CHARLOTTE MESSENGER. r ~ —2: r: Published every Saturday at Charlotte, N. C. By W. C. Smith. Subscription Rates.—Always in advance. One Year $1 50 I 3 months..'— 50 8 months 1 001 2 months 35 0 months 75 | Single Copy. o Notify us at once of till failures of this paper to reach you on time. All money‘must be sent by registered letter, money order, or jnwtal note to W. C. SMITH. Charlotte, N. C. Short correspondence of subjects of interest to the public is solicited but persona must not be disappointed if they fail to sec the articles in our columns. We are not responsible for the views of correspondents. Anonymous eonuminieatjlpiKS go to tlie waste basket. REPUBLICAN NATIONAL TICKET. For President: ISEN.J AMIN HARR ISON, Os Indiana. For Vice-President: LEVI P. MORTON, Os New York. republican State ticket. FOR (10VERN0B : OLIVER II DOCKERY, oT Richmond county. for lieutenant—governor : JETER C. PRITCHARD, of Madison county. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE : GEORGE IV. STANTON, of Wilson county. FOR AUDITOR OF STATE : CHARLES F. McKESSON, of Burke county. FOR STATE TREASURER : GEORGE A. BINGHAM, of Bov,'an county. FOR FERINTENDEST OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION : JAMES B. MASON, of Orange county. FOR ATTORNEY-UENSRAI. : THOMAS. I>. DEVEREUX, of Wake county. For Associate Justice of the Supreme Court—to fill tbc vacancy cussed by the death of Thomas S. Ashe : WILLIAM A. GUTHRIE, of Durham county. For Associate Justices of the Su preme Court under amendment to the Constitution : DAVID M. FURCHES, of Iredell county. RALPH P. BUXTON, of Cumberland county. FOR CO.NOKESS —SIXTH DISTRICT : CALEB P. LOCKEY. Republican County Ticket. Senate.—lt. E. McDonald. House.—J. M. Creighton, Eli Hinson, F. I). Davis. Register of Deeds.—R. 11. IV. Barker. Sheriff.—M. A. Dulin. Surveyor.—l). C. Flow. Coroner. —C. A. Frazier. Tax Collectors—W. G. Ford. FORD vs. COOPER. The republicans of Mecklenburg county have been troubled with three candidates for tax collector. The favorite candidates are W. G. Ford and T. S. Cooper. McMatthews is running in the lower end of the coun ty, but it is not thought he will carry off many votes. Mr. Cooper was put ou the republi can ticket as an independent democrat, and that offended Mr. Ford and a number of old line republicans, and Ford was persuaded to run as an inde pendent republican. He has the sup per: of aeh republicans as Col. W. K Myers. Judge W. P. Bynum, A. Brady, Gen. R. Barringer, H. B. Kennedy, J. M. Goode, L. P Perry and J. T. Sehonck. Mr. Cooper has he new converts and the professional politicians, who are for Cooper for j revenue only. We have favored Mr. Ford from j ■ : < beginning, but preferred to keep! ir ~ut of the paper for the good of the j party. We have thought much of the I situation ami as the time has come for to take u rtand on one side or the • ••it r, wo freely and unhesitatingly boeisrn for W G. Ford. Mr. Ford has been a life-long, con- ; ' nt republican, nod because he is; j poor man. was slaughtered in the 1 convention by Cooper money. Many slanderous false charges have been created and brought up against Mr. Ford, some of Cooper’s canvassers even going so far as to charge him with being a murderer. Such lios are disgusting to thinking men and arc making votes for Ford. We are told that we should sup port Cooper because ho is on the ticket. In the first place there was a distinc tion in the fraudulent convention when the ticket was made. All wore nomi nated except Cooper, and he was en dorsed. Calvin was emphatic in read ing the report. Then Cooper was not a republican at that time, and when republicans are ignored, voters arc left to select such democrats as suit them best, and this paper prefers to make no choice of democrats, and when there is no republican to vote for we vote blank, as we have done heretofore. In this case we have selected an old line, true and tried republican to vote for against two democrats. It is urged by Cooper’s republican friends that it will injure the State and National ticket to vote for Ford. This is not true. The canvass for the two candidates has only served to