RELIGIOUS READING O Food of Pilgrims Lowly! O food of pilgrims lowly! O broad of angels holy! O mnnna heavenly! Thou with refreshment flllest, And with contentment stillest, Hearts fainting wearily. O font of love overflowing! O stream forever growing! Issuing from Christ's own bread; Let us, tliy waters drinking, With thirst and hunger sinking, Weary, through them find rest Jesus, t hy fare concealed, As by thy word revealed, In form of bread wn see; Grant that the veil uplifted, We, with glad vision gifted, May see the openly. —[From Corolla Hymnorum Sacrorura. A Convincing Argument, Pn Vincent says that ha never denounces r«.*ple for playing at cards, dancing and th atre-going, because they are not absolute, but relative wrongs. But he loaves the ndo|>- tion of these amusements to the judgment of the young people in the churches in this way: "I draw a picture of the ltev. Dr. John Hall, Bishop Matthew Sini|>son, and 1). L. Moody sitting down together and shuffling cards for an evening, dancing themselves red with half-dressed women, or going to the theatre. They always seem shocked nt. the m«re men tion of such conduct by such Christians. But I ask them if they don't want ns good a place in Heaven ns a bishop shall have. And then I tell them that, if they can approve these amusements in church leaders, then, of course, they may ask the leaders to approve the same in them; otherwise, not.” It is a good putting of the issue.” There Win Once u .VI In liter. There was once a minister of the gospel who never built a church. Who never preached in one. Who never proposed a church fair to buy the church a new carpet. Who never founded any sect. Who frequented public houses an l drank wine with sinners. Who never received a salary. Who never asked for one. Who novel* wore a black suit or a whito necktie. W ho never used a prayer-book. Or a hymn book. Or wrote a sermon. Who never hired a cornet soloist to draw fouls to hear the “Word.” Who never oven took a text for his ser mons. Who never went through a course of theo logical study. Who was never ordained. Who was never even “converted.'* Who never went lo conference. Who was he? Christ.—{Hartford liel. Herald. Tile Mind of (hr-lst. Henceforth, earth may no moro know Christ lifter the flesh. But lias He left no representative of Himself? Is His image to fadeaway from the earth? No; He died to restore the hist image of God to man. While in Heaven, He represents man; Ho leaves man here to represent Him. “As He was, even so are we in this world.” His very imprints He hath left indelibly marked; and now-, if we say we abide in Him, we must walk even as He walked. Do you wonder, when I say that the icsponsibilities of the Christian seem to my mind so high, that my ►pii it labors for pjwer to expiess its weighty conceptions? I.ittle daughter said to mo a few days since: “Mn, what is it to have the mind that is in clirist?” 1 replied; “If your mind weio in me 1 should act just, ns you act, and if the mind of Christ is in us, we shall act just us Christ acted, if placed in circum stances similar to ours, for it is the mind that moves to action.” Were all who are called bv the name of Clirist actually to possess His mind, and reflect. Hi* im ige, and to ex hibit their living realisation of that faith which says, “1 can do all things through Christ, w hich strongtheneth me,” it would be an *»very-day sight to see one elinse a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight. And if we may thus speak of the (’ailing of Curis tians, where shall we find words to speak of their reaponsibil it ies?