ribbons and stuffs brought out for dress and milincry purposes. Bustles arc no longer worn by people who can afford to "pay skilful dress maker. Bouffant effects are now obtained by springs or reeds set in the dress itself. Miss Grace, an Euglish cricket player, * recently stayed at the wicket a whole af i ternoon and scored 217 runs against the j good bowling of four men. The Empress of China has composed six hundred stanzas of poetry within the 1 past Tear, and they are said by Chinese ! j critic* to be richer than the songs of Persia. Mr*. Langtry says she began to prac tice fencing several } cars ago because she found it th rt best substitute for the exer cise she had been accustomed to in hei long walks. Jackets made of the same material fts the dress must l»e tight-fitting, those suitable for wear with any dress may be loose fitting in front, but must set snugly ■ to the back. , Mrs. John IV. Mackay is having a j cloak made from the breasts of birds of : paradise. These cost thirty shillings each, and about five hundred birds will | he necessary. The women of New York have been j granted more patents than tbeir sisters in any other State. The women of Mass achusetts, Ohio. Indiana and Wisconsin rank fiext ia order. Camel's hair shawls are coming into fashion again for the reason that the manufacture has practically become a • lost art, and they nrc getting to be exceed l ingly hard to obtain. The Gre?k styles of coiffure do not be come popular. The fact is they require more hair than most modern women ot these degenerate day v’ eitherhavc nat urally or feel like buying at present high prices. A new idea in jewerly ii that of set ting single stones of all sorts and sizes | in a pl.'-in crown retting, so arranged that they can be sewn cn bands of velvet in such combinations as may suit the owner's fancy, and thus utilized cither as bracelets or “dog-collar” necklaces. In Finland, according to Bayard Tay lor, the women resent as an insult a sa lute upon the lips. A Finnish matron, hearing of our English custom of kiss . ing. declared that d d her husband at tempt such a liberty she would treat him with such a !»ox on the cars that he should not readily forget. Both black and white lacc is used as strings apd a* trim.nings on the winter bonnets The milliners, as usual, think French Lice quite choice enough for this purpose: but one may use something better if one has it. Since that Alcn ; con Iwnnet of Queen Victoria appeared, anything seems allowable. A Parisian wig maker is selling switches so mounted that they may Ik* worn as a f long rippling wave that would make a mermaid envious. These are to be used when one is walking up and down the J beach to d»*y one's hair next summer, which, having beencnvereJ with oiUkin, i« not wet, and is combed in with her 1 false tresses. Zeal Without Knowledge. A well-known New York lady, whosa name is the synonym for all* that il benevolent aud charitable, especially re garding the helpless and poverty-stricken of her ow n sex, has her summer home in one of the most beautiful spots on the Hudson, surrounded by forest trees o( gre t age and magnificence. It occurred to her last autumn that it would be kind to g'vc to a party of city working-girl* an opportunity to go “chestnutting” upon these grounds. But as a matter of fact the chestnuts were then very scarce; yet, f not to disappoint the girls, a servant was ’ sent so the city with instructions to pur chase a bushel or two of the nuts and scatter them around under the chestnut trees, where they would lie most likely to be found by the visitors. They were found by the merry-hearted young women, and their hostess would have derived great satisfaction from their en joyment and the success of her benevo lent little fraud if she bad not chanced to come upon several of tliem sitting under a tree that c learly was not a chest nut, and heard one of them, who mud at some time have lived in the country, dis disccmrsing after this fashion ns* they ! nibbled the nuts: “I say. girls. I can't understand hoxt these hoiied chc stnuts came to grow oa j an oak tree?” They don't say “chestnuts” in thnt household now; they say “boiled oak> nuts.'