arouse and bring out a fuller republi can vote, if it has had any effect. It will take no votes from the Legislature or the remainder of the county ticket, for Ford will not trade with democrats by having his name on any except the republican ticket. The canvass on the republican side has been a factional one; and while the county candidates have been forced by the ccouimittcc to ignore Ford and all his friends, and while Ford’s friends work for the balance of the ticket, all who do not fall in line for Cooper at the behest of the boss, is branded a democrat and the like. We will not be driven out of the party by men who force democrats on us contrary to our wishes and who are in the hire of the democratic party. We are sticking to the republican principles and republican nominees. When Harrison is elected, as he will be on next Tuesday week, we will be satisfied. When we see the best republicans in the party revolting against Cooper and the policy that put him on the people, what can we do but stand by our own record and by the true men of our party and by the platforms and principles of our party. We could not support Cooper if we wanted to, after holding him up to the people as we have the last two years. What is Cooper’s record since the colored people of this county elected him sheriff two years ago ? llow has he treated prisoners ? How has he treated white republicans and how has he treated colored men ? When has he ever appointed a colored man on jury or deputy or anything else he had an opportunity to do? He has had the appointing of several venires, the tax collectors, baliffs and the like and how does he deserve the support of the republican party ? Cooper does not deserve the colored vote and we advise all colored voters to vote the republican ticket from Harrison down to township constable, hut in this county vote for W. G. Ford for tax collector. There is a chance of electing Ford. If he gets the hulk of the colored vote he will be elected; for democrats will vote for Cooper and he will thereby cut down Torrence’s vote. Let republi cans rally to Ford and he will be elected. \ / schools, i j| church, like a race of people, should not he content till its institu tions and general conditions arc as near equal the best as is reasonable to hope for. One church should not depend Upon another any more than one man on another. Taking this view of the matter, nearly all the different denominations in this State have church schools The Baptists have Shaw University at Raleigh; the Presbyterians, Biddle University at Charlotte for hoys, and Scotia Semi nary for girls, at Concord; the Epis copalians, St. Augustine at Raleigh; the M. E. church, Bennett at Greens boro; the A. M. K. church have theirs at Kittrclls; Zion church, Liv ingstone College at Salisbury. Only the Presbyterians have sepa rate schools for male and female, and for that reason alone nearly as many ; girls attend Scotia ns all the other schools combined. They are not all Presbyterian girls, but many of them i become Presbyterians afterwards. Many Methodist parents send their daughters to Scotia because they do not believe in the co-education of the sexes. There is a difference of opin • ion on this question, and while we may not discuss it here, wo do not hesitate to say that it is a fact that many of our best men think that way and many of our best girls arc getting away from us because we will not see the facts as they are. The one fact that the white people with their great advantages of homo training and race pride, have but few mixed high schools, is evidence to us that it is not well for us in tbc face of our undisciplined mixed society. As a race we*nced all the safeguards we can possibly have thrown around us. Separate schools are not only safer, but better and cheaper. A girl has more time to study and less to spend in writing notes and in socials, when she is at a separate school. It does not take so much to dress a girl nor a young man at a separate school. We will not discuss the matter here, hut ask Zion ministers to prepare the way for a female seminary in this State. DOCKERY’S CHANCES. Dockery’s chances for