—l Mrs. Phoebe Palmer. Following .mil Fishing. Following comes lief ore fishing. Wo are not ready lor the Master’s work until we are the Master’s disciples. Loving precede? a rving. We ought not to forget this. On earth one may serve a m ister one dislikes, but it is not so in Christ’s kingdom, “l/ivest thou me?” must bj answered affirmatively lief ore the commission can lie given, “Feed my slice.i. feed my lunlw.” People some t ines bilk als »ut a “passion for souls,” but there must be a passion for Christ be fore there can lie a passion for souls. Zin zeudoifs motto is better. “ I have only one passion and that is He!” All service must spring from this. This is a vitally im;mrtant truth to lie realized by those w ho are doing any work for the Master, Sometimes our zeal seems to hove flagged. We have not. the old ardor. This may lie from weariness—not weariness of, but weariness in the service. The strongest of us get tired. Even Jesus grew weary and slept in the wild storm. Nature needs rest that the emptied life fountains may be refilled. But in the waning of our earnestness and enthusiasm we nco.l to lie very honest with ourselves; iierhnjis we me losing our love for Chri-t. Perhaps we are not working well because we are not loving well. To work better we must seek, then, to Jove more. Only in following can we be made fishers of men. Tbe Master never make< fishers of eny who do not come after hint. What then is following? it is loving. Christ orbs hiiu self int/i such beauty and splendor I efore the eyes that all other beauty and other splen dors fade out, as stars fade from the sky in the brightness of the sun’s rising. Then love begets faith. We are ready to commit our •elves forever to him who stands before us in Hood’s Sarsaparilla /t a peculiar medicine. I» f 4 carefully prepared from » nuapnrtlla, Dandelion. Mandrake. D<*ck. I’lpiwwn. Juniper Berries and other well known and valuable refrttble remedies, by a |»e ullar • omblnatton, pro portion and prove**, unknown to nnv other medl olua. and Riving to Hood's Sarsaparilla «uratlve no* possessed by other medicine*. It cfTr<>t« remarkable cures where others fall. Hood’s Sarsaparilla ffaa met peculiar and unparalleled awveiwi at home, flueb has heeome It* populailty (n Lowell, Mas*., where It Ik made, that whole neighborhood* «r* tali In* It at the Kama time. Lowe | dnuubt* ** II more of Hnod’a Karsapirllla than of all other Mranpartlla* or bpurifiers. The same kmvnh Ih e standing All •r**r the country. a* the r»*<-ullf r euratltre power* of Hood'a Sarsaparilla beoome known. Hood’s Sarsaparilla laao ra«tly auperior to any other ursaparl laorhlood purifier that one has well * .Id; **|ta health giving efffirta *pon the blood and human oroutlam are a* moebmorei onltlv*. than the remedlenof a<j'inrn-rof *c*nfury ago astheatcam power of to day la In nd Vance of the alow and lahorloua drudgery of years ago. Hood’s Sarsaparilla 4oMl*»lldru«il.u 41; Si for $3. Hnpmtl only I *»C. I. HOOD 4 CO., ApoUwewtM, Um.ll. Hu. 100 Doses Ons Dollar I life, must be Christ himself. We are Chris tians not because we accept a creed, because we unite tvith a church, but because we ac cept Christ and are united to him. After the following comes the fishing, yet the Master has a word of encouragement which we should not overlook. “Follow me,” he say*. “and I will make you fishers of men.” Good Christian people often speak distrustingly of their ability to do Clirist s work. Truly of ourselves wo are not able to catch f ouls. But Christ nowhere says we are; indeed he most emphatically teaches that wo are not, until ho has taught us and trained us. He kept his first disciplee a long time in preparation before he sont them out finally with their great commission. Bo we aro to follow Christ, thus putting ourselves under his hands ami by his grace he will make u< fishers of men.—[Philadelphia Presbyterian. A Help, and Not an Injury. In view of all the facts ran it not be most truthfully said that prohibition not only does not injure but i« a very groat help to any town? Before Dos Moines had Prohibition it had seventy saloon*, now it has none, and yet, notwithstanding adverse circumstances it expended in 1887 for public and private im provement;. over four millions and a-lialf of dollars, transacted a wholesale, manufac turing and miscellaneous business of over fifty six millions of dollars, and raised its population from about forty-six thousand to over fifty one thousand; it has not received one dollar of blood money from saloons, mid is by far the moat prosperous city in lowa “If that la the way Prohibition kills towns.” then every town cursed with saloons may well pray for a similar death.