/CHARLOTTE MESSENGER. Publlshod every Saturday at Charlotte, N. C. By W. C. Smith. -Always in advance. 3 months 50 3 months 35 Single Copy. 5 Subscription Hates. Oue Year $1 50 8 months 1 00 0 months 75 Notify us at once of all failures of this paper to reach you on time. All money must be sent by registered letter, money order, or postal note to \V. C. SMITH, Charlotte, N. C. Short correspondence of subjects of in terest to the public is solicited but persons must not be disappointed if they fail to sec their articles in our columns. We are not responsible for the views of correspondents. Anonymous communications go to the waste baskrt. THE DAY WE CELEBRATE. The 25th anniversary of the Eman cipation Proclamation was celebrated on last Monday by the colored citi zens as never before. It was the largest and best celebration wc have ever seen here by our people, and it speaks volumes for them, showing that they have not forgotten and still appreciate the patriotism, heroism and Christianity of the noble abolitionists and martyrs in the great struggle that made us freemen. All civilized nations have their days to celebrate, aud almost all of thorn arc in commemoration of days on which they were to some extent relieved of burdens and made better and freer men. Then why should wc not celebrate this our emancipation day ? The day on which wc were freed from the most inhuman slavery ever known on earth. Days yet fresh in the memory of thousands of free men who were once slaves. The first of January is an appro priate day for several reasons : It is the beginning of the calendar year, and it was on that day that the slaves were generally sold, hired and forcibly separated from each other often for the last time. It was on that day that thousands of British slaves were set free, etc. Other days might give us pleasanter weather, but the first of January is the day for us to celebrate above all others. Every town and village and hamlet in the United States should assemble every military and civil organization, every church congregation and every individual of color, and appropriately celebrate this our day of freedom. Let us offer up prayer and thanks to Him who brought us out of the wilderness and if we continue to trust Him, will make us what we ought to be. Let us be merry in song, and good will to all men. Wc should make this a day of praise and rejoic ing. Let us praise Him with the psalter and the harp and the instru ment with teu strings. Let us sing psalms and anthems and the merry songs of Zion. Last Monday broke upon us beau tifully bright and clear and pleasant. We could not have had a nicer day of our own ordering. It had been an nounced that the day would be appro priately celebrated by the citizens, assisted by the Light Infantry and the Neptune firemen. Soon after two o’clock drums were heard on the streets and glittering guns and blight blue uniforms were seen moving to ward the firemen’s hall, and then a line of march was formed by four marshals on horseback. The proces sion was led by the Steel Creek brass band; then the Charlotte Light In fantry. commanded by Capt. G. J. Toole, Neptune Hand Fire Engine Company, Capt, M. C. Taylor; citi zens on foot, carriage drawn by four blacks, with the orator and essayist. Promptly at three o’clock all had reached the First Baptist church. There waiting, was a grand choir, made up of members from the different church choirs in the city, under the direction of l’rof. J. E. Hattley. Mr. James Smith, of Clinton Chapel, pre sided at the organ, while Mr. Phil. Claiborne, of Clinton and Mrs. Millie Johnson, of the First Baptist, led the soprano voices. Mr. Lee Wilson’s tenor was excellent and specially no ticed by all present. The music was well selected and well rendered. Dr. J. T. Williams as master of ceremonies, called the house to order and prayer was offered by Bev. J. A. Tyler. After music by the choir, the Emancipation Proclamation as issued by President Abraham Lincoln, was read by Mr. Napoleon IS. Houser. Then the choir rendered another fine piece and Miss Minnie It. Sumner read with much force and to thegrnti- fication of all, a poem—“ The Yankee Girl.” It was then we were all car ried away in song—The anthem, “Praise ye the Lord,” was sung to perfection. Rev. E. M. Collett was then intro duced and spoke about one hour and twenty minutes. In this time he said many wise and good things. Every body seemed delighted with the speech, and Rev. Collett did credit to the occasion and to himself and made many strong friends. At the close of the exercises the soldiers and firemen marched back to their balls, and at 8 o’clock the fire men joined the military in a levee at which the hall was packed and good order prevailed. Too much cannot be said in praise of the managers of the celebration: J. M. Goode, C. R. Moore, R. T. Wcddington, J. D. Gosprey and others. A new perma nent committee was appointed for next January, with Lieut. C. S. L. A. Taylor chairman. 