election arc brighter than any republican’s has been in this State since 1872. So far as the votes being cast is concerned he is nil right. He will have 25,000 votes to spare and if he is not declared Governor, wo have the -worst lot of thieves and ballot box robbers in the country. Wo do not believe that, We believe the honest white men of North Carolna will see to it that the choice of the people as ex pressed by their votes on election day shall bo properly registered. We do not belcive that the honest white men who vote for Dockery theiSselves will abandon the fight until the votes | are properly/counted and properly re-1 corded. In all the papers, in all Our cone- j spondcnce and in all our travels we | find a great uprising for Dockery. He is personally strong with the people, j He is running against an unpopular and weak man in his own party, and if every republican will go to the polls and vote for Dockery he will surely he elected. The white men of central North Carolina are about equally j divided between Dockery and Fowlc j and democrats vote for Fowle simply ; because he is the party nominee. ! They abused him roundly before he j was nominated. Fowle’s connection j with the Raleigh batik and the special j tax bonds and other matters the people j of Charlotte know of makes him weak j and unpopular. Dockery will be elected. A Nut For Fowlc to Crack. I have never owned a special tax bond, nor had any interest in one either directly or indirectly. I am to-day opposed to their payment, or to any negotiation or legislation looking to any future arrangements whereby they may be paid or their value in any way enhanced. If elected Governor, I shall use all my influence, personally as well as offi-; cial, to defeat, by any honest means, the present suits brought by special j tax bondholders against the State. and should others be instituted, I shall defend the state against them with all 1 the vigor I have. I have never seen or had any inter course with Hon. L. P. Morton, or | any one else interested in these suits. In fact, I have no recollection of ever having seen any of them at all, except, it'may be, Mr. A. 11. Temple, the ; North Carolina plaintiff who, by the way is a democratic Federal official. I may have been introduced to him. While upon this subject, let me call your attention to the fact, that there is not a single republican politician whose character was besmirched by the , corruptions of that rank epoch, hut who has been relegated to the shades of private life, and most of them are insolvent. That there has not been a campaign in tho State siuce then including the present, in which the democratic party has not delighted to honor men who have handled and owned hundreds and thousands of these corrupt bonds, i and whose names have attained a had 1 preeminence in the reports of the Bragg committee and fraud commis sion. That United States senators, judges of tbc Supreme Court, mid governors have been made, and are still proposed to be, out of such ma- , terial. I repeat: I opposed the issue of bonds under it lam opposed now. and shall continue to oppose any negotation or legislation, looking in any way to their betterment. T have never, in any way, lawful nr unlawful, honest or dishonest, given them coun tenance or support. Can and will my competitor, Mr. Fowle, say the same? — Em rant from Doc/ceri/'s Teller. ; df THE LADIES’ FAVORITE. KEVEU OUT or ORDER. 7 ? yem desire to purchase n sewing machine, ask our neent at your place for terras and pricc-s. I £ you cannot find our ageut, write direct tonoarest address to you below named NEW HOE SEWING MACHINE ME.MASS. “rosso -2S UNION SQUARE,H.Y: - DALLAS. ATLANTA GA. TEX< ct : otns.MQ. r - rt?:f?/.rr»sroc»L. Location oy Derahtucntu of Business, Short-hand d: Type-Writing. Telegraphy. Cheapest & Best Business College in the If 'or!-' Highest Honor arwl Gold Medal evrr nil other College* World’s Exposition. tor -t ;.i Eiwiii.koeniac •' General KuGncrx Ed neat 100. 10.000 Grn«ftinte** Katrines*. IS Teacher* cm cloved. (;«»• of Foil Rtml"' Co«r*e. Including Tuitioo. U’r.tioer- I,:,! Hoard uhni.t t Short-Hand. Type-Writing, .i- Telegraphy ; No Vacation. Enter Now. lir.i !.;• ■> . liuarin;.