— lndependent. A Hog Letter Carrier. There is now on exhibition at Frank E. Smith's jewelry store, under the Lick House, a magnificent oil painting 40x50 inches, the central figure being a Scotch colly. The subject of the picture is known as “Dorsey.” Dorsey lias for upward of three years carried the mail between Calico, Ban Bernardino county, and Bismarck, a mining camp between three and four miles distant, over utmost impassable mountains. Calico is a stage station, and has a postoffice. Bismarck is without stage or postottice. The country is very steep and rough In places. Dorsey belongs to the post master at Calico,anil in his youth was not regarded as above the average pup. One day the postmaster wanted to send word to liis brother at Bismarck, but did not want to make the trip. It occurred to him to try the deg. He wrote a letter, tied it around the dog’s neck, pointed the animal’s nose toward Bismarck, and fold him to go. He trotted oil a short distance, and then turned about to set* what else 'was wanted. Some of the small boys showered stones at him. and ae ran on to Bismarck. Next day he returned with an answer tied on his aeck, and he showed that he had been well treated. The experiment was re peated, each time with success and ad ditional dignity on the part of the dog. As soon as it became known that Dorsey could be depended upon re piests were made by the miners to send their mail by him. The loads soon incieas»d and they could not tie on nil the letters, l’he miners then ordered a handsome little mail bag and fitted it to the dog’s shoulders. Helia-uever missed n trip lor about three years or lost a let’cr. Now, when the stage comes in lie gets up, stretcbci hi in sc f, walks to tie jo«t ortice, waits to have the mail strapped to him, and starts oil as soon as he is told ill is ready. He will make a long detour to avoid meeting a stranger, seeming to realize the imp irtancc of his mis .ion. As might be expected, Dorse-/ is a great favorite with all who know him iu tb it iccliou.— St. Jose {Cal.) Tilth’s. The President’* Tailor. John Brown, of New York, who hi* been the tuiloi of every president, since Andrew Johnson’s time, went over to Washington to measure President Cleve land for seven new suits of clothes re cently. The orders that the I resident gave Mr. I trown rather surprised the tailor. He was also somewhat nstoni bed when Mr. Cleveland exhibited lii> ward robe. It is much more elaborate than Mr. Brown had ex pee ted. Ip to the time of Mr. Cleveland’* marriage four suits of clothes aye ir were con ideiod abundant for his wants Mr. t lcve’a d * deaire to dress better is, therefore, attrib uted to Mrs. Cleveland. Mr. Brown ays that tliOrPycsidvnt is even a larger man than lie looks. He measures titty si ; inches around the waist and forty-set cn around the chest. The President said that he is very fond of a sac que coot, and would lather wear them than any other, hut he does not appear to advantage in any oiheftbhan a Prince Albert coat. While the Pi cable, nt was very patient and affable, he admitted that the procisi of getting measured was a very ted »ui one, and bad not Mrs. Cleveland made him believe that his position as President demanded it he won (I w« ar ready-made c’othing In persuadinghiin to pay moro. attention to matters of dress, Mrs. Cleve land argqed that a person in a public po sition nk« her husband, meeting so many peop’e and continually hefor • the public gaze, to appear to advantage should drew differently every day. I'e owed this not Bo much to himself a- to the people who come in contact with h i in. —I *h iUulelyh in Pre <*. One hundred and twenty thousand copies of the song, “Bock-a-Bye Pabv.'i have been sold. i I* the I cAUdool purifier iM-forelhc