EELIGIOUS READING. Thv l'orpaN;ii;' .ncioilv. Like some jiink shell, that will not cerfso Its murmur of the sen, . Mv heart sings on without release, This anthem full and free: “Thou wilt keep him in perfect pouco Whoso mind Ls stayed on Thou.” The music of the melody Has 1 looted down the years, A soul-subduing harmony, It. elevates and cheers; And like t he voice of deity, It dissipates nil fears. Beyond the sounds of early strife, Beyond the frown and sigh, Beyoml tile world with discordrifo. It lifts the soul on high— To fin. 1 a calm and restful life, By faith in Christ brought nigh. There perfect peace surrounds the soul Who to trust on God is stayed; While pressing onward to the goal, It hears, all undismayed, Tlie deep notes • f the music roll Through sunlight and through shade. And this is why, without release, My heart sings lull and free, The autln m that will never cause Through all eternity; “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace Whoso mind is stayed on Thee.” —[Parish llecord. I*rcp.iration for Chinch. The value of the services of the Lord’s . house depends, to a large extent, upon the frame of wind in which one participate* in them. Take two men who have come to church, the one from secret prayer, or the family altar, or the morning prayer meeting, the other from miscellaneous occupations, from miscellaneous thoughts furnished by the Sun day newspajier, or from hurried preparation. Will there be no difference lietwcon the two in the lieir tits derived from the Ix>rd’s house? ’Tis true, ’tis better to couie from hurry and worry than not to couio at all; hut how much more phtlosophii-aI Io prepare the heart and mind for hearing by a period of prayer! What think you of the farm r who sows the seed without first preparing the soil? Such is the man who without prayer conies, into the sanctuary to hear the gospel. While-some til' tile good seed may possibly take loot, so far at least as he is coneerued, a part of it will be waited. | Golden Rule. Hon lo Them. It is a bright suggestion of Archdeacon Farrars to meet the questions of inlidclity with harder questions. To most of t li** point s raided by skeptics Christendom frankly re sponds, “l do not know.” Now let the tables be turned. “ Where did the inattu* come from.' Can a dead thing create its *11? Where did motion come from.' While life canio from save the iinucr tip of Omnipotence' Whence came the ex quisite order of design of nature? If f ctir freedom. Hint our wmship is still luit faintly rmli/xi, and its hlrssodnov, cot y< f proved and known? i k ur consent would turn all our trials into obedience*. By consenting we make them our own, i.nd offer them with' wi.selves tgniu to )dm.— {Dr. Manning. “Nasal Voices, Catarrh and False Teeth.” A prominent English woman says the American women all have high, shrill, nasal voices and false teeth. Americans don’t like the constant twitting they got about this nasal twang, and yet it is a fact caused by our dry stimulating atmos phere. and the universal presence of catar rhal dilllultjes. But why should so many of our women have false t. etli? That is more of a poser to the English. It is quite impossible to account for it except on the theory of deranged stomach action caused by imprudence in eating and by want of regular exercise. Both conditions are unnatural. Gatarrhal troubles everywhere prevail and end in cough and consumption, which (ire promoted by mal nutrition induced by derange si stomach action. The condition is a modern one, one unknown to our ancestors who prevented the catarrh, cold, cough