* It* Htv» Pmti- Si/m/doma- Moisture: in tense ilcbing and dinging, worse by scratch- I injj. If allowed to continue tumors form, J which often bleed and iifix-rate, lienoming j very wore, Swatw’h Ointment Ktojw th* \ itching and fibvdiiig. heals uh < rat on, and in < many can removes the tumors. It ia equal ly HBearioii* in curing all Skin DisMiMM. DR. I HWAVNE A SON. Proprietor*. Phil. By ! m*ill«(f.Vi(TDlK. Swaysr's Ointment for ! Mia by druggist*. I II ;i Ml hi er*. Wives, Mstbera Send for PSiuphleton Female I 'mum, free, *vUTflr mM. Dr. J. B. JUrtbiß, Uttca, N, V Woman and Her Diseases I is the title of a large illustrated treatise, by ‘ Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., sent to any address for ten cents in stamps. It teaches successful self treatment, A car driver was assaulted on the platform in Indianapolis and beaten so that he died. *‘ronsiiinp»ion Pure” would 1« a truthful name to give to I)r. Pierce's “Golden Medical Discovery,” the most pfficatious medicine yet discovered for arresting the early development of pulmona ry disease. But “consumption cure” would not sufficiently indicate the scope of its influ ern e and usefulness. In all the many diseases which spring from a derangement of the fiver an 1 blood the “Discovery” is a safe and sure specific. Os all druggists. Sixty students are in attendance upon the Adger College, at Walhalla 8. C. How often is the light of the household 1 clouded by signs of melancholy or irritability j on the part of the ladies. Yet tiny are not to lie I darned, for they are the result of ail ments jieculiar to that sex, which men know not of. But the cause may be removed ami joy restored by the use of Dr. Pierce’s “Fa vorite Prescription,” which, as a tonic and nervine for debilitated women, is certain, safe and pleasant. It is beyond all compare the great healer of women. The town of Bpencer, lb «ue C< unty, W. Va was visited by a tiro which destroyed two thirds of the town. The success of some of the agents employed by B. F. Johnson & Co., Richmond, Va., is truly marvelous. It is not ail unusual thing for their agents to make as high as s‘2o and SOO a day, and sometimes their profits run up ns high as S4O and $60 —even more. But we hesitate to tell you the whole truth, or you will scarcely lielieve we are in i arnesf. Write them and see for youself what they will do for you. Offer No. 171. FRKE!- To Merchants Only: A genuine Meerschaum Smoker’s Set (five piecesUn satin lined plush case. Address at once, It. W. lan giLL & Co.. 55 State Street, Chicago. Consumption, Scrofula, General Debility, Wasting Diseases of Children, Chronic Coughs and Bronchitis, can lie cured by the use of Scott’s Emulsion of Pure Cod liver Oil with ltypopliosphites- Prominent physicians use it and testify to its great value. Please read the following: “I used Scott’s Kmulsi n for an obstinate Cough with lb in orrhage, !/«« of Appetite, Emaciation, Sleeplessness. Ac. All «»f llvse hive now left, and I belieVo 3 our Emulsion has saved a case of well develojwd < ‘onsUmption.’’