public. Itenil . cot® I ov®fy Impurity and *urcScrofula, Halt Rheum, ♦ Roll*, I’lmph-s *ll flumf*rA, bynpcpnla, Rlllouso'-ss 8l« k Headactie, Indlgcxtlun, General Debility. Ga Urrh. Khcimctlm. Kidney a d Liver Complaint*. » overco:n«** thit tire 1 reeling, create* an appetlt**, i tones the dlgextlvrforgan*, overcome* nervotunwa aud gives attengtb and health to the entire *y*tem. Hood’s Sarsaparilla I* t»e.'ullar In Polng the only iiKxiidne of which rnn truly l«* mM, "I'fl Dm* i on * Dollar," which 1* an tin answerable arguniyni ;w toltaMrength andrcononiy. . When given a fair trial it become* a favorite remedy. I If you make Up your mind to buy Hood’. H i nap* | rllla do not allow polite (lerouanlon or argument t _ » 1 Induce ypu take anything elae. Ih.lmi up-tn hav lug Hood's H ir.Hpurlllii, which |* pei-ulMr to Him*|! . Hood’s Sarsaparilla I I* pe--till »r In the wonderful cnr**.< it has accom pll*h® 1, wholly unprecedented In the hlauwy of med i Wine,and giving to Hood’* Hirsaparllla a clear right to the title of ”Tbe greatest hkiol purifier ever dl*- covrrod.” A *»«'»*• containing Mat® • ent* of cures by Hood's K trsaparllla. will Im sent to all wlmj deotre It I Sold by all drug»d»W- $1; six for st>. Prepared only b, n, 1. HOOP t OO . ApuClMrwlM, Mm, ' 100 Do*** On* Dollar Sympathy for the Sick. Funny Man (of Chicago daily)—“A sudden feeling of nausea has come over me. It must he something I’ve eaten.” Horse Editor (sympathetically)—“Pos sibly it’s something you have written.” — Bazar. II r mil uk. Barnum said “The American Itoiple like to lie humbugged.” This may lie true in the line of entertainment, but not where life is at stake. A man with consumption, or any lin gering disease, looking death iu the face and seeking to evade hisa wful grasp,does not like to betrifled with. Bo with confidence we place bo fore our readers Nature's groat remedy. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, ii sure relief for that long train of diseases resulting from impure blood, such ns Consumption, Chronic Nasal Catarrh, Liver Complaint, Kidney Disorder, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Scrofula and General Debility. Time-tried and thoroughly tested, it stands without an equal! Any druggist. The 3,000 votes cast by Toronto, Can., women at municipal elections are almost unanimously for temperance officials. “Not Ituik, Hut lliimluchm’’! is the wav a Western man put it in express mg to a friend Ins complete satisfaction In the use of Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Purgative Pellets. Bo small and yet so effectual, they bid fair to supplant entirely the old style pill. An ever ready remedy lor Sick and Billions Headache. Billiousness, Constipation and all blood disorder*. Mild in action, wonderful in effect! Put up in vials, convenient to car rv. Their use attended with no discomfort! These sterling merits account for their great fiopularily. Tho Interim! Kevenue report gives the numlier of licensed liquor dealers in this country in 1880 as 305,8111. Bhe scolds and frets, She’s full of |>ets. She's rarely kind and tender; The thorn of life If a fretful wife— I wonder what will mend her? Try Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. Ten to one, your wife is cross and fretful be cause she is sick and suffering, and cannot control h**r nervousness when things go wrong. Make a healthy woman o» her and the chances are that, you will make a cheerful and pleasant; one. “Favorite Prescription” is the only remedy for woman’s peculiar ail men's, sold by druggists ueder a positive guarantee from the manufacturers, th t it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded Bee guarantee oil bottle wrapper. Dirge bottles, sl. Six for $5. The nine Woman's Christian Temperance Unions of Detroit, Mich., have consolidated under one head, to bo called the Union of Unions. NERVES! NERVES!! What tumble visions this little word brings before the eyas of the nervous. Headache. Neuralgia, Indigestion, Sleeplessness, Nervous Prostration. All stare them in the f.ioc. Vet all these nervous usublcs uan be cure,.' by using elery (ground For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. THIS GREAT NERVE TONIC AKo contains die best remedies for diseased con ditions of the Kidneys, Liver,and Blood, which always accompany nerve troubles. It is a Nerve Tonic, an Alterative, a Laxative, and a Diuretic. That is why it CURES WHEN OTHERS FAIL. si.oo a Dottle. Send for full particulars. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO , Proprietors. BURLINGTON, VT. Will Color One to Four Pounds Os Dress Goods, 1 F °J* Garments, >• Ifj Yarns, Rags, etc. J "ents. A Child can use them! The PUREST, STRONGEST .in.l FASTEST es all Dyes. Warranted to Dye llic most goods, and xive the l>est colors. Unequalled lor Feathers, Rib bons, and all Fancy Dyeing. 30 leading colors. They also make the Beat and Cheapest WRITING INK ) ONL QUART I.aundry blue/ lO Cents. Directions for ( oloring Photographs and a colored Cabinet Photo, as sample, sent for io rents. Ask druggist for Book and Sample Card, or write WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO.. Burlington,Vt. For Gilding or Dronzing Fancy Articles, USE DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold. Silver, Bronze. Copper Only IO Cents, WELLS* ROUGHosCATARRH^ffi worat ehronlr mm* i 'in-•■iinCeil for < 'auu-rlukl throat •ffirtlora. Pnil itrmlh. (••Tonatvn odor*. aore throat, dlt'lu lu-rU, ii>M In th- ln-ii.l Aok for M Honuit «>■ CiTABSH. Hoc Drue K. h. Win*, Jarary City. 8 J. B'LOOK you mg •• loojr «■ »otj ran. p«a ■kin h|j thaf .111 £•.!••« |>r» s. a. NKMA. y.jiia, Several diamonds were found in t meteorite which fell in the town of KraHnoslohodflk, Russia. They will be given to the individuals who are able to pronounce the name of the town. Conanmptlon Hu rely Cured. To tho Editor:—Plea so inform your readers that l have a positive remedy for the al»ove named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been }K»riiianentlj cured. I shall be glad to send two Ixittles of my remedy fhkk to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their FiXpress ard P. O. address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C„ 181 Pearl Bt, N. Y. Itching Piles. Symptoms— Moisture; intense itching and stinging; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. Bwaynk’s Ointment stojts the itching and bleeding, heals ulcerution, and in many cases removes the tumors. Equally efficacious in curing all Skin Diseases. DR. BWAYNE & BON, Phil adelphia. Bent by mail for 50 cts. Also sold by druggists. If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Thomp son’s Eye-water. Druggist sell at 25c.per lxittle “Counth k* thousand mourn” they have not sent lor a free pamphlet oil Taylo’s Hospital Cure for Catarrh, 2154. B’way, New York. Il Suflei’ern from iloiiNUinpiloii, Scrofula. Bronchitis, and General Debility will try Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with liyjHiphospliites, they will find immedi ate relief and perminate benefit. The Medi cal Profession universally declare it a remedy of the greatest value and very palatable. Read: * 1 have used Scott’s Emulsion in sev eral cas» sos Scrofula and Debility in Chil dren. lb suits most gratifying. My litt'e patients take it with pleasure.”— \V. H. 11 ul bert, M. I)., Sa isbury, ill. Xo Opium in Pisa's Cure Far Consumption Cures where other remedi s fail. 25c. ■EFITTNI Ely’s Cream Balm Gives relief hi once lor COLD IN HEAD. prmßfijlj - I CUBES | _ ¥ CATARRH Not nLlquiil or Soul!. into each nostril MXIEIy Bros.. SJS Green wkh St. N Y. nATTNTQ obtained by K. H. UKI DM I fill I 5 HTON »V CO., Walk -1 Ingtoii, 11, C« Bend for our t*>ofc of InAtni-**— — HOME STHI* kw'pln*, I>nman*hlp.Arttbm«*l* ■1 yiWt Shorthand. \c... thoroughly taught hv rnalL Ole •alan free. MUliri COLLIW, hm»\, Kaffala. HEtl Vflin A A Aorrrn. Agmtt wantta. *V beat Mil m#JlH * n * art'clos In the world. 