and consumption bv abundant and regular use of what is now known as Warner's Jx>g Cabin Cough and Consumption Remedy and Log Cabin Sarsaparilla, two old fashioned reme dies hau led down from our ancestors, and now exclusively put forth under the strong est guarantee* of purity and efficacy by the world-famed makers of Warner’s safe cure. These two remedies plentifully used as the spring and summer seasons advance give a positive assurance of freedom, both from catarrh and those dreadful and, if neglected, inevitable con sequences, pneumonia, lung troubles and consumption, which so gen erally and fatally prevail among our people. Comrade Eli Eisner, of Salem, Henry Co.. lowa, served four years in the late war amt contracted a disease called consumption by the doctors, lie hud frequent hemorrhages. A I ter using Warner’s Jx>g Cabin Cough and Consumption remedy, he says, vnderdateof .Jan. liltli, ISSS: “ 1 do not bleed at the lungs any more, my cough does not bother me, and I do not lm\e any more smothering spells.” Warners I/)g Cabin Rose Cream cured his wife of catarrh and she is “sound and well.* < ff course we do tiot like to have our women called nose talkers and false teeth owners, but these conditions can tie raxdily overcome in tlie manner indicated. Washington's Inauguration. The people of tlie City of New York arc already preparing for the celebration id ilu; hundredth anniversary of General Washington's inauguration as President of the I nited Mates, which occurred on the -ills h of April, 1789. New York was then a city of about thirty thousand inhabitants, and occupied only the lower extremity of Manhattan island. Trinity Church was regarded as being “up town,” and the rest of th i land was pure country -small farms and market-gardens, with here and there a villii of some pretensions to elegance. Nevertheless, the committee having the coming festival in charge will find it difficult to equal the brilliant and be coming pageant which the men of 1789 arranged lor the reception of the Presi dent-elect, or the impressive ceremonial which accompanied his taking the oath. Washing on Irving’s description of them, in the fourth volume of his biography of the Father of his Country, is written with peculiar warmth and fluency, for the author was a boy six years of age when the inauguration oc curred, and may have witnessed some of its striking scenes. He could remember being presented lo the President by his nur. e, as a child who bore the name of Washington, and he could recall the thrill of pleasure which he experienced when the great man placed a hand upon his head. The New Yoric committee could, no doubt, find suggestions in Irving's glow ing narrative. The water pageant was memorably line. At Elizabeth port, in New Jersey, fifteen miles from the city, the Committee of Congress met General Washington, and c onducted him to his seat on “a splendid barge,” built for that great day, and manned by thirteen mas ter-pilots in white uniforms, commanded by Commodore Jatne? Nicholson, re nowned for his gallantry and enterprise in the I’evolutionary War. ether barges followed, draped in col >r , and a* they moved along the pro cession of boats continually increased in number, until a grand flotilla swept on toward the city, sainted as it passed by •very vessel anchored in the harbor. < nc joyous .moment Irving describes as (hough he had seen it from the window >f Ids father's house. Amid the general giyetv and enthusiasm, while from every diip came the sound of martial music or the thunder of great guns, one vessel was silent and did not