-^ T. J. Findley, M. D., Lone Blar, Texas. Coiiniinun inn Surely Cmed. To the Editor:—Please inform your readers that l hare a positive renudy for the al>ove named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have Ixcn permanently ( tired. I shall l>e glad to send two bottles of my remedy flee to any of your readers wl o have consumption if they will send me their Fxpress aid P. O. address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C., I*l Pearl St.. N. Y. Catarrh May affect any portion of the body where the mu cons membrane Is found. But catarrh of the head I by far the most common, and. strange to say, the moat liable to be neglected. It oi Iglnatc* In a cold, or succession of colds, combined with Impure blood. The wonderful success Hood’s Sarsaparilla hne had In curing catarrh warrants us In urging all who , , suffer with this disease to try the peculiar medicine. It renovates and invigorates the bk»od and tones ev ery organ. “Hood’s Sarsaparilla cured me of catarrh, rolMUos* ofthc bronchial tubes and terrible headache.’’—R Gibbons, Hamilton, Ohio. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Bold by nil druggists. $1; six for $5. Prepared only by C. 1. HOOD ft CO., Apothecaries, Lowell. Mass. 100 Doses One Oojlar fb«! Unitarian IJJJI free i Publications FRE£ KENT FREE. Address, SB UttTAKY \V. A. C. BOX ISO PLYMOUTH, MASS. VM A T IT IM Tft Obtained. Send stamp for AffP* ■ «■ ■» I O Inventors' Guide. L. Bibo -1 haw. Patent Attorney, Washington, D. C. MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Wholly unlike artificial Hynteins. Any book learned in one r< tiding. Recommended by Mark Twain. Richard Proctor, the Scientist, Hons. W. W. Astok, .1i i.ah P. llkn.ia MIX, Dr. Minor, Ac. Class of 100 Columbia Law stu dent* ; BJO at Meriden ; 250 at Norw |eh ; 350 a* Oberllu College; two classes of 200 each at Yale; 4i*» at IJul versify of Penn. Philu.; 400 at Wellesley College, and three large classes at Chatauqua University, Ac. Prospectus post kkke from PROF. LOISRTTE, 217 Elfth Ave., New York. s. n. I .-14 B Ely’s Cream Balm Gives relief at once and cures Cold in Head, Catarrh and Hay Fever Not n l.i(|iiii! or Snuff'. \pply Halm Into each nostril. Ely Pros, 2% Greenwich st, N. Y fl ■ to Soldier* X Heir*. Send it amp I*fillsllitlQ for ••IrciHan. COL. L. BlNtf | HAM, Att’y, Washington, d. c. UlAni/ FOR ALL. g-Yla week and expense* bVfiIKK paid. Valuable outfit and pnrtli-ular* niMIH free. P, O. VICKKKY. Augusta. Me CMA' 4 MOST!/. AoentaWanted. nobe*tsell- Ing articles In the world. I sample Free. WfaWAddresn JA Y BIWNHUN. Detroit. Mlrh. A6ENTS WANTED Am PATTERNS, for making Run Tidies, Hood*, MiUeus, etc. Ma- Chine sent by mail for sl. Send I f«r late reduced price lint. KIDDER'S ill k SURE CURE FOR INDIGESTION and DYSPEPSIA. Over s,nno Physician* havo sent nt Uielr approval of DIOEBTYLIN, Baying that It Is the best preparation for Indlgeatlon thnt they have over used. We have never heard of a case of Dyspepsia where DIGESTYIJN was Likeu that was oot cured. FOR CHOLERA INFANTUM. IT WILL CURE TnF. MOST AGORA VATED CASES IT WILL STOP VOMITING IN PREGNANCY. IT WILL RELIEVE CONSTIPATION. For Summer Complaints and Chronic DlarrtuMk which are the direct results of Iniiairfect digestion. DIGKSTYIJN will effect an Immediate cure. Take DYcKKTYLIN for all pains and dlsordsn of the *toma<-h; they all come from Indigestion. ASfc your *lr:ggl-t for DIGEBTYI.IN (price ft per large bottlei If he does not have It send one dollar tons and we will send a bottle to you, express prepaid Do not hesitate to send your money. Our house Is reliable. Established twenty flve year*. WN. P. K I IH>Klt »V CO., Mmanfoetnrlug t hcmlei*, M 3 John Mt., N. Y, I CURE FITS! Wber. t say cure I do not mean merely to stop them for a time and then have them return agate.. I nmaa a radical cure, J hsve made (he disease *>f FITS, EPIL EPSY or Calling nickNKstsTif*ion*stiidy. i •arrant my remedy to cure the won** caws. Because ethers have failed is no reason for not now receivlnir a cam. Headatoooa Im a treatise and a Frew Bottle I)AS LIGHT. k a Ifngontlomnn l»y -//l-j the name of l)ay volunteers to throw ■<* \'f the light of his cv .O' \J perienee into the *—darkened glares of ~ .miacry, so that : ot/'ers may go anrl Qvt ,|,, as lie lias done aud t njuy life, may ;t not he reasonably ealle, 1 As f.,r instance, take the ease s ’s ' “l>*“ 11 '•■intent S. Ilav, (ilmtcestcr, Ma write) April l«. I8S1: "N ine l>m * was stifleritift with rheumatism. 