CHARLOTTE MESSENGER. SATURDAY, - JULY 14, 1888. OUR CHURCHES. St. Michael’s (P. E.) Church, Mint St. Services at 10 a. m. and Bp. m. Sunday school at 4 p.m. Rev. P. P. Alston, pastor. M. E. Church, Graham Street. Services at .'5 p. m. aud Bp. ni. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Rev. E. M. Collett, pastor. First Baptist Church, South Church St. Services at 11 a. in., 3p. m. and Bp. ni. Sun day-school at 1 p. m. Rev. A. A. Powell, pastor. Ebenezer Baptist Church, East Second St. Services at 11 a. m., 3 p. m. aud 8 p. m. Sun day-school at 1 p. m. Rev. Z. I laugh ton, pastor. Presbyterian Church, comer Seventh and College Sts. Services at 3p.m. audßp. ni. Sunday-school at 10 a. m. Rev. R. P. Wyclie, pastor. TEI)!!! RELIABLE and ACTIVE MEN to travel for an Established House during the summer months. Those who can furnish a home anil give security preferred. Money advanced monthly to pay expenses. A great chance for the right men! State age, busi ness experience, and to save time better send names and address of references. No atten tion paid to postal caid*. Never mind about sending stamp for reply. Address ••HTHINEHB.” Box 11, Richmond, Va. REPUBLICAN PLAN OP OR GANIZATION. Kulett and Regulation!* for the Organiza tion of the Republican Party of North Carolina an Amended and Adopted at the State Convention held in Raleigh, North Carolina, September 22d, 1880. First. County organization.—The election precinct shall be the unit of county organization. Each precinct shall have an executive committee consisting of three active Republicans. They shall be biennially chosen hy the Republican voters of the precinct, and shall elect one of the number chairman. They shall convene together at such time and place as the majority of them may elect. They shall biennially elect a county execu tive committee, to consist of not less than five members, who shall elect a chair man from their number. Vacancies in precinct committees shall be filled by the voters of the precinct, and in county committees by a convention of the precinct committees duly called; Provided that in case a vacancy occurs within thirty days prior to an election, such vacancy may be filled by the vote of the remaining mom-1 bers. 2d. Congressional, judicial and senatorial district committees, com posed of no less than one member from each county, nor less than seven members, biennially elected by the several district conventions, each of whom shall elect a chairman from their number; Provided, that a sen atorial committee shall only be elected in districts embracing more than one county. Vacancies occur ring within thirty days of an election, may be filled by the vote of the com mittee. 3d. As amended by the Republi can State convention:—There shall be a State executive committee com posed of one member from each con gressional district in the State, to be designated by the district delegations at State convention assembled,' five members at large, to be elected by the State convention and the chair man of the convention at which the election is held, and said committee are required to call a State convention of the Republican party at least sixty days prior to every election for mem bers of the General Assembly, and oftener if necessary in the interest of the party. Members of the State executive committee shall be biennial ly elected at the State convention, shall choose one of their number chairman, and shall elect a seceretray, who is not a member, who shall re side at Raleigh. 4th. The chairman of the respective county, district and State executive committees shall call their conventions to order and act as temporary chair man, until a permanent organization is effected, with power only to appoint, and receive the report of a committee on credentials. sth. No executive committee shall have power to elect or appoint dele gates to any convention, whether county, district, State or National. 6th. No member of an executive committee or delegate or alternates duly chosen shall have power to dele gate his trust or authority to another. 7th. As amended by the Republi can State convention: Each county in convention assembled may adopt such plans as it may deem best lor the election of delegates from its different townships or precincts to the county conventions. Bth. Representatives in congress ional, judicial, senatorial and State conventions shall consist of two dele gates and two alternates only for every member of the lower house of General Assembly, and shall be ap portioned in the several counties ac cordingly. 