display a single flag. This was the Spanish man-of-war Gal ve -ton. Mie remained silent and under rated until the President’s barge was nearly abreast of her, when “suddenly, i * if by magic, the yards were manned, the ship burst forth, as it were, into a full array of flags and signals, and thundered i salute of thirteen guns.” It was a hap py thought, and beautifully executed. The otli'T ceremonials of the week were in harmony with this auspicious re ception, and the demeanor of the man nave dignity to every scene in which he ippeared. ( ertainly the New York gen- Hcmen will need all the time at their omniaml to devise and prepare a celc iratioii that shall be as worthy of the wealthy metropolis in 1889 as that of 1789 was of the little seaport town.— You'k'i Vottiptiuion Sitting Bull’s Sioux name is Ta tan ka i yo tan ka, and the real name of Sitting Bull is “conqueror of the king of beasts,” or king of kings. For The Nervous The Debililalcd The Aged. Medical and w'h-ntifh- nklll liar-at last solved the I robhio "I the loiur lus-ded imdfelno for the tier vu:i'i, debilitat' d, and the afpxl. by comWttniK the I test ni-rv-- bill lea. i 'elery and (Vies, with other effec. li>e reiii'xlh s. Which, netimr gently but ellleieutly «-’i fit*; k dticys, li\« r and Imwclo. remove d|i*mmended by pmfonatoaal and bnrtnrv.s mao. Real fur eirr«d trs, I’iioo ff.OO. 8»M hr dmgtrfst*. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors KURU7»«/roW. YY. The St. Petersbnrg Fire Alarm System. Conspicuous about the city are pecu liar looking towers, rising far above tho roofs of the houses, and crowned with flag staffs to which tackle is attached. These are fire towers, ancient institu tions still retained as lookouts for watch men, who, when a tire alarm is given, run up a red ball in daylight, a red lan tern at night, with a system of signals by which it may be known where the danger exists. It is a clumsy and in effectual way of operating a fire depart ment, and is about the only feature oi the administrative system in which the Russians have not introduced modern improvements. They have electric lights and telephones, but their system of fire alarm lias been used since the time of Peter the Great. —Chicago Nines. ('otiHumpilon Purely fared. To the Editor:—Please inform your readers that 1 have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless eases have been ixMinanentlj cured. I shall lie glad to send two liottles of my remedy fr*e to any of your nailers who have consumption if they will send me their Express and P. O. address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM. M. C.. 181 Pearl N. Y. Instead of the electric wires, their vic tims seem to be going under ground. The Five Sister**. There were five fair sisters,and each had un aim— Flora would fain lie a fashionable dame; Scholarly Susan's selection was books; Coquettish Cora cared more for good looks; Anna, ambitious, aspired after wealth: Sensible Sarah ’•ought fiist for good health. So she took I>r. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and grew healthy and blooming. Cora’s beauty quickly faded; Susans eye-sight failed from over study; Flora became ner vous aid fretful in striving after f.-ishion, and a sickly family kept Anna's hustiand p»r. But sensible Sarah grew daily m-re healthy, charming aud intelligent, and she married rich. The present national colors of the United State* were uot adopted by Con gress until 1777. llowtoGnln Flesh himl Strength. Tine after each meal Scott's Emulsion w ith llypophosphites. It is ns palatable as milk, and easily digested. The rapidity with which delicate jieople improve with its use is won derful. Use it and try your weight. As a lemedy for Consumption. Throat affection - and Bronchitis, it is unequaled. Please read: “I used Scott’s Emulsion in a child eight months old with good results. He gained four pounds in u very short time”—Tho. PRIM, M. D., Alabama. 