'y' ANOTHER BRUTE LYNCHED. And still the brutish work of Judge Lynch goes on. But this time a white man is lynched by colored men, for an outrage upon a colored woman Wc have always contended that lynching is wrong and should be stopped. Heretofore such outrages have been almost exclusively against colored men. Wo condemn white men for lynching and we condemn colored men for the same But what can the white press of the South say about it? The Chronicle starts out by saying it was a weak minded man. Don’t the Chronicle know that any “negro brute” who attempts such an outrage is “weak minded?” The Chronicle and its brothers of the quill will learn some day how to treat these cases. Men who commit outrages upou wo men must be punished, but not by lynch law. Lynchers must be pun ished and the press must condemn them- —white as well as black. If white men are' justifiable in lynching a negro for a certain crime, then black men are justifiable in lynching a white man for the same. Colored men have borne these great wrongs very patiently many years. A spirit of retaliation is growing—and who can blame the colored man ? Don’t we love our women as dearly as the white men love theirs ? And should we not give life and take life for them if necessary ? If it is right for white men to kill and die for their women, it is right for the black man to kill and die for his own. Let us see that we respect our own and all other women and that our women respect themselves and deserve the respect of men, then let us do our duty by them as white men do by theirs—let us respect them. All rapers should be hung. Our intelli gence is worth nothing to us if wc havs not manhood to protect our females. Wc do not advise nor encourage lynching, because it is a crime, but we advise and urge upon colored men everywhere to see that our women arc protected against the vile of our owu and low “weak minded” white men. When oue of our ladies is insulted, see that the brute is punished, whether he be black or white. We have in our towns some colored brutish pimps who deserve a rope about their necks —they should be watched, spurned and driven out of the community. GLEANINGS FROM FAYETTEVILLE. During the Holidays. The weather was quite favorable during the holidays. Dr. Hood preached an excellent ser mon at Evan’s Uliapel, (Zion) on Christmas morning. In the afternoon Rev. A. Mclver, filled the pulpit and atnightßcv. F. B. House also preach ed a poweaful sermon. The Christmas tree at Evan’s Chap el was largely attended and the tree was ladcned with presents for the little ones as well as the grown folks. Miss Katie Council is spending the holidays with relatives and friends in Wilmington. Mr. L. H. Galloway and Miss Liz zie Kelley is also in Wilmington. On the morning of the 22d, ult. quite a neat but quiet marriage cere mony was performed ill Evan’s Chapel at eight o’clock Miss Mary .1. Wil liams nf Fayetteville to Mr. A. B. Smith of Goldsboro. Rev. J. M. Hill officiating. After the.ceremony the happy bridal couple wended their way to the depot, followed by a host of friends there to bid adieu to home and friends for a while. Miss Williams is quite an estimable young lady and by her winning ways has won many friends. They spent awhile is Wilson and from there they go to Goldsboro, the grooms home. May happiness at tend them through life. Several sudden deaths during the holidays. One young man froze to death Christmas eve night. We do not know his name. Another was drowned the same week. On the 23d ult. the Stewardesses of Evan’s Chapel gathered and gave the pastor what was called a Christ mas surprise. We cannot remember when there have not been a festival during the holidays before until this Christmas. It seemed as if every body had pre pared their own cakes aud other edi bles and would have their own enjoy ment. We certainly appreciated that step and wish another would be made. The Christmas tree at the Episcopal Church was largely attended also, and the tree as usual was full of both use ful and ornamental things. The Church was handsomely decorated. Mr J. H. Hannan of Tarboro was in the city a few days ago. Watch-meeting was held at Ziom Church Saturday night. Little Maud Hood is confined to her bed again, and seems to suffer much from pains. The A. M. E. Church was filled with a large audience on Monday night to witness the Christinas tree. Mr. G. C. Scurlock having pur chased a very valuable house and lot in the north western part of the city on Chatham St. will move on the 4th inst. The members of the Cape Fear Lodge,lndependent Order of Good Templars, gave a New Years Feast at their Lodge room on the night of the