1 sample Yrrr. •■WWAdUrwi JAY BRONSON. Detroit. Mirh. GOLD la worth t»jn per lh. 1 ettit'ii Kye Solve it worth SUOOQ, but ie ■old at 250 a box by dealers DUSbVDiIU Great English Gout ass DSillir SlIlISs Rheumatic Remedy. Oval ltd*, .‘tit -onml, 12 I'illn. • IX day. Sample* worth SI.SU. VRM bb7l Line* not Tinier the home * feet. Write W%O **»WBter Safety Hein HoMer Go.. Ilollv. Ml»-v I CURE FITS! When t say cure I do not mean merely to atop them for a time and then have them return again. I mean • radical cure. 1 have made the diaeane of FITS, KPllr KPSY or FALLING RIC?KNESS a life-long study. I earrant my remedy to cure the wore* caeee. Because ether* have failed is no reaeon for not now lecuirine • cure. Send at once f„r a treatise and a Free itottle mi my infallible remedy. Give Kipress and Poet Ofllen. "The Only , / 1— —————— Avatvf. f Coptbight, 1887. J ——■ thati^.rs!^!:&^ p poou,,nr sold by drufngMs under a positive guarantee, from the manufacture!*, inatlt. will gito satisfaction m every ease, or money will Ik- ndumlcd, is Da. I'ikklk s Favouite Phescuiition This iruHrmtee has been printed on the bottlc-wrapisTS, and fuithfuity carried out for many years. THE OUTGROWTH OP A VAST EXPERIENCE. , .??? ♦’"ifnx’nt nf many tlmnwiiidß of rnHti of show chnmir wtnkni'sw-.s ami diatnisiiin ailnu nl* peculiar t.. f.-rnal.-. it the Dr. Pierce’s Favor- l He Prescription is the ■ outgrowth, or result, of | this gri'nt and valuable i experience. Thousands of t«‘stiinoiiials, received A Boon To Women. from patients and from physicimiH who have lasted it in the more nirgruvnled and o!>h( iniite raws which had baffled tlicirakill, prove it to Im tho most wonderful remedy ever devised for the relief and cure of Hiir fering women. IL io not recommended us a "cuttsall.” but ns a most iwrfcct Hpecittc for woman’s |Nu;iiliar diseases. As a powerful, in vigorating tonic, it iinimrtH strength to tlie whole system, and to the uterus, or womb and its appendages, in particu lar. For ovcrwnrkwL A Powerful Tonic. “ worn - out." ••run-down.” debilitated teachers, milliners, drewnnakers, seaui stresses, “shop-girls,” hoiisekee|M>rs, nurH ing mothers, and feeble women generally. Dr. Fierce’s Favorite Prescription is Hie greatest earthly boon, tn*ing uiKNiuaieil as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic. It promotes dig'fMion and assimilation of food, cures nausea, weakness of stoinuch, • indig'*st ion. bloat iug and eructations of gas. TREATING THE WRONG DISEASE. r „n t h!MK« they ail present alike to themselves and their easy-going and Indifferent, or over-busy doctor, separate and dmtne t hIV . hiS he prescribes his pills and potions, immming them to Im- such, when, in reality, thi* arc a disorder. The phvsieian. Ignorant of the cause of suffering, entumragen his nractin- iiiVtH lari.- la/ta are ,„»n. V|m L pnllent gets no betrer. but probably worse by reason of the delay, wrong tresSSSt and e,T ?•!.,„ !"• t'.onl T?re L r medicine 1 . ilke Dr. Firrcrs Favohitb Pbrsciuption. fUrtrted to the caw*, would have entirely removed the dJ,«w tfcm-ii XL polling all thoso distressing symptoms, and instituting coinlort instead of prolonged misery. * lD€ ‘ ,UAWM - tfi* rv l»> <k Mrs. R. F. Morgan, of No. 71 St.. 1 ! F.ant Hunt on. Muss., says: “ Five years ngo I wag a dreadful sufferer from uterine trouT.|«>n. Having exhausted the Hull of three physi cians, I was completely discouraged, and so wink I could with difficulty cross the room 3 Physicians Failed, alone. I In-gari taking Dr. Pierre's Favorite Prescription nnd ' using the loeal treatment, recommended in hin ’Common Sense Medical Adviser.’ I commenced to improve at nitre In three months I was irerfert/// rtirrd, and have had no trouble slnre f i r r ".'.K ? _L nv ( ! unll i hn, ">' 'n.-ntl..nlnjr how mv li'-nlth Imd b<i-n lawtorad. and off-ring to wnrt Iho full nnrticiilnn, to any one writing me for lh. ii., and me10n,,,, n for reply. I have received nv.r four hundred Hlrni | n rcnlv t have dewrlbed itir rw; and the, and hare ier n.ail T advlwd them to *dni likewlae.’ Fmm a irrenf manv I hare rewnd letter* of thank., -fnlln-r that they had "?m. m.-ma-d the line of f-avnrlt.- Pn-aerlnH.m.* had rent the Cl I re-iulrt-d for the • M.-dn-al Advlrer.’ ,i,d had Vppli.d thT i.Li iXlT.’loZly'”"* ~lHi' l ly *“ 1 ' 1 *»» UreretaoEd wm mu,k n W'tmh.-Mpi. KvA of Cent, ffrrhnrit. nrenf 71..0i0i „.. r , 1 Fnvnrlt.- I'ne. rlplinn haa done me a n! ' H * I Buffered fmm retmverat..n of Ih.- iit.-ru. am nnw h r.-,-l7nv Ilk" 1 '"a.w * ‘ ravnrit.- l>rewrtptlon.’ ami i am now liming like a different woman." Doelora Failed. -Mm. F. Corwin. of /W Orel,, ff. V. writ4*H. | doctored with three or four of the lies! doctor* in ' thew* part*. nnd I grew worse until I wrote to you nnd | N *gan using your FsvortiH Prescription .* I used three bottle* of It , .*» <s °Men Medleal Discovery.’ ukm one nnd n half botthwof the Purgative Pellets.' I cun do my work and new and Jill a ' ld *7 * n hett«T health than I ever expected to h* In thin world again. I owe it all to your wonderful medicines.” Aches •pv down your a— y° ur> limbs /v\ean° RHEUMATISM. NEURALGIA • OR KINDRED ILLS - ««.> EXHAUSTED VITALITY A Great Medical Work for Young and Middle-Aged Men. prii;.!MD:il toy tliw I'KAUOIM II Kill- Jf C’AL INraTITIJTK. No. 4 IfHllfitiLh Hi., Itneinn. Itln«. \V1»I. 11. I*A UK Kit, M.D., Consulting Phvalelan. More than one million •old. It treats uiioii NervoiH pii-I Plivhl<*hl Irehllity, Premuture Beciine. Exliousted Viiatlty. Impaired vigor and impurities of the Blood, and «h" untold ml-criea cou-ieqtn-nt thereon. Contam-4 :i"i* pacen, •uhßtnntlxl em'io-04 d Idu lln;. full gilt Warranted the Ooxt nopnlur me ib'itl ireutiae pmdiHlied in th* Kn ;imli fnuguii<;e. Price only <1 by innll. P«e<t|Nild. •nd concealed In a plain wrapper, llfuntr'itivi Kii nplefrrr if you *end now. Addrca* at above. Xmru> thi* jxiper. • The main whohus nivcsb-d lr<*m three We <*ll. r the man who want* M-rvlce to live dollurs m u Itublx r Coat, and WW (not style) a garment that will keep at his tint halt hours experience In AAWps H him dry in the hardest st-rm. It in h storm finds to liih sorrow that It is Lg ■ called I'nWllh’s Flsll I’.KANH hardly a better protection than a mm- ff ■ *• sI.B’KKH. ’a name familiar to every qiilto netting, not only feels chagrined m m ■ Cow-hoy all over the land. With them at being so badly taken in, but also ■ ■—jg ■ the onlv' |ierfert Wmd and Waterproof feels if he dot s not look exactly like t ’-nt is “ I’.over’•. I i h Brand Slicker.’’ Ask for the ** KIKII BRAND** BtJCKIB I I ihlß I and take no other. IfiwfitaßkMMf As a soot Is In g I nitu strciigtlicniug nervine, “ Favorite I’reseription ” is une (|iiuled and is invaluable ! in allaying and subdu ing nervous cxcitnbil- ' I pHWSBHa A Soothing 1 Nervine. hwaMaMassawwf j By, irritability, exhaustion, prostration, hysteria, spasuiH and other nervous symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic diwase of the womb. It iiifiiu'es refreshing sleep j and ndieves mental anxiety and de- ' spondency. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip tion Is u legitimate medicine, carefully compounded by an experienced and skillful physician, mid adapted to woman's delicate organization. It in purely vegetable in its composition and i IMTfeetly hallnless in its effects iu any I condition of tho system. In prcgni)iicy,”Fa- ! voritc I’m script ion " is | a “mother's cordiul.” j relieving nausea, weak- I ness of stomach mid I other distressing symp toms common to that ' A Mother’s Cordial condition. If its use in kept up in the ! latter montlia of gestation, it so prepan-ti 1 I A Voice I I From California. | have find none of these. I also lisd w«>mt» complaint so laid that I could not walk two block* without tin* moat net ere |*am. but t**fore I had taken your ’Favorite I’n-w i iption ’ two mouth*. I could walk all over the oil) without Imnnw-nH no . All my troubb** seem to Is* h aving me under the I* mgn influence of your meliriw. and I now ferl staatter than for jenrs tn*f«*re. My physictana fold m«* that I could in*t U t wnd. and th»ref«*re you will p|«*ase a<*ee|U my everlasting thanks lor what you hau* d«me for me. and mav <LmI bb-se >Oll in your go**! works." leter. she writes: ”l» is now four \«nrn siiuv* I t<~>k your ’Fa vorite Pn scrifrtinn.' and 1 liavc had do return of tin* female trou hie I had then.