'HH/ Will Color One to Four Pounds Os Dress Goods, | F °|* Garments, ; Isl Yarns, Rags, etc. J cents. A Child can use them I The PUREST. STRONGEST aivl FASTEST es all Dyes. Warranted to Dye ihc most coods, and ■ive the best colors. Unequalled for Feathers, Rib bons, and all Fancy Dyeing. 33 leading colors* They also make the Best ami Cheapest WRITING INK \ ONt: QUART laundry blue j IO Cents. Directions for (. Photographs and a colored Cabinet Photo, as sample, sent for »o cents. Ask druggist for Hook anti Sample Card, or writs WELLS. RICHARDSON & CO.. Borlington.Vt, For Gilding or Dronzing Fancy Articles, USB DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, Silver, Broiue. Copper. Only 10 Cento. 25 Choice 10c. Cigars, CP HAN If A \l> .11 AUK. C DETC T post Instill li«st Iturann l*»ar w>r.i ■ VX C> C * p,|.| f,,r a v ••Ur's sti !>■><• lot Win I . Til K KEY WEST CIGAR AND SI \|> A Y Addrem (I. K. RRYKiiN*. PuMlslior. K»*v \\>«t. Kin. •’-RoTorMi.** : J ihn White n •11k. Ker W- at. and Hon wilk Call. I'. S. K»„ . \V**Mii..'ton.'r> C . H Ely’s Gream Balm isth- ln*st remedy fur t-hlldn n KUfie-ring from Cold in Head, Snuffles. CATARRH Apply Palm into etu'h nostril Ely nnw. Uma.h'h SI. s. V. 5 Photo* of Actreweii, amt | cabinet of Mr*. !jw« try I Or. Ragle Photo Co., North Chat ham. N. V. I pound Pure tdiull-b llrenkktnnt TKA PfC By mall. U. S. TKA Co., Bella Ire. < >hlo. 1) ( llAljW**' lliinlmcm* CnllcKt*. Pliltn. Pa. Slfua tlou* furnished. Life Scholarship. !N|«. Write. IIOIIF Hook keepincr. I>mn*n*hlp Arithmetic, n¥l>fc Hhi>iil, ttf., thoroiiKhlr tnnirlit hr mall. Ot» •Uiar-free. HNUiriIVUkUB, liJ N*ia ht., R. f. eee M • - “t* ■•■e*. -ort. •> », nu not tuilcr tho liorMf* Writ* WIP Mmwitor fUfoiv 10-l n HobJer Co.. Holly. Mte* GOLD U worth ssno per lh. Pettit** Eye Salve u - but U eotd 2se m bo« by Oeelera REVOLVERS .WirffliEr 1 $ 1.50 (.'atAlogue ftee. Prrtrv’h Oi»r (formic «> .hk«'*‘>. Wi*. OTho BUYEHB’GUIDE is ienueil March and Bept. ( ottch year. It m an ency clopcdia of useful infon (nation for nil who pum chose tho luxuries or thn necessities of life. We can clothe you nnd furnish you with all tho necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dunce, sleep, oat. fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at homo, and m voriottH sixes, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, ami you can make a fair estimate ot tho value of tho BUYEIIB’ GUIDE, which will bo sent upon receipt of 10 font:* to pay post ago, MONTGOMERY WARP A CO. 111 ll4 Michigan Ave., Chir.if;y. 111. 6QLSII. tk- ", Mil- Itkli Ad'lina, Ikilk t lk|iUM, kua* HERBMRD FIFTH WHEEL iTSJSaS II Kit IIH AND CO., *,71 papp Mr n-turu msli. FmII llt Arripils**. M'ftdyV Nf« T.iilorS>>t. in..f|*r. ,h« ~t I Ilia knurr IMMIOY »V I H-.ciminnatl.O “OSUOOll” Snit on iiul. Freight |'.t "1 FuiS Wjn mud. Other tisi nrn|H)ilint»i •t*ly low. Agentt well paid. iUuktrstcd Caulugue free. Mention tin* Paper OfOOOS * THOXPSKT. EinibirnKm* V. T. The three R’s brought Regret, Reproach and Remorse to political irerty in ISB4. The three P’s, when signifying l)r. Pierce’s Purgutivo Pellets, bring Pernio to the mind. Preservation and Perfection of heallli to the body. Mr. George Routlcdgu says that for fifty years