9th. Delegates and alternates to the connty conventions, shall be elected only hy a vote of the Repub licans of each precinct in precinct meetings assembled, unless changed as authorized by section VII, and delegates and alternates to the dis trict, and State and National conven tions shall be elected by a convention of delegates duly elected and sent by the people for that purpose after the notice and publication of not less than fifteen days of the time, place and purpose of such convention, and not otherwise. 10th. The certificate of the chairman and secretary of the mcctting, setting forth the regularity of the primary meeting or convention, and the election of the delegates and alter nates thereat, shall be accepted when uncontcstcd, as a good and sufficient credential for such delegates and alternates. 11th. This plan of organization and procedure shall continue in force until changed or abrogated by a sub sequent Republican State convention. Adopted in State convention, Sep tember 22, 1886. VIRGINIA HOUSE, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Accommodations furnished travelers at reasonable rales. Comfortable beds and rooms. House located lu the central aud business part of the citv. Table furnished with the beat of the market. Meals at ail hours. J. M. GOODE, - Proprietor. CHARLOTTE. N. C. CAPE FEAR AND YADKIN VALLEY RAILWAY COMPANY. Taking effect Monday, June lltli, 1888. Trains Movino North. Passenger Freight and and Mail. Passenger. Lvßcnnettsville 0:00am 1:15 pm Ar Maxton, 7:05 3:10 Lv Maxton, 7:15 3:35 Ar;Fayetteville, 9:00 7:15 Lv Fayetteville, 9:15 10:00 am Ar Sanford 11:15 1:40 pm Lv Sanford. 11:27 2:30 Ar Greensboro, 2:30 p m 7:25 Lv Greensboro, 3:00 p m 10:15 a m ArMt. Airy, 7:15 pm 5:15 pm Pass, and Mail No. I—dinner at Greensboro. Trains Moving South. Lv Mt. Airy, 5:00 p m 10:15 a m Ar Greensboro, 9:25 5:40 pa Lv Greensboro, 10:05 a m 7:45 a m Ar Sanford, 1:35 pm 2:00 pm Lv Sanford, 1:55 2:30 p m Ar Fayetteville, 4:00 5:50 Lv Fayetteville, 4:15 0:25 a m Ar Maxton, 6:15 9:50 Lv Maxton, 0:25 10:15 Ar Bennettsville 7:30 12:15 p m Pass. & Mail No. 2—breakfast Germantown. Passenger and Mail No. 2—dinner at Sanford. FACTORY BRANCH-FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION. Trains Moving North. Leave Millboro, 7:30 a. m. Arrive Greensboro, 9:00 Trains Moving South. Leave Greensboro, 3:30 p. m. Leave Factory June. 4:30 Arrive Millboro, 5:15 Passenger and Mail Trains run daily except Sunday. Freight and Accommodation Train runs from Fayetteville to Bennettsville and return on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; from Fayetteville to Greensboro on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and from Greens boro to Fayetteville on Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays. Trains on Factory Branch, run daily except Sundays. W. E. KYLE, Gen’l Pass. Ag’t. J. W. FRY, Gen’l Supt. CITY LOTS FOR SALE. T OFFER FOR SALE ONE LARGE I City Lot, in ward 2, on D and Boundaiy streets, ironting John Smith, James Strong and Creecy Mebane—adjoining Howell and J. G. This lot is lqfrge enough for four beautiful buildings. I will sell cheap for cash. Address P. R. HOWELL, Lock Box 38, New Berne, N. C. HENDERSON’S 7 BARBER SHOP ! THE OLDEST AND BEST. Experienced and polite workmen always ready to wait on customers. Here you will get a neat HAIR CUT and clean SHAVE JOHN S. HENDERSON, 33 West Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. SAVE MONEY AND DISAGREEABLE CONTROVERSIES I with agents who persuade you to send oft your little pictures to New York to have them enlarged and framed. You can have all this sort of work done at home much better and just as cheap, notwithstanding the false asser tions these agents make to you, by calling at H. BAUMGARTEN’S Photograph: Gallery, Charlotte, N. C. Dr. J. T. Williams Offers his professional services to the genera public. Office hours from 9 to |lO a. m. 2 to 3 p. m. Office No. 24 West 4th street. Night calls from residence No. 508 South E. street, Charlotte, N. C. H B KENNEDY, DEALER IN Confectioneries, Fancy and Staple Groceries. Chickens, Eggs, Butter, Vegeta bles, and all kinds of Country Produce. Everything kept in a well regulated Grocery Store. Fine Fruits a speci alty. No. 303 South Graham street, Charlotte, N. C. muour dan. Ttaxauettheretoofonbrone-flfthof*o«kt mime, (or I,ooft Circulation IThe Advertisement wltt appear In but a single Issue of anj paper, and consequently will be placed before One Million different newspaper purchasers x or Frvu MiUJom Ba*nsss. If It is true, as Is sometimes stated, that erarypew.p.perto took* .l b, fl.s |SHW.C AL^ffl NEWSPAPERS, In which advertisements are Insert PAPERS, in which adver BtfIiHMMP (tsemtntsare Inserted for •4115 a line and appear In (he who|Mf>t--mDsWfof twSwiawwSSiil'for TBIRTYCWW BRANCH HOUSE, 150 Market 8 reel, next to Academy of Music, CHARLESTON, 8. C. First Season will bo opened July 1, ’B7. First-Class Board and Accommodations at reasonable rates. P. M. THORNE, Proprietor.