** Well um | Fvrr Vna Mrs Jr»nN bTrwAHT. of ffiimvaen FbUn. iris., write*: •• | w ish to inform you that I am hs sell an I ever waa. for whioh I thank vour molirinot. I t»»oh four Initthw of the • Favorite Preseription ' and one t*ottleof your Discovery ’ and four tM>ttl«* of the ’pellets.’ All of the laid symptoms have I do all my own work : am abl»* t<» la* ou my sot all *lay. My frtenda t«*ll me I n«*vi*r hMik«H| so well.” fW“ /WwHln F+rmeripNon In Mnttt l*w the Wortd Offer r large Haiti re SI.OO. HU for 5 8.00 . ten eenta In RtamfM for Dr. Pfctr* ’* large. Illustrated Treatise (ISO pagin, paper invcrs) ou Diseanes of Women. Addroan, World** Mapenanry Mrdhal Aasorlnllun* No. Main htreet, llrrvALO. N. Y. ■lmwm-ifO BEAD SYMPTOMS and CONEITIOXS This Remedy Till Relieve tnd Cure. If Vnu nn ‘ threatened with, or already hava I I UU Bright's disease, or Urinary trouble, 14 Vnu have seslimcnt in unne like brick dust, II IUU frequent calls or Retention, with distress or pressure in the purts, 14 Vai* have L*imc Bm k, Rheumatism, Stlna. IT I UU lug. Aching Fains in Bide or hips, 14 Vnu have DinN-tes or Dropsy, or scanty of II IUU high colored urine, |4 Vnu have Malaria, Torpid Liver. II IUU Gall Stone, Feveraud Ague, or Gout« 14 Vnu have Irritation, SiHurnnMlic Btricfursk II I UU or Catarrh of the Bladder, |4 Ynil l* avo humors. Pimples, Ulcers II IUU Seminal Weakness, or Hypbilis, |4 Vnu have Stone In KWncjr,or Gravel in Rladt II IUU der. Stoppage of unuu or Dribbling, |4 Vnu l ,nv <’ poor Appetite, Rad Taste, Foul* II IUU breath, or intmo ai. Slime fever, DiiilHc «PQ?*lckhra run-down censtltutioa, DUIIUO Don't neglect early symptoms. Kvkbt Doss Gobs Bioht to thsKfot! Prcjwml nt I>vr«rn.*nry llrv*r>mmf*THV»i by rcnnwn«S phynh-uuM- "Invitluii** Itulde to HcaMi" free. Advtc* tn* All Genuine have Dr. Kilmer’s likeness on All outside an i inside wrappers. Onlrl *»y uB Rut oatsTs, and Db. Kilmie A Co i OUIII, N. Y. * I jii.oa—*ix Bottle* ss.oo m. n. n s Bimatraidrih ALL USE f AtLS. P. TftHtlM g(NNI. Uso •Id by druggist a. (H i Piso’s Cure B motion saverl l. H. Dowkll, I c|tiirer, Eden- ■ April 23, 1887. s [plsol ar Gough Medi- p io’s Cure for h ion. (hildren m tout objection. S uggistu. 25c. B SEonscdp ALlfisTfAils! Ga p. Tastes good.’ Use R •id by druggists, p| DICI CQWMsffi QlrLCp swans? HIINQ V— 1 ' -tTE*- I TH«* P iTg Jenney & Graham Gun Co.AtJfiy.ygk-’ I the system for delivery as to greatly lesson, and many times almost entirely do away with the sufferings of that trying ordeal. . “Favorite Prc- Hcriplion *’ Im n I positive cure for I the most complicated I and olvtinatc i hm-h jof Icticorrhca. or •“whites,” excessive j Cures the ] [Worst Cases. I ’ (—if v Mowing at monthly (h nods, painful men strual ion. unnatural suppression, prolap sus or falling of the womb, weak back, “female weakness," aiitevt rsion. n-trover sion, IM-aring-Uown m nsatwue. chronic congestion, vdlummation. and nice nit ion of the womb, inflaiiiiiuifion, pam and tenderness in o\aries, accompanied with internal heat.” “Fnvorltc Prcacrlp tion,” when taken in con nection with the uac of Dr. Fierei-’sGolden Medieal Dis covery, and small iuxative doses of Dr. Fh'rcc's Pur gative Fell' IN (Litlie |,|vet For the Kidneys. mammmmmmnrn { Fills!, cun* Liver, Kidney and Itiadder dis cs si s. Their combined iw wire n nim>« bhiod taints, mid aho|i*h«v< «ane«nnis and fiCTotuious humors from the system. Mrs. Kn. M. f»f Onhtami. Coh \fnruio. writes: "I had lon troubl'd all ni> lit* with hystcvtasl attacha aaMl p«r -ox3sum. «»r spasms, and pcrkMbenl teeiir rcticvanf se\* n- Im adaelM'. but since I have • Io n using tour ‘ Favorite l'n««Tiption ’ I

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