ho has published books at tho rate of two a week. Hnrihaldi’n Great Work. The statue of Mberty enlighteiiing tho world, which stands on (lodine's Island, in the harbor of New York, is one of the most sub lime artistic conceptions of modern times. The birch of the goddess lights the nktions of the earth of jieace, prosperity and progress, through liberty. But “lilterty” is an empty wont to tin thousands of jioor women enslaved by pliysit-nl ailments a hundnslfold more tyrannical than any Nto. To such suffer ers fir. Pierces Favorite Prescription holds forth thopromisi« of a speedy cure. It is a specific in ail those derangements, irregulari ties nnd weaknesses which ninke life a bur den to so many women. The only medicine sold by druggists, under a positi\o guarantee from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will lie refunded. See guarantee printed on wntp|R»r enclosing bottle. Eleven thousand nine hundred and forty seven British Koltliera in India aiv members of the Soldiers' Total Abstinence Associa tion. JACOBS ©n ■nwDE M«K THE LEADING REMEDY THE TRADE SAYS SO. Thr Suirorinj; Class Says So To The Trade. ITS VH!Tt I S AUK I'III.M>MK NM.. ITS ( I KES ARE II IKVEMHIS. Clirouic Canes to Years’SlanilingC’ured lVrinaneiitly. SC«f / y f)r» :- <>■*< .•(«•/ iHiihrs h'v>ntuh> rr. The Charter A. Yogelert’o., Hullo.. Alii. Blair’sPills. o^^ Q«al »lßKaaod Cbelr Wl4v»i ■ kAlvan *> Mil ivusluiis uuw forvoualL A4 IM dress K. 11. nrUlsn A (!«., EXQ I CURE FiTSI Wb»D f say cure I ilu u i m«an nmrniy to atop tbit briUawAudlh'-n Into tliem return s«ain. Im*u« rsilioal ours. I hat* made »!>•* th.vasw «•! FITS, KPUr KI’SY or PAI.LINU SB-K NKSS a lifwlonc study. I varraot my rramly turunt tin* non*' caara. Bacauaa Miwnbktt lailwl i« no mwnn lor mA now ramming • nr*. Bandaton«« lor a tr.**i i*m nud a Krn* HotUa ff my tafallibla r*>wi«Hly. tiivn and Boat Offlea. B.a.rLNIT.IU.I .IN • Naw VarL uvesubloob .S JmtZ} u t | Copt right, 1887. J ARE YOU SICK? IB> you feel dull, languid, low-spiritt'd, lifob-Ks, und’scHlNitily iniscntbh-, both physioilly and mentally: extierienee a sens*- us fullness or bhsttiug nitor eating, t»r «»f “gpcpness,” or emptiness of fdomuel) in the morning, tongue routed, bitter or tst«l taste in month, irregular appetite, di/.- ziness, trexpieut lu itdm lns, blurred eye sight, M tloatmg specks” b»*fort' the eyes, nervous prostration or exhaustion, irrita bility of temisT, hot lluslk’s, alternating with chilly sensations, sharp, biting, tran sient pains hen' aud there, cold feet, drow siness after meals, wakefulness, or dis turb'd and turn rn-slnug sleep, constant. TkTHlin e?^!2. D .L*!-. ~f 8U Auothc. MtuiilnlHt Mrs. I. V. Wkihjkil of Yorkshire , Cattaraugus BILIOUS P""" sc h"f B! „ .ft** IwmMed W,u, aI. i-rlblc Itil- lIfCD .V. >•„ writi s: a For tlvi- ynim i.n vimm to HILIUVIO ioim attack, tliitt. nna of the In-art, poor rest ut >.ll tit tauinir -(iolili n Medical Diw-ovcrv ' ami • 1-rUeta.' ATTIRE SWf-'JSTj tho use Os your-liolili-n lltccier I was a rraii autli-rar; ha la w vcri- pain in my HI IMk. Mrtlicul Ithcnvcry' tnal -Pi-llitV unit thu UldtAot. ritrlit eiilu unnUniially: *nt nmil.l.' to do lay own wry hiKhuat tiuiiolit l wrufrom. LnhmmJ ivork. lam now wall auU wtiona." “ FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.” Thoroughly cleanse tho IthsHl, which is the fountain of health, by using Du. l*tKm'k's Golden Mkoicai. Dismtivkhv, Httd good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, and iMMlily lie,tit It him! vigor will b<‘ established. Goi.pkn Medical Discovkuy etiren all A medictoe rawssing the |s»wer to cure such inveterate blood and skin tlisettses a« the following t* tiniom d nortnivs must certainly is* with |ssM.