- -<1 .-G - For circulars address I.phraini W. Smith. Pri' Wilbur it Smith, Lexlnct >u • Ly. .Jtuilon fit is /•<’/* ITHAT FIUffT j W Tho Original Wins. C. F. Simmons. St. Louis, I’rop’r M- A. Simmons Liver Medicine, Eit’d 1' j IS4O, in the U. S. Court defeats J. j fi H. Zcilin, Prop’r A.Q.Simmons Liv- I K-yicri cr * tc ff o,ator »fist’d by Zcilin IS6B. E'LJ M. A. S. L. M. has for 47 years | W IwgJ cured Indigestion, Uiliolsness, /Lk Dyspepßia,Sicic Headache,Lost Appetite, Sour Stomach, Etc. ? Rev. T B. Reams, Pastor M. 15. Tx ODlChorch, Adams, Tcnn., writes: “I asV-hink I should have been dead but '{ for your Genuine M. A. Sim ■P'S— —cv mons Liver Medicine. I have fflWWtySh sometimes had to substitute | !'i errsr I “Beilin’s stuff” for your Midi I jGSUpijf cine, but it don’t answer the I/#,«*» ( purpose.” Dr. J. R. GraveSjßditr.r Tht j ,\&apiist, Memphis,Tcnn. says: | 1 I I received a package of your Liver a, Medicine, and have used half of it. j A V It works like a charm. 1 want no , Plfr better Liver Regulator and ccr- 1 flSfi \ tainly no more ofZcUht’s mixture. 1 WANTE D ! ! ! P)ELIAIILK and ACTIVE MEN to travel b for an Established House during the summer months. Those who can furnish a horse and give security preferred. Money advanced monthly to pay expense**. A great chance for the light men! State age, busi ness experience, and to save time better send names and address of references. No atten tion paid to iHjrt-d cards. Never mind about sending stamp for reply. Address “BUSINESS,” Box l!. Richmond. Vn. VIRGINIA HOUSE, CHARLOTTE, N. <’. Accommodations furnished travelers at reasonable rates. Comfortable beds and | rooms. House located iu tho central aud I btsincss part of the city. Table furnished | with the best-of the market. Meals at all hours. j,T. M. GOODE, - Proprietor. CHARLOTTE. N. C. WANTED. A WOMAN to do housowork.— Must be a good waitress. Apply to MRS. JOHN WILKES. 11 B KENNEDY, DEALER IX Confectioneries, Fancy and Staple Groceries. Chickens, Eggs. Butter, Vegeta bles. and nil kinds of Country Produce. Everything kept in a well regulated Grocery -Score. Fruits a speci alty No. 303 South Graham street, Charlotte, N. C POT HUNT Oil FOR SALE. — :o: The Pott’s House and Lot. See Charles Henderson or It BARRINGKR Oct. 12th, 1888. Dress Goods, In this line of Goods you can Millinery, ;iiwa y find cloal j ar 'ys. Lowest Prices Clo t/.L. i, Consistent with Reliable Merchandise. Carpets. at—.— H. BARUGH, Leader of Low Prices. SEGHLEFf & CO. VAIJI-UV CAPITA!, STOCK, .SOOO,OOO. OIJ-'TOIIDTIEr.A.TI, OHIO. ' " ■ r Business ms hmm Vehicles. ProprieSors and Sols Users of Seshlor’s Improved Perfection Fifth-Wheel. -111 J VnrJs. Guaranteed an lie pres anted, iOII CATALOGUH. E. M. ANDREWS, Has the largest, and Most Complete Stock of " FTJRITITTJRB In North. Carolina. COFFINS & METALLIC CASES. Pianos and Qrgans Os the Best Makes on the Installment Plan. Low Prices and Easy Terms. Send for Prices. Chickering Pianos. Anon Pianos, Bent Pianos. Mathushek Pianos, Mason & Hamlin Pianos. MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS, BAY STATE ORGANS, PACKARD ORGANS, K. M. ANDREWS, ; : Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. SANITARY CLOTHING. HEALTH WAISTS, UNION UNDERGARMENTS, SKIRT SUS PENDERS, STOCKING SUPPORTERS. All sorts off Healthful (>arincntß, at reasonable prices* Family Electric Batteries, Syringes, Water Ilagv, and Invalids 9 Supplies off every description. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. SANITARY SUPPLY CO., BATTLE CREEK, MICH. healthHfoods For all elasscs off invalid*. Genuine iu quality, and reasonable In price* SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR. SANITARY FOOD FOR INFANTS. ?'revents a:id cures Cboßcrn. Inffantum. 'Hie cheapest and the best Ui • >..-u:itet* SANITARIUM FOOD CO., BATTLE CREEK. MICH. THE Messenger is published every Saturday at CHARLOTTE, - - N. C., in the interests of the COI.EO RE D pEO P L AND THE REPUBLICAN PART Y« Subscription, $1.50 per year. W. C. Smith, Editor and Proprietor, Charlotte, N. C

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