Ist inst. Quite a number of visiting friends were present, they were high lycntcrtaincd by addresses from sever al of its members. Space will not permit us to give the names of the speakers but one of the speakers which won the attention of the house was Mrs. Sarah McLaurin ; she addressed the house with as much bravery as did some of our modern heroes. Supper was served at 11:30. Music enliven ed the occasion. The New Year Ball was largely at tended and all who part icipatc in such amusements injoyed the affair. It was conducted by some of our best young men of the city. Messrs. H. M. Cain and W. C. Waddell. Quite a startling sensation was cre ated in the town on Monday evening, the stabbing of a man, by one of our citizens Mr. Cornelius Waddell, both colored. We have not learned par ticulars as yet. Emancipation Day was duly ob served here. Quite a number of citizens from the country came to town in honor of the day. The ex excises were held at Masonic hall, which was filled with patriots of the race. After the house was called to order by the Chairman. Mr F. P. Williston, Rev. J. M. Hill couducted the devotional exercises. The Eman cipation Proclamation was then read by Prof. G. H. Williams ; a short ad dress was then delivered by Mr. R. McN. Williams. The orator of the day, Prof. P. H. Brown, was then introduced by Mr. H. M. Cain. Space aud time will not even permit a syuop sis of the address, but suffice it to say it was a grand treat, and con tained instructions to all who heard it. It was not one of those spread eagle flights, but it abounded in solid matter. To show the address was highly appreciated cau only be judged by the frequent applause during its delivery and the close. Long may our people appreciate the day. A new manuging committee, with Mr. G. C. Scurlock as chairman for the next year, was selected, after which the exercises of the duy closed. Again wc arc spured to see the birth of another new year. Those figures which have been so familiar to us during the last twelve months fupon our calendars and letter heads) givoß place to a new one; the year 1887 becomes a thing of the past, and 1888 takes its place in the living present. Let us look back for a moment and see what we have accomplished. Os one thing we arc certain, while an other year has been added to the age of this old world of ours, it has added another year to the brief span of our earthly existence, and that we are one year nearer the end of our earthly existence, one’year nearer the cud of our earthly life, and that wc have one year less to develop the powers and faculties which a wise and bencficient Creator has given us. One year less in which to fit ourselves for that purer, higher and nobler life to which we hope to attain. During this new year let us turn over a new leaf in the book of our every-day life ; let us cherish friendly feelings for our fellow-man. And that this year may bring each one of us happi ness and joy. Maky. New England Letter. Ed. Messknokk —True as promised, we employ a part of our holiday pleasure in furnishing you a few items, which we trust will prove in teresting. It is needless to say that our trip to Bridgeport was delightful. The hospitalities of friends in Wash ington, D. C., attested in no equivo cal manner their ability to entertain visitors and make them comfortable; in no less degree, however, can we refer to friends in Salisbury, to whom we feel very grateful. Wc arrived and made our initial bow on the 18th of December, and up to this writing indications are that everything will be tranquil. Bridgeport is a city of no mean consideration. It numbers in popu lation between forty-five and fifty thousand, and its buildings are of modern improvement. The colored population numbers about 800, and among them there are three church organizations—Zion, Bethel, and Bap tist—of which Zion is in the lead. The Seaside Park, with which P. T. Barnum, the great circus exhibitor, has had much to do, adds wonderfully to the beauty of the city. Being on the main line from New York to Bos ton, and at the terminus of three other important lines, besides the steamboat line Bridgeport affords splendid accommodations for travel. Prejudice between the races can be scarcely observed, save in one or two eating saloons and two or three bar bershops, Public carriers arc open to all respectable people alike. One third of our congregation, generally, is of respectable whites, notwith standing it is to hear our "brother in black.” The New Englanders are enjoying the Xmas holidays hugely. Unfor tunately for us, we either arrived too late for an introduction to “Uncle Nick,” or he hasn’t had time to call on us, is why we arc not the recipient of a portion of the burden with which he is so “heavily laden.” Neverthe less, we’ll prefer no charges against