*ssing pn>|s-rties eapablo of curing any und all skin and blood disco****, for uuac are more «d»stmate or dtlfieuli of cure than Nilt-ilienm. iu*/»x7 "Comthkth, Ohio, Aug. 18th. 1887. QAII hhmlM Woni.d’s Dispkssabv Mlio«\i. Ass«kia- OAU-IUILUm tion, fltC] Main Hnx-t, ItnllaJo, N. Y-: |un HeuUemen -For several years I have felt it knO to Is* my duty to give to you the facts In tvlu- Rurillflrmi! * ,on *° ** M ‘ (NMiiplctt* cure «»I u most uggnt nnCUßinildm. vate*l tase «»r Sitlt-rli<*um, by the nseot >ottr wm—m—mmmmm—mrnm 'tbildi-u M'-*lie;d Dise«»ver>.’ All Hderl> kid.V relative of mine Itud been a gr*at anlfen*r from stilt-rip iiiu lor upward* of forty years. Tim iiis*-a.*a* was most distressing in her Itamlrt. noising the skin toeraek o|h>ii on tho inside of tlie fingers at tis* joints hikl ls*twe<*n the fingers. Hie was obliged to orou-et tin; raw places by means of adlswivo idoSiers, Kilves. ointments mid bandage*, and during tin* winter months had to have her bunds dressed tlailv. Th** pain was quite severe at times ami her get him I health whs badlv nlfccb-d, paving tis* way for other diseases t * creep in. t’alarrh und rIH-umatisut eaiitoil u great of suffering in addition to flit* siUt-rheum. Blte littd used I'aithfnlly, und wit It the most commendable iM-tweveruttee, all the n*me«hes |»rewrilN i| bv her pl»ysu*iims, but without obtaining relief. Blie afterwanis Isvan treating Imrsi ls by drinking D*us made from blood-piirily ittg roots and nerlwt. Sim <*otitimt«'«| till* for several y«ttrs but de rlvtsl no Ih'it* til. Fiuully, alMiut ten yearn turn, I ehitttee«| ton-ad one of Dr. IVroe’* sumlj pamphb-ts w tting forth the merits of his •Golden Medical Discovery * and other itHtHcits*. Tlie mime struck CONSUMPTION, WEAK LUNGS, SPITTING OF BLOOD. by It* wiimkrfitl fd.sNl-p,,rlfylng, tnvlg..rn- Hv. re toughs. Asihnm, stid kirHlnY|,iib-J!: bk-L * t,n ting and nutritive properties. For Wmk I tion*. It i* tt sovereign remedy. While it PtHAtMON Ihms of North Clnston, Miof relief. (Icing v«-rv pH»r and ha\ mg I ait- one dollar in tis* world, I prayed to <;*wnlt blwissosiH* can work now. p. IMrn WnMln* Dlacntw. Watson PTlokr. Rsn bAINEO **ftll»»\ U»l». SnmmmUlr, /Vlarr HtUrnnl Hit,, I OC n A .. un . ft* - writes: ** Wh**n I (*otntnem*ed taking vour Z 5 POUNDS. Medical Dt*eov.*ry,*’ I was m* able to work and was a burden to myself. At that tttno .1 weighed I’M pounds, and to-dnv | weigh 117 pounds. Then 1 us* d to eat about one meal a «lay. and now can Mt four or Ovo If 1 dured to." ' “* n “ IUU - U * DISPENSARY MEDIOAL ASSOCIATION, Propr’o, No. 663 M»|m P* *» *. I living You Sircrl Flowers and Hood Medicine Hood’s Sarsaparilla Solilby all "Irttn 'lst*. $1; six f.*r $5. l*ivpnrp I only j sold l.y • ! -lr ; ; >ix for I'repared only by C. I. II *MI A-I *< k, \|M»th •• If••*•*, I*owell. M is*. by C. I. II >■»!» v *'i \p tti* , l«owfll. Mna*. 100 Doses Ono Dollar • I OI) Doso3 One Dollar Apmit GIVEN AWAY. A p’lt’K Mlx< PE IN THE HOUSED Oono Where the Woodbine Twineth. IlArs an*: but “rtouuil on liais” In'H*. them. CioarKoot lUi.*. Mi**e, Ho.u;tios. tV.ibe Bites, Kline. Iht'lbv. .M ulls Allis. XisiqlllUMl BmlliiiKH, Hsu I .Is-, liiwcts. J'olalo Hum' B|i»rro*K. Kloitike, tV.-001, Oo|rlii'iw. in lists. Mob'S. Musk Hals, .lai'k lbibbll* Bquirrvln. 13c Cbc. UmKKisle. “KOUOH ON PAIN” Fbuter,Porosed, 130 •• KOUUIt ON COUGHS.