1 small iiortion of St. .Tacolis 01. and was eured at once. I have used it fnrspraiiis and . ’e'er onee have known it to fail. 1 will neve. ' without a bottle.” Captain Day al.sw • eeived a circular letter, and in reply unde, date of July 1, 1887, fie says: ”1 used the Oil ns Mated and was permanently cured of rheumatism by its use.” During the inter vening six .years there had been no recur rence of the pain. Also a letter from Mr. H. M. <’(inverse, of lhe Wn rre n (Mass.) ilcruhl , dated July c 1887, as follows: w ”ln response to would say that in 1880 my wife had ii ' !U 'i severe attack of \v-* rheumatism in I shoulder and arm, so that she could not raise her hand to her head. A few applications of rit. Jacobs Oil cured her permanently, and she has had no return of it.” Another case is that of Mr. It. B. Kyle, Tower Hill, Appomattox county, Va., who writes, November. IHHti: “Was alflictcd for several years with rheumatism and grew worse all the time. Eminent physicians gave no relief; had spasms, and was not ex pected to live; was rubbed all over with St. Jacobs Oil. The first application relieved, the second removed the pain, continued use cured me; no relapse in five years, and do as much work as ever.” Thee are proofs off he perfection of the remedy, and, taken in con nection with the miracles performed in other it has no equal. GOLD IB worth tsoo p«r lb. Fault's Eya Salva la worth #I,OOO, but la gold cl 25c a box by dealer*. ASTHMA IIRONCII IT IS, IIAY FHVEIt,nn«l all f>l»- CRMrn oil lie IIMIOIhrnn be eured only by DU. HAIR'S SYSTEM of Treatment, which I* now recognized by the medical world as the only one that will positively and permanently cure Asthma, Its kindred affections and all blood diseases. Not only does It excel nil other methods In giving quick relief, hut It absolutely cures the worst cases permanently. Thousands have been cured by it. Convincing and conclusive proof will he found In my M page Treatise, sent free, n. D U/ UAID '233 W. FOURTH MT„ Uli Di Ifi nAm, CINCINNATI, OHIO. The Youth’s Companion * FOR 188 S. • • A Remarkable Volume. Increased in Size. Finely Illustrated. 400,000 Subscribers. Eminent Authors. Special Articles of great interest, written for the Companion, will appear from the following Eminent Authors of Great Britain and the United States: Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, Gen. Lord Wolseley, y Professor Tyndall, Clara Louise Kellogg, Gen. George Crook Justin McCarthy, M. P., Archdeacon Farrar, Louisa M. Alcott. , f And one hundred other well-known and popular writers. \ \ Six Serial Stories, WILL BE GIVEN IN 1888, Ft’LLT ILLUSTRATED AND BY FAVORITE AUTHORS, INCLUDING I If I j, J. T. Trowbridge, C. A. Stephens, i AND OTHERS. ALSO, / 200 Short Stories; Tales of Adventure; j Illustrated Articles of Travel; Sketches of Eminent Men: v - Historical and Scientific Articles ; Bright Sayings; 1000 Short Articles; Anecdotes; Sketches of Natural History; Poetry. Twelve Page. Weekly, Instead of eight pages, will be given nearly every week during KM, Increasing the 2 aizc of the paper almost one-half, giving an extraordinary amount and variety of choice reading and illuslra- H tions, without any advance in the subscription price. \ Two Millions of People Read It. 2 FREE BPECIAL OFFER. a «n rn I- To any New Subscriber who will CUT OUT and n WfciiJU 2 ;TA ■■US ,e l d .. u S ♦•’■•■■•P. with name and P. O. addreas ■* U JAN In and *1.78 In Money Order. Exprese Money Order. L .MW unit I) Registered Letter or Check, for a year’s sub- -Hi CIl \ f 4000 scrlptlon to the Companion, we will send the __ _ -t 1000. paper free each week to Jan. Ist, 1888, and CAR 7C ! £ 1000 l for afulll year from that date to Jan. Ist, 1889. iUn vlalu,: f ; U ordered at once this offer will Include L- The Double Holiday Numbers For Thanksgiving »nd Cbrtatma., twenty page, e»cb, with Colored Covers mid Fail-page Frontispiec* i Pictures, which u« * fertnm of the Compenlon volume. They will h. unn.ually ettractive this year. \ | Address PERRY MASON A CO., 45 Temple Place, Boston, Mass. ; : J Q Specimen Copies and Colored Announcement sad Calendar free, If yon mention this pnper. i] lie VI A A II MUBTANG mCAIu AH LINIMENT V., k^/ lie VI A A Al MUBTAN6 mCAllf AN LINIMENT | SIOO to S3OO I Who can lurnUk tuoir uwu hoi mw and give thdelrUim I to the buslncM. ’Spare moment* may be pdontatty ( employ»ml also. A few vacancies In town* an d cities. B. F. JOHNSON * CO., 1013 Main SL, iUcluno Ud._Va, ! Hfinoh OR t. ATAhOG tear. Wls IS a day. Nam pie* worth *I.BO. FREE Lines not under tls* hurae's feet. Write Brewster Safety Ry in H«»ldcr Co., Holly, Mich ; IJMUMilliiHh'liHiiiHlL 1 ilidlfPl all C YIP All Hf AH MOj .I) I Kits aud t selr WMowa ■ CAIuAH IfHIlPen*lod*now fory«Miall. A* Ml drew K. If, Gelwtoa &€•.» Wa*Mofios, D.Q 01.1. V Dili. Greal EngiisliGout and Diail S riSISe Jhcumalic Remedy. Oval Bsiy 841 rsandi 14 PH la. OPIUM The man who has InvesteN from three A| We oiler the man who wants nervice to live dollars in a ltubb* r Coat, and m m (not stylo) a garment that will kp e n at his first half hour* experience in mmm mm mmm Mm dry In the hardest storm. It is a storm finds to his sorrow that It Is Lg ealled TOWER'S FISH BRAND hardly a better protection t’anii a mos- WV ■ “ SLICKER.” a name familiar to every qmto netting, not onlv fatla chagrined w ™ " fow-bny all over ihe land. With them at being bo badly token in. but also ■ the only perfect Wind and Waterproof feels Hhedi es not look maotly like ■■■ ■■ < J ,,a * is _ r ' ,, v‘T' s _Fi'hltrundSllcker.’ Ask for the t% FiBH BRAN IF’* Slick tu I ■ ■■§ oni and take no other. If your storekeeper does not hnvetbeFi.«H BR*ND,*endfordesrrlptlvecatalogue. A.J. Towkb,2o Simmons St.. Boston.3las*. jpU ROUGHIEITCH “ Rough on Itch ” Ointment cure* Skin Hu mors, Plixinlea, Flesh Worms. Ring Worm, Tet %«r. Balt Rneum, Frosted Feet. Chilblain*, Itei. Ivy Poison. Barber’s Itch, Scald Head, Eczema BOc. Druggists. E. B.Wells, Jersey Llty. nj. ! ROUGHiPILES Cures piles or hemorrhoids, itching, protrud. Ing, bleeding, internal or other. Internal tod i external remedy in each package. Sure cure, 800 Druggists or mail. E. S.WelL*, Jers«‘yCity. ROUGHonBILE PILLS, ig?- Active but milcL Cathartic. Bmall Granules Small Dose. For Sick Headache. Bilinusnere, Liver Complaint, Constipation, Antl-riiliousT* ROUGHonCATARRH^^ chronic casesTUn equaled for Catarrhal throat affections, foul breath, offensive odors Ask for “Rough on Catarrh.” 60c. Druggists. ROUGHsSTOOTHACHEISc. wftoorns 15c. EXHAUSTED VITALITY k Brut Mtdie*l Wsrk for Tom and Middb-Agtd Mon Maas. WM. fl. PARKER, M.n” Osnsultin* Phyalctan. Mor« tbss ou million -vrSos ■Old. It treats npo* Nervous and Phrslcai DotlUtT Wsmature Docllna, Exhausted Vitality. Imnaiyid Vigor, and ImpurtUoa of the and the obuS ■Bisertos eoaseqoeat thereon. Contain* b JTT substantial Madia*, full flit. Warrant** Wia beat popular reodleal treaty > rubUshed la tbs Rnellah lau*ua*a. Price only $1 by naafl, poatpaM, and eoasealed la a plain wrpper. sampi* Ar« If you send now. AAdrea* a* abora. Nome this payer. •

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