him, as he may take a notion to come some day. There has been a greater outlay for public pleasure in the city than ever before in its history, as some of the oldest citizens testify. The illumi nation of the streets this week con stitute the chief attraction. Thou sands of sightseers collect evening after evening to enjoy the scene. The manner of the illumination is pleasing if not unique. Garlands of cvcr greeu are festooned across the princi pal streets nt an appropriate distance and gas jets covered with different colored globes arc ignited from above the arches, while Chinese lanterns arc luminous below His Excellency, Governor Louns burg, his honor, Mayor Fones, Hon. D. M. Reed, and Col. Andersou were the especial party that graced the archers; they were drawn in a fine equipage by four handsome gray horses. A platoon of police formed the vanguard, followed by the city orchestra. The Governor was kept busy bowing his acknowledgements to the cheers which greeted him. We were invited and spent Monday evening last in a musical at the resi dence of Mr. J E. Stevens, a mem ber and trustee of Zion Cliuach, and the wealthiest man of color in Bridge port. The music was, indeed, excel lent . Miss Corn flawlev. the aeeotn- E. M,ANDREWS, Has th«* Largest ami Most Complete Stock of FURNITURE In North Carolina. COFFINS & METALLIC CASES. Pianos and Qrgans Os the Best Makes on the Installment Plan. Low Prices and Easy Terms. Send for Prices. Chickering Pianos, Arion Pianos, Bent Pianos, Mathnshek Pianos, Mason & Hamlin Pianos. Mason & Hamlin Organs, Day State Organs, Packard Organs, E. M. ANDREWS, : : : A. (Jlajlottu, X. C. T H IE Messenger is published every Saturday at CHARLOTTE, - - N. C., in the interests of the COLORED PEOPLE AND THE REPUBLICAN PA RT Y. it is the only Republican paper in the Western end of the sixth Congressional Distrcit. Subscription, $1.50 per year. W. C. Smith, Editor and Proprietor, panist, and Mr. Walter Stevens, the cornetist, both performed their parts superbly. The singing by Mrs. Hart was grand. The chief characteristic in the social gatherings is vocal and instrumental music. At a recent concert at the Zion Church, Miss Adelina Saunders, of New Haven, one of the leading elo cutionists of New England, played a very conspicuous part. She received quite a number of encores. We will close for the present for want of space. Hope the Messkngeii a merry Xmas and many happy new years. G. L. Bi.ackwki.i-, No. 8 Gregory street, Bridgeport, Conn. A. W. Calvin, —DEALER IN — Family Groceries of all kinds. Country Produce al ways on hund. CHICKENS, EGGS, BUT TER and all kinds of VEGETABLES and FRUITS. Free delivery to all parts of the city. H B KENNEDY, DKALKR IK Confectioneries, Fancy and Staple Groceries. Chickens, Eggs, Butter, Vegeta bles, and all kinds of Country Produce. Everything kept in a well regulated Grocery Store. Fine Fruits a speci alty. No. 803 South Graham street, Charlotte, X. C. BOARDING HOUSE, CON(' Olt I), N . C . The traveling public will Is- accommo dated with comfortable rooms and board. House situated on Delsit street, in front of the Seminary, near depot, and convenient to all visitors. Terms reasonable. J. K. JOHNSTON. ~r~~> 11BBER STAMP, with your 1 1 1 \j name in Fancy Type, 25 visiting cards, and India Ink to mark Liuen. 25 for cents (stamps.) Book of 2000 styles fret with each order Agents wanted. Big Pay. Thalma. M’r’o Co., Baltimore, Md Charlotte, N. C. VIRGINIA HOUSE. CHARLOTTE , -V. V. Accommodations furnished travelers sit reasonable rates. Comfortable beds and rooms. House located in the central and business part of the city. Table furnished with the Vst of the market. Meals at all hours. J. M. GOODE, - Proprietor. CHARLOTTE, N. C. BRANCH HOUSE, l. r si Market Street, next to Academy of Musie, CHARLESTON, S. First Season will ho opened July 1, ’ST. First-Class Board and Accommodations at reasonable rates. P. M. THORNE, Proprietor. QAVE MONEY » IO and DISAGREEABLE CONTROVERSIES ! with agents who persuade you to send oil’ your little pictures to New York to have them enlarged and framed. You ran have all this sort of work done at home much better and just as cheap, notwithstanding the salsa asset tions these agents make to you, by calling at H. ItAI MOAHTEVS Photograph : # Gallery. Charlotte. N. C. Dr. J. T. Williams Offer* his professional services to the gen eral public. Office hours from 9 to 10 a. m. 2 to 3 p. m. Ofllicc No. 24 West 4th, street. Night calls from residence No. 508 South K. street, Charlotte. N. C. HENDERSON'S BARBER SHOP ! THE OLDEST AND BEST. Kxperieneed and fsilite workmen alway.- rriuly to wail on customers. Here you will get a A’AM 7 HAIR CRT and CLEAN ERA VE. JOHN S. HE Nil fen SON. East Trade Str< of. Charlotte. V. C.

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