*’ Cmighe, ixibh, 230 ALLsklTTiiijMOliS CUHKD BY RQOGH^ITCH "Rough <»n Itch” Ointment cures Skin Ho nors. Piioplea, FU*kli Worms, Kina? Worm,Tot ter. Sail Ulicuto. Frosted Feet.f'lnlbl.iiiis. Itch. Ivy Poison, Barlter’s Ih'h, Sc.ibl Head, Kc/cma 60c. Drug, or mail. K. S. Wu'.a*', Jersey City. ROSGHIPiLES Cures PUeftor Hemorrhoids, Itcliir;-. IV'tnal In*:. lUeeding. Internal and external remedy In each package. Sure cure. 60c. Imigglsta or mail. K. S. U bi.iz». Jersey t'll.v. N. J A -M************* Tin* iimii wliolta* invested lr«in three la We oiler U»e man who w;ml« service to live il-illai* 111 a UnbltiT ('oat, and (not style) a garment that will k«H*p at hi* first half hour s expt-rienee in ■mm pa ■■■ bint dry m tin- hardest storm, it i* u storm finds to his sorrow that it Is Ul Bgg ■ called ToWKU'S FISH LKANIi banlly a heller protection than a inos- WW ■ ** sI.ICKKU," a name lamiliar to every qnito nrttinc. ti"t only h-els eliacrimsl w w ■ t'ow-ftoy all over the land. With them at being m» bailiy taken in, but also ■ IDC B H the only perfect Wind and Waterproof leels If he does not look exactly like bK? m 111 Coat is ** Tower’s I'i-h I'.rand Slicker.** Ask tor the** KISII ItltAN’D’’SucKkK | Rhßu B and tak«* no otln-r. I f yon r storekeeper does not have the sistt RKANIt. send for descriptive cataloiruc. A. J. T< >v. r:u,‘3’Simin[« ►[* vj*ej*►Jj 1 I indescribable feeling of dread, or of Im isndiug culumityV If you Imve ail, or any considerable , numlH'r of these symptoms, you are t suffering from that most common of t American maladies -Bilious Dyspepsia, or , Torpid IJvor, associated with liysiH*psia, 1 or Indigestion. Tin* more complicated r your disease lias Is-corne, the greater the - iuiuilnt nnd diversity of symptoms. No * mutter what stage it has reached, I>il , PIKItCK’S UoiJiLN MtiDICAL DISCOVhItV - j will suislue il, if taken according to di r . rections l«»r a reasonable length of time. - ilf not cured, complications multiply and - ! ronsiuuptinii of tla* Lungs, Skin Diseases - Heart Disease, Rheumatism, Kidney Dis , 1 tu*', or other grave maladies are quite I humors, from a common Blotch, or Rrup tion, to the wont herofula. Salt-rheum, ** Fever-sores,” Scaly or Rough Skin, in short, .ill diseases caused by bad blood, tire conquered by tins powerful, purifying, and invigorating medicine. Great Fating Ul cers rupidly heal under its benign intlu my fancy,nnd seeing that It wt«* essentially a !»l<*sl-pnriHer, I Im iiM.haicly recommended it to tin -old lady who had »*vn no long n sufferer from salt-rlicnm. She eomiia 1««| taking it atotHT.nnd l*Htk one bottle, but se* imxl to In no In tier. However. J realize*! that it would take time for an> tn« diem- lo eth el a • lumge f.»r tlie H tier and oiirotirugixl her Ut eoiitimi". Mt. i!»• n pim l:as>-I a ruilf-a-dttzeii lioules, an. I lie loro this* had sll Inx'ii iimv! sht | n gan u» not by an ini prove m< 11L After takii. alsait a do/., u Nttl. s she was entirely cured. Her hsrals w< h* j« 1 bails %v« II and iiMsititMith Mud beiUtiiy tis a c hild .1. lb r heullh was also greatly Il»n proved; the rheummism emit, ly I. It h. r.mitl D*- catarrh was almost eur*d. so that it e. as. d t«> I-- mueh ani»iyai»ce. Mm* has enjoyed exe* Ih-nt Is-alth from thst «!.■> to this, and Juts had no r u-o:. >.or '<;*>(*;• n M. di< ~| DU«>\« ry * -for *(iolfleti’ it Is in itseuiativo » r*»|N ria s, ami t mueh hlmivo tm uiultiiii'k* of nostrums and >«*-< .dt. d ‘isioi.t un da im*.’m /« aloitsly lluuubxl before th*- pnbti • •.> lis ulo\c tlw Itaser UleLUs. It* sis ot lullv yottts. F. .NNit i t.l.Lit, l«J :?l«t H.” W. .W Ilici, of Nnrfnnr. IVvwonL (lOliuH OF ”1 Fiwl ut filH-rty lit at km-w l*s|g** vuuun ur , „ UwUi , |W( , | ¥ „ lh^T.f rIVF IHBL tlw- *Gold*n Molkul fikuatf),' which * nnd • i* l * ILMRO h eotigli «»f five %■ itv rtHiMlmg. him I tlvsiM-p- RIAMfIIMC ***' lu,w whk h 1 had suffer, d for a long UifIUUIIVu. time. I luve al.-<* ttnxl Dr. I’irm’ii l-.x tract “f Ktiwri-Wofi, or Wikv ivpper, in my family, with gms! effect,” )Mnifru f»4nnn w R - U'VIS. Esq., of TUllritbi ■NTI SluOtt I b4O lak. tt (our w.tiaWrfuf nin fivuv •G.ii.h’it M.xh.iH DtsPov.-ry ’ nnd Iwve U*en n HfITTI T cured 4.1 consumption. I am now s-umd and m •rtiiikt, well, und htio imlv *|s-nt three dollar*, and I would not Like ilms' thousand dollars aud bo put back win re I was.” ***•. ovi-ry |ONt, HI, llottlr* for SM| by DrafflM*. Spring Medicine Ne irly evcrylto ly need* a reliable nprtnß medicine to expel tlie Intpurilir . wlik'li have a i innnlated In the Ido »| dcrii’X the winter, to keep up Htrcngth a* the warm wi-idh'-r i-oinesoii. err ate an afipetlte and pi-oi.iu.n healthy dices'l in. Iloo«r, Sarsaparilla la tlu* most poptthir nu I miecessrul Kprime Medl Inr*. Try It till. prin;< and you will be conv.need of It* pe.-tilllir mr-rlt “F'tr live yi-arn I wax xh-lc every spring, hat lust year t«n*»c iioo r« :■-ur a iarl'la nml have not aeea* i tdek diy hi cc.” G. W. Bloan, Milton, Mans. Hood’s Sarsaparilla “For a Wrst class spring medicine my wife and I Ir l'i think very highly of Hikml’s 8 irxnparllla We Intlh too!: it I-»sf spring. It did u* a «reat deal of gootl uml we felt Pctti-r through the hot weather 1 than ever before. It cured my wife of *lek head , nolle, from which she lias Hiiifercd a (treat deal, and j relieved me or a dl. /.y. Mrod feeling. I think every ! ole- on tht to take K'Hnelhin;; to purify the b’ood ! iM-fitr.- tin* hot w ■ d iercome* on, aud we shall cer : Ini ly t.die Hool’m S; : ..iparll a this Rprlipt.” J. H. j pKiurii, Sup:, (ir.-c-.iio i l.iliwayCo.,Concord, N. H. | N. 11. -If you have d eided to take Hoot]'* Sarsapa - rltlado not b<; liulneod to buy any other. W. L. DOUGLAS eq Qlim? tor ?J>o OXIL/Xb. (JKM'I.EMEN. riot only fine calf Hemulemi Shoo In tho world made wit bout nii-k* hi- imile. A* stylish mad durable as those eosiinc s.l or s•>, and havlnx bo tacks or nails to wear the stocking or hurt the makes them as coiuforiable anil well fitting o*o hand sewed shoe. B-.iy the best. None Rcnuine an less si .'imped on bitiom “W. U Douglas $3 Bho* warranted.” \V. 1,. IMHMJI.AMfI HIIOK, the original ana only Itaud sew.- I well #1 shoe, which equals custom made shoes costing from sti to SV. W. 1.. DOUG LAS 81.30 SHOE Is one* celled few heavy wear, W. 1., DOUGI.AH UNSHOE Is worn by aB Ito» m, and is the best scimol shoe lit the world. All the above Roods are made la Oongreso, Button am! Lace, and if not sold by your dealer, write W. L DOUG LAH, Brockton. Blnno. liable to set. in, and, sooner or later, in duce a fatal termination. Dlt. I'IKIICC’S (ioI.DKN MkDICAL DISCOT- Kitv acts powerfully upon tlie Liver, und through (hat great lthstd-ptirifyirig organ. • cleanses tlie system of all hlood-tumtH and impurities. In an whatever <*iuißu arising. It. is <'(pially clrtcauious in acting upon tho Kidneys, and oilier excretory organs, cleansing, strengthening, and healing their diseases. As an app< 1 i/.iug, restorative tonic, it Promt tes digestion ami nutri tion, thereby building lip both flesh Hnd strength. In malarial districts, this won derful medicine has guim-d great celeb rity in curing Fever and Ague, (’bill* and Fever, Dumb Ague, and kindred ! diseases. cnee. Virulent hlood-|H>fgnng are, by its use, loblN-d